2! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10SUBROUTINE elphon()
11  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !
13  ! Electron-phonon calculation from data saved in fildvscf
14  !
15  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
16  USE constants, ONLY : amu_ry, RY_TO_THZ, RY_TO_CMM1
17  USE cell_base, ONLY : celldm, omega, ibrav, at, bg
18  USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau, amass
19  USE gvecs, ONLY: doublegrid
20  USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts
21  USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fft_interpolate
22  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag, noncolin, m_loc
23  USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
24  USE uspp,  ONLY: okvan
25  USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
26  USE el_phon,  ONLY : done_elph
27  USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, w2
28  USE modes,  ONLY : npert, nirr, u
29  USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
30  USE control_ph, ONLY : trans, xmldyn
31  USE output,     ONLY : fildyn,fildvscf
32  USE io_dyn_mat, ONLY : read_dyn_mat_param, read_dyn_mat_header, &
33                         read_dyn_mat, read_dyn_mat_tail
34  USE units_ph, ONLY : iudyn, lrdrho, iudvscf, iuint3paw, lint3paw
35  USE dfile_star,    ONLY : dvscf_star
36  USE mp_bands,  ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, me_bgrp, root_bgrp
37  USE mp,        ONLY : mp_bcast
38  USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
39  USE lrus,   ONLY : int3, int3_nc, int3_paw
40  USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
41  USE dvscf_interpolate, ONLY : ldvscf_interpolate, dvscf_r2q
42  USE ahc,    ONLY : elph_ahc
43  !
45  !
46  INTEGER :: irr, imode0, ipert, is, npe
47  ! counter on the representations
48  ! counter on the modes
49  ! the change of Vscf due to perturbations
50  INTEGER :: i,j
51  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscfin_all(:, :, :)
52  !! dvscfin for all modes. Used when doing dvscf_r2q interpolation.
53  COMPLEX(DP), POINTER :: dvscfin(:,:,:), dvscfins (:,:,:)
54  COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: phip (:, :, :, :)
56  INTEGER :: ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, nspin_mag_, mu, nu, na, nb, nta, ntb, nqs_
57  REAL(DP) :: celldm_(6), w1
58  CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: atm(ntyp)
60  CALL start_clock ('elphon')
62  if(dvscf_star%basis.eq.'cartesian') then
63     write(stdout,*) 'Setting patterns to identity'
64     u=(0.d0,0.d0)
65     do irr=1,3*nat
66        u(irr,irr)=(1.d0,0.d0)
67     enddo
68  endif
69  !
70  ! If ldvscf_interpolate, use Fourier interpolation instead of reading dVscf
71  !
72  IF (ldvscf_interpolate) THEN
73    !
74    WRITE (6, '(5x,a)') "Fourier interpolating dVscf"
75    ALLOCATE(dvscfin_all(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3 * nat))
76    CALL dvscf_r2q(xq, u, dvscfin_all)
77    !
78  ELSE
79    WRITE (6, '(5x,a)') "Reading dVscf from file "//trim(fildvscf)
81  !
82  ! read Delta Vscf and calculate electron-phonon coefficients
83  !
84  imode0 = 0
85  DO irr = 1, nirr
86     npe=npert(irr)
87     ALLOCATE (dvscfin (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag , npe) )
88     IF (okvan) THEN
89        ALLOCATE (int3 ( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin_mag, npe))
90        IF (okpaw) ALLOCATE (int3_paw (nhm, nhm, nat, nspin_mag, npe))
91        IF (noncolin) ALLOCATE(int3_nc( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin, npe))
92     ENDIF
93     DO ipert = 1, npe
94        IF (ldvscf_interpolate) THEN
95          dvscfin(:, :, ipert) = dvscfin_all(:, :, imode0 + ipert)
96        ELSE
97          CALL davcio_drho ( dvscfin(1,1,ipert),  lrdrho, iudvscf, &
98                             imode0 + ipert,  -1 )
99        ENDIF
100        IF (okpaw .AND. me_bgrp==0) &
101             CALL davcio( int3_paw(:,:,:,:,ipert), lint3paw, &
102                                          iuint3paw, imode0 + ipert, - 1 )
103     END DO
104     IF (okpaw) CALL mp_bcast(int3_paw, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm)
105     IF (doublegrid) THEN
106        ALLOCATE (dvscfins (dffts%nnr, nspin_mag , npert(irr)) )
107        DO is = 1, nspin_mag
108           DO ipert = 1, npe
109              CALL fft_interpolate (dfftp, dvscfin(:,is,ipert), dffts, dvscfins(:,is,ipert))
110           ENDDO
111        ENDDO
112     ELSE
113        dvscfins => dvscfin
114     ENDIF
115     CALL newdq (dvscfin, npert(irr))
116     CALL elphel (irr, npert (irr), imode0, dvscfins)
117     !
118     imode0 = imode0 + npe
119     IF (doublegrid) DEALLOCATE (dvscfins)
120     DEALLOCATE (dvscfin)
121     IF (okvan) THEN
122        DEALLOCATE (int3)
123        IF (okpaw) DEALLOCATE (int3_paw)
124        IF (noncolin) DEALLOCATE(int3_nc)
125     ENDIF
126  ENDDO
127  !
128  IF (ldvscf_interpolate) DEALLOCATE(dvscfin_all)
129  !
130  ! In AHC calculation, we do not need the dynamical matrix. So return here.
131  IF (elph_ahc) THEN
132     CALL stop_clock('elphon')
133     RETURN
134  ENDIF
135  !
136  ! now read the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix
137  ! calculated in a previous run
138  !
139  IF (.NOT.trans) THEN
140     IF (.NOT. xmldyn) THEN
141        WRITE (6, '(5x,a)') "Reading dynamics matrix from file "//trim(fildyn)
142        CALL readmat (iudyn, ibrav, celldm, nat, ntyp, &
143                      ityp, omega, amass, tau, xq, w2, dyn)
144     ELSE
145        allocate( phip(3,3,nat,nat) )
146        CALL read_dyn_mat_param(fildyn, ntyp_, nat_)
147        IF ( ntyp_ /= ntyp .OR. nat_ /= nat ) &
148           CALL errore('elphon','uncorrect nat or ntyp',1)
150        CALL read_dyn_mat_header(ntyp, nat, ibrav_, nspin_mag_, &
151                 celldm_, at, bg, omega, atm, amass, tau, ityp, &
152                 m_loc, nqs_)
154        IF (ibrav_.NE.ibrav .OR. ABS ( celldm_ (1) - celldm (1) ) > 1.0d-5 &
155             .OR. (nspin_mag_ /= nspin_mag ) ) CALL errore ('elphon', &
156             'inconsistent data', 1)
158        CALL read_dyn_mat(nat,1,xq,phip)
159        !
160        !  Diagonalize the dynamical matrix
161        !
164        DO i=1,3
165           do na=1,nat
166              nta = ityp (na)
167              mu=3*(na-1)+i
168              do j=1,3
169                 do nb=1,nat
170                   nu=3*(nb-1)+j
171                   ntb = ityp (nb)
172                   dyn (mu, nu) = phip (i, j, na, nb) / &
173                     sqrt( amass(nta)*amass(ntb))/amu_ry
174                 enddo
175              enddo
176           enddo
177        enddo
179        !
180        CALL cdiagh (3 * nat, dyn, 3 * nat, w2, dyn)
181        !
182        ! divide by sqrt(mass) to get displacements
183        !
184        DO nu = 1, 3 * nat
185           DO mu = 1, 3 * nat
186              na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1
187              dyn (mu, nu) = dyn (mu, nu) / SQRT ( amu_ry * amass (ityp (na) ) )
188           ENDDO
189        ENDDO
191        CALL read_dyn_mat_tail(nat)
193        deallocate( phip )
194     ENDIF
195     !
196     ! Write phonon frequency to stdout
197     !
198     WRITE( stdout, 8000) (xq (i), i = 1, 3)
199     !
200     DO nu = 1, 3 * nat
201        w1 = SQRT( ABS( w2(nu) ) )
202        if (w2(nu) < 0.d0) w1 = - w1
203        WRITE( stdout, 8010) nu, w1 * RY_TO_THZ, w1 * RY_TO_CMM1
204     ENDDO
205     !
206     WRITE( stdout, '(1x,74("*"))')
207     !
208  ENDIF ! .NOT. trans
209  !
210  CALL stop_clock ('elphon')
211  !
2128000 FORMAT(/,5x,'Diagonalizing the dynamical matrix', &
213       &       //,5x,'q = ( ',3f14.9,' ) ',//,1x,74('*'))
2148010 FORMAT   (5x,'freq (',i5,') =',f15.6,' [THz] =',f15.6,' [cm-1]')
215  !
220SUBROUTINE readmat (iudyn, ibrav, celldm, nat, ntyp, ityp, omega, &
221     amass, tau, q, w2, dyn)
222  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
223  !
224  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
225  USE constants, ONLY : amu_ry
227  ! Input
228  INTEGER :: iudyn, ibrav, nat, ntyp, ityp (nat)
229  REAL(DP) :: celldm (6), amass (ntyp), tau (3, nat), q (3), &
230       omega
231  ! output
232  REAL(DP) :: w2 (3 * nat)
233  COMPLEX(DP) :: dyn (3 * nat, 3 * nat)
234  ! local (control variables)
235  INTEGER :: ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, ityp_
236  REAL(DP) :: celldm_ (6), amass_, tau_ (3), q_ (3)
237  ! local
238  REAL(DP) :: dynr (2, 3, nat, 3, nat)
239  CHARACTER(len=80) :: line
240  CHARACTER(len=3)  :: atm
241  INTEGER :: nt, na, nb, naa, nbb, nu, mu, i, j
242  !
