1 /*
3 Copyright (C) 2007 Michal Bajdich
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 */
20 #include "converter.h"
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <fstream>
27 #include <cmath>
28 #include <cstring>
29 #include <cstdlib>
31 using namespace std;
reorder_orbs(vector<int> & orbs,double & det_weights)33 void reorder_orbs(vector <int> & orbs, double & det_weights){
34   // sort by ascending value
35   int n=orbs.size();
36   int tmp;
37   for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
38     if(abs(orbs[i])>99)
39       cout <<"Excitation with orbital > 99. GAMESS formated file is not fully usable. Inspect your result! M.B."<<endl;
40     for(int j=0; j < n; j++) {
41       if (orbs[i]>orbs[j]){
42 	tmp=orbs[j];
43 	orbs[j]=orbs[i];
44 	orbs[i]=tmp;
45 	det_weights=-det_weights;
46       }
47     }
48   }
49   /*
50   cout <<"reorder_orbs"<<endl;
51   for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
52     cout <<orbs[i]<<"  ";
53   }
54   cout <<endl;
55   */
57 }
normal_reorder_orbs(int & nup,int & ndown,int & ncore,vector<int> & orbs,double & det_weights)60 void normal_reorder_orbs(int & nup, int & ndown, int & ncore, vector <int> & orbs, double & det_weights){
61   // put to normal order
62   int n=orbs.size();
63   int tmp;
65   /*
66   cout <<"before normal_reorder_orbs"<<endl;
67   for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
68     cout <<orbs[i]<<"  ";
69   }
70   cout <<endl;
71   */
73   for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
74     if (orbs[i]>0) {
75       if(orbs[i]!=nup-i){
76 	for(int j=ncore; j < nup; j++){
77 	  if(orbs[i]==j+1 && nup-j-1!=i ){
78 	    tmp=orbs[nup-j-1];
79 	    orbs[nup-j-1]=orbs[i];
80 	    orbs[i]=tmp;
81 	    det_weights=-det_weights;
82 	  }
83 	}
84       }
85     }
86     else{
87       if(-orbs[i]!=(i+1-(nup))){
88 	//cout <<"orbs[i] "<<orbs[i]<<"i+1-(nup) "<<i+1-(nup)<<endl;
89 	for(int j=ncore; j < ndown; j++){
90 	  if(-orbs[i]==j+1 && nup-2*ncore+j!=i ){
91 	    //cout <<" swap pos "<<nup-2*ncore+j<<" with pos "<<i<<endl;
92 	    tmp=orbs[nup-2*ncore+j];
93 	    orbs[nup-2*ncore+j]=orbs[i];
94 	    orbs[i]=tmp;
95 	    det_weights=-det_weights;
96 	  }
97 	}
98       }
99     }
100   }
102   /*
103   cout <<"after normal_reorder_orbs"<<endl;
104   for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
105     cout <<orbs[i]<<"  ";
106   }
107   cout <<endl;
108   */
110 }
spin_separate(vector<int> & vals,vector<int> & spinup,vector<int> & spindown,int & tmp_up,int & tmp_down)113 void spin_separate(vector <int> & vals, vector <int> & spinup, vector <int> & spindown, int & tmp_up, int & tmp_down){
114   int n=vals.size();
115   tmp_up=tmp_down=0;
116   for (int i=0; i < n; i++){
117     if(vals[i]>tmp_up)
118       tmp_up=vals[i];
119     if(vals[i]<tmp_down)
120       tmp_down=vals[i];
121     if(vals[i]>0)
122       spinup.push_back(vals[i]);
123     else
124       spindown.push_back(-vals[i]);
125   }
126   tmp_down=-tmp_down;
127   //cout <<"The largest spin-up orbital is "<<tmp_up<<" and spin-down orbital is "<<-tmp_down<<endl;
128 }
sort_abs_largest_first(vector<double> & vals,vector<int> & list)131 void sort_abs_largest_first(vector <double> & vals, vector <int> & list){
132   int n=vals.size();
133   list.resize(n);
134   for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
135     list[i] = i;
137   for (int i=1; i < n; i++) {
138     const double temp = vals[i];
139     const double abstemp =  fabs(vals[i]);
140     int j;
141     for (j=i-1; j>=0 && fabs(vals[j])<abstemp; j--) {
142       vals[j+1] = vals[j];
143       list[j+1] = list[j];
144     }
145     vals[j+1] = temp;
146     list[j+1] = i;
147   }
148   //for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
149   //cout << list[i]<<endl;
150 }
usage(const char * name)153 void usage(const char * name) {
154   cout << "usage: " << name <<   " <options> <output> " << endl;
155   cout << "Where options can be: \n";
