1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8      MODULE m_siesta_move
10      private
11      public :: siesta_move
13      CONTAINS
15      subroutine siesta_move( istep, relaxd )
17      use zmatrix,         only: lUseZmatrix, iofaZmat, write_Zmatrix,
18     .                           CartesianForce_to_ZmatForce
19      use atomlist,        only: iza, amass
20      use m_ioxv,          only: ioxv
21      USE siesta_options
22      use units,           only: Kelvin
23      use parallel,        only: IOnode
24      use siesta_cml,      only: cml_p, cmlEndStep, mainXML
25      use sys,             only: die
27      use m_broyden_optim, only: broyden_optimizer
28      use m_fire_optim, only: fire_optimizer
29      use m_zm_broyden_optim,      only: zm_broyden_optimizer
30      use m_zm_fire_optim,      only: zm_fire_optimizer
31      use m_cell_broyden_optim,      only: cell_broyden_optimizer
32      use m_cell_fire_optim,      only: cell_fire_optimizer
34      use m_dynamics,      only: nose, verlet2, npr, anneal, pr
36      use m_energies,      only: Ekinion
37      use write_subs
38      use m_steps
39      use m_kinetic
40      use siesta_geom,     only: na_u       ! Number of atoms in unit cell
41      use siesta_geom,     only: na_s       ! Number of atoms in super-cell
42      use siesta_geom,     only: isa        ! Atomic species
43      use siesta_geom,     only: xa         ! Atomic positions
44      use siesta_geom,     only: xa_last    ! Previous atomic positions
45      use siesta_geom,     only: va         ! Atomic velocities
46      use siesta_geom,     only: ucell      ! Unit cell vectors
47      use siesta_geom,     only: ucell_last ! Previous unit cell vectors
48      use siesta_geom,     only: scell, nsc ! Super-cell vectors and multip.
49      use siesta_geom,     only: scell_last ! Previous super-cell vectors
50      use siesta_geom,     only: vcell      ! Time derivative of unit cell vecs
51      use m_forces,        only: cfa        ! Constrained forces
52      use m_forces,        only: ntcon      ! Number of geometry constraints
53      use m_stress,        only: cstress    ! Constrained stress tensor
54      use siesta_master,   only: coordsFromMaster ! Get coords from master prog
55      use m_target_stress, only: subtract_target_stress
57      use m_check_walltime
58      use m_mpi_utils,     only: barrier
60#ifdef NCDF_4
61      use m_exp_coord, only : exp_coord_next
63#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
64      use siesta_dicts, only : dict_variable_add
65      use flook_siesta, only : slua_call, LUA_MOVE
68      implicit none
70      integer, intent(in)   :: istep
71      logical, intent(out)  :: relaxd
74      integer               :: ix, iadispl, ixdispl
75      integer, parameter    :: iunit = 2   ! Physical-units option for MD:
76                                       ! 1=>(eV,Ang), 2=>(Ry,Bohr)
77      real(dp)              :: Pint    ! Instantaneous pressure
78      real(dp)              :: eff_stress(3,3)
79      real(dp)              :: tp_pr
81      logical               :: foundxv  ! dummy for call to ioxv
82      logical               :: foundzm  ! dummy for call to iozm
84      logical               :: time_is_up
85      character(len=40)     :: tmp_str
87      real(dp), external :: volcel
89#ifdef DEBUG
90      call write_debug( '    PRE siesta_move' )
93!------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN
95      call timer( 'siesta_move', 1 )
97      ! Save the last geometry for which the density matrix
98      ! (electronic structure) has been calculated
100      xa_last(1:3,1:na_s) = xa(1:3,1:na_s)
101      ucell_last(1:3,1:3) = ucell(1:3,1:3)
102      scell_last(1:3,1:3) = scell(1:3,1:3)
104! Move atoms ..........................................................
106!  ** Regarding the output of coordinates:
108!     -- 'state_init' should record the actual coordinates of a step (CG, MD, whatever)
109!     -- this routine (siesta_move) should only record checkpointing information, such as
110!        the predicted coordinates for a possible next geometry step.
111!        Historically, the checkpointing has been done with the (highly confusing)
112!        XV file  (routine ioxv), but there is the newer option (useful only for
113!        relaxations) of writing a '.STRUCT_NEXT_ITER' file (routine write_positions with move="true")
114!     -- 'siesta_analysis' should only write final coordinates.
