2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      module basis_specs
10! Alberto Garcia, August 2000, based on 'classic' redbasis.
12! Processes the basis information in an fdf file and populates
13! the "basis specifications" data structures.
15! Here is a guide to the behavior of the main routine "read_basis_specs":
17! * Find out the number of species
18! * Allocate storage for the data structures
19! * Determine any "global" basis specification parameters:
20!   - basis_size   (sz, dz, dzp, etc)
21!   - basis_type   (split, nodes, etc) ("USER" is no longer valid)
22! * Process the mandatory "Chemical-species-label" block to read the
23!   species labels (not the same as chemical symbols) and atomic numbers.
24!   (note that negative atomic numbers have a special meaning)
25! * Assign default values to 'basis_size', 'basis_type'.
26! * Assign default values to the 'mass' based on the atomic number.
27! * Set up the information about the ground state of the atom.
28! * Read information about the valence charge density in the
29!   pseudopotential file and determine whether there are semicore
30!   states. (Note that in this case  the user is explicitly asked
31!   (see below) to input the 'n' quantum numbers in the PAO.Basis block.)
32! * Read the optional fdf blocks:
33!   AtomicMass  (routine remass)
34!   PAO.BasisSize - Overrides the default 'basis_size' on a per-species basis.
35!   PAO.Basis - This is the most complex block, very flexible but in
36!               need  of spelling-out the specific restrictions. Line by
37!               line, these are:
39!   1st:   Species_label number_of_l_shells [basis_type] [ionic_charge]
41!   For each l_shell:
42!     [n= n] l nzeta [P [ nzeta_pol]] [E vcte rinn] [Q qcoe [qyuk [qwid]]] [F cutoff]
43!   where 'n= n' is *mandatory* if the species has any semicore states,
44!   and the 'P' (polarization), E (soft confinement potential),
45!   'Q' (charge confinement), and 'F' (filteret) sections are optional and can appear
46!   in any order after nzeta.
48!          rc_1  rc_2 .... rc_nzeta
50!   are the cutoff radii in bohrs. This line is mandatory
51!   If the number of rc's for a given shell is less than the number of
52!   'zetas', the program will assign the last rc value to the remaining
53!   zetas, rather than stopping with an error. This is particularly
54!   useful for Bessel suites of orbitals.
55!   A line containing contraction (scale) factors is optional, but if it
56!   appears, the values *must be* real numbers, and there must be at
57!   least nzeta of them.
58!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
60!   After processing PAO.Basis (if it exists), whatever PAO information
61!   which is not already available is determined in routine 'autobasis',
62!   using the following defaults:
64!   (There is a first check to make sure that species with semicore
65!   states, or with Bessel floating orbitals,  have been included in
66!   the PAO.Basis block)
68!   The maximum angular momentum for the basis (lmxo) (excluding any
69!   polarization orbitals) is that of the ground state, as returned by
70!   routine 'lmxofz' from Z.
72!   Each l-shell contains just one shell of PAOS, with n set
73!   to the appropriate ground state value.
75!   Nzeta is determined by the first two characters of the 'basis_size'
76!   string: 1 for 'sz' and  2 for 'dz'.
78!   There are no 'per l-shell' polarization orbitals, except if the
79!   third character of 'basis_size' is 'p' (as in 'dzp'), in which
80!   case polarization orbitals are defined so they have the minimum
81!   angular momentum l such that there are no occupied orbitals
82!   with the same l in the valence shell of the ground-state
83!   atomic configuration. They polarize the corresponding l-1 shell.
85!   The Soft-Confinement parameters 'rinn' and 'vcte' are set to 0.0
86!   The Charge-Confinement parameters 'qcoe', 'qyuk' and 'qwid'
87!   are set to 0.0, 0.0 and 0.01
89!   rc(1:nzeta) is set to 0.0
90!   lambda(1:nzeta) is set to 1.0  (this is a change from old practice)
92!  ----------------------------------
94!   Next come the blocks associated to the KB projectors:
96!   Block PS.lmax (routine relmxkb) assigns a per-species maximum l for
97!   the KB projectors. Internally, it sets the 'lmxb_requested'
98!   component of the data structure, which by default is -1.
100!   Block PS.KBprojectors (optional) sets the number of KB projectors
101!   per angular momentum. The same routine which reads this block
102!   (readkb) also sets any appropriate defaults:
105!   If the species does not appear in the  PS.KBprojectors block, then
106!       Setting of lmxkb:
107!       If lmxkb is set in PS.lmax,
108!          set it to that
109!       else
110!          Use PAO information: (routine set_default_lmxkb)
111!          (Set it to a meaningless value for floating orbitals)
112!           Set it to lmxo+1, or to lpol+1, where lpol is the angular
113!           momentum of the highest-l polarization orbital.
114!       endif
116!       There is a hard limit for lmxkb: if the pseudopotential file
117!       contains semilocal pseudopotentials up to lmax_pseudo, then
118!       lmxkb <= lmax_pseudo.
120!       The  number of KB projectors per l is set to the number of
121!       n-shells in the corresponding PAO shell with the same l. For l
122!       greater than lmxo, it is set to 1. The reference energies are
123!       in all cases set to huge(1.d0) to mark the default.
125!       Archaeological note: The first implementation of the basis-set generation
126!       module had only non-polarization orbitals. Polarization orbitals were added
127!       later as "second-class" companions. This shows in details like "lmxo" (the
128!       maximum l of the basis set) not taking into account polarization orbitals.
129!       Polarization orbitals were tagged at the end, without maintaining l-shell
130!       ordering.
131!       Even later, support for "semicore" orbitals was added. A new ('nsm') index was
132!       used to distinguish the different orbitals in a l-shell. Polarization orbitals
133!       were not brought into this classification.
134!       The code is strained when semicore and polarization orbitals coexist for the same l,
135!       as in Ti, whose electronic structure is []3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 (4p0*)  with 4p as the
136!       polarization orbital.
