1# AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes
3A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster.
4The initial work on this tool was driven by Heptio. The project receives contributions from multiple community engineers and is currently maintained by Heptio and Amazon EKS OSS Engineers.
6## Why do I want this?
7If you are an administrator running a Kubernetes cluster on AWS, you already need to manage AWS IAM credentials to provision and update the cluster.
8By using AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes, you avoid having to manage a separate credential for Kubernetes access.
9AWS IAM also provides a number of nice properties such as an out of band audit trail (via CloudTrail) and 2FA/MFA enforcement.
11If you are building a Kubernetes installer on AWS, AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes can simplify your bootstrap process.
12You won't need to somehow smuggle your initial admin credential securely out of your newly installed cluster.
13Instead, you can create a dedicated `KubernetesAdmin` role at cluster provisioning time and set up Authenticator to allow cluster administrator logins.
15## How do I use it?
16Assuming you have a cluster running in AWS and you want to add AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes support, you need to:
17 1. Create an IAM role you'll use to identify users.
18 2. Run the Authenticator server as a DaemonSet.
19 3. Configure your API server to talk to Authenticator.
20 4. Set up kubectl to use Authenticator tokens.
22### 1. Create an IAM role
23First, you must create one or more IAM roles that will be mapped to users/groups inside your Kubernetes cluster.
24The easiest way to do this is to log into the AWS Console:
25 - Choose the "Role for cross-account access" / "Provide access between AWS accounts you own" option.
26 - Paste in your AWS account ID number (available in the top right in the console).
27 - Your role does not need any additional policies attached.
29This will create an IAM role with no permissions that can be assumed by authorized users/roles in your account.
30Note the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your role, which you will need below.
32You can also do this in a single step using the AWS CLI instead of the AWS Console:
34# get your account ID
35ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Account')
37# define a role trust policy that opens the role to users in your account (limited by IAM policy)
38POLICY=$(echo -n '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"AWS":"arn:aws:iam::'; echo -n "$ACCOUNT_ID"; echo -n ':root"},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole","Condition":{}}]}')
40# create a role named KubernetesAdmin (will print the new role's ARN)
41aws iam create-role \
42  --role-name KubernetesAdmin \
43  --description "Kubernetes administrator role (for AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes)." \
44  --assume-role-policy-document "$POLICY" \
45  --output text \
46  --query 'Role.Arn'
49You can also skip this step and use:
50 - An existing role (such as a cross-account access role).
51 - An IAM user (see `mapUsers` below).
52 - An EC2 instance or a federated role (see `mapRoles` below).
54### 2. Run the server
55The server is meant to run on each of your master nodes as a DaemonSet with host networking so it can expose a localhost port.
57For a sample ConfigMap and DaemonSet configuration, see [`deploy/example.yaml`](./deploy/example.yaml).
59#### (Optional) Pre-generate a certificate, key, and kubeconfig
60If you're building an automated installer, you can also pre-generate the certificate, key, and webhook kubeconfig files easily using `aws-iam-authenticator init`.
61This command will generate files and place them in the configured output directories.
63You can run this on each master node prior to starting the API server.
64You could also generate them before provisioning master nodes and install them in the appropriate host paths.
66If you do not pre-generate files, `aws-iam-authenticator server` will generate them on demand.
67This works but requires that you restart your Kubernetes API server after installation.
69### 3. Configure your API server to talk to the server
70The Kubernetes API integrates with AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes using a [token authentication webhook](https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication).
71When you run `aws-iam-authenticator server`, it will generate a webhook configuration file and save it onto the host filesystem.
72You'll need to add a single additional flag to your API server configuration:
77On many clusters, the API server runs as a static pod.
78You can add the flag to `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml`.
79Make sure the host directory `/etc/kubernetes/aws-iam-authenticator/` is mounted into your API server pod.
80You may also need to restart the kubelet daemon on your master node to pick up the updated static pod definition:
82systemctl restart kubelet.service
85### 4. Create IAM role/user to kubernetes user/group mappings
86The default behavior of the server is to source mappings exclusively from the
87`mapUsers` and `mapRoles` fields of its configuration file. See [Full
88Configuration Format](#full-configuration-format) below for details.
