1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/include/MFront/AbstractBehaviourDSL.hxx
3  * \brief
4  *
5  * \author Thomas Helfer
6  * \date   October 23, 2014
7  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
8  * reserved.
9  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
10  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
11  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
12  * project under specific licensing conditions.
13  */
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <iosfwd>
20 #include "MFront/MFrontConfig.hxx"
21 #include "TFEL/Material/ModellingHypothesis.hxx"
23 #include "MFront/AbstractDSL.hxx"
24 #include "MFront/VariableDescription.hxx"
25 #include "MFront/BehaviourDescription.hxx"
26 #include "MFront/BehaviourDSLDescription.hxx"
27 #include "MFront/MFrontTemplateGenerationOptions.hxx"
29 namespace mfront {
31   // forward declaration
32   struct MaterialPropertyDescription;
34   /*!
35    * Interface class for all domain specific languages.
36    */
37   struct MFRONT_VISIBILITY_EXPORT AbstractBehaviourDSL
38       : public virtual AbstractDSL {
39     //! a simple alias
40     using MaterialPropertyInput = BehaviourDescription::MaterialPropertyInput;
41     //! constructor
42     AbstractBehaviourDSL() = default;
43     //! a simple alias
44     using ModellingHypothesis = tfel::material::ModellingHypothesis;
45     //! a simple alias
46     using Hypothesis = ModellingHypothesis::Hypothesis;
47     //! \return the target of the dsl
48     DSLTarget getTargetType() const override final;
49     //! \return a description of the DSL
50     virtual BehaviourDSLDescription getBehaviourDSLDescription() const = 0;
51     //! \return the behaviour description
52     virtual const BehaviourDescription& getBehaviourDescription() const = 0;
53     /*!
54      * \brief add the given material properties
55      * \param[in] mps: material properties
56      */
57     virtual void addMaterialProperties(const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
58     /*!
59      * \brief add the given parameters
60      * \param[in] params: parameters
61      */
62     virtual void addParameters(const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
63     /*!
64      * \brief add the given state variables
65      * \param[in] ivs: state variables
66      */
67     virtual void addStateVariables(const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
68     /*!
69      * \brief add the given auxiliary state variables
70      * \param[in] ivs: auxiliary state variables
71      */
72     virtual void addAuxiliaryStateVariables(
73         const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
74     /*!
75      * \brief add the given external state variables
76      * \param[in] evs: external state variables
77      */
78     virtual void addExternalStateVariables(
79         const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
80     /*!
81      * \brief add the given local state variables
82      * \param[in] lvs: local state variables
83      */
84     virtual void addLocalVariables(const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
85     /*!
86      * \brief add the given integration variables
87      * \param[in] lvs: integration variables
88      */
89     virtual void addIntegrationVariables(
90         const VariableDescriptionContainer&) = 0;
91     /*!
92      * \return a template for the given code block
93      * \param[in] c: code block name
94      * \param[in] o: generation options
95      */
96     virtual std::string getCodeBlockTemplate(
97         const std::string&, const MFrontTemplateGenerationOptions&) const = 0;
98     /*!
99      * \return the list of hypothesis a priori supported by
100      * the parser.
101      *
102      * To enable other hypothesis or restrict the hypotheses
103      * supported, the user must use the `@ModellingHypothesis` or
104      * `@ModellingHypotheses` keywords.
105      */
106     virtual std::set<Hypothesis> getDefaultModellingHypotheses() const = 0;
107     /*!
108      * \brief write the call to a material property
109      * \param[out] out: output stream
110      * \param[in]  m:   material property description
111      * \param[in]  f:   function converting input variable name.
112      * The function f can be used to specify how evaluate a variable value.
113      * For example, if we want to evaluate the variable name 'V' at
114      * the end of the time step, we could make f return V+dV
115      */
116     virtual void writeMaterialPropertyEvaluation(
117         std::ostream&,
118         const BehaviourDescription::MaterialProperty&,
119         std::function<std::string(const MaterialPropertyInput&)>&) const = 0;
120     /*!
121      * \brief This function handles a material property treated as a
122      * dependency of the current file.
123      *
124      * This function:
125      * - analyse the given file using the MaterialPropertyDSL
126      * - register the function name generated by the MFront interface
127      * - add the function name to the list of material laws used by
128      *   the current file
129      * - declared the headers generated by the MFront interface for inclusion
130      * - launch mfront in a sub-process to generate the source files
131      *   associated with this material property and have them compiled
132      *   when mandatory (done by the callMFront method).
133      *
134      * \param[in] f : file in which the material law is
135      * implemented. This must be the full path.
136      */
137     virtual std::shared_ptr<MaterialPropertyDescription>
138     handleMaterialPropertyDescription(const std::string&) = 0;
139     /*!
140      * \return true if the given modelling hypothesis is handled by
141      * the parser
142      *
143      * Some parsers have restrictions on the modelling hypotheses
144      * supported. For example, the isotropic behaviours were not able
145      * to handle plane stress hypotheses when this comment was
146      * written(but it was planned, so this comment may be outdated
147      * now).
148      *
149      * The fact that this method returns true means that the user
150      * *can* provide code to support this modelling hypothesis. For
151      * example, to support plane stress in RungeKutta and Implicit
152      * parsers, the user must provide some hand-crafted code. He must
153      * enable this modelling hypothesis by calling explicitely
154      * `@ModellingHypothesis` or `@ModellingHypotheses` keywords.
155      */
156     virtual bool isModellingHypothesisSupported(const Hypothesis) const = 0;
157     //! destructor
158     ~AbstractBehaviourDSL() override;
159   };
161 }  // end of namespace mfront