1import * as Types from '../../../../../constants/types/chat2'
2import * as FsGen from '../../../../../actions/fs-gen'
3import * as Chat2Gen from '../../../../../actions/chat2-gen'
4import * as Constants from '../../../../../constants/chat2'
5import * as Container from '../../../../../util/container'
6import {globalColors} from '../../../../../styles'
7import ImageAttachment from '.'
8import {imgMaxWidth} from './image-render'
10type OwnProps = {
11  message: Types.MessageAttachment
12  toggleMessageMenu: () => void
13  isHighlighted?: boolean
16const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Container.TypedDispatch) => ({
17  _onClick: (message: Types.MessageAttachment) =>
18    dispatch(
19      Chat2Gen.createAttachmentPreviewSelect({
20        message,
21      })
22    ),
23  _onCollapse: (message: Types.MessageAttachment) =>
24    dispatch(
25      Chat2Gen.createToggleMessageCollapse({
26        collapse: !message.isCollapsed,
27        conversationIDKey: message.conversationIDKey,
28        messageID: message.id,
29      })
30    ),
31  _onDoubleClick: (message: Types.MessageAttachment) =>
32    dispatch(
33      Chat2Gen.createAttachmentPreviewSelect({
34        message,
35      })
36    ),
37  _onRetry: (message: Types.MessageAttachment) =>
38    dispatch(
39      Chat2Gen.createAttachmentDownload({
40        message,
41      })
42    ),
43  _onShowInFinder: (message: Types.MessageAttachment) => {
44    message.downloadPath &&
45      dispatch(FsGen.createOpenLocalPathInSystemFileManager({localPath: message.downloadPath}))
46  },
49export default Container.connect(
50  (state: Container.TypedState, ownProps: OwnProps) => {
51    const editInfo = Constants.getEditInfo(state, ownProps.message.conversationIDKey)
52    const isEditing = !!(editInfo && editInfo.ordinal === ownProps.message.ordinal)
53    return {isEditing}
54  },
55  mapDispatchToProps,
56  (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps: OwnProps) => {
57    const {message} = ownProps
58    const {height, width} = Constants.clampImageSize(
59      message.previewWidth,
60      message.previewHeight,
61      Math.min(imgMaxWidth(), 320)
62    )
63    // On mobile we use this icon to indicate we have the file stored locally, and it can be viewed. This is a
64    // similar meaning to desktop.
65    const arrowColor = !Container.isMobile
66      ? message.downloadPath
67        ? globalColors.green
68        : message.transferState === 'downloading'
69        ? globalColors.blue
70        : ''
71      : ''
72    const buttonType = message.showPlayButton ? 'play' : null
73    const hasProgress =
74      !!message.transferState &&
75      message.transferState !== 'remoteUploading' &&
76      message.transferState !== 'mobileSaving'
78    return {
79      arrowColor,
80      downloadError: !!message.transferErrMsg,
81      fileName: message.fileName,
82      fullPath: message.fileURL,
83      hasProgress,
84      height,
85      inlineVideoPlayable: message.inlineVideoPlayable,
86      isCollapsed: message.isCollapsed,
87      isEditing: stateProps.isEditing,
88      isHighlighted: ownProps.isHighlighted,
89      message,
90      onClick: () => dispatchProps._onClick(message),
91      onCollapse: () => dispatchProps._onCollapse(message),
92      onDoubleClick: () => dispatchProps._onDoubleClick(message),
93      onRetry: () => dispatchProps._onRetry(message),
94      onShowInFinder:
95        !Container.isMobile && message.downloadPath
96          ? (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => {
97              e.preventDefault()
98              e.stopPropagation()
99              dispatchProps._onShowInFinder(message)
100            }
101          : null,
102      path: message.previewURL,
103      progress: message.transferProgress,
104      showButton: buttonType,
105      title: message.decoratedText ? message.decoratedText.stringValue() : message.title,
106      toggleMessageMenu: ownProps.toggleMessageMenu,
107      transferState: message.transferState,
108      videoDuration: message.videoDuration || '',
109      width,
110    }
111  }
112)(ImageAttachment) as any