3c     ###################################################
4c     ##  COPYRIGHT (C)  1992  by  Jay William Ponder  ##
5c     ##              All Rights Reserved              ##
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9c     ##                                                            ##
10c     ##  module boxes  --  periodic boundary condition parameters  ##
11c     ##                                                            ##
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15c     xbox        length of a-axis of periodic box in Angstroms
16c     ybox        length of b-axis of periodic box in Angstroms
17c     zbox        length of c-axis of periodic box in Angstroms
18c     alpha       angle between b- and c-axes of box in degrees
19c     beta        angle between a- and c-axes of box in degrees
20c     gamma       angle between a- and b-axes of box in degrees
21c     xbox2       half of the a-axis length of periodic box
22c     ybox2       half of the b-axis length of periodic box
23c     zbox2       half of the c-axis length of periodic box
24c     box34       three-fourths axis length of truncated octahedron
25c     volbox      volume in Ang**3 of the periodic box
26c     alpha_sin   sine of the alpha periodic box angle
27c     alpha_cos   cosine of the alpha periodic box angle
28c     beta_sin    sine of the beta periodic box angle
29c     beta_cos    cosine of the beta periodic box angle
30c     gamma_sin   sine of the gamma periodic box angle
31c     gamma_cos   cosine of the gamma periodic box angle
32c     beta_term   term used in generating triclinic box
33c     gamma_term  term used in generating triclinic box
34c     lvec        real space lattice vectors as matrix rows
35c     recip       reciprocal lattice vectors as matrix columns
36c     orthogonal  flag to mark periodic box as orthogonal
37c     monoclinic  flag to mark periodic box as monoclinic
38c     triclinic   flag to mark periodic box as triclinic
39c     octahedron  flag to mark box as truncated octahedron
40c     dodecadron  flag to mark box as rhombic dodecahedron
41c     nonprism    flag to mark octahedron or dodecahedron
42c     spacegrp    space group symbol for the unit cell type
45      module boxes
46      implicit none
47      real*8 xbox,ybox,zbox
48      real*8 alpha,beta,gamma
49      real*8 xbox2,ybox2,zbox2
50      real*8 box34,volbox
51      real*8 alpha_sin
52      real*8 alpha_cos
53      real*8 beta_sin
54      real*8 beta_cos
55      real*8 gamma_sin
56      real*8 gamma_cos
57      real*8 beta_term
58      real*8 gamma_term
59      real*8 lvec(3,3)
60      real*8 recip(3,3)
61      logical orthogonal
62      logical monoclinic
63      logical triclinic
64      logical octahedron
65      logical dodecadron
66      logical nonprism
67      character*10 spacegrp
68      save
69      end