1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
24 #include "push.h"
25 #include "privatePush.h"
27 unsigned int
_pushPointTotal(pushContext * pctx)28 _pushPointTotal(pushContext *pctx) {
29   unsigned int binIdx, pointNum;
30   pushBin *bin;
32   pointNum = 0;
33   for (binIdx=0; binIdx<pctx->binNum; binIdx++) {
34     bin = pctx->bin + binIdx;
35     pointNum += bin->pointNum;
36   }
37   return pointNum;
38 }
40 int
_pushProbe(pushTask * task,pushPoint * point)41 _pushProbe(pushTask *task, pushPoint *point) {
42   static const char me[]="_pushProbe";
43   double posWorld[4], posIdx[4];
45   ELL_3V_COPY(posWorld, point->pos); posWorld[3] = 1.0;
46   ELL_4MV_MUL(posIdx, task->gctx->shape->WtoI, posWorld);
47   ELL_4V_HOMOG(posIdx, posIdx);
48   posIdx[0] = AIR_CLAMP(-0.5, posIdx[0], task->gctx->shape->size[0]-0.5);
49   posIdx[1] = AIR_CLAMP(-0.5, posIdx[1], task->gctx->shape->size[1]-0.5);
50   posIdx[2] = AIR_CLAMP(-0.5, posIdx[2], task->gctx->shape->size[2]-0.5);
52   if (gageProbe(task->gctx, posIdx[0], posIdx[1], posIdx[2])) {
53     biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: gageProbe failed:\n (%d) %s\n", me,
54              task->gctx->errNum, task->gctx->errStr);
55     return 1;
56   }
58   TEN_T_COPY(point->ten, task->tenAns);
59   TEN_T_COPY(point->inv, task->invAns);
60   ELL_3V_COPY(point->cnt, task->cntAns);
61   if (tenGageUnknown != task->pctx->gravItem) {
62     point->grav = task->gravAns[0];
63     ELL_3V_COPY(point->gravGrad, task->gravGradAns);
64   }
65   if (tenGageUnknown != task->pctx->seedThreshItem) {
66     point->seedThresh = task->seedThreshAns[0];
67   }
68   return 0;
69 }
71 int
pushOutputGet(Nrrd * nPosOut,Nrrd * nTenOut,Nrrd * nEnrOut,pushContext * pctx)72 pushOutputGet(Nrrd *nPosOut, Nrrd *nTenOut, Nrrd *nEnrOut,
73               pushContext *pctx) {
74   static const char me[]="pushOutputGet";
75   unsigned int binIdx, pointRun, pointNum, pointIdx;
76   int E;
77   float *posOut, *tenOut, *enrOut;
78   pushBin *bin;
79   pushPoint *point;
81   pointNum = _pushPointTotal(pctx);
82   E = AIR_FALSE;
83   if (nPosOut) {
84     E |= nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nPosOut, nrrdTypeFloat, 2,
85                            AIR_CAST(size_t, 3),
86                            AIR_CAST(size_t, pointNum));
87   }
88   if (nTenOut) {
89     E |= nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nTenOut, nrrdTypeFloat, 2,
90                            AIR_CAST(size_t, 7),
91                            AIR_CAST(size_t, pointNum));
92   }
93   if (nEnrOut) {
94     E |= nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nEnrOut, nrrdTypeFloat, 1,
95                            AIR_CAST(size_t, pointNum));
96   }
97   if (E) {
98     biffMovef(PUSH, NRRD, "%s: trouble allocating outputs", me);
99     return 1;
100   }
101   posOut = nPosOut ? (float*)(nPosOut->data) : NULL;
102   tenOut = nTenOut ? (float*)(nTenOut->data) : NULL;
103   enrOut = nEnrOut ? (float*)(nEnrOut->data) : NULL;
105   pointRun = 0;
106   for (binIdx=0; binIdx<pctx->binNum; binIdx++) {
107     bin = pctx->bin + binIdx;
108     for (pointIdx=0; pointIdx<bin->pointNum; pointIdx++) {
109       point = bin->point[pointIdx];
110       if (posOut) {
111         ELL_3V_SET_TT(posOut + 3*pointRun, float,
112                       point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2]);
113       }
114       if (tenOut) {
115         TEN_T_COPY_TT(tenOut + 7*pointRun, float, point->ten);
116       }
117       if (enrOut) {
118         enrOut[pointRun] = AIR_CAST(float, point->enr);
119       }
120       pointRun++;
121     }
122   }
124   return 0;
125 }
127 int
_pushPairwiseEnergy(pushTask * task,double * enrP,double frc[3],pushEnergySpec * ensp,pushPoint * myPoint,pushPoint * herPoint,double YY[3],double iscl)128 _pushPairwiseEnergy(pushTask *task,
