2-- |
3-- Module    : Data.SBV.Core.Data
4-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
5-- License   : BSD3
6-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
7-- Stability : experimental
9-- Internal data-structures for the sbv library
12{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures     #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass        #-}
16{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
17{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
18{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
19{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          #-}
20{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
21{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}
22{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
23{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
24{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
26{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
28module Data.SBV.Core.Data
29 ( SBool, SWord8, SWord16, SWord32, SWord64
30 , SInt8, SInt16, SInt32, SInt64, SInteger, SReal, SFloat, SDouble
31 , SFloatingPoint, SFPHalf, SFPSingle, SFPDouble, SFPQuad
32 , SChar, SString, SList
33 , SEither, SMaybe
34 , STuple, STuple2, STuple3, STuple4, STuple5, STuple6, STuple7, STuple8
35 , RCSet(..), SSet
36 , nan, infinity, sNaN, sInfinity, RoundingMode(..), SRoundingMode
37 , sRoundNearestTiesToEven, sRoundNearestTiesToAway, sRoundTowardPositive, sRoundTowardNegative, sRoundTowardZero
38 , sRNE, sRNA, sRTP, sRTN, sRTZ
39 , SymVal(..)
40 , CV(..), CVal(..), AlgReal(..), AlgRealPoly(..), ExtCV(..), GeneralizedCV(..), isRegularCV, cvSameType, cvToBool
41 , mkConstCV ,liftCV2, mapCV, mapCV2
42 , SV(..), trueSV, falseSV, trueCV, falseCV, normCV
43 , SVal(..)
44 , sTrue, sFalse, sNot, (.&&), (.||), (.<+>), (.~&), (.~|), (.=>), (.<=>), sAnd, sOr, sAny, sAll, fromBool
45 , SBV(..), NodeId(..), mkSymSBV
46 , ArrayContext(..), ArrayInfo, SymArray(..), SFunArray(..), SArray(..)
47 , sbvToSV, sbvToSymSV, forceSVArg
48 , SBVExpr(..), newExpr
49 , cache, Cached, uncache, uncacheAI, HasKind(..)
50 , Op(..), PBOp(..), FPOp(..), StrOp(..), SeqOp(..), RegExp(..), NamedSymVar(..), getTableIndex
51 , SBVPgm(..), Symbolic, runSymbolic, State, getPathCondition, extendPathCondition
52 , inSMTMode, SBVRunMode(..), Kind(..), Outputtable(..), Result(..)
53 , SolverContext(..), internalVariable, internalConstraint, isCodeGenMode
54 , SBVType(..), newUninterpreted
55 , Quantifier(..), needsExistentials
56 , SMTLibPgm(..), SMTLibVersion(..), smtLibVersionExtension, smtLibReservedNames
57 , SolverCapabilities(..)
58 , extractSymbolicSimulationState
59 , SMTScript(..), Solver(..), SMTSolver(..), SMTResult(..), SMTModel(..), SMTConfig(..)
60 , OptimizeStyle(..), Penalty(..), Objective(..)
61 , QueryState(..), QueryT(..), SMTProblem(..)
62 ) where
64import GHC.TypeLits
66import GHC.Generics (Generic)
67import GHC.Exts     (IsList(..))
69import Control.DeepSeq        (NFData(..))
70import Control.Monad.Trans    (liftIO)
71import Data.Int               (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
72import Data.Word              (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
73import Data.List              (elemIndex)
74import Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
76import Data.Proxy
77import Data.Typeable          (Typeable)
79import qualified Data.Generics as G    (Data(..))
81import qualified Data.IORef         as R    (readIORef, newIORef)
82import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap (size, insert, empty)
84import System.Random
86import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals
87import Data.SBV.Core.SizedFloats
88import Data.SBV.Core.Kind
89import Data.SBV.Core.Concrete
90import Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic
91import Data.SBV.Core.Operations
93import Data.SBV.Control.Types
95import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLibNames
97import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib
99-- | Get the current path condition
100getPathCondition :: State -> SBool
101getPathCondition st = SBV (getSValPathCondition st)
103-- | Extend the path condition with the given test value.