116!      There is a pletora of output routines: (and more in 'siesta_analysis')
118!      -- ioxv
119!      -- iozm
120!      -- write_positions  (which calls write_struct and zm_canonical...)
121!      -- write_md_record
123!      They should be rationalized.
125!      In the following, it is better to put all the logic in the individual blocks, avoiding
126!      branching and re-checks of the 'idyn' variable (wich, by the way, should have symbolic
127!      values instead of hardwired numerical ones)
129      select case(idyn)
131      case(0)
132         ! The original "relaxation" case, but note that it also covers
133         ! pure single-point calculations (with MD.NumCGsteps = 0)
136        ! Pure single-point calculations will not enter this block
137        if (nmove .ne. 0) then    ! That is, if requesting "CG" steps
139         ! Here we want checkpointing, except if the structure is already relaxed
141         ! Note that these routines do not update the coordinates if
142         ! the force/stress criterion for relaxation is satisfied
144          if (RelaxCellOnly) then
145             if (broyden_optim) then
146                call cell_broyden_optimizer( na_u, xa, ucell,
147     $            cstress, tp, strtol,
148     $            varcel, relaxd)
149             elseif (fire_optim) then
150                call cell_fire_optimizer( na_u, xa, ucell,
151     $            cstress, tp, strtol,
152     $            varcel, relaxd)
153             else
154                call die("Cell-only optim needs Broyden or FIRE")
155             endif
157          else   ! Coordinate relaxation (and maybe cell)
159           if (lUseZmatrix) then
160             if (broyden_optim) then
161                call zm_broyden_optimizer( na_u, xa, ucell, cstress, tp,
162     &                                     strtol, varcel, relaxd )
163             elseif (fire_optim) then
164                call zm_fire_optimizer( na_u, xa, cfa, ucell,
165     $               cstress, dxmax, tp, ftol, strtol,
166     $               varcel, relaxd)
167             else
168                call cgvc_zmatrix( na_u, xa, cfa, ucell, cstress,
169     $               dxmax, tp, ftol, strtol, varcel,
170     $               relaxd, usesavecg )
171             endif
172           else
173             if (broyden_optim) then
174                call broyden_optimizer( na_u, xa, cfa, ucell,
175     $               cstress, tp, ftol, strtol, varcel, relaxd )
176             elseif (fire_optim) then
177                call fire_optimizer( na_u, xa, cfa, ucell,
178     $               cstress, dxmax, tp, ftol, strtol,
179     $               varcel, relaxd )
180             else
181                call cgvc( na_u, xa, cfa, ucell, cstress,
182     $               dxmax, tp, ftol, strtol, varcel,
183     $               relaxd, usesavecg )
184             endif
185           endif
186          endif ! RelaxCellOnly
188          if (relaxd) then
190            ! Will not call ioxv et al in the block below, so that:
191            !  - The XV file will contain the xa coords
192            !    written in the previous step (if any, otherwise
193            !    those written by state_init)
194            !  - The .STRUCT_NEXT_ITER file would be that
195            !    written in the previous step (if any), and it
196            !    will contain the same coords as the .STRUCT_OUT
197            !    file produced in state_init in this step.
198            !  - The Zmatrix files...
199          else
200             call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
201     &             foundxv)
202             if (lUseZmatrix) call iozm('write',ucell,vcell,xa,foundzm)
203             ! This writes the "next_iter" STRUCT and canonical zmatrix files
204             call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
205             ! Save atomic positions and velocities accumulatively and
206             ! accumulate coor in Xmol file for animation
207             call write_md_record( istep )
208             call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
209          endif
211        endif
213      case(1)  ! Micro-canonical MD with fixed cell (Verlet)
215         relaxd = .false.    ! It is intent(out)
216        ! Check convergence for quenching runs (which are
217        ! really relaxations)
218        ! Avoid calling the routine if relaxed, so that the coordinates
219        ! are not changed.
220         if ( iquench .ne. 0 ) then
221            relaxd = all(abs(cfa(1:3,1:na_u)) < ftol)
222            ! We might want to fall back on a different relaxation
223            ! scheme when we reach the slow-moving part
224            ! (check temp_ion?;  check cfa behavior?)
