1  !
2  ! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
3  ! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
4  !
5  ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6  ! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
7  ! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
8  !
9  ! Adapted from the code PH/phq_summary - Quantum-ESPRESSO group
10  !
11  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  SUBROUTINE epw_summary()
13  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
14  !!
15  !! Output symmetry informations
16  !!
17  !! 27/03/2018 - Update with recent PHonon/PH/phq_summary.f90 routine - S. Ponce
18  !!
19  !! RM - Nov 2018: Updated based on QE 6.3
20  !!
21  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
22  USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, ityp, atm, tau, ntyp => nsp, amass
23  USE io_global,     ONLY : stdout
24  USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg, ibrav, alat, omega, celldm
25  USE klist,         ONLY : lgauss, degauss, ngauss, nkstot, wk
26  USE klist_epw,     ONLY : xk_all
27  USE gvect,         ONLY : gcutm, ngm
28  USE gvecs,         ONLY : dual, doublegrid, gcutms, ngms
29  USE gvecw,         ONLY : ecutwfc
30  USE symm_base,     ONLY : s, sname, ft, s_axis_to_cart, sr, t_rev
31  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
32  USE spin_orb,      ONLY : lspinorb, domag
33  USE funct,         ONLY : write_dft_name
34  USE epwcom,        ONLY : title
35  USE lr_symm_base,  ONLY : irotmq, minus_q, nsymq
36  USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
37  USE fft_base,      ONLY : dfftp, dffts
38  USE constants,     ONLY : amu_ry
39#if defined(__NAG)
40  USE f90_unix_io,   ONLY : flush
42  !
44  !
45  INTEGER :: i
46  !! generic counter
47  INTEGER :: ipol
48  !! counter on polarizations
49  INTEGER :: apol
50  !! counter on polarizations
51  INTEGER :: na
52  !! counter on atoms
53  INTEGER :: isymq
54  !! counter on symmetries
55  INTEGER :: isym
56  !! counter on symmetries
57  INTEGER :: nsymtot
58  !! counter on symmetries
59  INTEGER :: ik
60  !! counter on k points
61  !
62  REAL(KIND = DP) :: ft1, ft2, ft3
63  !! fractionary translation
64  REAL(KIND = DP) :: xkg(3)
65  !! k point in crystal coordinates
66  !
67  WRITE(stdout, 100) title, ibrav, alat, omega, nat, ntyp, ecutwfc, ecutwfc * dual
68100 FORMAT(/,5x,a75,/,/,5x, &
69       &     'bravais-lattice index     = ',i12,/,5x, &
70       &     'lattice parameter (a_0)   = ',f12.4,'  a.u.',/,5x, &
71       &     'unit-cell volume          = ',f12.4,' (a.u.)^3',/,5x, &
72       &     'number of atoms/cell      = ',i12,/,5x, &
73       &     'number of atomic types    = ',i12,/,5x, &
74       &     'kinetic-energy cut-off    = ',f12.4,'  Ry',/,5x, &
75       &     'charge density cut-off    = ',f12.4,'  Ry')
77  CALL write_dft_name()
78  !
79  !  Here add a message if this is a noncollinear or a spin_orbit calculation
80  !
81  IF (noncolin) THEN
82    IF (lspinorb) THEN
83      IF (domag) THEN
84        WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Noncollinear calculation with spin-orbit",/)')
85      ELSE
86        WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Non magnetic calculation with spin-orbit",/)')
87      ENDIF
88    ELSE
89      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Noncollinear calculation without spin-orbit",/)')
90    ENDIF
91  ELSE
92    WRITE(stdout, '(/)')
94  !
95  ! Description of the unit cell
96  !
97  WRITE(stdout, '(2(3x,3(2x,"celldm(",i1,")=",f11.5),/))') &
98       (i, celldm(i), i = 1, 6)
99  WRITE(stdout, '(5x, &
100       & "crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)",/, &
101       &         3(15x,"a(",i1,") = (",3f8.4," )  ",/ ) )') &
102       & (apol, (at(ipol, apol), ipol = 1, 3), apol = 1, 3)
103  WRITE(stdout, '(5x, &
104       & "reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)",/, &
105       &         3(15x,"b(",i1,") = (",3f8.4," )  ",/ ) )') &
106       & (apol, (bg(ipol, apol), ipol = 1, 3), apol = 1, 3)
107  !
108  ! Description of the atoms inside the unit cell
109  !
110  WRITE(stdout, '(/, 5x,"Atoms inside the unit cell: ")')
111  WRITE(stdout, '(/,3x,"Cartesian axes")')
112  WRITE(stdout, '(/,5x,"site n.  atom      mass ", &
113       &                "          positions (a_0 units)")')
115  WRITE(stdout, '(7x,i2,5x,a6,f8.4,"   tau(",i2, &
116       &                              ") = (",3f11.5,"  )")')  &
117       & (na,atm(ityp(na)), amass(ityp(na))/amu_ry, na,  &
118       & (tau(ipol,na), ipol = 1, 3), na = 1, nat)
119  !
120  ! Description of symmetries
121  !