104extendPathCondition :: State -> (SBool -> SBool) -> State
105extendPathCondition st f = extendSValPathCondition st (unSBV . f . SBV)
107-- | The "Symbolic" value. The parameter @a@ is phantom, but is
108-- extremely important in keeping the user interface strongly typed.
109newtype SBV a = SBV { unSBV :: SVal }
110              deriving (Generic, NFData)
112-- | A symbolic boolean/bit
113type SBool   = SBV Bool
115-- | 8-bit unsigned symbolic value
116type SWord8  = SBV Word8
118-- | 16-bit unsigned symbolic value
119type SWord16 = SBV Word16
121-- | 32-bit unsigned symbolic value
122type SWord32 = SBV Word32
124-- | 64-bit unsigned symbolic value
125type SWord64 = SBV Word64
127-- | 8-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
128type SInt8   = SBV Int8
130-- | 16-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
131type SInt16  = SBV Int16
133-- | 32-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
134type SInt32  = SBV Int32
136-- | 64-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
137type SInt64  = SBV Int64
139-- | Infinite precision signed symbolic value
140type SInteger = SBV Integer
142-- | Infinite precision symbolic algebraic real value
143type SReal = SBV AlgReal
145-- | IEEE-754 single-precision floating point numbers
146type SFloat = SBV Float
148-- | IEEE-754 double-precision floating point numbers
149type SDouble = SBV Double
151-- | A symbolic arbitrary precision floating point value
152type SFloatingPoint (eb :: Nat) (sb :: Nat) = SBV (FloatingPoint eb sb)
154-- | A symbolic half-precision float
155type SFPHalf = SBV FPHalf
157-- | A symbolic single-precision float
158type SFPSingle = SBV FPSingle
160-- | A symbolic double-precision float
161type SFPDouble = SBV FPDouble
163-- | A symbolic quad-precision float
164type SFPQuad = SBV FPQuad
166-- | A symbolic character. Note that this is the full unicode character set.
167-- see: <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-UnicodeStrings.shtml>
168-- for details.
169type SChar = SBV Char
171-- | A symbolic string. Note that a symbolic string is /not/ a list of symbolic characters,
172-- that is, it is not the case that @SString = [SChar]@, unlike what one might expect following
173-- Haskell strings. An 'SString' is a symbolic value of its own, of possibly arbitrary but finite length,
174-- and internally processed as one unit as opposed to a fixed-length list of characters.
175type SString = SBV String
177-- | A symbolic list of items. Note that a symbolic list is /not/ a list of symbolic items,
178-- that is, it is not the case that @SList a = [a]@, unlike what one might expect following
179-- haskell lists\/sequences. An 'SList' is a symbolic value of its own, of possibly arbitrary but finite
180-- length, and internally processed as one unit as opposed to a fixed-length list of items.
181-- Note that lists can be nested, i.e., we do allow lists of lists of ... items.
182type SList a = SBV [a]
184-- | Symbolic 'Either'
185type SEither a b = SBV (Either a b)
187-- | Symbolic 'Maybe'
188type SMaybe a = SBV (Maybe a)
190-- | Symbolic 'Data.Set'. Note that we use 'RCSet', which supports
191-- both regular sets and complements, i.e., those obtained from the
192-- universal set (of the right type) by removing elements.
193type SSet a = SBV (RCSet a)
195-- | Symbolic 2-tuple. NB. 'STuple' and 'STuple2' are equivalent.
196type STuple a b = SBV (a, b)
198-- | Symbolic 2-tuple. NB. 'STuple' and 'STuple2' are equivalent.
199type STuple2 a b = SBV (a, b)
201-- | Symbolic 3-tuple.
202type STuple3 a b c = SBV (a, b, c)
204-- | Symbolic 4-tuple.
205type STuple4 a b c d = SBV (a, b, c, d)
207-- | Symbolic 5-tuple.
208type STuple5 a b c d e = SBV (a, b, c, d, e)
210-- | Symbolic 6-tuple.
