1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   02 jui 2007
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<string>
15 #include<stdexcept>
16 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
17 #include"MFront/DSLUtilities.hxx"
18 #include"MFront/MFrontDebugMode.hxx"
19 #include"MFront/DSLFactory.hxx"
20 #include"MFront/IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL.hxx"
22 namespace mfront{
IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL()24   IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL()
25   {
26     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
27     this->mb.setDSLName("IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreep");
28     // Default state vars
29     this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("StrainStensor","eel",1u,0u));
30     this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain","p",1u,0u));
31     this->mb.setGlossaryName(h,"eel","ElasticStrain");
32     this->mb.setGlossaryName(h,"p","EquivalentViscoplasticStrain");
33     // default local vars
34     this->reserveName("mu_3");
35     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DstrainDt","f",1u,0u));
36     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DF_DSEQ_TYPE","df_dseq",1u,0u));
37     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DstrainDt","df_dp",1u,0u));
38     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("StressStensor","se",1u,0u));
39     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress","seq",1u,0u));
40     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress","seq_e",1u,0u));
41     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("StrainStensor","n",1u,0u));
42     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain","p_",1u,0u));
43     this->mb.setAttribute(h,BehaviourData::hasConsistentTangentOperator,true);
44     this->mb.setAttribute(h,BehaviourData::isConsistentTangentOperatorSymmetric,true);
45   }
getName()47   std::string IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::getName()
48   {
49     return "IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreep";
50   }
getDescription()52   std::string IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::getDescription()
53   {
54     return "this parser is used for standard strain hardening creep behaviours "
55       "of the form dp/dt=f(s,p) where p is the equivalent creep strain "
56       "and s the equivalent mises stress";
57   } // end of IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::getDescription
endsInputFileProcessing()59   void IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::endsInputFileProcessing()
60   {
61     IsotropicBehaviourDSLBase::endsInputFileProcessing();
62     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
63     tfel::raise_if(!this->mb.hasCode(h,BehaviourData::FlowRule),
64 		   "IsotropicMisesCreepDSL::endsInputFileProcessing: "
65 		   "no flow rule defined");
66   } // end of IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::endsInputFileProcessing
68   void
writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis h) const69   IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers(std::ostream& os,
70 									     const Hypothesis h) const
71   {
72     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
73     if(!this->mb.hasCode(h,BehaviourData::FlowRule)){
74       this->throwRuntimeError("IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::"
75 			      "writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers",
76 			      "no flow rule declared "
77 			      "(use the @FlowRule directive)");
78     }
79     os << "void computeFlow(){\n"
80        << "using namespace std;\n"
81        << "using namespace tfel::math;\n"
82        << "using namespace tfel::material;\n"
83        << "using std::vector;\n";
84     writeMaterialLaws(os,this->mb.getMaterialLaws());
85     os << this->mb.getCode(h,BehaviourData::FlowRule)
86        << "\n}\n\n"
87        << "bool NewtonIntegration(){\n"
88        << "using namespace std;\n"
89        << "using namespace tfel::math;\n"
90        << "bool converge=false;\n"
91        << "bool inversible=true;\n"
92        << "strain newton_f;\n"
93        << "strain newton_df;\n"
94        << "real newton_epsilon = 100*std::numeric_limits<real>::epsilon();\n"
95        << "stress mu_3 = 3*(this->mu);\n"
96        << ""
97        << "unsigned int iter = 0u;\n"
98        << "this->p_=this->p+this->dp;\n"
99        << "while((converge==false)&&\n"
100        << "(iter<(this->iterMax))&&\n"
101        << "(inversible==true)){\n"
102        << "this->seq=std::max(this->seq_e-mu_3*(this->theta)*(this->dp),real(0.f));\n"
103        << "this->computeFlow();\n"
104        << "newton_f  = this->dp - (this->f)*(this->dt);\n"
105        << "newton_df = 1-(this->theta)*(this->dt)*((this->df_dp)-mu_3*(this->df_dseq));\n"
106        << "if(std::abs(base_cast(newton_df))"
107        << ">newton_epsilon){\n"
108        << "this->dp -= newton_f/newton_df;\n"
109        << "this->p_=this->p + (this->theta)*(this->dp);\n"
110        << "iter+=1;\n";
111     if(getDebugMode()){
112       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
113 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : iteration \" "
114 	 << "<< iter << \" : \" << std::abs(tfel::math::base_cast(newton_f)) << endl;\n";
115     }
116     os << "converge = (std::abs(tfel::math::base_cast(newton_f))<"
117        << "(this->epsilon));\n"
118        << "} else {\n"
119        << "inversible=false;\n"
120        << "}\n"
121        << "}\n\n"
122        << "if(inversible==false){\n"
123        << "return false;\n"
124        << "}\n\n"
125        << "if(iter==this->iterMax){\n";
126     if(getDebugMode()){