243  !
244  REWIND (iudyn)
245  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
246  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
247  READ (iudyn, * ) ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, celldm_
248  IF ( ntyp.NE.ntyp_ .OR. nat.NE.nat_ .OR.ibrav_.NE.ibrav .OR. &
249       ABS ( celldm_ (1) - celldm (1) ) > 1.0d-5) &
250          CALL errore ('readmat', 'inconsistent data', 1)
251  IF ( ibrav_ == 0 ) THEN
252     READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
253     READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
254     READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
255     READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
256  END IF
257  DO nt = 1, ntyp
258     READ (iudyn, * ) i, atm, amass_
259     IF ( nt.NE.i .OR. ABS (amass_ - amu_ry*amass (nt) ) > 1.0d-5) &
260        CALL errore ( 'readmat', 'inconsistent data', 1 + nt)
261  ENDDO
262  DO na = 1, nat
263     READ (iudyn, * ) i, ityp_, tau_
264     IF (na.NE.i.OR.ityp_.NE.ityp (na) ) CALL errore ('readmat', &
265          'inconsistent data', 10 + na)
266  ENDDO
267  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
268  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
269  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
270  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
271  READ (line (11:80), * ) (q_ (i), i = 1, 3)
272  READ (iudyn, '(a)') line
273  DO na = 1, nat
274     DO nb = 1, nat
275        READ (iudyn, * ) naa, nbb
276        IF (na.NE.naa.OR.nb.NE.nbb) CALL errore ('readmat', 'error reading &
277             &file', nb)
278        READ (iudyn, * ) ( (dynr (1, i, na, j, nb), dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) &
279             , j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)
280     ENDDO
281  ENDDO
282  !
283  ! divide the dynamical matrix by the (input) masses (in amu)
284  !
285  DO nb = 1, nat
286     DO j = 1, 3
287        DO na = 1, nat
288           DO i = 1, 3
289              dynr (1, i, na, j, nb) = dynr (1, i, na, j, nb) / SQRT (amass ( &
290                   ityp (na) ) * amass (ityp (nb) ) ) / amu_ry
291              dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) = dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) / SQRT (amass ( &
292                   ityp (na) ) * amass (ityp (nb) ) ) / amu_ry
293           ENDDO
294        ENDDO
295     ENDDO
296  ENDDO
297  !
298  ! solve the eigenvalue problem.
299  ! NOTA BENE: eigenvectors are overwritten on dyn
300  !
301  CALL cdiagh (3 * nat, dynr, 3 * nat, w2, dyn)
302  !
303  ! divide by sqrt(mass) to get displacements
304  !
305  DO nu = 1, 3 * nat
306     DO mu = 1, 3 * nat
307        na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1
308        dyn (mu, nu) = dyn (mu, nu) / SQRT ( amu_ry * amass (ityp (na) ) )
309     ENDDO
310  ENDDO
311  !
312  !
317SUBROUTINE elphel (irr, npe, imode0, dvscfins)
318  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
319  !
320  !      Calculation of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat
321  !         <\psi(k+q)|dV_{SCF}/du^q_{i a}|\psi(k)>
322  !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri
323  !      Modified by A. Floris and I. Timrov to include Hubbard U (01.10.2018)
324  !
325  USE kinds,      ONLY : DP
326  USE fft_base,   ONLY : dffts
327  USE ions_base,  ONLY : nat, ityp
328  USE control_flags,  ONLY : iverbosity
329  USE wavefunctions,  ONLY : evc
330  USE buffers,    ONLY : get_buffer, save_buffer
331  USE klist,      ONLY : xk, ngk, igk_k
332  USE lsda_mod,   ONLY : lsda, current_spin, isk, nspin
333  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_mag
334  USE wvfct,      ONLY : nbnd, npwx
335  USE uspp,       ONLY : vkb
336  USE el_phon,    ONLY : el_ph_mat, el_ph_mat_rec, el_ph_mat_rec_col, &
337                         comp_elph, done_elph, elph_nbnd_min, elph_nbnd_max
338  USE modes,      ONLY : u, nmodes
339  USE units_ph,   ONLY : iubar, lrbar, iundnsscf, iudvpsi, lrdvpsi
340  USE units_lr,   ONLY : iuwfc, lrwfc
341  USE control_ph, ONLY : trans, current_iq
342  USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_writefile
343  USE spin_orb,   ONLY : domag
344  USE mp_bands,   ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, ntask_groups
345  USE mp_pools,   ONLY : npool
346  USE mp,         ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast
347  USE mp_world,   ONLY : world_comm
348  USE elph_tetra_mod, ONLY : elph_tetra
349  USE eqv,        ONLY : dvpsi, evq
350  USE qpoint,     ONLY : nksq, ikks, ikqs, nksqtot
351  USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
352  USE fft_helper_subroutines
353  USE ldaU,       ONLY : lda_plus_u, Hubbard_lmax
354  USE ldaU_ph,    ONLY : dnsscf_all_modes, dnsscf
355  USE io_global,  ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
356  USE io_files,   ONLY : seqopn
357  USE lrus,       ONLY : becp1
358  USE phus,       ONLY : alphap
359  USE ahc,        ONLY : elph_ahc, ib_ahc_gauge_min, ib_ahc_gauge_max
362  !
363  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: irr, npe, imode0
364  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dvscfins (dffts%nnr, nspin_mag, npe)
365  ! LOCAL variables
366  INTEGER :: npw, npwq, nrec, ik, ikk, ikq, ipert, mode, ibnd, jbnd, ir, ig, &
367             ipol, ios, ierr, nrec_ahc
368  COMPLEX(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: aux1 (:,:), elphmat (:,:,:), tg_dv(:,:), &
369                               tg_psic(:,:), aux2(:,:)
370  INTEGER :: v_siz, incr
371  LOGICAL :: exst
372  COMPLEX(DP), EXTERNAL :: zdotc
373  integer :: ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst
374  !
375  CALL start_clock('elphel')
376  !
377  IF (elph_ahc) THEN
378     ibnd_fst = ib_ahc_gauge_min
379     ibnd_lst = ib_ahc_gauge_max
380  elseif(elph_tetra == 0) then
381     ibnd_fst = 1
382     ibnd_lst = nbnd
383  else
384     ibnd_fst = elph_nbnd_min
385     ibnd_lst = elph_nbnd_max
386  end if
387  !
388  IF (.NOT. comp_elph(irr) .OR. done_elph(irr)) RETURN
390  ALLOCATE (aux1    (dffts%nnr, npol))
391  ALLOCATE (elphmat ( nbnd , nbnd , npe))
392  ALLOCATE( el_ph_mat_rec (nbnd,nbnd,nksq,npe) )
393  el_ph_mat_rec=(0.0_DP,0.0_DP)
394  ALLOCATE (aux2(npwx*npol, nbnd))
395  incr=1
396  IF ( dffts%has_task_groups ) THEN
397     !
398     v_siz =  dffts%nnr_tg
399     ALLOCATE( tg_dv   ( v_siz, nspin_mag ) )
400     ALLOCATE( tg_psic( v_siz, npol ) )
401     incr = fftx_ntgrp(dffts)
402     !
403  ENDIF
404  !
405  ! DFPT+U case
406  !
407  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. .NOT.trans) THEN
408     !
409     ! Allocate and read dnsscf_all_modes from file
410     !
411     ALLOCATE (dnsscf_all_modes(2*Hubbard_lmax+1, 2*Hubbard_lmax+1, nspin, nat, nmodes))
412     dnsscf_all_modes = (0.d0, 0.d0)
413     !
414     IF (ionode) READ(iundnsscf,*) dnsscf_all_modes
415     CALL mp_bcast(dnsscf_all_modes, ionode_id, world_comm)
416     REWIND(iundnsscf)
417     !
418     ! Check whether the re-read is correct
419     !
420     IF (iverbosity==1) CALL elphel_read_dnsscf_check()
421     !
422     ! Allocate dnsscf
423     !
424     ALLOCATE (dnsscf(2*Hubbard_lmax+1, 2*Hubbard_lmax+1, nspin, nat, npe))
425     dnsscf = (0.d0, 0.d0)
426     !
427  ENDIF
428  !
429  !  Start the loops over the k-points
430  !
431  DO ik = 1, nksq
432     !
433     !  ik = counter of k-points with vector k
434     !  ikk= index of k-point with vector k
435     !  ikq= index of k-point with vector k+q
436     !       k and k+q are alternated if q!=0, are the same if q=0
437     !
438     ikk = ikks(ik)
439     ikq = ikqs(ik)
440     IF (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
441     npw = ngk(ikk)
442     npwq= ngk(ikq)
443     !
444     CALL init_us_2 (npwq, igk_k(1,ikq), xk (1, ikq), vkb)
445     !
446     ! read unperturbed wavefuctions psi(k) and psi(k+q)
447     !
448     IF (nksq.GT.1) THEN
449        IF (lgamma) THEN
450           CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
451        ELSE
452           CALL get_buffer (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
453           CALL get_buffer (evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq)
454        ENDIF
455     ENDIF
456     !
457     DO ipert = 1, npe
458        nrec = (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik
459        !
460        !  dvbare_q*psi_kpoint is read from file (if available) or recalculated
461        !
462        IF (trans) THEN
463           CALL get_buffer (dvpsi, lrbar, iubar, nrec)
464        ELSE
465           mode = imode0 + ipert
466           ! FIXME: .false. or .true. ???
467           CALL dvqpsi_us (ik, u (1, mode), .FALSE., becp1, alphap)
468           !
