1      subroutine dqawse(f,a,b,alfa,beta,integr,epsabs,epsrel,limit,
2     *   result,abserr,neval,ier,alist,blist,rlist,elist,iord,last)
3c***begin prologue  dqawse
4c***date written   800101   (yymmdd)
5c***revision date  830518   (yymmdd)
6c***category no.  h2a2a1
7c***keywords  automatic integrator, special-purpose,
8c             algebraico-logarithmic end point singularities,
9c             clenshaw-curtis method
10c***author  piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
11c           de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
12c***purpose  the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
13c            definite integral i = integral of f*w over (a,b),
14c            (where w shows a singular behaviour at the end points,
15c            see parameter integr).
16c            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
17c            abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
20c        integration of functions having algebraico-logarithmic
21c        end point singularities
22c        standard fortran subroutine
23c        double precision version
25c        parameters
26c         on entry
27c            f      - double precision
28c                     function subprogram defining the integrand
29c                     function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
30c                     declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
32c            a      - double precision
33c                     lower limit of integration
35c            b      - double precision
36c                     upper limit of integration, b.gt.a
37c                     if b.le.a, the routine will end with ier = 6.
39c            alfa   - double precision
40c                     parameter in the weight function, alfa.gt.(-1)
41c                     if alfa.le.(-1), the routine will end with
42c                     ier = 6.
44c            beta   - double precision
45c                     parameter in the weight function, beta.gt.(-1)
46c                     if beta.le.(-1), the routine will end with
47c                     ier = 6.
49c            integr - integer
50c                     indicates which weight function is to be used
51c                     = 1  (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta
52c                     = 2  (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)
53c                     = 3  (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(b-x)
54c                     = 4  (x-a)**alfa*(b-x)**beta*log(x-a)*log(b-x)
55c                     if integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4, the routine
56c                     will end with ier = 6.
58c            epsabs - double precision
59c                     absolute accuracy requested
60c            epsrel - double precision
61c                     relative accuracy requested
62c                     if  epsabs.le.0
63c                     and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
64c                     the routine will end with ier = 6.
66c            limit  - integer
67c                     gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
68c                     in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.2
69c                     if limit.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
71c         on return
72c            result - double precision
73c                     approximation to the integral
75c            abserr - double precision
76c                     estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
77c                     which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
79c            neval  - integer
80c                     number of integrand evaluations
82c            ier    - integer
83c                     ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
84c                             routine. it is assumed that the requested
85c                             accuracy has been achieved.
86c                     ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine
87c                             the estimates for the integral and error
88c                             are less reliable. it is assumed that the
89c                             requested accuracy has not been achieved.
90c            error messages
91c                         = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
92c                             has been achieved. one can allow more
93c                             subdivisions by increasing the value of
94c                             limit. however, if this yields no
95c                             improvement, it is advised to analyze the
96c                             integrand in order to determine the
97c                             integration difficulties which prevent the
98c                             requested tolerance from being achieved.
99c                             in case of a jump discontinuity or a local
100c                             singularity of algebraico-logarithmic type
101c                             at one or more interior points of the
102c                             integration range, one should proceed by
103c                             splitting up the interval at these
104c                             points and calling the integrator on the
105c                             subranges.
106c                         = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
107c                             detected, which prevents the requested
108c                             tolerance from being achieved.
109c                         = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
110c                             at some points of the integration
111c                             interval.
112c                         = 6 the input is invalid, because
113c                             b.le.a or alfa.le.(-1) or beta.le.(-1), or
114c                             integr.lt.1 or integr.gt.4, or
115c                             (epsabs.le.0 and
116c                              epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
117c                             or limit.lt.2.
118c                             result, abserr, neval, rlist(1), elist(1),
119c                             iord(1) and last are set to zero. alist(1)
120c                             and blist(1) are set to a and b
121c                             respectively.
123c            alist  - double precision
124c                     vector of dimension at least limit, the first
125c                      last  elements of which are the left
126c                     end points of the subintervals in the partition
127c                     of the given integration range (a,b)
129c            blist  - double precision
130c                     vector of dimension at least limit, the first
131c                      last  elements of which are the right
132c                     end points of the subintervals in the partition
133c                     of the given integration range (a,b)
135c            rlist  - double precision
136c                     vector of dimension at least limit,the first
137c                      last  elements of which are the integral
138c                     approximations on the subintervals
140c            elist  - double precision
141c                     vector of dimension at least limit, the first
142c                      last  elements of which are the moduli of the
143c                     absolute error estimates on the subintervals
145c            iord   - integer
146c                     vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
147c                     of which are pointers to the error
148c                     estimates over the subintervals, so that
149c                     elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k)) with k = last
150c                     if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
151c                     otherwise form a decreasing sequence
153c            last   - integer
154c                     number of subintervals actually produced in
155c                     the subdivision process
157c***references  (none)
158c***routines called  d1mach,dqc25s,dqmomo,dqpsrt
159c***end prologue  dqawse
161      double precision a,abserr,alfa,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,
162     *  a2,b,beta,blist,b1,b2,centre,dabs,dmax1,d1mach,elist,epmach,
163     *  epsabs,epsrel,errbnd,errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,f,
164     *  resas1,resas2,result,rg,rh,ri,rj,rlist,uflow
165      integer ier,integr,iord,iroff1,iroff2,k,last,limit,maxerr,nev,
166     *  neval,nrmax
168      external f
170      dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),rlist(limit),elist(limit),
171     *  iord(limit),ri(25),rj(25),rh(25),rg(25)
173c            list of major variables
174c            -----------------------
176c           alist     - list of left end points of all subintervals
177c                       considered up to now
178c           blist     - list of right end points of all subintervals
179c                       considered up to now
180c           rlist(i)  - approximation to the integral over
181c                       (alist(i),blist(i))
182c           elist(i)  - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
183c           maxerr    - pointer to the interval with largest
184c                       error estimate
185c           errmax    - elist(maxerr)
186c           area      - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
187c           errsum    - sum of the errors over the subintervals
188c           errbnd    - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
189c                       abs(result))
190c           *****1    - variable for the left subinterval
191c           *****2    - variable for the right subinterval
192c           last      - index for subdivision
195c            machine dependent constants
196c            ---------------------------
198c           epmach is the largest relative spacing.
