2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8module m_rhoofdsp
10  implicit none
12  private
13  public :: rhoofdsp
16  subroutine rhoofdsp( no, nml, nmpl, maxnd, numd, listdptr, &
17      listd, nspin, Dscf, rhoscf, nuo, nuotot, &
18      iaorb, iphorb, isa, q )
19! ********************************************************************
20! Finds the SCF density at the mesh points from the density matrix.
21! Written by P.Ordejon and J.M.Soler. May'95.
22! Re-ordered so that mesh is the outer loop and the orbitals are
23! handled as lower-half triangular. J.D.Gale and J.M.Soler, Feb'99
24! Version of rhoofd that optionally uses a direct algorithm to save
25! memory. Modified by J.D.Gale, November'99
26! Spiral version written by V. M. Garcia-Suarez. June 2002.
27! Fixed for parallel runs by Nick Papior, June 2020.
28! *********************** InpUT **************************************
29! integer no              : Number of basis orbitals
30! integer nml             : Local numer of mesh divisions in each cell vector
31! integer nmpl            : Local numer of mesh divisions
32! integer maxnd           : First dimension of listD and Dscf, and
33!                           maximum number of nonzero elements in
34!                           any row of Dscf
35! integer numd(nuo)       : Number of nonzero elemts in each row of Dscf
36! integer listdptr(nuo)   : Pointer to start of rows in listd
37! integer listd(maxnd)    : List of nonzero elements in each row of Dscf
38! integer nspin           : Number of spin components
39! real*8  Dscf(maxnd)     : Rows of Dscf that are non-zero
40! integer nuo             : Number of orbitals in unit cell locally
41! integer nuotot          : Number of orbitals in unit cell in total
42! integer iaorb(*)        : Pointer to atom to which orbital belongs
43! integer iphorb(*)       : Orbital index within each atom
44! integer isa(*)          : Species index of all atoms
45! real*8 q(3)             : Wave vector for spiral configuration.
46! *********************** OUTPUT **************************************
47! real    rhoscf(nsp,nmpl,nspin): SCF density at mesh points
48! *********************************************************************
50!  Modules
51    use precision, only: dp, grid_p
52    use parallel, only: Nodes
53    use atmfuncs,  only: rcut, all_phi
54    use atm_types, only: nsmax=>nspecies
55    use atomlist,  only: indxuo
56    use listsc_module, only: listsc
57    use mesh, only: nsp, dxa, xdop, xdsp, cmesh, nsm, meshLim
58    use meshdscf
59    use meshphi
60    use sys, only : die
61    use alloc,     only: re_alloc, de_alloc
63! Argument types and dimensions
64    integer :: &
65        no, nml(3), nmpl, nspin, maxnd, nuo, nuotot, iaorb(*), &
66        iphorb(*), isa(*), numd(nuo), listdptr(nuo), listd(maxnd)
68    real(grid_p), intent(out) :: rhoscf(nsp,nmpl,nspin)
70    real(dp) :: Dscf(maxnd,nspin), q(3)
72    external :: memory, timer, ipack
74    ! Internal variables and arrays
75    integer, parameter :: minloc = 1000 ! Min buffer size for local copy of Dscf
76    integer, parameter :: maxoa  = 100  ! Max # of orbitals per atom
78    integer :: triang, &
79        i, ia, ic, ii, ijl, il, imp, ind, ispin, io, ix, &
80        iop, ip, iphi, is, isp, iu, iul, j, jc, jl, &
81        last, lasta, lastop, maxloc, maxloc2, maxndl, nc, nphiloc, &
82        iii(3)
84    integer, pointer :: ilc(:) => null()
85    integer, pointer :: ilocal(:) => null()
86    integer, pointer :: iorb(:) => null()
87    real(dp), pointer :: phia(:,:) => null()
89    real(dp), pointer :: Clocal(:,:) => null()
