2! Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9        SUBROUTINE ecutoffs_setup( ecutwfc_, ecutrho_, ecfixed_, qcutz_, &
10                                   q2sigma_, refg_ )
12          USE kinds,           ONLY: DP
13          USE constants,       ONLY: eps8
14          USE gvecw,           ONLY: ecutwfc
15          USE gvecw,           ONLY: ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma
16          USE gvect,           ONLY: ecutrho
17          USE gvecs,           ONLY: ecuts, dual, doublegrid
18          USE pseudopotential, only: tpstab
19          USE io_global,       only: stdout, ionode
20          USE uspp,            only: okvan
21          use betax,           only: mmx, refg
23          IMPLICIT NONE
24          REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) ::  ecutwfc_, ecutrho_, ecfixed_, qcutz_, &
25                                   q2sigma_, refg_
27          ecutwfc = ecutwfc_
29          IF ( ecutrho_ <= 0.D0 ) THEN
30             !
31             dual = 4.D0
32             !
33          ELSE
34             !
35             dual = ecutrho_ / ecutwfc
36             !
37             IF ( dual <= 1.D0 ) &
38                CALL errore( ' ecutoffs_setup ', ' invalid dual? ', 1 )
39             !
40          END IF
42          doublegrid = ( dual > 4.0_dp + eps8 )
43          IF ( doublegrid .AND. .NOT. okvan ) &
44             CALL errore( 'setup', 'No USPP: set ecutrho=4*ecutwfc', 1 )
45          ecutrho = dual * ecutwfc
46          !
47          IF ( doublegrid ) THEN
48             !
49             ecuts = 4.D0 * ecutwfc
50             !
51          ELSE
52             !
53             ecuts = ecutrho
54             !
55          END IF
56          !
57          ecfixed = ecfixed_
58          qcutz   = qcutz_
59          q2sigma = q2sigma_
61          IF( refg_ < 0.0001d0 ) THEN
62             tpstab = .FALSE.
63             refg   = 0.05d0
64          ELSE
65             refg   = refg_
66          END IF
68          CALL set_interpolation_table_size( mmx, refg, ecutrho )
70          RETURN
71        END SUBROUTINE ecutoffs_setup
74        SUBROUTINE set_interpolation_table_size( mmx, refg, gmax )
75          USE control_flags,   only: thdyn
76          USE kinds,           only: DP
77          IMPLICIT NONE
78          INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: mmx
79          REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: refg
80          REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: gmax
81          IF( thdyn ) THEN
82             !  ... a larger table is used when cell is moving to allow
83             !  ... large volume fluctuation
84             mmx  = NINT( 2.0d0 * gmax / refg )
85          ELSE
86             mmx  = NINT( 1.2d0 * gmax / refg )
87          END IF
88          RETURN
89        END SUBROUTINE set_interpolation_table_size
92        SUBROUTINE gcutoffs_setup( alat, tk_inp, nk_inp, kpoints_inp )
94!  (describe briefly what this routine does...)
95!  ----------------------------------------------
97          USE kinds, ONLY: DP
98          USE gvecw, ONLY: ecutwfc,  gcutw
99          USE gvect, ONLY: ecutrho,  gcutm
100          USE gvecs, ONLY: ecuts, gcutms
101          USE gvecw, ONLY: ekcut, gkcut
102          USE constants, ONLY: eps8, pi
104          IMPLICIT NONE
106! ...     declare subroutine arguments
107          REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: alat
108          LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tk_inp
109          INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nk_inp
110          REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: kpoints_inp(3,*)
112! ...     declare other variables
113          INTEGER   :: i
114          REAL(DP) :: kcut, ksq
115          REAL(DP) :: tpiba
117!  end of declarations
118!  ----------------------------------------------
120! ...   Set Values for the cutoff
123          IF( alat < eps8 ) THEN
124            CALL errore(' cut-off setup ', ' alat too small ', 0)
125          END IF
127          tpiba = 2.0d0 * pi / alat
129          ! ...  Constant cutoff simulation parameters
131          gcutw = ecutwfc / tpiba**2  ! wave function cut-off
132          gcutm = ecutrho / tpiba**2  ! potential cut-off
133          gcutms= ecuts   / tpiba**2  ! smooth mesh cut-off
135          kcut = 0.0_DP
136          IF ( tk_inp ) THEN
137! ...       augment plane wave cutoff to include all k+G's
138            DO i = 1, nk_inp
139! ...         calculate modulus
140              ksq = kpoints_inp( 1, i ) ** 2 + kpoints_inp( 2, i ) ** 2 + kpoints_inp( 3, i ) ** 2
141              IF ( ksq > kcut ) kcut = ksq
142            END DO
143          END IF
145          gkcut = ( sqrt( kcut ) + sqrt( gcutw ) ) ** 2
147          ekcut = gkcut * tpiba ** 2
149          RETURN
150        END SUBROUTINE gcutoffs_setup
152!  ----------------------------------------------
154      SUBROUTINE cutoffs_print_info()
156        !  Print out information about different cut-offs
158        USE gvecw, ONLY: ecutwfc,  gcutw
159        USE gvect, ONLY: ecutrho,  gcutm
160        USE gvecw, ONLY: ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma
161        USE gvecw, ONLY: ekcut, gkcut
162        USE gvecs, ONLY: ecuts, gcutms
163        use betax, only: mmx, refg
164        USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
165        USE input_parameters, ONLY: ref_cell, ref_alat
167        WRITE( stdout, 100 ) ecutwfc, ecutrho, ecuts, sqrt(gcutw), &
168                             sqrt(gcutm), sqrt(gcutms)
170        IF(ref_cell) WRITE( stdout,'(3X,"Reference Cell alat is",F14.8,1X,"A.U is used to Compute Gcutoffs:")') ref_alat ! BS : debug
172        IF( qcutz > 0.0d0 ) THEN
173          WRITE( stdout, 150 ) qcutz, q2sigma, ecfixed
174        END IF
176        WRITE( stdout,200) refg, mmx
178100     FORMAT(/,3X,'Energy Cut-offs',/ &
179                ,3X,'---------------',/ &
180                ,3X,'Ecutwfc = ',F6.1,' Ry,   ', 3X,'Ecutrho = ',F6.1,' Ry,   ', 3X,'Ecuts = ',F6.1,' Ry',/ &
181                ,3X,'Gcutwfc = ',F6.1,'     , ', 3X,'Gcutrho = ',F6.1,'       ', 3X,'Gcuts = ',F6.1)
182150     FORMAT(  3X,'modified kinetic energy functional, with parameters:',/,   &
183                 3X,'ecutz = ',f8.4,'  ecsig = ', f7.4,'  ecfix = ',f6.2)
184200     FORMAT(  3X,'NOTA BENE: refg, mmx = ', f10.6,I6 )
186        RETURN
187      END SUBROUTINE cutoffs_print_info
189!  ----------------------------------------------
191      SUBROUTINE orthogonalize_info( )
192        USE control_flags, ONLY: ortho_eps, ortho_max
193        USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
194        IMPLICIT NONE
195           WRITE(stdout, 585)
196           WRITE(stdout, 511) ortho_eps, ortho_max
197  511   FORMAT(   3X,'Orthog. with lagrange multipliers : eps = ',E10.2, ',  max = ',I3)
198  585   FORMAT(   3X,'Eigenvalues calculated without the kinetic term contribution')
199        RETURN
200      END SUBROUTINE orthogonalize_info
203!  ----------------------------------------------
206      SUBROUTINE electrons_print_info( )
208          USE kinds, ONLY: DP
209          USE electrons_base, ONLY: nbnd, nspin, nel, nelt, nupdwn, iupdwn, &
210                                    f, qbac
211          USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
212          USE ions_base, ONLY: zv, nsp, na
214          IMPLICIT NONE
215          INTEGER :: i,is
217          IF( nspin == 1) THEN
218            WRITE(stdout,6) nelt, nbnd
219            WRITE(stdout,7) ( f( i ), i = 1, nbnd )
220          ELSE
221            WRITE(stdout,8) nelt
222            WRITE(stdout,9) nel(1)
223            WRITE(stdout,7) ( f( i ), i = 1, nupdwn(1))
224            WRITE(stdout,10) nel(2)
225            WRITE(stdout,7) ( f( i ), i = iupdwn(2), ( iupdwn(2) + nupdwn(2) - 1 ) )
226          END IF
228         qbac=0.
