1""" Classes to wrap DICOM objects and files
3The wrappers encapsulate the capabilities of the different DICOM
6They also allow dictionary-like access to named fields.
8For calculated attributes, we return None where needed data is missing.
9It seemed strange to raise an error during attribute processing, other
10than an AttributeError - breaking the 'properties manifesto'.   So, any
11processing that needs to raise an error, should be in a method, rather
12than in a property, or property-like thing.
15import operator
16import warnings
18import numpy as np
20from . import csareader as csar
21from .dwiparams import B2q, nearest_pos_semi_def, q2bg
22from ..openers import ImageOpener
23from ..onetime import auto_attr as one_time
24from ..pydicom_compat import tag_for_keyword, Sequence
25from ..deprecated import deprecate_with_version
28class WrapperError(Exception):
29    pass
32class WrapperPrecisionError(WrapperError):
33    pass
36def wrapper_from_file(file_like, *args, **kwargs):
37    r""" Create DICOM wrapper from `file_like` object
39    Parameters
40    ----------
41    file_like : object
42       filename string or file-like object, pointing to a valid DICOM
43       file readable by ``pydicom``
44    \*args : positional
45        args to ``dicom.read_file`` command.
46    \*\*kwargs : keyword
47        args to ``dicom.read_file`` command.  ``force=True`` might be a
48        likely keyword argument.
50    Returns
51    -------
52    dcm_w : ``dicomwrappers.Wrapper`` or subclass
53       DICOM wrapper corresponding to DICOM data type
54    """
55    from ..pydicom_compat import read_file
57    with ImageOpener(file_like) as fobj:
58        dcm_data = read_file(fobj, *args, **kwargs)
59    return wrapper_from_data(dcm_data)
62def wrapper_from_data(dcm_data):
63    """ Create DICOM wrapper from DICOM data object
65    Parameters
66    ----------
67    dcm_data : ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` instance or similar
68       Object allowing attribute access, with DICOM attributes.
69       Probably a dataset as read by ``pydicom``.
71    Returns
72    -------
73    dcm_w : ``dicomwrappers.Wrapper`` or subclass
74       DICOM wrapper corresponding to DICOM data type
75    """
76    sop_class = dcm_data.get('SOPClassUID')
77    # try to detect what type of dicom object to wrap
78    if sop_class == '1.2.840.10008.':  # Enhanced MR Image Storage
79        # currently only Philips is using Enhanced Multiframe DICOM
80        return MultiframeWrapper(dcm_data)
81    # Check for Siemens DICOM format types
82    # Only Siemens will have data for the CSA header
83    try:
84        csa = csar.get_csa_header(dcm_data)
85    except csar.CSAReadError as e:
86        warnings.warn('Error while attempting to read CSA header: ' +
87                      str(e.args) +
88                      '\n Ignoring Siemens private (CSA) header info.')
89        csa = None
90    if csa is None:
91        return Wrapper(dcm_data)
92    if csar.is_mosaic(csa):
93        # Mosaic is a "tiled" image
94        return MosaicWrapper(dcm_data, csa)
95    # Assume data is in a single slice format per file
96    return SiemensWrapper(dcm_data, csa)
99class Wrapper(object):
100    """ Class to wrap general DICOM files
102    Methods:
104    * get_affine() (deprecated, use affine property instead)
105    * get_data()
106    * get_pixel_array()
107    * is_same_series(other)
108    * __getitem__ : return attributes from `dcm_data`
109    * get(key[, default]) - as usual given __getitem__ above
111    Attributes and things that look like attributes:
113    * affine : (4, 4) array
114    * dcm_data : object
115    * image_shape : tuple
116    * image_orient_patient : (3,2) array
117    * slice_normal : (3,) array
118    * rotation_matrix : (3,3) array
119    * voxel_sizes : tuple length 3
120    * image_position : sequence length 3
121    * slice_indicator : float
122    * series_signature : tuple
123    """
124    is_csa = False
125    is_mosaic = False
126    is_multiframe = False
127    b_matrix = None
128    q_vector = None
129    b_value = None
130    b_vector = None
132    def __init__(self, dcm_data):
133        """ Initialize wrapper
135        Parameters
136        ----------
137        dcm_data : object
138           object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access.  Usually this
