1 /*
2  * lu_singletons.c
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2016-2018  ERGO-Code
5  *
6  * Build initial triangular factors
7  *
8  */
10 #include "lu_internal.h"
12 static lu_int singleton_cols
13 (
14     const lu_int m,
15     const lu_int *Bbegin,       /* B columnwise */
16     const lu_int *Bend,
17     const lu_int *Bi,
18     const double *Bx,
19     const lu_int *Btp,          /* B rowwise */
20     const lu_int *Bti,
21     const double *Btx,
22     lu_int *Up,
23     lu_int *Ui,
24     double *Ux,
25     lu_int *Lp,
26     lu_int *Li,
27     double *Lx,
28     double *col_pivot,
29     lu_int *pinv,
30     lu_int *qinv,
31     lu_int *iset,               /* size m workspace */
32     lu_int *queue,              /* size m workspace */
33     lu_int rank,
34     double abstol
35 );
37 static lu_int singleton_rows
38 (
39     const lu_int m,
40     const lu_int *Bbegin,       /* B columnwise */
41     const lu_int *Bend,
42     const lu_int *Bi,
43     const double *Bx,
44     const lu_int *Btp,          /* B rowwise */
45     const lu_int *Bti,
46     const double *Btx,
47     lu_int *Up,
48     lu_int *Ui,
49     double *Ux,
50     lu_int *Lp,
51     lu_int *Li,
52     double *Lx,
53     double *col_pivot,
54     lu_int *pinv,
55     lu_int *qinv,
56     lu_int *iset,               /* size m workspace */
57     lu_int *queue,              /* size m workspace */
58     lu_int rank,
59     double abstol
60 );
63 /*
64  * lu_singletons()
65  *
66  * Initialize the data structures which store the LU factors during
67  * factorization and eliminate pivots with Markowitz cost zero.
68  *
69  * During factorization the inverse pivot sequence is recorded in pinv, qinv:
70  *
71  *   pinv[i] >=  0   if row i was pivot row in stage pinv[i]
72  *   pinv[i] == -1   if row i has not been pivot row yet
73  *   qinv[j] >=  0   if col j was pivot col in stage qinv[j]
74  *   qinv[j] == -1   if col j has not been pivot col yet
75  *
76  * The lower triangular factor is composed columnwise in Lindex, Lvalue.
77  * The upper triangular factor is composed rowwise in Uindex, Uvalue.
78  * After rank steps of factorization:
79  *
80  *   Lbegin_p[rank] is the next unused position in Lindex, Lvalue.
81  *
82  *   Lindex[Lbegin_p[k]..], Lvalue[Lbegin_p[k]..] for 0 <= k < rank
83  *   stores the column of L computed in stage k without the unit diagonal.
84  *   The column is terminated by a negative index.
85  *
86  *   Ubegin[rank] is the next unused position in Uindex, Uvalue.
87  *
88  *   Uindex[Ubegin[k]..Ubegin[k+1]-1], Uvalue[Ubegin[k]..Ubegin[k+1]-1]
89  *   stores the row of U computed in stage k without the pivot element.
90  *
91  * lu_singletons() does rank >= 0 steps of factorization until no singletons are
92  * left. We can either eliminate singleton columns before singleton rows or vice
93  * versa. When nzbias >= 0, then eliminate singleton columns first to keep L
94  * sparse. Otherwise eliminate singleton rows first. The resulting permutations
95  * P, Q (stored in inverse form) make PBQ' of the form
96  *
97  *          \uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
98  *           \u                    u
99  *            \u                   u
100  *             \u                  u
101  *              \u                 u
102  *  PBQ' =       \uuuuuuu__________u               singleton columns before
103  *                \     |          |               singleton rows
104  *                l\    |          |
105  *                ll\   |          |
106  *                l l\  |   BUMP   |
107  *                l  l\ |          |
108  *                lllll\|__________|
109  *
110  *          \
111  *          l\
112  *          ll\
113  *          l l\
114  *          l  l\
115  *          l   l\       __________
116  *  PBQ' =  l    l\uuuuu|          |               singleton rows before
117  *          l    l \u  u|          |               singleton columns
118  *          l    l  \u u|          |
119  *          l    l   \uu|   BUMP   |
120  *          l    l    \u|          |
121  *          llllll     \|__________|
122  *
123  * Off-diagonals from singleton columns (u) are stored in U, off-diagonals from
124  * singleton rows (l) are stored in L and divided by the diagonal. Diagonals (\)
125  * are stored in col_pivot.
126  *
127  * Do not pivot on elements which are zero or less than abstol in magnitude.
128  * When such pivots occur, the row/column remains in the active submatrix and
129  * the bump factorization will detect the singularity.