229         do is=1,nsp
230           qbac=qbac+na(is)*zv(is)
231         end do
232         qbac=qbac-nelt
233         if(qbac.ne.0) write(stdout,11) qbac
2366         FORMAT(/,3X,'Electronic states',/  &
237                  ,3X,'-----------------',/  &
238                  ,3X,'Number of Electrons= ',I5,', of States = ',I5,/ &
239                  ,3X,'Occupation numbers :')
2407         FORMAT(2X,10F5.2)
2418         FORMAT(/,3X,'Electronic states',/  &
242                  ,3X,'-----------------',/  &
243                  ,3X,'Local Spin Density calculation',/ &
244                  ,3X,'Number of Electrons= ',I5)
2459         FORMAT(  3X,'Spins up   = ', I5, ', occupations: ')
24610        FORMAT(  3X,'Spins down = ', I5, ', occupations: ')
24711        FORMAT(/,3X,'WARNING: system charge = ',F12.6)
248          RETURN
249      END SUBROUTINE electrons_print_info
252!  ----------------------------------------------
255      SUBROUTINE exch_corr_print_info()
257        USE funct, ONLY: write_dft_name
258        USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
260        IMPLICIT NONE
262        WRITE(stdout,800)
263        call write_dft_name ( )
264800 FORMAT(//,3X,'Exchange and correlations functionals',/ &
265             ,3X,'-------------------------------------')
267        RETURN
268      END SUBROUTINE exch_corr_print_info
272!  ----------------------------------------------
276       SUBROUTINE ions_print_info( )
278         !  Print info about input parameter for ion dynamic
280         USE io_global,     ONLY: ionode, stdout
281         USE control_flags, ONLY: tranp, amprp, tnosep, tolp, tfor, tsdp, &
282                                  tzerop, tv0rd, taurdr, nbeg, tcp, tcap
283         USE ions_base,     ONLY: if_pos, nsp, na, tau, ityp, &
284                                  amass, nat, fricp, greasp, rcmax
285         USE ions_nose,     ONLY: tempw, ndega
286         USE constants,     ONLY: amu_au
288         IMPLICIT NONE
290         integer is, ia, k, ic
291         LOGICAL :: ismb( 3 )
293         WRITE( stdout, 50 )
295         IF( .NOT. tfor ) THEN
296           WRITE( stdout, 518 )
297         ELSE
298           WRITE( stdout, 520 )
299           IF( tsdp ) THEN
300             WRITE( stdout, 521 )
301           ELSE
302             WRITE( stdout, 522 )
303           END IF
304           WRITE( stdout, 523 ) ndega
305           WRITE( stdout, 524 ) fricp, greasp
306           IF( tv0rd ) THEN
307              WRITE( stdout, 850 )
308           ELSE IF ( tzerop ) THEN
309               WRITE( stdout, 635 )
310           ENDIF
311         END IF
313         DO is = 1, nsp
314           IF( tranp(is) ) THEN
315             WRITE( stdout,510)
316             WRITE( stdout,512) is, amprp(is)
317           END IF
318         END DO
320         WRITE(stdout,660)
321         DO is = 1, nsp
322           WRITE(stdout,1000) is, na(is), amass(is)*amu_au, amass(is), rcmax(is)
323           DO ia = 1, nat
324             IF( ityp(ia) == is ) THEN
325                WRITE(stdout,1010) ( tau(k,ia), K = 1,3 )
326             END IF
327           END DO
328         END DO
330         IF ( ( nbeg > -1 ) .AND. ( .NOT. taurdr ) ) THEN
331            WRITE(stdout,661)
332         ELSE
333            WRITE(stdout,662)
334         ENDIF
336         IF( tfor ) THEN
338            IF( ANY( ( if_pos( 1:3, 1:nat ) == 0 )  ) ) THEN
340              WRITE(stdout,1020)
341              WRITE(stdout,1022)
343              DO ia = 1, nat
344                ismb( 1 ) = ( if_pos(1,ia) /= 0 )
345                ismb( 2 ) = ( if_pos(2,ia) /= 0 )
346                ismb( 3 ) = ( if_pos(3,ia) /= 0 )
347                IF( .NOT. ALL( ismb ) ) THEN
348                  WRITE( stdout, 1023 ) ia, ( ismb(k), K = 1, 3 )
349                END IF
350              END DO
352            ELSE
354              WRITE(stdout,1021)
356            END IF
357         END IF
359         IF( tfor ) THEN
360           if( ( tcp .or. tcap .or. tnosep ) .and. tsdp ) then
361             call errore(' ions_print_info', &
362               ' Temperature control not allowed with steepest descent',1)
363           endif
364           IF(.not. tcp .and. .not. tcap .and. .not. tnosep ) THEN
365              WRITE( stdout,550)
366           ELSE IF( tcp .and. tcap ) then
367             call errore(' ions_print_info', ' Velocity rescaling not' &
368                         //' compatible with random velocity initialization',1)
369           ELSE IF( tcp .and. tnosep ) then
370             call errore(' ions_print_info', ' Velocity rescaling and' &
371                         //' Nose thermostat are incompatible',1)
372           ELSE IF(tcap .and. tnosep ) then
373             call errore(' ions_print_info', ' Nose thermostat not' &
374                         //' compatible with random velocity initialization',1)
375           ELSE IF(tcp) THEN
376             WRITE( stdout,555) tempw,tolp
377           !ELSE IF(tcap) THEN  !tcap is random velocity initialization!
378           !  WRITE( stdout,560) tempw,tolp
379           ELSE IF(tnosep) THEN
380             WRITE( stdout,595)
381           ELSE
382             WRITE( stdout,550)
383           END IF
384         END IF
386   50 FORMAT(//,3X,'Ions Simulation Parameters',/ &
387               ,3X,'--------------------------')
389  510 FORMAT(   3X,'Initial random displacement of ionic coordinates',/, &
390                3X,' specie  amplitude')
391  512 FORMAT(   3X,I7,2X,F9.6)
393  518 FORMAT(   3X,'Ions are not allowed to move')
394  520 FORMAT(   3X,'Ions are allowed to move')
395  521 FORMAT(   3X,'Ions dynamics with steepest descent')
396  522 FORMAT(   3X,'Ions dynamics with newton equations')
397  523 format(   3X,'the temperature is computed for ',i5,' degrees of freedom')
398  524 format(   3X,'ion dynamics with fricp = ',f7.4,' and greasp = ',f7.4)
399  550 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic temperature is not controlled')
400  555 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic temperature control via ', &
401                   'rescaling of velocities :',/ &
402               ,3X,'temperature required = ',F10.5,'K, ', &
403                   'tolerance = ',F10.5,'K')
404  560 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic temperature control via ', &
405                   'canonical velocities rescaling :',/ &
406               ,3X,'temperature required = ',F10.5,'K, ', &
407                   'tolerance = ',F10.5,'K')
408  595 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic temperature control via nose thermostat')
409  635 FORMAT(   3X,'Zero initial momentum for ions')
411  660 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic position (from input)', /, &
412                3X,'sorted by specie, and converted to real a.u. coordinates')
413  661 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic position will be re-read from restart file')
414  662 FORMAT(   3X,'Ionic position read from input file')
416  850 FORMAT(   3X,'Initial ion velocities read from input')
418 1000 FORMAT(3X,'Species ',I3,' atoms = ',I4,' mass = ',F12.2, ' (a.u.), ', &
419               & F12.2, ' (amu)', ' rcmax = ', F6.2, ' (a.u.)' )
420 1010 FORMAT(3X,3(1X,F12.6))
421 1020 FORMAT(/,3X,'NOT all atoms are allowed to move ')
422 1021 FORMAT(/,3X,'All atoms are allowed to move')
423 1022 FORMAT(  3X,' indx  ..x.. ..y.. ..z..')
424 1023 FORMAT(  3X,I4,3(1X,L5))
428         RETURN
429       END SUBROUTINE ions_print_info
432!  ----------------------------------------------
434        subroutine cell_print_info( )
436          USE constants, ONLY: au_gpa
437          USE control_flags, ONLY: thdyn, tsdc, tzeroc, tbeg, nbeg, tpre
438          USE control_flags, ONLY: tnoseh
439          USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
440          USE cell_base, ONLY: press, frich, greash, wmass
442          IMPLICIT NONE
444          WRITE(stdout,545 )
445          IF ( tpre ) WRITE( stdout, 600 )
446          IF ( tbeg ) THEN
447            WRITE(stdout,546)
448          ELSE
449            WRITE(stdout,547)
450            IF( nbeg > -1 ) WRITE( stdout, 548 )
451          END IF
453          IF( .NOT. thdyn ) THEN
454            WRITE( stdout,525)
455            WRITE( stdout,606)
456          ELSE
457            IF( tsdc ) THEN
458              WRITE( stdout,526)
459            ELSE
460              IF( frich /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
461                WRITE( stdout,602) frich, greash
462              ELSE
463                WRITE( stdout,527)
464              END IF
465              IF( tnoseh ) then
466                WRITE( stdout,604)
467              ELSE
468                WRITE( stdout,565)
469              END IF
470              IF( tzeroc ) THEN
471                WRITE( stdout,563)
472              ENDIF
473            END IF
474            WRITE( stdout,530) press * au_gpa, wmass
475          END IF
478 545     FORMAT(//,3X,'Cell Dynamics Parameters (from STDIN)',/ &
479                  ,3X,'-------------------------------------')
480 546     FORMAT(   3X,'Simulation cell read from STDIN')
481 547     FORMAT(   3X,'Starting cell generated from CELLDM')
482 548     FORMAT(   3X,'Cell parameters will be re-read from restart file')
483 525     FORMAT(   3X,'Constant VOLUME Molecular dynamics')
484 606     format(   3X,'cell parameters are not allowed to move')
485 526     FORMAT(   3X,'Volume dynamics with steepest descent')
486 527     FORMAT(   3X,'Volume dynamics with newton equations')
487 530     FORMAT(   3X,'Constant PRESSURE Molecular dynamics:',/ &
488                  ,3X,'External pressure (GPa) = ',F11.2,/ &
489                  ,3X,'Volume mass             = ',F11.2)
490 563     FORMAT(   3X,'Zero initial momentum for cell variables')
491 565     FORMAT(   3X,'Volume dynamics: the temperature is not controlled')
492 604     format(   3X,'cell parameters dynamics with nose` temp. control' )
494 600  format( 3X, 'internal stress tensor calculated')
495 602  format( 3X, 'cell parameters dynamics with frich = ',f7.4,            &
496     &        3X, 'and greash = ',f7.4 )
498        return
499      end subroutine cell_print_info
503SUBROUTINE gmeshinfo( )
505   !
506   !   Print out the number of g vectors for the different mesh
507   !