139           will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a
140           DICOM file, but a dictionary should also work.
141        """
142        self.dcm_data = dcm_data
144    @one_time
145    def image_shape(self):
146        """ The array shape as it will be returned by ``get_data()``
147        """
148        shape = (self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns'))
149        if None in shape:
150            return None
151        return shape
153    @one_time
154    def image_orient_patient(self):
155        """ Note that this is _not_ LR flipped """
156        iop = self.get('ImageOrientationPatient')
157        if iop is None:
158            return None
159        # Values are python Decimals in pydicom 0.9.7
160        iop = np.array(list(map(float, iop)))
161        return np.array(iop).reshape(2, 3).T
163    @one_time
164    def slice_normal(self):
165        iop = self.image_orient_patient
166        if iop is None:
167            return None
168        # iop[:, 0] is column index cosine, iop[:, 1] is row index cosine
169        return np.cross(iop[:, 1], iop[:, 0])
171    @one_time
172    def rotation_matrix(self):
173        """ Return rotation matrix between array indices and mm
175        Note that we swap the two columns of the 'ImageOrientPatient'
176        when we create the rotation matrix.  This is takes into account
177        the slightly odd ij transpose construction of the DICOM
178        orientation fields - see doc/theory/dicom_orientaiton.rst.
179        """
180        iop = self.image_orient_patient
181        s_norm = self.slice_normal
182        if iop is None or s_norm is None:
183            return None
184        R = np.eye(3)
185        # np.fliplr(iop) gives matrix F in
186        # doc/theory/dicom_orientation.rst The fliplr accounts for the
187        # fact that the first column in ``iop`` refers to changes in
188        # column index, and the second to changes in row index.
189        R[:, :2] = np.fliplr(iop)
190        R[:, 2] = s_norm
191        # check this is in fact a rotation matrix. Error comes from compromise
192        # motivated in ``doc/source/notebooks/ata_error.ipynb``, and from
193        # discussion at https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/pull/156
194        if not np.allclose(np.eye(3), np.dot(R, R.T), atol=5e-5):
195            raise WrapperPrecisionError('Rotation matrix not nearly '
196                                        'orthogonal')
197        return R
199    @one_time
200    def voxel_sizes(self):
201        """ voxel sizes for array as returned by ``get_data()``
202        """
203        # pix space gives (row_spacing, column_spacing).  That is, the
204        # mm you move when moving from one row to the next, and the mm
205        # you move when moving from one column to the next
206        pix_space = self.get('PixelSpacing')
207        if pix_space is None:
208            return None
209        zs = self.get('SpacingBetweenSlices')
210        if zs is None:
211            zs = self.get('SliceThickness')
212            if zs is None or zs == '':
213                zs = 1
214        # Protect from python decimals in pydicom 0.9.7
215        zs = float(zs)
216        pix_space = list(map(float, pix_space))
217        return tuple(pix_space + [zs])
219    @one_time
220    def image_position(self):
221        """ Return position of first voxel in data block
223        Parameters
224        ----------
225        None
227        Returns
228        -------
229        img_pos : (3,) array
230           position in mm of voxel (0,0) in image array
231        """
232        ipp = self.get('ImagePositionPatient')
233        if ipp is None:
234            return None
235            # Values are python Decimals in pydicom 0.9.7
236        return np.array(list(map(float, ipp)))
238    @one_time
239    def slice_indicator(self):
240        """ A number that is higher for higher slices in Z
242        Comparing this number between two adjacent slices should give a
243        difference equal to the voxel size in Z.
245        See doc/theory/dicom_orientation for description
246        """
247        ipp = self.image_position
248        s_norm = self.slice_normal
249        if ipp is None or s_norm is None:
250            return None
251        return np.inner(ipp, s_norm)
253    @one_time
254    def instance_number(self):
255        """ Just because we use this a lot for sorting """
256        return self.get('InstanceNumber')
258    @one_time
259    def series_signature(self):
