1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Mark Dewing, markdewing@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //
9 // File created by: Mark Dewing, markdewing@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 #include "catch.hpp"
14 #include "OhmmsData/Libxml2Doc.h"
15 #include "Lattice/CrystalLattice.h"
16 #include "LongRange/StructFact.h"
17 #include "Particle/ParticleSet.h"
18 #include "Particle/DistanceTableData.h"
19 #include "QMCHamiltonians/SkAllEstimator.h"
20 #include "Particle/ParticleSetPool.h"
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <string>
23 using std::string;
26 /*
27   -- jpt 25/03/2020 --
28   Deterministic unit test for the SkAllEstimator class.
29   Despite the plumbing, it seems that _for the moment_ (March 2020)
30   that only the e-e structure factor is computed and stored.
32   This is the important piece, as we use it for finite size corrections.
33   However, it looks like one might be able to generalize it for e-i and i-i
34   at a later date. If that happens, this test should be updated!
35  */
38 namespace qmcplusplus
39 {
40 TEST_CASE("SkAll", "[hamiltonian]")
41 {
42   // Boiler plate setup
43   std::cout << std::fixed;
44   std::cout << std::setprecision(8);
45   typedef QMCTraits::RealType RealType;
47   Communicate* c;
48   c = OHMMS::Controller;
50   // XML parser
51   Libxml2Document doc;
54   /*
55     Minimal xml input blocks
56   */
57   // Lattice block
58   const char* lat_xml = "<simulationcell>                                         \
59                          <parameter name=\"bconds\">                            \
60                            p p p                                                \
61                          </parameter>                                           \
62                          <parameter name=\"LR_dim_cutoff\" >     6  </parameter>\
63                          <parameter name=\"rs\"            >   1.0  </parameter>\
64                          <parameter name=\"nparticles\"    >     8  </parameter>\
65                        </simulationcell>";
67   // Particleset block for the electrons
68   const char* elec_pset_xml = "<particleset name=\"e\" random=\"yes\">            \
69                                <group name=\"u\" size=\"4\">	                \
70                                  <parameter name=\"charge\" >   -1  </parameter>\
71                                  <parameter name=\"mass\"   >  1.0  </parameter>\
72                                </group>                                         \
73                                <group name=\"d\" size=\"4\">                    \
74                                  <parameter name=\"charge\" >   -1  </parameter>\
75                                  <parameter name=\"mass\"   >  1.0  </parameter>\
76                                </group>                                         \
77                              </particleset>";
79   // Particleset block for the ions
80   const char* ion_pset_xml = "<particleset name=\"i\" size=\"4\">                 \
81                               <group name=\"He\">                               \
82                                 <parameter name=\"charge\"      > 2 </parameter>\
83                                 <parameter name=\"valence\"     > 2 </parameter>\
84                                 <parameter name=\"atomicnumber\"> 2 </parameter>\
85                               </group>                                          \
86                               <attrib name=\"position\" datatype=\"posArray\"   \
87                                                         condition=\"1\">        \
88                                 0.00 0.00 0.00                                  \
89                                 0.25 0.25 0.25                                  \
90                                 0.50 0.50 0.50                                  \
91                                 0.75 0.75 0.75                                  \
92                               </attrib>                                         \
93                               <attrib name=\"ionid\" datatype=\"stringArray\">  \
94                                 He He He He                                     \
95                               </attrib>                                         \
96                             </particleset>";
98   // SKAllEstimator block, seems that writeionion does nothing?
99   const char* skall_xml = "<estimator                                           \
100                              name=\"Skall\" type=\"skall\"                      \
101                              source=\"i\" target=\"e\" hdf5=\"yes\"             \
102                            />";
104   // Build a Lattice
105   CrystalLattice<OHMMS_PRECISION, OHMMS_DIM> lattice;
106   lattice.BoxBConds = true; // periodic
107   lattice.R.diagonal(2.0);
108   lattice.reset();
110   // Read in xml, add to pset_builder below
111   bool lat_okay = doc.parseFromString(lat_xml);
112   REQUIRE(lat_okay);
113   xmlNodePtr lat_xml_root = doc.getRoot();