469           ! DFPT+U: calculate the bare derivative of the Hubbard potential in el-ph
470           !
471           IF (lda_plus_u) CALL dvqhub_barepsi_us (ik, u(1,mode))
472           !
473        ENDIF
474        !
475        ! calculate dvscf_q*psi_k
476        !
477        IF ( dffts%has_task_groups ) THEN
478           IF (noncolin) THEN
479              CALL tg_cgather( dffts, dvscfins(:,1,ipert), tg_dv(:,1))
480              IF (domag) THEN
481                 DO ipol=2,4
482                    CALL tg_cgather( dffts,  dvscfins(:,ipol,ipert), tg_dv(:,ipol))
483                 ENDDO
484              ENDIF
485           ELSE
486              CALL tg_cgather( dffts, dvscfins(:,current_spin,ipert), tg_dv(:,1))
487           ENDIF
488        ENDIF
489        aux2=(0.0_DP,0.0_DP)
490        DO ibnd = ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst, incr
491           IF ( dffts%has_task_groups ) THEN
492              CALL cft_wave_tg (ik, evc, tg_psic, 1, v_siz, ibnd, nbnd )
493              CALL apply_dpot(v_siz, tg_psic, tg_dv, 1)
494              CALL cft_wave_tg (ik, aux2, tg_psic, -1, v_siz, ibnd, nbnd)
495           ELSE
496              CALL cft_wave (ik, evc(1, ibnd), aux1, +1)
497              CALL apply_dpot(dffts%nnr, aux1, dvscfins(1,1,ipert), current_spin)
498              CALL cft_wave (ik, aux2(1, ibnd), aux1, -1)
499           ENDIF
500        ENDDO
501        dvpsi=dvpsi+aux2
502        !
503        CALL adddvscf (ipert, ik)
504        !
505        ! DFPT+U: add to dvpsi the scf part of the perturbed Hubbard potential
506        !
507        IF (lda_plus_u) THEN
508           IF (.NOT.trans) dnsscf(:,:,:,:,ipert) = dnsscf_all_modes(:,:,:,:,mode)
509           CALL adddvhubscf (ipert, ik)
510        ENDIF
511        !
512        ! If doing Allen-Heine-Cardona (AHC) calculation, we need dvpsi
513        ! later. So, write to buffer.
514        !
515        IF (elph_ahc) THEN
516           nrec_ahc = (ik - 1) * nmodes + ipert + imode0
517           CALL save_buffer(dvpsi(1, ibnd_fst), lrdvpsi, iudvpsi, nrec_ahc)
518           !
519           ! If elph_ahc, the matrix elements are computed in ahc.f90
520           CYCLE
521           !
522        ENDIF
523        !
524        ! calculate elphmat(j,i)=<psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q*psi_{k,i}> for this pertur
525        !
526        DO ibnd = ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst
527           DO jbnd = ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst
528              elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert) = zdotc (npwq, evq (1, jbnd), 1, &
529                   dvpsi (1, ibnd), 1)
530              IF (noncolin) &
531                 elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert) = elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert)+ &
532                   zdotc (npwq, evq(npwx+1,jbnd),1,dvpsi(npwx+1,ibnd), 1)
533           ENDDO
534        ENDDO
535     ENDDO
536     !
537     ! If elph_ahc, the matrix elements are computed in ahc.f90
538     IF (elph_ahc) CYCLE
539     !
540     CALL mp_sum (elphmat, intra_bgrp_comm)
541     !
542     !  save all e-ph matrix elements into el_ph_mat
543     !
544     DO ipert = 1, npe
545        DO jbnd = ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst
546           DO ibnd = ibnd_fst, ibnd_lst
547              el_ph_mat (ibnd, jbnd, ik, ipert + imode0) = elphmat (ibnd, jbnd, ipert)
548              el_ph_mat_rec (ibnd, jbnd, ik, ipert ) = elphmat (ibnd, jbnd, ipert)
549           ENDDO
550        ENDDO
551     ENDDO
552  ENDDO
553  !
554  done_elph(irr)=.TRUE.
555  if(elph_tetra == 0 .AND. .NOT. elph_ahc) then
556     IF (npool>1) THEN
557        ALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_rec_col(nbnd,nbnd,nksqtot,npe))
558        CALL el_ph_collect(npe,el_ph_mat_rec,el_ph_mat_rec_col,nksqtot,nksq)
559     ELSE
560        el_ph_mat_rec_col => el_ph_mat_rec
561     ENDIF
562     CALL ph_writefile('el_phon',current_iq,irr,ierr)
563     IF (npool > 1) DEALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_rec_col)
564  end if
565  DEALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_rec)
566  !
567  DEALLOCATE (elphmat)
568  DEALLOCATE (aux1)
569  DEALLOCATE (aux2)
570  IF ( dffts%has_task_groups ) THEN
571     DEALLOCATE( tg_dv )
572     DEALLOCATE( tg_psic )
573  ENDIF
574  !
575  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. .NOT.trans) THEN
576     DEALLOCATE (dnsscf_all_modes)
577     DEALLOCATE (dnsscf)
578  ENDIF
579  !
580  CALL stop_clock('elphel')
581  !
583  !
587SUBROUTINE elphel_read_dnsscf_check()
588  !
589  ! DFPT+U: This subroutine checks whether dnsscf_all_modes was
590  !         read correctly from file.
591  !
592  USE kinds,      ONLY : DP
593  USE ions_base,  ONLY : nat, ityp
594  USE modes,      ONLY : u, nmodes
595  USE lsda_mod,   ONLY : nspin
596  USE ldaU,       ONLY : Hubbard_l, is_hubbard, Hubbard_lmax
597  USE ldaU_ph,    ONLY : dnsscf_all_modes
598  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
599  !
601  !
602  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dnsscf_all_modes_cart(:,:,:,:,:)
603  INTEGER :: na_icart, nah, is, m1, m2, na, icart, nt, na_icar, imode
604  !
605  ALLOCATE(dnsscf_all_modes_cart (2*Hubbard_lmax+1, 2*Hubbard_lmax+1, nspin, nat, nmodes))
606  dnsscf_all_modes_cart = (0.d0, 0.d0)
607  !
608  ! Transform dnsscf_all_modes from pattern to cartesian coordinates
609  !
610  DO na_icart = 1, 3*nat
611     DO imode = 1, nmodes
612        DO nah = 1, nat
613           nt = ityp(nah)
614           IF (is_hubbard(nt)) THEN
615              DO is = 1, nspin
616                 DO m1 = 1, 2*Hubbard_l(nt) + 1
617                    DO m2 = 1, 2*Hubbard_l(nt) + 1
618                       !
619                       dnsscf_all_modes_cart (m1, m2, is, nah, na_icart) = &
620                              dnsscf_all_modes_cart (m1, m2, is, nah, na_icart) + &
621                              dnsscf_all_modes (m1, m2, is, nah, imode) * &
622                              CONJG(u(na_icart,imode))
623                       !
624                    ENDDO
625                 ENDDO
626              ENDDO
627           ENDIF
628        ENDDO
629     ENDDO
630  ENDDO
631  !
632  ! Write dnsscf in cartesian coordinates
633  !
634  WRITE(stdout,*)
636  !
637  DO na = 1, nat
638     DO icart = 1, 3
639        WRITE( stdout,'(a,1x,i2,2x,a,1x,i2)') 'displaced atom L =', na, 'ipol=', icart
640        na_icart = 3*(na-1) + icart
641        DO nah = 1, nat
642           nt = ityp(nah)
643           IF (is_hubbard(nt)) THEN
644              DO is = 1, nspin
645                 WRITE(stdout,'(a,1x,i2,2x,a,1x,i2)') ' Hubbard atom', nah, 'spin', is
646                 DO m1 = 1, 2*Hubbard_l(nt) + 1
647                    WRITE(stdout,'(14(f15.10,1x))') dnsscf_all_modes_cart (m1,:,is,nah,na_icart)
648                 ENDDO
649              ENDDO
650           ENDIF
651        ENDDO
652     ENDDO
653  ENDDO
654  WRITE(stdout,*)
655  !
656  DEALLOCATE(dnsscf_all_modes_cart)
657  !
659  !
660END SUBROUTINE elphel_read_dnsscf_check
664SUBROUTINE elphsum ( )
665  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
666  !
667  !      Sum over BZ of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat
668  !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri, modified by PG
669  !      New version by  Malgorzata Wierzbowska
670  !
671  USE kinds,       ONLY : DP
672  USE constants,   ONLY : pi, rytoev, ry_to_cmm1, ry_to_ghz, degspin
673  USE ions_base,   ONLY : nat, ityp, tau
674  USE cell_base,   ONLY : at, bg
675  USE lsda_mod,    ONLY: isk, nspin
676  USE klist,       ONLY: nks, nkstot, xk, wk, nelec
677  USE start_k,     ONLY: nk1, nk2, nk3
678  USE symm_base,   ONLY: s, irt, nsym, invs
679  USE noncollin_module, ONLY: nspin_lsda, nspin_mag
680  USE wvfct,       ONLY: nbnd, et
681  USE parameters,  ONLY : npk
682  USE el_phon,     ONLY : el_ph_mat, done_elph, el_ph_nsigma, el_ph_ngauss, &
683                          el_ph_sigma
684  USE modes,       ONLY : u, nirr
685  USE dynmat,      ONLY : dyn, w2
686  USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
687  USE parallel_include
688  USE mp_pools,    ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, kunit
689  USE mp_images,   ONLY : intra_image_comm, me_image, nproc_image
690  USE mp,          ONLY : mp_bcast
691  USE control_ph,  ONLY : tmp_dir_phq, xmldyn, current_iq
692  USE save_ph,     ONLY : tmp_dir_save
693  USE io_files,    ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, seqopn, create_directory
694  !