260        """ Signature for matching slices into series
262        We use `signature` in ``self.is_same_series(other)``.
264        Returns
265        -------
266        signature : dict
267           with values of 2-element sequences, where first element is
268           value, and second element is function to compare this value
269           with another.  This allows us to pass things like arrays,
270           that might need to be ``allclose`` instead of equal
271        """
272        # dictionary with value, comparison func tuple
273        signature = {}
274        eq = operator.eq
275        for key in ('SeriesInstanceUID',
276                    'SeriesNumber',
277                    'ImageType',
278                    'SequenceName',
279                    'EchoNumbers'):
280            signature[key] = (self.get(key), eq)
281        signature['image_shape'] = (self.image_shape, eq)
282        signature['iop'] = (self.image_orient_patient, none_or_close)
283        signature['vox'] = (self.voxel_sizes, none_or_close)
284        return signature
286    def __getitem__(self, key):
287        """ Return values from DICOM object"""
288        if key not in self.dcm_data:
289            raise KeyError(f'"{key}" not in self.dcm_data')
290        return self.dcm_data.get(key)
292    def get(self, key, default=None):
293        """ Get values from underlying dicom data """
294        return self.dcm_data.get(key, default)
296    @deprecate_with_version('get_affine method is deprecated.\n'
297                            'Please use the ``img.affine`` property '
298                            'instead.',
299                            '2.5.1', '4.0')
300    def get_affine(self):
301        return self.affine
303    @property
304    def affine(self):
305        """ Mapping between voxel and DICOM coordinate system
307        (4, 4) affine matrix giving transformation between voxels in data array
308        and mm in the DICOM patient coordinate system.
309        """
310        # rotation matrix already accounts for the ij transpose in the
311        # DICOM image orientation patient transform.  So. column 0 is
312        # direction cosine for changes in row index, column 1 is
313        # direction cosine for changes in column index
314        orient = self.rotation_matrix
315        # therefore, these voxel sizes are in the right order (row,
316        # column, slice)
317        vox = self.voxel_sizes
318        ipp = self.image_position
319        if any(p is None for p in (orient, vox, ipp)):
320            raise WrapperError('Not enough information for affine')
321        aff = np.eye(4)
322        aff[:3, :3] = orient * np.array(vox)
323        aff[:3, 3] = ipp
324        return aff
326    def get_pixel_array(self):
327        """ Return unscaled pixel array from DICOM """
328        data = self.dcm_data.get('pixel_array')
329        if data is None:
330            raise WrapperError('Cannot find data in DICOM')
331        return data
333    def get_data(self):
334        """ Get scaled image data from DICOMs
336        We return the data as DICOM understands it, first dimension is
337        rows, second dimension is columns
339        Returns
340        -------
341        data : array
342           array with data as scaled from any scaling in the DICOM
343           fields.
344        """
345        return self._scale_data(self.get_pixel_array())
347    def is_same_series(self, other):
348        """ Return True if `other` appears to be in same series
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        other : object
353           object with ``series_signature`` attribute that is a
354           mapping.  Usually it's a ``Wrapper`` or sub-class instance.
356        Returns
357        -------
358        tf : bool
359           True if `other` might be in the same series as `self`, False
360           otherwise.
361        """
362        # compare signature dictionaries.  The dictionaries each contain
363        # comparison rules, we prefer our own when we have them.  If a
364        # key is not present in either dictionary, assume the value is
365        # None.
366        my_sig = self.series_signature
367        your_sig = other.series_signature
368        my_keys = set(my_sig)
369        your_keys = set(your_sig)
370        # we have values in both signatures
371        for key in my_keys.intersection(your_keys):
372            v1, func = my_sig[key]
373            v2, _ = your_sig[key]
374            if not func(v1, v2):
375                return False
376        # values present in one or the other but not both
377        for keys, sig in ((my_keys - your_keys, my_sig),
378                          (your_keys - my_keys, your_sig)):
379            for key in keys:
380                v1, func = sig[key]
381                if not func(v1, None):
382                    return False
383        return True
385    def _scale_data(self, data):
386        # depending on pydicom and dicom files, values might need casting from
387        # Decimal to float
388        scale = float(self.get('RescaleSlope', 1))
389        offset = float(self.get('RescaleIntercept', 0))
390        return self._apply_scale_offset(data, scale, offset)
392    def _apply_scale_offset(self, data, scale, offset):
393        # a little optimization.  If we are applying either the scale or
394        # the offset, we need to allow upcasting to float.
