1 /****************************************************************************
2 *																			*
3 *					cryptlib SSL v3/TLS Client Management					*
4 *					   Copyright Peter Gutmann 1998-2012					*
5 *																			*
6 ****************************************************************************/
8 #if defined( INC_ALL )
9   #include "crypt.h"
10   #include "misc_rw.h"
11   #include "session.h"
12   #include "ssl.h"
13 #else
14   #include "crypt.h"
15   #include "enc_dec/misc_rw.h"
16   #include "session/session.h"
17   #include "session/ssl.h"
18 #endif /* Compiler-specific includes */
20 /* Testing the SSL/TLS code gets a bit complicated because in the presence
21    of the session cache every session after the first one will be a resumed
22    session.  To deal with this we disable the client-side session cache in
23    the VC++ 6 debug build.
25    Note that changing the follow requires an equivalent change in
26    test/ssl.c */
28 #if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) && defined( _MSC_VER ) && ( _MSC_VER == 1200 ) && \
29 	!defined( NDEBUG ) && 1
30   #define NO_SESSION_CACHE
31 #endif /* VC++ 6.0 debug build */
33 #ifdef USE_SSL
35 /****************************************************************************
36 *																			*
37 *								Utility Functions							*
38 *																			*
39 ****************************************************************************/
43 /* For Suite B the first suite must be ECDHE/AES128-GCM/SHA256 or
44    ECDHE/AES256-GCM/SHA384 depending on the security level and the second
45    suite, at the 128-bit security level, must be ECDHE/AES256-GCM/SHA384 */
48 static int checkSuiteBSelection( IN_RANGE( SSL_FIRST_VALID_SUITE, \
49 										   SSL_LAST_SUITE - 1 ) \
50 									const int cipherSuite,
51 								 const int flags,
52 								 const BOOLEAN isFirstSuite )
53 	{
54 	REQUIRES( cipherSuite >= SSL_FIRST_VALID_SUITE && \
55 			  cipherSuite < SSL_LAST_SUITE );
56 	REQUIRES( ( flags & ~( SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB ) ) == 0 );
58 	if( isFirstSuite )
59 		{
60 		switch( flags )
61 			{
62 			case SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB_128:
63 				if( cipherSuite == TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 )
64 					return( TRUE );
65 				break;
67 			case SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB_256:
68 				if( cipherSuite == TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 )
69 					return( TRUE );
70 				break;
72 			default:
73 				retIntError();
74 			}
75 		}
76 	else
77 		{
78 		switch( flags )
79 			{
80 			case SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB_128:
81 				if( cipherSuite == TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 )
82 					return( TRUE );
83 				break;
85 			case SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB_256:
86 				/* For the 256-bit level there are no further requirements */
87 				return( TRUE );
89 			default:
90 				retIntError();
91 			}
92 		}
94 	return( FALSE );
95 	}
96 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB */
98 /* Encode a list of available algorithms */
100 #define MAX_NO_SUITES	32
writeCipherSuiteList(INOUT STREAM * stream,IN_RANGE (SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL,SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS12)const int sslVersion,const BOOLEAN usePSK,IN_FLAGS_Z (SSL)const int suiteBinfo)103 static int writeCipherSuiteList( INOUT STREAM *stream,
105 										   SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS12 ) \
106 									const int sslVersion,
107 								 const BOOLEAN usePSK,
108 								 IN_FLAGS_Z( SSL ) const int suiteBinfo )
109 	{
110 	const CIPHERSUITE_INFO **cipherSuiteInfo;
111 	int availableSuites[ MAX_NO_SUITES + 8 ], cipherSuiteCount = 0;
112 	int suiteIndex, cipherSuiteInfoSize, status;
113 #ifdef CONFIG_SUITEB
114 	int suiteNo = 0;
115 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB */
117 	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
119 	REQUIRES( sslVersion >= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL && \
120 			  sslVersion <= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS12 );
121 #ifdef CONFIG_SUITEB
122 	REQUIRES( suiteBinfo >= SSL_PFLAG_NONE && suiteBinfo < SSL_PFLAG_MAX );
123 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB */
125 	/* Get the information for the supported cipher suites */
126 	status = getCipherSuiteInfo( &cipherSuiteInfo, &cipherSuiteInfoSize );
127 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
128 		return( status );
130 	/* Walk down the list of algorithms (and the corresponding cipher
131 	   suites) remembering each one that's available for use */
132 	for( suiteIndex = 0;
133 		 suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize && \
134 			cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->cipherSuite != SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL && \
135 			cipherSuiteCount < MAX_NO_SUITES;
136 		 /* No action */ )
137 		{
138 		const CIPHERSUITE_INFO *cipherSuiteInfoPtr = cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ];
139 		const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE keyexAlgo = cipherSuiteInfoPtr->keyexAlgo;
140 		const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo = cipherSuiteInfoPtr->cryptAlgo;
141 		const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE authAlgo = cipherSuiteInfoPtr->authAlgo;
142 		const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE macAlgo = cipherSuiteInfoPtr->macAlgo;
143 		const int suiteFlags = cipherSuiteInfoPtr->flags;
145 		/* Make sure that the cipher suite is appropriate for SuiteB use if
146 		   necessary */
147 #ifdef CONFIG_SUITEB
148 		if( suiteNo == 0 || suiteNo == 1 )
149 			{
150 			if( !checkSuiteBSelection( cipherSuiteInfoPtr->cipherSuite,
151 									   ( suiteBinfo == 0 ) ? \
152 											SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB_128 : suiteBinfo,
153 									   ( suiteNo == 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) )
154 				{
155 				suiteIndex++;
156 				continue;
157 				}
158 			suiteNo++;
159 			}
160 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB */
162 		/* Make sure that the suite is appropriate for the SSL/TLS version
163 		   that we're using.  Normally we can use TLS suites in SSL (e.g.