695  USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : minus_q, nsymq, rtau
696  USE qpoint,       ONLY : xq, nksq
697  USE control_lr,   ONLY : lgamma
698  !
700  ! epsw = 20 cm^-1, in Ry
701  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: epsw = 20.d0 / ry_to_cmm1
702  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 1.0d-6
703  !
704  INTEGER :: iuna2Fsave  = 40
705  !
706  REAL(DP), allocatable :: gam(:,:), lamb(:,:)
707  !
708  ! Quantities ending with "fit" are relative to the "dense" grid
709  !
710  REAL(DP), allocatable :: xkfit(:,:)
711  REAL(DP), allocatable, target :: etfit(:,:), wkfit(:)
712  INTEGER :: nksfit, nk1fit, nk2fit, nk3fit, nkfit, nksfit_real
713  INTEGER, allocatable :: eqkfit(:), eqqfit(:), sfit(:)
714  !
715  integer :: nq, isq (48), imq
716  ! nq :  degeneracy of the star of q
717  ! isq: index of q in the star of a given sym.op.
718  ! imq: index of -q in the star of q (0 if not present)
719  real(DP) :: sxq (3, 48)
720  ! list of vectors in the star of q
721  !
722  ! workspace used for symmetrisation
723  !
724  COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: g1(:,:,:), g2(:,:,:), g0(:,:), gf(:,:,:)
725  COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: point(:), noint(:)
726  COMPLEX(DP) :: dyn22(3*nat,3*nat), ctemp
727  !
728  INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, isig, ibnd, jbnd, ipert, jpert, nu, mu, &
729       vu, ngauss1, iuelph, ios, i,k,j, ii, jj
730  INTEGER :: nkBZ, nti, ntj, ntk, nkr, itemp1, itemp2, nn, &
731       qx,qy,qz,iq,jq,kq
732  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: eqBZ(:), sBZ(:)
733  REAL(DP) :: weight, wqa, w0g1, w0g2, degauss1, effit1, dosef, &
734       ef1, lambda, gamma
735  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: deg(:), effit(:), dosfit(:)
736  REAL(DP) :: etk, etq
737  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: dos_ef, efermig, w0gauss
738  character(len=80) :: name
739  LOGICAL  :: exst, xmldyn_save
740  !
741  COMPLEX(DP) :: el_ph_sum (3*nat,3*nat)
743  COMPLEX(DP), POINTER :: el_ph_mat_collect(:,:,:,:)
744  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xk_collect(:,:)
745  REAL(DP), POINTER :: wkfit_dist(:), etfit_dist(:,:)
746  INTEGER :: nksfit_dist, rest, kunit_save
747  INTEGER :: nks_real, ispin, nksqtot, irr, ierr
748  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: elph_dir
749  CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: int_to_char
750  !
751  !
752  !
753  !  If the electron phonon matrix elements have not been calculated for
754  !  all representations this routine exit
755  !
756  DO irr=1,nirr
757     IF (.NOT.done_elph(irr)) RETURN
758  ENDDO
760  CALL start_clock('elphsum')
762  elph_dir='elph_dir/'
763  IF (ionode) INQUIRE(file=TRIM(elph_dir), EXIST=exst)
764  CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
765  IF (.NOT.exst) CALL create_directory( elph_dir )
766  WRITE (6, '(5x,"electron-phonon interaction  ..."/)')
767  ngauss1 = 0
769  ALLOCATE(xk_collect(3,nkstot))
771  ALLOCATE(deg(el_ph_nsigma))
772  ALLOCATE(effit(el_ph_nsigma))
773  ALLOCATE(dosfit(el_ph_nsigma))
775  IF (npool==1) THEN
777!  no pool, just copy old variables on the new ones
779     nksqtot=nksq
780     xk_collect(:,1:nks) = xk(:,1:nks)
781     el_ph_mat_collect => el_ph_mat
782  ELSE
784!  pools, allocate new variables and collect the results. All the rest
785!  remain unchanged.
787     IF (lgamma) THEN
788        nksqtot=nkstot
789     ELSE
790        nksqtot=nkstot/2
791     ENDIF
792     CALL poolcollect(3, nks, xk, nkstot, xk_collect)
793     ALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_collect(nbnd,nbnd,nksqtot,3*nat))
794     ! FIXME: this routine should be replaced by a generic routine
795     CALL el_ph_collect(3*nat,el_ph_mat,el_ph_mat_collect,nksqtot,nksq)
796  ENDIF
797  !
798  ! read eigenvalues for the dense grid
799  ! FIXME: this should be done from the xml file, not from a specialized file
800  ! parallel case: only first node reads
801  !
802  IF ( ionode ) THEN
803     tmp_dir=tmp_dir_save
804     CALL seqopn( iuna2Fsave, 'a2Fsave', 'FORMATTED', exst )
805     tmp_dir=tmp_dir_phq
806     READ(iuna2Fsave,*) ibnd, nksfit
807  END IF
808  !
809  CALL mp_bcast (ibnd, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
810  CALL mp_bcast (nksfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
811  if ( ibnd /= nbnd ) call errore('elphsum','wrong file read',iuna2Fsave)
812  allocate (etfit(nbnd,nksfit), xkfit(3,nksfit), wkfit(nksfit))
813  !
814  IF ( ionode ) THEN
815     READ(iuna2Fsave,*) etfit
816     READ(iuna2Fsave,*) ((xkfit(i,ik), i=1,3), ik=1,nksfit)
817     READ(iuna2Fsave,*) wkfit
818     READ(iuna2Fsave,*) nk1fit, nk2fit, nk3fit
819     CLOSE( UNIT = iuna2Fsave, STATUS = 'KEEP' )
820  END IF
821  !
822  ! broadcast all variables read
823  !
824  CALL mp_bcast (etfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
825  CALL mp_bcast (xkfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
826  CALL mp_bcast (wkfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
827  CALL mp_bcast (nk1fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
828  CALL mp_bcast (nk2fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
829  CALL mp_bcast (nk3fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
830  !
831  nkfit=nk1fit*nk2fit*nk3fit
832  !
833  ! efermig and dos_ef require scattered points and eigenvalues
834  ! isk is neither read nor used. phonon with two Fermi energies is
835  ! not yet implemented.
836  !
837  nksfit_dist  = ( nksfit / npool )
838  rest = ( nksfit - nksfit_dist * npool )
839  IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) <= rest ) nksfit_dist = nksfit_dist + 1
840  kunit_save=kunit
841  kunit=1
843#if defined(__MPI)
844  ALLOCATE(etfit_dist(nbnd,nksfit_dist))
845  ALLOCATE(wkfit_dist(nksfit_dist))
846  CALL poolscatter( 1, nksfit, wkfit, nksfit_dist, wkfit_dist )
847  CALL poolscatter( nbnd, nksfit, etfit, nksfit_dist, etfit_dist )
849   wkfit_dist => wkfit
850   etfit_dist => etfit
852  !
853  do isig=1,el_ph_nsigma
854     !
855     ! recalculate Ef = effit and DOS at Ef N(Ef) = dosfit using dense grid
856     ! for value "deg" of gaussian broadening
857     !
858     deg(isig) = isig * el_ph_sigma
859     !
860     effit(isig) = efermig &
861          ( etfit_dist, nbnd, nksfit_dist, nelec, wkfit_dist, &
862              deg(isig), ngauss1, 0, isk)
863     dosfit(isig) = dos_ef ( ngauss1, deg(isig), effit(isig), etfit_dist, &
864          wkfit_dist, nksfit_dist, nbnd) / 2.0d0
865  enddo
866#if defined(__MPI)
867  DEALLOCATE(etfit_dist)
868  DEALLOCATE(wkfit_dist)
870  kunit=kunit_save
871  allocate (eqkfit(nkfit), eqqfit(nkfit), sfit(nkfit))
872  !
873  ! map k-points in the IBZ to k-points in the complete uniform grid
874  !
875  nksfit_real=nksfit/nspin_lsda
876  call lint ( nsym, s, .true., at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &
877       nk1fit,nk2fit,nk3fit, nksfit_real, xkfit, 1, nkfit, eqkfit, sfit)
878  deallocate (sfit, xkfit, wkfit)
879  !
880  ! find epsilon(k+q) in the dense grid
881  !
882  call cryst_to_cart (1, xq, at, -1)
883  qx = nint(nk1fit*xq(1))
884  if (abs(qx-nk1fit*xq(1)) > eps) &
885       call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',1)
886  if (qx < 0) qx = qx + nk1fit
887  if (qx > nk1fit) qx = qx - nk1fit
888  qy = nint(nk2fit*xq(2))
889  if (abs(qy-nk2fit*xq(2)) > eps) &
890       call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',2)
891  if (qy < 0) qy = qy + nk2fit
892  if (qy > nk2fit) qy = qy - nk2fit
893  qz = nint(nk3fit*xq(3))
894  if (abs(qz-nk3fit*xq(3)) > eps) &
895       call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',3)
896  if (qz < 0) qz = qz + nk3fit
897  if (qz > nk3fit) qz = qz - nk3fit
898  call cryst_to_cart (1, xq, bg, 1)
899  !