90Using the `--backend-mode` flag, you can configure the server to source
91mappings from two additional backends: an EKS-style ConfigMap
92(`--backend-mode=EKSConfigMap`) or `IAMIdentityMapping` custom resources
93(`--backend-mode=CRD`). The default backend, the server configuration file
94that's mounted by the server pod, corresponds to `--backend-mode=MountedFile`.
96You can pass a comma-separated list of these backends to have the server search
97them in order. For example, with `--backend-mode=EKSConfigMap,MountedFile`, the
98server will search the EKS-style ConfigMap for mappings then, if it doesn't
99find a mapping for the given IAM role/user, the server configuration file. If a
100mapping for the same IAM role/user exists in multiple backends, the server will
101use the mapping in the backend that occurs first in the comma-separated list.
102In this example, if a mapping is found in the EKS ConfigMap then it will be
103used whether or not a duplicate or conflicting mapping exists in the server
104configuration file.
106Note that when setting a single backend, the server will *only* source from
107that one and ignore the others even if they exist. For example, with
108`--backend-mode=CRD`, the server will *only* source from `IAMIdentityMappings`
109and ignore the mounted file and EKS ConfigMap.
111#### `MountedFile`
112This is the default backend of mappings and sufficient for most users. See
113[Full Configuration Format](#full-configuration-format) below for details.
115#### `CRD` (alpha)
116This backend models each IAM mapping as an `IAMIdentityMapping` [Kubernetes
119This approach enables you to maintain mappings in a Kubernetes-native way using
120kubectl or the API. Plus, syntax errors (like misaligned YAML) can be more
121easily caught and won't affect all mappings.
123To setup an `IAMIdentityMapping` CRD you'll first need to `apply` the CRD
127kubectl apply -f deploy/iamidentitymapping.yaml
130With the CRDs deployed you can then create Custom Resources which model your
131IAM Identities. See
136apiVersion: iamauthenticator.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
137kind: IAMIdentityMapping
139  name: kubernetes-admin
141  # Arn of the User or Role to be allowed to authenticate
142  arn: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/KubernetesAdmin
143  # Username that Kubernetes will see the user as, this is useful for setting
144  # up allowed specific permissions for different users
145  username: kubernetes-admin
146  # Groups to be attached to your users/roles. For example `system:masters` to
147  # create cluster admin, or `system:nodes`, `system:bootstrappers` for nodes to
148  # access the API server.
149  groups:
150  - system:masters
153#### `EKSConfigMap`
154The EKS-style `kube-system/aws-auth` ConfigMap serves as the backend. The
155ConfigMap is expected to be in exactly the same format as in EKS clusters:
156https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/add-user-role.html. This is
157useful if you're migrating from/to EKS and want to keep your mappings, or are
158running EKS in addition to some other AWS cluster(s) and want to have the same
159mappings in each.
161### 5. Set up kubectl to use authentication tokens provided by AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes
163> This requires a 1.10+ `kubectl` binary to work. If you receive `Please enter Username:` when trying to use `kubectl` you need to update to the latest `kubectl`
165Finally, once the server is set up you'll want to authenticate.
166You will still need a `kubeconfig` that has the public data about your cluster (cluster CA certificate, endpoint address).
167The `users` section of your configuration, however, should include an exec section ([refer to the v1.10 docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authentication/#client-go-credential-plugins))::
169# [...]
171- name: kubernetes-admin
172  user:
173    exec:
174      apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1
175      command: aws-iam-authenticator
176      args:
177        - "token"
178        - "-i"
180        - "-r"
182  # no client certificate/key needed here!
185This means the `kubeconfig` is entirely public data and can be shared across all Authenticator users.
186It may make sense to upload it to a trusted public location such as AWS S3.
188Make sure you have the `aws-iam-authenticator` binary installed.
189You can install it with `go get -u -v sigs.k8s.io/aws-iam-authenticator/cmd/aws-iam-authenticator`.