508   USE kinds,     ONLY: DP
509   USE mp_global, ONLY: nproc_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm
510   USE io_global, ONLY: ionode, ionode_id, stdout
511   USE mp,        ONLY: mp_max, mp_gather
512   use smallbox_gvec,     only: ngb
513   USE gvecw,     only: ngw_g, ngw, ngwx
514   USE gvecs,     only: ngms_g, ngms, ngsx
515   USE gvect,     only: ngm, ngm_g, ngmx
516   USE fft_base,  ONLY: dfftp, dffts
520   INTEGER :: ip, ng_snd(3), ng_rcv( 3, nproc_bgrp )
521   INTEGER :: ierr, min_val, max_val, i
522   REAL(DP) :: avg_val
524   IF( ngm /= dfftp%ngm ) THEN
525      CALL errore( " gmeshinfo ", " number of G-vectors in module gvect not consistent with FFT descriptor ", 1 )
526   END IF
527   IF( ngms /= dffts%ngm ) THEN
528      CALL errore( " gmeshinfo ", " number of G-vectors in module gvecs not consistent with FFT descriptor ", 2 )
529   END IF
530   IF( ngw /= dffts%ngw ) THEN
531      CALL errore( " gmeshinfo ", " number of G-vectors in module gvecw not consistent with FFT descriptor ", 2 )
532   END IF
534   IF(ionode) THEN
535      WRITE( stdout,*)
536      WRITE( stdout,*) '  Reciprocal Space Mesh'
537      WRITE( stdout,*) '  ---------------------'
538   END IF
540   ng_snd(1) = ngm_g
541   ng_snd(2) = ngm
542   ng_snd(3) = ngmx
543   CALL mp_gather(ng_snd, ng_rcv, ionode_id, intra_bgrp_comm)
544   !
545   IF(ionode) THEN
546      min_val = MINVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
547      max_val = MAXVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
548      avg_val = REAL(SUM( ng_rcv(2,:) ))/nproc_bgrp
549      WRITE( stdout,1000)
550      WRITE( stdout,1011) ng_snd(1), min_val, max_val, avg_val
551   END IF
552   !
553   ng_snd(1) = ngms_g
554   ng_snd(2) = ngms
555   ng_snd(3) = ngsx
556   CALL mp_gather(ng_snd, ng_rcv, ionode_id, intra_bgrp_comm)
557   !
558   ierr = 0
559   !
560   IF(ionode) THEN
561      WRITE( stdout,1001)
562      min_val = MINVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
563      max_val = MAXVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
564      avg_val = REAL(SUM( ng_rcv(2,:) ))/nproc_bgrp
565      WRITE( stdout,1011) ng_snd(1), min_val, max_val, avg_val
566      IF( min_val < 1 ) ierr = ip
567   END IF
568   !
569   CALL mp_max( ierr, intra_bgrp_comm )
570   !
571   IF( ierr > 0 ) &
572      CALL errore( " gmeshinfo ", " Wow! some processors have no G-vectors ", ierr )
573   !
574   ng_snd(1) = ngw_g
575   ng_snd(2) = ngw
576   ng_snd(3) = ngwx
577   CALL mp_gather(ng_snd, ng_rcv, ionode_id, intra_bgrp_comm)
578   !
579   IF(ionode) THEN
580      WRITE( stdout,1002)
581      min_val = MINVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
582      max_val = MAXVAL( ng_rcv(2,:) )
583      avg_val = REAL(SUM( ng_rcv(2,:) ))/nproc_bgrp
584      WRITE( stdout,1011) ng_snd(1), min_val, max_val, avg_val
585      IF( min_val < 1 ) ierr = ip
586   END IF
587   !
588   CALL mp_max( ierr, intra_bgrp_comm )
589   !
590   IF( ierr > 0 ) &
591      CALL errore( " gmeshinfo ", " Wow! some processors have no G-vectors ", ierr )
592   !
593   IF(ionode .AND. ngb > 0 ) THEN
594      WRITE( stdout,1050)
595      WRITE( stdout,1060) ngb
596   END IF
598   1000    FORMAT(3X,'Large Mesh',/, &
599           '     Global(ngm_g)    MinLocal       MaxLocal      Average')
600   1001    FORMAT(3X,'Smooth Mesh',/, &
601           '     Global(ngms_g)   MinLocal       MaxLocal      Average')
602   1002    FORMAT(3X,'Wave function Mesh',/, &
603           '     Global(ngw_g)    MinLocal       MaxLocal      Average')
604   1011    FORMAT(  3I15, F15.2 )
605   1050    FORMAT(/,3X,'Small box Mesh')
606   1060    FORMAT( 3X, 'ngb = ', I12, ' not distributed to processors' )
608   RETURN
610END SUBROUTINE gmeshinfo
613SUBROUTINE constraint_info()
615   USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
616   USE constraints_module, ONLY: nconstr, constr_tol, &
617                                 constr_type, constr, constr_target
618   USE io_global,          ONLY: ionode, stdout
619   USE control_flags,      ONLY: lconstrain
620   !
622   !
623   INTEGER :: ic
624   !
625   IF( lconstrain .AND. ionode ) THEN
626      !
627      WRITE( stdout, 10 )
628      WRITE( stdout, 20 ) nconstr, constr_tol
629      !
630      DO ic = 1, nconstr
631         !
632         IF( constr_type( ic ) == 3 ) THEN
633            !
634            ! distance
635            !
636            WRITE( stdout, 30 ) ic
637            WRITE( stdout, 40 ) NINT( constr(1,ic) ), &
638                                NINT( constr(2,ic) ), constr_target(ic)
639            !
640         END IF
641         !
642      END DO
643      !
644   END IF
645   !
64610 FORMAT( 3X, "Using constrained dynamics")
64720 FORMAT( 3X, "number of constrain and tolerance: ", I5, D10.2)
64830 FORMAT( 3X, "constrain ", I5, " type distance ")
64940 FORMAT( 3X, "  atoms ", I5, I5, " target dist ", F10.5)
650   !
651END SUBROUTINE constraint_info
654SUBROUTINE new_atomind_constraints()
655   !
656   USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
657   USE constraints_module, ONLY: constr
658   !
660   !
661   INTEGER  :: ic, ia
662   INTEGER  :: iaa
663   REAL(DP) :: aa
664   !
665   !  Substitute the atom index given in the input file
666   !  with the new atom index, after the sort in the
667   !  atomic coordinates.
668   !
669   DO ic = 1, SIZE( constr, 2 )
670      DO ia = 1, SIZE( constr, 1 )
671         IF( constr( ia, ic ) > 0.0d0 ) THEN
672            iaa = NINT( constr( ia, ic ) )
673            aa  = DBLE( iaa )
674            constr( ia, ic ) = aa
675         END IF
676      END DO
677   END DO
678   !
679   RETURN
680   !
681END SUBROUTINE new_atomind_constraints
684SUBROUTINE compute_stress_x( stress, detot, h, omega )
685   USE kinds, ONLY : DP
687   REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: stress(3,3)
688   REAL(DP), INTENT(IN)  :: detot(3,3), h(3,3), omega
689   integer :: i, j
690   do i=1,3
691      do j=1,3
692         stress(i,j)=-1.d0/omega*(detot(i,1)*h(j,1)+              &
693     &                      detot(i,2)*h(j,2)+detot(i,3)*h(j,3))
694      enddo
695   enddo
696   return
697END SUBROUTINE compute_stress_x
699subroutine formf( tfirst, eself )
700  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
702  !computes (a) the self-energy eself of the ionic pseudocharges;
703  !         (b) the form factors of: (i) pseudopotential (vps),
704  !             (ii) ionic pseudocharge (rhops)
705  !         also calculated the derivative of vps with respect to
706  !         g^2 (dvps)
707  !
708  USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
709  use mp,              ONLY : mp_sum
710  use control_flags,   ONLY : iprint, tpre, iverbosity
711  use io_global,       ONLY : stdout
712  use mp_global,       ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
713  USE fft_base,        ONLY : dffts
714  use cell_base,       ONLY : omega, tpiba2, tpiba
715  use ions_base,       ONLY : rcmax, zv, nsp, na
716  use local_pseudo,    ONLY : vps, vps0, rhops, dvps, drhops
717  use atom,            ONLY : rgrid
718  use uspp_param,      ONLY : upf
719  use pseudo_base,     ONLY : compute_rhops, formfn, formfa, compute_eself
720  use pseudopotential, ONLY : tpstab, vps_sp, dvps_sp
721  use splines,         ONLY : spline
722  use gvect,           ONLY : gstart, gg
723  use constants,       ONLY : autoev
724  !
725  implicit none
726  logical      :: tfirst
727  real(DP)    :: eself, DeltaV0
728  !
729  real(DP)    :: vpsum, rhopsum
730  integer      :: is, ig
731  REAL(DP)    :: cost1, xg
733  call start_clock( 'formf' )
734  !
735  IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( rgrid ) ) &
736     CALL errore( ' formf ', ' rgrid not allocated ', 1 )
737  IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( upf ) ) &
738     CALL errore( ' formf ', ' upf not allocated ', 1 )
739  !
740  ! calculation of gaussian selfinteraction
741  !
742  eself = compute_eself( na, zv, rcmax, nsp )
744  if( tfirst .or. ( iverbosity > 2 ) )then
745     WRITE( stdout, 1200 ) eself
746  endif
747  !
748  1200 format(/,3x,'formf: eself=',f12.5)
749  !
750  do is = 1, nsp
752     IF( tpstab ) THEN
753        !
754        !  Use interpolation table, with cubic spline
755        !
756        cost1 = 1.0d0/omega
757        !
758        IF( gstart == 2 ) THEN
759           vps (1,is) =  vps_sp(is)%y(1) * cost1
760           dvps(1,is) = dvps_sp(is)%y(1) * cost1
761        END IF
762        !
763        DO ig = gstart, dffts%ngm
764           xg = SQRT( gg(ig) ) * tpiba
765           vps (ig,is) = spline(  vps_sp(is), xg ) * cost1
766           dvps(ig,is) = spline( dvps_sp(is), xg ) * cost1
767        END DO
768        !
