3c     ###################################################
4c     ##  COPYRIGHT (C)  1993  by  Jay William Ponder  ##
5c     ##              All Rights Reserved              ##
6c     ###################################################
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9c     ##                                                            ##
10c     ##  subroutine getnumb  --  extract an integer from a string  ##
11c     ##                                                            ##
12c     ################################################################
15c     "getnumb" searches an input string from left to right for an
16c     integer and puts the numeric value in "number"; returns zero
17c     with "next" unchanged if no integer value is found
19c     variables and parameters:
21c     string    input character string to be searched
22c     number    output with the first integer in the string
23c     next      input with first position of search string;
24c                 output with the position following the number
27      subroutine getnumb (string,number,next)
28      use ascii
29      implicit none
30      integer i,j,length
31      integer number,digit
32      integer next,trimtext
33      integer first,last,code
34      integer initial,final
35      integer place(10)
36      logical positive
37      logical negative
38      logical numeral
39      character*1 letter
40      character*(*) string
41      data place  / 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,
42     &              10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 /
45c     initialize number and get the input text string length
47      number = 0
48      positive = .false.
49      negative = .false.
50      numeral = .false.
51      length = trimtext(string(next:))
53c     search the string for the first run of numeric characters
55      first = next
56      last = 0
57      initial = next
58      final = next + length - 1
59      do i = initial, final
60         letter = string(i:i)
61         code = ichar(letter)
62         if (letter.ge.'0' .and. letter.le.'9') then
63            if (.not. numeral) then
64               numeral = .true.
65               first = i
66            end if
67            if (i .eq. final) then
68               last = final
69               next = i + 1
70            end if
71         else if (code.eq.plus .and. .not.positive) then
72            positive = .true.
73         else if (code.eq.minus .and. .not.negative) then
74            negative = .true.
75         else if (numeral) then
76            if (code.eq.space .or. code.eq.tab .or.
77     &          code.eq.comma .or. code.eq.semicolon .or.
78     &          code.eq.colon .or. code.eq.underbar) then
79               last = i - 1
80               next = i
81            else
82               numeral = .false.
83            end if
84            goto 10
85         else if (positive .or. negative) then
86            numeral = .false.
87            goto 10
88         else if (code.ne.space .and. code.ne.tab) then
89            numeral = .false.
90            goto 10
91         end if
92      end do
93   10 continue
95c     trim the actual number if it is too big to return
97      if (.not. numeral)  next = initial
98      last = min(last,first+9)
100c     convert the text numeral into an integer number
102      j = 0
103      do i = last, first, -1
104         j = j + 1
105         if (string(i:i) .eq. '0') then
106            digit = 0
107         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '1') then
108            digit = 1
109         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '2') then
110            digit = 2
111         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '3') then
112            digit = 3
113         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '4') then
114            digit = 4
115         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '5') then
116            digit = 5
117         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '6') then
118            digit = 6
119         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '7') then
120            digit = 7
121         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '8') then
122            digit = 8
123         else if (string(i:i) .eq. '9') then
124            digit = 9
125         end if
126         number = number + digit * place(j)
127      end do
128      if (negative)  number = -number
129      return
130      end