127       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
128 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : no convergence after \" "
129 	 << "<< iter << \" iterations\"<< endl << endl;\n";
130       os << "cout << *this << endl;\n";
131     }
132     os << "return false;\n"
133        << "}\n\n";
134     if(getDebugMode()){
135       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
136 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : convergence after \" "
137 	 << "<< iter << \" iterations\"<< endl << endl;\n";
138     }
139     os << "return true;\n"
140        << "}\n\n";
141   } // end of writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers
writeBehaviourIntegrator(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis h) const143   void IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::writeBehaviourIntegrator(std::ostream& os,
144 								       const Hypothesis h) const
145   {
146     const auto  btype = this->mb.getBehaviourTypeFlag();
147     const auto& d = this->mb.getBehaviourData(h);
148     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
149     os << "/*!\n"
150        << "* \\brief Integrate behaviour law over the time step\n"
151        << "*/\n"
152        << "IntegrationResult\n"
153        << "integrate(const SMFlag smflag,const SMType smt) override{\n"
154        << "using namespace std;\n";
155     if(this->mb.useQt()){
156       os << "if(smflag!=MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype
157 	 << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::STANDARDTANGENTOPERATOR){\n"
158 	 << "throw(runtime_error(\"invalid tangent operator flag\"));\n"
159 	 << "}\n";
160     } else {
161       os << "if(smflag!=MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype
162 	 << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::STANDARDTANGENTOPERATOR){\n"
163 	 << "throw(runtime_error(\"invalid tangent operator flag\"));\n"
164 	 << "}\n";
165     }
166     os << "if(!this->NewtonIntegration()){\n";
167     if(this->mb.useQt()){
168       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::FAILURE;\n";
169     } else {
170       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::FAILURE;\n";
171     }
172     os << "}\n"
173        << "if(smt!=NOSTIFFNESSREQUESTED){\n"
174        << "if(!this->computeConsistentTangentOperator(smt)){\n";
175     if(this->mb.useQt()){
176       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::FAILURE;\n";
177     } else {
178       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::FAILURE;\n";
179     }
180     os << "}\n"
181        << "}\n"
182        << "this->deel = this->deto-(this->dp)*(this->n);\n"
183        << "this->updateStateVariables();\n"
184        << "this->sig  = (this->lambda_tdt)*trace(this->eel)*StrainStensor::Id()+2*(this->mu_tdt)*(this->eel);\n"
185        << "this->updateAuxiliaryStateVariables();\n";
186     for(const auto& v : d.getPersistentVariables()){
187       this->writePhysicalBoundsChecks(os,v,false);
188     }
189     for(const auto& v : d.getPersistentVariables()){
190       this->writeBoundsChecks(os,v,false);
191     }
192     if(this->mb.useQt()){
193       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::SUCCESS;\n";
194     } else {
195       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::SUCCESS;\n";
196     }
197     os << "}\n\n";
198   }
200   void
writeBehaviourComputeTangentOperator(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis) const201   IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::writeBehaviourComputeTangentOperator(std::ostream& os,
202 									      const Hypothesis) const
203   {
204     os << "bool computeConsistentTangentOperator(const SMType smt){\n"
205        << "using tfel::material::computeElasticStiffness;\n"
206        << "using tfel::math::st2tost2;\n"
207        << "if(smt==CONSISTENTTANGENTOPERATOR){\n"
208        << "computeElasticStiffness<N,Type>::exe(this->Dt,this->lambda_tdt,this->mu_tdt);\n"
209        << "if(this->seq_e>(0.01*(this->young))*std::numeric_limits<stress>::epsilon()){\n"
210        << "const real ccto_tmp_1 =  this->dp/this->seq_e;\n"
211        << "const auto& M = st2tost2<N,Type>::M();\n"
212        << "this->Dt += -4*(this->mu_tdt)*(this->mu)*(this->theta)*(ccto_tmp_1*M-(ccto_tmp_1-this->df_dseq*(this->dt)/(Type(1)+(this->theta)*(this->dt)*(Type(3)*(this->mu)*this->df_dseq-(this->df_dp))))*((this->n)^(this->n)));\n"
213        << "}\n"
214        << "} else if((smt==ELASTIC)||(smt==SECANTOPERATOR)){\n"
215        << "computeElasticStiffness<N,Type>::exe(this->Dt,this->lambda_tdt,this->mu_tdt);\n"
216        << "} else {\n"
217        << "return false;"
218        << "}\n"
219        << "return true;\n"
220        << "}\n\n";
221   }
223   void
writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis) const224   IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart(std::ostream& os,
225 											  const Hypothesis) const
226   {
227     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
228     os << "this->se=2*(this->mu)*(tfel::math::deviator(this->eel+("
229        << this->mb.getClassName()
230        << "::theta)*(this->deto)));\n"
231        << "this->seq_e = sigmaeq(this->se);\n"
232        << "if(this->seq_e>(0.01*(this->young))*std::numeric_limits<stress>::epsilon()){\n"
233        << "this->n = 1.5f*(this->se)/(this->seq_e);\n"
234        << "} else {\n"
235        << "this->n = StrainStensor(strain(0));\n"
236        << "}\n";
237   } // end of IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart
239   IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL::~IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreepDSL() = default;
241 } // end of namespace mfront