1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Ken Esler, kpesler@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10 //                    Ye Luo, yeluo@anl.gov, Argonne National Laboratory
11 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 //
13 // File created by: Ken Esler, kpesler@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilder.h"
18 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/WaveFunctionComponentBuilder.h"
19 #include "OhmmsData/AttributeSet.h"
20 #include "Utilities/Timer.h"
21 #include "Message/Communicate.h"
22 #include "Message/CommOperators.h"
23 #include <vector>
24 #include "Numerics/HDFSTLAttrib.h"
25 #include "OhmmsData/HDFStringAttrib.h"
26 #include "ParticleIO/ESHDFParticleParser.h"
27 #include "ParticleBase/RandomSeqGenerator.h"
28 #include "config/stdlib/math.hpp"
30 namespace qmcplusplus
31 {
ReadOrbitalInfo(bool skipChecks)32 bool EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadOrbitalInfo(bool skipChecks)
33 {
34   update_token(__FILE__, __LINE__, "ReadOrbitalInfo");
35   // Handle failed file open gracefully by temporarily replacing error handler
36   H5E_auto2_t old_efunc;
37   void* old_efunc_data;
38   H5Eget_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, &old_efunc, &old_efunc_data);
39   H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);
40   H5FileID = H5Fopen(H5FileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
41   //  H5FileID = H5Fopen(H5FileName.c_str(),H5F_ACC_RDWR,H5P_DEFAULT);
42   if (H5FileID < 0)
43   {
44     app_error() << "Could not open HDF5 file \"" << H5FileName
45                 << "\" in EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadOrbitalInfo.  Aborting.\n";
46     APP_ABORT("EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadOrbitalInfo");
47   }
48   H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, old_efunc, old_efunc_data);
50   // Read format
51   std::string format;
52   HDFAttribIO<std::string> h_format(format);
53   h_format.read(H5FileID, "/format");
54   HDFAttribIO<TinyVector<int, 3>> h_Version(Version);
55   h_Version.read(H5FileID, "/version");
56   app_log() << "  HDF5 orbital file version " << Version[0] << "." << Version[1] << "." << Version[2] << "\n";
57   if (format.find("ES") < format.size())
58   {
59     Format = ESHDF;
60     return ReadOrbitalInfo_ESHDF(skipChecks);
61   }
62   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
63   // Read basic parameters from the orbital file. //
64   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
65   // Check the version
66   if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11)
67   {
68     parameterGroup   = "/parameters_0";
69     ionsGroup        = "/ions_2";
70     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates_3";
71   }
72   else if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 20)
73   {
74     parameterGroup   = "/parameters";
75     ionsGroup        = "/ions";
76     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates";
77   }
78   else
79   {
80     std::ostringstream o;
81     o << "Unknown HDF5 orbital file version " << Version[0] << "." << Version[1] << "." << Version[2] << "\n";
82     APP_ABORT(o.str());
83     //abort();
84   }
85   HDFAttribIO<Tensor<double, 3>> h_Lattice(Lattice), h_RecipLattice(RecipLattice);
86   h_Lattice.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/lattice").c_str());
87   h_RecipLattice.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/reciprocal_lattice").c_str());
88   SuperLattice = dot(TileMatrix, Lattice);
89   char buff[1000];
90   snprintf(buff, 1000,
91            "  Lattice = \n    [ %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n"
92            "      %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n"
93            "      %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f ]\n",
94            Lattice(0, 0), Lattice(0, 1), Lattice(0, 2), Lattice(1, 0), Lattice(1, 1), Lattice(1, 2), Lattice(2, 0),
95            Lattice(2, 1), Lattice(2, 2));
96   app_log() << buff;
97   snprintf(buff, 1000,
98            "  SuperLattice = \n    [ %13.12f %13.12f %13.12f\n"
99            "      %13.12f %13.12f %13.12f\n"
100            "      %13.12f %13.12f %13.12f ]\n",
101            SuperLattice(0, 0), SuperLattice(0, 1), SuperLattice(0, 2), SuperLattice(1, 0), SuperLattice(1, 1),
102            SuperLattice(1, 2), SuperLattice(2, 0), SuperLattice(2, 1), SuperLattice(2, 2));