769     ELSE
771        call formfn( rgrid(is)%r, rgrid(is)%rab, &
772                     upf(is)%vloc(1:rgrid(is)%mesh), zv(is), rcmax(is), gg, &
773                     omega, tpiba2, rgrid(is)%mesh, dffts%ngm, tpre, &
774                     vps(:,is), vps0(is), dvps(:,is) )
776! obsolete BHS form
777! call formfa( vps(:,is), dvps(:,is), rc1(is), rc2(is), wrc1(is), wrc2(is), &
778!              rcl(:,is,lloc(is)), al(:,is,lloc(is)), bl(:,is,lloc(is)),    &
779!              zv(is), rcmax(is), g, omega, tpiba2, dffts%ngm, gstart, tpre )
781     END IF
782     !
783     !     fourier transform of local pp and gaussian nuclear charge
784     !
785     call compute_rhops( rhops(:,is), drhops(:,is), zv(is), rcmax(is), gg, &
786                         omega, tpiba2, dffts%ngm, tpre )
788     if( tfirst .or. ( iverbosity > 2 ) )then
789        vpsum = SUM( vps( 1:dffts%ngm, is ) )
790        rhopsum = SUM( rhops( 1:dffts%ngm, is ) )
791        call mp_sum( vpsum, intra_bgrp_comm )
792        call mp_sum( rhopsum, intra_bgrp_comm )
793        WRITE( stdout,1250) (vps(ig,is),rhops(ig,is),ig=1,5)
794        WRITE( stdout,1300) vpsum,rhopsum
795     endif
796     !
797  end do
798  !
799  ! ... DeltaV0 is the shift to be applied to eigenvalues
800  ! ... in order to align them to other plane wave codes
801  !
802  DeltaV0 = 0.0_dp
803  DO is = 1, nsp
804     !
805     ! ...  na(is)/omega is the structure factor at G=0
806     !
807     DeltaV0 = DeltaV0 + na(is) / omega * vps0(is)
808  END DO
809  !
810  IF ( tfirst .or. ( iverbosity > 2 ) ) THEN
811      write(6,'("   Delta V(G=0): ",f10.6,"Ry, ",f11.6,"eV")') &
812         deltaV0, deltaV0*autoev
813  END IF
814  !
815  call stop_clock( 'formf' )
816  !
817  1250 format(3x,'formf:     vps(g=0)=',f12.7,'     rhops(g=0)=',f12.7)
818  1300 format(3x,'formf: sum_g vps(g)=',f12.7,' sum_g rhops(g)=',f12.7)
819  !
820  return
821end subroutine formf
824SUBROUTINE newnlinit()
825  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
826  !
827  ! ... this routine calculates arrays beta, qq, qgb, rhocb
828  ! ... and derivatives w.r.t. cell parameters dbeta
829  ! ... See also comments in nlinit
830  !
831  use control_flags,    ONLY : tpre
832  use pseudopotential,  ONLY : tpstab
833  use cp_interfaces,    ONLY : interpolate_beta, interpolate_qradb, compute_qradx, compute_betagx, &
834                               exact_beta, check_tables, exact_qradb, build_pstab, build_cctab
835  use betax,            only : mmx, refg
836  use kinds,            only : dp
837  use io_global,        only : ionode, stdout
838  !
840  !
841  LOGICAL  :: recompute_table
842  REAL(DP) :: gmax
843  !
844  ! ... initialization for vanderbilt species
845  !
846  CALL start_clock( 'newnlinit' )
848  IF( tpstab ) THEN
850     recompute_table = tpre .AND. check_tables( gmax )
851     !
852     IF ( recompute_table ) THEN
854        IF( ionode ) &
855           WRITE( stdout, * ) "newnliinit: recomputing the pseudopotentials tables"
856        !"!
858        CALL set_interpolation_table_size( mmx, refg, gmax )
860        CALL compute_qradx( tpre )
862        call compute_betagx( tpre )
864        call build_pstab()
865        !
866        call build_cctab()
868     END IF
869     !
870     !     initialization that is common to all species
871     !
872     CALL interpolate_beta( tpre )
873     !
874     CALL interpolate_qradb( tpre )
875     !
876  ELSE
877     !
878     ! ... this is mainly for testing
879     !
880     CALL exact_beta( tpre )
881     !
882     CALL exact_qradb( tpre )
883     !
884  END IF
885  !
886  ! ... non-linear core-correction   ( rhocb(ig,is) )
887  !
888  CALL core_charge_ftr( tpre )
890  CALL stop_clock( 'newnlinit' )
891  !
893  !
894END SUBROUTINE newnlinit
897subroutine nlfh_x( stress, bec_bgrp, dbec, lambda, idesc )
898  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
899  !
900  !     contribution to the internal stress tensor due to the constraints
901  !
902  USE kinds,             ONLY : DP
903  use uspp,              ONLY : nkb, qq_nt, indv_ijkb0
904  use uspp_param,        ONLY : nh, nhm, upf
905  use ions_base,         ONLY : nat, ityp
906  use electrons_base,    ONLY : nbspx, nbsp, nudx, nspin, nupdwn, iupdwn, ibgrp_g2l
907  use cell_base,         ONLY : omega, h
908  use constants,         ONLY : pi, fpi, au_gpa
909  use io_global,         ONLY : stdout
910  use control_flags,     ONLY : iverbosity
911  USE mp,                ONLY : mp_sum
912  USE mp_global,         ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, inter_bgrp_comm
915  implicit none
917  include 'laxlib.fh'
919  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idesc(:,:)
920  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: stress(3,3)
921  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN)    :: bec_bgrp( :, : ), dbec( :, :, :, : )
922  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN)    :: lambda( :, :, : )
924  INTEGER  :: i, j, ii, jj, inl, iv, jv, ia, is, iss, nss, istart
925  INTEGER  :: jnl, ir, ic, nr, nc, ibgrp_i, nrcx
926  REAL(DP) :: fpre(3,3), TT, T1, T2
927  !
928  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tmpbec(:,:), tmpdh(:,:), temp(:,:), bec(:,:,:)
929  !
930  nrcx = MAXVAL( idesc( LAX_DESC_NRCX, : ) )
931  !
932  ALLOCATE( bec( nkb, nrcx, nspin ) )
933  !
934  DO iss = 1, nspin
935     IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
936        nss = nupdwn( iss )
937        istart = iupdwn( iss )
938        ic = idesc( LAX_DESC_IC, iss )
939        nc = idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss )
940        DO i=1,nc
941           ibgrp_i = ibgrp_g2l( i+istart-1+ic-1 )
942           IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
943              bec( :, i, iss ) = bec_bgrp( :, ibgrp_i )
944           ELSE
945              bec( :, i, iss ) = 0.0d0
946           END IF
947        END DO
948     ELSE
949        bec(:,:,iss)   = 0.0d0
950     END IF
951  END DO
953  CALL mp_sum( bec, inter_bgrp_comm )
954  !
955  IF (nspin == 1) THEN
956     IF( ( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, 1 ) > 0 ) ) THEN
957        ALLOCATE ( tmpbec(nhm,nrcx), tmpdh(nrcx,nhm), temp(nrcx,nrcx) )
958     ENDIF
959  ELSEIF (nspin == 2) THEN
960     IF( ( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, 1 ) > 0 ) .OR. ( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, 2 ) > 0 ) ) THEN
961        ALLOCATE ( tmpbec(nhm,nrcx), tmpdh(nrcx,nhm), temp(nrcx,nrcx) )
962     END IF
963  ENDIF
964  !
965  fpre = 0.d0
966  !
967  do ii=1,3
969     do jj=1,3
971        do ia=1,nat
972           is = ityp(ia)
974           IF( upf(is)%tvanp ) THEN
976              do iss = 1, nspin
977                 !
978                 istart = iupdwn( iss )
979                 nss    = nupdwn( iss )
980                 !
981                 IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
983                    ic = idesc( LAX_DESC_IC, iss )
984                    nc = idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss )
985                    ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, iss )
986                    nr = idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, iss )
988                    tmpbec = 0.d0
989                    tmpdh  = 0.d0
991                    do iv=1,nh(is)
992                       do jv=1,nh(is)
993                          inl=indv_ijkb0(ia) + jv
994                          if(abs(qq_nt(iv,jv,is)).gt.1.e-5) then
995                             do i = 1, nc
996                                tmpbec(iv,i) = tmpbec(iv,i) +  qq_nt(iv,jv,is) * bec( inl, i, iss  )
997                             end do
998                          endif
999                       end do
1000                    end do
1002                    do iv=1,nh(is)
1003                       inl=indv_ijkb0(ia) + iv
1004                       do i = 1, nr
1005                          tmpdh(i,iv) = dbec( inl, i + (iss-1)*nrcx, ii, jj )
1006                       end do
1007                    end do
1009                    if(nh(is).gt.0)then
1011                       CALL dgemm &
1012                       ( 'N', 'N', nr, nc, nh(is), 1.0d0, tmpdh, nrcx, tmpbec, nhm, 0.0d0, temp, nrcx )
1014                       do j = 1, nc
1015                          do i = 1, nr
1016                             fpre(ii,jj) = fpre(ii,jj) + 2D0 * temp( i, j ) * lambda(i,j,iss)
1017                          end do
1018                       end do
1019                    endif
1021                 END IF
1022                 !
1023              end do
1024              !
1025           END IF
1026           !
1027        end do
1028        !
1029     end do
1030     !