115   std::cout << "\n\n\ntest_SkAllEstimator: START\n";
117   // Build a ParticleSetPool - makes ParticleSets
118   ParticleSetPool pset_builder(c, "pset_builder");
120   // First attach the Lattice defined above
121   pset_builder.putLattice(lat_xml_root);
123   // Now build the elec ParticleSet
124   bool elec_pset_okay = doc.parseFromString(elec_pset_xml);
125   REQUIRE(elec_pset_okay);
126   xmlNodePtr elec_pset_xml_root = doc.getRoot();
127   pset_builder.put(elec_pset_xml_root);
129   // Get the (now assembled) elec ParticleSet, sanity check, report
130   ParticleSet* elec = pset_builder.getParticleSet("e");
131   elec->Lattice     = lattice; // copy in the new Lattice
132   REQUIRE(elec->SameMass);
133   REQUIRE(elec->getName() == "e");
135   // Move the particles manually onto B1 lattice
136   // NB: Spins are grouped contiguously
137   // Up spins
138   elec->R[0][0] = 0.0;
139   elec->R[0][1] = 0.0;
140   elec->R[0][2] = 0.0;
141   elec->R[1][0] = 1.0;
142   elec->R[1][1] = 1.0;
143   elec->R[1][2] = 0.0;
144   elec->R[2][0] = 1.0;
145   elec->R[2][1] = 0.0;
146   elec->R[2][2] = 1.0;
147   elec->R[3][0] = 0.0;
148   elec->R[3][1] = 1.0;
149   elec->R[3][2] = 1.0;
151   // Down spins
152   elec->R[4][0] = 1.0;
153   elec->R[4][1] = 0.0;
154   elec->R[4][2] = 0.0;
155   elec->R[5][0] = 0.0;
156   elec->R[5][1] = 1.0;
157   elec->R[5][2] = 0.0;
158   elec->R[6][0] = 0.0;
159   elec->R[6][1] = 0.0;
160   elec->R[6][2] = 1.0;
161   elec->R[7][0] = 1.0;
162   elec->R[7][1] = 1.0;
163   elec->R[7][2] = 1.0;
165   elec->get(std::cout); // print particleset info to stdout
168   // Get the (now assembled) ion ParticleSet, sanity check, report
169   bool ion_pset_okay = doc.parseFromString(ion_pset_xml);
170   REQUIRE(ion_pset_okay);
171   xmlNodePtr ion_pset_xml_root = doc.getRoot();
172   pset_builder.put(ion_pset_xml_root);
174   // Finally, make the ion ParticleSet, sanity check, report
175   // It seems that we need this only to construct skall, but it
176   // is never used to evaluate the estimator in this test.
177   ParticleSet* ion = pset_builder.getParticleSet("i");
178   ion->Lattice     = lattice; // copy in the new Lattice
179   REQUIRE(ion->SameMass);
180   REQUIRE(ion->getName() == "i");
181   ion->get(std::cout); // print particleset info to stdout
184   // Set up the distance table, match expected layout
185   const int ee_table_id = elec->addTable(*elec);
187   const auto& dii(elec->getDistTable(ee_table_id));
188   elec->update(); // distance table evaluation here
190   // Check that the skall xml block is valid
191   bool skall_okay = doc.parseFromString(skall_xml);
192   REQUIRE(skall_okay);
193   xmlNodePtr skall_xml_root = doc.getRoot();
195   // Make a SkAllEstimator, call put() to set up internals
196   SkAllEstimator skall(*ion, *elec);
197   skall.put(skall_xml_root);
198   skall.addObservables(elec->PropertyList, elec->Collectables);
199   skall.get(app_log()); // pretty print settings
201   // Hack to make a walker so that tWalker points to something
202   // Only used to set tWalker->Weight = 1 so that skall->evaluate()
203   // doesn't segfault.
204   // NB: setHistories(dummy) attaches dummy to tWalker
205   ParticleSet::Walker_t dummy = ParticleSet::Walker_t(1);
206   skall.setHistories(dummy);
207   skall.evaluate(*elec);
209   // s(k) is computed by & held by the ParticleSet. SkAll just
210   // takes that pre-computed s(k) and pulls out rho(k)..
211   // In order to compare to analytic result, need the list
212   // of k-vectors in cartesian coordinates.
213   // Luckily, ParticleSet stores that in SK->KLists.kpts_cart
214   int nkpts      = elec->SK->KLists.numk;
215   std::cout << "\n";
216   std::cout << "SkAll results:\n";
217   std::cout << std::fixed;
218   std::cout << std::setprecision(6);
219   std::cout << std::setw(4) << "i"
220             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "kx"
221             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "ky"
222             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "kz"
223             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "rhok_r"
224             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "rhok_i"
225             << "  " << std::setw(8) << "c.c."
226             << "\n";
227   std::cout << "================================================================\n";
229   // Extract rhok out of Collectables, print values
230   auto rhok = elec->Collectables;
231   std::cout << std::fixed;
232   std::cout << std::setprecision(5);
233   for (int k = 0; k < nkpts; k++)
234   {
235     auto kvec      = elec->SK->KLists.kpts_cart[k];
236     RealType kx    = kvec[0];
237     RealType ky    = kvec[1];
238     RealType kz    = kvec[2];
239     RealType rk_r  = rhok[nkpts + k];
240     RealType rk_i  = rhok[2 * nkpts + k];
241     RealType rk_cc = rhok[k];
242     std::cout << std::setw(4) << k << "  " << std::setw(8) << kx << "  " << std::setw(8) << ky << "  " << std::setw(8)
243               << kz << "  " << std::setw(8) << rk_r << "  " << std::setw(8) << rk_i << "  " << std::setw(8) << rk_cc
244               << "\n";