129                     double *enrP,
130                     double frc[3],
131                     pushEnergySpec *ensp,
132                     pushPoint *myPoint, pushPoint *herPoint,
133                     double YY[3], double iscl) {
134   static const char me[]="_pushPairwiseEnergy";
135   double inv[7], XX[3], nXX[3], rr, mag, WW[3];
137   if (task->pctx->midPntSmp) {
138     pushPoint _tmpPoint;
139     double det;
140     ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(_tmpPoint.pos,
141                       0.5, myPoint->pos,
142                       0.5, herPoint->pos);
143     if (_pushProbe(task, &_tmpPoint)) {
144       biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: at midpoint of %u and %u", me,
145                myPoint->ttaagg, herPoint->ttaagg);
146       *enrP = AIR_NAN; return 1;
147     }
148     TEN_T_INV(inv, _tmpPoint.ten, det);
149   } else {
150     TEN_T_SCALE_ADD2(inv,
151                      0.5, myPoint->inv,
152                      0.5, herPoint->inv);
153   }
154   TEN_TV_MUL(XX, inv, YY);
155   ELL_3V_NORM(nXX, XX, rr);
157   ensp->energy->eval(enrP, &mag, rr*iscl, ensp->parm);
158   if (mag) {
159     mag *= iscl;
160     TEN_TV_MUL(WW, inv, nXX);
161     ELL_3V_SCALE(frc, mag, WW);
162   } else {
163     ELL_3V_SET(frc, 0, 0, 0);
164   }
166   return 0;
167 }
169 #define EPS_PER_MAX_DIST 200
170 #define SEEK_MAX_ITER 30
172 int
pushBinProcess(pushTask * task,unsigned int myBinIdx)173 pushBinProcess(pushTask *task, unsigned int myBinIdx) {
174   static const char me[]="pushBinProcess";
175   pushBin *myBin, *herBin, **neighbor;
176   unsigned int myPointIdx, herPointIdx;
177   pushPoint *myPoint, *herPoint;
178   double enr, frc[3], delta[3], deltaLen, deltaNorm[3], warp[3], limit,
179     maxDiffLenSqrd, iscl, diff[3], diffLenSqrd;
181   if (task->pctx->verbose > 2) {
182     fprintf(stderr, "%s(%u): doing bin %u\n", me, task->threadIdx, myBinIdx);
183   }
184   maxDiffLenSqrd = (task->pctx->maxDist)*(task->pctx->maxDist);
185   myBin = task->pctx->bin + myBinIdx;
186   iscl = 1.0/(2*task->pctx->scale);
187   for (myPointIdx=0; myPointIdx<myBin->pointNum; myPointIdx++) {
188     myPoint = myBin->point[myPointIdx];
189     myPoint->enr = 0;
190     ELL_3V_SET(myPoint->frc, 0, 0, 0);
192     if (1.0 <= task->pctx->neighborTrueProb
193         || airDrandMT_r(task->rng) <= task->pctx->neighborTrueProb
194         || !myPoint->neighArr->len) {
195       neighbor = myBin->neighbor;
196       if (1.0 > task->pctx->neighborTrueProb) {
197         airArrayLenSet(myPoint->neighArr, 0);
198       }
199       while ((herBin = *neighbor)) {
200         for (herPointIdx=0; herPointIdx<herBin->pointNum; herPointIdx++) {
201           herPoint = herBin->point[herPointIdx];
202           if (myPoint == herPoint) {
203             /* can't interact with myself */
204             continue;
205           }
206           ELL_3V_SUB(diff, herPoint->pos, myPoint->pos);
207           diffLenSqrd = ELL_3V_DOT(diff, diff);
208           if (diffLenSqrd > maxDiffLenSqrd) {
209             /* too far away to interact */
210             continue;
211           }
212           if (_pushPairwiseEnergy(task, &enr, frc, task->pctx->ensp,
213                                   myPoint, herPoint, diff, iscl)) {
214             biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: between points %u and %u, A", me,
215                      myPoint->ttaagg, herPoint->ttaagg);
216             return 1;
217           }
218           myPoint->enr += enr/2;
219           if (ELL_3V_DOT(frc, frc)) {
220             ELL_3V_INCR(myPoint->frc, frc);
221             if (1.0 > task->pctx->neighborTrueProb) {
222               unsigned int idx;