1031  end do
1033  CALL mp_sum( fpre, intra_bgrp_comm )
1035  do i=1,3
1036     do j=1,3
1037        stress(i,j)=stress(i,j)+ &
1038                    (fpre(i,1)*h(j,1)+fpre(i,2)*h(j,2)+fpre(i,3)*h(j,3))/omega
1039     enddo
1040  enddo
1042  IF (allocated(tmpbec)) THEN
1043     DEALLOCATE ( tmpbec, tmpdh, temp )
1044  END IF
1046  DEALLOCATE( bec )
1049  IF( iverbosity > 1 ) THEN
1050     WRITE( stdout,*)
1051     WRITE( stdout,*) "constraints contribution to stress"
1052     WRITE( stdout,5555) ((-fpre(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
1053     fpre = MATMUL( fpre, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
1054     WRITE( stdout,5555) ((fpre(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
1055     WRITE( stdout,*)
1056  END IF
10595555  FORMAT(1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
1060     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
1061     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5//)
1063  return
1064end subroutine nlfh_x
1068subroutine nlinit
1069  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070  !
1071  !     this routine allocates and initializes arrays beta, qq, qgb,
1072  !     rhocb, and derivatives w.r.t. cell parameters dbeta
1073  !
1074  !       beta(ig,l,is) = 4pi/sqrt(omega) y^r(l,q^)
1075  !                               int_0^inf dr r^2 j_l(qr) betar(l,is,r)
1076  !
1077  !       Note that beta(g)_lm,is = (-i)^l*beta(ig,l,is) (?)
1078  !
1079  !       qq_ij=int_0^r q_ij(r)=omega*qg(g=0)
1080  !
1081  !     beta and qradb are first calculated on a fixed linear grid in |G|
1082  !     (betax, qradx) then calculated on the box grid by interpolation
1083  !     (this is done in routine newnlinit)
1084  !
1085      use kinds,           ONLY : dp
1086      use control_flags,   ONLY : iprint, tpre
1087      use io_global,       ONLY : stdout, ionode
1088      use gvecw,           ONLY : ngw
1089      use core,            ONLY : rhocb, allocate_core
1090      use constants,       ONLY : pi, fpi
1091      use ions_base,       ONLY : na, nsp
1092      use uspp,            ONLY : aainit, beta, qq_nt, dvan, nhtol, nhtolm, indv,&
1093                                  dbeta
1094      use uspp_param,      ONLY : upf, lmaxq, nbetam, lmaxkb, nhm, nh, ish
1095      use atom,            ONLY : rgrid
1096      use qgb_mod,         ONLY : qgb, dqgb
1097      use smallbox_gvec,   ONLY : ngb
1098      use cp_interfaces,   ONLY : pseudopotential_indexes, compute_dvan, &
1099                                  compute_betagx, compute_qradx, build_pstab, build_cctab
1100      USE fft_base,        ONLY : dfftp
1101      use pseudopotential, ONLY : tpstab
1104      implicit none
1106      integer  is, il, l, ir, iv, jv, lm, ind, ltmp, i0
1107      real(dp), allocatable:: fint(:), jl(:),  jltmp(:), djl(:),    &
1108     &              dfint(:)
1109      real(dp) xg, xrg, fac
1111      CALL start_clock( 'nlinit' )
1113      IF( ionode ) THEN
1114        WRITE( stdout, 100 )
1115 100    FORMAT( //, &
1116                3X,'Pseudopotentials initialization',/, &
1117                3X,'-------------------------------' )
1118      END IF
1120      IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( rgrid ) ) &
1121         CALL errore( ' nlinit ', ' rgrid not allocated ', 1 )
1122      IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( upf ) ) &
1123         CALL errore( ' nlinit ', ' upf not allocated ', 1 )
1124      !
1125      !   initialize indexes
1126      !
1127      CALL pseudopotential_indexes( )
1128      !
1129      !   initialize array ap
1130      !
1131      call aainit( lmaxkb + 1 )
1132      !
1133      CALL allocate_core( dfftp%nnr, dfftp%ngm, ngb, nsp )
1134      !
1135      !
1136      allocate( beta( ngw, nhm, nsp ) )
1137      allocate( qgb( ngb, nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nsp ) )
1138      allocate( qq_nt( nhm, nhm, nsp ) )
1139      qq_nt  (:,:,:) =0.d0
1140      IF (tpre) THEN
1141         allocate( dqgb( ngb, nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nsp, 3, 3 ) )
1142         allocate( dbeta( ngw, nhm, nsp, 3, 3 ) )
1143      END IF
1144      !
1145      !     initialization for vanderbilt species
1146      !
1147      CALL compute_qradx( tpre )
1148      !
1149      !     initialization that is common to all species
1150      !
1151      WRITE( stdout, fmt="(//,3X,'Common initialization' )" )
1153      do is = 1, nsp
1154         WRITE( stdout, fmt="(/,3X,'Specie: ',I5)" ) is
1155         !     fac converts ry to hartree
1156         fac=0.5d0
1157         do iv = 1, nh(is)
1158            WRITE( stdout,901) iv, indv(iv,is), nhtol(iv,is)
1159         end do
1160 901     format(2x,i2,'  indv= ',i2,'   ang. mom= ',i2)
1161         !
1162         WRITE( stdout,*)
1163         WRITE( stdout,'(20x,a)') '    dion '
1164         do iv = 1, upf(is)%nbeta
1165            WRITE( stdout,'(8f9.4)') ( fac*upf(is)%dion(iv,jv), jv = 1, upf(is)%nbeta )
1166         end do
1167         !
1168      end do
1169      !
1170      !   calculation of array  betagx(ig,iv,is)
1171      !
1172      call compute_betagx( tpre )
1173      !
1174      !   calculate array  dvan(iv,jv,is)
1175      !
1176      call compute_dvan()
1177      !
1178      IF( tpstab ) THEN
1180         call build_pstab()
1181         !
1182         call build_cctab()
1183         !
1184      END IF
1185      !
1186      ! newnlinit stores qgb and qq, calculates arrays  beta  rhocb
1187      ! and derivatives wrt cell dbeta
1188      !
1189      call newnlinit()
1191      CALL stop_clock( 'nlinit' )
1193      return
1194end subroutine nlinit
1197subroutine qvan2b(ngy,iv,jv,is,ylm,qg,qradb)
1198  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1199  !
1200  !     q(g,l,k) = sum_lm (-i)^l ap(lm,l,k) yr_lm(g^) qrad(g,l,l,k)
1201  !
1202  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
1203  use control_flags, ONLY : iprint, tpre
1204  use uspp,          ONLY : nlx, lpx, lpl, ap, indv, nhtolm
1205  use smallbox_gvec,         ONLY : ngb
1206  use uspp_param,    ONLY : lmaxq, nbetam
1207  use ions_base,     ONLY : nsp
1209  implicit none
1210  !
1211  integer,     intent(in)  :: ngy, iv, jv, is
1212  real(DP),    intent(in)  :: ylm( ngb, lmaxq*lmaxq )
1213  real(DP),    intent(in)  :: qradb( ngb, nbetam*(nbetam+1)/2, lmaxq, nsp )
1214  complex(DP), intent(out) :: qg( ngb )
1216  integer      :: ivs, jvs, ijvs, ivl, jvl, i, ii, ij, l, lp, ig
1217  complex(DP) :: sig
1218  !
1219  !       iv  = 1..8     s_1 p_x1 p_z1 p_y1 s_2 p_x2 p_z2 p_y2
1220  !       ivs = 1..4     s_1 s_2 p_1 p_2
1221  !       ivl = 1..4     s p_x p_z p_y
1222  !
1223  ivs=indv(iv,is)
1224  jvs=indv(jv,is)
1225  if (ivs >= jvs) then
1226     ijvs = ivs*(ivs-1)/2 + jvs
1227  else
1228     ijvs = jvs*(jvs-1)/2 + ivs
1229  end if
1230  ! ijvs is the packed index for (ivs,jvs)
1231  ivl=nhtolm(iv,is)
1232  jvl=nhtolm(jv,is)
1233  if (ivl > nlx .OR. jvl > nlx) &
1234       call errore (' qvan2b ', ' wrong dimensions', MAX(ivl,jvl))
1235  !
1236  qg(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
1237  !
1238  !     lpx = max number of allowed y_lm
1239  !     lp  = composite lm to indentify them
1240  !
1241  do i=1,lpx(ivl,jvl)
1242     lp=lpl(ivl,jvl,i)
1243     if (lp > lmaxq*lmaxq) call errore(' qvan2b ',' lp out of bounds ',lp)
1244     !
1245     !     extraction of angular momentum l from lp:
1246     !     l = int ( sqrt( DBLE(l-1) + epsilon) ) + 1
1247     !
1248     if (lp == 1) then
1249        l=1
1250     else if ((lp >= 2) .and. (lp <= 4)) then
1251        l=2
1252     else if ((lp >= 5) .and. (lp <= 9)) then
1253        l=3
1254     else if ((lp >= 10).and.(lp <= 16)) then
1255        l=4
1256     else if ((lp >= 17).and.(lp <= 25)) then
1257        l=5
1258     else if ((lp >= 26).and.(lp <= 36)) then
1259        l=6
1260     else if ((lp >= 37).and.(lp <= 49)) then
1261        l=7
1262     else
1263        call errore(' qvan2b ',' not implemented ',lp)
1264     endif
1265     !
1266     !       sig= (-i)^l
1267     !
1268     sig=(0.d0,-1.d0)**(l-1)
1269     sig=sig*ap(lp,ivl,jvl)
1270     do ig=1,ngy
1271        qg(ig)=qg(ig)+sig*ylm(ig,lp)*qradb(ig,ijvs,l,is)
1272     end do
1273  end do
1275  return
1276end subroutine qvan2b
1279subroutine dqvan2b(ngy,iv,jv,is,ylm,dylm,dqg,dqrad,qradb)
1280  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1281  !
1282  !     dq(i,j) derivatives wrt to h(i,j) of q(g,l,k) calculated in qvan2b
1283  !
