1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""The functions to perform the sync itself given a pair of file
3listings (remote and local) and a copy of the previous state (db)
5Part of the pyosf package
8Released under MIT license
10Created on Sun Feb  7 21:31:15 2016
12@author: lpzjwp
14from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
15from .constants import SHA
16import copy
17import os
18import shutil
19import weakref
21    from psychopy import logging
22except ImportError:
23    import logging
24from .tools import dict_from_list
27Resolutions table
28search for e.g. code:010 to find the relevant python resolution
30| index | local | remote |                  action                   |
32|     1 |     1 |      1 | check sha for file changes                |
33|     1 |     0 |      0 | remove from index                         |
34|     1 |     1 |      0 | if loc mod since last sync then recreate  |
35|     1 |     0 |      1 | if rem mod since last sync then recreate  |
36|       |       |        |                                           |
37|     0 |     1 |      1 | check sha and modified date               |
38|     0 |     1 |      0 | create on remote                          |
39|       |       |        |                                           |
40|     0 |     0 |      1 | create on local                           |
45class Changes(object):
46    """This is essentially a dictionary of lists
47    """
48    def __init__(self, proj):
49        self.proj = weakref.ref(proj)
50        # make sure indices are up to date
51        proj.local.rebuild_index()
52        proj.osf.rebuild_index()
53        # create the names of the self attributes
54        # the actual attributes will be created during _set_empty
55        self._change_types = []
56        # order is determined by the conflict cases (requires most change)
57        for action in ['add', 'mv', 'update', 'del']:
58            for target in ['local', 'remote']:
59                self._change_types.append("{}_{}".format(action, target))
60        self._set_empty()
61        self.local_index = proj.local.index
62        self.remote_index = proj.osf.index
63        self.last_index = proj.index
64        self.analyze()
65        self._status = 0
67    def __str__(self):
68        s = "\t Add\t Del\t Mv\t Update\n"
69        for kind in ['local', 'remote']:
70            s += "{}\t {:n}\t {:n}\t {:n}\t {:n}\n".format(
71                kind,
72                len(getattr(self, "add_{}".format(kind))),
73                len(getattr(self, "del_{}".format(kind))),
74                len(getattr(self, "mv_{}".format(kind))),
75                len(getattr(self, "update_{}".format(kind))),
76                )
77        return s
79    def __len__(self):
80        return len(self.dry_run())
82    def _set_empty(self):
83        for attrib_name in self._change_types:
84            setattr(self, attrib_name, {})
86    def _make_dirs(self, path):
87        """Replaces os.makedirs by keeping tack of what folders we added
88        """
89        root = path
90        to_add = []
91        print("DoingMakeDirs for {}".format(path))
92        # find how low we have to go before valid path found
93        while not os.path.isdir(root):
94            root, needed = os.path.split(root)
95            to_add.insert(0, needed)  # insert at beginning to add first
96            if root=='' or needed=='':
97                break  # we got to either "/" or "path"
98        # now create those folder rescursively from bottom
99        for this_folder in to_add:
100            root = os.path.join(root, this_folder)
101            os.mkdir(root)
102            self.add_to_index(root)  # update the index with this new folder
103            print("AddedFolder {}".format(root))
105    def apply_add_local(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
106        proj = self.proj()
107        full_path = os.path.join(proj.local.root_path, new_path)
109        # handle folders
110        if asset['kind'] == "folder":
111            if os.path.isdir(full_path):
112                self.add_to_index(full_path)  # make sure its in index
113                return 1  # the folder may have been created implicitly already
114            else:
115                self._make_dirs(full_path)
116                logging.info("Sync.Changes: created folder: {}"
117                             .format(full_path))
118                return 1  # the folder may have been created implicitly already
120        # this is a file
121        container, filename = os.path.split(full_path)
122        if not os.path.isdir(container):
123            self._make_dirs(container)
124        proj.osf.session.download_file(asset['url'], full_path,
125                                       size=asset['size'],
126                                       threaded=threaded, changes=self)
127        logging.info("Sync.Changes request: File download: {}"
128                     .format(new_path))
129        return 1
131    def apply_add_remote(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
132        proj = self.proj()
133        if new_path in proj.osf.containers:
134            # this has already handled (e.g. during prev file upload)
135            return 1
136        elif new_path is not None:
137            asset = copy.copy(asset)
138            asset['path'] = new_path
139        if asset['kind'] == 'folder':
140            proj.osf.add_container(asset['path'], kind='folder', changes=self)
141            logging.info("Sync.Changes request: Create folder: {}"
142                         .format(new_path))
143        else:
144            proj.osf.add_file(asset, threaded=threaded, changes=self)
145            logging.info("Sync.Changes request: File upload: {}"
146                         .format(new_path))
147        return 1
149    def apply_mv_local(self, asset, new_path, threaded=False):
150        if asset['kind'] == 'folder':
151            return 1
153        proj = self.proj()
154        full_path_new = os.path.join(proj.local.root_path, new_path)
155        full_path_old = os.path.join(proj.local.root_path, asset['path'])
156        # check if folder exists:
157        new_folder = os.path.split(full_path_new)[0]
158        if not os.path.isdir(new_folder):
159            self._make_dirs(new_folder)
160        shutil.move(full_path_old, full_path_new)
161        self.rename_in_index(asset, new_path)
162        logging.info("Sync.Changes done: Moved file locally: {} -> {}"
163                     .format(asset['full_path'], new_path))
164        return 1
166    def apply_mv_remote(self, asset, new_path, threaded=False):
167        proj = self.proj()
168        new_folder, new_name = os.path.split(new_path)
169        proj.osf.rename_file(asset, new_path, changes=self)
170        logging.info("Sync.Changes request: Move file remote: {} -> {}"
171                     .format(asset['path'], new_path))
172        return 1
174    def apply_del_local(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
175        proj = self.proj()
176        full_path = os.path.join(proj.local.root_path, new_path)
177        if os.path.isfile(full_path):  # might have been removed already?