90    real(dp), pointer :: Dlocal(:,:) => null()
92    logical :: ParallelLocal
94    real(dp) :: Cij, Dij(4), &
95        dxsp(3), r2cut(nsmax), r2sp, &
96        xr(3), Rdi, qRdi, cqRdi(nsp), sqRdi(nsp)
98    !  Start time counter
99    call timer('rhoofdsp',1)
101    ! Find atomic cutoff radiae
102    r2cut(:) = 0.0_dp
103    do i = 1,nuotot
104      ia = iaorb(i)
105      is = isa(ia)
106      io = iphorb(i)
107      r2cut(is) = max( r2cut(is), rcut(is,io)**2 )
108    end do
110    ! Set algorithm logical
111    ParallelLocal = (Nodes > 1)
113    ! Find value of maxloc
114    maxloc2 = maxval(endpht(1:nmpl)-endpht(0:nmpl-1))
115    maxloc = maxloc2 + minloc
116    maxloc = min( maxloc, no )
117    triang  = (maxloc+1)*(maxloc+2)/2
118    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
119      if ( nrowsDscfL > 0 ) then
120        maxndl = listdlptr(nrowsDscfL) + numdl(nrowsDscfL)
121      else
122        maxndl = 1
123      end if
124    end if
126    ! Allocate local memory
127    nullify(ilocal, ilc, iorb, phia, Clocal, Dlocal, DscfL)
129    call re_alloc( ilocal, 1, no, 'ilocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
130    call re_alloc( ilc, 1, maxloc2, 'ilc', 'rhoofdsp' )
131    call re_alloc( iorb, 0, maxloc, 'iorb', 'rhoofdsp' )
133    call re_alloc( Dlocal, 1, nspin, 1, triang, 'Dlocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
134    call re_alloc( Clocal, 1, nsp, 1, maxloc2, 'Clocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
135    if ( DirectPhi ) then
136      call re_alloc(phia, 1, maxoa, 1, nsp, "phia", "rhoofdsp")
137    end if
139    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
140      call re_alloc( DscfL, 1, maxndl, 1, nspin, 'DscfL', 'rhoofdsp' )
142      ! Redistribute Dscf to DscfL form
143      call matrixOtoM( maxnd, numd, listdptr, maxndl, nuo, &
144          nspin, Dscf, DscfL )
145    endif
147    !  Initializations
148    rhoscf(:,:,:) = 0.0_grid_p
149    Dlocal(:,:) = 0.0_dp
150    ilocal(:) = 0
151    iorb(:) = 0
152    last = 0
154    ! Loop over grid points
155    do ip = 1,nmpl
157      ! Find point coordinates
158      call ipack(-1,3,nml,iii,ip)
159      ! Correct for processor offset
160      iii(:) = iii(:) + meshLim(1,:) - 1
161      do ix = 1,3
162        xr(ix) = iii(1)*cmesh(ix,1) + iii(2)*cmesh(ix,2) + iii(3)*cmesh(ix,3)
163      end do
165      ! Find number of nonzero orbitals at this point
166      nc = endpht(ip) - endpht(ip-1)
168      !  iorb(il)>0 means that row il of Dlocal must not be overwritten
169      !  iorb(il)=0 means that row il of Dlocal is empty
170      !  iorb(il)<0 means that row il of Dlocal contains a valid row of
171      !             Dscf, but which is not required at this point
172      do ic = 1,nc
173        imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
174        i = lstpht(imp)
175        il = ilocal(i)
176        if ( il > 0 ) iorb(il) = i
177      end do
179      ! Look for required rows of Dscf not yet stored in Dlocal
180      do ic = 1,nc
181        imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
182        i = lstpht(imp)
183        if ( ilocal(i) == 0 ) then
185          ! Look for an available row in Dlocal
186          do il = 1,maxloc
187            ! last runs circularly over rows of Dlocal
188            last = last + 1
189            if (last > maxloc) last = 1
190            if (iorb(last) <= 0) goto 10
191          enddo
192          call die('rhoofdsp: no slot available in Dlocal')
19310        continue
195          !  Copy row i of Dscf into row last of Dlocal
196          j = abs(iorb(last))
197          if ( j /= 0 ) ilocal(j) = 0