211type STuple6 a b c d e f = SBV (a, b, c, d, e, f)
213-- | Symbolic 7-tuple.
214type STuple7 a b c d e f g = SBV (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
216-- | Symbolic 8-tuple.
217type STuple8 a b c d e f g h = SBV (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
219-- | IsList instance allows list literals to be written compactly.
220instance SymVal [a] => IsList (SList a) where
221  type Item (SList a) = a
222  fromList = literal
223  toList x = fromMaybe (error "IsList.toList used in a symbolic context!") (unliteral x)
225-- | Not-A-Number for 'Double' and 'Float'. Surprisingly, Haskell
226-- Prelude doesn't have this value defined, so we provide it here.
227nan :: Floating a => a
228nan = 0/0
230-- | Infinity for 'Double' and 'Float'. Surprisingly, Haskell
231-- Prelude doesn't have this value defined, so we provide it here.
232infinity :: Floating a => a
233infinity = 1/0
235-- | Symbolic variant of Not-A-Number. This value will inhabit
236-- 'SFloat', 'SDouble' and 'SFloatingPoint'. types.
237sNaN :: (Floating a, SymVal a) => SBV a
238sNaN = literal nan
240-- | Symbolic variant of infinity. This value will inhabit both
241-- 'SFloat', 'SDouble' and 'SFloatingPoint'. types.
242sInfinity :: (Floating a, SymVal a) => SBV a
243sInfinity = literal infinity
245-- | Internal representation of a symbolic simulation result
246newtype SMTProblem = SMTProblem {smtLibPgm :: SMTConfig -> SMTLibPgm} -- ^ SMTLib representation, given the config
248-- | Symbolic 'True'
249sTrue :: SBool
250sTrue = SBV (svBool True)
252-- | Symbolic 'False'
253sFalse :: SBool
254sFalse = SBV (svBool False)
256-- | Symbolic boolean negation
257sNot :: SBool -> SBool
258sNot (SBV b) = SBV (svNot b)
260-- | Symbolic conjunction
261infixr 3 .&&
262(.&&) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
263SBV x .&& SBV y = SBV (x `svAnd` y)
265-- | Symbolic disjunction
266infixr 2 .||
267(.||) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
268SBV x .|| SBV y = SBV (x `svOr` y)
270-- | Symbolic logical xor
271infixl 6 .<+>
272(.<+>) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
273SBV x .<+> SBV y = SBV (x `svXOr` y)
275-- | Symbolic nand
276infixr 3 .~&
277(.~&) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
278x .~& y = sNot (x .&& y)
280-- | Symbolic nor
281infixr 2 .~|
282(.~|) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
283x .~| y = sNot (x .|| y)
285-- | Symbolic implication
286infixr 1 .=>
287(.=>) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
288x .=> y = sNot x .|| y
289-- NB. Do *not* try to optimize @x .=> x = True@ here! If constants go through, it'll get simplified.
290-- The case "x .=> x" can hit is extremely rare, and the getAllSatResult function relies on this
291-- trick to generate constraints in the unlucky case of ui-function models.