395        if scale != 1:
396            if offset == 0:
397                return data * scale
398            return data * scale + offset
399        if offset != 0:
400            return data + offset
401        return data
403    @one_time
404    def b_value(self):
405        """ Return b value for diffusion or None if not available
406        """
407        q_vec = self.q_vector
408        if q_vec is None:
409            return None
410        return q2bg(q_vec)[0]
412    @one_time
413    def b_vector(self):
414        """ Return b vector for diffusion or None if not available
415        """
416        q_vec = self.q_vector
417        if q_vec is None:
418            return None
419        return q2bg(q_vec)[1]
422class MultiframeWrapper(Wrapper):
423    """Wrapper for Enhanced MR Storage SOP Class
425    Tested with Philips' Enhanced DICOM implementation.
427    The specification for the Enhanced MR image IOP / SOP began life as `DICOM
428    supplement 49 <ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/final/sup49_ft.pdf>`_,
429    but as of 2016 it is part of the standard. In particular see:
431    * `A.36 Enhanced MR Information Object Definitions
432      <http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#sect_A.36>`_;
433    * `C.7.6.16 Multi-Frame Functional Groups Module
434      <http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#sect_C.7.6.16>`_;
435    * `C.7.6.17 Multi-Frame Dimension Module
436      <http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#sect_C.7.6.17>`_.
438    Attributes
439    ----------
440    is_multiframe : boolean
441        Identifies `dcmdata` as multi-frame
442    frames : sequence
443        A sequence of ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` objects populated by the
444        ``dicom.dataset.Dataset.PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence`` attribute
445    shared : object
446        The first (and only) ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object from a
447        ``dicom.dataset.Dataset.SharedFunctionalgroupSequence``.
449    Methods
450    -------
451    image_shape(self)
452    image_orient_patient(self)
453    voxel_sizes(self)
454    image_position(self)
455    series_signature(self)
456    get_data(self)
457    """
458    is_multiframe = True
460    def __init__(self, dcm_data):
461        """Initializes MultiframeWrapper
463        Parameters
464        ----------
465        dcm_data : object
466           object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access.  Usually this
467           will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a
468           DICOM file, but a dictionary should also work.
469        """
470        Wrapper.__init__(self, dcm_data)
471        self.dcm_data = dcm_data
472        self.frames = dcm_data.get('PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence')
473        try:
474            self.frames[0]
475        except TypeError:
476            raise WrapperError("PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence is empty.")
477        try:
478            self.shared = dcm_data.get('SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence')[0]
479        except TypeError:
480            raise WrapperError("SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence is empty.")
481        self._shape = None
483    @one_time
484    def image_shape(self):
485        """The array shape as it will be returned by ``get_data()``
487        The shape is determined by the *Rows* DICOM attribute, *Columns*
488        DICOM attribute, and the set of frame indices given by the
489        *FrameContentSequence[0].DimensionIndexValues* DICOM attribute of each
490        element in the *PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence*.  The first two
491        axes of the returned shape correspond to the rows, and columns
492        respectively. The remaining axes correspond to those of the frame
493        indices with order preserved.
495        What each axis in the frame indices refers to is given by the
496        corresponding entry in the *DimensionIndexSequence* DICOM attribute.
497        **WARNING**: Any axis refering to the *StackID* DICOM attribute will
498        have been removed from the frame indices in determining the shape. This
499        is because only a file containing a single stack is currently allowed by
500        this wrapper.
502        References
503        ----------
504        * C.7.6.16 Multi-Frame Functional Groups Module:
505          http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#sect_C.7.6.16
506        * C.7.6.17 Multi-Frame Dimension Module:
507          http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#sect_C.7.6.17
508        * Diagram of DimensionIndexSequence and DimensionIndexValues:
509          http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf#figure_C.7.6.17-1
510        """
511        rows, cols = self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns')
512        if None in (rows, cols):
513            raise WrapperError("Rows and/or Columns are empty.")
515        # Check number of frames
516        first_frame = self.frames[0]
517        n_frames = self.get('NumberOfFrames')
518        # some Philips may have derived images appended
519        has_derived = False
520        if hasattr(first_frame, 'get') and first_frame.get([0x18, 0x9117]):
521            # DWI image may include derived isotropic, ADC or trace volume
522            try:
523                self.frames = Sequence(
524                    frame for frame in self.frames if
525                    frame.MRDiffusionSequence[0].DiffusionDirectionality
526                    != 'ISOTROPIC'
527                    )
528            except IndexError:
529                # Sequence tag is found but missing items!