1284  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
1285  use control_flags, ONLY : iprint, tpre
1286  use uspp,          ONLY : nlx, lpx, lpl, ap, indv, nhtolm
1287  use smallbox_gvec,         ONLY : ngb
1288  use uspp_param,    ONLY : lmaxq, nbetam
1289  use ions_base,     ONLY : nsp
1291  implicit none
1293  integer,     intent(in)  :: ngy, iv, jv, is
1294  REAL(DP),    INTENT(IN)  :: ylm( ngb, lmaxq*lmaxq ), dylm( ngb, lmaxq*lmaxq, 3, 3 )
1295  complex(DP), intent(out) :: dqg( ngb, 3, 3 )
1296  REAL(DP),    INTENT(IN)  :: dqrad( ngb, nbetam*(nbetam+1)/2, lmaxq, nsp, 3, 3 )
1297  real(DP),    intent(in)  :: qradb( ngb, nbetam*(nbetam+1)/2, lmaxq, nsp )
1299  integer      :: ivs, jvs, ijvs, ivl, jvl, i, ii, ij, l, lp, ig
1300  complex(DP) :: sig, z1, z2, zfac
1301  !
1302  !
1303  !       iv  = 1..8     s_1 p_x1 p_z1 p_y1 s_2 p_x2 p_z2 p_y2
1304  !       ivs = 1..4     s_1 s_2 p_1 p_2
1305  !       ivl = 1..4     s p_x p_z p_y
1306  !
1307  ivs=indv(iv,is)
1308  jvs=indv(jv,is)
1309  !
1310  if (ivs >= jvs) then
1311     ijvs = ivs*(ivs-1)/2 + jvs
1312  else
1313     ijvs = jvs*(jvs-1)/2 + ivs
1314  end if
1315  !
1316  ! ijvs is the packed index for (ivs,jvs)
1317  !
1318  ivl=nhtolm(iv,is)
1319  jvl=nhtolm(jv,is)
1320  !
1321  if (ivl > nlx .OR. jvl > nlx) &
1322       call errore (' qvan2 ', ' wrong dimensions (2)', MAX(ivl,jvl))
1323  !
1324  dqg(:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
1326  !  lpx = max number of allowed y_lm
1327  !  lp  = composite lm to indentify them
1329  z1 = 0.0d0
1330  z2 = 0.0d0
1331  do i=1,lpx(ivl,jvl)
1332     lp=lpl(ivl,jvl,i)
1333     if (lp > lmaxq*lmaxq) call errore(' dqvan2b ',' lp out of bounds ',lp)
1335     !  extraction of angular momentum l from lp:
1336     !  l = int ( sqrt( DBLE(l-1) + epsilon) ) + 1
1337     !
1338     if (lp == 1) then
1339        l=1
1340     else if ((lp >= 2) .and. (lp <= 4)) then
1341        l=2
1342     else if ((lp >= 5) .and. (lp <= 9)) then
1343        l=3
1344     else if ((lp >= 10).and.(lp <= 16)) then
1345        l=4
1346     else if ((lp >= 17).and.(lp <= 25)) then
1347        l=5
1348     else if ((lp >= 26).and.(lp <= 36)) then
1349        l=6
1350     else if ((lp >= 37).and.(lp <= 49)) then
1351        l=7
1352     else
1353        call errore(' qvan2b ',' not implemented ',lp)
1354     endif
1355     !
1356     !       sig= (-i)^l
1357     !
1358     sig = (0.0d0,-1.0d0)**(l-1)
1359     !
1360     sig = sig * ap( lp, ivl, jvl )
1361     !
1362     do ij=1,3
1363        do ii=1,3
1364           do ig=1,ngy
1365              zfac = ylm(ig,lp) * dqrad(ig,ijvs,l,is,ii,ij)
1366              zfac = zfac - dylm(ig,lp,ii,ij) * qradb(ig,ijvs,l,is)
1367              dqg(ig,ii,ij) = dqg(ig,ii,ij) +  sig * zfac
1368           end do
1369        end do
1370     end do
1371  end do
1372  !
1373  ! WRITE(6,*) 'DEBUG dqvan2b: ', z1, z2
1374  !
1375  return
1376end subroutine dqvan2b
1379subroutine dylmr2_( nylm, ngy, g, gg, ainv, dylm )
1380  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1381  !
1382  ! temporary CP interface for PW routine dylmr2
1383  ! dylmr2  calculates d Y_{lm} /d G_ipol
1384  ! dylmr2_ calculates G_ipol \sum_k h^(-1)(jpol,k) (dY_{lm} /dG_k)
1385  !
1386  USE kinds, ONLY: DP
1388  implicit none
1389  !
1390  integer,   intent(IN)  :: nylm, ngy
1391  real(DP), intent(IN)  :: g (3, ngy), gg (ngy), ainv(3,3)
1392  real(DP), intent(OUT) :: dylm (ngy, nylm, 3, 3)
1393  !
1394  integer :: ipol, jpol, lm, ig
1395  real(DP), allocatable :: dylmaux (:,:,:)
1396  !
1397  allocate ( dylmaux(ngy,nylm,3) )
1398  !
1399  dylmaux(:,:,:) = 0.d0
1400  !
1401  do ipol =1,3
1402     call dylmr2 (nylm, ngy, g, gg, dylmaux(1,1,ipol), ipol)
1403  enddo
1404  !
1405  do ipol =1,3
1406     do jpol =1,3
1407        do lm=1,nylm
1408           do ig = 1, ngy
1409              dylm (ig,lm,ipol,jpol) = (dylmaux(ig,lm,1) * ainv(jpol,1) + &
1410                                        dylmaux(ig,lm,2) * ainv(jpol,2) + &
1411                                        dylmaux(ig,lm,3) * ainv(jpol,3) ) &
1412                                       * g(ipol,ig)
1413           end do
1414        end do
1415     end do
1416  end do
1417  !
1418  deallocate ( dylmaux )
1419  !
1420  return
1421  !
1422end subroutine dylmr2_
1425   SUBROUTINE denlcc_x( nnr, nspin, vxcr, sfac, drhocg, dcc )
1428! derivative of non linear core correction exchange energy wrt cell
1429! parameters h
1430! Output in dcc
1432      USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
1433      USE ions_base,          ONLY: nsp
1434      USE gvect, ONLY: gstart, g, gg
1435      USE cell_base,          ONLY: omega, ainv, tpiba2
1436      USE mp,                 ONLY: mp_sum
1437      USE mp_global,          ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm
1438      USE uspp_param,         ONLY: upf
1439      USE fft_interfaces,     ONLY: fwfft
1440      USE fft_base,           ONLY: dfftp, dffts
1441      USE fft_helper_subroutines, ONLY: fftx_threed2oned
1445      ! input
1447      INTEGER,     INTENT(IN) :: nnr, nspin
1448      REAL(DP),    INTENT(IN) :: vxcr( :, : )
1449      COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: sfac( :, : )
1450      REAL(DP),    INTENT(IN) :: drhocg( :, : )
1452      ! output
1454      REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) ::  dcc( :, : )
1456      ! local
1458      INTEGER     :: i, j, ig, is
1459      COMPLEX(DP) :: srhoc
1460      REAL(DP)    :: vxcc
1461      !
1462      COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: vxc( : ), vxg(:)
1464      dcc = 0.0d0
1465      !
1466      ALLOCATE( vxc( nnr ) )
1467      ALLOCATE( vxg( dfftp%ngm ) )
1468      !
1469      vxc(:) = vxcr(:,1)
1470      !
1471      IF( nspin > 1 ) vxc(:) = vxc(:) + vxcr(:,2)
1472      !
1473      CALL fwfft( 'Rho', vxc, dfftp )
1474      CALL fftx_threed2oned( dfftp, vxc, vxg )
1475      !