191To authenticate, run `kubectl --kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig" [...]`.
192kubectl will `exec` the `aws-iam-authenticator` binary with the supplied params in your kubeconfig which will generate a token and pass it to the apiserver.
193The token is valid for 15 minutes (the shortest value AWS permits) and can be reused multiple times.
195You can also specify session name when generating the token by including `--session-name or -s` parameter. This parameter cannot be used along with `--forward-session-name`.
197You can also omit `-r ROLE_ARN` to sign the token with your existing credentials without assuming a dedicated role.
198This is useful if you want to authenticate as an IAM user directly or if you want to authenticate using an EC2 instance role or a federated role.
200## Kops Usage
201Clusters managed by [Kops](https://github.com/kubernetes/kops) can be configured to use Authenticator. For usage instructions see the [Kops documentation](https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/authentication/#aws-iam-authenticator).
203## How does it work?
204It works using the AWS [`sts:GetCallerIdentity`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_GetCallerIdentity.html) API endpoint.
205This endpoint returns information about whatever AWS IAM credentials you use to connect to it.
207#### Client side (`aws-iam-authenticator token`)
208We use this API in a somewhat unusual way by having the Authenticator client generate and pre-sign a request to the endpoint.
209We serialize that request into a token that can pass through the Kubernetes authentication system.
211#### Server side (`aws-iam-authenticator server`)
212The token is passed through the Kubernetes API server and into the Authenticator server's `/authenticate` endpoint via a webhook configuration.
213The Authenticator server validates all the parameters of the pre-signed request to make sure nothing looks funny.
214It then submits the request to the real `https://sts.amazonaws.com` server, which validates the client's HMAC signature and returns information about the user.
215Now that the server knows the AWS identity of the client, it translates this identity into a Kubernetes user and groups via a simple static mapping.
217This mechanism is borrowed with a few changes from [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/aws.html#iam-auth-method).
219## What is a cluster ID?
220The Authenticator cluster ID is a unique-per-cluster identifier that prevents certain replay attacks.
221Specifically, it prevents one Authenticator server (e.g., in a dev environment) from using a client's token to authenticate to another Authenticator server in another cluster.
223The cluster ID does need to be unique per-cluster, but it doesn't need to be a secret.
224Some good choices are:
225 - A random ID such as from `openssl rand 16 -hex`
226 - The domain name of your Kubernetes API server
228The [Vault documentation](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/aws.html#iam-auth-method) also explains this attack (see `X-Vault-AWS-IAM-Server-ID`).
230## Specifying Credentials & Using AWS Profiles
231Credentials can be specified for use with `aws-iam-authenticator` via any of the methods available to the
232[AWS SDK for Go](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html#specifying-credentials).
233This includes specifying AWS credentials with enviroment variables or by utilizing a credentials file.
235AWS [named profiles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-multiple-profiles.html) are supported by `aws-iam-authenticator`
236via the `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable. For example, to authenticate with credentials specified in the _dev_ profile the `AWS_PROFILE` can
237be exported or specified explictly (e.g., `AWS_PROFILE=dev kubectl get all`). If no `AWS_PROFILE` is set, the _default_ profile is used.
239The `AWS_PROFILE` can also be specified directly in the kubeconfig file
240[as part of the `exec` flow](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#configuration). For example, to specify
241that credentials from the _dev_ named profile should always be used by `aws-iam-authenticator`, your kubeconfig would include an `env`
242key thats sets the profile:
245apiVersion: v1
247- cluster:
248    server: ${server}
249    certificate-authority-data: ${cert}
250  name: kubernetes
252- context:
253    cluster: kubernetes
254    user: aws
255  name: aws
256current-context: aws
257kind: Config
258preferences: {}
260- name: aws
261  user:
262    exec:
263      apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1
264      command: aws-iam-authenticator
265      env:
266      - name: "AWS_PROFILE"
267        value: "dev"
268      args:
269        - "token"
270        - "-i"
271        - "mycluster"
274This method allows the appropriate profile to be used implicitly. Note that any environment variables set as part of the `exec` flow will
275take precedence over what's already set in your environment.