103   if (!CheckLattice())
104     APP_ABORT("CheckLattice failed");
105   app_log() << buff;
106   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
107     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
108       LatticeInv(i, j) = RecipLattice(i, j) / (2.0 * M_PI);
109   HDFAttribIO<int> h_NumBands(NumBands), h_NumElectrons(NumElectrons), h_NumSpins(NumSpins), h_NumTwists(NumTwists),
110       h_NumCore(NumCoreStates), h_NumMuffinTins(NumMuffinTins);
111   NumCoreStates = NumMuffinTins = 0;
112   h_NumBands.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/num_bands").c_str());
113   h_NumCore.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/num_core_states").c_str());
114   h_NumElectrons.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/num_electrons").c_str());
115   h_NumSpins.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/num_spins").c_str());
116   h_NumTwists.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/num_twists").c_str());
117   h_NumMuffinTins.read(H5FileID, (parameterGroup + "/muffin_tins/num_tins").c_str());
118   app_log() << "bands=" << NumBands << ", elecs=" << NumElectrons << ", spins=" << NumSpins << ", twists=" << NumTwists
119             << ", muffin tins=" << NumMuffinTins << std::endl;
120   // fprintf (stderr, "  bands = %d, elecs = %d, spins = %d, twists = %d\n",
121   // 	     NumBands, NumElectrons, NumSpins, NumTwists);
122   if (TileFactor[0] != 1 || TileFactor[1] != 1 || TileFactor[2] != 1)
123     app_log() << "  Using a " << TileFactor[0] << "x" << TileFactor[1] << "x" << TileFactor[2] << " tiling factor.\n";
124   /////////////////////////////////
125   // Read muffin tin information //
126   /////////////////////////////////
127   MT_APW_radii.resize(NumMuffinTins);
128   MT_APW_rgrids.resize(NumMuffinTins);
129   MT_APW_lmax.resize(NumMuffinTins);
130   MT_APW_num_radial_points.resize(NumMuffinTins);
131   MT_centers.resize(NumMuffinTins);
132   for (int tin = 0; tin < NumMuffinTins; tin++)
133   {
134     std::ostringstream MTstream;
135     if (NumMuffinTins > 1)
136       MTstream << parameterGroup << "/muffin_tins/muffin_tin_" << tin;
137     else
138       MTstream << parameterGroup << "/muffin_tins/muffin_tin";
139     std::string MTgroup = MTstream.str();
140     HDFAttribIO<int> h_lmax(MT_APW_lmax[tin]), h_num_radial_points(MT_APW_num_radial_points[tin]);
141     HDFAttribIO<double> h_radius(MT_APW_radii[tin]);
142     HDFAttribIO<TinyVector<double, OHMMS_DIM>> h_center(MT_centers[tin]);
143     HDFAttribIO<Vector<double>> h_rgrid(MT_APW_rgrids[tin]);
144     h_lmax.read(H5FileID, (MTgroup + "/lmax").c_str());
145     h_num_radial_points.read(H5FileID, (MTgroup + "/num_radial_points").c_str());
146     h_radius.read(H5FileID, (MTgroup + "/radius").c_str());
147     h_center.read(H5FileID, (MTgroup + "/center").c_str());
148     h_rgrid.read(H5FileID, (MTgroup + "/r").c_str());
149   }
150   //////////////////////////////////
151   // Read ion types and locations //
152   //////////////////////////////////
153   HDFAttribIO<Vector<int>> h_IonTypes(IonTypes);
154   HDFAttribIO<Vector<TinyVector<double, 3>>> h_IonPos(IonPos);
155   h_IonTypes.read(H5FileID, (ionsGroup + "/atom_types").c_str());
156   h_IonPos.read(H5FileID, (ionsGroup + "/pos").c_str());
157   ///////////////////////////
158   // Read the twist angles //
159   ///////////////////////////
160   TwistAngles.resize(NumTwists);
161   for (int ti = 0; ti < NumTwists; ti++)
162   {
163     std::ostringstream path;
164     if ((Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11) || NumTwists > 1)
165       path << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist_" << ti << "/twist_angle";
166     else
167       path << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist/twist_angle";
168     TinyVector<double, OHMMS_DIM> TwistAngles_DP;
169     HDFAttribIO<TinyVector<double, OHMMS_DIM>> h_Twist(TwistAngles_DP);
170     h_Twist.read(H5FileID, path.str().c_str());
171     TwistAngles[ti] = TwistAngles_DP;
172     snprintf(buff, 1000, "  Found twist angle (%6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f)\n", TwistAngles[ti][0], TwistAngles[ti][1],
173              TwistAngles[ti][2]);
174     app_log() << buff;
175   }
176   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177   // If the density has not been set in TargetPtcl, and   //
178   // the density is available, read it in and save it     //