137!       Here 'nsemic' (the number of semicore states) is kept at zero for l=1
138!       (the polarization orbital is not counted), with the side-effect that only one KB
139!       projector is generated for l=1.
140!       Special checks have been implemented to cover these cases.
142!       Future work should probably remove the separate treatment of polarization orbitals.
143!       (Note that if *all* orbitals are specified in a PAO.Basis block, in effect turning
144!       perturbative polarization orbitals into 'normal' orbitals, this problem is not present.)
146! =======================================================================
148      use precision
149      use basis_types, only: basis_def_t, shell_t, lshell_t, kbshell_t
150      use basis_types, only: nsp, basis_parameters, ground_state_t
151      use basis_types, only: destroy, copy_shell, initialize
152      use pseudopotential, only: pseudo_read, pseudo_reparametrize
153      use pseudopotential, only: pseudo_init_constant
154      use periodic_table, only: qvlofz, lmxofz, cnfig, atmass
155      use chemical
156      use sys
157      use fdf
159      Implicit None
161      type(basis_def_t), pointer :: basp => null()
162      type(shell_t), pointer :: s => null()
163      type(lshell_t), pointer :: ls => null()
164      type(kbshell_t), pointer :: k => null()
166      character(len=1), parameter   ::
167     $                           sym(0:4) = (/ 's','p','d','f','g' /)
169!     Default Soft-confinement parameters set by the user
171      logical, save   :: lsoft
172      real(dp), save  :: softRc, softPt
174! Default norm-percentage for the automatic definition of
175! multiple-zeta orbitals with the 'SPLIT' option
177      real(dp), parameter       :: splnorm_default=0.15_dp
178      real(dp), parameter       :: splnormH_default=-1.0_dp
179      real(dp), save            :: global_splnorm, global_splnorm_H
180      integer           isp  ! just an index dummy variable for the whole module
183      logical, save, public     :: restricted_grid
184      logical, parameter        :: restricted_grid_default = .true.
186      real(dp), save, public    :: rmax_radial_grid
188      public :: read_basis_specs
189      public :: label2species
191      private
193      CONTAINS
196      subroutine read_basis_specs()
198      character(len=15), parameter  :: basis_size_default='standard'
199      character(len=10), parameter  :: basistype_default='split'
201      character(len=15) :: basis_size
202      character(len=10) :: basistype_generic
204      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
205      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
207      type(ground_state_t), pointer :: gs
209      integer nns, noccs, i, ns_read, l
210      logical synthetic_atoms, found, reparametrize_pseudos
211      real(dp) :: new_a, new_b
214      reparametrize_pseudos =
215     $   fdf_boolean('ReparametrizePseudos',.false.)
217!        r(i) = b * ( exp(a*(i-1)) - 1 )
218!        spacing near zero: delta = a*b
219!        If the desired spacing at r=R is delta*(1+beta),
220!        then:
221!               a = beta*delta/R
222!               b = R/beta
223!               N at R = 1 + R*ln(1+beta)/(beta*delta)
225      if (reparametrize_pseudos) then
226         ! These default values will provide a grid spacing
227         ! of 1.0e-5 near r=0, and 0.01 near r=10 (bohr units)
228         ! with N at Rmax=100 on the order of 10000 points.
229         new_a = fdf_double("NewAParameter",0.001_dp)
230         new_b = fdf_double("NewBParameter",0.01_dp)
231      endif
234!     Whether or not to restrict integration grids to an odd number
235!     of points (and hence to shift rcs accordingly)
237      restricted_grid =
238     $     fdf_boolean("Restricted.Radial.Grid",
239     $                  restricted_grid_default)
241!     If non-zero, the value will be the maximum value of the
242!     radial coordinate
244      if (reparametrize_pseudos) then
245         rmax_radial_grid = fdf_double('Rmax.Radial.Grid',50.0_dp)
246      else
247         rmax_radial_grid = fdf_double('Rmax.Radial.Grid',0.0_dp)
248      endif
251      basis_size = fdf_string('PAO.BasisSize',basis_size_default)
252      call size_name(basis_size)
253      basistype_generic = fdf_string('PAO.BasisType',basistype_default)
254      call type_name(basistype_generic)
256C Read information about defaults for soft confinement
258      lsoft  = fdf_boolean('PAO.SoftDefault',.false.)
259      softRc = fdf_double('PAO.SoftInnerRadius',0.9d0)
260      softPt = fdf_double('PAO.SoftPotential',40.0d0)
262C Sanity checks on values
264      softRc = max(softRc,0.00d0)
265      softRc = min(softRc,0.99d0)
266      softPt = abs(softPt)
268!     Read defaults for split_norm parameter
270      global_splnorm = fdf_double('PAO.SplitNorm',splnorm_default)
271      global_splnorm_H = fdf_double('PAO.SplitNormH',splnormH_default)
272      if (global_splnorm_H < 0.0_dp) global_splnorm_H = global_splnorm
276!     Use standard routine in chemical module to process the
277!     chemical species
279      nsp = size(basis_parameters)
281      synthetic_atoms = .false.
283      do isp=1,nsp
284        basp=>basis_parameters(isp)
286        basp%label = species_label(isp)
287        basp%z = atomic_number(isp)
288        basp%floating = is_floating(isp)
289        basp%bessel = is_bessel(isp)
290        basp%synthetic = is_synthetic(isp)
292        basp%basis_size = basis_size
293        basp%basis_type = basistype_generic
294        if (basp%floating) then
295          basp%mass = 1.d40   ! big but not too big, as it is used
296                              ! later in computations
297        else if (basp%synthetic) then
298          basp%mass = -1.0_dp      ! Signal -- Set later
299        else
300          basp%mass = atmass(abs(int(basp%z)))
301        endif
302        if (basp%bessel) then
303          ! Initialize a constant pseudo
304          call pseudo_init_constant(basp%pseudopotential)
305        else if (basp%synthetic) then
306          synthetic_atoms = .true.