530                raise WrapperError("Diffusion file missing information")
531            except AttributeError:
532                # DiffusionDirectionality tag is not required
533                pass
534            else:
535                if n_frames != len(self.frames):
536                    warnings.warn("Derived images found and removed")
537                    n_frames = len(self.frames)
538                    has_derived = True
540        assert len(self.frames) == n_frames
541        frame_indices = np.array(
542            [frame.FrameContentSequence[0].DimensionIndexValues
543             for frame in self.frames])
544        # Check that there is only one multiframe stack index
545        stack_ids = set(frame.FrameContentSequence[0].StackID
546                        for frame in self.frames)
547        if len(stack_ids) > 1:
548            raise WrapperError("File contains more than one StackID. "
549                               "Cannot handle multi-stack files")
550        # Determine if one of the dimension indices refers to the stack id
551        dim_seq = [dim.DimensionIndexPointer
552                   for dim in self.get('DimensionIndexSequence')]
553        stackid_tag = tag_for_keyword('StackID')
554        # remove the stack id axis if present
555        if stackid_tag in dim_seq:
556            stackid_dim_idx = dim_seq.index(stackid_tag)
557            frame_indices = np.delete(frame_indices, stackid_dim_idx, axis=1)
558            dim_seq.pop(stackid_dim_idx)
559        if has_derived:
560            # derived volume is included
561            derived_tag = tag_for_keyword("DiffusionBValue")
562            if derived_tag not in dim_seq:
563                raise WrapperError("Missing information, cannot remove indices "
564                                   "with confidence.")
565            derived_dim_idx = dim_seq.index(derived_tag)
566            frame_indices = np.delete(frame_indices, derived_dim_idx, axis=1)
567        # account for the 2 additional dimensions (row and column) not included
568        # in the indices
569        n_dim = frame_indices.shape[1] + 2
570        # Store frame indices
571        self._frame_indices = frame_indices
572        if n_dim < 4:  # 3D volume
573            return rows, cols, n_frames
574        # More than 3 dimensions
575        ns_unique = [len(np.unique(row)) for row in self._frame_indices.T]
576        shape = (rows, cols) + tuple(ns_unique)
577        n_vols = np.prod(shape[3:])
578        if n_frames != n_vols * shape[2]:
579            raise WrapperError("Calculated shape does not match number of "
580                               "frames.")
581        return tuple(shape)
583    @one_time
584    def image_orient_patient(self):
585        """
586        Note that this is _not_ LR flipped
587        """
588        try:
589            iop = self.shared.PlaneOrientationSequence[0].ImageOrientationPatient
590        except AttributeError:
591            try:
592                iop = self.frames[0].PlaneOrientationSequence[0].ImageOrientationPatient
593            except AttributeError:
594                raise WrapperError("Not enough information for "
595                                   "image_orient_patient")
596        if iop is None:
597            return None
598        iop = np.array(list(map(float, iop)))
599        return np.array(iop).reshape(2, 3).T
601    @one_time
602    def voxel_sizes(self):
603        """ Get i, j, k voxel sizes """
604        try:
605            pix_measures = self.shared.PixelMeasuresSequence[0]
606        except AttributeError:
607            try:
608                pix_measures = self.frames[0].PixelMeasuresSequence[0]
609            except AttributeError:
610                raise WrapperError("Not enough data for pixel spacing")
611        pix_space = pix_measures.PixelSpacing
612        try:
613            zs = pix_measures.SliceThickness
614        except AttributeError:
615            zs = self.get('SpacingBetweenSlices')
616            if zs is None:
617                raise WrapperError('Not enough data for slice thickness')
618        # Ensure values are float rather than Decimal
619        return tuple(map(float, list(pix_space) + [zs]))
621    @one_time
622    def image_position(self):
623        try:
624            ipp = self.shared.PlanePositionSequence[0].ImagePositionPatient
625        except AttributeError:
626            try:
627                ipp = self.frames[0].PlanePositionSequence[0].ImagePositionPatient
628            except AttributeError:
629                raise WrapperError('Cannot get image position from dicom')
630        if ipp is None:
631            return None
632        return np.array(list(map(float, ipp)))
634    @one_time
635    def series_signature(self):
636        signature = {}
637        eq = operator.eq
638        for key in ('SeriesInstanceUID',
639                    'SeriesNumber',
640                    'ImageType'):
