1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
6   Copyright (C) 2011  Thomas Schultz
8   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
10   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
13   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
15   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18   Lesser General Public License for more details.
20   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
22   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
23 */
26 #include "limn.h"
28 int
limnPolyDataSpiralTubeWrap(limnPolyData * pldOut,const limnPolyData * pldIn,unsigned int infoBitFlag,Nrrd * nvertmap,unsigned int tubeFacet,unsigned int endFacet,double radius)29 limnPolyDataSpiralTubeWrap(limnPolyData *pldOut, const limnPolyData *pldIn,
30                            unsigned int infoBitFlag, Nrrd *nvertmap,
31                            unsigned int tubeFacet, unsigned int endFacet,
32                            double radius) {
33   static const char me[]="limnPolyDataSpiralTubeWrap";
34   double *cost, *sint;
35   unsigned int tubeVertNum = 0, tubeIndxNum = 0, primIdx, pi, *vertmap;
36   unsigned int inVertTotalIdx = 0, outVertTotalIdx = 0, outIndxIdx = 0;
37   int color;
38   airArray *mop;
40   if (!( pldOut && pldIn )) {
41     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
42     return 1;
43   }
44   if ((1 << limnPrimitiveLineStrip) != limnPolyDataPrimitiveTypes(pldIn)) {
45     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: sorry, can only handle %s primitives", me,
46              airEnumStr(limnPrimitive, limnPrimitiveLineStrip));
47     return 1;
48   }
49   for (primIdx=0; primIdx<pldIn->primNum; primIdx++) {
50     unsigned int tvni, tini;
51     if (endFacet) {
52       tvni = tubeFacet*(2*endFacet + pldIn->icnt[primIdx]) + 1;
53       tini = 2*tubeFacet*(2*endFacet + pldIn->icnt[primIdx] + 1) -2;
54     } else {
55       tvni = tubeFacet*(2 + pldIn->icnt[primIdx]);
56       tini = 2*tubeFacet*(1 + pldIn->icnt[primIdx]);
57     }
58     tubeVertNum += tvni;
59     tubeIndxNum += tini;
60   }
61   if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pldOut,
62                         /* sorry have to have normals, even if they weren't
63                            asked for, because currently they're used as part
64                            of vertex position calc */
65                         (infoBitFlag | (1 << limnPolyDataInfoNorm)),
66                         tubeVertNum, tubeIndxNum, pldIn->primNum)) {
67     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: trouble allocating output", me);
68     return 1;
69   }
70   if (nvertmap) {
71     if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nvertmap, nrrdTypeUInt, 1,
72                           AIR_CAST(size_t, tubeVertNum))) {
73       biffMovef(LIMN, NRRD, "%s: trouble allocating vert map", me);
74       return 1;
75     }
76     vertmap = AIR_CAST(unsigned int *, nvertmap->data);
77   } else {
78     vertmap = NULL;
79   }
80   color = ((infoBitFlag & (1 << limnPolyDataInfoRGBA))
81            && (limnPolyDataInfoBitFlag(pldIn) & (1 << limnPolyDataInfoRGBA)));
83   mop = airMopNew();
84   cost = AIR_CAST(double *, calloc(tubeFacet, sizeof(double)));
85   sint = AIR_CAST(double *, calloc(tubeFacet, sizeof(double)));
86   airMopAdd(mop, cost, airFree, airMopAlways);
87   airMopAdd(mop, sint, airFree, airMopAlways);
88   if (!(cost && sint)) {
89     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: couldn't allocate lookup tables", me);
90     airMopError(mop); return 1;
91   }
92   for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
93     double angle;
94     angle = AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet, 0, 2*AIR_PI);
95     cost[pi] = cos(angle);
96     sint[pi] = sin(angle);
97   }
98   for (primIdx=0; primIdx<pldIn->primNum; primIdx++) {
99     unsigned int inVertIdx;
100     pldOut->type[primIdx] = limnPrimitiveTriangleStrip;
101     if (endFacet) {
102       pldOut->icnt[primIdx] =
103         2*tubeFacet*(2*endFacet + pldIn->icnt[primIdx] + 1) - 2;
104     } else {
105       pldOut->icnt[primIdx] =
106         2*tubeFacet*(1 + pldIn->icnt[primIdx]);
107     }
109     for (inVertIdx=0;
110          inVertIdx<pldIn->icnt[primIdx];
111          inVertIdx++) {
112       unsigned int forwIdx, backIdx, tubeEndIdx;
113       double tang[3], tmp, scl, step, perp[3], pimp[3];
114       /* inVrt = pldIn->vert + pldIn->indx[inVertTotalIdx]; */
115       if (0 == inVertIdx) {
116         forwIdx = inVertTotalIdx+1;
117         backIdx = inVertTotalIdx;
118         scl = 1;
119       } else if (pldIn->icnt[primIdx]-1 == inVertIdx) {
120         forwIdx = inVertTotalIdx;
121         backIdx = inVertTotalIdx-1;
122         scl = 1;
123       } else {
124         forwIdx = inVertTotalIdx+1;
125         backIdx = inVertTotalIdx-1;
126         scl = 0.5;
127       }
128       if (1 == pldIn->icnt[primIdx]) {
129         ELL_3V_SET(tang, 0, 0, 1); /* completely arbitrary, as it must be */
130         step = 0;
131       } else {
132         ELL_3V_SUB(tang,
133                    pldIn->xyzw + 4*forwIdx,
134                    pldIn->xyzw + 4*backIdx);
135         ELL_3V_NORM(tang, tang, step);
136         step *= scl;
137       }
138       if (0 == inVertIdx || 1 == pldIn->icnt[primIdx]) {
139         ell_3v_perp_d(perp, tang);
140       } else {
141         /* transport last perp forwards */
142         double dot;
143         dot = ELL_3V_DOT(perp, tang);
144         ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(perp, 1.0, perp, -dot, tang);
145       }
146       ELL_3V_NORM(perp, perp, tmp);
147       ELL_3V_CROSS(pimp, perp, tang);
148       /* (perp, pimp, tang) is a left-handed frame, on purpose */