164 		   the AES suites), but we can't use ECC both because this requires
165 		   extensions and because the SSLv3 PRF mechanisms can't handle
166 		   ECC's premaster secrets */
167 		if( ( ( suiteFlags & CIPHERSUITE_FLAG_ECC ) && \
168 			  sslVersion <= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL ) || \
169 			( ( suiteFlags & CIPHERSUITE_FLAG_TLS12 ) && \
170 			  sslVersion <= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS11 ) )
171 			{
172 			suiteIndex++;
173 			continue;
174 			}
176 		/* If it's a PSK suite but we're not using PSK, skip it */
177 		if( ( suiteFlags & CIPHERSUITE_FLAG_PSK ) && !usePSK )
178 			{
179 			suiteIndex++;
180 			continue;
181 			}
183 		/* If the keyex algorithm for this suite isn't enabled for this
184 		   build of cryptlib, skip all suites that use it.  We have to
185 		   explicitly exclude the special case where there's no keyex
186 		   algorithm in order to accomodate the bare TLS-PSK suites (used
187 		   without DH/ECDH or RSA), whose keyex mechanism is pure PSK */
188 		if( keyexAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE && !algoAvailable( keyexAlgo ) )
189 			{
190 			while( cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->keyexAlgo == keyexAlgo && \
191 				   suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize )
192 				suiteIndex++;
193 			ENSURES( suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize );
194 			continue;
195 			}
197 		/* If the bulk encryption algorithm or MAC algorithm for this suite
198 		   isn't enabled for this build of cryptlib, skip all suites that
199 		   use it */
200 		if( !algoAvailable( cryptAlgo ) )
201 			{
202 			while( cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->cryptAlgo == cryptAlgo && \
203 				   suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize )
204 				suiteIndex++;
205 			ENSURES( suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize );
206 			continue;
207 			}
208 		if( !algoAvailable( macAlgo ) )
209 			{
210 			while( cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->macAlgo == macAlgo && \
211 				   suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize )
212 				suiteIndex++;
213 			ENSURES( suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize );
214 			continue;
215 			}
217 		/* The suite is supported, remember it.  In theory there's only a
218 		   single combination of the various algorithms present, but these
219 		   can be subsetted into different key sizes (because they're there,
220 		   that's why) so we have to iterate the recording of available
221 		   suites instead of just assigning a single value on match */
222 		while( cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->keyexAlgo == keyexAlgo && \
223 			   cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->authAlgo == authAlgo && \
224 			   cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->cryptAlgo == cryptAlgo && \
225 			   cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex ]->macAlgo == macAlgo && \
226 			   cipherSuiteCount < MAX_NO_SUITES && \
227 			   suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize )
228 			{
229 			availableSuites[ cipherSuiteCount++ ] = \
230 						cipherSuiteInfo[ suiteIndex++ ]->cipherSuite;
231 #ifdef CONFIG_SUITEB
232 			if( suiteNo == 0 || suiteNo == 1 )
233 				break;	/* Suite B has special requirements for initial suites */
234 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB */
235 			}
236 		ENSURES( suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize );
237 		ENSURES( cipherSuiteCount < MAX_NO_SUITES );
238 		}
239 	ENSURES( suiteIndex < cipherSuiteInfoSize );
240 	ENSURES( cipherSuiteCount > 0 && cipherSuiteCount < MAX_NO_SUITES );
242 	/* Encode the list of available cipher suites */
243 	status = writeUint16( stream, cipherSuiteCount * UINT16_SIZE );
244 	for( suiteIndex = 0;
245 		 cryptStatusOK( status ) && suiteIndex < cipherSuiteCount;
246 		 suiteIndex++ )
247 		status = writeUint16( stream, availableSuites[ suiteIndex ] );
249 	return( status );
250 	}
252 /****************************************************************************
253 *																			*
254 *							Handle Client/Server Keyex						*
255 *																			*
256 ****************************************************************************/
258 /* Process the identity hint sent with the server keyex.  It's uncertain
259    what we're supposed to do with this so we just skip it */
readIdentityHint(INOUT STREAM * stream)262 static int readIdentityHint( INOUT STREAM *stream )
263 	{
264 	int length, status;
266 	status = length = readUint16( stream );
267 	if( !cryptStatusError( status ) && length > 0 )
268 		status = sSkip( stream, length, MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT );
269 	return( status );
270 	}
272 /* Read a server's DH/ECDH key agreement data:
274 	   DH:
275 		uint16		dh_pLen
276 		byte[]		dh_p
277 		uint16		dh_gLen
278 		byte[]		dh_g
279 		uint16		dh_YsLen
280 		byte[]		dh_Ys
281 	   ECDH:
282 		byte		curveType
283 		uint16		namedCurve
284 		uint8		ecPointLen		-- NB uint8 not uint16
285 		byte[]		ecPoint */
287 CHECK_RETVAL STDC_NONNULL_ARG( ( 1, 2, 3 ) ) \
readServerKeyex(INOUT STREAM * stream,OUT KEYAGREE_PARAMS * keyAgreeParams,OUT_HANDLE_OPT CRYPT_CONTEXT * dhContextPtr,const BOOLEAN isECC)288 static int readServerKeyex( INOUT STREAM *stream,
289 							OUT KEYAGREE_PARAMS *keyAgreeParams,
290 							OUT_HANDLE_OPT CRYPT_CONTEXT *dhContextPtr,
291 							const BOOLEAN isECC )
292 	{
293 	void *keyData;
294 	const int keyDataOffset = stell( stream );
295 	int keyDataLength, dummy, status;
297 	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
298 	assert( isWritePtr( keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) ) );
299 	assert( isWritePtr( dhContextPtr, sizeof( CRYPT_CONTEXT ) ) );
301 	/* Clear return values */
302 	memset( keyAgreeParams, 0, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
303 	*dhContextPtr = CRYPT_ERROR;
305 	/* Read the server DH/ECDH public key data */
306 	if( isECC )
307 		{
308 		( void ) sgetc( stream );
309 		status = readUint16( stream );
310 		}
311 	else
312 		{
313 		status = readInteger16UChecked( stream, NULL, &dummy,
315 										CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );
316 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
317 			status = readInteger16U( stream, NULL, &dummy, 1,
318 									 CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );
319 		}
320 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
321 		return( status );
323 	/* Create a DH/ECDH context from the public key data.  If it's an ECC
324 	   algorithm we set a dummy curve type, the actual value is determined
325 	   by the parameters sent by the server */
326 	keyDataLength = stell( stream ) - keyDataOffset;
327 	status = sMemGetDataBlockAbs( stream, keyDataOffset, &keyData,
328 								  keyDataLength );
329 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
330 		{
331 		status = initDHcontextSSL( dhContextPtr, keyData, keyDataLength,
332 								   CRYPT_UNUSED, isECC ? \
333 										CRYPT_ECCCURVE_P256 /* Dummy */ : \
334 										CRYPT_ECCCURVE_NONE );
335 		}
336 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
337 		return( status );
339 	/* Read the DH/ECDH public value */
340 	if( isECC )
341 		{
342 		return( readEcdhValue( stream, keyAgreeParams->publicValue,
343 							   CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE,
344 							   &keyAgreeParams->publicValueLen ) );
345 		}
346 	return( readInteger16UChecked( stream, keyAgreeParams->publicValue,
347 								   &keyAgreeParams->publicValueLen,
349 								   CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
350 	}
352 /* Process the optional server keyex:
355 		uint24		len
356 	   DH:
357 		uint16		dh_pLen
358 		byte[]		dh_p
359 		uint16		dh_gLen
360 		byte[]		dh_g
361 		uint16		dh_YsLen
362 		byte[]		dh_Ys
363 	 [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
364 	 [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
365 		uint16		signatureLen
366 		byte[]		signature
367 	   DH-PSK:
368 		uint16		pskIdentityHintLen
369 		byte		pskIdentityHint
370 		uint16		dh_pLen
371 		byte[]		dh_p
372 		uint16		dh_gLen
373 		byte[]		dh_g
374 		uint16		dh_YsLen
375 		byte[]		dh_Ys
376 	   ECDH:
377 		byte		curveType
378 		uint16		namedCurve
379 		uint8		ecPointLen		-- NB uint8 not uint16
380 		byte[]		ecPoint
381 	 [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
382 	 [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
383 		uint16		signatureLen
384 		byte[]		signature */
386 CHECK_RETVAL STDC_NONNULL_ARG( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ) ) \
processServerKeyex(INOUT SESSION_INFO * sessionInfoPtr,INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO * handshakeInfo,INOUT STREAM * stream,OUT_BUFFER (keyexPublicValueMaxLen,* keyexPublicValueLen)void * keyexPublicValue,IN_LENGTH_SHORT const int keyexPublicValueMaxLen,OUT_DATALENGTH_Z int * keyexPublicValueLen)387 static int processServerKeyex( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr,
