1 /*!
2  * \file   CalculiXRotationMatrix.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   18 sept. 2017
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<cmath>
15 #include"MFront/CalculiX/CalculiXRotationMatrix.hxx"
17 namespace calculix
18 {
20   tfel::math::tmatrix<3u,3u,CalculiXReal>
getRotationMatrix(const CalculiXReal * const c,const CalculiXReal * const p)21   getRotationMatrix(const CalculiXReal* const c,
22 		    const CalculiXReal* const p)
23   {
24     using namespace tfel::math;
25     constexpr const CalculiXReal eps = CalculiXReal(1.e-10);
26     tmatrix<3u,3u,CalculiXReal> r;
27     tvector<3u,CalculiXReal> e1,e2,e3;
28     if(c[6]>=0){
29       // carthesian transformation
30       e1 = {c[0],c[1],c[2]};
31       e2 = {c[3],c[4],c[5]};
32       //
33       e1 /= std::sqrt(e1[0]*e1[0]+e1[1]*e1[1]+e1[2]*e1[2]);
34       e2 /= std::sqrt(e2[0]*e2[0]+e2[1]*e2[1]+e2[2]*e2[2]);
35       e3 = {e1[1]*e2[2]-e2[1]*e1[2],
36 	    e1[2]*e2[0]-e1[0]*e2[2],
37 	    e1[0]*e2[1]-e2[0]*e1[1]};
38     } else {
39       //
40       // cylindrical coordinate system in point p
41       //
42       e1[0]=p[0]-c[0];
43       e1[1]=p[1]-c[1];
44       e1[2]=p[2]-c[2];
45       //
46       e3[0]=c[3]-c[0];
47       e3[1]=c[4]-c[1];
48       e3[2]=c[5]-c[2];
49       e3 /= std::sqrt(e3[0]*e3[0]+e3[1]*e3[1]+e3[2]*e3[2]);
50       const auto dd = e1[0]*e3[0]+e1[1]*e3[1]+e1[2]*e3[2];
51       e1 -= dd*e3;
52       auto dd2 = std::sqrt(e1[0]*e1[0]+e1[1]*e1[1]+e1[2]*e1[2]);
53       // check whether p belongs to the cylindrical coordinate axis
54       // if so, an arbitrary vector perpendicular to the axis can
55       // be taken
56       if(dd2<=1.e-10){
57 	if(std::abs(e3[0])>=eps){
58 	  e1[1]=1;
59 	  e1[2]=0;
60 	  e1[0]=-e3[1]/e3[0];
61 	} else if(std::abs(e3[1])>=eps){
62 	  e1[2]=1;
63 	  e1[0]=0;
64 	  e1[1]=-e3[2]/e3[1];
65 	} else {
66 	  e1[0]=1;
67 	  e1[1]=0;
68 	  e1[2]=-e3[0]/e3[2];
69 	}
70 	dd2=std::sqrt(e1[0]*e1[0]+e1[1]*e1[1]+e1[2]*e1[2]);
71       }
72       e1 /= dd2;
73       e2[0]=e3[1]*e1[2]-e1[1]*e3[2];
74       e2[1]=e3[2]*e1(1)-e1[2]*e3[0];
75       e2[2]=e3[0]*e1[1]-e1(1)*e3[1];
76       //
77     }
78     r.column_view<0>() = e1;
79     r.column_view<1>() = e2;
80     r.column_view<2>() = e3;
81     return r;
82   } // end of getRotationMatrix(
84 } // end of namespace calculix