149       /*  limnVrt *outVrt; */
150       /* -------------------------------------- BEGIN initial endcap */
151       if (0 == inVertIdx) {
152         unsigned int startIdx, ei;
153         startIdx = outVertTotalIdx;
154         if (endFacet) {
155           for (ei=0; ei<endFacet; ei++) {
156             for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
157               double costh, sinth, cosph, sinph, phi, theta;
158               phi = (AIR_AFFINE(0, ei, endFacet, 0, AIR_PI/2)
159                      + AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet,
160                                   0, AIR_PI/2)/endFacet);
161               theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet, 0.0, 2*AIR_PI);
162               cosph = cos(phi);
163               sinph = sin(phi);
164               costh = cos(theta);
165               sinth = sin(theta);
166               ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float,
167                                    -cosph, tang,
168                                    costh*sinph, perp,
169                                    sinth*sinph, pimp);
170               ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
171                                    1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
172                                    -step/2, tang,
173                                    radius,
174                                    pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx);
175               (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
176               if (vertmap) {
177                 vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
178               }
179               if (color) {
180                 ELL_4V_COPY(pldOut->rgba + 4*outVertTotalIdx,
181                             pldIn->rgba + 4*inVertTotalIdx);
183               }
184               outVertTotalIdx++;
185             }
186           }
187           for (pi=1; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
188             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = startIdx;
189             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = startIdx + pi;
190           }
191           for (ei=0; ei<endFacet; ei++) {
192             /* at the highest ei we're actually linking with the first
193                row of vertices at the start of the tube */
194             for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
195               pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (startIdx + pi
196                                             + (ei + 0)*tubeFacet);
197               pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (startIdx + pi
198                                             + (ei + 1)*tubeFacet);
199             }
200           }
201         } else {
202           /* no endcap, open tube */
203           for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
204             double costh, sinth, theta;
205             theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet, 0.0, 2*AIR_PI);
206             costh = cos(theta);
207             sinth = sin(theta);
208             ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float,
209                                  costh, perp,
210                                  sinth, pimp);
211             ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
212                                  1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
213                                  -step/2 + step/(2*tubeFacet), tang,
214                                  radius, pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx);
215             (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
216             if (vertmap) {
217               vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
218             }
219             if (color) {
220               ELL_4V_COPY(pldOut->rgba + 4*outVertTotalIdx,
221                           pldIn->rgba + 4*inVertTotalIdx);
223             }
224             outVertTotalIdx++;
225           }
226           for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
227             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (startIdx + pi + 0*tubeFacet);
228             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (startIdx + pi + 1*tubeFacet);
229           }
230         }
231       } /* if (0 == inVertIdx) */
232       /* -------------------------------------- END initial endcap */
233       for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
234         double shift, cosa, sina;
235         shift = AIR_AFFINE(-0.5, pi, tubeFacet-0.5, -step/2, step/2);
236         cosa = cost[pi];
237         sina = sint[pi];
238         /* outVrt = pldOut->vert + outVertTotalIdx; */
239         ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float,
240                              cosa, perp, sina, pimp);
241         ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
242                              1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
243                              radius,
244                              pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx,
245                              shift, tang);
246         (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
247         pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = outVertTotalIdx;
248         pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = outVertTotalIdx + tubeFacet;
249         if (vertmap) {
250           vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
251         }
252         if (color) {
253           ELL_4V_COPY(pldOut->rgba + 4*outVertTotalIdx,