198          ilocal(i) = last
199          iorb(last) = i
200          il = last
201          iu = indxuo(i)
202          if (ParallelLocal) then
203            iul = NeedDscfL(iu)
204            if (i .eq. iu) then
205              do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
206                ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
207                j = listdl(ind)
208                jl = ilocal(j)
209                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
210                do ispin = 1,nspin
211                  Dlocal(ispin,ijl) = DscfL(ind,ispin)
212                enddo
213              enddo
214            else
215              do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
216                ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
217                j = listsc( i, iu, listdl(ind) )
218                jl = ilocal(j)
219                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
220                do ispin = 1,nspin
221                  Dlocal(ispin,ijl) = DscfL(ind,ispin)
222                enddo
223              enddo
224            endif
225          else
226            if (i .eq. iu) then
227              do ii = 1, numd(iu)
228                ind = listdptr(iu)+ii
229                j = listd(ind)
230                jl = ilocal(j)
231                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
232                do ispin = 1,nspin
233                  Dlocal(ispin,ijl) = Dscf(ind,ispin)
234                enddo
235              enddo
236            else
237              do ii = 1, numd(iu)
238                ind = listdptr(iu)+ii
239                j = listsc( i, iu, listd(ind) )
240                jl = ilocal(j)
241                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
242                do ispin = 1,nspin
243                  Dlocal(ispin,ijl) = Dscf(ind,ispin)
244                enddo
245              enddo
246            endif
247          endif
248        endif
249      enddo
251      lasta = 0
252      lastop = 0
254      ! Generate or retrieve phi values for all orbitals up to nc
255      do ic = 1,nc
256        imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
257        i = lstpht(imp)
258        il = ilocal(i)
259        iu = indxuo(i)
260        ia = iaorb(i)
261        is = isa(ia)
262        iop = listp2(imp)
263        ilc(ic) = il
265        if (DirectPhi) then
266          if (ia.ne.lasta .or. iop.ne.lastop) then
267            lasta = ia
268            lastop = iop
269            do isp = 1,nsp
270              dxsp(:) = xdsp(:,isp) + xdop(:,iop) - dxa(:,ia)
271              r2sp = sum(dxsp**2)
272              if (r2sp.lt.r2cut(is)) then
273                call all_phi( is, +1, dxsp, maxoa, nphiloc, phia(:,isp) )
274              else
275                phia(:,isp) = 0.0_dp
276              endif
277            enddo
278          endif
279          iphi = iphorb(i)
280          Clocal(:,ic) = phia(iphi,:)
281        else
282          Clocal(:,ic) = phi(:,imp)
283        endif
285      enddo
287      ! Loop on first orbital of mesh point
288      do ic = 1,nc
289        imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
290        i = lstpht(imp)
291        il = ilocal(i)
292        iu = indxuo(i)
293        ia = iaorb(i)
294        is = isa(ia)
295        iop = listp2(imp)
297        ! Calculate spiral phase
298        do isp = 1, nsp
299          qRdi = 0._dp
300          do ix = 1, 3
301            Rdi = xr(ix) + xdsp(ix,isp) - xdop(ix,iop) + dxa(ix,ia)
302            qRdi = qRdi + q(ix) * Rdi
303          end do