307          ! Will set gs later
308          call pseudo_read(basp%label,basp%pseudopotential)
309        else
310          call ground_state(abs(int(basp%z)),basp%ground_state)
311          call pseudo_read(basp%label,basp%pseudopotential)
312        endif
313        if (reparametrize_pseudos.and. .not. basp%bessel)
314     .    call pseudo_reparametrize(p=basp%pseudopotential,
315     .                             a=new_a, b=new_b,label=basp%label)
316      enddo
318      if (synthetic_atoms) then
320        found = fdf_block('SyntheticAtoms',bfdf)
321        if (.not. found )
322     .    call die("Block SyntheticAtoms does not exist.")
323        ns_read = 0
324        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
326          ns_read = ns_read + 1
327          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'i'))
328     .      call die("Wrong format in SyntheticAtoms")
329          isp = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
330          if (isp .gt. nsp .or. isp .lt. 1)
331     .      call die("Wrong specnum in SyntheticAtoms")
332          basp => basis_parameters(isp)
333          gs   => basp%ground_state
334          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline)) call die("No n info")
335          nns = fdf_bnintegers(pline)
336          if (nns .lt. 4)
337     .      call die("Please give all valence n's " //
338     .               "in SyntheticAtoms block")
339          gs%n = 0
340          do i = 1, nns
341            gs%n(i-1) = fdf_bintegers(pline,i)
342          enddo
343          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
344     .      call die("No occupation info")
345          noccs = fdf_bnvalues(pline)
346          if (noccs .lt. nns) call die("Need more occupations")
347          gs%occupation(:) = 0.0_dp
348          do i = 1, noccs
349            gs%occupation(i-1) = fdf_bvalues(pline,i)
350          enddo
351          ! Determine the last occupied state in the atom
352          do i = nns, 1, -1
353            if (gs%occupation(i-1) /=0) then
354              gs%lmax_valence = i-1
355              exit
356            endif
357          enddo
358          gs%occupied(0:3) = (gs%occupation .gt. 0.0_dp)
359          gs%occupied(4) = .false.
360          gs%z_valence = sum(gs%occupation(0:noccs-1))
361          write(6,'(a,i2)',advance='no')
362     .         'Ground state valence configuration (synthetic): '
363          do l=0,3
364            if (gs%occupied(l))
365     .        write(6,'(2x,i1,a1,f8.5)',advance='no')
366     .          gs%n(l),sym(l), gs%occupation(l)
367          enddo
368          write(6,'(a)') ''
370        enddo
371        write(6,"(a,i2)") "Number of synthetic species: ", ns_read
373      endif
375!  Defer this here in case there are synthetic atoms
376      do isp=1,nsp
377        basp=>basis_parameters(isp)
378        if (basp%synthetic) then
379          gs => basp%ground_state
380          if (gs%z_valence .lt. 0.001)
381     .      call die("Synthetic species not detailed")
382         endif
383         call semicore_check(isp)
384      enddo
386      call remass()
387      call resizes()
388      call repaobasis()
389      call autobasis()
390      call relmxkb()
391      call readkb()
393!      do isp=1,nsp
394!        call print_basis_def(basis_parameters(isp))
395!      enddo
397      end subroutine read_basis_specs
400      function label2species(str) result(index)
401      integer index
402      character(len=*), intent(in) ::  str
404      integer i
406      index = 0
407      do i=1,nsp
408        if(leqi(basis_parameters(i)%label,str)) index = i
409      enddo
410      end function label2species
413      subroutine ground_state(z,gs)
414      integer, intent(in)               ::  z
415      type(ground_state_t), intent(out) :: gs
417!     Determines ground state valence configuration from Z
419      integer l, latm
421      gs%z_valence = 0.d0
422      do l=0,3
423        gs%occupation(l)=0.0d0
424      enddo
426      call lmxofz(z,gs%lmax_valence,latm)
427      call qvlofz(z,gs%occupation(:))
428      do l=0,gs%lmax_valence
429        gs%z_valence = gs%z_valence + gs%occupation(l)
430      enddo
431      call cnfig(z,gs%n(0:3))
433      write(6,'(a,i2)',advance='no')
434     .     'Ground state valence configuration: '
435      gs%occupied(4) = .false.         !! always
436      do l=0,3
437        gs%occupied(l) =  (gs%occupation(l).gt.0.1d0)
438        if (gs%occupied(l))
439     .    write(6,'(2x,i1,a1,i2.2)',advance='no')
440     .       gs%n(l),sym(l),nint(gs%occupation(l))
441      enddo
442      write(6,'(a)') ''
444      end subroutine ground_state
447      subroutine readkb()
448      integer lpol, isp, ish, i, l
449      character(len=20) unitstr
451      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
452      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
454      integer :: lmax_pseudo
456      lpol = 0
458      if (fdf_block('PS.KBprojectors',bfdf) ) then
460! First pass to find out about lmxkb and set any defaults.
462        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))    !! over species
463          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni'))
464     .      call die("Wrong format in PS.KBprojectors")
465          isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
466          if (isp .eq. 0) then
467            write(6,'(a,1x,a)')
468     .        "WRONG species symbol in PS.KBprojectors:",
469     .        trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
470            call die()
471          endif
472          basp => basis_parameters(isp)
473          basp%nkbshells = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
474          do ish= 1, basp%nkbshells
475            if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline)) call die("No l nkbl")
476            if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii'))
477     .        call die("Wrong format l nkbl")
478            l = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
479            if (l .gt. basp%lmxkb) basp%lmxkb = l
480            if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline)) then
481               if (ish .ne. basp%nkbshells)
482     .          call die("Not enough kb shells for this species...")