293-- | Symbolic boolean equivalence
294infixr 1 .<=>
295(.<=>) :: SBool -> SBool -> SBool
296x .<=> y = (x .&& y) .|| (sNot x .&& sNot y)
298-- | Conversion from 'Bool' to 'SBool'
299fromBool :: Bool -> SBool
300fromBool True  = sTrue
301fromBool False = sFalse
303-- | Generalization of 'and'
304sAnd :: [SBool] -> SBool
305sAnd = foldr (.&&) sTrue
307-- | Generalization of 'or'
308sOr :: [SBool] -> SBool
309sOr  = foldr (.||) sFalse
311-- | Generalization of 'any'
312sAny :: (a -> SBool) -> [a] -> SBool
313sAny f = sOr  . map f
315-- | Generalization of 'all'
316sAll :: (a -> SBool) -> [a] -> SBool
317sAll f = sAnd . map f
319-- | 'RoundingMode' can be used symbolically
320instance SymVal RoundingMode
322-- | The symbolic variant of 'RoundingMode'
323type SRoundingMode = SBV RoundingMode
325-- | Symbolic variant of 'RoundNearestTiesToEven'
326sRoundNearestTiesToEven :: SRoundingMode
327sRoundNearestTiesToEven = literal RoundNearestTiesToEven
329-- | Symbolic variant of 'RoundNearestTiesToAway'
330sRoundNearestTiesToAway :: SRoundingMode
331sRoundNearestTiesToAway = literal RoundNearestTiesToAway
333-- | Symbolic variant of 'RoundTowardPositive'
334sRoundTowardPositive :: SRoundingMode
335sRoundTowardPositive = literal RoundTowardPositive
337-- | Symbolic variant of 'RoundTowardNegative'
338sRoundTowardNegative :: SRoundingMode
339sRoundTowardNegative = literal RoundTowardNegative
341-- | Symbolic variant of 'RoundTowardZero'
342sRoundTowardZero :: SRoundingMode
343sRoundTowardZero = literal RoundTowardZero
345-- | Alias for 'sRoundNearestTiesToEven'
346sRNE :: SRoundingMode
347sRNE = sRoundNearestTiesToEven
349-- | Alias for 'sRoundNearestTiesToAway'
350sRNA :: SRoundingMode
351sRNA = sRoundNearestTiesToAway
353-- | Alias for 'sRoundTowardPositive'
354sRTP :: SRoundingMode
355sRTP = sRoundTowardPositive
357-- | Alias for 'sRoundTowardNegative'
358sRTN :: SRoundingMode
359sRTN = sRoundTowardNegative
361-- | Alias for 'sRoundTowardZero'
362sRTZ :: SRoundingMode
363sRTZ = sRoundTowardZero
365-- | A 'Show' instance is not particularly "desirable," when the value is symbolic,
366-- but we do need this instance as otherwise we cannot simply evaluate Haskell functions
367-- that return symbolic values and have their constant values printed easily!
368instance Show (SBV a) where
369  show (SBV sv) = show sv
371-- | This instance is only defined so that we can define an instance for
372-- 'Data.Bits.Bits'. '==' and '/=' simply throw an error. Use
373-- 'Data.SBV.EqSymbolic' instead.
374instance Eq (SBV a) where
375  SBV a == SBV b = a == b
376  SBV a /= SBV b = a /= b
378instance HasKind a => HasKind (SBV a) where
379  kindOf _ = kindOf (Proxy @a)
381-- | Convert a symbolic value to a symbolic-word
382sbvToSV :: State -> SBV a -> IO SV
383sbvToSV st (SBV s) = svToSV st s
386-- * Symbolic Computations
389-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.mkSymSBV'
390mkSymSBV :: forall a m. MonadSymbolic m => VarContext -> Kind -> Maybe String -> m (SBV a)
391mkSymSBV vc k mbNm = SBV <$> (symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar vc k mbNm)
393-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.sbvToSymSW'
394sbvToSymSV :: MonadSymbolic m => SBV a -> m SV
395sbvToSymSV sbv = do
396        st <- symbolicEnv
397        liftIO $ sbvToSV st sbv
399-- | Actions we can do in a context: Either at problem description
400-- time or while we are dynamically querying. 'Symbolic' and 'Query' are
401-- two instances of this class. Note that we use this mechanism
402-- internally and do not export it from SBV.
403class SolverContext m where
404   -- | Add a constraint, any satisfying instance must satisfy this condition.
405   constrain :: SBool -> m ()
406   -- | Add a soft constraint. The solver will try to satisfy this condition if possible, but won't if it cannot.
407   softConstrain :: SBool -> m ()
408   -- | Add a named constraint. The name is used in unsat-core extraction.
409   namedConstraint :: String -> SBool -> m ()
410   -- | Add a constraint, with arbitrary attributes.
411   constrainWithAttribute :: [(String, String)] -> SBool -> m ()
412   -- | Set info. Example: @setInfo ":status" ["unsat"]@.
413   setInfo :: String -> [String] -> m ()
414   -- | Set an option.