156   cout << "-csf      write CSFs rather than separate determinants\n";
157   cout << "-o        desired output file\n";
158   cout << "-wthresh  threshold weight value (Default 0.01)\n";
159   cout << "-state    write determinants for selected state \n";
160   cout << "-norder  orbitals in determinants follow natural order\n";
161   cout << "-print_level (Default 1)\n";
162   exit(1);
163 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)165 int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
166   string infilename;
167   string outputname;
168   int computed_states=1;
169   int iroot=1;
170   int nstate=1;
171   double wtresh=0.01;
172   int symmetry=0;
173   int reorder=0;
174   int printout=1;
176   for(int i=1; i< argc-1; i++) {
177     if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-wthresh") && argc > i+1) {
178             wtresh=double(atof(argv[++i]));
179     }
180     else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-o") && argc > i+1) {
181       outputname=argv[++i];
182     }
183     else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-csf")) {
184       symmetry=1;
185     }
186     else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-state")) {
187       nstate=atoi(argv[++i]);
188     }
189     else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-norder")) {
190       reorder=1;
191     }
192     else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-print_level") && argc > i+1) {
193             printout=int(atoi(argv[++i]));
194     }
195     else {
196     cout << "Didn't understand option " << argv[i] << endl;
197     usage(argv[0]);
198     }
199   }
201   if(argc >= 2) {
202     infilename=argv[argc-1];
203   }
204   else { usage(argv[0]); }
206   if(outputname=="") {
207     outputname="gamessci2qmc.out";
208   }
210   cout << "Starting converter"<<endl;
211   cout << "Using weight treshhold "<<wtresh<<endl;
213   ifstream is(infilename.c_str());
214   if(!is) {
215     cout << "Couldn't open" <<infilename<< endl;
216     exit(1);
217   }
218   vector <string> words;
219   string line;
220   string space=" ";
221   int using_guga=0;
222   int using_determinants=0;
223   int csfmax=0; //how many CSFs was there total
224   int number_of_core_orbitals=0;
225   vector <int> nelectrons(2);
226   while(getline(is, line)){
227     words.clear();
228     split(line, space, words);
230     if(words[0]=="GUGA" && words[1]=="DISTINCT" && words[2]=="ROW" && words[3]=="TABLE"){
231       //cout <<"GUGA CITYP using CSF's"<<endl;
232       using_guga=1;
233       while(getline(is,line)) {
234 	words.clear();
235 	split(line, space, words);
236 	//first read in CORE ALPHA BETA
237 	if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="CORE" && words[3]=="MOLECULAR" && words[4]=="ORBITALS"){
238 	  number_of_core_orbitals=atoi(words[6].c_str());
239 	  cout <<number_of_core_orbitals<<" core orbitals"<<endl<<endl;
240 	}
241 	if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="ALPHA" && words[3]=="ELECTRONS"){
242 	  nelectrons[0]=atoi(words[5].c_str());
243 	  cout <<nelectrons[0]<<" alpha electrons"<<endl;
244 	}
245 	if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="BETA" && words[3]=="ELECTRONS"){
246 	  nelectrons[1]=atoi(words[5].c_str());
247 	  cout <<nelectrons[1]<<" beta electrons"<<endl;
248 	}
252 	if(words[0]=="COMPUTING" && words[2]=="HAMILTONIAN" && words[6]=="CSF-S..."){
253 	  csfmax=atoi(words[5].c_str());
254 	  cout <<"GUGA CITYP using "<<csfmax<<" CSF's"<<endl;
255 	}
257         // find  NUMBER OF REQUESTED STATES
258         if(words[0]=="DAVIDSON" && words[1]=="METHOD" && words[3]=="DIAGONALIZATION" ){
259           while(getline(is,line)) {
260             words.clear();
261             split(line, space, words);
262             if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="STATES" && words[3]=="REQUESTED"){
263               computed_states=atoi(words[5].c_str());
