2! Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9SUBROUTINE lr_ortho(dvpsi, evq, ikk, ikq, sevc, inverse)
10  !---------------------------------------------------------------------
11  !
12  ! Inspired by LR_Modules/orthogonalize.f90
13  ! This routine orthogonalizes dvpsi to the valence states.
14  ! It should be quite general. It works for metals and insulators, with
15  ! NC as well as with US PP, both SR or FR.
16  !
17  ! If inverse=.true.  then apply P_c   = 1 - |evq><sevc| = 1 -  |psi><psi|S
18  ! If inverse=.false. then apply P_c^+ = 1 - |sevc><evq| = 1 - S|psi><psi|
19  !
20  ! See definitions of P_c and P_c^+ eq.(29) in
21  ! B. Walker and R. Gebauer, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 164106 (2007)
22  !
23  ! NB: IN/OUT is dvpsi ; sevc is used as a workspace
24  !
25  ! evc0 -> evq
26  ! sevc0 -> sevc
27  !
28  ! Note: S^{-1} P_c^+(k) = P_c(k) S^{-1}
29  !
30  ! This subroutine is a modified version of the the subroutine
31  ! orthogonalize.f90. This subroutine should be removed in the future,
32  ! and orthogonalize.f90 should be used instead. Currently this
33  ! subroutine is used only in several places in lr_dav_routines.f90.
34  ! TODO: Check if lr_ortho can be replaced by orthogonalize in
35  ! lr_dav_routines.
36  !
37  ! Modified by Osman Baris Malcioglu (2009)
38  ! Modified by Iurii Timrov (2013)
39  !
40  USE kinds,             ONLY : DP
41  use gvect,             only : gstart
42  USE klist,             ONLY : ngk, lgauss, degauss, ngauss
43  USE noncollin_module,  ONLY : noncolin, npol
44  USE wvfct,             ONLY : npwx, nbnd, et
45  USE ener,              ONLY : ef
46  USE control_lr,        ONLY : alpha_pv, nbnd_occ
47  USE uspp,              ONLY : vkb, okvan
48  USE mp_global,         ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
49  USE mp,                ONLY : mp_sum
50  use lr_variables,      ONLY : lr_verbosity
51  use control_flags,     only : gamma_only
52  USE io_global,         ONLY : stdout
53  !
55  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ikk, ikq
56  ! the index of the k and k+q points
57  ! (in the optical case ikq = ikk)
58  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(in) ::    evq(npwx*npol,nbnd)
59  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(inout) :: dvpsi(npwx*npol,nbnd)
60  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(in) ::    sevc(npwx*npol,nbnd)
61  ! sevc is a work space allocated by the calling routine (was called dpsi)
62  LOGICAL, INTENT(in):: inverse
63  LOGICAL::  inverse_mode
64  !
65  CALL start_clock ('lr_ortho')
66  !
67  IF (lr_verbosity > 5)   WRITE(stdout,'("<lr_ortho>")')
68  !
69  !if (.not. present(inverse)) then
70  !  inverse_mode=.false.
71  !else
72    inverse_mode = inverse
73  !endif
74  !
75  IF (gamma_only) THEN
76     !
77     CALL lr_ortho_gamma()
78     !
79  ELSEIF (noncolin) THEN
80    !
81    CALL lr_ortho_noncolin()
82    !
83  ELSE
84     !
85     CALL lr_ortho_k()
86     !
88  !
89  CALL stop_clock ('lr_ortho')
90  !
92  !
95SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_k()
96  !
97  ! General K points algorithm
98  !
101  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ps(:,:)
102  INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd, nbnd_eff
103  REAL(DP) :: wg1, w0g, wgp, wwg, deltae, theta
104  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss, wgauss
106  ALLOCATE(ps(nbnd,nbnd))
107  !
108  IF (lgauss) THEN
109       !
110       !  metallic case
111       !
112       ps = (0.d0, 0.d0)
113       IF (inverse_mode) THEN
114          CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd, nbnd_occ(ikk), ngk(ikk), (1.d0,0.d0), &
115                      sevc, npwx, dvpsi, npwx, (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
116       ELSE
117          CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd, nbnd_occ(ikk), ngk(ikk), (1.d0,0.d0), &
118                      evq, npwx, dvpsi, npwx, (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
119       ENDIF
120       !
121       DO ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
122          wg1 = wgauss ((ef-et(ibnd,ikk)) / degauss, ngauss)
123          w0g = w0gauss((ef-et(ibnd,ikk)) / degauss, ngauss) / degauss
124          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd
125             wgp = wgauss ( (ef - et (jbnd, ikq) ) / degauss, ngauss)
126             deltae = et (jbnd, ikq) - et (ibnd, ikk)
127             theta = wgauss (deltae / degauss, 0)
128             wwg = wg1 * (1.d0 - theta) + wgp * theta
129             IF (jbnd <= nbnd_occ (ikq) ) THEN
130                IF (abs (deltae) > 1.0d-5) THEN
131                    wwg = wwg + alpha_pv * theta * (wgp - wg1) / deltae
132                ELSE
133                   !