483              ! There is no line with ref energies
484            else  if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni')) then
485                ! We are seeing the next species' section
486               if (ish .ne. basp%nkbshells)
487     .            call die("Not enough shells for this species...")
488               if (.not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf))
489     .               call die('readkb: ERROR in PS.KBprojectors block')
490            else if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii')) then
491                ! We are seeing the next shell's section
492               if (ish .gt. basp%nkbshells)
493     .            call die("Too many kb shells for this species...")
494               if (.not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf))
495     .            call die('readkb: ERROR in PS.KBprojectors block')
496            endif
497          enddo       ! end of loop over shells for species isp
499        enddo
500      endif
502      do isp=1,nsp
504!      Fix defaults and allocate kbshells
506        basp=>basis_parameters(isp)
507        if (basp%lmxkb .eq. -1) then ! not set in KBprojectors
508          if (basp%lmxkb_requested.eq.-1) then ! not set in PS.lmax
509            basp%lmxkb = set_default_lmxkb(isp) ! Use PAO info
510          else
511            basp%lmxkb = basp%lmxkb_requested
512          endif
513          allocate(basp%kbshell(0:basp%lmxkb))
514          do l=0,basp%lmxkb
515            call initialize(basp%kbshell(l))
516            k=>basp%kbshell(l)
517            k%l = l
518            if (l.gt.basp%lmxo) then
519              k%nkbl = 1
520            else
521              ! Set equal to the number of PAO shells with this l
522              k%nkbl = basp%lshell(l)%nn
523              ! Should include polarization orbs (as in Ti case: 3p..4p*)
524              ! (See 'archaeological note' in the header of this file)
525              if (l>0) then
526                 do i = 1, basp%lshell(l-1)%nn
527                    if (basp%lshell(l-1)%shell(i)%polarized) then
528                       k%nkbl = k%nkbl + 1
529                       write(6,"(a,i1,a)") trim(basp%label) //
530     $                  ': nkbl increased for l=',l,
531     $                  ' due to the presence of a polarization orbital'
532                    endif
533                 enddo
534              endif
535              if (k%nkbl.eq.0) then
536                write(6,*) 'Warning: Empty PAO shell. l =', l
537                write(6,*) 'Will have a KB projector anyway...'
538                k%nkbl = 1
539              endif
540            endif
541            allocate(k%erefkb(1:k%nkbl))
542            k%erefkb(1:k%nkbl) = huge(1.d0)
543          enddo
544        else          ! Set in KBprojectors
545          if (basp%lmxkb_requested.ne.-1) then ! set in PS.lmax
546            if (basp%lmxkb.ne.basp%lmxkb_requested) then
547              call die("LmaxKB conflict between " //
548     $                 "PS.Lmax and PS.KBprojectors blocks")
549            endif
550          endif
551          !! OK, we have a genuine lmxkb
552          allocate(basp%kbshell(0:basp%lmxkb))
553          do l=0,basp%lmxkb
554            call initialize(basp%kbshell(l))
555          enddo
556        endif
557        if (basp%z .le. 0) then
558          if (basp%lmxkb .ne. -1)
559     .      call die("Floating orbs cannot have KB projectors...")
560        endif
561      enddo
563!     Now re-scan the block (if it exists) and fill in as instructed
565      if (fdf_block('PS.KBprojectors',bfdf) ) then
567        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))     !! over species
568          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni'))
569     .      call die("Wrong format in PS.KBprojectors")
570          isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
571          if (isp .eq. 0) then
572            write(6,'(a,1x,a)')
573     .        "WRONG species symbol in PS.KBprojectors:",
574     .        trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
575            call die()
576          endif
577          basp => basis_parameters(isp)
578          basp%nkbshells = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
579          do ish=1, basp%nkbshells
580            if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline)) call die("No l nkbl")
581            if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii'))
582     .        call die("Wrong format l nkbl")
583            l = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
584            k => basp%kbshell(l)
585            k%l = l
586            k%nkbl = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
587            if (k%nkbl < 0) then
588               call die("nkbl < 0 in PS.KBprojectors")
589            endif
590            if (k%nkbl == 0) then
591               call message("WARNING","nkbl=0 in PS.KBprojectors")
592            endif
593            allocate(k%erefkb(k%nkbl))
594            if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline)) then
595              if (ish .ne. basp%nkbshells)
596     .          call die("Not enough shells for this species...")
597              ! There is no line with ref energies
598              ! Use default values
599              k%erefKB(1:k%nkbl) = huge(1.d0)
600            else if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni')) then
601                ! We are seeing the next species' section
602               if (ish .ne. basp%nkbshells)
603     .            call die("Not enough kb shells for this species...")
604                ! Use default values for ref energies
605               k%erefKB(1:k%nkbl) = huge(1.d0)
606               if (.not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf))
607     .            call die('readkb: ERROR in PS.KBprojectors block')
608            else if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii')) then
609                ! We are seeing the next shell's section
610                if (ish .gt. basp%nkbshells)
611     .            call die("Too many kb shells for this species...")
612                ! Use default values for ref energies
613                k%erefKB(1:k%nkbl) = huge(1.d0)
614                if (.not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf))
615     .            call die('readkb: ERROR in PS.KBprojectors block')
616             else
617                if (fdf_bnreals(pline) .ne. k%nkbl)
618     .            call die("Wrong number of energies")
619                unitstr = 'Ry'
620                if (fdf_bnnames(pline) .eq. 1)
621     .            unitstr = fdf_bnames(pline,1)
622                ! Insert ref energies in erefkb
623                do i= 1, k%nkbl
624                  k%erefKB(i) =
625     .                 fdf_breals(pline,i)*fdf_convfac(unitstr,'Ry')
626                enddo
627             endif
628          enddo            ! end of loop over shells for species isp
630          ! For those l's not specified in block, use default values
631          do l=0, basp%lmxkb
632            k => basp%kbshell(l)
633            if (k%l.eq.-1) then
634              k%l = l
635              k%nkbl = 1
636              allocate(k%erefkb(1))
637              k%erefkb(1) = huge(1.d0)
638            endif
639          enddo
640        enddo   !! Over species
641      endif
643      do isp=1,nsp
645!      Check that we have enough semilocal components...
