2! Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8MODULE lr_lanczos
14! There are 2 flavors of the Lanczos algorithm implemented in TDDFPT:
15! - non-Hermitian Lanczos biorthogonalization algorithm
16! - pseudo-Hermitian Lanczos algorithm (twice faster)
17! For details see:
18! - O. Malcioglu, R. Gebauer, D. Rocca, S. Baroni,
19!   Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 1744 (2011).
20! - X. Ge, S. Binnie, D. Rocca, R. Gebauer, S. Baroni,
21!   Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 2080 (2014).
23! Non-Hermitian algorithm:
24! This subroutine handles two interleaved non-Hermitian chains for x and y at the same time,
25! in the beginning
26! for even steps evc1(:,:,:,1) corresponds to q of y and evc1(:,:,:,2) corresponds to p of x
27! for odd steps evc1(:,:,:,1) corresponds to q of x and evc1(:,:,:,2) corresponds to p of y
29! using the terminology of Lanczos chains by Y.Saad, this is effectively equal to
30! altering the A matrix correspondingly for even and odd steps correspondingly.
31! This change is controlled by the interaction parameter in lr_apply_liouvillian
33! For further reference please refer to eq. (32) and (33) in
34! Ralph Gebauer, Brent Walker J. Chem. Phys., 127, 164106 (2007)
36! Modified by Osman Baris Malcioglu (2009)
37! Modified by Xiaochuan Ge to introduce pseudo-Hermitian algorithm (2013)
38! Modified by Iurii Timrov to introduce EELS (2013)
41SUBROUTINE one_lanczos_step()
43    USE io_global,                ONLY : ionode, stdout
44    USE kinds,                    ONLY : dp
45    USE klist,                    ONLY : nks,xk
46    USE lr_variables,             ONLY : n_ipol, ltammd, pseudo_hermitian, itermax,  &
47                                         evc1, evc1_new, evc1_old, sevc1_new, sevc1, &
48                                         evc0, sevc0, d0psi, d0psi2, eels, test_case_no, lr_verbosity, &
49                                         alpha_store, beta_store, gamma_store, zeta_store,     &
50                                         charge_response, size_evc, LR_polarization, LR_iteration
51    USE uspp,                     ONLY : vkb, nkb, okvan
52    USE wvfct,                    ONLY : nbnd, npwx
53    USE control_flags,            ONLY : gamma_only
54    USE becmod,                   ONLY : bec_type, becp, calbec
55    USE realus,                   ONLY : invfft_orbital_gamma, initialisation_level,    &
56                                         fwfft_orbital_gamma, calbec_rs_gamma, add_vuspsir_gamma, &
57                                         v_loc_psir, s_psir_gamma
58    USE charg_resp,               ONLY : w_T_beta_store, w_T, lr_calc_F
59    USE lr_us,                    ONLY : lr_apply_s
60    USE noncollin_module,         ONLY : npol
61    ! Debugging
62    USE iso_c_binding,            ONLY : c_int
64    USE qpoint,                   ONLY : nksq
65    !
67    !
68    COMPLEX(kind=dp),EXTERNAL :: lr_dot
69    INTEGER :: ik, ip, ibnd,ig, pol_index
70    CHARACTER(len=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
71    !
72    ! Local variables
73    !
74    REAL(kind=dp) :: alpha, beta, gamma, angle
75    COMPLEX(kind=dp) :: zeta(n_ipol)
76    INTEGER(kind=c_int) :: kilobytes
77    !
78    IF (lr_verbosity > 5) THEN
79       WRITE(stdout,'("<lr_lanczos_one_step>")')
80    ENDIF
81    !
82    ! Memory usage
83    !
84    !IF (eels) THEN
85    !   CALL memstat( kilobytes )
86    !   IF ( kilobytes > 0 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"lr_lanczos, &
87    !                      & per-process dynamical memory:",f7.1,"Mb")' ) kilobytes/1000.0
88    !ENDIF
89    !
90    CALL start_clock('one_step')
91    !
92    pol_index = 1
93    !
94    IF ( n_ipol /= 1 ) pol_index = LR_polarization
95    !
96    ! Application of the Liouvillian superoperator
97    !
98    IF (eels) THEN
99       !
100       ! EELS case
101       !
102       IF (mod(LR_iteration,2)==0) THEN
103          !
104          CALL lr_apply_liouvillian_eels(evc1(1,1,1,1),evc1_new(1,1,1,1),.true.)
105          IF (.NOT.pseudo_hermitian) &
106          CALL lr_apply_liouvillian_eels(evc1(1,1,1,2),evc1_new(1,1,1,2),.false.)
107          !
108       ELSE
109          !
110          CALL lr_apply_liouvillian_eels(evc1(1,1,1,1),evc1_new(1,1,1,1),.false.)
111          IF (.not. pseudo_hermitian) &
112          CALL lr_apply_liouvillian_eels(evc1(1,1,1,2),evc1_new(1,1,1,2),.true.)
113          !
