1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the University of California
4 //
5 // This file is part of Qbox
6 //
7 // Qbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
9 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // See the file COPYING in the root directory of this distribution
11 // or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
12 //
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 //
15 // IonicStepper.h:
16 //
17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #include "Sample.h"
23 #include "Species.h"
24 #include <vector>
26 class IonicStepper
27 {
28   protected:
30   Sample& s_;
31   AtomSet& atoms_;
32   ConstraintSet& constraints_;
33   double dt_;
34   int    nsp_;
35   int    natoms_;
36   // ndofs_ is the total number of degrees of freedom after
37   // constraints are considered
38   int                            ndofs_;
39   std::vector<int>               na_;  // number of atoms per species na_[nsp_]
40   std::vector<std::vector< double> >  r0_; // r0_[nsp_][3*na_]
41   std::vector<std::vector< double> >  rp_; // rp_[nsp_][3*na_]
42   std::vector<std::vector< double> >  rm_; // rm_[nsp_][3*na_]
43   std::vector<std::vector< double> >  v0_; // v0_[nsp_][3*na_]
44   std::vector<double>            pmass_;   // pmass_[nsp_]
46   public:
IonicStepper(Sample & s)48   IonicStepper (Sample& s) : s_(s), atoms_(s.atoms),
49     constraints_(s.constraints), dt_(s.ctrl.dt)
50   {
51     ndofs_ = 3 * atoms_.size() - constraints_.ndofs();
52     // if there are more constraints than dofs, set ndofs_ to zero
53     if ( ndofs_ < 0 ) ndofs_ = 0;
54     nsp_ = atoms_.nsp();
55     na_.resize(nsp_);
56     r0_.resize(nsp_);
57     rp_.resize(nsp_);
58     v0_.resize(nsp_);
59     pmass_.resize(nsp_);
60     for ( int is = 0; is < nsp_; is++ )
61     {
62       const int nais = atoms_.na(is);
63       na_[is] = nais;
64       r0_[is].resize(3*nais);
65       rp_[is].resize(3*nais);
66       v0_[is].resize(3*nais);
67       pmass_[is] = atoms_.species_list[is]->mass() * 1822.89;
68     }
69     natoms_ = atoms_.size();
70     // get positions and velocities from atoms_
71     get_positions();
72     get_velocities();
73   }
r0(int is,int i)75   double r0(int is, int i) const { return r0_[is][i]; }
v0(int is,int i)76   double v0(int is, int i) const { return v0_[is][i]; }
r0(void)77   const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& r0(void) const { return r0_; }
v0(void)78   const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& v0(void) const { return v0_; }
pmass(void)79   const std::vector<double>& pmass(void) const { return pmass_; }
get_positions(void)80   void get_positions(void) { atoms_.get_positions(r0_); }
get_velocities(void)81   void get_velocities(void) { atoms_.get_velocities(v0_); }
set_positions(void)82   void set_positions(void) { atoms_.set_positions(r0_); }
set_velocities(void)83   void set_velocities(void) { atoms_.set_velocities(v0_); }
setup_constraints(void)85   void setup_constraints(void)
86   {
87     constraints_.setup(atoms_);
88   }
89   virtual void compute_r(double e0,
90     const std::vector<std::vector< double> >& f0) = 0;
91   virtual void compute_v(double e0,
92     const std::vector<std::vector< double> >& f0) = 0;
reset(void)93   virtual void reset(void) {}
ekin(void)94   virtual double ekin(void) const { return 0.0; }
ekin_stepper(void)95   virtual double ekin_stepper(void) const { return 0.0; }
temp(void)96   virtual double temp(void) const { return 0.0; }
~IonicStepper()98   virtual ~IonicStepper() {}
100 };
101 #endif