122  WRITE(stdout, * )
123  IF (nsymq <= 1 .AND. .NOT. minus_q) THEN
124    WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"No symmetry!")')
125  ELSE
126    IF (minus_q) THEN
127      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,i2," Sym.Ops. (with q -> -q+G )",/)') &
128           nsymq + 1
129    ELSE
130      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,i2," Sym.Ops. (no q -> -q+G )",/)') nsymq
131    ENDIF
132  ENDIF
134  IF (iverbosity == 1) THEN
135    WRITE(stdout, '(36x,"s",24x,"frac. trans.")')
136    IF (minus_q) THEN
137      nsymtot = nsymq + 1
138    ELSE
139      nsymtot = nsymq
140    ENDIF
141    DO isymq = 1, nsymtot
142      IF (isymq > nsymq) THEN
143        isym = irotmq
144        WRITE(stdout, '(/,5x,"This transformation sends q -> -q+G")')
145      ELSE
146        isym = isymq
147      ENDIF
148      WRITE(stdout, '(/6x,"isym = ",i2,5x,a45/)') isymq, sname (isym)
149      IF (noncolin .AND. domag) &
150         WRITE(stdout,'(1x, "Time Reversal",i3)') t_rev(isym)
151      !
152      IF (ft(1, isym)**2 + ft(2, isym)**2 + ft(3, isym)**2 > 1.0d-8) THEN
153        ft1 = at(1, 1) * ft(1, isym) + at(1, 2) * ft(2, isym) + at(1, 3) * ft(3, isym)
154        ft2 = at(2, 1) * ft(1, isym) + at(2, 2) * ft(2, isym) + at(2, 3) * ft(3, isym)
155        ft3 = at(3, 1) * ft(1, isym) + at(3, 2) * ft(2, isym) + at(3, 3) * ft(3, isym)
156        WRITE(stdout, '(1x,"cryst.",3x,"s(",i2,") = (",3i6, &
157             &                    " )    f =( ",f10.7," )")') isymq,  &
158             & (s(1, ipol, isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft(1,isym)
159        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3(i6,5x), &
160             &                    " )       ( ",f10.7," )")')  &
161             & (s(2, ipol, isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft(2,isym)
162        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3(i6,5x), &
163             &                    " )       ( ",f10.7," )"/)') &
164             &  (s(3,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft(3,isym)
165        WRITE(stdout, '(1x,"cart.",3x,"s(",i2,") = (",3f11.7, &
166             &                    " )    f =( ",f10.7," )")') isymq, &
167             & (sr(1,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft1
168        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3f11.7, &
169             &                    " )       ( ",f10.7," )")')  &
170             & (sr(2,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft2
171        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3f11.7, &
172             &                    " )       ( ",f10.7," )"/)') &
173             & (sr(3,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3), ft3
174      ELSE
175        WRITE(stdout, '(1x,"cryst.",3x,"s(",i2,") = (",3i6, &
176             &                    " )")') isymq,   (s(1,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
177        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3(i6,5x)," )")')  (s(2,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
178        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3(i6,5x)," )"/)') (s(3,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
179        WRITE(stdout, '(1x,"cart.",3x,"s(",i2,") = (",3f11.7, &
180             &                    " )")') isymq, (sr(1,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
181        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3f11.7," )")')  (sr(2,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
182        WRITE(stdout, '(17x," (",3f11.7," )"/)') (sr(3,ipol,isym), ipol = 1, 3)
183      ENDIF
184    ENDDO
185  ENDIF
186  !
187  !     Description of the reciprocal lattice vectors
188  !
189  WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"G cutoff =",f10.4,"  (", &
190       &       i7," G-vectors)","     FFT grid: (",i3, &
191       &       ",",i3,",",i3,")")') gcutm, ngm, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3
193  IF (doublegrid) WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"G cutoff =",f10.4,"  (", &
194         &     i7," G-vectors)","  smooth grid: (",i3, &
195         &     ",",i3,",",i3,")")') gcutms, ngms, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr1
196  IF (.NOT.lgauss) THEN
197     WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"number of k points=",i5)') nkstot
198  ELSE
199     WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"number of k points=",i5, &
200          &             "  gaussian broad. (Ry)=",f8.4,5x, &
201          &             "ngauss = ",i3)') nkstot, degauss, ngauss
202  ENDIF
203  IF (iverbosity == 1 .OR. nkstot < 10000) THEN
204     WRITE(stdout, '(23x,"cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0")')
205     DO ik = 1, nkstot
206        WRITE(stdout, '(8x,"k(",i5,") = (",3f12.7,"), wk =",f12.7)') ik, &
207             (xk_all(ipol, ik) , ipol = 1, 3), wk(ik)
208     ENDDO
209  ENDIF
210  IF (iverbosity == 1) THEN
211     WRITE(stdout, '(/23x,"cryst. coord.")')
212     DO ik = 1, nkstot
213        DO ipol = 1, 3
214           xkg(ipol) = at(1, ipol) * xk_all(1, ik) + at(2, ipol) * xk_all(2, ik) &
215                     + at(3, ipol) * xk_all(3, ik)
216           ! xkg are the components of xk in the reciprocal lattice basis
217        ENDDO
218        WRITE(stdout, '(8x,"k(",i5,") = (",3f12.7,"), wk =",f12.7)') &
219             ik, (xkg(ipol), ipol = 1, 3), wk(ik)
220     ENDDO
221  ENDIF
222  !
223  CALL print_ps_info()
224  !
225  FLUSH(stdout)
226  !
227  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
228  END SUBROUTINE epw_summary
229  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------