388 							   INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo,
389 							   INOUT STREAM *stream,
390 							   OUT_BUFFER( keyexPublicValueMaxLen, \
391 										   *keyexPublicValueLen ) \
392 									void *keyexPublicValue,
393 							   IN_LENGTH_SHORT const int keyexPublicValueMaxLen,
394 							   OUT_DATALENGTH_Z int *keyexPublicValueLen )
396 	{
397 	KEYAGREE_PARAMS keyAgreeParams, tempKeyAgreeParams;
398 	void *keyData DUMMY_INIT_PTR;
399 	const BOOLEAN isECC = isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo );
400 	const BOOLEAN isPSK = ( handshakeInfo->authAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_NONE ) ? \
401 						  TRUE : FALSE;
402 	int keyDataOffset, keyDataLength DUMMY_INIT;
403 	int length, status;
405 	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
406 	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );
407 	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
408 	assert( isWritePtr( keyexPublicValue, keyexPublicValueMaxLen ) );
409 	assert( isWritePtr( keyexPublicValueLen, sizeof( int ) ) );
411 	REQUIRES( keyexPublicValueMaxLen > 0 && \
412 			  keyexPublicValueMaxLen < MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT );
414 	/* Clear return values */
415 	memset( keyexPublicValue, 0, min( 16, keyexPublicValueMaxLen ) );
416 	*keyexPublicValueLen = 0;
418 	/* Make sure that we've got an appropriate server keyex packet.  We set
420 	   instead of MIN_PKCSIZE/MIN_PKCSIZE_ECC in order to provide better
421 	   diagnostics if the server is using weak keys since otherwise the data
422 	   will be rejected in the packet read long before we get to the keysize
423 	   check */
424 	status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
426 					isECC ? \
427 						( 1 + UINT16_SIZE + \
431 						  UINT16_SIZE + 1 + \
434 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
435 		return( status );
437 	/* If we're using a PSK suite then the keyex information is preceded by
438 	   a PSK identity hint */
439 	if( isPSK )
440 		{
441 		status = readIdentityHint( stream );
442 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
443 			{
446 					  "Invalid PSK identity hint" ) );
447 			}
448 		}
450 	/* Read the server's keyex information and convert it into a DH/ECDH
451 	   context */
452 	keyDataOffset = stell( stream );
453 	status = readServerKeyex( stream, &keyAgreeParams,
454 							  &handshakeInfo->dhContext, isECC );
455 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
456 		{
457 		keyDataLength = stell( stream ) - keyDataOffset;
458 		status = sMemGetDataBlockAbs( stream, keyDataOffset, &keyData,
459 									  keyDataLength );
460 		}
461 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
462 		{
463 		/* Some misconfigured servers may use very short keys, we perform a
464 		   special-case check for these and return a more specific message
465 		   than the generic bad-data error */
466 		if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_NOSECURE )
467 			{
470 					  "Insecure key used in key exchange" ) );
471 			}
473 		retExt( cryptArgError( status ) ? \
474 				CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA : status,
475 				( cryptArgError( status ) ? CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA : status,
477 				  "Invalid server key agreement parameters" ) );
478 		}
479 	ANALYSER_HINT( keyData != NULL );
481 	/* Check the server's signature on the DH/ECDH parameters, unless it's a
482 	   PSK suite in which case the exchange is authenticated via the PSK */
483 #ifndef CONFIG_FUZZ
484 	if( !isPSK )
485 		{
486 		status = checkKeyexSignature( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream,
487 									  keyData, keyDataLength, isECC );
488 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
489 			{
490 			retExt( status,
491 					( status, SESSION_ERRINFO,
492 					  "Invalid server key agreement parameter signature" ) );
493 			}
494 		}
495 #else
496 	/* Skip the server's signature, set up a dummy premaster secret, and
497 	   exit */
498 	status = readUniversal16( stream );
499 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
500 		return( status );
501 	memset( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, '*', SSL_SECRET_SIZE );
502 	handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize = SSL_SECRET_SIZE;
503 	FUZZ_SKIP();
504 #endif /* CONFIG_FUZZ */
506 	/* Perform phase 1 of the DH/ECDH key agreement process and save the
507 	   result so that we can send it to the server later on.  The order of
508 	   the SSL messages is a bit unfortunate since we get the one for phase
509 	   2 before we need the phase 1 value, so we have to cache the phase 1
510 	   result for when we need it later on */
511 	memset( &tempKeyAgreeParams, 0, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
512 	status = krnlSendMessage( handshakeInfo->dhContext,
513 							  IMESSAGE_CTX_ENCRYPT, &tempKeyAgreeParams,
514 							  sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
515 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
516 		{
517 		zeroise( &tempKeyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
518 		return( status );
519 		}
520 	ENSURES( rangeCheckZ( 0, tempKeyAgreeParams.publicValueLen,
521 						  keyexPublicValueMaxLen ) );
522 	memcpy( keyexPublicValue, tempKeyAgreeParams.publicValue,
523 			tempKeyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
524 	*keyexPublicValueLen = tempKeyAgreeParams.publicValueLen;
525 	zeroise( &tempKeyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
527 	/* Perform phase 2 of the DH/ECDH key agreement */
528 	status = krnlSendMessage( handshakeInfo->dhContext, IMESSAGE_CTX_DECRYPT,
529 							  &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
530 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
531 		{
532 		zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
533 		return( status );
534 		}
535 	if( isECC )
536 		{
537 		const int xCoordLen = ( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen - 1 ) / 2;
539 		/* The output of the ECDH operation is an ECC point, but for some
540 		   unknown reason TLS only uses the x coordinate and not the full
541 		   point.  To work around this we have to rewrite the point as a
542 		   standalone x coordinate, which is relatively easy because we're
543 		   using an uncompressed point format:
545 			+---+---------------+---------------+
546 			|04	|		qx		|		qy		|
547 			+---+---------------+---------------+
548 				|<- fldSize --> |<- fldSize --> | */
549 		REQUIRES( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen >= MIN_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT && \
550 				  keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen <= MAX_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT && \
551 				  ( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen & 1 ) == 1 && \
552 				  keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey[ 0 ] == 0x04 );
553 		memmove( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey,
554 				 keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey + 1, xCoordLen );
555 		keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen = xCoordLen;
556 		}
557 	ENSURES( rangeCheckZ( 0, keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen,
559 	memcpy( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey,
560 			keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen );
561 	handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize = keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen;
562 	zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
564 	return( CRYPT_OK );
565 	}
567 /* Build the client key exchange packet:
570 	  [	uint24		len				-- Written by caller ]
571 	   DH:
572 		uint16		yLen
573 		byte[]		y
574 	   DH-PSK:
575 		uint16		userIDLen
576 		byte[]		userID
577 		uint16		yLen
578 		byte[]		y
579 	   ECDH:
580 		uint8		ecPointLen		-- NB uint8 not uint16
581 		byte[]		ecPoint
582 	   PSK:
583 		uint16		userIDLen
584 		byte[]		userID
585 	   RSA:
586 	  [ uint16		encKeyLen		-- TLS only ]
587 		byte[]		rsaPKCS1( byte[2] { 0x03, 0x0n } || byte[46] random ) */
589 CHECK_RETVAL STDC_NONNULL_ARG( ( 1, 2, 3 ) ) \
createClientKeyex(INOUT SESSION_INFO * sessionInfoPtr,INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO * handshakeInfo,INOUT STREAM * stream,IN_BUFFER_OPT (keyexPublicValueLen)const BYTE * keyexPublicValue,IN_LENGTH_PKC_Z const int keyexPublicValueLen,const BOOLEAN isPSK)590 static int createClientKeyex( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr,
591 							  INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo,
592 							  INOUT STREAM *stream,
593 							  IN_BUFFER_OPT( keyexPublicValueLen ) \
594 								const BYTE *keyexPublicValue,
595 							  IN_LENGTH_PKC_Z const int keyexPublicValueLen,
596 							  const BOOLEAN isPSK )
597 	{
598 	const ATTRIBUTE_LIST *userNamePtr DUMMY_INIT_PTR;
599 	const ATTRIBUTE_LIST *passwordPtr DUMMY_INIT_PTR;
600 	BYTE wrappedKey[ CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE + 8 ];
601 	int wrappedKeyLength, status;
603 	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