254                       pldIn->rgba + 4*inVertTotalIdx);
256         }
257         outVertTotalIdx++;
258       }
259       tubeEndIdx = outVertTotalIdx;
260       /* -------------------------------------- BEGIN final endcap */
261       if (inVertIdx == pldIn->icnt[primIdx]-1) {
262         unsigned int ei;
263         if (endFacet) {
264           for (ei=0; ei<endFacet; ei++) {
265             for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
266               double costh, sinth, cosph, sinph, phi, theta;
267               phi = (AIR_AFFINE(0, ei, endFacet, AIR_PI/2, AIR_PI)
268                      + AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet,
269                                   0, AIR_PI/2)/endFacet);
270               theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet, 0.0, 2*AIR_PI);
271               cosph = cos(phi);
272               sinph = sin(phi);
273               costh = cos(theta);
274               sinth = sin(theta);
275               /* outVrt = pldOut->vert + outVertTotalIdx; */
276               ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float,
277                                    -cosph, tang,
278                                    costh*sinph, perp,
279                                    sinth*sinph, pimp);
280               ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
281                                    1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
282                                    step/2, tang,
283                                    radius,
284                                    pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx);
285               (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
286               if (vertmap) {
287                 vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
288               }
289               if (color) {
290                 ELL_4V_COPY(pldOut->rgba + 4*outVertTotalIdx,
291                             pldIn->rgba + 4*inVertTotalIdx);
293               }
294               outVertTotalIdx++;
295             }
296           }
297           /* outVrt = pldOut->vert + outVertTotalIdx; */
298           ELL_3V_COPY_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float, tang);
299           ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
300                                1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
301                                step/2, tang,
302                                radius,
303                                pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx);
304           (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
305           if (vertmap) {
306             vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
307           }
308           outVertTotalIdx++;
309           for (ei=0; ei<endFacet-1; ei++) {
310             for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
311               pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (tubeEndIdx + pi
312                                             + (ei + 0)*tubeFacet);
313               pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (tubeEndIdx + pi
314                                             + (ei + 1)*tubeFacet);
315             }
316           }
317           for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
318             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (tubeEndIdx + pi
319                                           + (endFacet - 1)*tubeFacet);
320             pldOut->indx[outIndxIdx++] = (tubeEndIdx
321                                           + (endFacet - 0)*tubeFacet);
322           }
323         } else {
324           /* no endcap, open tube */
325           for (pi=0; pi<tubeFacet; pi++) {
326             double costh, sinth, theta;
327             theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, pi, tubeFacet, 0.0, 2*AIR_PI);
328             costh = cos(theta);
329             sinth = sin(theta);
330             ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2_TT(pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx, float,
331                                  costh, perp,
332                                  sinth, pimp);
333             ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3_TT(pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx, float,
334                                  1, pldIn->xyzw + 4*inVertTotalIdx,
335                                  step/2 - step/(2*tubeFacet), tang,
336                                  radius, pldOut->norm + 3*outVertTotalIdx);
337             (pldOut->xyzw + 4*outVertTotalIdx)[3] = 1.0;
338             if (vertmap) {
339               vertmap[outVertTotalIdx] = inVertTotalIdx;
340             }
341             if (color) {
342               ELL_4V_COPY(pldOut->rgba + 4*outVertTotalIdx,
343                           pldIn->rgba + 4*inVertTotalIdx);
345             }
346             outVertTotalIdx++;
347           }
348         }
349       } /* if (inVertIdx == pldIn->icnt[primIdx]-1) */
350       /* -------------------------------------- END final endcap */
351       inVertTotalIdx++;
352     }
353   }
355   airMopOkay(mop);
356   return 0;
357 }
359 /* Straightforward implementation of Laplacian+HC mesh smoothing, as
360  * described by Vollmer et al., Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy
361  * Surface Meshes, Eurographics/CGF 18(3), 1999
362  *
363  * pld is the polydata you want smoothed
364  * neighbors / idx is from limnPolyDataNeighborArrayComp
365  * alpha / beta are parameters of the smoothing (try a=0,b=0.5)
366  * iter is the number of iterations you want to run (try iter=10)
367  *
368  * Returns -1 and leaves a message on biff upon error.