179   // in TargetPtcl.                                       //
180   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181   if (!TargetPtcl.Density_G.size())
182   {
183     HDFAttribIO<std::vector<TinyVector<int, OHMMS_DIM>>> h_reduced_gvecs(TargetPtcl.DensityReducedGvecs);
184     Array<double, OHMMS_DIM> Density_r_DP;
185     HDFAttribIO<Array<double, OHMMS_DIM>> h_density_r(Density_r_DP);
186     h_reduced_gvecs.read(H5FileID, "/density/reduced_gvecs");
187     h_density_r.read(H5FileID, "/density/rho_r");
188     TargetPtcl.Density_r = Density_r_DP;
189     int numG             = TargetPtcl.DensityReducedGvecs.size();
190     // Convert primitive G-vectors to supercell G-vectors
191     for (int iG = 0; iG < numG; iG++)
192       TargetPtcl.DensityReducedGvecs[iG] = dot(TileMatrix, TargetPtcl.DensityReducedGvecs[iG]);
193     app_log() << "  Read " << numG << " density G-vectors.\n";
194     if (TargetPtcl.DensityReducedGvecs.size())
195     {
196       app_log() << "  EinsplineSetBuilder found density in the HDF5 file.\n";
197       std::vector<std::complex<double>> Density_G_DP;
198       HDFAttribIO<std::vector<std::complex<double>>> h_density_G(Density_G_DP);
199       h_density_G.read(H5FileID, "/density/rho_G");
200       TargetPtcl.Density_G.assign(Density_G_DP.begin(), Density_G_DP.end());
201       if (!TargetPtcl.Density_G.size())
202       {
203         app_error() << "  Density reduced G-vectors defined, but not the"
204                     << " density.\n";
205         abort();
206       }
207     }
208   }
209   return true;
210 }
OrbitalPath(int ti,int bi)213 std::string EinsplineSetBuilder::OrbitalPath(int ti, int bi)
214 {
215   std::string eigenstatesGroup;
216   if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11)
217     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates_3";
218   else if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 20)
219     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates";
220   std::ostringstream groupPath;
221   if ((Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11) || NumTwists > 1)
222     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist_" << ti << "/band_" << bi << "/";
223   else if (NumBands > 1)
224     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist/band_" << bi << "/";
225   else
226     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist/band/";
227   return groupPath.str();
228 }
CoreStatePath(int ti,int cs)230 std::string EinsplineSetBuilder::CoreStatePath(int ti, int cs)
231 {
232   std::string eigenstatesGroup;
233   if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11)
234     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates_3";
235   else if (Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 20)
236     eigenstatesGroup = "/eigenstates";
237   std::ostringstream groupPath;
238   if ((Version[0] == 0 && Version[1] == 11) || NumTwists > 1)
239     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist_" << ti << "/core_state_" << cs << "/";
240   else if (NumBands > 1)
241     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist/core_state_" << cs << "/";
242   else
243     groupPath << eigenstatesGroup << "/twist/core_state/";
244   return groupPath.str();
245 }
MuffinTinPath(int ti,int bi,int tin)247 std::string EinsplineSetBuilder::MuffinTinPath(int ti, int bi, int tin)
248 {
249   std::ostringstream groupPath;
250   if (NumMuffinTins > 0)
251     groupPath << OrbitalPath(ti, bi) << "muffin_tin_" << tin << "/";
252   else
253     groupPath << OrbitalPath(ti, bi) << "muffin_tin/";
254   return groupPath.str();
255 }
257 #if 0
258 void
259 EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands
260 (int spin, EinsplineSetExtended<std::complex<double> >* orbitalSet)
261 {
262   update_token(__FILE__,__LINE__,"ReadBands:complex");
263   bool root = myComm->rank()==0;
264   //bcastwith other stuff
265   myComm->bcast(NumDistinctOrbitals);
266   myComm->bcast (NumValenceOrbs);
267   myComm->bcast (NumCoreOrbs);
268   int N = NumDistinctOrbitals;
269   orbitalSet->kPoints.resize(N);
270   orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies.resize(N);
271   orbitalSet->StorageValueVector.resize(N);
272   orbitalSet->BlendValueVector.resize(N);
273   orbitalSet->StorageLaplVector.resize(N);
274   orbitalSet->BlendLaplVector.resize(N);
275   orbitalSet->StorageGradVector.resize(N);