604 	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );
605 	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
606 	assert( ( keyexPublicValue == NULL && keyexPublicValueLen == 0 ) || \
607 			isReadPtr( keyexPublicValue, keyexPublicValueLen ) );
609 	REQUIRES( ( keyexPublicValue == NULL && keyexPublicValueLen == 0 ) || \
610 			  ( keyexPublicValueLen > 0 && \
611 				keyexPublicValueLen <= CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
613 	/* If we're using a PSK mechanism, get the user name and password/PSK */
614 	if( isPSK )
615 		{
616 		userNamePtr = findSessionInfo( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
617 									   CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME );
618 		passwordPtr = findSessionInfo( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
619 									   CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD );
621 		REQUIRES( passwordPtr != NULL );
622 		REQUIRES( userNamePtr != NULL );
623 		}
625 	/* If we're using DH/ECDH (with optional PSK additions), write the
626 	   necessary information */
627 	if( keyexPublicValue != NULL )
628 		{
629 		/* If it's a PSK algorithm, convert the DH/ECDH premaster secret to
630 		   a DH/ECDH + PSK premaster secret and write the client identity
631 		   that's required by PSK */
632 		if( isPSK )
633 			{
634 			BYTE premasterTempBuffer[ CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE + 8 ];
635 			const int premasterTempSize = handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize;
637 			/* Since this operation rewrites the premaster secret, we have to
638 			   save the original contents into a temporary buffer first */
639 			REQUIRES( rangeCheckZ( 0, handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize,
640 								   CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
641 			memcpy( premasterTempBuffer, handshakeInfo->premasterSecret,
642 					handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize );
643 			status = createSharedPremasterSecret( \
644 							handshakeInfo->premasterSecret,
646 							&handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize,
647 							passwordPtr->value,
648 							passwordPtr->valueLength,
649 							premasterTempBuffer, premasterTempSize,
650 							( passwordPtr->flags & ATTR_FLAG_ENCODEDVALUE ) ? \
651 								TRUE : FALSE );
652 			zeroise( premasterTempBuffer, premasterTempSize );
653 			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
654 				{
655 				retExt( status,
656 						( status, SESSION_ERRINFO,
657 						  "Couldn't create master secret from shared "
658 						  "secret/password value" ) );
659 				}
661 			/* Write the PSK client identity */
662 			writeUint16( stream, userNamePtr->valueLength );
663 			status = swrite( stream, userNamePtr->value,
664 							 userNamePtr->valueLength );
665 			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
666 				return( status );
667 			}
669 		/* Write the DH/ECDH public value that we saved earlier when we
670 		   performed phase 1 of the key agreement process */
671 		if( isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
672 			{
673 			sputc( stream, keyexPublicValueLen );
674 			status = swrite( stream, keyexPublicValue,
675 							 keyexPublicValueLen );
676 			}
677 		else
678 			{
679 			status = writeInteger16U( stream, keyexPublicValue,
680 									  keyexPublicValueLen );
681 			}
683 		return( status );
684 		}
686 	/* If we're using straight PSK, write the client identity */
687 	if( isPSK )
688 		{
689 		/* Create the shared premaster secret from the user password */
690 		status = createSharedPremasterSecret( \
691 							handshakeInfo->premasterSecret,
693 							&handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize,
694 							passwordPtr->value,
695 							passwordPtr->valueLength, NULL, 0,
696 							( passwordPtr->flags & ATTR_FLAG_ENCODEDVALUE ) ? \
697 								TRUE : FALSE );
698 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
699 			{
700 			retExt( status,
701 					( status, SESSION_ERRINFO,
702 					  "Couldn't create master secret from shared "
703 					  "secret/password value" ) );
704 			}
706 		/* Write the PSK client identity */
707 		writeUint16( stream, userNamePtr->valueLength );
708 		return( swrite( stream, userNamePtr->value,
709 						userNamePtr->valueLength ) );
710 		}
712 	/* It's an RSA keyex, write the RSA-wrapped premaster secret */
713 	status = wrapPremasterSecret( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, wrappedKey,
714 								  CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE, &wrappedKeyLength );
715 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
716 		return( status );
717 	if( sessionInfoPtr->version <= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL )
718 		{
719 		/* The original Netscape SSL implementation didn't provide a length
720 		   for the encrypted key and everyone copied that so it became the
721 		   de facto standard way to do it (sic faciunt omnes.  The spec
722 		   itself is ambiguous on the topic).  This was fixed in TLS
723 		   (although the spec is still ambiguous) so the encoding differs
724 		   slightly between SSL and TLS */
725 		return( swrite( stream, wrappedKey, wrappedKeyLength ) );
726 		}
728 	return( writeInteger16U( stream, wrappedKey, wrappedKeyLength ) );
729 	}
731 /****************************************************************************
732 *																			*
733 *					Server Certificate Checking Functions					*
734 *																			*
735 ****************************************************************************/
737 /* Matching names in certificates can get quite tricky due to the usual
738    erratic nature of what gets put in them.  Firstly, supposed FQDNs can be
739    unqualified names and/or can be present as full URLs rather than just
740    domain names, so we use sNetParseURL() on them before doing anything else
741    with them.  Secondly, PKIX tries to pretend that wildcard certificates
742    don't exist, and so there are no official guidelines for how they should
743    be laid out.  To minimise the potential for mischief we only allow a
744    wildcard at the start of the domain, and don't allow wildcards for the
745    first- or second-level names.
747    Since this code is going to result in server names (and therefore
748    connections) being rejected, it's unusually loquacious about the reasons
749    for the rejection */
751 CHECK_RETVAL STDC_NONNULL_ARG( ( 1, 3, 5 ) ) \
matchName(INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED (serverNameLength)BYTE * serverName,IN_LENGTH_DNS const int serverNameLength,INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED (originalCertNameLength)BYTE * certName,IN_LENGTH_DNS const int originalCertNameLength,OUT ERROR_INFO * errorInfo)752 static int matchName( INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED( serverNameLength ) \
753 						BYTE *serverName,
754 					  IN_LENGTH_DNS const int serverNameLength,
755 					  INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED( originalCertNameLength ) \
756 						BYTE *certName,
757 					  IN_LENGTH_DNS const int originalCertNameLength,
758 					  OUT ERROR_INFO *errorInfo )
759 	{
760 	URL_INFO urlInfo;
761 	BOOLEAN hasWildcard = FALSE;
762 	int certNameLength, dotCount = 0, i, status;
764 	assert( isWritePtr( serverName, serverNameLength ) );
765 	assert( isWritePtr( certName, originalCertNameLength ) );
766 	assert( isWritePtr( errorInfo, sizeof( ERROR_INFO ) ) );
768 	REQUIRES( serverNameLength > 0 && serverNameLength <= MAX_DNS_SIZE );
769 	REQUIRES( originalCertNameLength > 0 && \
770 			  originalCertNameLength <= MAX_DNS_SIZE );
772 	/* Clear return value */
773 	memset( errorInfo, 0, sizeof( ERROR_INFO ) );
775 	/* Extract the FQDN portion from the certificate name */
776 	status = sNetParseURL( &urlInfo, certName, originalCertNameLength,
777 						   URL_TYPE_NONE );
778 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
779 		{
781 				( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
782 				  "Invalid host name '%s' in server's certificate",
783 				  sanitiseString( certName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
784 								  originalCertNameLength ) ) );
785 		}
786 	certName = ( BYTE * ) urlInfo.host;
787 	certNameLength = urlInfo.hostLen;
789 	/* If the name in the certificate is longer than the server name then it
790 	   can't be a match */
791 	if( certNameLength > serverNameLength )
792 		{
794 				( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
795 				  "Server name '%s' doesn't match host name '%s' in "
796 				  "server's certificate",
797 				  sanitiseString( serverName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
798 								  serverNameLength ),
799 				  sanitiseString( certName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
800 								  certNameLength ) ) );
801 		}
803 	/* Make sure that, if it's a wildcarded name, it follows the pattern
804 	   "'*' ... '.' ... '.' ..." */
805 	for( i = 0; i < certNameLength; i++ )
806 		{
807 		const int ch = byteToInt( certName[ i ] );