130  *
131  * Return:
132  *
133  *  BASICLU_REALLOCATE              less than nnz(B) memory in L, U or W
134  *  BASICLU_ERROR_invalid_argument  matrix B is invalid (negative number of
135  *                                  entries in column, index out of range,
136  *                                  duplicates)
137  *  BASICLU_OK
138  */
lu_singletons(struct lu * this,const lu_int * Bbegin,const lu_int * Bend,const lu_int * Bi,const double * Bx)140 lu_int lu_singletons(
141     struct lu *this, const lu_int *Bbegin, const lu_int *Bend, const lu_int *Bi,
142     const double *Bx)
143 {
144     const lu_int m      = this->m;
145     const lu_int Lmem   = this->Lmem;
146     const lu_int Umem   = this->Umem;
147     const lu_int Wmem   = this->Wmem;
148     const double abstol = this->abstol;
149     const lu_int nzbias = this->nzbias;
150     lu_int *pinv        = this->pinv;
151     lu_int *qinv        = this->qinv;
152     lu_int *Lbegin_p    = this->Lbegin_p;
153     lu_int *Ubegin      = this->Ubegin;
154     double *col_pivot   = this->col_pivot;
155     lu_int *Lindex      = this->Lindex;
156     double *Lvalue      = this->Lvalue;
157     lu_int *Uindex      = this->Uindex;
158     double *Uvalue      = this->Uvalue;
159     lu_int *iwork1      = this->iwork1;
160     lu_int *iwork2      = iwork1 + m;
162     lu_int *Btp         = this->Wbegin; /* build B rowwise in W */
163     lu_int *Bti         = this->Windex;
164     double *Btx         = this->Wvalue;
166     lu_int i, j, pos, put, rank, Bnz, ok;
167     double tic[2];
169     /* -------------------------------- */
170     /* Check matrix and build transpose */
171     /* -------------------------------- */
173     /* Check pointers and count nnz(B). */
174     Bnz = 0;
175     ok = 1;
176     for (j = 0; j < m && ok; j++)
177     {
178         if (Bend[j] < Bbegin[j])
179             ok = 0;
180         else
181             Bnz += Bend[j] - Bbegin[j];
182     }
183     if (!ok)
184         return BASICLU_ERROR_invalid_argument;
186     /* Check if sufficient memory in L, U, W. */
187     ok = 1;
188     if (Lmem < Bnz) { this->addmemL = Bnz-Lmem; ok = 0; }
189     if (Umem < Bnz) { this->addmemU = Bnz-Umem; ok = 0; }
190     if (Wmem < Bnz) { this->addmemW = Bnz-Wmem; ok = 0; }
191     if (!ok)
192         return BASICLU_REALLOCATE;
194     /* Count nz per row, check indices. */
195     memset(iwork1, 0, m*sizeof(lu_int)); /* row counts */
196     ok = 1;
197     for (j = 0; j < m && ok; j++)
198     {
199         for (pos = Bbegin[j]; pos < Bend[j] && ok; pos++)
200         {
201             i = Bi[pos];
202             if (i < 0 || i >= m)
203                 ok = 0;
204             else
205                 iwork1[i]++;
206         }
207     }
208     if (!ok)
209         return BASICLU_ERROR_invalid_argument;
211     /* Pack matrix rowwise, check for duplicates. */
212     put = 0;
213     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)     /* set row pointers */
214     {
215         Btp[i] = put;
216         put += iwork1[i];
217         iwork1[i] = Btp[i];
218     }
219     Btp[m] = put;
220     assert(put == Bnz);
221     ok = 1;
222     for (j = 0; j < m; j++)     /* fill rows */
223     {
224         for (pos = Bbegin[j]; pos < Bend[j]; pos++)
225         {
226             i = Bi[pos];
227             put = iwork1[i]++;
228             Bti[put] = j;
229             Btx[put] = Bx [pos];
230             if (put > Btp[i] && Bti[put-1] == j)
231                 ok = 0;
232         }
233     }
234     if (!ok)
235         return BASICLU_ERROR_invalid_argument;
237     /* ---------------- */
238     /* Pivot singletons */
239     /* ---------------- */
241     /* No pivot rows or pivot columns so far. */
242     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
243         pinv[i] = -1;
244     for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
245         qinv[j] = -1;
247     if (nzbias >= 0)            /* put more in U */
248     {
249         Lbegin_p[0] = Ubegin[0] = rank = 0;
251         rank = singleton_cols(m, Bbegin, Bend, Bi, Bx, Btp, Bti, Btx,
252                               Ubegin, Uindex, Uvalue, Lbegin_p, Lindex, Lvalue,
253                               col_pivot, pinv, qinv, iwork1, iwork2, rank,
254                               abstol);
256         rank = singleton_rows(m, Bbegin, Bend, Bi, Bx, Btp, Bti, Btx,
257                               Ubegin, Uindex, Uvalue, Lbegin_p, Lindex, Lvalue,
258                               col_pivot, pinv, qinv, iwork1, iwork2, rank,
259                               abstol);
260     }
261     else                        /* put more in L */
262     {
263         Lbegin_p[0] = Ubegin[0] = rank = 0;
265         rank = singleton_rows(m, Bbegin, Bend, Bi, Bx, Btp, Bti, Btx,
266                               Ubegin, Uindex, Uvalue, Lbegin_p, Lindex, Lvalue,
267                               col_pivot, pinv, qinv, iwork1, iwork2, rank,
268                               abstol);
270         rank = singleton_cols(m, Bbegin, Bend, Bi, Bx, Btp, Bti, Btx,
271                               Ubegin, Uindex, Uvalue, Lbegin_p, Lindex, Lvalue,
272                               col_pivot, pinv, qinv, iwork1, iwork2, rank,
273                               abstol);
274     }
276     /* pinv, qinv were used as nonzero counters. Reset to -1 if not pivoted. */
277     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
278         if (pinv[i] < 0)
279             pinv[i] = -1;
280     for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
281         if (qinv[j] < 0)
282             qinv[j] = -1;
284     this->matrix_nz = Bnz;
285     this->rank = rank;
286     return BASICLU_OK;
287 }
290 /*
291  * singleton_cols()
292  *
293  * The method successively removes singleton cols from an active submatrix.
