4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  *                        Simbody(tm): SimTKmath                              *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2006-12 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
13  * Authors: Jack Middleton                                                    *
14  * Contributors: Michael Sherman                                              *
15  *                                                                            *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
18  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
19  *                                                                            *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
24  * limitations under the License.                                             *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
27 /** @file
28  * This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the
29  * SimTK Simmath linear algebra tools.
30  */
33 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
34 #include "simmath/internal/common.h"
37 namespace SimTK {
39 //  default for reciprocal of the condition number
40 // TODO: sherm 080128 I changed this from 0.01 to a more reasonable
41 // value but it is still wrong because the default should depend
42 // on the matrix size, something like max(m,n)*eps^(7/8) where
43 // eps is machine precision for float or double as appropriate.
44 static const double DefaultRecpCondition = 1e-12;
46 /**
47  * Base class for the various matrix factorizations.
48  */
49 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT Factor {
50 public:
Factor()52   Factor() {}
53   /// creates an factorization of a matrix
54   template <class ELT> Factor( Matrix_<ELT> m );
55   /// solves a single right hand side using a factorization
56   template <class ELT> void solve( const Vector_<ELT>& b, Vector_<ELT>& x ) const;
57   /// solves multiple right hand sides using a factorization
58   template <class ELT> void solve( const Matrix_<ELT>& b, Matrix_<ELT>& x ) const;
60 }; // class Factor
62 class FactorLURepBase;
64 /**
65  * Class for performing LU matrix factorizations
66  */
67 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT FactorLU: public Factor {
68     public:
70     ~FactorLU();
72     FactorLU();
73     FactorLU( const FactorLU& c );
74     FactorLU& operator=(const FactorLU& rhs);
76     template <class ELT> FactorLU( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
77     /// factors a matrix
78     template <class ELT> void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
79     /// solves a single right hand side
80     template <class ELT> void solve( const Vector_<ELT>& b, Vector_<ELT>& x ) const;
81     /// solves multiple  right hand sides
82     template <class ELT> void solve( const Matrix_<ELT>& b, Matrix_<ELT>& x ) const;
84     /// returns the lower triangle of an LU factorization
85     template <class ELT> void getL( Matrix_<ELT>& l ) const;
86     /// returns the upper triangle of an LU factorization
87     template <class ELT> void getU( Matrix_<ELT>& u ) const;
88     /// returns the inverse of a matrix using an LU factorization
89     template < class ELT > void inverse(  Matrix_<ELT>& m ) const;
91     /// returns true if matrix was singular
92     bool isSingular() const;
93     /// returns the first diagonal which was found to be singular
94     int getSingularIndex() const;
97     protected:
98     class FactorLURepBase *rep;
100 }; // class FactorLU
103 class FactorQTZRepBase;
104 /**
105  * Class to perform a QTZ (linear least squares) factorization
106  */
107 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT FactorQTZ: public Factor {
108     public:
110     ~FactorQTZ();
112     FactorQTZ();
113     FactorQTZ( const FactorQTZ& c );
114     FactorQTZ& operator=(const FactorQTZ& rhs);
115     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix
116     template <typename ELT> FactorQTZ( const Matrix_<ELT>& m);
117     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix for a given reciprocal condition number
118     template <typename ELT> FactorQTZ( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, double rcond );
119     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix for a given reciprocal condition number
120     template <typename ELT> FactorQTZ( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, float rcond );
121     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix
122     template <typename ELT> void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m);
123     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix for a given reciprocal condition number
124     template <typename ELT> void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, float rcond );
125     /// do QTZ factorization of a matrix for a given reciprocal condition number
126     template <typename ELT> void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, double rcond );
127     /// solve  for a vector x given a right hand side vector b
128     template <typename ELT> void solve( const Vector_<ELT>& b, Vector_<ELT>& x ) const;
129     /// solve  for an array of vectors  given multiple  right hand sides
130     template <typename ELT> void solve( const Matrix_<ELT>& b, Matrix_<ELT>& x ) const;
132     template < class ELT > void inverse(  Matrix_<ELT>& m ) const;
134     /// returns the rank of the matrix