809 		if( ch == '*' )
810 			{
811 			if( i != 0 )
812 				{
813 				/* The wildcard character isn't the first one in the name,
814 				   it's invalid */
815 				retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID,
816 						( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
817 						  "Host name '%s' in server's certificate contains "
818 						  "wildcard at invalid location",
819 						  sanitiseString( certName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
820 										  certNameLength ) ) );
821 				}
822 			hasWildcard = TRUE;
823 			}
824 		if( ch == '.' )
825 			dotCount++;
826 		}
827 	if( hasWildcard && dotCount < 2 )
828 		{
829 		/* The wildcard applies to the first- or second-level domain, it's
830 		   invalid */
832 				( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
833 				  "Host name '%s' in server's certificate contains "
834 				  "wildcard at invalid domain level",
835 				  sanitiseString( certName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
836 								  certNameLength ) ) );
837 		}
839 	/* Match the certificate name and the server name, taking into account
840 	   wildcarding */
841 	if( hasWildcard )
842 		{
843 		const int delta = serverNameLength - ( certNameLength - 1 );
845 		ENSURES_B( delta > 0 && delta < serverNameLength );
847 		/* Match the suffix past the wildcard */
848 		if( !memcmp( certName + 1, serverName + delta, certNameLength - 1 ) )
849 			return( CRYPT_OK );
850 		}
851 	else
852 		{
853 		/* It's a straight match */
854 		if( certNameLength == serverNameLength && \
855 			!memcmp( certName, serverName, certNameLength ) )
856 			return( CRYPT_OK );
857 		}
859 	/* The name doesn't match */
861 			( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
862 			  "Server name '%s' doesn't match host name '%s' in server's "
863 			  "certificate",
864 			  sanitiseString( serverName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
865 							  serverNameLength ),
866 			  sanitiseString( certName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
867 							  certNameLength ) ) );
868 	}
870 /* Check the remote host name against one or more server names in the
871    certificate */
checkHostName(const CRYPT_CERTIFICATE iCryptCert,INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED (serverNameLength)void * serverName,IN_LENGTH_DNS const int serverNameLength,const BOOLEAN multipleNamesPresent,OUT ERROR_INFO * errorInfo)874 static int checkHostName( const CRYPT_CERTIFICATE iCryptCert,
875 						  INOUT_BUFFER_FIXED( serverNameLength ) void *serverName,
876 						  IN_LENGTH_DNS const int serverNameLength,
877 						  const BOOLEAN multipleNamesPresent,
878 						  OUT ERROR_INFO *errorInfo )
879 	{
880 	MESSAGE_DATA msgData;
881 	static const int nameValue = CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTNAME;
882 	static const int altNameValue = CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTALTNAME;
883 	static const int dnsNameValue = CRYPT_CERTINFO_DNSNAME;
884 	char certName[ MAX_DNS_SIZE + 8 ];
885 	int certNameLength = CRYPT_ERROR, status;
887 	assert( isWritePtr( serverName, serverNameLength ) );
888 	assert( isWritePtr( errorInfo, sizeof( ERROR_INFO ) ) );
890 	REQUIRES( isHandleRangeValid( iCryptCert ) );
891 	REQUIRES( serverNameLength > 0 && serverNameLength <= MAX_DNS_SIZE );
893 	/* Clear return value */
894 	memset( errorInfo, 0, sizeof( ERROR_INFO ) );
896 	/* Get the CN and check it against the host name */
897 	setMessageData( &msgData, certName, MAX_DNS_SIZE );
898 	status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_GETATTRIBUTE_S,
899 							  &msgData, CRYPT_CERTINFO_COMMONNAME );
900 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
901 		{
902 		certNameLength = msgData.length;
903 		status = matchName( serverName, serverNameLength, certName,
904 							certNameLength, errorInfo );
905 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
906 			return( status );
908 		/* If this was the only name that's present then we can't go any
909 		   further (the extended error information will have been provided
910 		   by matchName()) */
911 		if( !multipleNamesPresent )
912 			return( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID );
913 		}
915 	/* The CN didn't match, check the altName */
916 	status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
917 							  ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &altNameValue,
919 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
920 		{
921 		status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
922 								  ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &dnsNameValue,
924 		}
925 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
926 		{
927 		/* We couldn't find a DNS name in the altName, which means that the
928 		   server name doesn't match the name (from the previously-used CN)
929 		   in the certificate.
931 		   If there's no CN present then there's no certificate host name to
932 		   use in the error message and we have to construct our own one,
933 		   otherwise it'll have been provided by the previous call to
934 		   matchName() */
935 		krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
936 						 ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &nameValue,
937 						 CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT );	/* Re-select subject DN */
938 		if( certNameLength == CRYPT_ERROR )
939 			{
941 					( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
942 					  "Server name '%s' doesn't match host name in "
943 					  "server's certificate",
944 					  sanitiseString( serverName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
945 									  serverNameLength ) ) );
946 			}
947 		return( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID );	/* See comment above */
948 		}
949 	do
950 		{
951 		setMessageData( &msgData, certName, MAX_DNS_SIZE );
952 		status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_GETATTRIBUTE_S,
953 								  &msgData, CRYPT_CERTINFO_DNSNAME );
954 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
955 			{
956 			status = matchName( serverName, serverNameLength, certName,
957 								msgData.length, errorInfo );
958 			if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
959 				return( status );
960 			}
961 		}
962 	while( krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
965 	krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
967 					 /* Re-select subject DN */
969 	/* We couldn't find any name that matches the server name */
971 			( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID, errorInfo,
972 			  "Server name '%s' doesn't match any of the host names in "
973 			  "server's certificate",
974 			  sanitiseString( serverName, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE,
975 							  serverNameLength ) ) );
976 	}
978 /* Check that the certificate from the remote system is in order.  This
979    involves checking that the name of the host that we've connected to
980    matches one of the names in the certificate, and that the certificate
981    itself is in order */
checkCertificateInfo(INOUT SESSION_INFO * sessionInfoPtr)984 static int checkCertificateInfo( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr )
985 	{
986 	const CRYPT_CERTIFICATE iCryptCert = sessionInfoPtr->iKeyexCryptContext;
987 	MESSAGE_DATA msgData;
988 	const ATTRIBUTE_LIST *serverNamePtr = \
989 				findSessionInfo( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
991 	static const int nameValue = CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTNAME;
992 	static const int altNameValue = CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTALTNAME;
993 	const int verifyFlags = sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags & \
995 	BOOLEAN multipleNamesPresent = FALSE;
996 	int status;
998 	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
1000 	/* If all verification has been disabled then there's nothing to do */
1001 	if( verifyFlags == ( SSL_PFLAG_DISABLE_NAMEVERIFY | \
1003 		return( CRYPT_OK );
1005 	/* The server name is traditionally given as the certificate's CN,
1006 	   however it may also be present as an altName.  First we check whether
1007 	   there's an altName present, this is used to control error handling
1008 	   since if there isn't one present we stop after a failed CN check and
1009 	   if there is one present we continue on to the altName(s) */
1010 	status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
1011 							  ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &altNameValue,
1013 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1014 		{
1015 		setMessageData( &msgData, NULL, 0 );
1016 		status = krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_GETATTRIBUTE_S,
1017 								  &msgData, CRYPT_CERTINFO_DNSNAME );
1018 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1019 			multipleNamesPresent = TRUE;
1020 		}
1021 	krnlSendMessage( iCryptCert, IMESSAGE_SETATTRIBUTE,
1022 					 ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &nameValue, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT );
1023 					 /* Re-select the subject DN */
1025 	/* If there's a server name present and name checking hasn't been
1026 	   disabled, make sure that it matches one of the names in the
1027 	   certificate */
1028 	if( serverNamePtr != NULL && \
1029 		!( verifyFlags & SSL_PFLAG_DISABLE_NAMEVERIFY ) )
1030 		{
1031 		status = checkHostName( iCryptCert, serverNamePtr->value,
1032 								serverNamePtr->valueLength,
1033 								multipleNamesPresent, SESSION_ERRINFO );
1034 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1035 			return( status );
1036 		}
1038 	/* If certificate verification hasn't been disabled, make sure that the
1039 	   server's certificate verifies */
1040 	if( !( verifyFlags & SSL_PFLAG_DISABLE_CERTVERIFY ) )
1041 		{
1042 		/* This is something that can't be easily enabled by default since
1043 		   cryptlib isn't a web browser and therefore won't follow the
1044 		   "trust anything from a commercial CA" model.  In particular
1045 		   cryptlib users tend to fall into two classes, commercial/
1046 		   government users, often in high-security environments, who run
1047 		   their own PKIs and definitely won't want anything from a
1048 		   commercial CA to be accepted, and noncommercial users who won't
1049 		   be buying certificates from a commercial CA.  In neither of these
1050 		   cases is trusting certs from a commercial CA useful, in the
1051 		   former case it leads to a serious security breach (as some US
1052 		   government agencies have discovered), in the latter case it leads
1053 		   to all certificates being rejected since they weren't bought from
1054 		   a commercial CA.  The recommended solutions to this problem are
1055 		   covered in the cryptlib manual */
1056 		}
1058 	return( CRYPT_OK );
1059 	}
1061 /****************************************************************************
1062 *																			*
1063 *							Client-side Connect Functions					*
1064 *																			*
1065 ****************************************************************************/
1067 /* Perform the initial part of the handshake with the server */
beginClientHandshake(INOUT SESSION_INFO * sessionInfoPtr,INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO * handshakeInfo)1070 static int beginClientHandshake( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr,
1071 								 INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
1072 	{
1073 #ifndef NO_SESSION_CACHE
1074 	const ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attributeListPtr;
1075 #endif /* NO_SESSION_CACHE */
1076 	STREAM *stream = &handshakeInfo->stream;
1077 	SCOREBOARD_INFO scoreboardInfo;
1078 	MESSAGE_DATA msgData;
1079 	BYTE sentSessionID[ MAX_SESSIONID_SIZE + 8 ];
1080 	BOOLEAN sessionIDsent = FALSE;
1081 	int packetOffset, length, sentSessionIDlength DUMMY_INIT, status;
1083 	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
1084 	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );
1086 	/* Check whether we have (potentially) cached data available for the
1087 	   server.  If we've had the connection to the remote system provided
1088 	   by the user (for example as an already-connected socket) then there
1089 	   won't be any server name information present, so we can only
1090 	   perform a session resume if we've established the connection
1091 	   ourselves */
1092 #ifndef NO_SESSION_CACHE
1093 	attributeListPtr = findSessionInfo( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
1095 	if( attributeListPtr != NULL )
1096 		{
1097 		status = lookupScoreboardEntry( sessionInfoPtr->sessionSSL->scoreboardInfoPtr,
1098 							SCOREBOARD_KEY_FQDN, attributeListPtr->value,
1099 							attributeListPtr->valueLength, &scoreboardInfo );
1100 		if( !cryptStatusError( status ) )
1101 			{
1102 			/* We've got cached data for the server available, remember the
1103 			   session ID so that we can send it to the server */
1104 			status = attributeCopyParams( handshakeInfo->sessionID,
1105 										  MAX_SESSIONID_SIZE,
1106 										  &handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength,
1107 										  scoreboardInfo.key,
1108 										  scoreboardInfo.keySize );
1109 			ENSURES( cryptStatusOK( status ) );
1111 			/* Make a copy of the session ID that we're sending so that we
1112 			   can check it against what the server sends back to us later.
1113 			   This isn't technically necessary, but if we request the reuse
1114 			   of a session with ID X and the server comes back to us with a
1115 			   response indicating we should reuse session Y then there's
1116 			   something funny going on */
1117 			memcpy( sentSessionID, handshakeInfo->sessionID,
1118 					handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
1119 			sentSessionIDlength = handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength;
1120 			}
1121 		}
1122 #endif /* NO_SESSION_CACHE */
1124 	/* Get the nonce that's used to randomise all crypto ops */
1125 	setMessageData( &msgData, handshakeInfo->clientNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
1127 							  &msgData, CRYPT_IATTRIBUTE_RANDOM_NONCE );
1128 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1129 		return( status );
1131 	/* Build the client hello packet:
1134 		uint24		len
1135 		byte[2]		version = { 0x03, 0x0n }
1136 		byte[32]	nonce
1137 		byte		sessIDlen
1138 		byte[]		sessID
1139 		uint16		suiteLen
1140 		uint16[]	suite
1141 		byte		coprLen = 1
1142 		byte[]		copr = { 0x00 }
1143 	  [	uint16	extListLen			-- RFC 3546/RFC 4366
1144 			byte	extType
1145 			uint16	extLen
1146 			byte[]	extData ]
1148 	   Extensions present a bit of an interoperability problem on the client
1149 	   side, if we use them then we have to add them to the client hello
1150 	   before we know whether the server can handle them, and many servers
1151 	   can't (this is particularly bad in cryptlib's case where it's used
1152 	   with embedded systems, which have ancient and buggy SSL/TLS
1153 	   implementations that are rarely if ever updated).  A reasonable
1154 	   compromise is to only enable the use of extensions when the user has
1155 	   asked for TLS 1.1+ support */
1156 	status = openPacketStreamSSL( stream, sessionInfoPtr, CRYPT_USE_DEFAULT,
1157 								  SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE );
1158 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1159 		return( status );
1160 	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_CLIENT_HELLO,
1161 									 &packetOffset );
1162 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1163 		{
1164 		sMemDisconnect( stream );
1165 		return( status );
1166 		}
1167 	sputc( stream, SSL_MAJOR_VERSION );
1168 	sputc( stream, sessionInfoPtr->version );
1169 	handshakeInfo->clientOfferedVersion = sessionInfoPtr->version;
1170 	swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->clientNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
1171 	sputc( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
1172 	if( handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength > 0 )
1173 		{
1174 		swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionID,
1175 				handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
1176 		sessionIDsent = TRUE;
1177 		}
1178 	status = writeCipherSuiteList( stream, sessionInfoPtr->version,
1179 						findSessionInfo( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
1180 										 CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME ) != NULL ? \
1181 							TRUE : FALSE,
1182 						( sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags & SSL_PFLAG_SUITEB ) ? \
1183 							TRUE : FALSE );
1184 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1185 		{
1186 		sputc( stream, 1 );		/* No compression */
1187 		status = sputc( stream, 0 );
1188 		}
1189 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && \
1190 		sessionInfoPtr->version >= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS11 )
1191 		{
1192 		/* Extensions are only written when newer versions of TLS are
1193 		   enabled, see the comment earlier for details */
1194 		status = writeClientExtensions( stream, sessionInfoPtr );
1195 		}
1196 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1197 		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
1198 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1199 		status = sendPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, stream, FALSE );
1200 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1201 		{
1202 		sMemDisconnect( stream );
1203 		return( status );
1204 		}
1206 	/* Perform the assorted hashing of the client hello in between the
1207 	   network ops where it's effectively free */
1208 	status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
1209 	sMemDisconnect( stream );
1210 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1211 		return( status );
1213 	/* Process the server hello.  The server usually sends us a session ID
1214 	   to indicate a (potentially) resumable session, indicated by a return
1215 	   status of OK_SPECIAL, but we don't do anything further with it since
1216 	   we won't be resuming the session.