415   setOption :: SMTOption -> m ()
416   -- | Set the logic.
417   setLogic :: Logic -> m ()
418   -- | Add a user specified axiom to the generated SMT-Lib file. The first argument is a mere
419   -- string, use for commenting purposes. The second argument is intended to hold the multiple-lines
420   -- of the axiom text as expressed in SMT-Lib notation. Note that we perform no checks on the axiom
421   -- itself, to see whether it's actually well-formed or is sensible by any means.
422   -- A separate formalization of SMT-Lib would be very useful here.
423   addAxiom :: String -> [String] -> m ()
424   -- | Set a solver time-out value, in milli-seconds. This function
425   -- essentially translates to the SMTLib call @(set-info :timeout val)@,
426   -- and your backend solver may or may not support it! The amount given
427   -- is in milliseconds. Also see the function 'Data.SBV.Control.timeOut' for finer level
428   -- control of time-outs, directly from SBV.
429   setTimeOut :: Integer -> m ()
430   -- | Get the state associated with this context
431   contextState :: m State
433   {-# MINIMAL constrain, softConstrain, namedConstraint, constrainWithAttribute, setOption, addAxiom, contextState #-}
435   -- time-out, logic, and info are  simply options in our implementation, so default implementation suffices
436   setTimeOut t = setOption $ OptionKeyword ":timeout" [show t]
437   setLogic     = setOption . SetLogic
438   setInfo    k = setOption . SetInfo k
440-- | A class representing what can be returned from a symbolic computation.
441class Outputtable a where
442  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.output'
443  output :: MonadSymbolic m => a -> m a
445instance Outputtable (SBV a) where
446  output i = do
447          outputSVal (unSBV i)
448          return i
450instance Outputtable a => Outputtable [a] where
451  output = mapM output
453instance Outputtable () where
454  output = return
456instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b) => Outputtable (a, b) where
457  output = mlift2 (,) output output
459instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c) => Outputtable (a, b, c) where
460  output = mlift3 (,,) output output output
462instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c, Outputtable d) => Outputtable (a, b, c, d) where
463  output = mlift4 (,,,) output output output output
465instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c, Outputtable d, Outputtable e) => Outputtable (a, b, c, d, e) where
466  output = mlift5 (,,,,) output output output output output
468instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c, Outputtable d, Outputtable e, Outputtable f) => Outputtable (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
469  output = mlift6 (,,,,,) output output output output output output
471instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c, Outputtable d, Outputtable e, Outputtable f, Outputtable g) => Outputtable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
472  output = mlift7 (,,,,,,) output output output output output output output
474instance (Outputtable a, Outputtable b, Outputtable c, Outputtable d, Outputtable e, Outputtable f, Outputtable g, Outputtable h) => Outputtable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
475  output = mlift8 (,,,,,,,) output output output output output output output output
478-- * Symbolic Values
480-- | A 'SymVal' is a potential symbolic value that can be created instances of to be fed to a symbolic program.
481class (HasKind a, Typeable a) => SymVal a where
482  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.mkSymVal'
483  mkSymVal :: MonadSymbolic m => VarContext -> Maybe String -> m (SBV a)
484  -- | Turn a literal constant to symbolic
485  literal :: a -> SBV a
486  -- | Extract a literal, from a CV representation
487  fromCV :: CV -> a
488  -- | Does it concretely satisfy the given predicate?
489  isConcretely :: SBV a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool
491  -- minimal complete definition: Nothing.
492  -- Giving no instances is okay when defining an uninterpreted/enumerated sort, but otherwise you really
493  -- want to define: literal, fromCV, mkSymVal
495  default mkSymVal :: (MonadSymbolic m, Read a, G.Data a) => VarContext -> Maybe String -> m (SBV a)
496  mkSymVal vc mbNm = SBV <$> (symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar vc k mbNm)
497    where -- NB.A call of the form
498          --      constructUKind (Proxy @a)
499          -- would be wrong here, as it would uninterpret the Proxy datatype!
500          -- So, we have to use the dreaded undefined value in this case.