225         endif
226         if (.not. relaxd) then
227            call verlet2(istp, iunit, iquench, na_u, cfa, dt,
228     .       amass, ntcon, va, xa, Ekinion, tempion)
229            if (IOnode) then
230               write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)')
231     $              'siesta: Temp_ion =', tempion, ' K'
232            endif
233            call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
234     &             foundxv)
235            call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
236            call write_md_record( istep )
237            call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
238         endif
241      case (2) ! Canonical MD with fixed cell (Nose-Hoover)
243         relaxd = .false.    ! It is intent(out)
244         call nose( istp, iunit, na_u, cfa, tt, dt, amass, mn,
245     .              ntcon, va, xa, Ekinion, kn, vn, tempion )
246         if (IOnode) then
247            write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)') 'siesta: Temp_ion =', tempion, ' K'
248         endif
249         call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
250     &             foundxv)
251         call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
252         call write_md_record( istep )
253         call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
256      case (3) ! Micro-canonical variable-cell MD (Parrinello-Rahman)
258        ! Check convergence for quenching runs (which are
259        ! really relaxations)
260        ! Avoid calling the routine if relaxed, so that the coordinates
261        ! are not changed.
262         if ( iquench .ne. 0 ) then
263            ! Allow a general target stress in this relaxation mode
264            call subtract_target_stress(cstress,eff_stress)
265            relaxd = all(abs(cfa(1:3,1:na_u)) < ftol)
266            relaxd = relaxd .AND. (all(abs(eff_stress) < strtol))
267            cstress = eff_stress
268            tp_pr = 0.0_dp  ! As we are already passing the modified stress
269         else
270            ! Standard MD mode
271            relaxd = .false.
272            tp_pr = tp      ! Keep the original target pressure
273         endif
274         if (.not. relaxd) then
275            call pr(istp, iunit, iquench, na_u, cfa, cstress, tp_pr, dt,
276     .           amass, mpr, ntcon, va, xa, vcell, ucell, Ekinion,
277     .           kpr, vpr, tempion, Pint)
278            if (IOnode) then
279               write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)')
280     .              'siesta: E_kin PR =', kpr/Kelvin, ' K'
281               write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)')
282     $              'siesta: Temp_ion =', tempion, ' K'
283            endif
284            call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
285     &             foundxv)
286            call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
287            call write_md_record( istep )
288            call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
289         endif
291      case (4)  ! Canonical variable-cell MD (Nose-Parrinello-Rahman)
293         relaxd = .false.
294         call npr(istp, iunit, na_u, cfa, cstress, tp, tt, dt,
295     .            amass, mn, mpr, ntcon, va, xa, vcell, ucell,
296     .            Ekinion, kn, kpr, vn, vpr, tempion, Pint)
297         if (IOnode) then
298            write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)')
299     $           'siesta: Temp_ion =', tempion, ' K'
300         endif
301         call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
302     &        foundxv)
303         call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
304         call write_md_record( istep )
305         call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
307      case (5)  ! Annealings
309         relaxd = .false.    ! It is intent(out)
310         call anneal(istp, iunit, ianneal, taurelax, bulkm,
311     .       na_u, cfa, cstress, tp, tt, dt, amass, ntcon,
312     .       va, xa, ucell, Ekinion, tempion, Pint)
313         if (IOnode) then
314            write(6,'(/,a,f12.3,a)')
315     $           'siesta: Temp_ion =', tempion, ' K'
316         endif
317         call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
318     &        foundxv)
319         call siesta_write_positions(moved=.true.)
320         call write_md_record( istep )
321         call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
323      case (6) ! Force-constant-matrix calculation
325         relaxd = .false.    ! It is intent(out)
327        ! Output of coordinates is meaningless here in general,
328        ! except maybe to checkpoint a calculation to be restarted
329        ! later, by reading the XV file and choosing inicoor and
330        ! fincoor appropriately
332        ! Save current (displaced) atomic positions
333         call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza,
334     &        xa, va, foundxv)
336        ! Undo the last atom displacement
337        if ( istep > inicoor ) then ! inicoor == 0
338          iadispl = (istep-mod(istep-1,6))/6+ia1
339          ix = mod(istep-1,6)+1
340          ixdispl = (ix - mod(ix-1,2) +1)/2
341          xa(ixdispl,iadispl) = xa(ixdispl,iadispl) - dx
342        end if
344        ! Displace atom by dx
345        ! NOTE: MOVE is before istep increment, hence
346        ! fincoor == istep will be the last step and
347        ! the initial geometry should be retained.