294  * The active submatrix is composed of columns j for which qinv[j] < 0 and
295  * rows i for which pinv[i] < 0. When removing a singleton column and its
296  * associated row generates new singleton columns, these are appended to a
297  * queue. The method stops when the active submatrix has no more singleton
298  * columns.
299  *
300  * For each active column j iset[j] is the XOR of row indices in the column
301  * in the active submatrix. For a singleton column, this is its single row
302  * index. The technique is due to J. Gilbert and described in [1], ex 3.7.
303  *
304  * For each eliminated column its associated row is stored in U without the
305  * pivot element. The pivot elements are stored in col_pivot. For each
306  * eliminated pivot an empty column is appended to L.
307  *
308  * Pivot elements which are zero or less than abstol, and empty columns in
309  * the active submatrix are not eliminated. In these cases the matrix is
310  * numerically or structurally singular and the bump factorization handles
311  * it. (We want singularities at the end of the pivot sequence.)
312  *
313  * [1] T. Davis, "Direct methods for sparse linear systems"
314  */
singleton_cols(const lu_int m,const lu_int * Bbegin,const lu_int * Bend,const lu_int * Bi,const double * Bx,const lu_int * Btp,const lu_int * Bti,const double * Btx,lu_int * Up,lu_int * Ui,double * Ux,lu_int * Lp,lu_int * Li,double * Lx,double * col_pivot,lu_int * pinv,lu_int * qinv,lu_int * iset,lu_int * queue,lu_int rank,double abstol)316 static lu_int singleton_cols
317 (
318     const lu_int m,
319     const lu_int *Bbegin,       /* B columnwise */
320     const lu_int *Bend,
321     const lu_int *Bi,
322     const double *Bx,
323     const lu_int *Btp,          /* B rowwise */
324     const lu_int *Bti,
325     const double *Btx,
326     lu_int *Up,
327     lu_int *Ui,
328     double *Ux,
329     lu_int *Lp,
330     lu_int *Li,
331     double *Lx,
332     double *col_pivot,
333     lu_int *pinv,
334     lu_int *qinv,
335     lu_int *iset,               /* size m workspace */
336     lu_int *queue,              /* size m workspace */
337     lu_int rank,
338     double abstol
339 )
340 {
341     lu_int i, j, j2, nz, pos, put, end, front, tail, rk = rank;
342     double piv;
344     /* Build index sets and initialize queue. */
345     tail = 0;
346     for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
347     {
348         if (qinv[j] < 0)
349         {
350             nz = Bend[j] - Bbegin[j];
351             i = 0;
352             for (pos = Bbegin[j]; pos < Bend[j]; pos++)
353                 i ^= Bi[pos];   /* put row into set j */
354             iset[j] = i;
355             qinv[j] = -nz-1;    /* use as nonzero counter */
356             if (nz == 1)
357                 queue[tail++] = j;
358         }
359     }
361     /* Eliminate singleton columns. */
362     put = Up [rank];
363     for (front = 0; front < tail; front++)
364     {
365         j = queue[front];
366         assert(qinv[j] == -2 || qinv[j] == -1);
367         if (qinv[j] == -1)
368             continue;           /* empty column in active submatrix */
369         i = iset[j];
370         assert(i >= 0 && i < m);
371         assert(pinv[i] < 0);
372         end = Btp[i+1];
373         for (pos = Btp[i]; Bti[pos] != j; pos++) /* find pivot */
374             assert(pos < end-1);
375         piv = Btx[pos];
376         if (!piv || fabs(piv) < abstol)
377             continue;           /* skip singularity */
379         /* Eliminate pivot. */
380         qinv[j] = rank;
381         pinv[i] = rank;
382         for (pos = Btp[i]; pos < end; pos++)
383         {
384             j2 = Bti[pos];
385             if (qinv[j2] < 0)
386                 /* test is mandatory because the initial active submatrix may
387                    not be the entire matrix (rows eliminated before) */
388             {
389                 Ui[put] = j2;
390                 Ux[put++] = Btx[pos];
391                 iset[j2] ^= i;  /* remove i from set j2 */
392                 if (++qinv[j2] == -2)
393                     queue[tail++] = j2; /* new singleton */
394             }
395         }
396         Up[rank+1] = put;
397         col_pivot[j] = piv;
398         rank++;
399     }
401     /* Put empty columns into L. */
402     pos = Lp[rk];
403     for ( ; rk < rank; rk++)
404     {
405         Li[pos++] = -1;
406         Lp[rk+1] = pos;
407     }
408     return rank;
409 }
412 /*
413  * singleton_rows()
414  *
415  * Analogeous singleton_cols except that for each singleton row the
416  * associated column is stored in L and divided by the pivot element. The
417  * pivot element is stored in col_pivot.