223               idx = airArrayLenIncr(myPoint->neighArr, 1);
224               myPoint->neigh[idx] = herPoint;
225             }
226           }
227           if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->frc)) {
228             biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: bad myPoint->frc (%g,%g,%g) @ bin %p end", me,
229                      myPoint->frc[0], myPoint->frc[1], myPoint->frc[2],
230                      AIR_VOIDP(herBin));
231             return 1;
232           }
233         }
234         neighbor++;
235       }
236     } else {
237       /* we are doing neighborhood list optimization, and this is an
238          iteration where we use the list.  So the body of this loop
239          has to be the same as the meat of the above loop */
240       unsigned int neighIdx;
241       for (neighIdx=0; neighIdx<myPoint->neighArr->len; neighIdx++) {
242         herPoint = myPoint->neigh[neighIdx];
243         ELL_3V_SUB(diff, herPoint->pos, myPoint->pos);
244         if (_pushPairwiseEnergy(task, &enr, frc, task->pctx->ensp,
245                                 myPoint, herPoint, diff, iscl)) {
246           biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: between points %u and %u, B", me,
247                    myPoint->ttaagg, herPoint->ttaagg);
248           return 1;
249         }
250         myPoint->enr += enr/2;
251         ELL_3V_INCR(myPoint->frc, frc);
252       }
253     }
254     if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->frc)) {
255       biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: post-nei myPoint->frc (%g,%g,%g) doesn't exist", me,
256                myPoint->frc[0], myPoint->frc[1], myPoint->frc[2]);
257       return 1;
258     }
260     /* each point sees containment forces */
261     ELL_3V_SCALE(frc, task->pctx->cntScl, myPoint->cnt);
262     ELL_3V_INCR(myPoint->frc, frc);
263     myPoint->enr += task->pctx->cntScl*(1 - myPoint->ten[0]);
265     /* each point also maybe experiences gravity */
266     if (tenGageUnknown != task->pctx->gravItem) {
267       ELL_3V_SCALE(frc, -task->pctx->gravScl, myPoint->gravGrad);
268       myPoint->enr +=
269         task->pctx->gravScl*(myPoint->grav - task->pctx->gravZero);
270       ELL_3V_INCR(myPoint->frc, frc);
271     }
272     if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->frc)) {
273       biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: post-grav myPoint->frc (%g,%g,%g) doesn't exist", me,
274                myPoint->frc[0], myPoint->frc[1], myPoint->frc[2]);
275       return 1;
276     }
278     /* each point in this thing also maybe experiences wall forces */
279     if (task->pctx->wall) {
280       /* there's an effort here to get the forces and energies, which
281          are actually computed in index space, to be correctly scaled
282          into world space, but no promises that its right ... */
283       double enrIdx[4]={0,0,0,0}, enrWorld[4];
284       unsigned int ci;
285       double posWorld[4], posIdx[4], len, frcIdx[4], frcWorld[4];
286       ELL_3V_COPY(posWorld, myPoint->pos); posWorld[3] = 1.0;
287       ELL_4MV_MUL(posIdx, task->pctx->gctx->shape->WtoI, posWorld);
288       ELL_4V_HOMOG(posIdx, posIdx);
289       for (ci=0; ci<3; ci++) {
290         if (1 == task->pctx->gctx->shape->size[ci]) {
291           frcIdx[ci] = 0;
292         } else {
293           len = posIdx[ci] - -0.5;
294           if (len < 0) {
295             len *= -1;
296             frcIdx[ci] = task->pctx->wall*len;
297             enrIdx[ci] = task->pctx->wall*len*len/2;
298           } else {
299             len = posIdx[ci] - (task->pctx->gctx->shape->size[ci] - 0.5);
300             if (len > 0) {
301               frcIdx[ci] = -task->pctx->wall*len;