348        if ( istep < fincoor ) then ! fincoor = (ia2-ia1+1)*6
349          iadispl = ((istep+1)-mod(istep,6))/6+ia1
350          ix = mod(istep,6)+1
351          ixdispl = (ix - mod(ix-1,2) +1)/2
352          dx = -dx
353          xa(ixdispl,iadispl) = xa(ixdispl,iadispl) + dx
354        end if
356      case (7)  ! PHONON interface --- removed
358         relaxd = .true.
360      case (8)  ! Server mode
362         relaxd = .false.
364         ! It can be argued that in server operation the
365         ! responsibility of writing coordinates falls on the
366         ! client.
368          ! Save atomic positions and velocities accumulatively and
369          ! accumulate coor in Xmol file for animation
370          call write_md_record( istep )
372          ! Get coordinates from driver program
373          call coordsFromMaster( na_u, xa, ucell )
374          if (volcel(ucell) < 1.0e-8_dp) then
375            call automatic_cell(ucell,scell,na_u,xa,isa,charnet)
376          endif
378#ifdef NCDF_4
379       case (9)                 ! explicit coordinate mode
381          relaxd = .false.
383          ! Save the md-record
384          call write_md_record( istep )
385          if ( istep < fincoor ) then
386             call exp_coord_next( istep + 1 , na_u, xa)
387          else
388             relaxd = .true.
389          end if
392#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
393       case (10) ! LUA hook coordinates
395          relaxd = .false.
397          ! Add the quest for relaxed list of variables
398          call dict_variable_add('MD.Relaxed',relaxd)
400          ! Communicate with lua
401          call slua_call(LUA, LUA_MOVE)
403          if ( volcel(ucell) < 1.0e-8_dp ) then
404             ! In case the user requests a recalculation of the
405             ! unit-cell size (for molecules)
406             call automatic_cell(ucell,scell,na_u,xa,isa,charnet)
407          end if
409          if ( relaxd ) then
410             ! see comments for idyn == 1
411          else
412             call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
413     &            foundxv)
415             call siesta_write_positions( moved=.true. )
416             call write_md_record( istep )
417             call superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na_u, na_s, xa, scell )
418          end if
421       end select
423! Output memory use at the end of this geometry step
424      if (cml_p) then
425         call cmlEndStep(mainXML)
426      endif
428      call timer( 'siesta_move', 2 )
429      call timer( 'IterGeom', 2 )
430! End of one MD step - flush stdout
431      if (ionode) call pxfflush(6)
433        ! Check whether we are short of time to continue
434        call check_walltime(time_is_up)
435        if (time_is_up) then
436           ! Do any other bookeeping not done by "die"
437           call timer('all',2)
438           call timer('all',3)
439           if (.not. relaxd) then
440              call message('WARNING','GEOM_NOT_CONV: '//
441     $             'Geometry relaxation not converged')
442              write(tmp_str,"(a,i5)") 'Geometry step: ', istep
443              call message(' (info)', trim(tmp_str))
444           endif
445           call barrier()
446           call die("OUT_OF_TIME: Time is up at end of geometry step. ")
447        endif
449!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
451#ifdef DEBUG
452      call write_debug( '    POS siesta_move' )
455      contains
457      ! For backwards compatibility only
459      subroutine superx_if_compat( ucell, nsc, na, maxa, xa, scell )
460      use siesta_options, only : compat_pre_v4_dynamics
461      use atomlist, only : superx
463      integer :: maxa, na, nsc(3)
464      real(dp) :: ucell(3,3), xa(3,MAXA), scell(3,3)
465      ! Only xa and scell are overwritten upon exit
466      ! but superx does not have intent (so we ca not either)
468      if (compat_pre_v4_dynamics) then
469         call superx( UCELL, NSC, NA, MAXA, XA, SCELL )
470      end if
471      end subroutine superx_if_compat
473      end subroutine siesta_move
475      end module m_siesta_move