647         basp=>basis_parameters(isp)
648         lmax_pseudo = basp%pseudopotential%npotd - 1
649         if (basp%lmxkb > lmax_pseudo) then
650            write(6,'(a,i1,a)')
651     .           trim(basp%label) //
652     .           " pseudopotential only contains V_ls up to l=",
653     .           lmax_pseudo, " -- lmxkb reset."
654            basp%lmxkb = lmax_pseudo
655         endif
656      enddo
658      end subroutine readkb
661      subroutine repaobasis()
663      integer isp, ish, nn, i, ind, l, indexp, index_splnorm
664      integer nrcs_zetas
666      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
667      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
669      if (.not. fdf_block('PAO.Basis',bfdf)) RETURN
671      do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))     !! over species
672        if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni'))
673     .    call die("Wrong format in PAO.Basis")
674        isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
675        if (isp .eq. 0) then
676          write(6,'(a,1x,a)')
677     .      "WRONG species symbol in PAO.Basis:",
678     .      trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
679          call die()
680        endif
682        basp => basis_parameters(isp)
683        basp%label = fdf_bnames(pline,1)
684        basp%nshells_tmp = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
685        basp%lmxo = 0
686        !! Check whether there are optional type and ionic charge
687        if (fdf_bnnames(pline) .eq. 2)
688     .    basp%basis_type = fdf_bnames(pline,2)
689        if (fdf_bnvalues(pline) .eq. 2)
690     .    basp%ionic_charge = fdf_bvalues(pline,2)
691        allocate(basp%tmp_shell(basp%nshells_tmp))
693        shells: do ish= 1, basp%nshells_tmp
694          s => basp%tmp_shell(ish)
695          call initialize(s)
696          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline)) call die("No l nzeta, etc")
698          if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'niii')) then
699            s%n = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
700            s%l = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
701            basp%lmxo = max(basp%lmxo,s%l)
702            s%nzeta = fdf_bintegers(pline,3)
703          elseif (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii')) then
704            !    l, nzeta
706            if (basp%semic)
707     .        call die("Please specify n if there are semicore states")
709            s%l = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
710            s%n = basp%ground_state%n(s%l)
711            s%nzeta = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
712            basp%lmxo = max(basp%lmxo,s%l)
713          else
714            call die("Bad format of (n), l, nzeta line in PAO.Basis")
715          endif
717! If this is a filteret basis then the number of zetas input must be one
719          if (basp%basis_type.eq.'filteret') then
720            s%nzeta = 1
721          endif
723! Optional stuff: Polarization, Soft-confinement Potential and Filteret Cutoff
725! Split norm
727          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,'S',index_splnorm)) then
728            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'v',after=index_splnorm)) then
729              s%split_norm = fdf_bvalues(pline, ind=1,
730     .                                   after=index_splnorm)
731              if (s%split_norm .eq. 0.0_dp)
732     .          write(6,"(a)")
733     .            "WARNING: zero split_norm after S in PAO.Basis"
734              s%split_norm_specified = .TRUE.
735            else
736              call die("Specify split_norm after S in PAO.Basis")
737            endif
738          else
739            if (abs(basp%z) .eq. 1) then
740              s%split_norm = global_splnorm_H
741            else
742              s%split_norm = global_splnorm
743            endif
744          endif
746! Polarization functions
748          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,'P',indexp)) then
749            s%polarized = .TRUE.
750            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'i',after=indexp)) then
751              s%nzeta_pol = fdf_bintegers(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
752            else
753              s%nzeta_pol = 1
754            endif
755          endif
757! Soft-confinement
759          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,'E',indexp)) then
760            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'vv',after=indexp)) then
761              s%vcte = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
762              s%rinn = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=2,after=indexp)
763            else
764              call die("Need vcte and rinn after E in PAO.Basis")
765            endif
766          elseif (lsoft) then
767            s%vcte = softPt
768            s%rinn = -softRc
769          else
770            s%vcte = 0.0_dp
771            s%rinn = 0.0_dp
772          endif
774! Charge confinement
776          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,'Q',indexp)) then
777            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'vvv',after=indexp)) then
778               s%qcoe = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
779               s%qyuk = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=2,after=indexp)
780               s%qwid = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=3,after=indexp)
781            elseif (fdf_bmatch(pline,'vv',after=indexp)) then
782               s%qcoe = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
783               s%qyuk = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=2,after=indexp)
784               s%qwid = 0.01_dp
785            elseif (fdf_bmatch(pline,'v',after=indexp)) then
786               s%qcoe = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
787               s%qyuk = 0.0_dp
788               s%qwid = 0.01_dp
789            else
790               call die("Need one, two or three real numbers after Q in
791     .                   PAO.Basis")
792            endif
793          else
794            s%qcoe = 0.0_dp
795            s%qyuk = 0.0_dp
796            s%qwid = 0.01_dp
797          endif
799! Filteret cutoff
801          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,"F",indexp)) then
802            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,"v",after=indexp)) then
803              s%filtercut = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
804            else
805              call die("Need cut-off after F in PAO.Basis")
806            endif
807          else
808            s%filtercut = 0.0_dp
809          endif
811          allocate(s%rc(s%nzeta),s%lambda(s%nzeta))
812          s%rc(:) = 0.d0
813          s%lambda(:) = 1.d0
814          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline)) call die("No rc's")
816          ! Use the last rc entered for the successive zetas
817          ! if there are not enough values (useful for Bessel)
818          nrcs_zetas = fdf_bnvalues(pline)
819          if (nrcs_zetas < 1) then
820           call die("Need at least one rc per shell in PAO.Basis block")
821          endif
822          do i= 1, s%nzeta
823             if (i <= nrcs_zetas) then
824                s%rc(i) = fdf_bvalues(pline,i)
825             else
826                s%rc(i) = s%rc(nrcs_zetas)
827             endif
828          enddo
830          if (s%split_norm_specified) then
831            do i = 2,s%nzeta
832              if (s%rc(i) /= 0.0_dp) then
833                write(6,"(/,a,i1,a,f8.4,/)")
834     .            "*Warning: Per-shell split_norm parameter " //
835     .            "will not apply to zeta-", i, ". rc=", s%rc(i)
836              endif
837            enddo
838          endif
840          ! Optional scale factors. They MUST be reals, or else...
