2! Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9#define ZERO ( 0._dp, 0._dp )
11! This macro force the normalization of betamix matrix, usually not necessary
14#if defined(__GFORTRAN__)
15#if (__GNUC__<4) || ((__GNUC__==4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__<8))
16#define __GFORTRAN_HACK
20MODULE mix_save
21#if defined(__GFORTRAN_HACK)
22! gfortran hack - for some mysterious reason gfortran doesn't save
23!                 derived-type variables even with the SAVE attribute
24  USE scf, ONLY : mix_type
25  TYPE(mix_type), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: &
26    df(:),        &! information from preceding iterations
27    dv(:)          !     "  "       "     "        "  "
29END MODULE mix_save
32SUBROUTINE mix_rho( input_rhout, rhoin, alphamix, dr2, tr2_min, iter, n_iter,&
33                    iunmix, conv )
34  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35  !! * Modified Broyden's method for charge density mixing: D.D. Johnson,
36  !!   PRB 38, 12807 (1988) ;
37  !! * Thomas-Fermi preconditioning described in: Raczkowski, Canning, Wang,
38  !!   PRB 64,121101 (2001) ;
39  !! * Extended to mix also quantities needed for PAW, meta-GGA, DFT+U(+V) ;
40  !! * Electric field (all these are included into \(\text{mix_type}\)) ;
41  !! * On output: the mixed density is in \(\text{rhoin}\),
42  !!   \(\text{input_rhout}\) is unchanged.
43  !
44  USE kinds,          ONLY : DP
45  USE ions_base,      ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp
46  USE gvect,          ONLY : ngm
47  USE gvecs,          ONLY : ngms
48  USE lsda_mod,       ONLY : nspin
49  USE control_flags,  ONLY : imix, ngm0, tr2, io_level
50  ! ... for PAW:
51  USE uspp_param,     ONLY : nhm
52  USE scf,            ONLY : scf_type, create_scf_type, destroy_scf_type, &
53                             mix_type, create_mix_type, destroy_mix_type, &
54                             assign_scf_to_mix_type, assign_mix_to_scf_type, &
55                             mix_type_AXPY, davcio_mix_type, rho_ddot, &
56                             high_frequency_mixing, nsg_ddot, &
57                             mix_type_COPY, mix_type_SCAL
58  USE io_global,     ONLY : stdout
59  USE ldaU,          ONLY : lda_plus_u, lda_plus_u_kind, ldim_u, &
60                            max_num_neighbors, nsg, nsgnew
61  USE io_files,      ONLY : diropn
62#if defined(__GFORTRAN_HACK)
63  USE mix_save
65  !
67  !
68  ! ... First the I/O variable
69  !
70  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iter
71  !! counter of the number of iterations
72  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n_iter
73  !! number of iterations used in mixing
74  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iunmix
75  !! I/O unit where data from previous iterations is stored
76  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: alphamix
77  !! mixing factor
78  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tr2_min
79  !! estimated error in diagonalization. If the estimated
80  !! scf error is smaller than this, exit: a more accurate
81  !! diagonalization is needed
82  REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: dr2
83  !! the estimated error on the energy
84  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: conv
85  !! .TRUE. if the convergence has been reached
86  !
87  TYPE(scf_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: input_rhout
88  TYPE(scf_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: rhoin
89  !
90  ! ... local variables
91  !
92  TYPE(mix_type) :: rhout_m, rhoin_m
94    maxmix = 25     ! max number of iterations for charge mixing
95  INTEGER ::       &
96    iter_used,     &! actual number of iterations used
97    ipos,          &! index of the present iteration
98    inext,         &! index of the next iteration
99    i, j,          &! counters on number of iterations
100    info,          &! flag saying if the exec. of libr. routines was ok
101    ldim,          &! 2 * Hubbard_lmax + 1
102    iunmix_nsg,    &! the unit for Hubbard mixing within DFT+U+V
103    nt              ! index of the atomic type
104  REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: betamix(:,:), work(:)
105  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iwork(:)
106  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: nsginsave(:,:,:,:,:),  nsgoutsave(:,:,:,:,:)
107  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: deltansg(:,:,:,:,:)
108  LOGICAL :: exst
109  REAL(DP) :: gamma0
110#if defined(__NORMALIZE_BETAMIX)
111  REAL(DP) :: norm2, obn
113  !