178            os.remove(full_path)
179        if os.path.isdir(full_path):  # might have been removed already?
180            os.rmdir(full_path)
181        logging.info("Sync.Changes done: Removed file locally: {}"
182                     .format(asset['path']))
183        self.remove_from_index(asset['path'])
184        return 1
186    def apply_del_remote(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
187        proj = self.proj()
188        proj.osf.del_file(asset, changes=self)
189        logging.info("Sync.Changes request: Remove file remotely: {}"
190                     .format(asset['path']))
191        return 1
193    def apply_update_local(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
194        proj = self.proj()
195        full_path = os.path.join(proj.local.root_path, asset['path'])
196        # remove previous copy of file
197        if os.path.isfile(full_path):  # might have been removed already?
198            os.remove(full_path)
199            self.remove_from_index(asset['path'])
200        # then fetch new one from remote
201        proj.osf.session.download_file(asset['url'], full_path,
202                                       size=asset['size'],
203                                       threaded=threaded, changes=self)
204        logging.info("Sync.Changes request: Update file locally: {}"
205                     .format(asset['path']))
206        return 1
208    def apply_update_remote(self, asset, new_path=None, threaded=False):
209        proj = self.proj()
210        proj.osf.add_file(asset, update=True,
211                          threaded=threaded, changes=self)
212        logging.info("Sync.Changes request: Update file remotely: {}"
213                     .format(new_path))
214        return 1
216    def _asset_from_path(self, path):
217        """Try to find asset and return it
218        """
219        root = self.proj().root_path
220        if path.startswith(root):
221            path = path.replace(root, '')
222            while path.startswith('/'):
223                path = path[1:]
224        path = path.replace(self.proj().root_path, '')
225        local_dict = dict_from_list(self.local_index, 'path')
226        last_dict = dict_from_list(self.last_index, 'path')
227        remote_dict = dict_from_list(self.remote_index, 'path')
228        if path in local_dict:
229            return local_dict[path]
230        elif path in last_dict:
231            return last_dict[path]
232        elif path in remote_dict:
233            return remote_dict[path]
234        else:
235            for ky in remote_dict.keys():
236                print('  - {}, '.format(ky, remote_dict[ky]['path']))
237            return 0  # fail
239    def add_to_index(self, path):
240        """Tries to find the asset from the path to delete it
242        Path is ideally a local path (which acts as a key to the asset in
243        the local index) but if it's a URL we'll try to deduce the local path
244        """
245        asset = self._asset_from_path(path)
246        if asset:
247            self.last_index.append(asset)
248            return 1  # success
249        else:
250            logging.error("Was asked to add {} to index but "
251                          "it wasn't found. That could lead to corruption."
252                          .format(path))
253            return 0  # fail
255    def remove_from_index(self, path):
256        asset = self._asset_from_path(path)
257        if asset:
258            self.last_index.remove(asset)
259            return 1  # success
260        else:
261            logging.error("Was asked to remove {} from index but "
262                          "it wasn't found. That could lead to corruption."
263                          .format(path))
264            return 0  # fail
267    def rename_in_index(self, asset, new_path):
268        last_dict = dict_from_list(self.last_index, 'path')
269        if asset['path'] in last_dict:
270            new_asset = last_dict[asset['path']]
271            new_asset['path'] = new_path
272            return 1
273        else:
274            logging.error("Was asked to remove {} from index but "
275                          "it wasn't in index. That could lead to corruption."
