1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
9      MODULE m_local_DOS
10      private
11      public :: local_DOS
13      CONTAINS
15      subroutine local_DOS( )
16      use m_energies
18      use sparse_matrices
19      USE siesta_options
20      use siesta_geom
21      use atomlist,       only: indxuo, indxua
22      use atomlist,       only: qtot, qtots, no_u, no_l
23      use atomlist,       only: iphorb
24      use atomlist,       only: datm, no_s, iaorb
25      use fdf
26      use sys,            only: die
27      use files,          only: slabel     ! system label
28      use files,          only: filesOut_t ! derived type for output file names
29      use Kpoint_grid
30      use parallel,       only: IOnode
31      use files,          only : label_length
32      use m_ntm
33      use m_forces,       only: fa
34      use m_energies,     only: Ef, Efs
35      use m_eo
36      use m_spin,         only: nspin
37      use m_spin,         only: spinor_dim
38      use m_diagon,       only: diagon
39      use m_dhscf,        only: dhscf
40      use m_partial_charges, only: want_partial_charges
41      implicit none
43      integer :: dummy_iscf = 1
45      real(dp):: e1  ! Lower bound of energy range
46      real(dp):: e2  ! Upper bound of energy range
48      real(dp)  :: dummy_str(3,3), dummy_strl(3,3)  ! for dhscf call
49      real(dp)  :: dummy_dipol(3)
51      real(dp)  :: factor, g2max, dummy_Entrop
52      logical :: genlogic ! Generate local density of states?
53      logical :: want_partial_charges_save ! to skip Voronoi/Hirshfeld in LDOS calculation
55      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
56      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
57      type(filesOut_t)           :: filesOut  ! blank output file names
59#ifdef DEBUG
60      call write_debug( '  PRE local_DOS' )
62! Find local density of states
63      genlogic = fdf_block('LocalDensityOfStates',bfdf)
65      if ( genlogic ) then
67        want_partial_charges_save = want_partial_charges
68        want_partial_charges = .false.
70! Find the desired energy range
71        if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline))
72     .    call die('local_DOS: ERROR in LocalDensityOfStates block')
73        if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'vvn'))
74     .    call die("Wrong format in LocalDensityofStates")
75        factor = fdf_convfac( fdf_bnames(pline,1), 'Ry' )
76        e1 = fdf_bvalues(pline,1)*factor
77        e2 = fdf_bvalues(pline,2)*factor
78        call fdf_bclose(bfdf)
80        !Find the density matrix for states between e1 and e2
81        if ((isolve .eq. SOLVE_DIAGON) .or.
82     .      ((isolve .eq. SOLVE_MINIM) .and.
83     .       minim_calc_eigenvalues)) then
84          call diagon(no_s, spinor_dim, no_l, maxnh, maxnh, no_u,
85     .                numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
86     .                H, S, qtot, fixspin, qtots, temp, e1, e2,
87     .                xijo, indxuo, gamma_SCF, nkpnt, kpoint, kweight,
88     .                eo, qo, Dscf, Escf, ef, efs, dummy_Entrop, no_u,
89     .                occtol, dummy_iscf, neigwanted)
91          !Find the LDOS in the real space mesh
92          filesOut%rho = trim(slabel) // '.LDOS'
93          g2max = g2cut
94          call dhscf( nspin, no_s, iaorb, iphorb, no_l,
95     .              no_u, na_u, na_s, isa, xa_last, indxua,
96     .              ntm, 0, 0, 0, filesOut,
97     .              maxnh, numh, listhptr, listh, Dscf, Datm, maxnh, H,
98     .              Enaatm, Enascf, Uatm, Uscf, DUscf, DUext, Exc, Dxc,
99     .              dummy_dipol, dummy_str, fa, dummy_strl )
100                    ! next to last argument is dummy here,
101                    ! as no forces are calculated
102                    ! todo: make all these optional
103        else
104          if (IOnode)  write(6,*)
105     .       'siesta: ERROR: LDOS implemented only with diagon'
106        endif
108        want_partial_charges = want_partial_charges_save
110      endif ! genlogic
113#ifdef DEBUG
114      call write_debug( '  POS local_DOS' )
116      END subroutine local_DOS
118      END module m_local_DOS