501          k = constructUKind (undefined :: a)
503  default literal :: Show a => a -> SBV a
504  literal x = let k@(KUserSort  _ conts) = kindOf x
505                  sx                     = show x
506                  mbIdx = case conts of
507                            Just xs -> sx `elemIndex` xs
508                            Nothing -> Nothing
509              in SBV $ SVal k (Left (CV k (CUserSort (mbIdx, sx))))
511  default fromCV :: Read a => CV -> a
512  fromCV (CV _ (CUserSort (_, s))) = read s
513  fromCV cv                        = error $ "Cannot convert CV " ++ show cv ++ " to kind " ++ show (kindOf (Proxy @a))
515  isConcretely s p
516    | Just i <- unliteral s = p i
517    | True                  = False
519  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.forall'
520  forall :: MonadSymbolic m => String -> m (SBV a)
521  forall = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar (Just ALL)) . Just
523  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.forall_'
524  forall_ :: MonadSymbolic m => m (SBV a)
525  forall_ = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar (Just ALL)) Nothing
527  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.mkForallVars'
528  mkForallVars :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> m [SBV a]
529  mkForallVars n = mapM (const forall_) [1 .. n]
531  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.exists'
532  exists :: MonadSymbolic m => String -> m (SBV a)
533  exists = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar (Just EX)) . Just
535  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.exists_'
536  exists_ :: MonadSymbolic m => m (SBV a)
537  exists_ = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar (Just EX)) Nothing
539  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.mkExistVars'
540  mkExistVars :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> m [SBV a]
541  mkExistVars n = mapM (const exists_) [1 .. n]
543  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.free'
544  free :: MonadSymbolic m => String -> m (SBV a)
545  free = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar Nothing) . Just
547  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.free_'
548  free_ :: MonadSymbolic m => m (SBV a)
549  free_ = mkSymVal (NonQueryVar Nothing) Nothing
551  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.mkFreeVars'
552  mkFreeVars :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> m [SBV a]
553  mkFreeVars n = mapM (const free_) [1 .. n]
555  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.symbolic'
556  symbolic :: MonadSymbolic m => String -> m (SBV a)
557  symbolic = free
559  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.symbolics'
560  symbolics :: MonadSymbolic m => [String] -> m [SBV a]
561  symbolics = mapM symbolic
563  -- | Extract a literal, if the value is concrete
564  unliteral :: SBV a -> Maybe a
565  unliteral (SBV (SVal _ (Left c))) = Just $ fromCV c
566  unliteral _                       = Nothing
568  -- | Is the symbolic word concrete?
569  isConcrete :: SBV a -> Bool
570  isConcrete (SBV (SVal _ (Left _))) = True
571  isConcrete _                       = False
573  -- | Is the symbolic word really symbolic?
574  isSymbolic :: SBV a -> Bool
575  isSymbolic = not . isConcrete
577instance (Random a, SymVal a) => Random (SBV a) where
578  randomR (l, h) g = case (unliteral l, unliteral h) of
579                       (Just lb, Just hb) -> let (v, g') = randomR (lb, hb) g in (literal (v :: a), g')
580                       _                  -> error "SBV.Random: Cannot generate random values with symbolic bounds"
581  random         g = let (v, g') = random g in (literal (v :: a) , g')
584-- * Symbolic Arrays
587-- | Flat arrays of symbolic values
588-- An @array a b@ is an array indexed by the type @'SBV' a@, with elements of type @'SBV' b@.
590-- If a default value is supplied, then all the array elements will be initialized to this value.
591-- Otherwise, they will be left unspecified, i.e., a read from an unwritten location will produce
592-- an uninterpreted constant.
594-- While it's certainly possible for user to create instances of 'SymArray', the
595-- 'SArray' and 'SFunArray' instances already provided should cover most use cases
596-- in practice. Note that there are a few differences between these two models in
597-- terms of use models:
599--    * 'SArray' produces SMTLib arrays, and requires a solver that understands the
600--      array theory. 'SFunArray' is internally handled, and thus can be used with
601--      any solver. (Note that all solvers except 'Data.SBV.abc' support arrays, so this isn't
602--      a big decision factor.)