264               cout << "Number of states computed in CI calculation : "<< computed_states << endl;
265               break;
266             }
267           }
268         }
270        // find IROOT value
271         if(words[0]=="PROPERTIES" && words[3]=="COMPUTED" && words[5]=="STATE" && words[6]=="-IROOT-" ){
272           iroot=atoi(words[7].c_str());
273           cout <<"IROOT value in CI calculation : "<< iroot <<endl;
274           break;
275         }
276      }
277      break;
278     }
281     if(words[0]=="AMES" && words[1]=="LABORATORY" && words[2]=="DETERMINANTAL" && words[3]=="FULL" && words[4]=="CI" ){
282       cout <<"Found ALDET CITYP using determinantal CI"<<endl;
283       using_determinants=1;
284       while(getline(is,line)) {
285         words.clear();
286         split(line, space, words);
287         if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[3]=="STATES" && words[4]=="REQUESTED" && words[5]=="="){
288           computed_states=atoi(words[6].c_str());
289           cout <<computed_states<<" states computed in CI calculation"<<endl;
290         }
291         if(words[0]=="CI" && words[1]=="PROPERTIES" && words[6]=="ROOT" && words[7]=="NUMBER"){
292           iroot=atoi(words[8].c_str());
293           cout <<"Properties of state "<<iroot<<" were requested in CI"<<endl;
294           break;
295         }
296       }
297       break;
298     }
299   }
300   is.close();
302   if (nstate < 1) {
303     cout << "Wrong input for -state . Setting STATE value to default (STATE=IROOT).\n" ;
304     nstate=iroot;
305   }
306   else if (nstate == 0) {
307     cout << "Setting STATE value to default (STATE=IROOT).\n" ;
308     nstate=iroot;
309   }
310   else if (nstate>computed_states) {
311     cout << "STATE value is higher than number of computed states in CI.\n" ;
312     cout << "Setting STATE value to default (STATE=IROOT).\n" ;
313     nstate=iroot;
314   }
317   if(using_guga){
318     if(symmetry)
319       cout << "Keeping the whole CSFs" <<endl;
320     vector <int> csf_full;
321     vector <int> csf;
322     vector <double> csf_weights;
323     vector <string> csf_occupations_str;
326     int line_position;
327     is.open(infilename.c_str());
328     while(getline(is, line)) {
329       words.clear();
330       split(line, space, words);
331       if(words[0]=="DAVIDSON" && words[1]=="METHOD"){
332         if(printout>1) cout <<"found DAVIDSON METHOD CI-MATRIX DIAGONALIZATION"<<endl;
334         while(getline(is, line)) {
335           words.clear();
336           split(line, space, words);
337           if(words[0]=="ITER." && words[2]=="IMPROVED") {
338             while(getline(is, line)) {
339               if(printout>1) cout << line <<endl;
340               if(line=="") break;
341             }
342           }//---done energy info
343           //cout << line<<endl;
344           words.clear();
345           split(line, space, words);
346           //read in contributing CSFs
347           if (words[0]=="STATE"&& words[1]=="#" && words[3]=="ENERGY" && atoi(words[2].c_str())==nstate){
348             cout << "Printing CSFs for state : " << atoi(words[2].c_str()) << endl;
349             int i=0;
350             double smallest_csf_weight=1.0;
351             while(getline(is,line)) {
352               words.clear();
353               split(line, space, words);
354               //cout << "in state : " << line<<endl;
355               if(words.size() >0 and (words[0]=="......" || words[0]=="STATE")) break;
357               if(words.size()>1 && atoi(words[0].c_str())>0  && !(words[0]=="---") && !(words[0]=="CSF")){
358                 csf.push_back(atoi(words[0].c_str())-1);
359                 csf_weights.push_back(atof(words[1].c_str()));
360                 csf_occupations_str.push_back(words[2]);
361                 if(smallest_csf_weight > abs(csf_weights[i]))
362                   smallest_csf_weight=abs(csf_weights[i]);
363                 i++;
364               }
365               else if (words.size()==1){