276                          .format(asset['path']))
277            return 0
280    def apply(self, threaded=False, dry_run=False):
281        """Apply the changes using the given remote.Session object
282        returns a list of strings about what happened (or will happen if
283        dry_run=True)
284        """
285        proj = self.proj()
286        self._status = 1
287        actions = []
288        # would it be wise to perform del operations before others?
289        for action_type in self._change_types:
290            action_dict = getattr(self, action_type)
291            path_list = list(action_dict.keys())  # for Python3 convert to list
292            # sort by path
293            if action_type[:3] in ['del', 'mv_']:
294                reverse = True  # so folders deleted last
295            else:
296                reverse = False  # so folders created first
297            path_list.sort(reverse=reverse)
298            # get the self.apply___() function to be applied
299            func_apply = getattr(self, "apply_{}".format(action_type))
300            for new_path in path_list:
301                asset = action_dict[new_path]
302                if dry_run:
303                    actions.append("{}: {}".format(action_type, new_path))
304                else:
305                    func_apply(asset, new_path, threaded=threaded)
306        if not dry_run:
307            proj.local._needs_rebuild_index = True
308            if threaded:
309                proj.osf.session.apply_changes()  # starts the up/downloads
310            else:
311                self.finish_sync()
312        return actions
314    def dry_run(self):
315        """Doesn't do anything but returns a list of strings describing the
316        actions
317        """
318        return self.apply(dry_run=True)
320    @property
321    def progress(self):
322        """Returns the progress of changes:
323            0 for not started sync (need apply())
324            dict during sync {'up':[done, total], 'down':[done, total]}
325            1 for finished
326        """
327        if self._status in [0, -1]:  # not started or had already finished
328            return self._status
329        # otherwise we're partway through sync so check with session
330        prog = self.proj().osf.session.get_progress()
331        if prog == 1:
332            self._status = -1  # was running but now finished
333        else:
334            self._status = 1  # running
335        return prog  # probably a dictionary
337    def finish_sync(self):
338        """Rebuilds index and saves project file when the sync has finished
339        """
340        proj = self.proj()
341        # when local/remote updates are complete refresh index based on local
342        proj.local.rebuild_index()
343        # proj.index = proj.local.index
344        self._set_empty()
345        proj.save()
346        if hasattr(logging, 'flush'):  # psychopy.logging has control of flush
347            logging.flush()
349    def analyze(self):
350        """Take a list of files
351        """
352        local = self.local_index
353        remote = self.remote_index
354        index = self.last_index
355        # copies of the three asset lists.
356        # Safe to alter these only at top level
357        local_p = dict_from_list(local, 'path')
358        remote_p = dict_from_list(remote, 'path')
359        index_p = dict_from_list(index, 'path')
361        # go through the files in the database
362        for path, asset in index_p.items():
363            # code:1xx all these files existed at last sync
364            if path in remote_p.keys() and path in local_p.keys():
365                # code:111
366                # Still exists in all. Check for local/remote modifications
367                local_asset = local_p[path]
368                remote_asset = remote_p[path]
370                if asset['kind'] == 'folder':
371                    # for folders check /contents/ not folder itself
372                    logging.debug("Sync.analyze 111a: {} no action"
373                                  .format(path))
375                elif asset[SHA] == remote_asset[SHA] and \
376                        asset[SHA] == local_asset[SHA]:
377                    # all copies match. Go and have a cup of tea.
378                    logging.debug("Sync.analyze 111b: {} no action"
379                                  .format(path))
381                elif asset[SHA] != remote_asset[SHA] and \
382                        asset[SHA] != local_asset[SHA]:
383                    # both changed. Conflict!
384                    local_time = local_asset['date_modified']
385                    remote_time = remote_asset['date_modified']
386                    local_path, remote_path = conflict_paths(path, local_time,
387                                                             remote_time)
388                    # rename the remote and local files with CONFLICT tag
389                    self.mv_local[local_path] = local_asset
390                    self.mv_remote[remote_path] = remote_asset
391                    # and swap the version from the other side
392                    self.add_local[remote_path] = remote_asset
393                    self.add_remote[local_path] = local_asset
394                    logging.info("Sync.analyze 111c: {} conflict"
395                                 "(changed on local and remote)"
396                                 .format(path))
398                elif asset[SHA] != remote_asset[SHA]:
399                    # changed remotely only
400                    # TODO: we know the files differ and we presume the remote
401                    # is the newer one. Could check the date_modified?
402                    # But if they differed wouldn't that mean a clock err?