604--    * For both arrays, if a default value is supplied, then reading from uninitialized
605--      cell will return that value. If the default is not given, then reading from
606--      uninitialized cells is still OK for both arrays, and will produce an uninterpreted
607--      constant in both cases.
609--    * Only 'SArray' supports checking equality of arrays. (That is, checking if an entire
610--      array is equivalent to another.) 'SFunArray's cannot be checked for equality. In general,
611--      checking wholesale equality of arrays is a difficult decision problem and should be
612--      avoided if possible.
614--    * Only 'SFunArray' supports compilation to C. Programs using 'SArray' will not be
615--      accepted by the C-code generator.
617--    * You cannot use quickcheck on programs that contain these arrays. (Neither 'SArray'
618--      nor 'SFunArray'.)
620--    * With 'SArray', SBV transfers all array-processing to the SMT-solver. So, it can generate
621--      programs more quickly, but they might end up being too hard for the solver to handle. With
622--      'SFunArray', SBV only generates code for individual elements and the array itself never
623--      shows up in the resulting SMTLib program. This puts more onus on the SBV side and might
624--      have some performance impacts, but it might generate problems that are easier for the SMT
625--      solvers to handle.
627-- As a rule of thumb, try 'SArray' first. These should generate compact code. However, if
628-- the backend solver has hard time solving the generated problems, switch to
629-- 'SFunArray'. If you still have issues, please report so we can see what the problem might be!
631-- NB. 'sListArray' insists on a concrete initializer, because not having one would break
632-- referential transparency. See https://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/issues/553 for details.
633class SymArray array where
634  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.newArray_'
635  newArray_      :: (MonadSymbolic m, HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe (SBV b) -> m (array a b)
636  -- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.newArray'
637  newArray       :: (MonadSymbolic m, HasKind a, HasKind b) => String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> m (array a b)
638  -- | Create a literal array
639  sListArray     :: (HasKind a, SymVal b) => b -> [(SBV a, SBV b)] -> array a b
640  -- | Read the array element at @a@
641  readArray      :: array a b -> SBV a -> SBV b
642  -- | Update the element at @a@ to be @b@
643  writeArray     :: SymVal b => array a b -> SBV a -> SBV b -> array a b
644  -- | Merge two given arrays on the symbolic condition
645  -- Intuitively: @mergeArrays cond a b = if cond then a else b@.
646  -- Merging pushes the if-then-else choice down on to elements
647  mergeArrays    :: SymVal b => SBV Bool -> array a b -> array a b -> array a b
648  -- | Internal function, not exported to the user
649  newArrayInState :: (HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> State -> IO (array a b)
651  {-# MINIMAL readArray, writeArray, mergeArrays, ((newArray_, newArray) | newArrayInState), sListArray #-}
652  newArray_   mbVal = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . newArrayInState Nothing   mbVal
653  newArray nm mbVal = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . newArrayInState (Just nm) mbVal
655  -- Despite our MINIMAL pragma and default implementations for newArray_ and
656  -- newArray, we must provide a dummy implementation for newArrayInState:
657  newArrayInState = error "undefined: newArrayInState"
659-- | Arrays implemented in terms of SMT-arrays: <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-ArraysEx.shtml>
661--   * Maps directly to SMT-lib arrays
663--   * Reading from an unintialized value is OK. If the default value is given in 'newArray', it will
664--     be the result. Otherwise, the read yields an uninterpreted constant.