641            signature[key] = (self.get(key), eq)
642        signature['image_shape'] = (self.image_shape, eq)
643        signature['iop'] = (self.image_orient_patient, none_or_close)
644        signature['vox'] = (self.voxel_sizes, none_or_close)
645        return signature
647    def get_data(self):
648        shape = self.image_shape
649        if shape is None:
650            raise WrapperError('No valid information for image shape')
651        data = self.get_pixel_array()
652        # Roll frames axis to last
653        data = data.transpose((1, 2, 0))
654        # Sort frames with first index changing fastest, last slowest
655        sorted_indices = np.lexsort(self._frame_indices.T)
656        data = data[..., sorted_indices]
657        data = data.reshape(shape, order='F')
658        return self._scale_data(data)
660    def _scale_data(self, data):
661        pix_trans = getattr(
662            self.frames[0], 'PixelValueTransformationSequence', None)
663        if pix_trans is None:
664            return super(MultiframeWrapper, self)._scale_data(data)
665        scale = float(pix_trans[0].RescaleSlope)
666        offset = float(pix_trans[0].RescaleIntercept)
667        return self._apply_scale_offset(data, scale, offset)
670class SiemensWrapper(Wrapper):
671    """ Wrapper for Siemens format DICOMs
673    Adds attributes:
675    * csa_header : mapping
676    * b_matrix : (3,3) array
677    * q_vector : (3,) array
678    """
679    is_csa = True
681    def __init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header=None):
682        """ Initialize Siemens wrapper
684        The Siemens-specific information is in the `csa_header`, either
685        passed in here, or read from the input `dcm_data`.
687        Parameters
688        ----------
689        dcm_data : object
690           object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access.  If `csa_header`
691           is None, it should also be possible to extract a CSA header from
692           `dcm_data`. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object
693           resulting from reading a DICOM file.  A dict should also work.
694        csa_header : None or mapping, optional
695           mapping giving values for Siemens CSA image sub-header.  If
696           None, we try and read the CSA information from `dcm_data`.
697           If this fails, we fall back to an empty dict.
698        """
699        super(SiemensWrapper, self).__init__(dcm_data)
700        if dcm_data is None:
701            dcm_data = {}
702        self.dcm_data = dcm_data
703        if csa_header is None:
704            csa_header = csar.get_csa_header(dcm_data)
705            if csa_header is None:
706                csa_header = {}
707        self.csa_header = csa_header
709    @one_time
710    def slice_normal(self):
711        # The std_slice_normal comes from the cross product of the directions
712        # in the ImageOrientationPatient
713        std_slice_normal = super(SiemensWrapper, self).slice_normal
714        csa_slice_normal = csar.get_slice_normal(self.csa_header)
715        if std_slice_normal is None and csa_slice_normal is None:
716            return None
717        elif std_slice_normal is None:
718            return np.array(csa_slice_normal)
719        elif csa_slice_normal is None:
720            return std_slice_normal
721        else:
722            # Make sure the two normals are very close to parallel unit vectors
723            dot_prod = np.dot(csa_slice_normal, std_slice_normal)
724            assert np.allclose(np.fabs(dot_prod), 1.0, atol=1e-5)
725            # Use the slice normal computed with the cross product as it will
726            # always be the most orthogonal, but take the sign from the CSA
727            # slice normal
728            if dot_prod < 0:
729                return -std_slice_normal
730            else:
731                return std_slice_normal
733    @one_time
734    def series_signature(self):
735        """ Add ICE dims from CSA header to signature """
736        signature = super(SiemensWrapper, self).series_signature
737        ice = csar.get_ice_dims(self.csa_header)
738        if ice is not None:
739            ice = ice[:6] + ice[8:9]
740        signature['ICE_Dims'] = (ice, lambda x, y: x == y)
741        return signature
743    @one_time
744    def b_matrix(self):
745        """ Get DWI B matrix referring to voxel space
747        Parameters
748        ----------
749        None
751        Returns
752        -------
753        B : (3,3) array or None
754           B matrix in *voxel* orientation space.  Returns None if this is
755           not a Siemens header with the required information.  We return
756           None if this is a b0 acquisition
757        """
758        hdr = self.csa_header
759        # read B matrix as recorded in CSA header.  This matrix refers to
760        # the space of the DICOM patient coordinate space.