134                   !  if the two energies are too close takes the limit
135                   !  of the 0/0 ratio
136                   !
137                   wwg = wwg - alpha_pv * theta * w0g
138                ENDIF
139             ENDIF
140             !
141             ps(jbnd,ibnd) = wwg * ps(jbnd,ibnd)
142             !
143          ENDDO
144          CALL DSCAL (2*ngk(ikk), wg1, dvpsi(1,ibnd), 1)
145       ENDDO
146       !
147       nbnd_eff = nbnd
148       !
149  ELSE
150      !
151      !  insulators
152      !
153      ps = (0.d0, 0.d0)
154      !
155      IF (inverse_mode) THEN
156         !
157         ! ps = <sevc|dvpsi>
158         !
159         CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd_occ(ikq), nbnd_occ (ikk), ngk(ikk), &
160                   (1.d0,0.d0), sevc, npwx, dvpsi, npwx, &
161                   (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
162         !
163      ELSE
164         !
165         ! ps = <evq|dvpsi>
166         !
167         CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd_occ(ikq), nbnd_occ (ikk), ngk(ikk), &
168                   (1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx, dvpsi, npwx, &
169                   (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
170      ENDIF
171      !
172      nbnd_eff = nbnd_occ(ikk)
173      !
174  ENDIF
175  !
176#if defined(__MPI)
177   CALL mp_sum(ps(:,1:nbnd_eff),intra_bgrp_comm)
179  !
180  IF (lgauss) THEN
181      !
182      !  Metallic case
183      !
184      if (inverse_mode) then
185         CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd, &
186                   (-1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx, ps, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), &
187                   dvpsi, npwx )
188      else
189         CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd, &
190                   (-1.d0,0.d0), sevc, npwx, ps, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), &
191                   dvpsi, npwx )
192      endif
193      !
194  ELSE
195      !
196      !  Insulators: note that nbnd_occ(ikk)=nbnd_occ(ikq) in an insulator
197      !
198      if (inverse_mode) then
199         !
200         ! |dvspi> =  |dvpsi> - |evq><sevc|dvpsi>
201         !
202         CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), &
203                   (-1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx, ps, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), &
204                   dvpsi, npwx )
205         !
206      else
207         !
208         ! |dvspi> =  |dvpsi> - |sevc><evq|dvpsi>
209         !
210         CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), &
211                   (-1.d0,0.d0), sevc, npwx, ps, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), &
212                   dvpsi, npwx )
213         !
214      endif
215      !
216  ENDIF
217  !
219  !
220END SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_k
222SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_gamma()
223  !
224  ! gamma_only algorithm
225  !
228  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ps_c(:,:)
229  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ps(:,:)
230  INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd, nbnd_eff
231  REAL(DP) :: wg1, w0g, wgp, wwg, deltae, theta
232  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss, wgauss
234  ALLOCATE(ps(nbnd,nbnd))
235  ALLOCATE(ps_c(nbnd,nbnd))
236  !
237  IF (lgauss) THEN
238      !
239      ! Metals
240      !
241      CALL errore ('lr_ortho', "degauss with gamma point algorithm is not allowed",1)
242      !
243  ELSE
244      !
245      ! Insulators
246      !
247      ps = 0.d0
248      !
249      IF (inverse_mode) THEN
250         !
251         ! ps = 2 * <sevc|dvpsi>
252         !
253         CALL DGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd, nbnd ,2*ngk(1), &
254               2.d0, sevc, 2*npwx, dvpsi, 2*npwx, 0.d0, ps, nbnd )
255         !
256      ELSE
257         !
258         ! ps = 2 * <evq|dvpsi>
259         !
260         CALL DGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd, nbnd ,2*ngk(1), &
261               2.d0, evq, 2*npwx, dvpsi, 2*npwx, 0.d0, ps, nbnd )
262         !
263      ENDIF
264      !
265      nbnd_eff = nbnd
266      !
267      ! G=0 has been accounted twice, therefore we subtruct one contribution.
268      !
269      IF (gstart == 2) THEN
270         !
271         IF (inverse_mode) THEN
272            !
273            ! ps = ps - <sevc|dvpsi>
274            !
275            CALL DGER( nbnd, nbnd, -1.D0, sevc, 2*npwx, dvpsi, 2*npwx, ps, nbnd)
276            !
277         ELSE
278            !
279            ! ps = ps - <evq|dvpsi>
280            !
281            CALL DGER( nbnd, nbnd, -1.D0, evq, 2*npwx, dvpsi, 2*npwx, ps, nbnd )
282            !
283         ENDIF
284         !
285      ENDIF
286      !
287  ENDIF
288  !
289#if defined(__MPI)
290   CALL mp_sum(ps(:,:),intra_bgrp_comm)
292  !
293  ! In the original code dpsi was used as a storage for sevc, since in
294  ! tddfpt we have it stored in memory as sevc0 this part is obsolote
295  !
296  ps_c = cmplx(ps, 0.d0, dp)
297  !
298  IF (lgauss) THEN
299      !