245   }
247   /*
248     Verify against analytic result:
249     NB: MUST match xml input!!!
250     rho(-1.94889,  0.00000,  0.00000)=  2.52341 + -3.71748i
251     rho( 0.00000, -1.94889,  0.00000)=  2.52341 + -3.71748i
252     rho( 0.00000,  0.00000, -1.94889)=  2.52341 + -3.71748i
253     rho( 0.00000,  0.00000,  1.94889)=  2.52341 +  3.71748i
254     rho( 0.00000,  1.94889,  0.00000)=  2.52341 +  3.71748i
255     rho( 1.94889,  0.00000,  0.00000)=  2.52341 +  3.71748i
256     rho(-1.94889, -1.94889,  0.00000)= -0.93151 + -2.34518i
257     rho(-1.94889,  0.00000, -1.94889)= -0.93151 + -2.34518i
258     rho(-1.94889,  0.00000,  1.94889)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
259     rho(-1.94889,  1.94889,  0.00000)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
260     rho( 0.00000, -1.94889, -1.94889)= -0.93151 + -2.34518i
261     rho( 0.00000, -1.94889,  1.94889)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
262     rho( 0.00000,  1.94889, -1.94889)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
263     rho( 0.00000,  1.94889,  1.94889)= -0.93151 +  2.34518i
264     rho( 1.94889, -1.94889,  0.00000)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
265     rho( 1.94889,  0.00000, -1.94889)=  2.52341 +  0.00000i
266     rho( 1.94889,  0.00000,  1.94889)= -0.93151 +  2.34518i
267     rho( 1.94889,  1.94889,  0.00000)= -0.93151 +  2.34518i
268     rho(-1.94889, -1.94889, -1.94889)= -1.38359 + -0.30687i
269     rho(-1.94889, -1.94889,  1.94889)=  0.79595 + -1.17259i
270     rho(-1.94889,  1.94889, -1.94889)=  0.79595 + -1.17259i
271     rho(-1.94889,  1.94889,  1.94889)=  0.79595 +  1.17259i
272     rho( 1.94889, -1.94889, -1.94889)=  0.79595 + -1.17259i
273     rho( 1.94889, -1.94889,  1.94889)=  0.79595 +  1.17259i
274     rho( 1.94889,  1.94889, -1.94889)=  0.79595 +  1.17259i
275     rho( 1.94889,  1.94889,  1.94889)= -1.38359 +  0.30687i
276   */
278   const RealType eps = 1E-04; // tolerance
279   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26] - 2.52341) < eps);
280   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52] + 3.71748) < eps);
281   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 1] - 2.52341) < eps);
282   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 1] + 3.71748) < eps);
283   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 2] - 2.52341) < eps);
284   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 2] + 3.71748) < eps);
286   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 3] - 2.52341) < eps);
287   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 3] - 3.71748) < eps);
288   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 4] - 2.52341) < eps);
289   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 4] - 3.71748) < eps);
290   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 5] - 2.52341) < eps);
291   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 5] - 3.71748) < eps);
293   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 6] + 0.93151) < eps);
294   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 6] + 2.34518) < eps);
295   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 7] + 0.93151) < eps);
296   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 7] + 2.34518) < eps);
297   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 8] - 2.52341) < eps);
298   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 8] - 0.00000) < eps);
300   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 9] - 2.52341) < eps);
301   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 9] - 0.00000) < eps);
302   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 10] + 0.93151) < eps);
303   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 10] + 2.34518) < eps);
304   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 11] - 2.52341) < eps);
305   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 11] - 0.00000) < eps);
307   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 12] - 2.52341) < eps);
308   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 12] - 0.00000) < eps);
309   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 13] + 0.93151) < eps);
310   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 13] - 2.34518) < eps);
311   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 14] - 2.52341) < eps);
312   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 14] - 0.00000) < eps);
314   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 15] - 2.52341) < eps);
315   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 15] - 0.00000) < eps);
316   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 16] + 0.93151) < eps);
317   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 16] - 2.34518) < eps);
318   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 17] + 0.93151) < eps);
319   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 17] - 2.34518) < eps);
321   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 18] + 1.38359) < eps);
322   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 18] + 0.30687) < eps);
323   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 19] - 0.79595) < eps);
324   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 19] + 1.17259) < eps);
325   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 20] - 0.79595) < eps);
326   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 20] + 1.17259) < eps);
328   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 21] - 0.79595) < eps);
329   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 21] - 1.17259) < eps);
330   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 22] - 0.79595) < eps);
331   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 22] + 1.17259) < eps);
332   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 23] - 0.79595) < eps);
333   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 23] - 1.17259) < eps);
335   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 24] - 0.79595) < eps);
336   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 24] - 1.17259) < eps);
337   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[26 + 25] + 1.38359) < eps);
338   REQUIRE(std::fabs(rhok[52 + 25] - 0.30687) < eps);
340   std::cout << "test_SkAllEstimator:: STOP\n";
341 }
342 } // namespace qmcplusplus