366                 csf_occupations_str.back()+=words[0];
367               }
368             }
369             if(csf.size()>0){
370               cout <<"Found "<<csf.size()<<" contributing CSFs with smallest weight of "<<smallest_csf_weight<<endl;
371               if(printout>1)
372                 cout <<"MB: to increase printout set PRTTOL smaller than "<<smallest_csf_weight<<" in $GUGDIA"<<endl;
373             }
374             else{
375               cout <<"did not find any CSF COEF OCCUPANCY array in the DAVIDSON METHOD CI-MATRIX DIAGONALIZATION printout"<<endl;
376               exit(1);
377             }
378           }
379         }
381     }
382     is.close();
384     vector <vector <double> > det_weights(csf.size());
385     vector <vector <string> > det_str(csf.size());
389     int counter_csf=0;
390     is.open(infilename.c_str());
391     while(getline(is, line)) {
392       words.clear();
393       split(line, space, words);
394       //here where all CSFs printout starts
395       if (words[0]=="DETERMINANT" && words[1]=="CONTRIBUTION") {
396 	if(printout>1) cout <<"looping to read the relevant CSFs"<<endl;
397 	int kk=0;
398 	for(int k=0;k<csf.size();k++){
399 	  if(printout>1) cout <<"looking for CSF with index "<<csf[k]+1<<" .........";
400 	  while(getline(is,line)) {
401 	    words.clear();
402 	    split(line, space, words);
403 	    if(words[0]=="......" && words[1]=="END" && words[2]=="OF" && words[3]=="-DRT-" && words[4]=="GENERATION"){
404 	      cout <<"\n found the end of DRT GENERATION"<<endl;
405 	      if(kk!=csfmax){
406 		cout <<"did not found enought CSF'S!, did you run gamess with NPRT=2 in $CIDRT?"<<endl;
407 		exit(1);
408 	      }
409 	      break;
410 	    }
411 	    if(words[0]=="CASE" && words[1]=="VECTOR" && words[2]== "=" && words.size()==4){
412 	      if(atoi(words[3].c_str()) > csf[k]+1){
413 	     	cout <<"error, the CSF with index "<<csf[k]+1<<" could not be found"<<endl;
414 	      	exit(1);
415 	      }
416 	      if(atoi(words[3].c_str())-1==csf[k]){
417 		if(printout>1)  cout <<"found!"<<endl;
418 		counter_csf++;
419 		csf_full.push_back(atoi(words[4].c_str())-1);
422 		//read in the determinants in:
423 		double sum_of_weights=0.0;
424 		int tries=0;
425 		int max_tries=1000;
427 		while(getline(is,line)) {
428 		  words.clear();
429 		  split(line, space, words);
430 		  /*
431 		  the old way
432 		  if ( line.size() > 33  ){
433 		    if (line.substr(13,2)=="C(" ){
434 		      if(printout>2) cout <<line<<endl;
435 		      det_weights[k].push_back(atof(line.substr(20,10).c_str()));
436 		      det_str[k].push_back(line.substr(33));
437 		      line_position=is.tellg();
438 		      //if there is a line which is too long this while has to be there
439 		      while(getline(is,line)) {
440 			words.clear();
441 			split(line, space, words);
442 			if ((words[0]=="C(" ) || (words[0]=="CASE" && words[1]=="VECTOR") || line.size()==0){
443 			  is.seekg(line_position);
444 			  break;
445 			}
446 			else{
447 			  det_str[k].back() += " ";
448 			  det_str[k].back() +=line.substr(33);
449 			}
450 		      }
451 		    }//if
452 		  }//if
453 		  */
454 		  //new way
455 		  if ( line.size() > 33  ){
456 		    if (line.substr(13,2)=="C(" ){
457 		      if(printout>2) cout <<line<<endl;
458 		      det_weights[k].push_back(atof(line.substr(20,10).c_str()));
459 		      det_str[k].push_back(line.substr(33));
460 		      //MB: new way of doing things: if there is a line which is too long this while has to be there
461 		      int sum_of_string_leghts=det_str[k].back().size();
462 		      while(sum_of_string_leghts <  (nelectrons[0]+nelectrons[1]-2*number_of_core_orbitals)*3){
463 			getline(is,line);
464 			split(line, space, words);
465 			string remainder=line.substr(33);
466 			det_str[k].back() += " ";
467 			det_str[k].back() +=remainder;
468 			sum_of_string_leghts+=remainder.size();
469 		      }
470 		      sum_of_weights+=det_weights[k].back()*det_weights[k].back();