302               enrIdx[ci] = task->pctx->wall*len*len/2;
303             } else {
304               frcIdx[ci] = 0;
305               enrIdx[ci] = 0;
306             }
307           }
308         }
309       }
310       frcIdx[3] = 0.0;
311       enrIdx[3] = 0.0;
312       ELL_4MV_MUL(frcWorld, task->pctx->gctx->shape->ItoW, frcIdx);
313       ELL_4MV_MUL(enrWorld, task->pctx->gctx->shape->ItoW, enrIdx);
314       ELL_3V_INCR(myPoint->frc, frcWorld);
315       myPoint->enr += ELL_3V_LEN(enrWorld);
316     } /* wall */
317     if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->frc)) {
318       biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: post-wall myPoint->frc (%g,%g,%g) doesn't exist", me,
319                myPoint->frc[0], myPoint->frc[1], myPoint->frc[2]);
320       return 1;
321     }
323     task->energySum += myPoint->enr;
325     /* -------------------------------------------- */
326     /* force calculation done, now update positions */
327     /* -------------------------------------------- */
329     ELL_3V_SCALE(delta, task->pctx->step, myPoint->frc);
330     ELL_3V_NORM(deltaNorm, delta, deltaLen);
331     if (0 == deltaLen) {
332       /* an unforced point, but this isn't an error */
333       return 0;
334     }
335     if (!(AIR_EXISTS(deltaLen) && ELL_3V_EXISTS(deltaNorm))) {
336       biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: deltaLen %g or deltaNorm (%g,%g,%g) doesn't exist",
337                me, deltaLen, deltaNorm[0], deltaNorm[1], deltaNorm[2]);
338       return 1;
339     }
340     if (deltaLen) {
341       double newDelta;
342       TEN_TV_MUL(warp, myPoint->inv, delta);
343       /* limit is some fraction of glyph radius along direction of delta */
344       limit = (task->pctx->deltaLimit
345                *task->pctx->scale*deltaLen/(FLT_MIN + ELL_3V_LEN(warp)));
346       newDelta = limit*deltaLen/(limit + deltaLen);
347       /* by definition newDelta <= deltaLen */
348       task->deltaFracSum += newDelta/deltaLen;
349       ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(myPoint->pos, newDelta, deltaNorm);
350       if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->pos)) {
351         biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: myPoint->pos %g*(%g,%g,%g) --> (%g,%g,%g) "
352                  "doesn't exist", me,
353                  newDelta, deltaNorm[0], deltaNorm[1], deltaNorm[2],
354                  myPoint->pos[0], myPoint->pos[1], myPoint->pos[2]);
355         return 1;
356       }
357     }
358     if (2 == task->pctx->dimIn) {
359       double posIdx[4], posWorld[4], posOrig[4];
360       ELL_3V_COPY(posOrig, myPoint->pos); posOrig[3] = 1.0;
361       ELL_4MV_MUL(posIdx, task->pctx->gctx->shape->WtoI, posOrig);
362       ELL_4V_HOMOG(posIdx, posIdx);
363       posIdx[task->pctx->sliceAxis] = 0.0;
364       ELL_4MV_MUL(posWorld, task->pctx->gctx->shape->ItoW, posIdx);
365       ELL_34V_HOMOG(myPoint->pos, posWorld);
366       if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(myPoint->pos)) {
367         biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: myPoint->pos (%g,%g,%g) -> (%g,%g,%g) "
368                  "doesn't exist", me,
369                  posOrig[0], posOrig[1], posOrig[2],
370                  myPoint->pos[0], myPoint->pos[1], myPoint->pos[2]);
371         return 1;
372       }
373     }
374     if (1.0 <= task->pctx->probeProb
375         || airDrandMT_r(task->rng) <= task->pctx->probeProb) {
376       if (_pushProbe(task, myPoint)) {
377         biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: probing at new field pos", me);
378         return 1;
379       }
380     }
382     /* the point lived, count it */
383     task->pointNum += 1;
384   } /* for myPointIdx */
386   return 0;
387 }