900  eqqfit(:) = 0
901  do i=1,nk1fit
902     do j=1,nk2fit
903        do k=1,nk3fit
904           ik = k-1 + (j-1)*nk3fit + (i-1)*nk2fit*nk3fit + 1
905           iq = i+qx
906           if (iq > nk1fit) iq = iq - nk1fit
907           jq = j+qy
908           if (jq > nk2fit) jq = jq - nk2fit
909           kq = k+qz
910           if (kq > nk3fit) kq = kq - nk3fit
911           nn = (kq-1)+(jq-1)*nk3fit+(iq-1)*nk2fit*nk3fit + 1
912           eqqfit(ik) = eqkfit(nn)
913        enddo
914     enddo
915  enddo
916  !
917  ! calculate the electron-phonon coefficient using the dense grid
918  !
919  nti  = nk1fit/nk1
920  ntj  = nk2fit/nk2
921  ntk  = nk3fit/nk3
922  nkBZ  = nk1*nk2*nk3
923  allocate (eqBZ(nkBZ), sBZ(nkBZ))
924  !
925  nks_real=nkstot/nspin_lsda
926  IF ( lgamma ) THEN
927     call lint ( nsymq, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &
928          nk1,nk2,nk3, nks_real, xk_collect, 1, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)
929  ELSE
930     call lint ( nsymq, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &
931          nk1,nk2,nk3, nks_real, xk_collect, 2, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)
932  END IF
933  !
934  allocate (gf(3*nat,3*nat,el_ph_nsigma))
935  gf = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
936  !
937  wqa  = 1.0d0/nkfit
938  IF (nspin==1) wqa=degspin*wqa
939  !
940#if defined(__MPI)
941  do ibnd = me_image+1, nbnd, nproc_image
943  do ibnd = 1, nbnd
945     do jbnd = 1, nbnd
946        allocate (g2(nkBZ*nspin_lsda,3*nat,3*nat))
947        allocate (g1(nksqtot,3*nat,3*nat))
948        do ik = 1, nksqtot
949           do ii = 1, 3*nat
950              do jj = 1, 3*nat
951                 g1(ik,ii,jj)=CONJG(el_ph_mat_collect(jbnd,ibnd,ik,ii))* &
952                      el_ph_mat_collect(jbnd,ibnd,ik,jj)
953              enddo    ! ipert
954           enddo    !jpert
955        enddo   ! ik
956        !
957        allocate (g0(3*nat,3*nat))
958        do i=1,nk1
959           do j=1,nk2
960              do k=1,nk3
961                 do ispin=1,nspin_lsda
962                    nn = k-1 + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
963                    itemp1 = eqBZ(nn)
964                    if (ispin==2) itemp1=itemp1+nksqtot/2
965                    g0(:,:) = g1(itemp1,:,:)
966                    itemp2 = sBZ(nn)
967                    call symm ( g0, u, xq, s, itemp2, rtau, irt, &
968                         at, bg, nat)
969                    if (ispin==2) nn=nn+nkBZ
970                    g2(nn,:,:) = g0(:,:)
971                 enddo
972              enddo ! k
973           enddo !j
974        enddo !i
975        deallocate (g0)
976        deallocate (g1)
977        !
978        allocate ( point(nkBZ), noint(nkfit) )
979        do jpert = 1, 3 * nat
980           do ipert = 1, 3 * nat
981              do ispin=1,nspin_lsda
982              !
983              point(1:nkBZ) = &
984                  g2(1+nkBZ*(ispin-1):nkBZ+nkBZ*(ispin-1),ipert,jpert)
985              !
986              CALL clinear(nk1,nk2,nk3,nti,ntj,ntk,point,noint)
987              !
988              do isig = 1,el_ph_nsigma
989                 degauss1 = deg(isig)
990                 effit1   = effit(isig)
991                 ctemp    = 0
992                 do ik=1,nkfit
993                    etk   = etfit(ibnd,eqkfit(ik)+nksfit*(ispin-1)/2)
994                    etq   = etfit(jbnd,eqqfit(ik)+nksfit*(ispin-1)/2)
995                    ctemp = ctemp &
996                          + exp(-((effit1-etk)**2 + (effit1-etq)**2)/degauss1**2)*noint(ik)
997                 enddo
998                 gf(ipert,jpert,isig) = gf(ipert,jpert,isig) + &
999                      ctemp * wqa / (degauss1**2) / pi
1000              enddo ! isig
1001              enddo ! ispin
1002           enddo    ! ipert
1003        enddo    !jpert
1004        deallocate (point, noint)
1005        deallocate (g2)
1006        !
1007     enddo    ! ibnd
1008  enddo    ! jbnd
1010#if defined(__MPI)
1011  CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(MPI_IN_PLACE,gf,3*nat*3*nat*el_ph_nsigma, &
1012                     MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,MPI_SUM,intra_image_comm,ierr)
1015  deallocate (eqqfit, eqkfit)
1016  deallocate (etfit)
1017  deallocate (eqBZ, sBZ)
1019  allocate (gam(3*nat,el_ph_nsigma), lamb(3*nat,el_ph_nsigma))
1020  lamb(:,:) = 0.0d0
1021  gam (:,:) = 0.0d0
1022  do isig= 1, el_ph_nsigma
1023     do nu = 1,3*nat
1024        gam(nu,isig) = 0.0d0
1025        do mu = 1, 3 * nat
1026           do vu = 1, 3 * nat
1027              gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig) + DBLE(conjg(dyn(mu,nu)) * &
1028                   gf(mu,vu,isig) * dyn(vu,nu))
1029           enddo
1030        enddo
1031        gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig) *  pi/2.0d0
1032        !
1033        ! the factor 2 comes from the factor sqrt(hbar/2/M/omega) that appears
1034        ! in the definition of the electron-phonon matrix element g
1035        ! The sqrt(1/M) factor is actually hidden into the normal modes
1036        !
1037        ! gamma = \pi \sum_k\sum_{i,j} \delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) \delta(e_{k+q,j}-Ef)
1038        !         | \sum_mu z(mu,nu) <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}> |^2
1039        ! where z(mu,nu) is the mu component of normal mode nu (z = dyn)
1040        ! gamma(nu) is the phonon linewidth of mode nu
1041        !
1042        ! The factor N(Ef)^2 that appears in most formulations of el-ph interact
1043        ! is absent because we sum, not average, over the Fermi surface.
1044        ! The factor 2 is provided by the sum over spins
1045        !
1046        if (sqrt(abs(w2(nu))) > epsw) then
1047           ! lambda is the adimensional el-ph coupling for mode nu:
1048           ! lambda(nu)= gamma(nu)/(pi N(Ef) \omega_{q,nu}^2)
1049           lamb(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig)/pi/w2(nu)/dosfit(isig)
1050        else
1051           lamb(nu,isig) = 0.0d0
1052        endif
1053        gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig)*ry_to_ghz
1054     enddo  !nu
1055  enddo  ! isig
1056  !
1057  do isig= 1,el_ph_nsigma
1058     WRITE (6, 9000) deg(isig), ngauss1
1059     WRITE (6, 9005) dosfit(isig), effit(isig) * rytoev
1060     do nu=1,3*nat
1061        WRITE (6, 9010) nu, lamb(nu,isig), gam(nu,isig)
1062     enddo
1063  enddo
1064  ! Isaev: save files in suitable format for processing by lambda.x
1065   name=TRIM(elph_dir)// 'elph.inp_lambda.' //TRIM(int_to_char(current_iq))
1067  IF (ionode) THEN
1068     open(unit=12, file=TRIM(name), form='formatted', status='unknown', &
1069                                    iostat=ios)
1071     write(12, "(5x,3f14.6,2i6)") xq(1),xq(2),xq(3), el_ph_nsigma, 3*nat
1072     write(12, "(6e14.6)") (w2(i), i=1,3*nat)
1074     do isig= 1, el_ph_nsigma
1075        WRITE (12, 9000) deg(isig), ngauss1
1076        WRITE (12, 9005) dosfit(isig), effit(isig) * rytoev
1077        do nu=1,3*nat
1078           WRITE (12, 9010) nu, lamb(nu,isig), gam(nu,isig)
1079        enddo
1080     enddo
1081     close (unit=12,status='keep')
1082  ENDIF
1083  ! Isaev end
1084  CALL mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1085  IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('elphsum','problem opening file'//TRIM(name),1)
1086  deallocate (gam)
1087  deallocate (lamb)
1088  write(stdout,*)
1089  !
1090  !    Prepare interface to q2r and matdyn
1091  !
1092  call star_q (xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, .TRUE. )
1093  !
1094  do isig=1,el_ph_nsigma
1095     name=TRIM(elph_dir)//'a2Fq2r.'// TRIM(int_to_char(50 + isig)) &
1096                                  //'.'//TRIM(int_to_char(current_iq))
1097     if (ionode) then
1098        iuelph = 4
1099        open(iuelph, file=name, STATUS = 'unknown', FORM = 'formatted', &
1100                     iostat=ios)
1101     else
1102        !
1103        ! this node doesn't write: unit 6 is redirected to /dev/null
1104        !
1105        iuelph =6
1106     end if
1107     call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1108     IF (ios /= 0) call errore('elphsum','opening output file '// TRIM(name),1)
1109     dyn22(:,:) = gf(:,:,isig)
1110     write(iuelph,*) deg(isig), effit(isig), dosfit(isig)
1111     IF ( imq == 0 ) THEN
1112        write(iuelph,*) 2*nq
1113     ELSE
1114        write(iuelph,*) nq
1115     ENDIF
1116     xmldyn_save=xmldyn
1117     xmldyn=.FALSE.