276   orbitalSet->BlendGradVector.resize(N);
277   orbitalSet->StorageHessVector.resize(N);
278   orbitalSet->phase.resize(N);
279   orbitalSet->eikr.resize(N);
280   orbitalSet->NumValenceOrbs = NumValenceOrbs;
281   orbitalSet->NumCoreOrbs    = NumCoreOrbs;
283   std::vector<BandInfo>& SortBands(*FullBands[spin]);
284   if (root)
285   {
286     int numOrbs = orbitalSet->getOrbitalSetSize();
287     int num = 0;
288     for (int iorb=0; iorb<N; iorb++)
289     {
290       int ti = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
291       PosType twist  = TwistAngles[ti];
292       orbitalSet->kPoints[iorb] = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
293       orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies[iorb] =
294         (num < (numOrbs-1)) && SortBands[iorb].MakeTwoCopies;
295       num += orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies[iorb] ? 2 : 1;
296     }
297   }
298   myComm->bcast(orbitalSet->kPoints);
299   myComm->bcast(orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies);
300   // First, check to see if we have already read this in
301   H5OrbSet set(H5FileName, spin, N);
302   // std::map<H5OrbSet,multi_UBspline_3d_z*>::iterator iter;
303   // iter = ExtendedMap_z.find (set);
304   // if (iter != ExtendedMap_z.end()) {
305   //   std::cerr << "Using existing copy of multi_UBspline_3d_z for "
306   // 	   << "thread number " << omp_get_thread_num() << ".\n";
307   //   orbitalSet->MultiSpline = iter->second;
308   //   return;
309   // }
310   int nx, ny, nz, bi, ti;
311   Array<std::complex<double>,3> splineData, rawData;
312   if (root)
313   {
314     // Find the orbital mesh size
315     int i=0;
316     while (SortBands[i].IsCoreState)
317       i++;
318     ti = SortBands[i].TwistIndex;
319     bi = SortBands[i].BandIndex;
320     std::string vectorName = OrbitalPath (ti, bi) + "eigenvector";
321     HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,3> > h_rawData(rawData);
322     h_rawData.read(H5FileID, vectorName.c_str());
323     nx = rawData.size(0);
324     ny = rawData.size(1);
325     nz = rawData.size(2);
326     splineData.resize(nx-1, ny-1, nz-1);
327     for (int ix=0; ix<(nx-1); ix++)
328       for (int iy=0; iy<(ny-1); iy++)
329         for (int iz=0; iz<(nz-1); iz++)
330           splineData(ix,iy,iz) = rawData(ix,iy,iz);
331     PosType twist, k;
332     twist = TwistAngles[ti];
333     k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
334     double e = SortBands[i].Energy;
335     // fprintf (stderr, "  ti=%3d  bi=%3d energy=%8.5f k=(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f) rank=%d\n",
336     // 	       ti, bi, e, k[0], k[1], k[2], myComm->rank());
337   }
338   TinyVector<int,3> nxyz(nx,ny,nz);
339   myComm->bcast(nxyz);
340   nx=nxyz[0];
341   ny=nxyz[1];
342   nz=nxyz[2];
343   if (!root)
344     splineData.resize(nx-1,ny-1,nz-1);
345   myComm->bcast(splineData);
346   Ugrid x_grid, y_grid, z_grid;
347   BCtype_z xBC, yBC, zBC;
348   xBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
349   xBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
350   yBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
351   yBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
352   zBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
353   zBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
354   x_grid.start = 0.0;
355   x_grid.end = 1.0;
356   x_grid.num = nx-1;
357   y_grid.start = 0.0;
358   y_grid.end = 1.0;
359   y_grid.num = ny-1;
360   z_grid.start = 0.0;
361   z_grid.end = 1.0;
362   z_grid.num = nz-1;
363   // Create the multiUBspline object
364   orbitalSet->MultiSpline =
365     create_multi_UBspline_3d_z (x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, xBC, yBC, zBC, NumValenceOrbs);
366   set_multi_UBspline_3d_z (orbitalSet->MultiSpline, 0, splineData.data());
367   //////////////////////////////////////
368   // Create the MuffinTin APW splines //
369   //////////////////////////////////////
370   orbitalSet->MuffinTins.resize(NumMuffinTins);
371   for (int tin=0; tin<NumMuffinTins; tin++)
372   {
373     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].Atom = tin;
374     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_center (MT_centers[tin]);
375     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_lattice(Lattice);
376     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].init_APW