114       ENDIF
115       !
116    ELSE
117       !
118       ! Optical case
119       !
120       IF (.NOT.ltammd) THEN
121          !
122          ! Normal regime
123          !
124          IF (mod(LR_iteration,2)==0) THEN
125             !
126             CALL lr_apply_liouvillian(evc1(1,1,1,1),evc1_new(1,1,1,1),.true.)
127             IF (.NOT.pseudo_hermitian) &
128             CALL lr_apply_liouvillian(evc1(1,1,1,2),evc1_new(1,1,1,2),.false.)
129             !
130          ELSE
131             !
132             CALL lr_apply_liouvillian(evc1(1,1,1,1),evc1_new(1,1,1,1),.false.)
133             IF (.not. pseudo_hermitian) &
134             CALL lr_apply_liouvillian(evc1(1,1,1,2),evc1_new(1,1,1,2),.true.)
135             !
136          ENDIF
137          !
138       ELSE
139          !
140          ! Tamm-Dancoff approximation
141          !
142          CALL lr_apply_liouvillian(evc1(1,1,1,1),evc1_new(1,1,1,1),.true.)
143          !
144          IF (.not. pseudo_hermitian) THEN
145             CALL zcopy(size_evc,evc1(1,1,1,1),1,evc1(1,1,1,2),1)
146             CALL zcopy(size_evc,evc1_new(1,1,1,1),1,evc1_new(1,1,1,2),1)
147          ENDIF
148          !
149       ENDIF
150       !
151    ENDIF
152    !
153    ! Apply S operator if USPP, otherwise just copy
154    ! one array into another.
155    !
156    IF (pseudo_hermitian) THEN
157       CALL lr_apply_s(evc1_new(:,:,:,1), sevc1_new(:,:,:))
158    ELSE
159       CALL lr_apply_s(evc1(:,:,:,2), sevc1(:,:,:))
160    ENDIF
161    !
162    ! call general lanczos iteration routines
163    ! O. Baseggio (2019)
164    !
165    IF (pseudo_hermitian) THEN
166       IF (eels) THEN
167          CALL lanczos_pseudohermitian(LR_iteration,size(evc1,1), size(evc1,2), size(evc1,3),&
168                                      &evc1(:,:,:,1), evc1_new(:,:,:,1), sevc1_new(:,:,:), &
169                                      &evc1_old(:,:,:,1), n_ipol, d0psi2, alpha, beta, &
170                                      &gamma, zeta)
171       ELSE
172          CALL lanczos_pseudohermitian(LR_iteration,size(evc1,1), size(evc1,2), size(evc1,3),&
173                                      &evc1(:,:,:,1), evc1_new(:,:,:,1), sevc1_new(:,:,:), &
174                                      &evc1_old(:,:,:,1), n_ipol, d0psi(:,:,:,:), alpha, beta, &
175                                      &gamma, zeta)
176       ENDIF
177    ELSE
178       IF (eels) THEN
179          CALL lanczos_nonhermitian(LR_iteration,size(evc1,1), size(evc1,2), size(evc1,3),&
180                                   &evc1(:,:,:,:), evc1_new(:,:,:,:), sevc1(:,:,:), &
181                                   &evc1_old(:,:,:,1), n_ipol, d0psi2, alpha, beta, &
182                                   &gamma, zeta)
183       ELSE
184          CALL lanczos_nonhermitian(LR_iteration,size(evc1,1), size(evc1,2), size(evc1,3),&
185                                   &evc1(:,:,:,1), evc1_new(:,:,:,1), sevc1(:,:,:), &
186                                   &evc1_old(:,:,:,1), n_ipol, d0psi, alpha, beta, &
187                                   &gamma, zeta)
188       ENDIF
189    ENDIF
190    !
191    alpha_store(pol_index,LR_iteration) = alpha
192    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"alpha(",i8.8,")=",f10.6)') LR_iteration, alpha
193    !
194    ! beta<0 is a serious error for the pseudo-Hermitian algorithm
195    !
196    IF ( beta < 0.0d0 .and. pseudo_hermitian) CALL error_beta()
197    !
198    IF ( abs(beta)<1.0d-12 ) THEN
199       !
200       WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"lr_lanczos: Left and right Lanczos vectors are orthogonal, &
201                      & this is a violation of oblique projection")')
202       !
203    ENDIF
204    !
205    beta_store (pol_index,LR_iteration) = beta
206    gamma_store(pol_index,LR_iteration) = gamma
207    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"beta (",i8.8,")=",f10.6)') LR_iteration, beta
208    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"gamma(",i8.8,")=",f10.6)') LR_iteration, gamma
209    !
210    !IF (LR_iteration==1) WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Norm of initial Lanczos vectors=",1x,f21.15)') beta
211    !
212    ! Analysis of the evolution of the beta coefficients.
213    !