471 		      if(printout>3) cout <<"w: "<<det_weights[k].back()<<" at line number "<<line_position<<" sum of weights: "<<sum_of_weights<<endl;
472 		      if(abs(sqrt(sum_of_weights)-1.0)<1e-5)
473 			break;
474 		      //M.B.: this was working before, but tellg() was giving negative number for files > 2Gb
475 		      //if there is a line which is too long this while has to be there
476 		      /*
477 		      line_position=is.tellg();
478 		      while(getline(is,line)) {
479 			words.clear();
480 			split(line, space, words);
481 			tries++;
482 			if ((words[0]=="C(" ) || (words[0]=="CASE" && words[1]=="VECTOR") || line.size()==0){
483 			  is.seekg(line_position);
484 			  cout <<"going back to line position" <<line_position<<endl;
485 			  break;
486 			}
487 			else{
488 			  if(printout>2) cout <<line<<endl;
489 			  det_str[k].back() += " ";
490 			  det_str[k].back() +=line.substr(33);
491 			}
492 		      }//while
493 		      */
495 		    }
496 		    if(tries>max_tries){
497 		      cout<<"could not fully read CSF "<<csf[k]+1<<" ...exiting"<<endl;
498 		      exit(1);
499 		    }
500 		    tries++;
501 		  }//if(line.size() > 33)
502 		}//end of while
503 		if(!(abs(sqrt(sum_of_weights)-1.0)<1e-5)){
504 		  cout<<"could not fully read CSF "<<csf[k]+1<<" ...exiting"<<endl;
505 		  exit(1);
506 		}
507 		//need to break in order to find another CSF
508 		break;
509 	      }//end of if CASE VECTOR = csf[k]
510 	      if(kk>csfmax){
511 		cout<<"Number of CSF's is greater than designed limit of "<<csfmax<<"CSF's"<<endl;
512 		exit(1);
513 	      }
514 	      kk++;
515 	    }
516 	  }//while(getline(is,line))
517 	}//int k loop
518       }//end of reading all CSFs
519     }
520     is.close();
522     if(counter_csf!=csf.size()){
523       cout <<"counter_csf "<<"and "<<csf.size()<<"dont match "<<endl;
524       exit(1);
525     }
526     cout << "done readout"<<endl;
527     //end of read out
528     //storing determinants and reodering orbs
529     det_weights.resize(csf.size());
530     det_str.resize(csf.size());
531     vector < vector < vector <int> > > det(csf.size());
533     for(int i=0;i<det_weights.size();i++){
534       if(!det_weights[i].size()){
535 	cout<<" CSF with index "<<csf[i]+1<<" was zero determinants in!, exitting"<<endl;
536 	exit(1);
537       }
539       det[i].resize(det_weights[i].size());
540       for(int j=0;j<det_weights[i].size();j++){
541 	for(int k=0; k < det_str[i][j].size(); k=k+3){
542 	  det[i][j].push_back(atoi(det_str[i][j].substr(k,3).c_str()));
543 	}
545 	reorder_orbs(det[i][j],det_weights[i][j]);
546 	if(reorder)
547 	  normal_reorder_orbs(nelectrons[0],nelectrons[1], number_of_core_orbitals, det[i][j],det_weights[i][j]);
549 	//if(i>0)
550 	//  reorder3(det[i][j],det_weights[i][j],det[0][0]);
551 	// det_spinup[i].resize(det_weights[i].size());
552 	// det_spindown[i].resize(det_weights[i].size());
553 	// spin_separate(det[i][j],det_spinup[i][j],det_spindown[i][j] );
554 	//cout << "Weight: "<<det_weights[i][j]<<"   state: ";
555 	//for(int k=0; k < det[i][j].size();k++){
556 	//  cout << det[i][j][k]<< " ";
557 	// }
558 	//cout <<endl;
559       }
560     }
562     cout << "done storing determinants and reodering orbs"<<endl;
564     //storing occupation array
565     vector < vector <int> > csf_occupation(csf.size());
566     for(int i=0;i< csf.size();i++){
567       for(int j=0;j< csf_occupations_str[i].size();j++){
568 	csf_occupation[i].push_back(atoi(csf_occupations_str[i].substr(j,1).c_str()));
569       }
570     }
571     cout << "done storing occupation array"<<endl;
573     if(symmetry==0){
574       // assign full weight to each determimant
575       for(int i=0;i<csf.size();i++){
576 	for(int j=0;j<det_weights[i].size();j++){
577 	  //if(csf[i]==847){
578 	  //cout << csf_weights[i]<< " "<<det_weights[csf[i]-1][j]<<endl;
579 	  //}
580 	  det_weights[i][j]*=csf_weights[i];
581 	}
582       }