1218 	   Note that this processing leads to a slight inefficiency in hashing
1219 	   when multiple hash algorithms need to be accomodated (as they do
1220 	   when TLS 1.2+ is enabled) because readHSPacketSSL() hashes the
1221 	   incoming packet data as it arrives, and if all possible server
1222 	   handshake packets are combined into a single SSL message packet then
1223 	   they'll arrive, and need to be hashed, before the server hello is
1224 	   processed and we can selectively disable the hash algorithms that
1225 	   won't be needed.  Fixing this would require adding special-case
1226 	   processing to readHSPacketSSL() to detect the use of
1227 	   SSL_MSG_FIRST_HANDSHAKE for the client and skip the hashing, relying
1228 	   on the calling code to then pick out the portions that need to be
1229 	   hashed.  This probably isn't worth the effort required, since it adds
1230 	   a lot of code complexity and custom processing just to save a small
1231 	   amount of hashing on the client, which will generally be the less
1232 	   resource-constrained of the two parties */
1233 	status = readHSPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, &length,
1234 							  SSL_MSG_FIRST_HANDSHAKE );
1235 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1236 		return( status );
1237 	sMemConnect( stream, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, length );
1238 	status = processHelloSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream, FALSE );
1239 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1240 		{
1241 		int resumedSessionID;
1243 		if( status != OK_SPECIAL )
1244 			{
1245 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1246 			return( status );
1247 			}
1249 		/* The server has sent us a sessionID in an attempt to resume a
1250 		   previous session, see if it's in the session cache.  If it's
1251 		   present then the server hello is followed immediately by the
1252 		   change cipherspec, which is sent by the shared handshake
1253 		   completion code */
1254 		resumedSessionID = \
1255 			lookupScoreboardEntry( sessionInfoPtr->sessionSSL->scoreboardInfoPtr,
1256 					SCOREBOARD_KEY_SESSIONID_CLI, handshakeInfo->sessionID,
1257 					handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength, &scoreboardInfo );
1259 		resumedSessionID = CRYPT_ERROR;	/* Disable for Suite B tests */
1260 #endif /* CONFIG_SUITEB_TESTS */
1261 		if( !cryptStatusError( resumedSessionID ) )
1262 			{
1263 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1265 			/* Make sure that the session that the server OK'd for resumption
1266 			   was the one that we actually asked for */
1267 			if( !sessionIDsent || \
1268 				( handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength != sentSessionIDlength || \
1269 				  memcmp( handshakeInfo->sessionID, sentSessionID,
1270 						  sentSessionIDlength ) ) )
1271 				{
1272 				/* Something very odd is going on, the server has told us to
1273 				   resume a session that we didn't ask for or don't know
1274 				   about */
1275 				retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID,
1277 						  "Server indicated that a non-valid session should "
1278 						  "be resumed" ) );
1279 				}
1281 			/* We're resuming a previous session, if extended TLS facilities
1282 			   were in use then make sure that the resumed session uses the
1283 			   same facilities */
1284 			if( ( sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags & \
1285 				  SSL_RESUMEDSESSION_FLAGS ) != scoreboardInfo.metaData )
1286 				{
1287 				DEBUG_PRINT(( "Session with options %x was resumed with "
1288 							  "options %x.\n", scoreboardInfo.metaData,
1289 							  sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags & \
1291 				return( CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID );
1292 				}
1294 			/* Remember the premaster secret for the resumed session */
1295 			status = attributeCopyParams( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret,
1296 										  SSL_SECRET_SIZE,
1297 										  &handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize,
1298 										  scoreboardInfo.data,
1299 										  scoreboardInfo.dataSize );
1300 			ENSURES( cryptStatusOK( status ) );
1302 			/* Tell the caller that it's a resumed session */
1303 			DEBUG_PRINT(( "Resuming session with server based on "
1304 						  "sessionID = \n" ));
1305 			DEBUG_DUMP_DATA( handshakeInfo->sessionID,
1306 							 handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
1307 			return( OK_SPECIAL );
1308 			}
1309 		}
1311 	return( CRYPT_OK );
1312 	}
1314 /* Exchange keys with the server */
exchangeClientKeys(INOUT SESSION_INFO * sessionInfoPtr,INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO * handshakeInfo)1317 static int exchangeClientKeys( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr,
1318 							   INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
1319 	{
1320 	STREAM *stream = &handshakeInfo->stream;
1321 	BYTE keyexPublicValue[ CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE + 8 ];
1322 	BOOLEAN needClientCert = FALSE;
1323 	int packetOffset, length, keyexPublicValueLen = 0, status;
1325 	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
1326 	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );
1328 	/* Process the optional server supplemental data:
1331 		uint24		len
1332 		uint16		type
1333 		uint16		len
1334 		byte[]		value
1336 	   This is a kitchen-sink mechanism for exchanging arbitrary further
1337 	   data during the TLS handshake (see RFC 4680).  The presence of the
1338 	   supplemental data has to be negotiated using TLS extensions, however
1339 	   the nature of this negotiation is unspecified so we can't just
1340 	   reject an unexpected supplemental data message as required by the RFC
1341 	   because it may have been quite legitimately negotiated by a TLS
1342 	   extension that we don't know about.  Because of this we perform
1343 	   basic validity checks on any supplemental data messages that arrive
1344 	   but otherwise ignore them */
1345 	status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1346 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1347 		return( status );
1348 	if( sPeek( stream ) == SSL_HAND_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA )
1349 		{
1350 		status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
1352 									  UINT16_SIZE + UINT16_SIZE + 1 );
1353 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1354 			{
1355 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1356 			return( status );
1357 			}
1358 		readUint16( stream );				/* Type */
1359 		status = readUniversal16( stream );	/* Value */
1360 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1361 			{
1362 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1363 			retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,
1365 					  "Invalid supplemental data" ) );
1366 			}
1367 		}
1369 #ifndef CONFIG_FUZZ
1370 	/* Process the optional server certificate chain:
1373 		uint24		len
1374 		uint24		certLen			-- 1...n certificates ordered
1375 		byte[]		certificate		-- leaf -> root */
1376 	if( handshakeInfo->authAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE )
1377 		{
1378 		status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1379 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1380 			return( status );
1381 		status = readSSLCertChain( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
1382 							stream, &sessionInfoPtr->iKeyexCryptContext,
1383 							FALSE );
1384 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1385 			{
1386 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1387 			return( status );
1388 			}
1390 		/* Check the details in the certificate chain */
1391 		status = checkCertificateInfo( sessionInfoPtr );
1392 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1393 			{
1394 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1395 			return( status );
1396 			}
1397 		}
1398 #endif /* CONFIG_FUZZ */
1400 	/* Process the optional server keyex */
1401 	if( isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
1402 		{
1403 		status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1404 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1405 			return( status );
1407 		status = processServerKeyex( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
1408 									 stream, keyexPublicValue,
1409 									 CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE,
1410 									 &keyexPublicValueLen );
1411 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1412 			{
1413 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1414 			return( status );
1415 			}
1416 		}
1417 	else
1418 		{
1419 		/* If it's a pure PSK mechanism then there may be a pointless server
1420 		   keyex containing an identity hint whose purpose is never
1421 		   explained (more specifically the RFC makes it a SHOULD NOT, and
1422 		   clients MUST ignore it), in which case we have to process the
1423 		   packet to get rid of the identity hint */
1424 		if( handshakeInfo->authAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_NONE )
1425 			{
1426 			status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1427 			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1428 				return( status );
1429 			if( sPeek( stream ) == SSL_HAND_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA )
1430 				{
1431 				status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
1433 											  ( UINT16_SIZE + 1 ) );
1434 				if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1435 					return( status );
1436 				status = readIdentityHint( stream );
1437 				if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1438 					{
1439 					retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,
1441 							  "Invalid PSK identity hint" ) );
1442 					}
1443 				}
1444 			}
1446 #ifdef CONFIG_FUZZ
1447 		/* Set up a dummy premaster secret */
1448 		memset( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, '*', SSL_SECRET_SIZE );
1449 		handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize = SSL_SECRET_SIZE;
1450 #endif /* CONFIG_FUZZ */
1452 		/* Keep static analysers happy */
1453 		memset( keyexPublicValue, 0, CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );
1454 		}
1456 	/* Process the optional server certificate request:
1459 		uint24	len
1460 		byte	certTypeLen
1461 		byte[]	certType
1462 	  [	uint16	sigHashListLen		-- TLS 1.2 ]
1463 	  [		byte	hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
1464 	  [		byte	sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
1465 		uint16	caNameListLen
1466 			uint16	caNameLen
1467 			byte[]	caName
1469 	   We don't really care what's in the certificate request packet since
1470 	   the contents are irrelevant, in a number of cases servers have been
1471 	   known to send out superfluous certificate requests without the admins
1472 	   even knowing that they're doing it, in other cases servers send out
1473 	   requests for every CA that they know of (150-160 CAs), which is
1474 	   pretty much meaningless since they can't possibly trust all of those
1475 	   CAs to authorise access to their site.  Because of this, all that we
1476 	   do here is perform a basic sanity check and remember that we may need
1477 	   to submit a certificate later on.