1118     call q2qstar_ph (dyn22, at, bg, nat, nsym, s, invs, &
1119          irt, rtau, nq, sxq, isq, imq, iuelph)
1120     xmldyn=xmldyn_save
1121     if (ionode) CLOSE( UNIT = iuelph, STATUS = 'KEEP' )
1122  enddo
1123  deallocate (gf)
1124  DEALLOCATE( deg )
1125  DEALLOCATE( effit )
1126  DEALLOCATE( dosfit )
1127  DEALLOCATE( xk_collect )
1128  IF (npool /= 1) DEALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_collect)
1130  call stop_clock('elphsum')
1132  !
11339000 FORMAT(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' Ry, ngauss=',i4)
11349005 FORMAT(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=', &
1135          &       f10.6,' eV')
11369006 FORMAT(5x,'double delta at Ef =',f10.6)
11379010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i5,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,' GHz')
1138  !
1139  RETURN
1140END SUBROUTINE elphsum
1143SUBROUTINE elphsum_simple
1144  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1145  !
1146  !      Sum over BZ of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat
1147  !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri
1148  !      Rewritten by Matteo Calandra
1149  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1150  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
1151  USE constants, ONLY : pi, ry_to_cmm1, ry_to_ghz, rytoev
1152  USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
1153  USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
1154  USE symm_base, ONLY : s, irt, nsym, invs
1155  USE klist, ONLY : xk, nelec, nks, wk
1156  USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, et
1157  USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat, el_ph_nsigma, el_ph_ngauss, el_ph_sigma
1158  USE mp_pools,  ONLY : inter_pool_comm, npool
1159  USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm
1160  USE output, ONLY : fildyn
1161  USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, w2
1162  USE modes, ONLY : u, nirr
1163  USE control_ph, only : current_iq, qplot
1164  USE lsda_mod, only : isk
1165  USE el_phon,   ONLY : done_elph, gamma_disp
1166  USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
1167  USE mp,        ONLY: mp_sum, mp_bcast
1169  USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : rtau, nsymq, irotmq, minus_q
1170  USE qpoint, ONLY : xq, nksq, ikks, ikqs
1171  !
1173  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 20_dp/ry_to_cmm1 ! eps = 20 cm^-1, in Ry
1174  !
1175  INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, isig, ibnd, jbnd, ipert, jpert, nu, mu, &
1176       vu, ngauss1, iuelph, ios, irr
1177  INTEGER :: nmodes
1178  REAL(DP) :: weight, w0g1, w0g2, w0gauss, wgauss, degauss1, dosef, &
1179       ef1, phase_space, lambda, gamma
1180  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: dos_ef, efermig
1181  character(len=80) :: filelph
1182  CHARACTER(len=256) ::  file_elphmat
1183  !
1184  COMPLEX(DP) :: el_ph_sum (3*nat,3*nat), dyn_corr(3*nat,3*nat)
1186  INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
1187  CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: int_to_char
1190  DO irr=1,nirr
1191     IF (.NOT.done_elph(irr)) RETURN
1192  ENDDO
1194  nmodes=3*nat
1196  filelph=TRIM(fildyn)//'.elph.'//TRIM(int_to_char(current_iq))
1198  ! parallel case: only first node writes
1199  IF ( ionode ) THEN
1200     !
1201     iuelph = find_free_unit()
1202     OPEN (unit = iuelph, file = TRIM(filelph), status = 'unknown', err = &
1203          100, iostat = ios)
1204     REWIND (iuelph)
1205  ELSE
1206     iuelph = 0
1207     !
1208  END IF
1209100 CONTINUE
1210  CALL mp_bcast(ios,ionode_id,intra_image_comm)
1211  CALL errore ('elphsum_simple', 'opening file '//filelph, ABS (ios) )
1213  IF (ionode) THEN
1214     WRITE (iuelph, '(3f15.8,2i8)') xq, el_ph_nsigma, 3 * nat
1215     WRITE (iuelph, '(6e14.6)') (w2 (nu) , nu = 1, nmodes)
1216  ENDIF
1219  ngauss1=0
1220  DO isig = 1, el_ph_nsigma
1221     !     degauss1 = 0.01 * isig
1222     degauss1 = el_ph_sigma * isig
1223     el_ph_sum(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
1224     phase_space = 0.d0
1225     !
1226     ! Recalculate the Fermi energy Ef=ef1 and the DOS at Ef, dosef = N(Ef)
1227     ! for this gaussian broadening
1228     !
1229     ! Note that the weights of k+q points must be set to zero for the
1230     ! following call to yield correct results
1231     !
1233     ef1 = efermig (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, wk, degauss1, el_ph_ngauss, 0, isk)
1234     dosef = dos_ef (el_ph_ngauss, degauss1, ef1, et, wk, nks, nbnd)
1235     ! N(Ef) is the DOS per spin, not summed over spin
1236     dosef = dosef / 2.d0
1237     !
1238     ! Sum over bands with gaussian weights
1239     !
1241     DO ik = 1, nksq
1243        !
1244        ! see subroutine elphel for the logic of indices
1245        !
1246        ikk = ikks(ik)
1247        ikq = ikqs(ik)
1248        DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1249           w0g1 = w0gauss ( (ef1 - et (ibnd, ikk) ) / degauss1, ngauss1) &
1250                / degauss1
1251           DO jbnd = 1, nbnd
1252              w0g2 = w0gauss ( (ef1 - et (jbnd, ikq) ) / degauss1, ngauss1) &
1253                   / degauss1
1254              ! note that wk(ikq)=wk(ikk)
1255              weight = wk (ikk) * w0g1 * w0g2
1256              DO jpert = 1, 3 * nat
1257                 DO ipert = 1, 3 * nat
1258                    el_ph_sum (ipert, jpert) = el_ph_sum (ipert, jpert)  +  weight * &
1259                         CONJG (el_ph_mat (jbnd, ibnd, ik, ipert) ) * &
1260                         el_ph_mat (jbnd, ibnd, ik, jpert)
1261                 ENDDO
1262              ENDDO
1263              phase_space = phase_space+weight
1264           ENDDO
1265        ENDDO
1267     ENDDO
1269     ! el_ph_sum(mu,nu)=\sum_k\sum_{i,j}[ <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}>
1270     !                                  x <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(nu)*psi_{k,i}>
1271     !                                  x \delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) \delta(e_{k+q,j}
1272     !
1273     ! collect contributions from all pools (sum over k-points)
1274     !
1276     call mp_sum ( el_ph_sum , inter_pool_comm )
1277     call mp_sum ( phase_space , inter_pool_comm )
1279     !
1280     ! symmetrize el_ph_sum(mu,nu) : it transforms as the dynamical matrix
1281     !
1283     CALL symdyn_munu_new (el_ph_sum, u, xq, s, invs, rtau, irt,  at, &
1284          bg, nsymq, nat, irotmq, minus_q)
1285     !
1286     WRITE (stdout, *)
1287     WRITE (stdout, 9000) degauss1, ngauss1
1288     WRITE (stdout, 9005) dosef, ef1 * rytoev
1289     WRITE (stdout, 9006) phase_space
1290     IF (ionode) THEN
1291        WRITE (iuelph, 9000) degauss1, ngauss1
1292        WRITE (iuelph, 9005) dosef, ef1 * rytoev
1293     ENDIF
1295     DO nu = 1, nmodes
1296        gamma = 0.d0
1297        DO mu = 1, 3 * nat
1298           DO vu = 1, 3 * nat
1299              gamma = gamma + DBLE (CONJG (dyn (mu, nu) ) * el_ph_sum (mu, vu)&
1300                   * dyn (vu, nu) )
1301           ENDDO
1302        ENDDO
1303        gamma = pi * gamma / 2.d0
1304        !
1305        ! the factor 2 comes from the factor sqrt(hbar/2/M/omega) that appears
1306        ! in the definition of the electron-phonon matrix element g
1307        ! The sqrt(1/M) factor is actually hidden into the normal modes
1308        !
1309        ! gamma = \pi \sum_k\sum_{i,j} \delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) \delta(e_{k+q,j}-Ef)
1310        !         | \sum_mu z(mu,nu) <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}> |^2
1311        ! where z(mu,nu) is the mu component of normal mode nu (z = dyn)
1312        ! gamma(nu) is the phonon linewidth of mode nu
1313        !
1314        ! The factor N(Ef)^2 that appears in most formulations of el-ph interact
1315        ! is absent because we sum, not average, over the Fermi surface.
1316        ! The factor 2 is provided by the sum over spins
1317        !
1318        IF (SQRT (ABS (w2 (nu) ) ) > eps) THEN
1319           ! lambda is the adimensional el-ph coupling for mode nu:
1320           ! lambda(nu)= gamma(nu)/(pi N(Ef) \omega_{q,nu}^2)
1321           lambda = gamma / pi / w2 (nu) / dosef
1322        ELSE
1323           lambda = 0.d0
1324        ENDIF
1325        WRITE (stdout, 9010) nu, lambda, gamma * ry_to_gHz
1326        IF (ionode) WRITE (iuelph, 9010) nu, lambda, gamma * ry_to_gHz
1327        IF (qplot) gamma_disp(nu,isig,current_iq) = gamma * ry_to_gHz
1328     ENDDO
1329  ENDDO
13329000 FORMAT(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' Ry, ngauss=',i4)
13339005 FORMAT(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=', &
1334          &       f10.6,' eV')
13359006 FORMAT(5x,'double delta at Ef =',f10.6)
13369010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i5,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,' GHz')
1337  !
1338  !
1339  IF (ionode) CLOSE (unit = iuelph)
1340  RETURN
1344     !          call star_q(x_q(1,iq), at, bg, nsym , s , invs , nq, sxq, &
1345     !               isq, imq, .FALSE. )
1348END SUBROUTINE elphsum_simple
1351SUBROUTINE elphfil_epa(iq)
1352  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1353  !