114  ! ... saved variables and arrays
115  !
116  INTEGER, SAVE :: &
117    mixrho_iter = 0    ! history of mixing
118#if !defined(__GFORTRAN_HACK)
119  TYPE(mix_type), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: &
120    df(:),        &! information from preceding iterations
121    dv(:)          !     "  "       "     "        "  "
123  REAL(DP) :: norm
124  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: read_ = -1, write_ = +1
125  !
126  ! ... external functions
127  !
128  INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
129  !
130  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,:), dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,:)
131  !
132  CALL start_clock( 'mix_rho' )
133  !
134  ngm0 = ngms
135  !
136  mixrho_iter = iter
137  !
138  IF ( n_iter > maxmix ) CALL errore( 'mix_rho', 'n_iter too big', 1 )
139  !
140  ! define mix_type variables and copy scf_type variables there
141  !
142  call create_mix_type(rhout_m)
143  call create_mix_type(rhoin_m)
144  !
145  ! DFT+U+V case
146  !
147  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
148     ldim = 0
149     DO nt = 1, ntyp
150        ldim = MAX(ldim, ldim_u(nt))
151     ENDDO
152     ALLOCATE ( deltansg (ldim, ldim, max_num_neighbors, nat, nspin) )
153     deltansg(:,:,:,:,:) = nsgnew(:,:,:,:,:) - nsg(:,:,:,:,:)
154  ENDIF
155  !
156  call assign_scf_to_mix_type(rhoin, rhoin_m)
157  call assign_scf_to_mix_type(input_rhout, rhout_m)
159  call mix_type_AXPY ( -1.d0, rhoin_m, rhout_m )
160  !
161  dr2 = rho_ddot( rhout_m, rhout_m, ngms )  !!!! this used to be ngm NOT ngms
162  !
163  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) &
164      dr2 = dr2 + nsg_ddot( deltansg, deltansg, nspin )
165  !
166  IF (dr2 < 0.0_DP) CALL errore('mix_rho','negative dr2',1)
167  !
168  conv = ( dr2 < tr2 )
169  !
170  IF ( conv .OR. dr2 < tr2_min ) THEN
171     !
172     ! ... if convergence is achieved or if the self-consistency error (dr2) is
173     ! ... smaller than the estimated error due to diagonalization (tr2_min),
174     ! ... exit and leave rhoin and rhocout unchanged
175     !
176     IF ( ALLOCATED( df ) ) THEN
177         DO i=1, n_iter
178            call destroy_mix_type(df(i))
179         END DO
180         DEALLOCATE( df )
181     END IF
182     IF ( ALLOCATED( dv ) ) THEN
183         DO i=1, n_iter
184            call destroy_mix_type(dv(i))
185         END DO
186         DEALLOCATE( dv )
187     END IF
188     !
189     call destroy_mix_type(rhoin_m)
190     call destroy_mix_type(rhout_m)
191     !
192     IF ( ALLOCATED( dv_nsg ) ) DEALLOCATE( dv_nsg )
193     IF ( ALLOCATED( df_nsg ) ) DEALLOCATE( df_nsg )
194     IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
195        nsgnew(:,:,:,:,:) = deltansg(:,:,:,:,:) + nsg(:,:,:,:,:)
196        DEALLOCATE(deltansg)
197     ENDIF
198     !
199     CALL stop_clock( 'mix_rho' )
200     !
201     RETURN
202     !
203  END IF
204  !