1476      DO i=1,3
1477         DO j=1,3
1478            DO ig = gstart, dffts%ngm
1479               srhoc = 0.0d0
1480               DO is = 1, nsp
1481                 IF( upf(is)%nlcc ) srhoc = srhoc + sfac( ig, is ) * drhocg( ig, is )
1482               ENDDO
1483               vxcc = DBLE( CONJG( vxg( ig ) ) * srhoc ) / SQRT( gg(ig) * tpiba2 )
1484               dcc(i,j) = dcc(i,j) + vxcc * &
1485     &                      2.d0 * tpiba2 * g(i,ig) *                  &
1486     &                    (g(1,ig)*ainv(j,1) +                         &
1487     &                     g(2,ig)*ainv(j,2) +                         &
1488     &                     g(3,ig)*ainv(j,3) )
1489            ENDDO
1490         ENDDO
1491      ENDDO
1493      DEALLOCATE( vxg )
1494      DEALLOCATE( vxc )
1496      dcc = dcc * omega
1498      CALL mp_sum( dcc( 1:3, 1:3 ), intra_bgrp_comm )
1500      RETURN
1501   END SUBROUTINE denlcc_x
1506      SUBROUTINE dotcsc_x( eigr, cp, ngw, n )
1509      USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
1510      USE ions_base,          ONLY: na, nsp, nat, ityp
1511      USE io_global,          ONLY: stdout
1512      USE gvect, ONLY: gstart
1513      USE uspp,               ONLY: nkb, qq_nt, indv_ijkb0
1514      USE uspp_param,         ONLY: nh, ish, upf
1515      USE mp,                 ONLY: mp_sum
1516      USE mp_global,          ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm, nbgrp, inter_bgrp_comm
1517      USE cp_interfaces,      ONLY: nlsm1
1518      USE electrons_base,     ONLY: ispin, ispin_bgrp, nbspx_bgrp, ibgrp_g2l, iupdwn, nupdwn, nbspx
1522      INTEGER,     INTENT(IN) :: ngw, n
1523      COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigr(:,:), cp(:,:)
1524! local variables
1525      REAL(DP) rsum, csc(n) ! automatic array
1526      COMPLEX(DP) temp(ngw) ! automatic array
1528      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE::  becp(:,:), cp_tmp(:), becp_tmp(:)
1529      INTEGER i,kmax,nnn,k,ig,is,ia,iv,jv,inl,jnl
1530      INTEGER :: ibgrp_i, ibgrp_k
1532      ALLOCATE( becp( nkb, nbspx_bgrp ) )
1533      ALLOCATE( cp_tmp( SIZE( cp, 1 ) ) )
1534      ALLOCATE( becp_tmp( nkb ) )
1536!     < beta | phi > is real. only the i lowest:
1539      CALL nlsm1( nbspx_bgrp, 1, nsp, eigr, cp, becp, 2 )
1541      nnn = MIN( 12, n )
1543      DO i = nnn, 1, -1
1545         csc = 0.0d0
1547         ibgrp_i = ibgrp_g2l( i )
1548         IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
1549            cp_tmp = cp( :, ibgrp_i )
1550         ELSE
1551            cp_tmp = 0.0d0
1552         END IF
1554         CALL mp_sum( cp_tmp, inter_bgrp_comm )
1556         kmax = i
1558         DO k=1,kmax
1559            ibgrp_k = ibgrp_g2l( k )
1560            IF( ibgrp_k > 0 ) THEN
1561               DO ig=1,ngw
1562                  temp(ig)=CONJG(cp(ig,ibgrp_k))*cp_tmp(ig)
1563               END DO
1564               csc(k)=2.d0*DBLE(SUM(temp))
1565               IF (gstart == 2) csc(k)=csc(k)-DBLE(temp(1))
1566            END IF
1567         END DO
1569         CALL mp_sum( csc( 1:kmax ), intra_bgrp_comm )
1571         IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
1572            becp_tmp = becp( :, ibgrp_i )
1573         ELSE
1574            becp_tmp = 0.0d0
1575         END IF
1577         CALL mp_sum( becp_tmp, inter_bgrp_comm )
1579         DO k=1,kmax
1580            rsum=0.d0
1581            ibgrp_k = ibgrp_g2l( k )
1582            IF( ibgrp_k > 0 ) THEN
1583               DO is=1,nsp
1584                  IF( .NOT. upf(is)%tvanp ) CYCLE
1585                  DO ia=1,nat
1586                     IF( ityp(ia) /= is ) CYCLE
1587                     DO iv=1,nh(is)
1588                        DO jv=1,nh(is)
1589                           inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + iv
1590                           jnl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + jv
1591                           rsum = rsum + qq_nt(iv,jv,is)*becp_tmp(inl)*becp(jnl,ibgrp_k)
1592                        END DO
1593                     END DO
1594                  END DO
1595               END DO
1596            END IF
1597            csc(k)=csc(k)+rsum
1598         END DO
1600         CALL mp_sum( csc( 1:kmax ), inter_bgrp_comm )
1601         WRITE( stdout,'("dotcsc =",12f18.15)') (csc(k),k=1,i)
1603      END DO
1604      WRITE( stdout,*)
1606      DEALLOCATE(becp)
1607      DEALLOCATE(cp_tmp)
1608      DEALLOCATE(becp_tmp)
1610      RETURN
1611      END SUBROUTINE dotcsc_x
1616   FUNCTION enkin_x( c, f, n )
1618      !
1619      ! calculation of kinetic energy term
1620      !
1621      USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
1622      USE constants,          ONLY: pi, fpi
1623      USE gvecw,              ONLY: ngw
1624      USE gvect,              ONLY: gstart
1625      USE gvecw,              ONLY: g2kin
1626      USE mp,                 ONLY: mp_sum
1627      USE mp_global,          ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm
1628      USE cell_base,          ONLY: tpiba2
1632      REAL(DP)                :: enkin_x
1634      ! input
1636      INTEGER,     INTENT(IN) :: n
1637      COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: c( :, : )
1638      REAL(DP),    INTENT(IN) :: f( : )
1639      !
1640      ! local
1642      INTEGER  :: ig, i
1643      REAL(DP) :: sk(n)  ! automatic array
1644      !
1645      DO i=1,n
1646         sk(i)=0.0d0
1647         DO ig=gstart,ngw
1648            sk(i)=sk(i)+DBLE(CONJG(c(ig,i))*c(ig,i))*g2kin(ig)
1649         END DO
1650      END DO
1652      CALL mp_sum( sk(1:n), intra_bgrp_comm )
1654      enkin_x=0.0d0
1655      DO i=1,n
1656         enkin_x=enkin_x+f(i)*sk(i)
1657      END DO
1659      ! ... reciprocal-space vectors are in units of alat/(2 pi) so a
1660      ! ... multiplicative factor (2 pi/alat)**2 is required
1662      enkin_x = enkin_x * tpiba2
1664      RETURN
1665   END FUNCTION enkin_x
1668      SUBROUTINE nlfl_bgrp_x( bec_bgrp, becdr_bgrp, lambda, idesc, fion )
1670!     contribution to fion due to the orthonormality constraint
1673      USE kinds,             ONLY: DP
1674      USE io_global,         ONLY: stdout
1675      USE ions_base,         ONLY: na, nsp, nat, ityp
1676      USE uspp,              ONLY: nhsa=>nkb, qq_nt, indv_ijkb0
1677      USE uspp_param,        ONLY: nhm, nh, upf
1678      USE electrons_base,    ONLY: nspin, iupdwn, nupdwn, nbspx_bgrp, ibgrp_g2l, i2gupdwn_bgrp, nbspx, &
1679                                   iupdwn_bgrp, nupdwn_bgrp
1680      USE constants,         ONLY: pi, fpi
1681      USE mp,                ONLY: mp_sum
1682      USE mp_global,         ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm, inter_bgrp_comm
1685      include 'laxlib.fh'
1686      REAL(DP) :: bec_bgrp(:,:), becdr_bgrp(:,:,:)
1687      REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: lambda(:,:,:)
1688      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idesc(:,:)
1689      REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: fion(:,:)
1692      INTEGER :: k, is, ia, iv, jv, i, j, inl, isa, iss, nss, istart, ir, ic, nr, nc, ibgrp_i
1693      INTEGER :: n1, n2, m1, m2, nrcx
1694      INTEGER :: nrr(nspin), irr, nrrx
1695      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: temp(:,:), tmpbec(:,:),tmpdr(:,:), tmplam(:,:,:)
1696      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: fion_tmp(:,:)
1697      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: bec(:,:,:)
1698      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ibgrp_l2g(:,:)
1699      !
1700      CALL start_clock( 'nlfl' )
1701      !
1702      ALLOCATE( fion_tmp( 3, nat ) )
1703      !
1704      fion_tmp = 0.0d0
1705      !
1706      nrcx = MAXVAL( idesc( LAX_DESC_NRCX, : ) )
1707      !
1709      ! redistribute bec, becdr according to the ortho subgroup
1710      ! this is required because they are combined with "lambda" matrixes
1712      CALL compute_nrr( nrr )
1713      nrrx = MAXVAL(nrr)
1715      IF( nrrx > 0 ) THEN
1716         ALLOCATE( tmplam( nrrx, nrcx, nspin ) )
1717         ALLOCATE( ibgrp_l2g( nrrx, nspin ) )
1718      END IF
1720      CALL get_local_bec()
1721      CALL get_local_lambda()
1723      !
1724!$omp parallel default(none), &
1725!$omp shared(nrrx,nhm,nrcx,nsp,na,nspin,nrr,nupdwn,iupdwn,idesc,nh,qq_nt,bec,becdr_bgrp,ibgrp_l2g,tmplam,fion_tmp), &
1726!$omp shared(upf, ityp,nat,indv_ijkb0), &
1727!$omp private(tmpdr,temp,tmpbec,is,k,ia,i,iss,nss,istart,ic,nc,jv,iv,inl,ir,nr)
1729      IF( nrrx > 0 ) THEN
1730         ALLOCATE( tmpdr( nrrx, nhm ) )
1731         ALLOCATE( temp( nrrx, nrcx ) )
1732      END IF
1733      ALLOCATE( tmpbec( nhm, nrcx ) )
1735      DO k=1,3
1736         DO is=1,nsp
1737            IF( .NOT. upf(is)%tvanp ) CYCLE
1738!$omp do
1739            DO ia=1,nat
1741               IF( ityp(ia) /= is ) CYCLE
1742               !
1743               DO iss = 1, nspin
1744                  !
1745                  IF( nrr(iss) == 0 ) CYCLE
1746                  !
1747                  nss = nupdwn( iss )
1748                  istart = iupdwn( iss )
1749                  !
1750                  tmpbec = 0.d0
1751                  !
1752                  IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
1753                     ! tmpbec distributed by columns
1754                     ic = idesc( LAX_DESC_IC, iss )
1755                     nc = idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss )
1756                     DO jv=1,nh(is)
1757                        inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + jv
1758                        DO iv=1,nh(is)
1759                           IF(ABS(qq_nt(iv,jv,is)).GT.1.e-5) THEN
1760                              DO i=1,nc
1761                                 tmpbec(iv,i)=tmpbec(iv,i) + qq_nt(iv,jv,is)*bec(inl,i,iss)
1762                              END DO
1763                           END IF
1764                        END DO
1765                     END DO
1766                     ! tmpdr distributed by rows
1767                     ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, iss )
1768                     nr = idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, iss )
1769                     DO iv=1,nh(is)
1770                        inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + iv
1771                        DO i=1,nrr(iss)
1772                           tmpdr(i,iv) = becdr_bgrp( inl, ibgrp_l2g(i,iss), k )
1773                        END DO
1774                     END DO
1775                  END IF
1776                  !
