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READMEH A D07-Sep-2021536 1110

siconos_mechanisms.py.inH A D07-Sep-202116.2 KiB465338


1This directory contains some tests about the multiBodies tool box.
2Each example directory contains a bodydef.py describing the multibody.
3It assumes that environment variable SALADYN_BUILD and SALADYN_DIR are defined.
4SALADYN_BUILD is the directory containing the directory MBTB used for the compilation.
5SALADYN_DIR is the main directory of saladyn.
6To run an example:
7->Go to the directory of the example.
8->Copy the file SALADYN_DIR/trunk/Multibody/Tests/E1/env.sh, and make necessary adaptations.
9->source env.sh
10->python ../run.py