205  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
206     iunmix_nsg = find_free_unit()
207     CALL diropn( iunmix_nsg, 'mix.nsg', ldim*ldim*nspin*nat*max_num_neighbors, exst)
208  ENDIF
209  !
210  IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( df ) ) THEN
211     ALLOCATE( df( n_iter ) )
212     DO i=1,n_iter
213        CALL create_mix_type( df(i) )
214     END DO
215  END IF
216  IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( dv ) ) THEN
217     ALLOCATE( dv( n_iter ) )
218     DO i=1,n_iter
219        CALL create_mix_type( dv(i) )
220     END DO
221  END IF
222  !
223  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind .EQ. 2) THEN
224     IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( df_nsg ) ) &
225        ALLOCATE( df_nsg(ldim,ldim,max_num_neighbors,nat,nspin,n_iter) )
226     IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( dv_nsg ) ) &
227        ALLOCATE( dv_nsg(ldim,ldim,max_num_neighbors,nat,nspin,n_iter) )
228  ENDIF
229  !
230  ! ... iter_used = mixrho_iter-1  if  mixrho_iter <= n_iter
231  ! ... iter_used = n_iter         if  mixrho_iter >  n_iter
232  !
233  iter_used = MIN( ( mixrho_iter - 1 ), n_iter )
234  !
235  ! ... ipos is the position in which results from the present iteration
236  ! ... are stored. ipos=mixrho_iter-1 until ipos=n_iter, then back to 1,2,...
237  !
238  ipos = mixrho_iter - 1 - ( ( mixrho_iter - 2 ) / n_iter ) * n_iter
239  !
240  IF ( mixrho_iter > 1 ) THEN
241     !
242     CALL davcio_mix_type( df(ipos), iunmix, 1, read_ )
243     CALL davcio_mix_type( dv(ipos), iunmix, 2, read_ )
244     !
245     call mix_type_AXPY ( -1.d0, rhout_m, df(ipos) )
246     call mix_type_AXPY ( -1.d0, rhoin_m, dv(ipos) )
247     !
248     IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
249        df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) = df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) - deltansg !nsgnew
250        dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) = dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) - nsg
251     ENDIF
252     !
253#if defined(__NORMALIZE_BETAMIX)
254     ! NORMALIZE
255     norm2 = rho_ddot( df(ipos), df(ipos), ngm0 )
256     IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
257        norm2 = norm2 + nsg_ddot( df_nsg(1,1,1,1,1,ipos), df_nsg(1,1,1,1,1,ipos), nspin )
258     ENDIF
259     obn = 1.d0/sqrt(norm2)
260     call mix_type_SCAL (obn,df(ipos))
261     call mix_type_SCAL (obn,dv(ipos))
262     IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
263        df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) = df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) * obn
264        dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) = dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,ipos) * obn
265     ENDIF
267     !
268  END IF
269  !
270  DO i = 1, iter_used
271     !
272     IF ( i /= ipos ) THEN
273        !
274        CALL davcio_mix_type( df(i), iunmix, 2*i+1, read_ )
275        CALL davcio_mix_type( dv(i), iunmix, 2*i+2, read_ )
276     END IF
277     !
278  END DO
279  !
280  CALL davcio_mix_type( rhout_m, iunmix, 1, write_ )
281  CALL davcio_mix_type( rhoin_m, iunmix, 2, write_ )
282  !
283  IF ( mixrho_iter > 1 ) THEN
284     CALL davcio_mix_type( df(ipos), iunmix, 2*ipos+1, write_ )
285     CALL davcio_mix_type( dv(ipos), iunmix, 2*ipos+2, write_ )
286  END IF
287  !
288  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
289     !
290     ALLOCATE( nsginsave(  ldim,ldim,max_num_neighbors,nat,nspin ), &
291               nsgoutsave( ldim,ldim,max_num_neighbors,nat,nspin ) )
292     nsginsave  = (0.d0,0.d0)
293     nsgoutsave = (0.d0,0.d0)
294     nsginsave  = nsg
295     nsgoutsave = deltansg !nsgnew
296     !
