1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Ken Esler, kpesler@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11 //
12 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
13 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 /** @file BasisSetBase.h
17  * @brief Declaration of a base class of BasisSet
18  */
22 #include "Configuration.h"
23 #include "type_traits/scalar_traits.h"
24 #include "Optimize/VariableSet.h"
26 namespace qmcplusplus
27 {
28 /** dummy class for templated classes
29  */
30 struct DummyGrid
31 {
locateDummyGrid32   inline void locate(double r) {}
makeCloneDummyGrid33   DummyGrid* makeClone() const { return new DummyGrid; }
34 };
36 typedef TinyVector<int, 4> QuantumNumberType;
38 enum
39 {
40   q_n = 0,
41   q_l,
42   q_m,
43   q_s
44 };
46 /** trait class to handel a set of Orbitals
47  */
48 template<typename T>
49 struct OrbitalSetTraits //: public OrbitalTraits<T>
50 {
51   enum
52   {
53     DIM = OHMMS_DIM
54   };
55   typedef typename scalar_traits<T>::real_type RealType;
56   typedef typename scalar_traits<T>::value_type ValueType;
57   typedef int IndexType;
58   typedef TinyVector<RealType, DIM> PosType;
59   typedef TinyVector<ValueType, DIM> GradType;
60   typedef Tensor<ValueType, DIM> HessType;
61   typedef Tensor<ValueType, DIM> TensorType;
62   typedef TinyVector<Tensor<ValueType, DIM>, DIM> GradHessType;
63   typedef Vector<IndexType> IndexVector_t;
64   typedef Vector<ValueType> ValueVector_t;
65   typedef Matrix<ValueType> ValueMatrix_t;
66   typedef Vector<GradType> GradVector_t;
67   typedef Matrix<GradType> GradMatrix_t;
68   typedef Vector<HessType> HessVector_t;
69   typedef Matrix<HessType> HessMatrix_t;
70   typedef Vector<GradHessType> GradHessVector_t;
71   typedef Matrix<GradHessType> GradHessMatrix_t;
72   typedef VectorSoaContainer<ValueType, DIM + 2> VGLVector_t;
73 };
75 ///typedef for a set of variables that are varied during an optimization
76 using opt_variables_type = optimize::VariableSet;
77 ///typedef for a set of variables that can be varied
78 using variable_map_type = optimize::VariableSet::variable_map_type;
80 /** evaluate log(psi) as log(|psi|) and phase
81  * @param psi real/complex value
82  * @return complex<T>(log(|psi|), arg(psi))
83  *
84  * The return value is always complex regardless of the type of psi.
85  * The sign of of a real psi value is represented in the complex part of the return value.
86  * The phase of std::log(complex) is in range [-pi, pi] defined in C++
87  */
88 template<typename T>
convertValueToLog(const std::complex<T> & logpsi)89 inline std::complex<T> convertValueToLog(const std::complex<T>& logpsi)
90 {
91   return std::log(logpsi);
92 }
94 template<typename T>
convertValueToLog(const T logpsi)95 inline std::complex<T> convertValueToLog(const T logpsi)
96 {
97   return std::log(std::complex<T>(logpsi));
98 }
100 /** evaluate psi based on log(psi)
101  * @param logpsi complex value
102  * @return exp(log(psi))
103  *
104  * LogToValue<ValueType>::convert(complex) is the reverse operation of convertValueToLog(ValueType)
105  */
106 template<typename T>
107 struct LogToValue
108 {
109   template<typename T1>
convertLogToValue110   inline static T convert(const std::complex<T1>& logpsi)
111   {
112     return std::real(std::exp(logpsi));
113   }
114 };
116 template<typename T>
117 struct LogToValue<std::complex<T>>
118 {
119   template<typename T1, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, T1>::value>>
120   inline static std::complex<T> convert(const std::complex<T1>& logpsi)
121   {
122     std::complex<T> tmp(std::real(logpsi), std::imag(logpsi));
123     return std::exp(tmp);
124   }
126   inline static std::complex<T> convert(const std::complex<T>& logpsi)
127   {
128     return std::exp(logpsi);
129   }
130 };
132 } // namespace qmcplusplus
134 #endif