418  */
singleton_rows(const lu_int m,const lu_int * Bbegin,const lu_int * Bend,const lu_int * Bi,const double * Bx,const lu_int * Btp,const lu_int * Bti,const double * Btx,lu_int * Up,lu_int * Ui,double * Ux,lu_int * Lp,lu_int * Li,double * Lx,double * col_pivot,lu_int * pinv,lu_int * qinv,lu_int * iset,lu_int * queue,lu_int rank,double abstol)420 static lu_int singleton_rows
421 (
422     const lu_int m,
423     const lu_int *Bbegin,       /* B columnwise */
424     const lu_int *Bend,
425     const lu_int *Bi,
426     const double *Bx,
427     const lu_int *Btp,          /* B rowwise */
428     const lu_int *Bti,
429     const double *Btx,
430     lu_int *Up,
431     lu_int *Ui,
432     double *Ux,
433     lu_int *Lp,
434     lu_int *Li,
435     double *Lx,
436     double *col_pivot,
437     lu_int *pinv,
438     lu_int *qinv,
439     lu_int *iset,               /* size m workspace */
440     lu_int *queue,              /* size m workspace */
441     lu_int rank,
442     double abstol
443 )
444 {
445     lu_int i, j, i2, nz, pos, put, end, front, tail, rk = rank;
446     double piv;
448     /* Build index sets and initialize queue. */
449     tail = 0;
450     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
451     {
452         if (pinv[i] < 0)
453         {
454             nz = Btp[i+1] - Btp[i];
455             j = 0;
456             for (pos = Btp[i]; pos < Btp[i+1]; pos++)
457                 j ^= Bti[pos];  /* put column into set i */
458             iset[i] = j;
459             pinv[i] = -nz-1;    /* use as nonzero counter */
460             if (nz == 1)
461                 queue[tail++] = i;
462         }
463     }
465     /* Eliminate singleton rows. */
466     put = Lp[rank];
467     for (front = 0; front < tail; front++)
468     {
469         i = queue[front];
470         assert(pinv[i] == -2 || pinv[i] == -1);
471         if (pinv[i] == -1)
472             continue;           /* empty column in active submatrix */
473         j = iset [i];
474         assert(j >= 0 && j < m);
475         assert(qinv[j] < 0);
476         end = Bend[j];
477         for (pos = Bbegin[j]; Bi[pos] != i; pos++) /* find pivot */
478             assert(pos < end-1);
479         piv = Bx[pos];
480         if (!piv || fabs(piv) < abstol)
481             continue;           /* skip singularity */
483         /* Eliminate pivot. */
484         qinv[j] = rank;
485         pinv[i] = rank;
486         for (pos = Bbegin[j]; pos < end; pos++)
487         {
488             i2 = Bi[pos];
489             if (pinv[i2] < 0)
490                 /* test is mandatory because the initial active submatrix may
491                    not be the entire matrix (columns eliminated before) */
492             {
493                 Li[put] = i2;
494                 Lx[put++] = Bx[pos] / piv;
495                 iset[i2] ^= j;  /* remove j from set i2 */
496                 if (++pinv[i2] == -2)
497                     queue[tail++] = i2; /* new singleton */
498             }
499         }
500         Li[put++] = -1;         /* terminate column */
501         Lp[rank+1] = put;
502         col_pivot[j] = piv;
503         rank++;
504     }
506     /* Put empty rows into U. */
507     pos = Up[rk];
508     for ( ; rk < rank; rk++)
509         Up[rk+1] = pos;
511     return rank;
512 }