583       cout << "done assign full weight to each determimant"<<endl;
585       //find the same determimants and add their contributions
586       for(int i=0;i<csf.size();i++){
587 	//cout << csf[i]<<" "<< csf_occupations_str[i]<<endl;
588 	for(int j=i+1;j<csf.size();j++){
589 	  if(csf_occupations_str[i]==csf_occupations_str[j]){
590 	    //cout << "CSF "<<csf[i]<<" and "<<csf[j]<<  " are the same"<<endl;
591 	    for(int k=0;k<det[i].size();k++)
592 	      for(int l=0;l<det[j].size();l++)
593 		if(det[i][k]==det[j][l]){
594 		  det_weights[i][k]+=det_weights[j][l];
595 		  det_weights[j][l]=0.0;
596 		  //cout << "determimant"<<k<<" and "<<l<<" are the same"<<endl;
597 		  //for(int h=0;h<det[csf[i]-1][k].size();h++)
598 		  //  cout <<det[csf[i]-1][k][h]<<" ";
599 		  //cout <<endl;
600 		  //for(int h=0;h<det[csf[j]-1][k].size();h++)
601 		  //  cout <<det[csf[j]-1][l][h]<<" ";
602 		  //cout <<endl;
603 		}
604 	  }
605 	}
606       }
607       cout << "done finding the same determimants and adding their contributions"<<endl;
608     }
611     //use weight treshold and store for printout
612     vector <double> det_weights_printing;
613     //int ircounter=0;
614     //vector <int> det_weights_bonds;
615     vector < vector <int> > det_printing;
616     vector < vector <int> > det_printing_old;
617     vector <double> csf_weights_printing;
618     vector <int> csf_printing;
619     vector < vector <double> >  det_weights_printing_symmetry;
620     for(int i=0;i<csf.size();i++){
621       if(symmetry){
622 	if(abs(csf_weights[i])> wtresh){
623 	  csf_weights_printing.push_back(csf_weights[i]);
624 	  csf_printing.push_back(i);
625 	  //det_weights_printing_symmetry.push_back(det_weights[csf[]]);
626 	  //for(int k=0;k<det[csf[i]].size();k++){
627 	  // det_weights_printing.push_back(det_weights[csf[i]][k]);
628 	  //det_printing.push_back(det[csf[i]][k]);
629 	    //det_weights_bonds.push_back(ircounter);
630 	  //}
631 	  //ircounter++;
632 	}
633       }
634       else{
635 	for(int k=0;k<det[i].size();k++){
636 	  if(abs(det_weights[i][k])> wtresh){
637 	    // cout <<"det_weights "<< det_weights[csf[i]][k]<<endl;;
638 	    det_weights_printing.push_back(det_weights[i][k]);
639 	    det_printing_old.push_back(det[i][k]);
640 	  }
641 	}
642       }
643     }
645     //sorting
646     vector <int> list;
647     if(symmetry){
648       sort_abs_largest_first(csf_weights_printing, list);
649       for(int i=0;i<csf_weights_printing.size();i++){
650 	det_weights_printing_symmetry.push_back(det_weights[csf_printing[list[i]]]);
651 	for(int k=0;k<det[csf_printing[list[i]]].size();k++){
652 	  det_weights_printing.push_back(det_weights[csf_printing[list[i]]][k]);
653 	  det_printing.push_back(det[csf_printing[list[i]]][k]);
654 	}
655       }
656     }
657     else{
658       sort_abs_largest_first(det_weights_printing, list);
659       for (int i=0;i<det_weights_printing.size();i++){
660 	det_printing.push_back(det_printing_old[list[i]]);
661       }
663     }
666     if(symmetry){
667       cout << "After cutoff applied: found "<<det_weights_printing.size()<<" determinats with weights"<<endl;
668       cout << "and number of independent weights "<<csf_weights_printing.size()<<endl;
669     }
670     else
671       cout << "After cutoff applied: found "<<det_weights_printing.size()<<" unique determinats with weights"<<endl;
674     vector < vector <int> > det_up(det_weights_printing.size());
675     vector < vector <int> > det_down(det_weights_printing.size());
676     int max_up, max_down, tmp_up,tmp_down;
677     max_up=max_down=0;
678     for (int i=0;i<det_weights_printing.size();i++){
679       spin_separate(det_printing[i], det_up[i], det_down[i], tmp_up, tmp_down);
680       if(tmp_up>max_up)
681 	max_up=tmp_up;
682       if(tmp_down>max_down)
683 	max_down=tmp_down;
684     }
685     cout <<"the largest spin-up orbital is "<<max_up<<" and spin-down orbital is "<<max_down<<endl;
690     //FINAL OUTPUT