377     (MT_APW_rgrids[tin], MT_APW_lmax[tin],
378      NumValenceOrbs);
379   }
380   int iorb  = 0;
381   int icore = 0;
382   int ival = 0;
383   while (iorb < N)
384   {
385     bool isCore;
386     if (root)
387       isCore = SortBands[iorb].IsCoreState;
388     myComm->bcast (isCore);
389     if (isCore)
390     {
391       int atom, l, m=0;
392       double rmax;
393       Vector<double> g, r;
394       PosType twist, k;
395       if (root)
396       {
397         ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
398         bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
399         double e = SortBands[iorb].Energy;
400         twist = TwistAngles[ti];
401         k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
402         std::string atomName = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "atom";
403         std::string gName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "g";
404         std::string rMaxName = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "rmax";
405         std::string lName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "l";
406         std::string kName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "k";
407         std::string rName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "r";
408         HDFAttribIO<int> h_atom(atom), h_l(l);
409         HDFAttribIO<double> h_rmax(rmax);
410         HDFAttribIO<Vector<double> > h_g(g);
411         HDFAttribIO<Vector<double> > h_r(r);
412         h_atom.read (H5FileID, atomName.c_str());
413         h_l.read    (H5FileID,    lName.c_str());
414         h_rmax.read (H5FileID, rMaxName.c_str());
415         h_g.read    (H5FileID,   gName.c_str());
416         h_r.read    (H5FileID,   rName.c_str());
417         fprintf (stderr, "  Core state:     ti=%3d  bi=%3d energy=%8.5f "
418                  "k=(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f) rank=%d\n",
419                  ti, bi, e, k[0], k[1], k[2], myComm->rank());
420       }
421       myComm->bcast (atom);
422       myComm->bcast(rmax);
423       myComm->bcast (l);
424       myComm->bcast (k);
425       int ng = g.size();
426       myComm->bcast(ng);
427       if (g.size() != ng)
428       {
429         g.resize(ng);
430         r.resize(ng);
431       }
432       myComm->bcast (g);
433       myComm->bcast (r);
434       double Z = (double)IonTypes[atom];
435       orbitalSet->MuffinTins[atom].addCore (l, m, r, g, k, Z);
436       icore++;
437     }
438     else
439     {
440       if (root)
441       {
442         int ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
443         int bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
444         double e = SortBands[iorb].Energy;
445         PosType twist, k;
446         twist = TwistAngles[ti];
447         k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
448         char vs[256];
449         sprintf (vs, "  Valence state:  ti=%3d  bi=%3d energy=%8.5f k=(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f) rank=%d\n",
450                  ti, bi, e, k[0], k[1], k[2], myComm->rank());
451         app_log() << vs << std::endl;
453         std::string vectorName = OrbitalPath (ti, bi) + "eigenvector";
454         HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,3> > h_rawData(rawData);
455         h_rawData.read(H5FileID, vectorName.c_str());
456         if ((rawData.size(0) != nx) ||
457             (rawData.size(1) != ny) ||
458             (rawData.size(2) != nz))
459         {
460           fprintf (stderr, "Error in EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands.\n");
461           fprintf (stderr, "Extended orbitals should all have the same dimensions\n");
462           abort();
463         }
464         for (int ix=0; ix<(nx-1); ix++)
465           for (int iy=0; iy<(ny-1); iy++)
466             for (int iz=0; iz<(nz-1); iz++)
467               splineData(ix,iy,iz) = rawData(ix,iy,iz);
468       }
469       myComm->bcast(splineData);
470       set_multi_UBspline_3d_z
471       (orbitalSet->MultiSpline, ival, splineData.data());
472       // Now read muffin tin data
473       for (int tin=0; tin<NumMuffinTins; tin++)
474       {
475         // app_log() << "Reading data for muffin tin " << tin << std::endl;
476         PosType twist, k;
477         int lmax = MT_APW_lmax[tin];
478         int numYlm = (lmax+1)*(lmax+1);
479         Array<std::complex<double>,2>
480         u_lm_r(numYlm, MT_APW_num_radial_points[tin]);