841          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline)) then
842            if (ish .ne. basp%nshells_tmp)
843     .        call die("Not enough shells")
844              ! Default values for scale factors
845          else
846            if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'r')) then
847              ! New shell or species
848              ! Default values for the scale factors
849              if (.not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf))
850     .          call die('repaobasis: ERROR in PAO.Basis block')
851              cycle shells
852            else
853              ! Read scale factors
854              ! Use the last scale factor entered for the successive zetas
855              ! if there are not enough values
856               nrcs_zetas = fdf_bnreals(pline)
857               if (nrcs_zetas < 1) then
858                 call die("Need at least one scale factor in PAO.Basis")
859               endif
860               do i= 1, s%nzeta
861                  if (i <= nrcs_zetas) then
862                     s%lambda(i) = fdf_breals(pline,i)
863                  else
864                     s%lambda(i) = s%lambda(nrcs_zetas)
865                  endif
866               enddo
867            endif
868          endif
870        enddo shells
871        ! Clean up for this species
872      enddo
874!        OK, now classify the states by l-shells
876      do isp = 1, nsp
877        basp => basis_parameters(isp)
878        if (basp%lmxo .eq. -1) cycle !! Species not in block
879                                     !!
880        allocate (basp%lshell(0:basp%lmxo))
881        loop_l: do l= 0, basp%lmxo
882          ls => basp%lshell(l)
883          call initialize(ls)
884          ls%l = l
885          ! Search for tmp_shells with given l
886          nn = 0
887          do ish= 1, basp%nshells_tmp
888            s => basp%tmp_shell(ish)
889            if (s%l .eq. l) nn=nn+1
890          enddo
891          ls%nn = nn
892          if (nn.eq.0) then
893            !! What else do we do here?
894            cycle loop_l
895          endif
896                                     !!
897          allocate(ls%shell(1:nn))
898          ! Collect previously allocated shells
899          ind = 0
900          do ish=1, basp%nshells_tmp
901            s => basp%tmp_shell(ish)
902            if (s%l .eq. l) then
903              ind = ind+1
904              call copy_shell(source=s,target=ls%shell(ind))
905            endif
906          enddo
907          if (nn.eq.1) then
908            ! If n was not specified, set it to ground state n
909            if (ls%shell(1)%n.eq.-1)
910     .        ls%shell(1)%n=basp%ground_state%n(l)
911          endif
912          !! Do we have to sort by n value????
913          !!
914        enddo loop_l
915        !! Destroy temporary shells in basp
916        !! Warning: This does seem to destroy information!!
917        call destroy(basp%tmp_shell)
918      enddo
920      end subroutine repaobasis
924         function set_default_lmxkb(is) result(lmxkb)
925         integer lmxkb
926         integer, intent(in) :: is
928         integer lpol, l, i
930         lmxkb = -1
931         basp=>basis_parameters(is)
932         if (basp%z .le. 0) return     ! Leave it at -1 for floating orbs.
934         lmxkb = basp%lmxo + 1
936         ! But watch out for polarization orbitals...
937         ! We ASSUME that these do not count towards lshell%nn...
939         lpol = 0
940         do l = 0, basp%lmxo
941            ls=>basp%lshell(l)
942            do i = 1, ls%nn
943               s=>ls%shell(i)
944               if (s%polarized) lpol = s%l + 1
945            enddo
946         enddo
947         if (lpol .gt. basp%lmxo) lmxkb = lpol + 1
949         write(6,'(3a,i1,/,2a,/,a)') 'For ', trim(basp%label),
950     .              ', standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to ',
951     .              lmxkb,
952     .              ' (one more than the basis l,',
953     .              ' including polarization orbitals).',
954     .  'Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.'
956!        But there is an upper limit for sanity: f is the highest
958         if (lmxkb.gt.3) then
959            write(6,'(3a,i1)') 'Warning: For ', trim(basp%label),
960     .           ' lmxkb would have been set to ', lmxkb
961            write(6,'(a)')
962     .           'Setting it to maximum value of 3 (f projector)'
963            lmxkb = 3
964         endif
966         end function set_default_lmxkb
970      subroutine resizes()
972c Reading atomic basis sizes for different species.
974c Reads fdf block. Not necessarily all species have to be given. The
975c ones not given at input will be assumed to have the basis sizes
976c given by the general input PAO.BasisSize, or its default value.
978      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
979      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
981      integer isp
983      if (fdf_block('PAO.BasisSizes',bfdf)) then
984        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
985          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'nn'))
986     .      call die("Wrong format in PAO.BasisSizes")
987          isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
988          if (isp .eq. 0) then
989            write(6,'(a,1x,a)')
990     .        "WRONG species symbol in PAO.BasisSizes:",
991     .        trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
992            call die()
993          else
994            basp => basis_parameters(isp)
995            basp%basis_size = fdf_bnames(pline,2)
996            call size_name(basp%basis_size)   !!! DEPRECATED
997            write(6,'(4a)')
998     .           'resizes: Read basis size for species ',
999     .            trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1)),' = ',basp%basis_size
1000          endif
1001        enddo
1002      endif
1004      end subroutine resizes
1008      subroutine relmxkb()
1010c Reads the maximum angular momentum of the Kleinman-Bylander
1011c projectors for the different species.