761        B = csar.get_b_matrix(hdr)
762        if B is None:  # may be not diffusion or B0 image
763            bval_requested = csar.get_b_value(hdr)
764            if bval_requested is None:
765                return None
766            if bval_requested != 0:
767                raise csar.CSAError('No B matrix and b value != 0')
768            return np.zeros((3, 3))
769        # rotation from voxels to DICOM PCS, inverted to give the rotation
770        # from DPCS to voxels.  Because this is an orthonormal matrix, its
771        # transpose is its inverse
772        R = self.rotation_matrix.T
773        # because B results from V dot V.T, the rotation B is given by R dot
774        # V dot V.T dot R.T == R dot B dot R.T
775        B_vox = np.dot(R, np.dot(B, R.T))
776        # fix presumed rounding errors in the B matrix by making it positive
777        # semi-definite.
778        return nearest_pos_semi_def(B_vox)
780    @one_time
781    def q_vector(self):
782        """ Get DWI q vector referring to voxel space
784        Parameters
785        ----------
786        None
788        Returns
789        -------
790        q: (3,) array
791           Estimated DWI q vector in *voxel* orientation space.  Returns
792           None if this is not (detectably) a DWI
793        """
794        B = self.b_matrix
795        if B is None:
796            return None
797        # We've enforced more or less positive semi definite with the
798        # b_matrix routine
799        return B2q(B, tol=1e-8)
802class MosaicWrapper(SiemensWrapper):
803    """ Class for Siemens mosaic format data
805    Mosaic format is a way of storing a 3D image in a 2D slice - and
806    it's as simple as you'd imagine it would be - just storing the slices
807    in a mosaic similar to a light-box print.
809    We need to allow for this when getting the data and (because of an
810    idiosyncrasy in the way Siemens stores the images) calculating the
811    position of the first voxel.
813    Adds attributes:
815    * n_mosaic : int
816    * mosaic_size : int
817    """
818    is_mosaic = True
820    def __init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header=None, n_mosaic=None):
821        """ Initialize Siemens Mosaic wrapper
823        The Siemens-specific information is in the `csa_header`, either
824        passed in here, or read from the input `dcm_data`.
826        Parameters
827        ----------
828        dcm_data : object
829           object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access.  If `csa_header`
830           is None, it should also be possible for to extract a CSA header from
831           `dcm_data`. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object
832           resulting from reading a DICOM file.  A dict should also work.
833        csa_header : None or mapping, optional
834           mapping giving values for Siemens CSA image sub-header.
835        n_mosaic : None or int, optional
836           number of images in mosaic.  If None, try to get this number
837           from `csa_header`.  If this fails, raise an error
838        """
839        SiemensWrapper.__init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header)
840        if n_mosaic is None:
841            try:
842                n_mosaic = csar.get_n_mosaic(self.csa_header)
843            except KeyError:
844                pass
845            if n_mosaic is None or n_mosaic == 0:
846                raise WrapperError('No valid mosaic number in CSA '
847                                   'header; is this really '
848                                   'Siemens mosiac data?')
849        self.n_mosaic = n_mosaic
850        self.mosaic_size = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_mosaic)))
852    @one_time
853    def image_shape(self):
854        """ Return image shape as returned by ``get_data()`` """
855        # reshape pixel slice array back from mosaic
856        rows = self.get('Rows')
857        cols = self.get('Columns')
858        if None in (rows, cols):
859            return None
860        mosaic_size = self.mosaic_size
861        return (int(rows / mosaic_size),
862                int(cols / mosaic_size),
863                self.n_mosaic)
865    @one_time
866    def image_position(self):
867        """ Return position of first voxel in data block
869        Adjusts Siemens mosaic position vector for bug in mosaic format
870        position.  See ``dicom_mosaic`` in doc/theory for details.