481         Array<std::complex<double>,1> du_lm_dr (numYlm);
482         if (root)
483         {
484           int ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
485           int bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
486           twist = TwistAngles[ti];
487           k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
488           std::string uName  = MuffinTinPath (ti, bi,tin) + "u_lm_r";
489           std::string duName = MuffinTinPath (ti, bi,tin) + "du_lm_dr";
490           HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,2> > h_u_lm_r(u_lm_r);
491           HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,1> > h_du_lm_dr(du_lm_dr);
492           h_u_lm_r.read(H5FileID, uName.c_str());
493           h_du_lm_dr.read(H5FileID, duName.c_str());
494         }
495         myComm->bcast(u_lm_r);
496         myComm->bcast(du_lm_dr);
497         myComm->bcast(k);
498         double Z = (double)IonTypes[tin];
499         orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_APW (ival, k, u_lm_r, du_lm_dr, Z);
500       }
501       ival++;
502     } // valence state
503     iorb++;
504   }
505   //ExtendedMap_z[set] = orbitalSet->MultiSpline;
506 }
508 void
509 EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands
510 (int spin, EinsplineSetExtended<double>* orbitalSet)
511 {
512   update_token(__FILE__,__LINE__,"ReadBands:double");
513   std::vector<BandInfo>& SortBands(*FullBands[spin]);
514   bool root = myComm->rank()==0;
515   // bcast other stuff
516   myComm->bcast (NumDistinctOrbitals);
517   myComm->bcast (NumValenceOrbs);
518   myComm->bcast (NumCoreOrbs);
519   int N = NumDistinctOrbitals;
520   orbitalSet->kPoints.resize(N);
521   orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies.resize(N);
522   orbitalSet->StorageValueVector.resize(N);
523   orbitalSet->BlendValueVector.resize(N);
524   orbitalSet->StorageLaplVector.resize(N);
525   orbitalSet->BlendLaplVector.resize(N);
526   orbitalSet->StorageGradVector.resize(N);
527   orbitalSet->BlendGradVector.resize(N);
528   orbitalSet->StorageHessVector.resize(N);
529   orbitalSet->phase.resize(N);
530   orbitalSet->eikr.resize(N);
531   orbitalSet->NumValenceOrbs = NumValenceOrbs;
532   orbitalSet->NumCoreOrbs    = NumCoreOrbs;
533   // Read in k-points
534   int numOrbs = orbitalSet->getOrbitalSetSize();
535   int num = 0;
536   if (root)
537   {
538     for (int iorb=0; iorb<N; iorb++)
539     {
540       int ti = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
541       PosType twist  = TwistAngles[ti];
542       orbitalSet->kPoints[iorb] = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
543       orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies[iorb] =
544         (num < (numOrbs-1)) && SortBands[iorb].MakeTwoCopies;
545       num += orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies[iorb] ? 2 : 1;
546     }
547     PosType twist0 = TwistAngles[SortBands[0].TwistIndex];
548     for (int i=0; i<OHMMS_DIM; i++)
549       if (std::abs(std::abs(twist0[i]) - 0.5) < 1.0e-8)
550         orbitalSet->HalfG[i] = 1;
551       else
552         orbitalSet->HalfG[i] = 0;
553   }
554   myComm->bcast(orbitalSet->kPoints);
555   myComm->bcast(orbitalSet->MakeTwoCopies);
556   myComm->bcast(orbitalSet->HalfG);
557   // First, check to see if we have already read this in
558   H5OrbSet set(H5FileName, spin, N);
559   int nx, ny, nz, bi, ti;
560   Array<std::complex<double>,3> rawData;
561   Array<double,3>         splineData;
562   if (root)
563   {
564     // Find the orbital mesh size
565     int i=0;
566     while (SortBands[i].IsCoreState)
567       i++;
568     ti = SortBands[i].TwistIndex;
569     bi = SortBands[i].BandIndex;
570     std::string vectorName = OrbitalPath (ti, bi) + "eigenvector";
571     HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,3> > h_rawData(rawData);
572     h_rawData.read(H5FileID, vectorName.c_str());
573     nx = rawData.size(0);
574     ny = rawData.size(1);
575     nz = rawData.size(2);
576     splineData.resize(nx-1, ny-1, nz-1);
577     PosType ru;
578     for (int ix=0; ix<(nx-1); ix++)
579     {
580       ru[0] = (RealType)ix / (RealType)(nx-1);
581       for (int iy=0; iy<(ny-1); iy++)
582       {
583         ru[1] = (RealType)iy / (RealType)(ny-1);
584         for (int iz=0; iz<(nz-1); iz++)
585         {
586           ru[2] = (RealType)iz / (RealType)(nz-1);