369  */
370 int
limnPolyDataSmoothHC(limnPolyData * pld,int * neighbors,int * idx,double alpha,double beta,int iter)371 limnPolyDataSmoothHC(limnPolyData *pld, int *neighbors, int *idx,
372                      double alpha, double beta, int iter) {
373   static const char me[]="limnPolyDataSmoothHC";
374   float *orig, *in, *out, *b;
375   unsigned int v;
376   int i, nb;
377   airArray *mop;
378   mop=airMopNew();
379   if (pld==NULL || neighbors==NULL || idx==NULL) {
380     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
381     airMopError(mop); return -1;
382   }
383   if (alpha<0 || alpha>1 || beta<0 || beta>1) {
384     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: alpha/beta outside parameter range [0,1]", me);
385     airMopError(mop); return -1;
386   }
387   orig = in = pld->xyzw;
388   out = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*4*pld->xyzwNum);
389   if (out==NULL) {
390     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: couldn't allocate output buffer", me);
391     airMopError(mop); return -1;
392   }
393   airMopAdd(mop, out, airFree, airMopOnError);
394   b = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*4*pld->xyzwNum);
395   if (b==NULL) {
396     biffAddf(LIMN, "%s: couldn't allocate buffer b", me);
397     airMopError(mop); return -1;
398   }
399   airMopAdd(mop, b, airFree, airMopAlways);
401   for (i=0; i<iter; i++) {
402     /* Laplacian smoothing / compute bs */
403     for (v=0; v<pld->xyzwNum; v++) {
404       int p=4*v;
405       if (idx[v]==idx[v+1]) {
406         ELL_4V_COPY(out+p, in+p);
407       } else {
408         ELL_4V_SET(out+p,0,0,0,0);
409         for (nb=idx[v]; nb<idx[v+1]; nb++) {
410           ELL_4V_INCR(out+p, in+4*neighbors[nb]);
411         }
412         ELL_4V_SCALE_TT(out+p, float, 1.0/(idx[v+1]-idx[v]), out+p);
413       }
414       ELL_4V_SET_TT(b+p, float, out[p]-(alpha*orig[p]+(1-alpha)*in[p]),
415                     out[p+1]-(alpha*orig[p+1]+(1-alpha)*in[p+1]),
416                     out[p+2]-(alpha*orig[p+2]+(1-alpha)*in[p+2]),
417                     out[p+3]-(alpha*orig[p+3]+(1-alpha)*in[p+3]));
418     }
419     /* HC correction step */
420     for (v=0; v<pld->xyzwNum; v++) {
421       int p=4*v;
422       if (idx[v]<idx[v+1]) {
423         float avgb[4]={0,0,0,0};
424         for (nb=idx[v]; nb<idx[v+1]; nb++) {
425           ELL_4V_INCR(avgb, b+4*neighbors[nb]);
426         }
427         ELL_4V_SCALE_TT(avgb, float, 1.0/(idx[v+1]-idx[v]), avgb);
428         ELL_4V_LERP_TT(avgb, float, beta, b+p, avgb);
429         ELL_4V_SUB(out+p,out+p,avgb);
430       }
431     }
432     if (i==0 && iter>1) {
433       in = out;
434       out = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*4*pld->xyzwNum);
435     } else { /* swap */
436       float *tmp = in; in = out; out = tmp;
437     }
438   }
440   if (iter>1)
441     airFree(out);
442   airFree(pld->xyzw);
443   pld->xyzw = in;
444   airMopOkay(mop);
445   return 0;
446 }