297  ENDIF
298  !
299  ! Nothing else to do on first iteration
300  skip_on_first: &
301  IF (iter_used > 0) THEN
302    !
303    ALLOCATE(betamix(iter_used, iter_used)) !iter_used))
304    betamix = 0._dp
305    !
306    DO i = 1, iter_used
307        !
308        DO j = i, iter_used
309            !
310            betamix(i,j) = rho_ddot( df(j), df(i), ngm0 )
311            IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) &
312               betamix(i,j) = betamix(i,j) + &
313                  nsg_ddot( df_nsg(1,1,1,1,1,j), df_nsg(1,1,1,1,1,i), nspin )
314            betamix(j,i) = betamix(i,j)
315            !
316        END DO
317        !
318    END DO
319    !
320    !   allocate(e(iter_used), v(iter_used, iter_used))
321    !   CALL rdiagh(iter_used, betamix, iter_used, e, v)
322    !   write(*,'(1e11.3)') e(:)
323    !   write(*,*)
324    !   deallocate(e,v)
325    allocate(work(iter_used), iwork(iter_used))
326    !write(*,*) betamix(:,:)
327    CALL DSYTRF( 'U', iter_used, betamix, iter_used, iwork, work, iter_used, info )
328    CALL errore( 'broyden', 'factorization', abs(info) )
329    !
330    CALL DSYTRI( 'U', iter_used, betamix, iter_used, iwork, work, info )
331    CALL errore( 'broyden', 'DSYTRI', abs(info) )    !
332    deallocate(iwork)
333    !
334    FORALL( i = 1:iter_used, &
335            j = 1:iter_used, j > i ) betamix(j,i) = betamix(i,j)
336    !
337    DO i = 1, iter_used
338        work(i) = rho_ddot( df(i), rhout_m, ngm0 )
339        IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) &
340           work(i) = work(i) + nsg_ddot( df_nsg(1,1,1,1,1,i), deltansg, nspin )
341    END DO
342    !
343    DO i = 1, iter_used
344        !
345        gamma0 = DOT_PRODUCT( betamix(1:iter_used,i), work(1:iter_used) )
346        !
347        call mix_type_AXPY ( -gamma0, dv(i), rhoin_m )
348        call mix_type_AXPY ( -gamma0, df(i), rhout_m )
349        !
350        IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
351           nsg(:,:,:,:,:) = nsg(:,:,:,:,:) - gamma0*dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,i)
352           deltansg(:,:,:,:,:) = deltansg(:,:,:,:,:) - gamma0*df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,i)
353        ENDIF
354        !
355    END DO
356    DEALLOCATE(betamix, work)
357    !
358    ! ... auxiliary vectors dv and df not needed anymore
359    !
360  ENDIF skip_on_first
361  !
362  IF ( ALLOCATED( df ) ) THEN
363     DO i=1, n_iter
364        call destroy_mix_type(df(i))
365     END DO
366     DEALLOCATE( df )
367  END IF
368  IF ( ALLOCATED( dv ) ) THEN
369     DO i=1, n_iter
370        call destroy_mix_type(dv(i))
371     END DO
372     DEALLOCATE( dv )
373  END IF
374  !
375  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
376     inext = mixrho_iter - ( ( mixrho_iter - 1 ) / n_iter ) * n_iter
377     df_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,inext) = nsgoutsave
378     dv_nsg(:,:,:,:,:,inext) = nsginsave
379     IF (ALLOCATED(nsginsave))  DEALLOCATE(nsginsave)
380     IF (ALLOCATED(nsgoutsave)) DEALLOCATE(nsgoutsave)
381  ENDIF
382  !
383  ! ... preconditioning the new search direction
384  !
385  IF ( imix == 1 ) THEN
386     !