587           double phi = -2.0*M_PI*dot (ru, TwistAngles[ti]);
588           double s, c;
589           qmcplusplus::sincos(phi, &s, &c);
590           std::complex<double> phase(c,s);
591           std::complex<double> z = phase*rawData(ix,iy,iz);
592           splineData(ix,iy,iz) = z.imag();
593         }
594       }
595     }
596     PosType twist, k;
597     twist = TwistAngles[ti];
598     k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
599     double e = SortBands[i].Energy;
600   }
601   TinyVector<int,3> nxyz(nx,ny,nz);
602   myComm->bcast(nxyz);
603   nx=nxyz[0];
604   ny=nxyz[1];
605   nz=nxyz[2];
606   if (!root)
607     splineData.resize(nx-1,ny-1,nz-1);
608   myComm->bcast(splineData);
609   Ugrid x_grid, y_grid, z_grid;
610   BCtype_d xBC, yBC, zBC;
611   if (orbitalSet->HalfG[0])
612   {
613     xBC.lCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
614     xBC.rCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
615   }
616   else
617   {
618     xBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
619     xBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
620   }
621   if (orbitalSet->HalfG[1])
622   {
623     yBC.lCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
624     yBC.rCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
625   }
626   else
627   {
628     yBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
629     yBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
630   }
631   if (orbitalSet->HalfG[2])
632   {
633     zBC.lCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
634     zBC.rCode = ANTIPERIODIC;
635   }
636   else
637   {
638     zBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
639     zBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
640   }
641   x_grid.start = 0.0;
642   x_grid.end = 1.0;
643   x_grid.num = nx-1;
644   y_grid.start = 0.0;
645   y_grid.end = 1.0;
646   y_grid.num = ny-1;
647   z_grid.start = 0.0;
648   z_grid.end = 1.0;
649   z_grid.num = nz-1;
650   // Create the multiUBspline object
651   orbitalSet->MultiSpline =
652     create_multi_UBspline_3d_d (x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, xBC, yBC, zBC, NumValenceOrbs);
653   set_multi_UBspline_3d_d (orbitalSet->MultiSpline, 0, splineData.data());
654   //////////////////////////////////////
655   // Create the MuffinTin APW splines //
656   //////////////////////////////////////
657   orbitalSet->MuffinTins.resize(NumMuffinTins);
658   for (int tin=0; tin<NumMuffinTins; tin++)
659   {
660     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].Atom = tin;
661     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_center (MT_centers[tin]);
662     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_lattice(Lattice);
663     orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].init_APW
664     (MT_APW_rgrids[tin], MT_APW_lmax[tin],
665      NumValenceOrbs);
666   }
667   int iorb  = 0;
668   int icore = 0;
669   int ival = 0;
670   while (iorb < N)
671   {
672     bool isCore;
673     if (root)
674       isCore = SortBands[iorb].IsCoreState;
675     myComm->bcast (isCore);
676     if (isCore)
677     {
678       int atom, l, m=0;
679       double rmax;
680       Vector<double> g, r;
681       PosType twist, k;
682       if (root)
683       {
684         ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
685         bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
686         double e = SortBands[iorb].Energy;
687         twist = TwistAngles[ti];
688         k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
689         std::string atomName = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "atom";
690         std::string gName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "g";
691         std::string rMaxName = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "rmax";
692         std::string lName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "l";
693         std::string kName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "k";
694         std::string rName    = CoreStatePath (ti, bi) + "r";
695         HDFAttribIO<int> h_atom(atom), h_l(l);
696         HDFAttribIO<double> h_rmax(rmax);
697         HDFAttribIO<Vector<double> > h_g(g);
698         HDFAttribIO<Vector<double> > h_r(r);
699         h_atom.read (H5FileID, atomName.c_str());
700         h_l.read    (H5FileID,    lName.c_str());
701         h_rmax.read (H5FileID, rMaxName.c_str());