214    IF (lr_verbosity > 3) THEN
215       !
216       IF ( LR_iteration > 6 ) THEN
217          !
218          WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"(oscillatory variation) : ",f6.2,"%")') &
219              & abs(100*(beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration)- &
220              & (beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-6)+beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-4)+&
221              & beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-2))/3.0)/beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration))
222          !
223          WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"(linear variation) : ",f6.2,"%")') &
224              & abs(100*(beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration)- &
225              & (beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-3)+beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-2)+&
226              & beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration-1))/3.0)/beta_store(pol_index,LR_iteration))
227          !
228       ENDIF
229       !
230    ENDIF
231    !
232    IF (mod(LR_iteration,2)==0) THEN
233       !
234       DO ip = 1, n_ipol
235          !
236          zeta_store (pol_index,ip,LR_iteration) = zeta(ip)
237          WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"z1= ",1x,i6,2(1x,e22.15))') ip,real(zeta(ip)),aimag(zeta(ip))
238          !
239       ENDDO
240       !
241       ! OBM: evc1(:,:,:,1) contains the q of x for even steps,
242       ! lets calculate the response related observables.
243       !
244       IF (charge_response == 1 .and. .not.eels) THEN
245          CALL lr_calc_dens(evc1_old(:,:,:,1), .true.)
246          CALL lr_calc_F(evc1_old(:,:,:,1))
247       ENDIF
248       !
249    ELSE
250       !
251       DO ip = 1, n_ipol
252          !
253          zeta_store (pol_index,ip,LR_iteration) = zeta(ip)
254          WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"z1= ",1x,i6,2(1x,e22.15))') ip,real(zeta(ip)),aimag(zeta(ip))
255          !
256       ENDDO
257       !
258    ENDIF
259    !
260    ! X. Ge: To increase the stability, apply lr_ortho.
261    ! I.Timrov: Actually, without this trick, it turns out that
262    ! the Lanczos chain is not stable when pseudo_hermitian=.false.,
263    ! because there is a warning from lr_calc_dens that the integral of
264    ! the response charge density does not some to zero, i.e. the non-zero
265    ! value of the integral increases during the Lanczos chain.
266    !
267    IF (.not.eels) THEN
268       !
269       DO ik=1, nks
270          CALL lr_ortho(evc1(:,:,ik,1), evc0(:,:,ik), ik, ik, sevc0(:,:,ik),.true.)
271          IF (.not. pseudo_hermitian) &
272          CALL lr_ortho(evc1(:,:,ik,2), evc0(:,:,ik), ik, ik, sevc0(:,:,ik),.true.)
273       ENDDO
274       !
275    ENDIF
276    !
277    IF (ionode) THEN
278       IF ( charge_response == 1 .and. lr_verbosity > 0) THEN
279           WRITE (stdout,'(5x,"(calc=",e22.15," read=",e22.15,")")') &
280                                & beta, w_T_beta_store(LR_iteration)
281           WRITE (stdout,'(5x,"Weight for this step=",2(e12.5,1x))') w_T(LR_iteration)
282       ENDIF
283    ENDIF
284    !
285    CALL stop_clock('one_step')
286    !
287    RETURN
288    !
290    !
291 SUBROUTINE error_beta()
292    !
293    ! IT: This subroutine is called when beta<0 in the pseudo-Hermitian
294    ! algorithm. This subroutine prints the response orbitals to
295    ! the file for the analysis of the error. Note, in the parallel
296    ! execution only a part of the information about the response
297    ! orbitals will be written to the file.
298    !
299    ! Written by X. Ge (2013)
300    !
302    !
303    INTEGER :: ibnd, ig
304    !
305    WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Error: Beta is negative:",5x,e22.15)') beta
306    !
307    OPEN(301, file="evc1_1.dat")
308    DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
309       DO ig = 1, npwx
310          WRITE(301,*) ibnd, ig, dble(evc1(ig,ibnd,1,1)), aimag(evc1(ig,ibnd,1,1))
311       ENDDO
312    ENDDO
313    CLOSE(301)
314    !
315    OPEN(302, file="evc1_2.dat")
316    DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
317       DO ig = 1, npwx
318          WRITE(302,*) ibnd, ig, dble(evc1(ig,ibnd,1,2)), aimag(evc1(ig,ibnd,1,2))
319       ENDDO
320    ENDDO
321    CLOSE(302)
322    !
323    WRITE (stdout,'(/5x,"!!!WARNING!!! The pseudo-Hermitian Lanczos algorithm is stopping...")')
324    WRITE (stdout,'(/5x,"Try to use the non-Hermitian Lanczos algorithm.")')
325    !
326    itermax = LR_iteration-1
327    CALL clean_pw( .FALSE. )
328    CALL stop_lr( .TRUE. )
329    !
330 END SUBROUTINE error_beta
332END SUBROUTINE one_lanczos_step
334END MODULE lr_lanczos