387     CALL approx_screening( rhout_m )
388     !
389  ELSE IF ( imix == 2 ) THEN
390     !
391     CALL approx_screening2( rhout_m, rhoin_m )
392     !
393  END IF
394  !
395  ! ... set new trial density
396  !
397  call mix_type_AXPY ( alphamix, rhout_m, rhoin_m )
398  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
399     nsg = nsg + alphamix * deltansg
400     IF (ALLOCATED(deltansg)) DEALLOCATE(deltansg)
401  ENDIF
402  ! ... simple mixing for high_frequencies (and set to zero the smooth ones)
403  call high_frequency_mixing ( rhoin, input_rhout, alphamix )
404  ! ... add the mixed rho for the smooth frequencies
405  call assign_mix_to_scf_type(rhoin_m,rhoin)
406  !
407  call destroy_mix_type(rhout_m)
408  call destroy_mix_type(rhoin_m)
409  !
410  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
411     CLOSE( iunmix_nsg, STATUS = 'KEEP' )
412  ENDIF
413  !
414  CALL stop_clock( 'mix_rho' )
415  !
417  !
421SUBROUTINE approx_screening( drho )
422  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
423  !! Apply an average TF preconditioning to \(\text{drho}\).
424  !
425  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
426  USE constants,     ONLY : e2, pi, fpi
427  USE cell_base,     ONLY : omega, tpiba2
428  USE gvect,         ONLY : gg, ngm
429  USE klist,         ONLY : nelec
430  USE control_flags, ONLY : ngm0
431  USE scf,           ONLY : mix_type
432  USE wavefunctions, ONLY : psic
433  !
435  !
436  type (mix_type), intent(INOUT) :: drho ! (in/out)
437  !
438  REAL(DP) :: rs, agg0
439  !
440  rs = ( 3.D0 * omega / fpi / nelec )**( 1.D0 / 3.D0 )
441  !
442  agg0 = ( 12.D0 / pi )**( 2.D0 / 3.D0 ) / tpiba2 / rs
443  !
444  drho%of_g(:ngm0,1) =  drho%of_g(:ngm0,1) * gg(:ngm0) / (gg(:ngm0)+agg0)
445  !
447  !
448END SUBROUTINE approx_screening
451SUBROUTINE approx_screening2( drho, rhobest )
452  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
453  !! Apply a local-density dependent TF preconditioning to \(\text{drho}\).
454  !
455  USE kinds,                ONLY : DP
456  USE constants,            ONLY : e2, pi, tpi, fpi, eps8, eps32
457  USE cell_base,            ONLY : omega, tpiba2
458  USE gvect,                ONLY : gg, ngm
459  USE wavefunctions, ONLY : psic
460  USE klist,                ONLY : nelec
461  USE control_flags,        ONLY : ngm0, gamma_only
462  USE scf,                  ONLY : mix_type, local_tf_ddot
463  USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum
464  USE mp_bands,             ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
465  USE fft_base,             ONLY : dffts
466  USE fft_interfaces,       ONLY : fwfft, invfft
467  !
469  !
470  type(mix_type), intent(inout) :: drho
471  type(mix_type), intent(in) :: rhobest
472  !
473  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mmx = 12
474  !
475  INTEGER :: &
476    iwork(mmx), i, j, m, info, is
477  REAL(DP) :: &
478    avg_rsm1, target, dr2_best
479  REAL(DP) :: &
480    aa(mmx,mmx), invaa(mmx,mmx), bb(mmx), work(mmx), vec(mmx), agg0
482    v(:,:),     &! v(ngm0,mmx)
483    w(:,:),     &! w(ngm0,mmx)
484    dv(:),      &! dv(ngm0)
485    vbest(:),   &! vbest(ngm0)
486    wbest(:)     ! wbest(ngm0)
488    alpha(:)     ! alpha(dffts%nnr)
489  !