199c           uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
201c***first executable statement  dqawse
202      epmach = d1mach(4)
203      uflow = d1mach(1)
205c           test on validity of parameters
206c           ------------------------------
208      ier = 6
209      neval = 0
210      last = 0
211      rlist(1) = 0.0d+00
212      elist(1) = 0.0d+00
213      iord(1) = 0
214      result = 0.0d+00
215      abserr = 0.0d+00
216      if(b.le.a.or.(epsabs.eq.0.0d+00.and.
217     *  epsrel.lt.dmax1(0.5d+02*epmach,0.5d-28)).or.alfa.le.(-0.1d+01).
218     *  or.beta.le.(-0.1d+01).or.integr.lt.1.or.integr.gt.4.or.
219     *  limit.lt.2) go to 999
220      ier = 0
222c           compute the modified chebyshev moments.
224      call dqmomo(alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,integr)
226c           integrate over the intervals (a,(a+b)/2) and ((a+b)/2,b).
228      centre = 0.5d+00*(b+a)
229      call dqc25s(f,a,b,a,centre,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area1,
230     *  error1,resas1,integr,nev)
231      neval = nev
232      call dqc25s(f,a,b,centre,b,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area2,
233     *  error2,resas2,integr,nev)
234      last = 2
235      neval = neval+nev
236      result = area1+area2
237      abserr = error1+error2
239c           test on accuracy.
241      errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dabs(result))
243c           initialization
244c           --------------
246      if(error2.gt.error1) go to 10
247      alist(1) = a
248      alist(2) = centre
249      blist(1) = centre
250      blist(2) = b
251      rlist(1) = area1
252      rlist(2) = area2
253      elist(1) = error1
254      elist(2) = error2
255      go to 20
256   10 alist(1) = centre
257      alist(2) = a
258      blist(1) = b
259      blist(2) = centre
260      rlist(1) = area2
261      rlist(2) = area1
262      elist(1) = error2
263      elist(2) = error1
264   20 iord(1) = 1
265      iord(2) = 2
266      if(limit.eq.2) ier = 1
267      if(abserr.le.errbnd.or.ier.eq.1) go to 999
268      errmax = elist(1)
269      maxerr = 1
270      nrmax = 1
271      area = result
272      errsum = abserr
273      iroff1 = 0
274      iroff2 = 0
276c            main do-loop
277c            ------------
279      do 60 last = 3,limit
281c           bisect the subinterval with largest error estimate.
283        a1 = alist(maxerr)
284        b1 = 0.5d+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
285        a2 = b1
286        b2 = blist(maxerr)
288        call dqc25s(f,a,b,a1,b1,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area1,
289     *  error1,resas1,integr,nev)
290        neval = neval+nev
291        call dqc25s(f,a,b,a2,b2,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,area2,
292     *  error2,resas2,integr,nev)
293        neval = neval+nev
295c           improve previous approximations integral and error
296c           and test for accuracy.
298        area12 = area1+area2
299        erro12 = error1+error2
300        errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
301        area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
302        if(a.eq.a1.or.b.eq.b2) go to 30
303        if(resas1.eq.error1.or.resas2.eq.error2) go to 30
305c           test for roundoff error.
307        if(dabs(rlist(maxerr)-area12).lt.0.1d-04*dabs(area12)
308     *  .and.erro12.ge.0.99d+00*errmax) iroff1 = iroff1+1
309        if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff2 = iroff2+1
310   30   rlist(maxerr) = area1
311        rlist(last) = area2
313c           test on accuracy.
315        errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dabs(area))
316        if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 35
318c           set error flag in the case that the number of interval
319c           bisections exceeds limit.
321        if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
324c           set error flag in the case of roundoff error.
326        if(iroff1.ge.6.or.iroff2.ge.20) ier = 2
328c           set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
329c           at interior points of integration range.
331        if(dmax1(dabs(a1),dabs(b2)).le.(0.1d+01+0.1d+03*epmach)*
332     *  (dabs(a2)+0.1d+04*uflow)) ier = 3
334c           append the newly-created intervals to the list.
336   35   if(error2.gt.error1) go to 40
337        alist(last) = a2
338        blist(maxerr) = b1
339        blist(last) = b2
340        elist(maxerr) = error1
341        elist(last) = error2
342        go to 50
343   40   alist(maxerr) = a2
344        alist(last) = a1
345        blist(last) = b1
346        rlist(maxerr) = area2
347        rlist(last) = area1
348        elist(maxerr) = error2
349        elist(last) = error1
351c           call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
352c           in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
353c           with largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
355   50   call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
356c ***jump out of do-loop
357        if (ier.ne.0.or.errsum.le.errbnd) go to 70
358   60 continue
360c           compute final result.
361c           ---------------------
363   70 result = 0.0d+00
364      do 80 k=1,last
365        result = result+rlist(k)
366   80 continue
367      abserr = errsum
368  999 return
369      end