872        Parameters
873        ----------
874        None
876        Returns
877        -------
878        img_pos : (3,) array
879           position in mm of voxel (0,0,0) in Mosaic array
880        """
881        ipp = super(MosaicWrapper, self).image_position
882        # mosaic image size
883        md_rows, md_cols = (self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns'))
884        iop = self.image_orient_patient
885        pix_spacing = self.get('PixelSpacing')
886        if any(x is None for x in (ipp, md_rows, md_cols, iop, pix_spacing)):
887            return None
888        # PixelSpacing values are python Decimal in pydicom 0.9.7
889        pix_spacing = np.array(list(map(float, pix_spacing)))
890        # size of mosaic array before rearranging to 3D.
891        md_rc = np.array([md_rows, md_cols])
892        # size of slice array after reshaping to 3D
893        rd_rc = md_rc / self.mosaic_size
894        # apply algorithm for undoing mosaic translation error - see
895        # ``dicom_mosaic`` doc
896        vox_trans_fixes = (md_rc - rd_rc) / 2
897        # flip IOP field to refer to rows then columns index change -
898        # see dicom_orientation doc
899        Q = np.fliplr(iop) * pix_spacing
900        return ipp + np.dot(Q, vox_trans_fixes[:, None]).ravel()
902    def get_data(self):
903        """ Get scaled image data from DICOMs
905        Resorts data block from mosaic to 3D
907        Returns
908        -------
909        data : array
910           array with data as scaled from any scaling in the DICOM
911           fields.
913        Notes
914        -----
915        The apparent image in the DICOM file is a 2D array that consists of
916        blocks, that are the output 2D slices.  Let's call the original array
917        the *slab*, and the contained slices *slices*.   The slices are of
918        pixel dimension ``n_slice_rows`` x ``n_slice_cols``.  The slab is of
919        pixel dimension ``n_slab_rows`` x ``n_slab_cols``.  Because the
920        arrangement of blocks in the slab is defined as being square, the
921        number of blocks per slab row and slab column is the same.  Let
922        ``n_blocks`` be the number of blocks contained in the slab.  There is
923        also ``n_slices`` - the number of slices actually collected, some
924        number <= ``n_blocks``.  We have the value ``n_slices`` from the
925        'NumberOfImagesInMosaic' field of the Siemens private (CSA) header.
926        ``n_row_blocks`` and ``n_col_blocks`` are therefore given by
927        ``ceil(sqrt(n_slices))``, and ``n_blocks`` is ``n_row_blocks ** 2``.
928        Also ``n_slice_rows == n_slab_rows / n_row_blocks``, etc.  Using these
929        numbers we can therefore reconstruct the slices from the 2D DICOM pixel
930        array.
931        """
932        shape = self.image_shape
933        if shape is None:
934            raise WrapperError('No valid information for image shape')
935        n_slice_rows, n_slice_cols, n_mosaic = shape
936        n_slab_rows = self.mosaic_size
937        n_blocks = n_slab_rows ** 2
938        data = self.get_pixel_array()
939        v4 = data.reshape(n_slab_rows, n_slice_rows,
940                          n_slab_rows, n_slice_cols)
941        # move the mosaic dims to the end
942        v4 = v4.transpose((1, 3, 0, 2))
943        # pool mosaic-generated dims
944        v3 = v4.reshape((n_slice_rows, n_slice_cols, n_blocks))
945        # delete any padding slices
946        v3 = v3[..., :n_mosaic]
947        return self._scale_data(v3)
950def none_or_close(val1, val2, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6):
951    """ Match if `val1` and `val2` are both None, or are close
953    Parameters
954    ----------
955    val1 : None or array-like
956    val2 : None or array-like
957    rtol : float, optional
958       Relative tolerance; see ``np.allclose``
959    atol : float, optional
960       Absolute tolerance; see ``np.allclose``
962    Returns
963    -------
964    tf : bool
965       True iff (both `val1` and `val2` are None) or (`val1` and `val2`
966       are close arrays, as detected by ``np.allclose`` with parameters
967       `rtol` and `atal`).
969    Examples
970    --------
971    >>> none_or_close(None, None)
972    True
973    >>> none_or_close(1, None)
974    False
975    >>> none_or_close(None, 1)
976    False
977    >>> none_or_close([1,2], [1,2])
978    True
979    >>> none_or_close([0,1], [0,2])
980    False
981    """
982    if val1 is None and val2 is None:
983        return True
984    if val1 is None or val2 is None:
985        return False
986    return np.allclose(val1, val2, rtol, atol)