490  INTEGER             :: ir, ig
491  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: one_third = 1.D0 / 3.D0
492  !
493  target = 0.D0
494  !
495  IF ( gg(1) < eps8 ) drho%of_g(1,1) = ZERO
496  !
497  ALLOCATE( alpha( dffts%nnr ) )
498  ALLOCATE( v( ngm0, mmx ), &
499            w( ngm0, mmx ), dv( ngm0 ), vbest( ngm0 ), wbest( ngm0 ) )
500  !
501  !$omp parallel
502     !
503     CALL threaded_barrier_memset(psic, 0.0_DP, dffts%nnr*2)
504     !$omp do
505     DO ig = 1, ngm0
506        psic(dffts%nl(ig)) = rhobest%of_g(ig,1)
507     ENDDO
508     !$omp end do nowait
509     !
510  !$omp end parallel
511  !
512  ! ... calculate alpha from density
513  !
514  CALL invfft ('Rho', psic, dffts)
515  !
516  avg_rsm1 = 0.D0
517  !
518  !$omp parallel do reduction(+:avg_rsm1)
519  DO ir = 1, dffts%nnr
520     alpha(ir) = ABS( REAL( psic(ir) ) )
521     !
522     IF ( alpha(ir) > eps32 ) THEN
523        !
524        alpha(ir) = ( 3.D0 / fpi / alpha(ir) )**one_third
525        avg_rsm1  = avg_rsm1 + 1.D0 / alpha(ir)
526        !
527     END IF
528     !
529     alpha(ir) = 3.D0 * ( tpi / 3.D0 )**( 5.D0 / 3.D0 ) * alpha(ir)
530     !
531  END DO
532  !$omp end parallel do
533  !
534  CALL mp_sum( avg_rsm1 , intra_bgrp_comm )
535  avg_rsm1 = ( dffts%nr1*dffts%nr2*dffts%nr3 ) / avg_rsm1
536  agg0     = ( 12.D0 / pi )**( 2.D0 / 3.D0 ) / tpiba2 / avg_rsm1
537  !
538  ! ... calculate deltaV and the first correction vector
539  !
540  !$omp parallel
541     CALL threaded_barrier_memset(psic, 0.0_DP, dffts%nnr*2)
542     !$omp do
543     DO ig = 1, ngm0
544        psic(dffts%nl(ig)) = drho%of_g(ig,1)
545     ENDDO
546     !$omp end do nowait
547     !
548     IF ( gamma_only ) THEN
549        !$omp do
550        DO ig = 1, ngm0
551           psic(dffts%nlm(ig)) = CONJG( psic(dffts%nl(ig)) )
552        ENDDO
553        !$omp end do nowait
554     ENDIF
555  !$omp end parallel
556  !
557  CALL invfft ('Rho', psic, dffts)
558  !
559  !$omp parallel do
560  DO ir = 1, dffts%nnr
561     psic(ir) = psic(ir) * alpha(ir)
562  ENDDO
563  !$omp end parallel do
564  !
565  CALL fwfft ('Rho', psic, dffts)
566  !
567  !$omp parallel do
568  DO ig = 1, ngm0
569     dv(ig) = psic(dffts%nl(ig)) * gg(ig) * tpiba2
570     v(ig,1)= psic(dffts%nl(ig)) * gg(ig) / ( gg(ig) + agg0 )
571  ENDDO
572  !$omp end parallel do
573  !
574  m       = 1
575  aa(:,:) = 0.D0
576  bb(:)   = 0.D0
577  !
578  repeat_loop: DO
579     !
580     ! ... generate the vector w
581     !
582     !$omp parallel
583        CALL threaded_barrier_memset(psic, 0.0_DP, dffts%nnr*2)
584        !$omp do
585        DO ig = 1, ngm0
586           !
587           w(ig,m) = fpi * e2 * v(ig,m)
588           !
589           psic(dffts%nl(ig)) = v(ig,m)
590        ENDDO
591        !$omp end do nowait
592        !