1354  !      Writes electron-phonon matrix elements to a file
1355  !      which is subsequently processed by the epa code
1356  !      Original routine written by Georgy Samsonidze
1357  !
1358  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1359  USE cell_base, ONLY : ibrav, alat, omega, tpiba, at, bg
1360  USE disp, ONLY : nq1, nq2, nq3, nqs, x_q, wq, lgamma_iq
1361  USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, w2
1362  USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat, done_elph
1363  USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts, dfftb
1364  USE gvect, ONLY : ngm_g, ecutrho
1365  USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
1366  USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, nsp, atm, ityp, tau
1367  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
1368  USE klist, ONLY : xk, wk, nelec, nks, nkstot, ngk
1369  USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, isk
1370  USE modes, ONLY : nirr, nmodes, npert, npertx, u, t, tmq, &
1371       name_rap_mode, num_rap_mode
1372  USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : irgq, nsymq, irotmq, rtau, gi, gimq, &
1373       minus_q, invsymq
1374  USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
1375  USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm
1376  USE mp_pools, ONLY : npool, intra_pool_comm
1377  USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq, nksqtot, ikks, ikqs, eigqts
1378  USE start_k, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
1379  USE symm_base, ONLY : s, invs, ft, nrot, nsym, nsym_ns, &
1380       nsym_na, ft, sr, sname, t_rev, irt, time_reversal, &
1381       invsym, nofrac, allfrac, nosym, nosym_evc, no_t_rev
1382  USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, et, wg
1383  USE gvecw, ONLY : ecutwfc
1384  USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
1388  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iq
1390  INTEGER :: iuelph, ios, irr, ii, jj, kk, ll
1391  character :: cdate*9, ctime*9, sdate*32, stime*32, &
1392       stitle*32, myaccess*10, mystatus*7
1393  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: filelph
1395  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xk_collect(:,:), wk_collect(:)
1396  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: et_collect(:,:), wg_collect(:,:)
1397  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ngk_collect(:)
1398  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ikks_collect(:), ikqs_collect(:)
1399  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: el_ph_mat_collect(:,:,:,:)
1400  INTEGER :: ftau(3,48)
1401  INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit, atomic_number
1403  filelph = TRIM(prefix) // '.epa.k'
1405  DO irr = 1, nirr
1406     IF (.NOT. done_elph(irr)) RETURN
1407  ENDDO
1409  IF (iq .EQ. 1) THEN
1410     myaccess = 'sequential'
1411     mystatus = 'replace'
1412  ELSE
1413     myaccess = 'append'
1414     mystatus = 'old'
1415  ENDIF
1416  IF (ionode) THEN
1417     iuelph = find_free_unit()
1418     OPEN(unit = iuelph, file = TRIM(filelph), form = 'unformatted', &
1419          access = myaccess, status = mystatus, iostat = ios)
1420  ELSE
1421     iuelph = 0
1422  ENDIF
1423  CALL mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1424  CALL errore('elphfil_epa', 'opening file ' // filelph, ABS(ios))
1426  IF (iq .EQ. 1) THEN
1427     CALL date_and_tim(cdate, ctime)
1428     WRITE(sdate, '(A2,"-",A3,"-",A4,21X)') cdate(1:2), cdate(3:5), cdate(6:9)
1429     WRITE(stime, '(A8,24X)') ctime(1:8)
1430     WRITE(stitle, '("EPA-Complex",21X)')
1431     CALL cryst_to_cart(nqs, x_q, at, -1)
1432     ! write header
1433     IF (ionode) THEN
1434        WRITE(iuelph) stitle, sdate, stime
1435        WRITE(iuelph) ibrav, nat, nsp, nrot, nsym, nsym_ns, nsym_na, &
1436             ngm_g, nspin, nbnd, nmodes, nqs
1437        WRITE(iuelph) nq1, nq2, nq3, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
1438        WRITE(iuelph) time_reversal, invsym, nofrac, allfrac, nosym, &
1439             nosym_evc, no_t_rev
1440        WRITE(iuelph) alat, omega, tpiba, nelec, ecutrho, ecutwfc
1441        WRITE(iuelph) dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3
1442        WRITE(iuelph) dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3
1443        WRITE(iuelph) dfftb%nr1, dfftb%nr2, dfftb%nr3
1444        WRITE(iuelph) ((at(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 3)
1445        WRITE(iuelph) ((bg(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 3)
1446        WRITE(iuelph) (atomic_number(atm(ii)), ii = 1, nsp)
1447        WRITE(iuelph) (ityp(ii), ii = 1, nat)
1448        WRITE(iuelph) ((tau(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, nat)
1449        WRITE(iuelph) ((x_q(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, nqs)
1450        WRITE(iuelph) (wq(ii), ii = 1, nqs)
1451        WRITE(iuelph) (lgamma_iq(ii), ii = 1, nqs)
1452     ENDIF
1453     CALL cryst_to_cart(nqs, x_q, bg, 1)
1454  ENDIF
1456  ! collect data for current q-point
1457  ALLOCATE(xk_collect(3, nkstot))
1458  ALLOCATE(wk_collect(nkstot))
1459  ALLOCATE(et_collect(nbnd, nkstot))
1460  ALLOCATE(wg_collect(nbnd, nkstot))
1461  ALLOCATE(ngk_collect(nkstot))
1462  ALLOCATE(ikks_collect(nksqtot))
1463  ALLOCATE(ikqs_collect(nksqtot))
1464  ALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_collect(nbnd, nbnd, nksqtot, nmodes))
1465  IF (npool > 1) THEN
1466     CALL poolcollect(3, nks, xk, nkstot, xk_collect)
1467     CALL poolcollect(1, nks, wk, nkstot, wk_collect)
1468     CALL poolcollect(nbnd, nks, et, nkstot, et_collect)
1469     CALL poolcollect(nbnd, nks, wg, nkstot, wg_collect)
1470     CALL ipoolcollect(1, nks, ngk, nkstot, ngk_collect)
1471     CALL jpoolcollect(1, nksq, ikks, nksqtot, ikks_collect)
1472     CALL jpoolcollect(1, nksq, ikqs, nksqtot, ikqs_collect)
1473     CALL el_ph_collect(nmodes, el_ph_mat, el_ph_mat_collect, nksqtot, nksq)
1474  ELSE
1475     xk_collect(1:3, 1:nks) = xk(1:3, 1:nks)
1476     wk_collect(1:nks) = wk(1:nks)
1477     et_collect(1:nbnd, 1:nks) = et(1:nbnd, 1:nks)
1478     wg_collect(1:nbnd, 1:nks) = wg(1:nbnd, 1:nks)
1479     ngk_collect(1:nks) = ngk(1:nks)
1480     ikks_collect(1:nksq) = ikks(1:nksq)
1481     ikqs_collect(1:nksq) = ikqs(1:nksq)
1482     el_ph_mat_collect(1:nbnd, 1:nbnd, 1:nksq, 1:nmodes) = &
1483          el_ph_mat(1:nbnd, 1:nbnd, 1:nksq, 1:nmodes)
1484  ENDIF
1485  CALL cryst_to_cart(nkstot, xk_collect, at, -1)
1486  ! write data for current q-point
1487  IF (ionode) THEN
1488     WRITE(iuelph) nsymq, irotmq, nirr, npertx, nkstot, nksqtot
1489     WRITE(iuelph) minus_q, invsymq
1490     WRITE(iuelph) (irgq(ii), ii = 1, 48)
1491     WRITE(iuelph) (npert(ii), ii = 1, nmodes)
1492     WRITE(iuelph) (((rtau(ii, jj, kk), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 48), &
1493          kk = 1, nat)
1494     WRITE(iuelph) ((gi(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 48)
1495     WRITE(iuelph) (gimq(ii), ii = 1, 3)
1496     WRITE(iuelph) ((u(ii, jj), ii = 1, nmodes), jj = 1, nmodes)
1497     WRITE(iuelph) ((((t(ii, jj, kk, ll), ii = 1, npertx), &
1498          jj = 1, npertx), kk = 1, 48), ll = 1, nmodes)
1499     WRITE(iuelph) (((tmq(ii, jj, kk), ii = 1, npertx), &
1500          jj = 1, npertx), kk = 1, nmodes)
1501     WRITE(iuelph) (name_rap_mode(ii), ii = 1, nmodes)
1502     WRITE(iuelph) (num_rap_mode(ii), ii = 1, nmodes)
1503     WRITE(iuelph) (((s(ii, jj, kk), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 3), kk = 1, 48)
1504     WRITE(iuelph) (invs(ii), ii = 1, 48)
1505     ! FIXME: should disappear
1506     ftau(1,1:48) = NINT(ft(1,1:48)*dfftp%nr1)
1507     ftau(2,1:48) = NINT(ft(2,1:48)*dfftp%nr2)
1508     ftau(3,1:48) = NINT(ft(3,1:48)*dfftp%nr3)
1509     WRITE(iuelph) ((ftau(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 48)
1510     ! end FIXME
1511     WRITE(iuelph) ((ft(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 48)
1512     WRITE(iuelph) (((sr(ii, jj, kk), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, 3), kk = 1, 48)
1513     WRITE(iuelph) (sname(ii), ii = 1, 48)
1514     WRITE(iuelph) (t_rev(ii), ii = 1, 48)
1515     WRITE(iuelph) ((irt(ii, jj), ii = 1, 48), jj = 1, nat)
1516     WRITE(iuelph) ((xk_collect(ii, jj), ii = 1, 3), jj = 1, nkstot)
1517     WRITE(iuelph) (wk_collect(ii), ii = 1, nkstot)
1518     WRITE(iuelph) ((et_collect(ii, jj), ii = 1, nbnd), jj = 1, nkstot)
1519     WRITE(iuelph) ((wg_collect(ii, jj), ii = 1, nbnd), jj = 1, nkstot)
1520     WRITE(iuelph) (isk(ii), ii = 1, nkstot)
1521     WRITE(iuelph) (ngk_collect(ii), ii = 1, nkstot)
1522     WRITE(iuelph) (ikks_collect(ii), ii = 1, nksqtot)
1523     WRITE(iuelph) (ikqs_collect(ii), ii = 1, nksqtot)
1524     WRITE(iuelph) (eigqts(ii), ii = 1, nat)
1525     WRITE(iuelph) (w2(ii), ii = 1, nmodes)
1526     WRITE(iuelph) ((dyn(ii, jj), ii = 1, nmodes), jj = 1, nmodes)
1527     WRITE(iuelph) ((((el_ph_mat_collect(ii, jj, kk, ll), ii = 1, nbnd), &
1528          jj = 1, nbnd), kk = 1, nksqtot), ll = 1, nmodes)
1529     CLOSE (unit = iuelph, status = 'keep')
1530  ENDIF
1531  CALL cryst_to_cart(nkstot, xk_collect, bg, 1)
1532  DEALLOCATE(xk_collect)
1533  DEALLOCATE(wk_collect)
1534  DEALLOCATE(et_collect)
1535  DEALLOCATE(wg_collect)
1536  DEALLOCATE(ngk_collect)
1537  DEALLOCATE(ikks_collect)
1538  DEALLOCATE(ikqs_collect)
1539  DEALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_collect)
1541  RETURN
1543END SUBROUTINE elphfil_epa
1546SUBROUTINE ipoolcollect( length, nks, f_in, nkstot, f_out )
1547  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1548  !