1013c Reads fdf block. Not necessarily all species have to be given.
1015      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
1016      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
1018      integer isp
1020      if (fdf_block('PS.lmax',bfdf)) then
1021        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
1022          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni'))
1023     .      call die("Wrong format in PS.lmax")
1024          isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
1025          if (isp .eq. 0) then
1026            write(6,'(a,1x,a)') "WRONG species symbol in PS.lmax:",
1027     .                           trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
1028            call die()
1029          else
1030            basp => basis_parameters(isp)
1031            basp%lmxkb_requested = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
1032            write(6,"(a, i4, 2a)")
1033     .            'relmxkb: Read Max KB Ang. Momentum= ',
1034     .             basp%lmxkb_requested,
1035     .            ' for species ', trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
1036          endif
1037        enddo
1038      endif
1040      end subroutine relmxkb
1043      subroutine remass()
1046      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
1047      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
1049      integer isp
1051c Read atomic masses of different species.
1053c Reads fdf block. Not necessarily all species have to be given. The
1054c ones not given at input will be assumed to have their natural mass
1055c (according to atmass subroutine).
1057      if (fdf_block('AtomicMass',bfdf)) then
1058        do while(fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
1059          if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'iv'))
1060     .      call die("Wrong format in AtomicMass")
1061          isp = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
1062          if (isp .gt. nsp .or. isp .lt. 1)
1063     .      call die("Wrong specnum in AtomicMass")
1064          basp => basis_parameters(isp)
1065          basp%mass = fdf_bvalues(pline,2)
1066          write(6,"(a, i4, a, f12.5)")
1067     .         'remass: Read atomic mass for species ', isp,
1068     .         ' as ', basp%mass
1069        enddo
1070      endif
1072      end subroutine remass
1075      subroutine size_name(str)
1076      character(len=*), intent(inout)  ::  str
1079      if(leqi(str,'MINIMAL')) str='sz'
1080      if(leqi(str,'SZ'))  str='sz'
1081      if(leqi(str,'SZP')) str='szp'
1082      if(leqi(str,'SZP1')) str='szp'
1083      if(leqi(str,'SZSP')) str='szp'
1084      if(leqi(str,'SZ1P')) str='szp'
1086      if(leqi(str,'DZ')) str='dz'
1087      if(leqi(str,'STANDARD')) str='dzp'
1088      if(leqi(str,'DZP'))  str='dzp'
1089      if(leqi(str,'DZP1'))  str='dzp'
1090      if(leqi(str,'DZ1P'))  str='dzp'
1091      if(leqi(str,'DZSP'))  str='dzp'
1092      if(leqi(str,'DZP2'))  str='dzp2'
1093      if(leqi(str,'DZDP'))  str='dzp2'
1094      if(leqi(str,'DZ2P'))  str='dzp2'
1096      if(leqi(str,'TZ')) str='tz'
1097      if(leqi(str,'TZP')) str='tzp'
1098      if(leqi(str,'TZ1P')) str='tzp'
1099      if(leqi(str,'TZP1')) str='tzp'
1100      if(leqi(str,'TZSP')) str='tzp'
1101      if(leqi(str,'TZP2')) str='tzp2'
1102      if(leqi(str,'TZ2P')) str='tzp2'
1103      if(leqi(str,'TZDP')) str='tzp2'
1104      if(leqi(str,'TZP3')) str='tzp3'
1105      if(leqi(str,'TZ3P')) str='tzp3'
1106      if(leqi(str,'TZTP')) str='tzp3'
1108      if ( (str.ne.'szp').and.(str.ne.'sz').and.
1109     .     (str.ne.'dz') .and.(str.ne.'dzp') .and.
1110     .     (str.ne.'tz') .and.(str.ne.'tzp') .and.
1111     .     (str.ne.'dzp2') .and.
1112     .     (str.ne.'tzp2') .and. (str.ne.'tzp3') ) then
1114        write(6,'(/,2a,/,9(a,/))')
1115     .    'size_name: Incorrect basis-size option specified,',
1116     .    ' active options are:',
1117     .    '  SZ or MINIMAL',
1118     .    '  SZP, SZSP, SZ1P, SZP1',
1119     .    '  DZ ',
1120     .    '  DZP, DZSP, DZP1, DZ1P or STANDARD',
1121     .    '  DZDP, DZP2, DZ2P ',
1122     .    '  TZ ',
1123     .    '  TZP, TZSP, TZP1, TZ1P',
1124     .    '  TZDP, TZP2, TZ2P',
1125     .    '  TZTP, TZP3, TZ3P'
1127        call die()
1128      endif
1130      end subroutine size_name
1133      subroutine type_name(basistype)
1135      character basistype*(*)
1137      if(leqi(basistype,'NODES')) then
1138        basistype='nodes'
1139      elseif(leqi(basistype,'NONODES')) then
1140        basistype='nonodes'
1141      elseif(leqi(basistype,'SPLIT')) then
1142        basistype='split'
1143      elseif(leqi(basistype,'SPLITGAUSS')) then
1144        basistype='splitgauss'
1145      elseif (leqi(basistype,'FILTERET')) then
1146        basistype='filteret'
1147      else
1148        write(6,'(/,2a,(/,5(3x,a)),(/,2(3x,a)))')
1149     .    'type_name: Incorrect basis-type option specified,',
1150     .    ' active options are:',
1152         call die
1153      endif
1155      end subroutine type_name
1158!     Find out whether semicore states are implied by the valence
1159!     charge density in the pseudopotential file.
