1SPARTA (7 Jul 2014)
2# advect particles via VSS collisional flow on a uniform grid
3# particles reflect off global box boundaries
5variable            x index 10
6variable            y index 10
7variable            z index 10
9variable            lx equal $x*1.0e-5
10variable            lx equal 20*1.0e-5
11variable            ly equal $y*1.0e-5
12variable            ly equal 20*1.0e-5
13variable            lz equal $z*1.0e-5
14variable            lz equal 25*1.0e-5
16variable            n equal 10*$x*$y*$z
17variable            n equal 10*20*$y*$z
18variable            n equal 10*20*20*$z
19variable            n equal 10*20*20*25
21seed	    	    12345
22dimension   	    3
23global              gridcut 1.0e-5
25boundary	    rr rr rr
27create_box  	    0 ${lx} 0 ${ly} 0 ${lz}
28create_box  	    0 0.0002 0 ${ly} 0 ${lz}
29create_box  	    0 0.0002 0 0.0002 0 ${lz}
30create_box  	    0 0.0002 0 0.0002 0 0.00025
31Created orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (0.0002 0.0002 0.00025)
32create_grid 	    $x $y $z
33create_grid 	    20 $y $z
34create_grid 	    20 20 $z
35create_grid 	    20 20 25
36Created 10000 child grid cells
37  parent cells = 1
38  CPU time = 0.00143218 secs
39  create/ghost percent = 91.127 8.87298
41balance_grid        rcb part
42Balance grid migrated 0 cells
43  CPU time = 0.0143762 secs
44  reassign/sort/migrate/ghost percent = 5.37663 0.243789 0.494212 93.8854
46species		    ar.species Ar
47mixture		    air Ar vstream 0.0 0.0 0.0 temp 273.15
49global              nrho 7.07043E22
50global              fnum 7.07043E6
52collide		    vss air ar.vss
54create_particles    air n $n
55create_particles    air n 100000
56Created 100000 particles
57  CPU time = 0.0186059 secs
59stats		    10
60compute             temp temp
61stats_style	    step cpu np nattempt ncoll c_temp
63# first equilibrate with large timestep to unsort particles
64# then benchmark with normal timestep
66timestep 	    7.00E-8
67run                 30
68Memory usage per proc in Mbytes:
69  particles (ave,min,max) = 10.2997 10.2997 10.2997
70  grid      (ave,min,max) = 1.83113 1.83113 1.83113
71  surf      (ave,min,max) = 0 0 0
72  total     (ave,min,max) = 12.1308 12.1308 12.1308
73Step CPU Np Natt Ncoll temp
74       0            0   100000        0        0    274.57169
75      10   0.36405206   100000    96414    70599    274.57169
76      20   0.75538611   100000    98884    70648    274.57169
77      30    1.1479352   100000   100568    70919    274.57169
78Loop time of 1.14796 on 1 procs for 30 steps with 100000 particles
80Particle moves    = 3000000 (3M)
81Cells touched     = 14457156 (14.5M)
82Particle comms    = 0 (0K)
83Boundary collides = 561056 (0.561M)
84Boundary exits    = 0 (0K)
85SurfColl checks   = 0 (0K)
86SurfColl occurs   = 0 (0K)
87Collide attempts  = 2907303 (2.91M)
88Collide occurs    = 2109908 (2.11M)
89Particles stuck   = 0
91Particle-moves/CPUsec/proc: 2.61332e+06
92Particle-moves/step: 100000
93Cell-touches/particle/step: 4.81905
94Particle comm iterations/step: 1
95Particle fraction communicated: 0
96Particle fraction colliding with boundary: 0.187019
97Particle fraction exiting boundary: 0
98Surface-checks/particle/step: 0
99Surface-collisions/particle/step: 0
100Collision-attempts/particle/step: 0.969101
101Collisions/particle/step: 0.703303
103Move  time (%) = 0.601222 (52.3729)
104Coll  time (%) = 0.510326 (44.4548)
105Sort  time (%) = 0.0343685 (2.99386)
106Comm  time (%) = 6.7234e-05 (0.0058568)
107Outpt time (%) = 0.00194478 (0.169411)
108Other time (%) = 3.6478e-05 (0.00317763)
110Particles: 100000 ave 100000 max 100000 min
111Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
112Cells:      10000 ave 10000 max 10000 min
113Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
114GhostCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
115Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
116EmptyCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
117Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
118timestep 	    7.00E-9
119run 		    100
120Memory usage per proc in Mbytes:
121  particles (ave,min,max) = 10.2997 10.2997 10.2997
122  grid      (ave,min,max) = 1.83113 1.83113 1.83113
123  surf      (ave,min,max) = 0 0 0
124  total     (ave,min,max) = 12.1308 12.1308 12.1308
125Step CPU Np Natt Ncoll temp
126      30            0   100000   100568    70919    274.57169
127      40  0.075831175   100000     8986     7092    274.57169
128      50   0.15269303   100000     9153     7098    274.57169
129      60   0.22981811   100000     9335     7013    274.57169
130      70   0.30708814   100000     9401     7084    274.57169
131      80   0.38458395   100000     9507     7049    274.57169
132      90   0.46223307   100000     9473     7003    274.57169
133     100   0.53989601   100000     9574     7051    274.57169
134     110   0.61755514   100000     9601     7057    274.57169
135     120   0.69535398   100000     9680     7035    274.57169
136     130   0.77528715   100000     9791     7073    274.57169
137Loop time of 0.775309 on 1 procs for 100 steps with 100000 particles
139Particle moves    = 10000000 (10M)
140Cells touched     = 13818853 (13.8M)
141Particle comms    = 0 (0K)
142Boundary collides = 186694 (0.187M)
143Boundary exits    = 0 (0K)
144SurfColl checks   = 0 (0K)
145SurfColl occurs   = 0 (0K)
146Collide attempts  = 937935 (0.938M)
147Collide occurs    = 702813 (0.703M)
148Particles stuck   = 0
150Particle-moves/CPUsec/proc: 1.28981e+07
151Particle-moves/step: 100000
152Cell-touches/particle/step: 1.38189
153Particle comm iterations/step: 1
154Particle fraction communicated: 0
155Particle fraction colliding with boundary: 0.0186694
156Particle fraction exiting boundary: 0
157Surface-checks/particle/step: 0
158Surface-collisions/particle/step: 0
159Collision-attempts/particle/step: 0.0937935
160Collisions/particle/step: 0.0702813
162Move  time (%) = 0.342805 (44.2153)
163Coll  time (%) = 0.313939 (40.4921)
164Sort  time (%) = 0.111967 (14.4416)
165Comm  time (%) = 0.000215769 (0.02783)
166Outpt time (%) = 0.0063014 (0.81276)
167Other time (%) = 8.13007e-05 (0.0104862)
169Particles: 100000 ave 100000 max 100000 min
170Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
171Cells:      10000 ave 10000 max 10000 min
172Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
173GhostCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
174Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
175EmptyCell: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
176Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0