1 //  Copyright (C) 2018  Lorton
2 //
3 //   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
4 //  This file is part of the RDKit.
5 //  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
6 //  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
7 //  of the RDKit source tree.
8 //
10 #define NO_IMPORT_ARRAY
12 #include <RDBoost/python.h>
14 #include <string>
15 #include <fstream>
17 // ours
18 #include <RDGeneral/BadFileException.h>
19 #include <RDGeneral/FileParseException.h>
20 #include <GraphMol/FileParsers/MolSupplier.h>
21 #include <GraphMol/RDKitBase.h>
22 #include <RDBoost/python_streambuf.h>
24 #include <maeparser/MaeConstants.hpp>
25 #include <maeparser/Reader.hpp>
27 #include "MolSupplier.h"
28 #include "ContextManagers.h"
30 namespace python = boost::python;
32 using namespace schrodinger;
33 using boost_adaptbx::python::streambuf;
34 namespace {
streamIsGoodOrExhausted(std::istream * stream)36 bool streamIsGoodOrExhausted(std::istream *stream) {
37   PRECONDITION(stream, "bad stream");
38   return stream->good() || (stream->eof() && stream->fail() && !stream->bad());
39 }
41 class LocalMaeMolSupplier : public RDKit::MaeMolSupplier {
42  public:
LocalMaeMolSupplier(python::object & input,bool sanitize,bool removeHs)43   LocalMaeMolSupplier(python::object &input, bool sanitize, bool removeHs) {
44     // FIX: minor leak here
45     auto *sb = new streambuf(input);
46     dp_inStream = new streambuf::istream(*sb);
47     dp_sInStream.reset(dp_inStream);
48     df_owner = true;
49     df_sanitize = sanitize;
50     df_removeHs = removeHs;
51     d_reader.reset(new mae::Reader(dp_sInStream));
52     CHECK_INVARIANT(streamIsGoodOrExhausted(dp_inStream), "bad instream");
54     try {
55       d_next_struct = d_reader->next(mae::CT_BLOCK);
56     } catch (const mae::read_exception &e) {
57       throw RDKit::FileParseException(e.what());
58     }
59   }
LocalMaeMolSupplier(streambuf & input,bool sanitize,bool removeHs)60   LocalMaeMolSupplier(streambuf &input, bool sanitize, bool removeHs) {
61     dp_inStream = new streambuf::istream(input);
62     dp_sInStream.reset(dp_inStream);
63     df_owner = true;
64     df_sanitize = sanitize;
65     df_removeHs = removeHs;
66     d_reader.reset(new mae::Reader(dp_sInStream));
67     CHECK_INVARIANT(streamIsGoodOrExhausted(dp_inStream), "bad instream");
69     try {
70       d_next_struct = d_reader->next(mae::CT_BLOCK);
71     } catch (const mae::read_exception &e) {
72       throw RDKit::FileParseException(e.what());
73     }
74   }
LocalMaeMolSupplier(const std::string & fname,bool sanitize=true,bool removeHs=true)76   LocalMaeMolSupplier(const std::string &fname, bool sanitize = true,
77                       bool removeHs = true)
78       : RDKit::MaeMolSupplier(fname, sanitize, removeHs) {}
79 };  // namespace
FwdMolSupplIter(LocalMaeMolSupplier * self)81 LocalMaeMolSupplier *FwdMolSupplIter(LocalMaeMolSupplier *self) { return self; }
82 }  // namespace
84 namespace RDKit {
86 std::string maeMolSupplierClassDoc =
87     "A class which supplies molecules from file-like object containing Maestro data.\n\
88 \n\
89   Usage examples:\n\
90 \n\
91     1) Lazy evaluation: the molecules are not constructed until we ask for them:\n\n\
92        >>> suppl = MaeMolSupplier(file('in.mae'))\n\
93        >>> for mol in suppl:\n\
94        ...    if mol is not None: mol.GetNumAtoms()\n\
95 \n\
96     2) we can also read from compressed files: \n\n\
97        >>> import gzip\n\
98        >>> suppl = MaeMolSupplier(gzip.open('in.maegz'))\n\
99        >>> for mol in suppl:\n\
100        ...   if mol is not None: print mol.GetNumAtoms()\n\
101 \n\
102   Properties in the Maestro file are used to set properties on each molecule.\n\
103   The properties are accessible using the mol.GetProp(propName) method.\n\
104 \n";
105 struct maemolsup_wrap {
wrapRDKit::maemolsup_wrap106   static void wrap() {
107     python::class_<LocalMaeMolSupplier, boost::noncopyable>(
108         "MaeMolSupplier", maeMolSupplierClassDoc.c_str(), python::no_init)
109         .def(python::init<python::object &, bool, bool>(
110             (python::arg("fileobj"), python::arg("sanitize") = true,
111              python::arg("removeHs") =
112                  true))[python::with_custodian_and_ward_postcall<0, 2>()])
113         .def(python::init<streambuf &, bool, bool>(
114             (python::arg("streambuf"), python::arg("sanitize") = true,
115              python::arg("removeHs") =
116                  true))[python::with_custodian_and_ward_postcall<0, 2>()])
117         .def(python::init<std::string, bool, bool>(
118             (python::arg("filename"), python::arg("sanitize") = true,
119              python::arg("removeHs") = true)))
120         .def("__enter__", &MolIOEnter<LocalMaeMolSupplier>,
121              python::return_internal_reference<>())
122         .def("__exit__", &MolIOExit<LocalMaeMolSupplier>)
123         .def("__next__", &MolSupplNext<LocalMaeMolSupplier>,
124              "Returns the next molecule in the file.  Raises _StopIteration_ "
125              "on EOF.\n",
126              python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())
127         .def("atEnd", &MaeMolSupplier::atEnd,
128              "Returns whether or not we have hit EOF.\n")
129         .def("__iter__", &FwdMolSupplIter,
130              python::return_internal_reference<1>());
131   };
132 };
133 }  // namespace RDKit
wrap_maesupplier()135 void wrap_maesupplier() { RDKit::maemolsup_wrap::wrap(); }