1161      subroutine semicore_check(is)
1162      integer, intent(in)  :: is
1164      real(dp), parameter :: tiny = 1.d-5
1165      integer ndiff
1166      real(dp) zval, zval_vps, charge_loc
1168      basp => basis_parameters(is)
1170      basp%semic = .false.
1171      if (basp%bessel) return
1173      zval_vps = basp%pseudopotential%zval
1174      zval = basp%ground_state%z_valence
1176      if (abs(Zval-zval_vps).lt.tiny) return
1178      ndiff = nint(abs(Zval-zval_vps))
1179      if (abs(ndiff-abs(Zval-zval_vps)).gt.tiny) then
1180        write(6,'(2a)')
1181     .    'ERROR expected valence charge for species ',
1182     .    basp%label
1183        write(6,'(a)')
1184     .    'ERROR and the value read from the vps file'
1185        write(6,'(a,f6.3,a,f6.3)')
1186     .    'ERROR differ:  Zval(expected)= ', Zval,
1187     .    ' Zval(vps)= ',zval_vps
1188        call die()
1189      endif
1191      basp%semic = .true.
1192      charge_loc = Zval_vps-Zval
1193      write(6,'(a,i2,a)')
1194     .  'Semicore shell(s) with ', nint(charge_loc),
1195     .  ' electrons included in the valence for', trim(basp%label)
1197      end subroutine semicore_check
1199      subroutine autobasis()
1202!     It sets the defaults if a species has not been included
1203!     in the PAO.Basis block
1205      integer l, nzeta, nzeta_pol
1207      loop: do isp=1, nsp
1208         basp=>basis_parameters(isp)
1209         if (basp%lmxo .ne. -1) cycle loop   ! Species already set
1210                                             ! in PAO.Basis block
1211         if (basp%semic) then
1212            write(6,'(2a)') basp%label,
1213     .           ' must be in PAO.Basis (it has semicore states)'
1214            call die()
1215         endif
1216         if (basp%bessel) then
1217            write(6,'(2a)') basp%label,
1218     .      ' must be in PAO.Basis (it is a floating Bessel function)'
1219            call die()
1220         endif
1221         !
1222         ! Set the default max l
1223         !
1224         basp%lmxo = basp%ground_state%lmax_valence
1226         allocate (basp%lshell(0:basp%lmxo))
1228         if (basp%basis_size(1:2) .eq. 'sz') nzeta = 1
1229         if (basp%basis_size(1:2) .eq. 'dz') nzeta = 2
1230         if (basp%basis_size(1:2) .eq. 'tz') nzeta = 3
1232         loop_l: do l=0, basp%lmxo
1233            ls=>basp%lshell(l)
1234            call initialize(ls)
1235            ls%l = l
1236            ls%nn = 1
1237            allocate(ls%shell(1:1))
1238            s => ls%shell(1)
1239            call initialize(s)
1240            s%l = l
1241            s%n = basp%ground_state%n(l)
1242            if (basp%ground_state%occupied(l)) then
1243               s%nzeta = nzeta
1244            else
1245               s%nzeta = 0
1246            endif
1247            s%polarized = .false.
1248            if (abs(basp%z).eq.1) then
1249               s%split_norm = global_splnorm_H
1250            else
1251               s%split_norm = global_splnorm
1252            endif
1253            s%nzeta_pol = 0
1255            if (lsoft) then
1256               s%vcte = softPt
1257               s%rinn = -softRc
1258            else
1259               s%rinn = 0.d0
1260               s%vcte = 0.d0
1261            endif
1263            ! Default filteret cutoff for shell
1264            s%filtercut = 0.0d0
1266            if (s%nzeta .ne.0) then
1267               allocate(s%rc(1:s%nzeta))
1268               allocate(s%lambda(1:s%nzeta))
1269               s%rc(1:s%nzeta) = 0.0d0
1270               s%lambda(1:s%nzeta) = 1.0d0
1271            endif
1272         enddo loop_l
1274         if (basp%basis_size(3:3) .eq. 'p') then
1276         ! Polarization orbitals are defined so they have the minimum
1277         ! angular momentum l such that there are not occupied orbitals
1278         ! with the same l in the valence shell of the ground-state
1279         ! atomic configuration. They polarize the corresponding l-1
1280         ! shell.
1282         ! note that we go up to l=4 to make the loop simpler.
1283         ! (that is the reason why 'occupied' is dimensioned to 0:4)
1285            select case (basp%basis_size(4:4))
1286              case (' ', '1')
1287                 nzeta_pol = 1
1288              case ('2')
1289                 nzeta_pol = 2
1290              case ('3')
1291                 nzeta_pol = 3
1292            end select
1294            loop_angmom: do l=1,4
1295               if (.not. basp%ground_state%occupied(l)) then
1296                  ls=>basp%lshell(l-1)
1297                  s => ls%shell(1)
1299              ! Check whether shell to be polarized is occupied in the gs.
1300              ! (i.e., whether PAOs are going to be generated for it)
1301              ! If it is not, mark it for PAO generation anyway.
1302              ! This will happen for confs of the type s0 p0 dn
1304                  ! Default filter cutoff for shell
1305                  s%filtercut = 0.0d0
1307                  if (s%nzeta == 0) then
1308                     write(6,"(a,i2,a)") "Marking shell with l=",
1309     .                l-1, " for PAO generation and polarization."
1310                     s%nzeta = nzeta
1311                     allocate(s%rc(1:s%nzeta))
1312                     allocate(s%lambda(1:s%nzeta))
1313                     s%rc(1:s%nzeta) = 0.0d0
1314                     s%lambda(1:s%nzeta) = 1.0d0
1315                  endif
1316                  s%polarized = .true.
1317                  s%nzeta_pol = nzeta_pol
1319                  exit loop_angmom  ! Polarize only one shell!
1320               endif
1321            enddo loop_angmom
1323         endif
1325      enddo loop
1327      end subroutine autobasis
1329      End module basis_specs