1479 	   See the long comment in the cert-request handling code in ssl_svr.c
1480 	   for the handling of the sigHashList.
1482 	   Since we're about to peek ahead into the stream to see if we need to
1483 	   process a server certificate request, we have to refresh the stream
1484 	   at this point in case the certificate request wasn't bundled with the
1485 	   preceding packets */
1486 	status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1487 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1488 		return( status );
1489 	if( sPeek( stream ) == SSL_HAND_SERVER_CERTREQUEST )
1490 		{
1491 		/* Although the spec says that at least one CA name entry must be
1492 		   present, some implementations send a zero-length list so we allow
1493 		   this as well.  The spec was changed in late TLS 1.1 drafts to
1494 		   reflect this practice */
1495 		status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
1497 									  1 + 1 + \
1498 									  ( ( sessionInfoPtr->version >= \
1499 										  SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS12 ) ? \
1500 										( UINT16_SIZE + 1 + 1 ) : 0 ) + \
1501 									  UINT16_SIZE );
1502 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1503 			{
1504 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1505 			return( status );
1506 			}
1507 		status = length = sgetc( stream );
1508 		if( !cryptStatusError( status ) )
1509 			{
1510 			if( length < 1 || length > 64 )
1511 				status = CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA;
1512 			}
1513 		if( !cryptStatusError( status ) )
1514 			status = sSkip( stream, length, MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT );
1515 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1516 			{
1517 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1518 			retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,
1520 					  "Invalid certificate request certificate-type "
1521 					  "information" ) );
1522 			}
1523 		if( sessionInfoPtr->version >= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_TLS12 )
1524 			{
1525 			status = length = readUint16( stream );
1526 			if( !cryptStatusError( status ) )
1527 				{
1528 				if( length < UINT16_SIZE || length > 64 || \
1529 					( length % UINT16_SIZE ) != 0 )
1530 					status = CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA;
1531 				}
1532 			if( !cryptStatusError( status ) )
1533 				status = sSkip( stream, length, MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT );
1534 			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1535 				{
1536 				sMemDisconnect( stream );
1537 				retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,
1539 						  "Invalid certificate request signature/hash "
1540 						  "algorithm information" ) );
1541 				}
1542 			}
1543 		status = readUniversal16( stream );
1544 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1545 			{
1546 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1547 			retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,
1549 					  "Invalid certificate request CA name list" ) );
1550 			}
1551 		needClientCert = TRUE;
1552 		}
1554 	/* Process the server hello done:
1557 		uint24		len = 0 */
1558 	status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1559 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1560 		return( status );
1561 	status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
1562 								  SSL_HAND_SERVER_HELLODONE, 0 );
1563 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1564 		{
1565 		sMemDisconnect( stream );
1566 		return( status );
1567 		}
1569 	/* If we're fuzzing the input then we don't need to go through any of
1570 	   the following crypto calisthenics */
1571 	FUZZ_SKIP();
1573 	/* If we need a client certificate, build the client certificate packet */
1574 	status = openPacketStreamSSL( stream, sessionInfoPtr, CRYPT_USE_DEFAULT,
1575 								  SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE );
1576 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1577 		return( status );
1578 	if( needClientCert )
1579 		{
1580 		BOOLEAN sentResponse = FALSE;
1582 		/* If we haven't got a certificate available, tell the server.  SSL
1583 		   and TLS differ here, SSL sends a no-certificate alert while TLS
1584 		   sends an empty client certificate packet, which is handled
1585 		   further on */
1586 		if( sessionInfoPtr->privateKey == CRYPT_ERROR )
1587 			{
1588 			setErrorInfo( sessionInfoPtr, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY,
1590 #ifdef USE_SSL3
1591 			if( sessionInfoPtr->version == SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL )
1592 				{
1593 				static const BYTE FAR_BSS noCertAlertSSLTemplate[] = {
1594 					SSL_MSG_ALERT,							/* ID */
1596 					0, 2,									/* Length */
1598 					};
1600 				/* This is an alert-protocol message rather than a handshake
1601 				   message so we don't add it to the handshake packet stream
1602 				   but write it directly to the network stream */
1603 				swrite( &sessionInfoPtr->stream, noCertAlertSSLTemplate, 7 );
1604 				sentResponse = TRUE;
1605 				}
1606 #endif /* USE_SSL3 */
1608 			/* The reaction to the lack of a certificate is up to the server
1609 			   (some just request one anyway even though they can't do
1610 			   anything with it) so from here on we just continue as if
1611 			   nothing had happened */
1612 			sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags |= SSL_PFLAG_CLIAUTHSKIPPED;
1613 			needClientCert = FALSE;
1614 			}
1616 		/* If we haven't sent a response yet, send it now.  If no private
1617 		   key is available this will send the zero-length chain that's
1618 		   required by TLS  */
1619 		if( !sentResponse )
1620 			{
1621 			status = writeSSLCertChain( sessionInfoPtr, stream );
1622 			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1623 				{
1624 				sMemDisconnect( stream );
1625 				return( status );
1626 				}
1627 			}
1628 		}
1630 	/* Build the client key exchange packet */
1631 	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_CLIENT_KEYEXCHANGE,
1632 									 &packetOffset );
1633 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1634 		{
1635 		status = createClientKeyex( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream,
1636 									isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) ? \
1637 										keyexPublicValue : NULL,
1638 									keyexPublicValueLen,
1639 									( handshakeInfo->authAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_NONE ) ? \
1640 										TRUE : FALSE );
1641 		}
1642 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1643 		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
1644 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1645 		{
1646 		sMemDisconnect( stream );
1647 		return( status );
1648 		}
1650 	/* Wrap up the packet and create the session hash if required */
1651 	status = completePacketStreamSSL( stream, 0 );
1652 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1653 		status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
1654 	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && \
1655 		( ( sessionInfoPtr->protocolFlags & SSL_PFLAG_EMS ) || \
1656 		  needClientCert ) )
1657 		{
1658 		status = createSessionHash( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
1659 		}
1660 	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1661 		{
1662 		sMemDisconnect( stream );
1663 		return( status );
1664 		}
1666 	/* If we need to supply a client certificate, send the signature
1667 	   generated with the certificate to prove possession of the private
1668 	   key */
1669 	if( needClientCert )
1670 		{
1671 		int packetStreamOffset;
1673 		/* Write the packet header and drop in the signature data.  Since
1674 		   we've interrupted the packet stream to perform the hashing we
1675 		   have to restart it at this point */
1676 		status = continuePacketStreamSSL( stream, sessionInfoPtr,
1677 										  SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE,
1678 										  &packetStreamOffset );
1679 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1680 			return( status );
1681 		status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_CLIENT_CERTVERIFY,
1682 										 &packetOffset );
1683 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1684 			status = createCertVerify( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
1685 									   stream );
1686 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1687 			status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
1688 		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
1689 			{
1690 			sMemDisconnect( stream );
1691 			return( status );
1692 			}
1694 		/* Wrap the packet and perform the assorted hashing for it */
1695 		status = completePacketStreamSSL( stream, packetStreamOffset );
1696 		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
1697 			status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream,
1698 										packetStreamOffset );
1699 		return( status );
1700 		}
1702 	return( CRYPT_OK );
1703 	}
1705 /****************************************************************************
1706 *																			*
1707 *							Session Access Routines							*
1708 *																			*
1709 ****************************************************************************/
1711 STDC_NONNULL_ARG( ( 1 ) ) \
initSSLclientProcessing(INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO * handshakeInfo)1712 void initSSLclientProcessing( INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
1713 	{
1714 	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );
1716 	FNPTR_SET( handshakeInfo->beginHandshake, beginClientHandshake );
1717 	FNPTR_SET( handshakeInfo->exchangeKeys, exchangeClientKeys );
1718 	}
1719 #endif /* USE_SSL */