277#### Note for federated users:
278Federated AWS users often will have a "meaningful" attribute mapped onto their assumed role, such as an email address, through the account's AWS configuration.
279These assumed sessions have [a few parts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_variables.html#principaltable), the `role id`
280and `caller-specified-role-name`. By default, when a federated user uses the `--role` option of `aws-iam-authenticator` to assume a new role the
281`caller-specified-role-name` will be converted to a random token and the `role id` carries through to the newly assumed role.
283Using `aws-iam-authenticator token ... --forward-session-name` will map the original `caller-specified-role-name` attribute onto the new STS assumed session.
284This can be helpful for quickly attempting to associate "who performed action X on the K8 cluster".
286Please note, **this should not be considered definitive** and needs to be cross referenced via the `role id` (which remains consistent) with CloudTrail logs
287as a user could potentially change this on the client side.
289## API Authorization from Outside a Cluster
291It is possible to make requests to the Kubernetes API from a client that is outside the cluster, be that using the
292bare Kubernetes REST API or from one of the language specific Kubernetes clients
293(e.g., [Python](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python)). In order to do so, you must create a bearer token that
294is included with the request to the API. This bearer token requires you append the string `k8s-aws-v1.` with a
295base64 encoded string of a signed HTTP request to the STS GetCallerIdentity Query API. This is then sent it in the
296`Authorization`  header of the request.  Something to note though is that the IAM Authenticator explicitly omits
297base64 padding to avoid any `=` characters thus guaranteeing a string safe to use in URLs. Below is an example in
298Python on how this token would be constructed:
301import base64
302import boto3
303import re
304from botocore.signers import RequestSigner
306def get_bearer_token(cluster_id, region):
308    session = boto3.session.Session()
310    client = session.client('sts', region_name=region)
311    service_id = client.meta.service_model.service_id
313    signer = RequestSigner(
314        service_id,
315        region,
316        'sts',
317        'v4',
318        session.get_credentials(),
319        session.events
320    )
322    params = {
323        'method': 'GET',
324        'url': 'https://sts.{}.amazonaws.com/?Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15'.format(region),
325        'body': {},
326        'headers': {
327            'x-k8s-aws-id': cluster_id
328        },
329        'context': {}
330    }
332    signed_url = signer.generate_presigned_url(
333        params,
334        region_name=region,
335        expires_in=STS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN,
336        operation_name=''
337    )
339    base64_url = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signed_url.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
341    # remove any base64 encoding padding:
342    return 'k8s-aws-v1.' + re.sub(r'=*', '', base64_url)
344# If making a HTTP request you would create the authorization headers as follows:
346headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + get_bearer_token('my_cluster', 'us-east-1')}
351## Troubleshooting
353If your client fails with an error like `could not get token: AccessDenied [...]`, you can try assuming the role with the AWS CLI directly:
356# AWS CLI version of `aws-iam-authenticator token -r arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:role/ROLE`:
357$ aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:role/ROLE --role-session-name test
360If that fails, there are a few possible problems to check for:
362 - Make sure your base AWS credentials are available in your shell (`aws sts get-caller-identity` can help troubleshoot this).
364 - Make sure the target role allows your source account access (in the role trust policy).
366 - Make sure your source principal (user/role/group) has an IAM policy that allows `sts:AssumeRole` for the target role.
368 - Make sure you don't have any explicit deny policies attached to your user, group, or in AWS Organizations that would prevent the `sts:AssumeRole`.
370 - Try simulating the `sts:AssumeRole` call in the [Policy Simulator](https://policysim.aws.amazon.com/home/index.jsp).
372## Full Configuration Format
373The client and server have the same configuration format.
374They can share the same exact configuration file, since there are no secrets stored in the configuration.
377# a unique-per-cluster identifier to prevent replay attacks (see above)
378clusterID: my-dev-cluster.example.com
380# default IAM role to assume for `aws-iam-authenticator token`
381defaultRole: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesAdmin
383# server listener configuration
385  # localhost port where the server will serve the /authenticate endpoint
386  port: 21362 # (default)
388  # state directory for generated TLS certificate and private keys
389  stateDir: /var/aws-iam-authenticator # (default)
391  # output `path` where a generated webhook kubeconfig will be stored.