691     ofstream output(outputname.c_str());
692     string gap="   ";
694     if(symmetry){
695       output <<gap<< "# NCSF = "<<csf_weights_printing.size()<<endl;
696       for (int i=0;i<csf_weights_printing.size();i++){
697 	output.precision(7);
698 	output.width(10);
699 	output <<gap<<"CSF {  "<< csf_weights_printing[i] <<"  ";
700 	for(int j=0;j<det_weights_printing_symmetry[i].size();j++){
701 	  output.precision(7);
702 	  output.width(10);
703 	  output << det_weights_printing_symmetry[i][j]<<"  ";
704 	}
705 	output << "}"<<endl;
706       }
707     }
708     else {
709       output <<gap<< "DETWT {"<<endl;
710       output <<gap<< "# NDET = "<<det_weights_printing.size()<<endl;
711       output <<gap;
712       for (int i=0;i<det_weights_printing.size();i++){
713 	output.precision(7);
714 	output.width(10);
715 	output << det_weights_printing[i] <<"  ";
716 	if ((i+1)%6==0)
717 	  output <<endl<<gap;
718       }
719       output << "}"<<endl;
720     }
721     output <<gap<<"STATES {"<<endl<<gap;
722     if(symmetry){
723       int counter=0;
724       for (int i=0;i<csf_weights_printing.size();i++){
725 	output <<"#  CSF "<<i+1<<": weight: "<<csf_weights_printing[i]<<endl<<gap;
726 	for(int j=0;j<det_weights_printing_symmetry[i].size();j++){
727 	  output <<"#  Determinant "<<j+1<<": weight: "<<det_weights_printing_symmetry[i][j]<<endl<<gap;
728 	  for(int m=0;m<number_of_core_orbitals;m++)
729 	    output << m+1 <<"  ";
730 	  for(int k=det_up[counter].size();k>0;k--)
731 	    output << det_up[counter][k-1] <<"  ";
732 	  output <<endl<<gap;
733 	  for(int m=0;m<number_of_core_orbitals;m++)
734 	    output << m+1 <<"  ";
735 	  for(int k=0;k<det_down[counter].size();k++)
736 	    output << det_down[counter][k] <<"  ";
737 	  output <<endl<<gap;
738 	  counter++;
739 	}
740       }
741     }
742     else {
743       for (int i=0;i<det_weights_printing.size();i++){
744 	output <<"#  Determinant "<<i+1<<": weight: "<<det_weights_printing[i]<<endl<<gap;
745 	for(int j=0;j<number_of_core_orbitals;j++)
746 	  output << j+1 <<"  ";
747 	for(int k=det_up[i].size();k>0;k--)
748 	  output << det_up[i][k-1] <<"  ";
749 	output <<endl<<gap;
750 	for(int j=0;j<number_of_core_orbitals;j++)
751 	  output << j+1 <<"  ";
752 	for(int k=0;k<det_down[i].size();k++)
753 	  output << det_down[i][k] <<"  ";
754 	output <<endl<<gap;
755       }
756     }
757     output << "}"<<endl;
758     output.close();
759     cout <<"done"<<endl;
760   }//end using guga
761   else if(using_determinants){
762     vector <double> det_weights;
763     vector < vector <string> > det_occupations_str(2);
764     int ncorr_orbs;
765     int nacc_orbs;
766     vector <int> nelectrons(2);
767     int orbs_total;
768     int ndet;
769     int cycle=1;
770     if(symmetry)
771       cout << "ignoring option -csf" <<endl;
772      is.open(infilename.c_str());
773      while(getline(is, line) && cycle<2 ) {
774        words.clear();
775        split(line, space, words);
777        if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="CORE" && words[3]=="ORBITALS"){
778 	 ncorr_orbs=atoi(words[5].c_str());
779 	 cout <<ncorr_orbs<<" core orbitals"<<endl;
780        }
781        if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="ACTIVE" && words[3]=="ORBITALS"){
782 	 nacc_orbs=atoi(words[5].c_str());
783 	 cout <<nacc_orbs<<" active orbitals"<<endl;
784        }
786        if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="ALPHA" && words[3]=="ELECTRONS"){
787 	 nelectrons[0]=atoi(words[5].c_str());
788 	 cout <<nelectrons[0]<<" alpha electrons"<<endl;
789        }
790        if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="BETA" && words[3]=="ELECTRONS"){
791 	 nelectrons[1]=atoi(words[5].c_str());
792 	 cout <<nelectrons[1]<<" beta electrons"<<endl;
793        }
794        if(words[0]=="NUMBER" && words[2]=="OCCUPIED" && words[3]=="ORBITALS" && words[4]=="="){
795 	 orbs_total=atoi(words[5].c_str());
796 	 cout <<orbs_total<<" total number orbitals"<<endl;