403                    self.update_local['path'] = remote_asset
404                    logging.info("Sync.analyze 111d: {} changed remotely"
405                                 .format(path))
407                elif asset[SHA] != local_asset[SHA]:
408                    # changed locally only
409                    # TODO: we know the files differ and we presume the local
410                    # is the newer one. Could check the date_modified?
411                    # But if they differed wouldn't that mean a clock err?
412                    # fetch the links from the remote so we can do an update op
413                    local_asset['links'] = remote_asset['links']
414                    self.update_remote['path'] = local_asset
415                    logging.info("Sync.analyze 111e: {} changed locally"
416                                 .format(path))
418                # don't re-analyze
419                del local_p[path]
420                del remote_p[path]
422            elif path not in remote_p.keys() and path not in local_p.keys():
423                # code:100
424                # Was deleted in both. Remove from index
425                logging.debug("Sync.analyze 100: {}"
426                              "deleted locally and remotely"
427                              .format(path))
428                self.remove_from_index(path)
430            elif path not in local_p.keys():
431                remote_asset = remote_p[path]
432                # code:101 has been deleted locally but exists remotely
433                if asset['date_modified'] < remote_asset['date_modified']:
434                    # deleted locally but changed on remote. Recreate
435                    # make new path and get the newer asset info
436                    new_path = recreated_path(path)
437                    # remote: rename (move) to include "_DELETED"
438                    # local: just add the new asset with new path
439                    self.add_local[new_path] = remote_asset
440                    self.mv_remote[new_path] = remote_asset
441                    logging.warn("Sync.analyze 101a: {} conflict "
442                                  "(deleted locally and changed remotely)"
443                                  .format(path))
444                else:
445                    # deleted locally unchanged remotely. Delete remotely
446                    self.del_remote[asset['path']] = remote_asset
447                    logging.info("Sync.analyze 101b: {}  "
448                                  "deleted locally (and unchanged remotely)"
449                                  .format(path))
450                del remote_p[path]  # remove so we don't re-analyze
452            elif path not in remote_p.keys():
453                # has been deleted remotely but exists locally
454                # code:110
455                local_asset = local_p[path]
456                if asset['date_modified'] < local_asset['date_modified']:
457                    # deleted remotely but changed on local. Recreate
458                    # make new path and get the newer asset info
459                    new_path = recreated_path(path)
460                    # remote: rename (move) to include "_DELETED"
461                    self.mv_local[new_path] = local_asset
462                    # local: just add the new asset with new path
463                    self.add_remote[new_path] = local_asset
464                    logging.warn("Sync.analyze 110a: {} conflict "
465                                  "(deleted remotely unchanged locally)"
466                                  .format(path))
467                else:
468                    # deleted remotely unchanged locally. Delete locally
469                    self.del_local[asset['path']] = asset
470                    logging.info("Sync.analyze 110b: {} "
471                                 "deleted remotely (and unchanged locally)"
472                                 .format(path))
473                del local_p[path]  # remove so we don't re-analyse
475        # go through the files in the local
476        for path, local_asset in local_p.items():
477            # code:01x we know these files aren't in index but are local
478            if path in remote_p.keys():
479                if local_asset['kind'] == 'folder':  # if folder then leave
480                    continue
481                # TODO: do we need to handle the case that the user creates a
482                # folder in one place and file in another with same names?!
483                remote_asset = remote_p[path]
484                # code:011
485                if remote_asset[SHA] == local_asset[SHA]:
486                    # both copies match but not in index (user uplaoded?)
487                    logging.debug("Sync.analyze 011a: {} "
488                                  "added remotely and locally (identical file)"
489                                  .format(path))
490                del remote_p[path]
491            else:
492                # code:010
493                self.add_remote[path] = local_asset
494                logging.info("Sync.analyze 010a: {} added locally"
495                             .format(path))
497        # go through the files in the remote
498        for path, remote_asset in remote_p.items():
499            # code:001 has been created remotely
500            self.add_local[path] = remote_asset
501            logging.info("Sync.analyze 001a: {} added remotely"
502                         .format(path))
505def recreated_path(path):
506    """If we have to add a file back (that was deleted) then add RECREATED to
507    the name
508    """
509    root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
510    return root+"_DELETED"+ext
513def conflict_paths(path, local_time, server_time):
514    """
515    """
516    root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
517    local = "{}_CONFLICT{}{}".format(root, local_time, ext)
518    server = "{}_CONFLICT{}{}".format(root, server_time, ext)
519    return local, server
522def _update_path(asset, new_path=None):
523    """Helper function to check whether path *in* the dict matches the key
524    """
525    if new_path is None:
526        new_path = asset['path']
527    elif new_path != asset['path']:
528        asset = copy.copy(asset)  # update a new copy
529        asset['path'] = new_path
530    return new_path, asset