392  generateKubeconfig: /etc/kubernetes/aws-iam-authenticator.kubeconfig # (default)
394  # role to assume before querying EC2 API in order to discover metadata like EC2 private DNS Name
395  ec2DescribeInstancesRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/DescribeInstancesRole
397  # AWS Account IDs to scrub from server logs. (Defaults to empty list)
398  scrubbedAccounts:
399  - "111122223333"
400  - "222233334444"
402  # each mapRoles entry maps an IAM role to a username and set of groups
403  # Each username and group can optionally contain template parameters:
404  #  1) "{{AccountID}}" is the 12 digit AWS ID.
405  #  2) "{{SessionName}}" is the role session name, with `@` characters
406  #     transliterated to `-` characters.
407  #  3) "{{SessionNameRaw}}" is the role session name, without character
408  #     transliteration (available in version >= 0.5).
409  mapRoles:
410  # statically map arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesAdmin to cluster admin
411  - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesAdmin
412    username: kubernetes-admin
413    groups:
414    - system:masters
416  # map EC2 instances in my "KubernetesNode" role to users like
417  # "aws:000000000000:instance:i-0123456789abcdef0". Only use this if you
418  # trust that the role can only be assumed by EC2 instances. If an IAM user
419  # can assume this role directly (with sts:AssumeRole) they can control
420  # SessionName.
421  - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesNode
422    username: aws:{{AccountID}}:instance:{{SessionName}}
423    groups:
424    - system:bootstrappers
425    - aws:instances
427  # map nodes that should conform to the username "system:node:<private-DNS>".  This
428  # requires the authenticator to query the EC2 API in order to discover the private
429  # DNS of the EC2 instance originating the authentication request.  Optionally, you
430  # may specify a role that should be assumed before querying the EC2 API with the
431  # key "server.ec2DescribeInstancesRoleARN" (see above).
432  - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesNode
433    username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
434    groups:
435    - system:nodes
436    - system:bootstrappers
438  # map federated users in my "KubernetesAdmin" role to users like
439  # "admin:alice-example.com". The SessionName is an arbitrary role name
440  # like an e-mail address passed by the identity provider. Note that if this
441  # role is assumed directly by an IAM User (not via federation), the user
442  # can control the SessionName.
443  - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesAdmin
444    username: admin:{{SessionName}}
445    groups:
446    - system:masters
448  # map federated users in my "KubernetesOtherAdmin" role to users like
449  # "alice-example.com". The SessionName is an arbitrary role name
450  # like an e-mail address passed by the identity provider. Note that if this
451  # role is assumed directly by an IAM User (not via federation), the user
452  # can control the SessionName.  Note that the "{{SessionName}}" macro is
453  # quoted to ensure it is properly parsed as a string.
454  - roleARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesOtherAdmin
455    username: "{{SessionName}}"
456    groups:
457    - system:masters
459  # each mapUsers entry maps an IAM role to a static username and set of groups
460  mapUsers:
461  # map user IAM user Alice in 000000000000 to user "alice" in group "system:masters"
462  - userARN: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:user/Alice
463    username: alice
464    groups:
465    - system:masters
467  # automatically map IAM ARN from these accounts to username.
468  # NOTE: Always use quotes to avoid the account numbers being recognized as numbers
469  # instead of strings by the yaml parser.
470  mapAccounts:
471  - "012345678901"
472  - "456789012345"
474  # source mappings from this file (mapUsers, mapRoles, & mapAccounts)
475  backendMode:
476  - MountedFile
479## Community, discussion, contribution, and support
481Learn how to engage with the Kubernetes community on the [community page](http://kubernetes.io/community/).
483You can reach the maintainers of this project at:
485- [Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/sig-aws)
486- [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-sig-aws)
488### Code of conduct
490Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the [Kubernetes Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct.md).