1549  ! ... as poolcollect, for an integer vector
1550  !
1551  USE mp_pools,  ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, kunit, &
1552                        inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm
1553  USE mp,        ONLY : mp_sum
1554  !
1556  !
1557  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: length, nks, nkstot
1558  ! first dimension of arrays
1559  ! number of k-points per pool
1560  ! total number of k-points
1561  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: f_in (length,nks)
1562  ! pool-distributed function
1563  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: f_out(length,nkstot)
1564  ! pool-collected function
1565  !
1566  INTEGER :: nbase, rest, nks1
1567  !
1568  nks1    = kunit * ( nkstot / kunit / npool )
1569  !
1570  rest = ( nkstot - nks1 * npool ) / kunit
1571  !
1572  IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) <= rest ) nks1 = nks1 + kunit
1573  !
1574  IF (nks1.ne.nks) &
1575     call errore('ipoolcollect','inconsistent number of k-points',1)
1576  !
1577  ! ... calculates nbase = the position in the list of the first point that
1578  ! ...                    belong to this npool - 1
1579  !
1580  nbase = nks * my_pool_id
1581  !
1582  IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) > rest ) nbase = nbase + rest * kunit
1583  !
1584  ! copy the original points in the correct position of the list
1585  !
1586  f_out=0
1587  f_out(:,nbase+1:nbase+nks) = f_in(:,1:nks)
1588  !
1589  CALL mp_sum( f_out, inter_pool_comm )
1590  !
1591  RETURN
1592  !
1593END SUBROUTINE ipoolcollect
1596SUBROUTINE jpoolcollect( length, nks, f_in, nkstot, f_out )
1597  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1598  !
1599  ! ... as ipoolcollect, without kunit and with an index shift
1600  !
1601  USE mp_pools,  ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, kunit, &
1602                        inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm
1603  USE mp,        ONLY : mp_sum
1604  !
1606  !
1607  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: length, nks, nkstot
1608  ! first dimension of arrays
1609  ! number of k-points per pool
1610  ! total number of k-points
1611  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: f_in (length,nks)
1612  ! pool-distributed function
1613  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: f_out(length,nkstot)
1614  ! pool-collected function
1615  !
1616  INTEGER :: nbase, rest, nks1
1617  !
1618  nks1    = ( nkstot / npool )
1619  !
1620  rest = ( nkstot - nks1 * npool )
1621  !
1622  IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) <= rest ) nks1 = nks1 + 1
1623  !
1624  IF (nks1.ne.nks) &
1625     call errore('jpoolcollect','inconsistent number of k-points',1)
1626  !
1627  ! ... calculates nbase = the position in the list of the first point that
1628  ! ...                    belong to this npool - 1
1629  !
1630  nbase = nks * my_pool_id
1631  !
1632  IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) > rest ) nbase = nbase + rest
1633  !
1634  ! copy the original points in the correct position of the list
1635  !
1636  f_out=0
1637  f_out(:,nbase+1:nbase+nks) = f_in(:,1:nks) + nbase * kunit
1638  !
1639  CALL mp_sum( f_out, inter_pool_comm )
1640  !
1641  RETURN
1642  !
1643END SUBROUTINE jpoolcollect
1646FUNCTION dos_ef (ngauss, degauss, ef, et, wk, nks, nbnd)
1647  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1648  !
1649  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
1650  USE mp_pools, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
1651  USE mp,        ONLY : mp_sum
1653  REAL(DP) :: dos_ef
1654  INTEGER :: ngauss, nbnd, nks
1655  REAL(DP) :: et (nbnd, nks), wk (nks), ef, degauss
1656  !
1657  INTEGER :: ik, ibnd
1658  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss
1659  !
1660  !     Compute DOS at E_F (states per Ry per unit cell)
1661  !
1662  dos_ef = 0.0d0
1663  DO ik = 1, nks
1664     DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1665        dos_ef = dos_ef + wk (ik) * w0gauss ( (et (ibnd, ik) - ef) &
1666             / degauss, ngauss) / degauss
1667     ENDDO
1668  ENDDO
1669  !
1670  !    Collects partial sums on k-points from all pools
1671  !
1672  CALL mp_sum ( dos_ef, inter_pool_comm )
1673  !
1674  RETURN
1675END FUNCTION dos_ef
1678subroutine lint ( nsym, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, k1,k2,k3, &
1679     nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, kunit, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)
1680  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1681  !
1682  ! Find which k-points of a uniform grid are in the IBZ
1683  !
1684  use kinds, only : DP
1685  implicit none
1686  integer, intent (IN) :: nks, nsym, s(3,3,48), npk, k1, k2, k3, &
1687       nk1, nk2, nk3, kunit, nkBZ
1688  logical, intent (IN) :: minus_q
1689  real(kind=DP), intent(IN):: at(3,3), bg(3,3), xk(3,npk)
1690  integer, INTENT(OUT) :: eqBZ(nkBZ), sBZ(nkBZ)
1691  !
1692  real(kind=DP) :: xkr(3), deltap(3), deltam(3)
1693  real(kind=DP), parameter:: eps=1.0d-5
1694  real(kind=DP), allocatable :: xkg(:,:), xp(:,:)
1695  integer ::  i,j,k, ns, n, nk
1696  integer :: nkh
1697  !
1698  ! Re-generate a uniform grid of k-points xkg
1699  !
1700  allocate (xkg( 3,nkBZ))
1701  !
1702  if(kunit < 1 .or. kunit > 2) call errore('lint','bad kunit value',kunit)
1703  !
1704  ! kunit=2: get only "true" k points, not k+q points, from the list
1705  !
1706  nkh = nks/kunit
1707  allocate (xp(3,nkh))
1708  if (kunit == 1) then
1709     xp(:,1:nkh) = xk(:,1:nkh)
1710  else
1711     do j=1,nkh
1712        xp(:,j) = xk(:,2*j-1)
1713     enddo
1714  end if
1715  do i=1,nk1
1716     do j=1,nk2
1717        do k=1,nk3
1718           n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
1719           xkg(1,n) = dble(i-1)/nk1 + dble(k1)/2/nk1
1720           xkg(2,n) = dble(j-1)/nk2 + dble(k2)/2/nk2
1721           xkg(3,n) = dble(k-1)/nk3 + dble(k3)/2/nk3
1722        end do
1723     end do
1724  end do
1726  call cryst_to_cart (nkh,xp,at,-1)
1728  do nk=1,nkBZ
1729     do n=1,nkh
1730        do ns=1,nsym
1731           do i=1,3
1732              xkr(i) = s(i,1,ns) * xp(1,n) + &
1733                       s(i,2,ns) * xp(2,n) + &
1734                       s(i,3,ns) * xp(3,n)
1735           end do
1736           do i=1,3
1737              deltap(i) = xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) )
1738              deltam(i) = xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) )
1739           end do
1740           if ( sqrt ( deltap(1)**2 + &
1741                       deltap(2)**2 + &
1742                       deltap(3)**2 ) < eps .or. ( minus_q .and. &
1743                sqrt ( deltam(1)**2 +  &
1744                       deltam(2)**2 +  &
1745                       deltam(3)**2 ) < eps ) ) then
1746              eqBZ(nk) = n
1747              sBZ(nk) = ns
1748              go to 15
1749           end if
1750        end do
1751     end do
1752     call errore('lint','cannot locate  k point  xk',nk)
175315   continue
1754  end do
1756  do n=1,nkh
1757     do nk=1,nkBZ
1758        if (eqBZ(nk) == n) go to 20
1759     end do
1760     !  this failure of the algorithm may indicate that the displaced grid
1761     !  (with k1,k2,k3.ne.0) does not have the full symmetry of the lattice
1762     call errore('lint','cannot remap grid on k-point list',n)
176320   continue
1764  end do
1766  deallocate(xkg)
1767  deallocate(xp)
1769  return
1770end subroutine lint