797        }
799        if(words[0]=="ITERATION" && words[1]=="ENERGY" && words[2]=="GRADIENT") {
800 	 while(getline(is, line)) {
801 	   words.clear();
802 	   split(line, space, words);
803 	   cout << line <<endl;
804 	   if(words[0]=="ALL" && words[1]=="STATES" && words[2]=="CONVERGED.") break;
805 	 }
806        }//---done energy info
807        //read in actual determinamnts
809       if (words[0]=="STATE" && words[2]=="ENERGY=" && atoi(words[1].c_str())==nstate){
810         while(getline(is, line)) {
811           words.clear();
812           split(line, space, words);
813           ndet=0;
814           if(words[0]=="ALPHA" && words[2]=="BETA" && words[4]=="COEFFICIENT") {
815             while(getline(is, line)) {
816               words.clear();
817               split(line, space, words);
818               if(words[1]=="|" && words[3]=="|"){
819 //                 cout << words[0]<<" "<<words[2]<<" "<<words[4]<<endl;
820                 det_weights.push_back(atof(words[4].c_str()));
821                 det_occupations_str[0].push_back(words[0]);
822                 det_occupations_str[1].push_back(words[2]);
823                 ndet++;
824               }
825               //..... DONE WITH DETERMINANT CI COMPUTATION .....
826               //find the end
827               if(words[0]=="....." || line.size()==0) {
828                 cout <<"found "<<ndet<<" determinants"<<endl;
829                 cycle++;
830                 break;
831               }
832             }
833            break;
834           }
835         }
836       }
837     }
838      is.close();
839      cout <<"done readout"<<endl;
841      vector < vector < vector <int> > > det_occupations(2);
843      for(int spin=0;spin<2;spin++){
844        det_occupations[spin].resize(ndet);
845        for(int det=0;det<ndet;det++){
846 	 for(int j=0;j<ncorr_orbs;j++){
847 	   det_occupations[spin][det].push_back(j+1);
848 	 }
849 	 for(int j=0;j<nacc_orbs;j++){
850 	   if(atoi(det_occupations_str[spin][det].substr(j,1).c_str())==1)
851 	     det_occupations[spin][det].push_back(ncorr_orbs+j+1);
852 	 }
853        }//ndets
854      }//spin
859      //select determinants
860      vector <double> det_weights_print;
861      vector < vector < vector <int> > > det_occupations_print(2);
862      for(int det=0;det<ndet;det++){
863        if(fabs(det_weights[det])>wtresh){
864 	 det_weights_print.push_back(det_weights[det]);
865 	 for(int spin=0;spin<2;spin++){
866 	   det_occupations_print[spin].push_back(det_occupations[spin][det]);
867 	 }
868        }
869        else{
870 	 //cout <<" det "<<det<<endl;
871        }
872      }
873      cout <<"done selecting determinants"<<endl;
874      cout <<det_weights_print.size()<<" determinants has weight larger than "<<wtresh<<endl;
876      vector <int> list;
877      sort_abs_largest_first(det_weights_print, list);
879      //final printout
880      ofstream output(outputname.c_str());
881      string gap="   ";
882      output <<gap<< "DETWT {"<<endl;
883      output <<gap<< "# NDET = "<<det_weights_print.size()<<endl;
884      output <<gap;
885      for (int i=0;i<det_weights_print.size();i++){
886 	output.precision(7);
887 	output.width(10);
888 	output << det_weights_print[i] <<"  ";
889 	if ((i+1)%6==0)
890 	  output <<endl<<gap;
891      }
892      output << "}"<<endl;
893      output <<gap<<"STATES {"<<endl<<gap;
894      for (int i=0;i<det_weights_print.size();i++){
895        output <<"#  Determinant "<<i+1<<": weight: "<<det_weights_print[i]<<endl<<gap;
896        for(int spin=0;spin<2;spin++){
897 	 for(int j=0;j<det_occupations_print[spin][list[i]].size();j++)
898 	   output <<det_occupations_print[spin][list[i]][j]<<"  ";
899 	 output <<endl<<gap;
900        }
901      }
902      output << "}"<<endl;
905      output.close();
906      cout <<"done"<<endl;
911   }
912   else{
913     cout <<"Could not find GUGA nor ALDET type CI";
914     exit(1);
915   }
916 }