702         h_g.read    (H5FileID,   gName.c_str());
703         h_r.read    (H5FileID,   rName.c_str());
704         fprintf (stderr, "  Core state:     ti=%3d  bi=%3d energy=%8.5f "
705                  "k=(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f) rank=%d\n",
706                  ti, bi, e, k[0], k[1], k[2], myComm->rank());
707       }
708       myComm->bcast (atom);
709       myComm->bcast(rmax);
710       myComm->bcast (l);
711       myComm->bcast (k);
712       int ng = g.size();
713       myComm->bcast(ng);
714       if (g.size() != ng)
715       {
716         g.resize(ng);
717         r.resize(ng);
718       }
719       myComm->bcast (g);
720       myComm->bcast (r);
721       double Z = (double)IonTypes[atom];
722       orbitalSet->MuffinTins[atom].addCore (l, m, r, g, k, Z);
723       icore++;
724     }
725     else
726     {
727       if (root)
728       {
729         int ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
730         int bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
731         double e = SortBands[iorb].Energy;
732         PosType twist, k;
733         twist = TwistAngles[ti];
734         k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
735         fprintf (stderr, "  Valence state:  ti=%3d  bi=%3d energy=%8.5f k=(%7.4f, %7.4f, %7.4f) rank=%d\n",
736                  ti, bi, e, k[0], k[1], k[2], myComm->rank());
737         std::string vectorName = OrbitalPath (ti, bi) + "eigenvector";
738         HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,3> > h_rawData(rawData);
739         h_rawData.read(H5FileID, vectorName.c_str());
740         if ((rawData.size(0) != nx) ||
741             (rawData.size(1) != ny) ||
742             (rawData.size(2) != nz))
743         {
744           fprintf (stderr, "Error in EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands.\n");
745           fprintf (stderr, "Extended orbitals should all have the same dimensions\n");
746           abort();
747         }
748         PosType ru;
749         for (int ix=0; ix<(nx-1); ix++)
750         {
751           ru[0] = (RealType)ix / (RealType)(nx-1);
752           for (int iy=0; iy<(ny-1); iy++)
753           {
754             ru[1] = (RealType)iy / (RealType)(ny-1);
755             for (int iz=0; iz<(nz-1); iz++)
756             {
757               ru[2] = (RealType)iz / (RealType)(nz-1);
758               double phi = -2.0*M_PI*dot (ru, TwistAngles[ti]);
759               double s, c;
760               qmcplusplus::sincos(phi, &s, &c);
761               std::complex<double> phase(c,s);
762               std::complex<double> z = phase*rawData(ix,iy,iz);
763               splineData(ix,iy,iz) = z.real();
764             }
765           }
766         }
767       }
768       myComm->bcast(splineData);
769       set_multi_UBspline_3d_d
770       (orbitalSet->MultiSpline, ival, splineData.data());
771       // Now read muffin tin data
772       for (int tin=0; tin<NumMuffinTins; tin++)
773       {
774         // app_log() << "Reading data for muffin tin " << tin << std::endl;
775         PosType twist, k;
776         int lmax = MT_APW_lmax[tin];
777         int numYlm = (lmax+1)*(lmax+1);
778         Array<std::complex<double>,2>
779         u_lm_r(numYlm, MT_APW_num_radial_points[tin]);
780         Array<std::complex<double>,1> du_lm_dr (numYlm);
781         if (root)
782         {
783           int ti   = SortBands[iorb].TwistIndex;
784           int bi   = SortBands[iorb].BandIndex;
785           twist = TwistAngles[ti];
786           k = orbitalSet->PrimLattice.k_cart(twist);
787           std::string uName  = MuffinTinPath (ti, bi,tin) + "u_lm_r";
788           std::string duName = MuffinTinPath (ti, bi,tin) + "du_lm_dr";
789           HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,2> > h_u_lm_r(u_lm_r);
790           HDFAttribIO<Array<std::complex<double>,1> > h_du_lm_dr(du_lm_dr);
791           h_u_lm_r.read(H5FileID, uName.c_str());
792           h_du_lm_dr.read(H5FileID, duName.c_str());
793         }
794         myComm->bcast(u_lm_r);
795         myComm->bcast(du_lm_dr);
796         myComm->bcast(k);
797         double Z = (double)IonTypes[tin];
798         orbitalSet->MuffinTins[tin].set_APW (ival, k, u_lm_r, du_lm_dr, Z);
799       }
800       ival++;
801     } // valence state
802     iorb++;
803   }
804   //ExtendedMap_d[set] = orbitalSet->MultiSpline;
805 }
806 #endif
808 } // namespace qmcplusplus