1777                  IF( nh(is) > 0 )THEN
1778                     IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
1779                        nc = idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss )
1780                        CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nrr(iss), nc, nh(is), 1.0d0, tmpdr, nrrx, tmpbec, nhm, 0.0d0, temp, nrrx )
1781                        DO j = 1, nc
1782                           DO i = 1, nrr(iss)
1783                              fion_tmp(k,ia) = fion_tmp(k,ia) + 2D0 * temp( i, j ) * tmplam( i, j, iss )
1784                           END DO
1785                        END DO
1787                     END IF
1788                  ENDIF
1789               END DO
1790            END DO
1791!$omp end do
1792         END DO
1793      END DO
1794      !
1795      DEALLOCATE( tmpbec )
1796      !
1797      IF(ALLOCATED(temp)) DEALLOCATE( temp )
1798      IF(ALLOCATED(tmpdr))  DEALLOCATE( tmpdr )
1800!$omp end parallel
1802      DEALLOCATE( bec )
1803      IF(ALLOCATED(tmplam)) DEALLOCATE( tmplam )
1804      IF(ALLOCATED(ibgrp_l2g))  DEALLOCATE( ibgrp_l2g )
1805      !
1806      CALL mp_sum( fion_tmp, inter_bgrp_comm )
1807      CALL mp_sum( fion_tmp, intra_bgrp_comm )
1808      !
1809      fion = fion + fion_tmp
1810      !
1811      DEALLOCATE( fion_tmp )
1812      !
1813      CALL stop_clock( 'nlfl' )
1814      !
1815      RETURN
1817      CONTAINS
1819      SUBROUTINE compute_nrr( nrr )
1820        INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nrr(:)
1821        nrr = 0
1822        DO iss = 1, nspin
1823          nss = nupdwn( iss )
1824          istart = iupdwn( iss )
1825          IF( idesc(LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
1826            ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, iss )
1827            nr = idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, iss )
1828            DO i=1,nr
1829               ibgrp_i = ibgrp_g2l( i+istart-1+ir-1 )
1830               IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
1831                  nrr(iss) = nrr(iss) + 1
1832               END IF
1833            END DO
1834          END IF
1835        END DO
1836      END SUBROUTINE compute_nrr
1838      SUBROUTINE get_local_bec
1839      ALLOCATE( bec( nhsa, nrcx, nspin ) )
1840      DO iss = 1, nspin
1841         nss = nupdwn( iss )
1842         istart = iupdwn( iss )
1843         IF( idesc(LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
1844            ic = idesc( LAX_DESC_IC, iss )
1845            nc = idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss )
1846            DO i=1,nc
1847               ibgrp_i = ibgrp_g2l( i+istart-1+ic-1 )
1848               IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
1849                  bec( :, i, iss ) = bec_bgrp( :, ibgrp_i )
1850               ELSE
1851                  bec( :, i, iss ) = 0.0d0
1852               END IF
1853            END DO
1854         ELSE
1855            bec(:,:,iss)   = 0.0d0
1856         END IF
1857      END DO
1858      CALL mp_sum( bec, inter_bgrp_comm )
1859      END SUBROUTINE get_local_bec
1861      SUBROUTINE get_local_lambda
1862      DO iss = 1, nspin
1863         nss = nupdwn( iss )
1864         istart = iupdwn( iss )
1865         IF( idesc(LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, iss ) > 0 ) THEN
1866            ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, iss )
1867            nr = idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, iss )
1868            irr = 0
1869            DO i=1,nr
1870               ibgrp_i = ibgrp_g2l( i+istart-1+ir-1 )
1871               IF( ibgrp_i > 0 ) THEN
1872                  irr = irr + 1
1873                  tmplam(irr,:,iss) = lambda(i,:,iss)
1874                  ibgrp_l2g(irr,iss) = ibgrp_i
1875               END IF
1876            END DO
1877            tmplam( irr + 1 : nrrx , :, iss ) = 0.0d0
1878            tmplam( 1 : nrrx , idesc( LAX_DESC_NC, iss ) + 1 : nrcx, iss ) = 0.0d0
1879         END IF
1880      END DO
1881      END SUBROUTINE get_local_lambda
1883      END SUBROUTINE nlfl_bgrp_x
1886      SUBROUTINE pbc(rin,a1,a2,a3,ainv,rout)
1889!     brings atoms inside the unit cell
1891      USE kinds,  ONLY: DP
1894! input
1895      REAL(DP) rin(3), a1(3),a2(3),a3(3), ainv(3,3)
1896! output
1897      REAL(DP) rout(3)
1898! local
1899      REAL(DP) x,y,z
1901! bring atomic positions to crystal axis
1903      x = ainv(1,1)*rin(1)+ainv(1,2)*rin(2)+ainv(1,3)*rin(3)
1904      y = ainv(2,1)*rin(1)+ainv(2,2)*rin(2)+ainv(2,3)*rin(3)
1905      z = ainv(3,1)*rin(1)+ainv(3,2)*rin(2)+ainv(3,3)*rin(3)
1907! bring x,y,z in the range between -0.5 and 0.5
1909      x = x - NINT(x)
1910      y = y - NINT(y)
1911      z = z - NINT(z)
1913! bring atomic positions back in cartesian axis
1915      rout(1) = x*a1(1)+y*a2(1)+z*a3(1)
1916      rout(2) = x*a1(2)+y*a2(2)+z*a3(2)
1917      rout(3) = x*a1(3)+y*a2(3)+z*a3(3)
1919      RETURN
1920      END SUBROUTINE pbc
1924      SUBROUTINE prefor_x(eigr,betae)
1927!     input :        eigr =  e^-ig.r_i
1928!     output:        betae_i,i(g) = (-i)**l beta_i,i(g) e^-ig.r_i
1930      USE kinds,      ONLY : DP
1931      USE ions_base,  ONLY : nat, ityp
1932      USE gvecw,      ONLY : ngw
1933      USE uspp,       ONLY : beta, nhtol, indv_ijkb0
1934      USE uspp_param, ONLY : nh, upf
1937      COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigr( :, : )
1938      COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: betae( :, : )
1940      INTEGER     :: is, iv, ia, inl, ig, isa
1941      COMPLEX(DP) :: ci
1943      CALL start_clock( 'prefor' )
1944      DO ia=1,nat
1945         is=ityp(ia)
1946         DO iv=1,nh(is)
1947            ci=(0.0d0,-1.0d0)**nhtol(iv,is)
1948            inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + iv
1949            DO ig=1,ngw
1950               betae(ig,inl)=ci*beta(ig,iv,is)*eigr(ig,ia)
1951            END DO
1952         END DO
1953      END DO
1954      CALL stop_clock( 'prefor' )
1956      RETURN
1957      END SUBROUTINE prefor_x
1960    SUBROUTINE collect_bec_x( bec_repl, bec_dist, idesc, nspin )
1962       USE kinds,       ONLY : DP
1963       USE mp_global,   ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
1964       USE mp,          ONLY : mp_sum
1965       USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout
1966       IMPLICIT NONE
1967       include 'laxlib.fh'
1968       REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: bec_repl(:,:)
1969       REAL(DP), INTENT(IN)  :: bec_dist(:,:)
1970       INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: idesc(:,:)
1971       INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: nspin
1972       INTEGER :: i, ir, n, nrcx, iss
1973       !
1974       bec_repl = 0.0d0
1975       !
1976       !  bec is distributed across row processor, the first column is enough
1977       !
1978       IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, 1 ) > 0 .AND. ( idesc( LAX_DESC_MYC, 1 ) == 0 ) ) THEN
1979          ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, 1 )
1980          DO i = 1, idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, 1 )
1981             bec_repl( :, i + ir - 1 ) = bec_dist( :, i )
1982          END DO
1983          IF( nspin == 2 ) THEN
1984             n  = idesc( LAX_DESC_N, 1 )   ! number of states with spin==1 ( nupdw(1) )
1985             nrcx = idesc( LAX_DESC_NRCX, 1 ) ! array elements reserved for each spin ( bec(:,2*nrcx) )
1986             ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, 2 )
1987             DO i = 1, idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, 2 )
1988                bec_repl( :, i + ir - 1 + n ) = bec_dist( :, i + nrcx )
1989             END DO
1990          END IF
1991       END IF
1992       !
1993       CALL mp_sum( bec_repl, intra_bgrp_comm )
1994       !
1995       RETURN
1996    END SUBROUTINE collect_bec_x
1997    !
1999    SUBROUTINE distribute_bec_x( bec_repl, bec_dist, idesc, nspin )
2001       USE kinds,       ONLY : DP
2002       IMPLICIT NONE
2003       include 'laxlib.fh'
2004       REAL(DP), INTENT(IN)  :: bec_repl(:,:)
2005       REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: bec_dist(:,:)
2006       INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: idesc(:,:)
2007       INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: nspin
2008       INTEGER :: i, ir, n, nrcx
2009       !
2010       IF( idesc( LAX_DESC_ACTIVE_NODE, 1 ) > 0 ) THEN
2011          !
2012          bec_dist = 0.0d0
2013          !
2014          ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, 1 )
2015          DO i = 1, idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, 1 )
2016             bec_dist( :, i ) = bec_repl( :, i + ir - 1 )
2017          END DO
2018          !
2019          IF( nspin == 2 ) THEN
2020             n     = idesc( LAX_DESC_N, 1 )  !  number of states with spin 1 ( nupdw(1) )
2021             nrcx  = idesc( LAX_DESC_NRCX, 1 ) !  array elements reserved for each spin ( bec(:,2*nrcx) )
2022             ir = idesc( LAX_DESC_IR, 2 )
2023             DO i = 1, idesc( LAX_DESC_NR, 2 )
2024                bec_dist( :, i + nrcx ) = bec_repl( :, i + ir - 1 + n )
2025             END DO
2026          END IF
2027          !
2028       END IF
2029       RETURN
2030    END SUBROUTINE distribute_bec_x