135     int getRank() const;
136     /// returns the actual reciprocal condition number at this rank
137     double getRCondEstimate() const;
138 //    void setRank(int rank); TBD
140     protected:
141     class FactorQTZRepBase *rep;
142 }; // class FactorQTZ
143 /**
144  * Class to compute Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix
145  */
146 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT Eigen {
147     public:
149     ~Eigen();
151     Eigen();
152     Eigen( const Eigen& c );
153     Eigen& operator=(const Eigen& rhs);
155     /// create a default eigen class
156     template <class ELT> Eigen( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
157     /// supply matrix which eigen values will be computed for
158     template <class ELT> void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
159     /// get all the eigen values and eigen vectors of a matrix
160     template <class VAL, class VEC> void getAllEigenValuesAndVectors( Vector_<VAL>& values, Matrix_<VEC>& vectors);
161     /// get all the eigen values of a matrix
162     template <class T> void getAllEigenValues( Vector_<T>& values);
164     /// get a few eigen values  and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of indices
165     template <class VAL, class VEC> void getFewEigenValuesAndVectors( Vector_<VAL>& values, Matrix_<VEC>& vectors, int ilow, int ihi);
166     /// get a few eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of indices
167     template <class T> void getFewEigenVectors( Matrix_<T>& vectors, int ilow, int ihi );
168     /// get a few eigen values of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of indices
169     template <class T> void getFewEigenValues( Vector_<T>& values, int ilow, int ihi );
171     /// get a few eigen values  and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of eigen values
172     template <class VAL, class VEC> void getFewEigenValuesAndVectors( Vector_<VAL>& values, Matrix_<VEC>& vectors, typename CNT<VAL>::TReal rlow, typename CNT<VAL>::TReal rhi);
173     /// get a few eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of eigen values
174     template <class T> void getFewEigenVectors( Matrix_<T>& vectors, typename CNT<T>::TReal rlow, typename CNT<T>::TReal rhi );
175     /// get a few eigen values of a symmetric matrix which are within a range of eigen values
176     template <class T> void getFewEigenValues( Vector_<T>& values, typename CNT<T>::TReal rlow, typename CNT<T>::TReal rhi );
179     protected:
180     class EigenRepBase *rep;
182 }; // class Eigen
183 /**
184  * Class to compute a singular value decomposition of a matrix
185  */
186 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT FactorSVD: public Factor {
187     public:
189     ~FactorSVD();
190     /// default constructor
191     FactorSVD();
192     /// copy  constructor
193     FactorSVD( const FactorSVD& c );
194     /// copy  assign
195     FactorSVD& operator=(const FactorSVD& rhs);
197     /// constructor
198     template < class ELT > FactorSVD( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
199     /// singular value decomposition of a matrix using the specified reciprocal of the condition
200     /// number rcond
201     template < class ELT > FactorSVD( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, float rcond );
202     /// singular value decomposition of a matrix using the specified reciprocal of the condition
203     /// number rcond
204     template < class ELT > FactorSVD( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, double rcond );
205     /// supply the matrix to do a singular value decomposition
206     template < class ELT > void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m );
207     /// supply the matrix to do a singular value decomposition using the specified
208     /// reciprocal of the condition number rcond
209     template < class ELT > void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, float rcond );
210     /// supply the matrix to do a singular value decomposition using the specified reciprocal of the condition
211     /// reciprocal of the condition number rcond
212     template < class ELT > void factor( const Matrix_<ELT>& m, double rcond );
214     /// get the singular values and singular vectors of the matrix
215     template < class T > void getSingularValuesAndVectors( Vector_<typename CNT<T>::TReal>& values,
216                               Matrix_<T>& leftVectors,  Matrix_<T>& rightVectors );
217     /// get just the singular values of the matrix
218     template < class T > void getSingularValues( Vector_<T>& values);
220     /// get rank of the matrix
221     int getRank();
222     /// get inverse of the matrix  using singular value decomposition (sometimes called the pseudo inverse)
223     template < class ELT > void inverse(  Matrix_<ELT>& m );
224     /// solve for x given a right hand side vector using the singular value decomposition
225     template <class ELT> void solve( const Vector_<ELT>& b, Vector_<ELT>& x );
226     /// solve for a set of x vectors  given multiple right hand side vectors
227     /// using the singular value decomposition
228     template <class ELT> void solve( const Matrix_<ELT>& b, Matrix_<ELT>& x );
230     protected:
231     class FactorSVDRepBase *rep;
233 }; // class FactorSVD
235 } // namespace SimTK
237 #endif //SimTK_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_H_