300      ! Metals
301      !
302      CALL errore ('lr_ortho', "degauss with gamma point algorithm is not allowed",1)
303      !
304  ELSE
305     !
306     !  Insulators: note that nbnd_occ(ikk) = nbnd_occ(ikq)
307     !
308     IF (inverse_mode) THEN
309        !
310        ! |dvpsi> = |dvpsi> - |evq><sevc|dvpsi>
311        !
312        CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(1), nbnd, nbnd, &
313                  (-1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx, ps_c, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), dvpsi, npwx)
314        !
315     ELSE
316        !
317        ! |dvpsi> = |dvpsi> - |sevc><evq|dvpsi>
318        !
319        CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', ngk(1), nbnd, nbnd, &
320                  (-1.d0,0.d0), sevc, npwx, ps_c, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), dvpsi, npwx )
321        !
322     ENDIF
323     !
324  ENDIF
325  !
327  DEALLOCATE(ps_c)
328  !
330  !
331END SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_gamma
333SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_noncolin()
334  !
335  ! Noncollinear case
336  ! Warning: the inverse mode is not implemented!
337  !
340  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ps(:,:)
341  INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd, nbnd_eff
342  REAL(DP) :: wg1, w0g, wgp, wwg, deltae, theta
343  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss, wgauss
345  IF (inverse_mode) CALL errore ('lr_ortho', "The inverse mode is not implemented!",1)
346  !
347  ALLOCATE(ps(nbnd,nbnd))
348  !
349  IF (lgauss) THEN
350       !
351       !  metallic case
352       !
353       ps = (0.d0, 0.d0)
354       !
355       CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N', nbnd, nbnd_occ (ikk), npwx*npol, (1.d0,0.d0), &
356                    evq, npwx*npol, dvpsi, npwx*npol, (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
357       !
358       DO ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
359          !
360          wg1 = wgauss ((ef-et(ibnd,ikk)) / degauss, ngauss)
361          w0g = w0gauss((ef-et(ibnd,ikk)) / degauss, ngauss) / degauss
362          !
363          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd
364             !
365             wgp = wgauss ( (ef - et (jbnd, ikq) ) / degauss, ngauss)
366             deltae = et (jbnd, ikq) - et (ibnd, ikk)
367             theta = wgauss (deltae / degauss, 0)
368             wwg = wg1 * (1.d0 - theta) + wgp * theta
369             !
370             IF (jbnd <= nbnd_occ (ikq) ) THEN
371                IF (abs (deltae) > 1.0d-5) THEN
372                    wwg = wwg + alpha_pv * theta * (wgp - wg1) / deltae
373                ELSE
374                   !
375                   !  if the two energies are too close takes the limit
376                   !  of the 0/0 ratio
377                   !
378                   wwg = wwg - alpha_pv * theta * w0g
379                ENDIF
380             ENDIF
381             !
382             ps(jbnd,ibnd) = wwg * ps(jbnd,ibnd)
383             !
384          ENDDO
385             CALL DSCAL (2*npwx*npol, wg1, dvpsi(1,ibnd), 1)
386       ENDDO
387       !
388       nbnd_eff = nbnd
389       !
390   ELSE
391      !
392      !  insulators
393      !
394      ps = (0.d0, 0.d0)
395      !
396      ! ps = <evq|dvpsi>
397      !
398      CALL ZGEMM( 'C', 'N',nbnd_occ(ikq), nbnd_occ(ikk), npwx*npol, &
399                (1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx*npol, dvpsi, npwx*npol, (0.d0,0.d0), ps, nbnd )
400      !
401      nbnd_eff = nbnd_occ(ikk)
402      !
403   ENDIF
404   !
405#if defined(__MPI)
406   CALL mp_sum(ps(:,1:nbnd_eff),intra_bgrp_comm)
408   !
409   ! In the original dpsi was used as a storage for sevc, since in
410   ! tddfpt we have it stored in memory as sevc0 this part is obsolote.
411   !
412   IF (lgauss) THEN
413      !
414      !  metallic case
415      !
416      ! |dvpsi> = |dvpsi> - |sevc><evq|dvpsi>
417      !
418      CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', npwx*npol, nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd, &
419                (-1.d0,0.d0), sevc, npwx*npol, ps, nbnd, (1.0d0,0.d0), dvpsi,npwx*npol )
420      !
421   ELSE
422      !
423      ! Insulators: note that nbnd_occ(ikk)=nbnd_occ(ikq)
424      !
425      ! |dvpsi> = |dvpsi> - |sevc><evq|dvpsi>
426      !
427      CALL ZGEMM( 'N', 'N', npwx*npol, nbnd_occ(ikk), nbnd_occ(ikk), &
428                (-1.d0,0.d0),sevc,npwx*npol,ps,nbnd,(1.0d0,0.d0), dvpsi,npwx*npol )
429      !
430   ENDIF
431   !
432   DEALLOCATE(ps)
433   !
434   RETURN
435   !
436END SUBROUTINE lr_ortho_noncolin
438END SUBROUTINE lr_ortho