3c     ################################################################
4c     ##  COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 by Michael Schnieders & Jay W. Ponder  ##
5c     ##                     All Rights Reserved                    ##
6c     ################################################################
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9c     ##                                                              ##
10c     ##  module nonpol  --  nonpolar cavity & dispersion parameters  ##
11c     ##                                                              ##
12c     ##################################################################
15c     epso      water oxygen eps for implicit dispersion term
16c     epsh      water hydrogen eps for implicit dispersion term
17c     rmino     water oxygen Rmin for implicit dispersion term
18c     rminh     water hydrogen Rmin for implicit dispersion term
19c     awater    water number density at standard temp & pressure
20c     slevy     enthalpy-to-free energy scale factor for dispersion
21c     shctd     HCT overlap scale factor for the dispersion integral
22c     cavoff    radius offset for use in computing cavitation energy
23c     dispoff   radius offset for the start of dispersion integral
25c     solvprs   limiting microscopic solvent pressure value
26c     surften   limiting macroscopic surface tension value
27c     spcut     starting radius for solvent pressure tapering
28c     spoff     cutoff radius for solvent pressure tapering
29c     stcut     starting radius for surface tension tapering
30c     stoff     cutoff radius for surface tension tapering
31c     rcav      atomic radius of each atom for cavitation energy
32c     rdisp     atomic radius of each atom for dispersion energy
33c     cdisp     maximum dispersion energy for each atom
36      module nonpol
37      implicit none
38      real*8 epso,epsh
39      real*8 rmino,rminh
40      real*8 awater,slevy
41      real*8 shctd,cavoff
42      real*8 dispoff
43      parameter (epso=0.1100d0)
44      parameter (epsh=0.0135d0)
45      parameter (rmino=1.7025d0)
46      parameter (rminh=1.3275d0)
47      parameter (awater=0.033428d0)
48      parameter (slevy=1.0d0)
49      parameter (shctd=0.75d0)
50      parameter (cavoff=0.0d0)
51      parameter (dispoff=1.056d0)
52      real*8 solvprs,surften
53      real*8 spcut,spoff
54      real*8 stcut,stoff
55      real*8, allocatable :: rcav(:)
56      real*8, allocatable :: rdisp(:)
57      real*8, allocatable :: cdisp(:)
58      save
59      end