593        IF ( gamma_only ) THEN
594           !$omp do
595           DO ig = 1, ngm0
596              psic(dffts%nlm(ig)) = CONJG( psic(dffts%nl(ig)) )
597           ENDDO
598           !$omp end do nowait
599        ENDIF
600     !$omp end parallel
601     !
602     CALL invfft ('Rho', psic, dffts)
603     !
604     !$omp parallel do
605     DO ir = 1, dffts%nnr
606        psic(ir) = psic(ir) * alpha(ir)
607     ENDDO
608     !$omp end parallel do
609     !
610     CALL fwfft ('Rho', psic, dffts)
611     !
612     !$omp parallel do
613     DO ig = 1, ngm0
614        w(ig,m) = w(ig,m) + gg(ig) * tpiba2 * psic(dffts%nl(ig))
615     ENDDO
616     !$omp end parallel do
617     !
618     ! ... build the linear system
619     !
620     DO i = 1, m
621        !
622        aa(i,m) = local_tf_ddot( w(1,i), w(1,m), ngm0)
623        !
624        aa(m,i) = aa(i,m)
625        !
626     END DO
627     !
628     bb(m) = local_tf_ddot( w(1,m), dv, ngm0)
629     !
630     ! ... solve it -> vec
631     !
632     invaa = aa
633     !
634     CALL DSYTRF( 'U', m, invaa, mmx, iwork, work, mmx, info )
635     CALL errore( 'broyden', 'factorization', info )
636     !
637     CALL DSYTRI( 'U', m, invaa, mmx, iwork, work, info )
638     CALL errore( 'broyden', 'DSYTRI', info )
639     !
640     FORALL( i = 1:m, j = 1:m, j > i ) invaa(j,i) = invaa(i,j)
641     !
642     FORALL( i = 1:m ) vec(i) = SUM( invaa(i,:)*bb(:) )
643     !
644     !$omp parallel
645        !$omp do
646        DO ig = 1, ngm0
647           vbest(ig) = ZERO
648           wbest(ig) = dv(ig)
649        ENDDO
650        !$omp end do nowait
651        !
652        DO i = 1, m
653           !$omp do
654           DO ig = 1, ngm0
655              vbest(ig) = vbest(ig) + vec(i) * v(ig,i)
656              wbest(ig) = wbest(ig) - vec(i) * w(ig,i)
657           ENDDO
658           !$omp end do nowait
659        END DO
660     !$omp end parallel
661     !
662     dr2_best = local_tf_ddot( wbest, wbest, ngm0 )
663     !
664     IF ( target == 0.D0 ) target = MAX( 1.D-12, 1.D-6*dr2_best )
665     !
666     IF ( dr2_best < target ) THEN
667        !
668        !$omp parallel
669           !$omp do
670           DO ig = 1, ngm0
671              drho%of_g(ig,1) = vbest(ig)
672           ENDDO
673           !$omp end do nowait
674           !
675        !$omp end parallel
676        !
677        DEALLOCATE( alpha, v, w, dv, vbest, wbest )
678        !
679        EXIT repeat_loop
680        !
681     ELSE IF ( m >= mmx ) THEN
682        !
683        m = 1
684        !
685        !$omp parallel do
686        DO ig = 1, ngm0
687           v(ig,m)  = vbest(ig)
688        ENDDO
689        !$omp end parallel do
690        aa(:,:) = 0.D0
691        bb(:)   = 0.D0
692        !
693        CYCLE repeat_loop
694        !
695     END IF
696     !
697     m = m + 1
698     !
699     !$omp parallel do
700     DO ig = 1, ngm0
701        v(ig,m) = wbest(ig) / ( gg(ig) + agg0 )
702     ENDDO
703     !$omp end parallel do
704     !
705  END DO repeat_loop
706  !
708  !
709END SUBROUTINE approx_screening2