666--   * Can check for equality of these arrays
668--   * Cannot be used in code-generation (i.e., compilation to C)
670--   * Cannot quick-check theorems using @SArray@ values
672--   * Typically slower as it heavily relies on SMT-solving for the array theory
673newtype SArray a b = SArray { unSArray :: SArr }
675instance (HasKind a, HasKind b) => Show (SArray a b) where
676  show SArray{} = "SArray<" ++ showType (Proxy @a) ++ ":" ++ showType (Proxy @b) ++ ">"
678instance SymArray SArray where
679  readArray   (SArray arr) (SBV a)               = SBV (readSArr arr a)
680  writeArray  (SArray arr) (SBV a)    (SBV b)    = SArray (writeSArr arr a b)
681  mergeArrays (SBV t)      (SArray a) (SArray b) = SArray (mergeSArr t a b)
683  sListArray :: forall a b. (HasKind a, SymVal b) => b -> [(SBV a, SBV b)] -> SArray a b
684  sListArray initializer = foldl (uncurry . writeArray) arr
685    where arr = SArray $ SArr ks $ cache r
686           where ks   = (kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b))
687                 r st = do amap <- R.readIORef (rArrayMap st)
689                           let k    = ArrayIndex $ IMap.size amap
690                               iVal = literal initializer
692                           iSV <- sbvToSV st iVal
694                           let upd  = IMap.insert (unArrayIndex k) ("array_" ++ show k, ks, ArrayFree (Just iSV))
696                           k `seq` modifyState st rArrayMap upd $ modifyIncState st rNewArrs upd
697                           return k
699  newArrayInState :: forall a b. (HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> State -> IO (SArray a b)
700  newArrayInState mbNm mbVal st = do mapM_ (registerKind st) [aknd, bknd]
701                                     SArray <$> newSArr st (aknd, bknd) (mkNm mbNm) (unSBV <$> mbVal)
702     where mkNm Nothing   t = "array_" ++ show t
703           mkNm (Just nm) _ = nm
704           aknd = kindOf (Proxy @a)
705           bknd = kindOf (Proxy @b)
707-- | Arrays implemented internally, without translating to SMT-Lib functions:
709--   * Internally handled by the library and not mapped to SMT-Lib, hence can
710--     be used with solvers that don't support arrays. (Such as abc.)
712--   * Reading from an unintialized value is OK. If the default value is given in 'newArray', it will
713--     be the result. Otherwise, the read yields an uninterpreted constant.
715--   * Cannot check for equality of arrays.
717--   * Can be used in code-generation (i.e., compilation to C).
719--   * Can not quick-check theorems using @SFunArray@ values
721--   * Typically faster as it gets compiled away during translation.
722newtype SFunArray a b = SFunArray { unSFunArray :: SFunArr }
724instance (HasKind a, HasKind b) => Show (SFunArray a b) where
725  show SFunArray{} = "SFunArray<" ++ showType (Proxy @a) ++ ":" ++ showType (Proxy @b) ++ ">"
727instance SymArray SFunArray where
728  readArray   (SFunArray arr) (SBV a)             = SBV (readSFunArr arr a)
729  writeArray  (SFunArray arr) (SBV a) (SBV b)     = SFunArray (writeSFunArr arr a b)
730  mergeArrays (SBV t) (SFunArray a) (SFunArray b) = SFunArray (mergeSFunArr t a b)
732  sListArray :: forall a b. (HasKind a, SymVal b) => b -> [(SBV a, SBV b)] -> SFunArray a b
733  sListArray initializer = foldl (uncurry . writeArray) arr
734    where arr = SFunArray $ SFunArr ks $ cache r
735           where ks = (kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b))
737                 r st = do amap <- R.readIORef (rFArrayMap st)
739                           memoTable <- R.newIORef IMap.empty
741                           let k               = FArrayIndex $ IMap.size amap
742                               iVal            = literal initializer
743                               mkUninitialized = const (unSBV iVal)
744                               upd             = IMap.insert (unFArrayIndex k) (mkUninitialized, memoTable)
746                           k `seq` modifyState st rFArrayMap upd (return ())
747                           return k
749  newArrayInState :: forall a b. (HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> State -> IO (SFunArray a b)
750  newArrayInState mbNm mbVal st = do mapM_ (registerKind st) [aknd, bknd]
751                                     SFunArray <$> newSFunArr st (aknd, bknd) (mkNm mbNm) (unSBV <$> mbVal)
752    where mkNm Nothing t   = "funArray_" ++ show t
753          mkNm (Just nm) _ = nm
754          aknd = kindOf (Proxy @a)
755          bknd = kindOf (Proxy @b)