304          cqRdi(isp) = cos(qRdi)
305          sqRdi(isp) = sin(qRdi)
306        end do
308        ! Loop on second orbital of mesh point, here only jc < ic
309        do jc = 1, ic - 1
310          jl = ilc(jc)
312          ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
314          Dij(1) = 2*Dlocal(1,ijl)
315          Dij(2) = 2*Dlocal(2,ijl)
316          Dij(3) = Dlocal(3,ijl)
317          Dij(4) = Dlocal(4,ijl)
319          ! Loop over sub-points
320          do isp = 1, nsp
321            Cij = Clocal(isp,ic) * Clocal(isp,jc)
322            rhoscf(isp,ip,1) = rhoscf(isp,ip,1) + Dij(1)*Cij
323            rhoscf(isp,ip,2) = rhoscf(isp,ip,2) + Dij(2)*Cij
324            rhoscf(isp,ip,3) = rhoscf(isp,ip,3) + &
325                (Dij(3)*cqRdi(isp) + Dij(4)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
326            rhoscf(isp,ip,4) = rhoscf(isp,ip,4) + &
327                (Dij(4)*cqRdi(isp) - Dij(3)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
328          end do
330        enddo
332        ! onsite orbital
333        ijl = idx_ijl(il,il)
334        Dij(1) = Dlocal(1,ijl)
335        Dij(2) = Dlocal(2,ijl)
336        Dij(3) = Dlocal(3,ijl)
337        Dij(4) = Dlocal(4,ijl)
338        do isp = 1, nsp
339          Cij = Clocal(isp,ic) * Clocal(isp,ic)
340          rhoscf(isp,ip,1) = rhoscf(isp,ip,1) + Dij(1)*Cij
341          rhoscf(isp,ip,2) = rhoscf(isp,ip,2) + Dij(2)*Cij
342          rhoscf(isp,ip,3) = rhoscf(isp,ip,3) + &
343              (Dij(3)*cqRdi(isp) + Dij(4)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
344          rhoscf(isp,ip,4) = rhoscf(isp,ip,4) + &
345              (Dij(4)*cqRdi(isp) - Dij(3)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
346        end do
348        ! Loop on second orbital of mesh point (here only jc > ic)
349        do jc = ic + 1, nc
350          jl = ilc(jc)
351          ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
352          Dij(3) = Dlocal(3,ijl)
353          Dij(4) = Dlocal(4,ijl)
354          do isp = 1, nsp
355            Cij = Clocal(isp,ic) * Clocal(isp,jc)
356            rhoscf(isp,ip,3) = rhoscf(isp,ip,3) + &
357                (Dij(3)*cqRdi(isp) + Dij(4)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
358            rhoscf(isp,ip,4) = rhoscf(isp,ip,4) + &
359                (Dij(4)*cqRdi(isp) - Dij(3)*sqRdi(isp))*Cij
360          end do
361        end do
363      enddo
365      ! Restore iorb for next point
366      do imp = 1+endpht(ip-1), endpht(ip)
367        i = lstpht(imp)
368        il = ilocal(i)
369        iorb(il) = -i
370      enddo
372    enddo
374    ! Free local memory
375    call de_alloc( ilocal, 'ilocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
376    call de_alloc( ilc,'ilc', 'rhoofdsp' )
377    call de_alloc( iorb,'iorb', 'rhoofdsp' )
378    call de_alloc( Clocal, 'Clocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
379    call de_alloc( Dlocal, 'Dlocal', 'rhoofdsp' )
380    if ( DirectPhi ) then
381      call de_alloc( phia, 'phia', 'vmatsp' )
382    end if
384    if (ParallelLocal) then
385      call de_alloc( DscfL, 'DscfL', 'rhoofdsp' )
386    endif
388    call timer('rhoofdsp',2)
390  contains
392    ! In any case will the compiler most likely inline this
393    ! small routine. So it should not pose any problem.
394    pure function idx_ijl(i,j) result(ij)
395      integer, intent(in) :: i,j
396      integer :: ij
397      if ( i > j ) then
398        ij = i * (i + 1)/2 + j + 1
399      else
400        ij = j * (j + 1)/2 + i + 1
401      end if
402    end function idx_ijl
404  end subroutine rhoofdsp
406end module m_rhoofdsp