1 #include "tommath_private.h"
4 /* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis
5  *
6  * LibTomMath is a library that provides multiple-precision
7  * integer arithmetic as well as number theoretic functionality.
8  *
9  * The library was designed directly after the MPI library by
10  * Michael Fromberger but has been written from scratch with
11  * additional optimizations in place.
12  *
13  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
14  */
16 /*
17  *  See file bn_mp_prime_is_prime.c or the documentation in doc/bn.tex for the details
18  */
19 #ifndef LTM_USE_FIPS_ONLY
21 /*
22  *  8-bit is just too small. You can try the Frobenius test
23  *  but that frobenius test can fail, too, for the same reason.
24  */
25 #ifndef MP_8BIT
27 /*
28  * multiply bigint a with int d and put the result in c
29  * Like mp_mul_d() but with a signed long as the small input
30  */
s_mp_mul_si(const mp_int * a,long d,mp_int * c)31 static int s_mp_mul_si(const mp_int *a, long d, mp_int *c)
32 {
33    mp_int t;
34    int err, neg = 0;
36    if ((err = mp_init(&t)) != MP_OKAY) {
37       return err;
38    }
39    if (d < 0) {
40       neg = 1;
41       d = -d;
42    }
44    /*
45     * mp_digit might be smaller than a long, which excludes
46     * the use of mp_mul_d() here.
47     */
48    if ((err = mp_set_long(&t, (unsigned long) d)) != MP_OKAY) {
49       goto LBL_MPMULSI_ERR;
50    }
51    if ((err = mp_mul(a, &t, c)) != MP_OKAY) {
52       goto LBL_MPMULSI_ERR;
53    }
54    if (neg ==  1) {
55       c->sign = (a->sign == MP_NEG) ? MP_ZPOS: MP_NEG;
56    }
58    mp_clear(&t);
59    return err;
60 }
64 /*
65     Strong Lucas-Selfridge test.
66     returns MP_YES if it is a strong L-S prime, MP_NO if it is composite
68     Code ported from  Thomas Ray Nicely's implementation of the BPSW test
69     at http://www.trnicely.net/misc/bpsw.html
71     Freeware copyright (C) 2016 Thomas R. Nicely <http://www.trnicely.net>.
72     Released into the public domain by the author, who disclaims any legal
73     liability arising from its use
75     The multi-line comments are made by Thomas R. Nicely and are copied verbatim.
76     Additional comments marked "CZ" (without the quotes) are by the code-portist.
78     (If that name sounds familiar, he is the guy who found the fdiv bug in the
79      Pentium (P5x, I think) Intel processor)
80 */
mp_prime_strong_lucas_selfridge(const mp_int * a,int * result)81 int mp_prime_strong_lucas_selfridge(const mp_int *a, int *result)
82 {
83    /* CZ TODO: choose better variable names! */
84    mp_int Dz, gcd, Np1, Uz, Vz, U2mz, V2mz, Qmz, Q2mz, Qkdz, T1z, T2z, T3z, T4z, Q2kdz;
85    /* CZ TODO: Some of them need the full 32 bit, hence the (temporary) exclusion of MP_8BIT */
86    int D, Ds, J, sign, P, Q, r, s, u, Nbits;
87    int e;
88    int isset;
90    *result = MP_NO;
92    /*
93    Find the first element D in the sequence {5, -7, 9, -11, 13, ...}
94    such that Jacobi(D,N) = -1 (Selfridge's algorithm). Theory
95    indicates that, if N is not a perfect square, D will "nearly
96    always" be "small." Just in case, an overflow trap for D is
97    included.
98    */
100    if ((e = mp_init_multi(&Dz, &gcd, &Np1, &Uz, &Vz, &U2mz, &V2mz, &Qmz, &Q2mz, &Qkdz, &T1z, &T2z, &T3z, &T4z, &Q2kdz,
101                           NULL)) != MP_OKAY) {
102       return e;
103    }
105    D = 5;
106    sign = 1;
108    for (;;) {
109       Ds   = sign * D;
110       sign = -sign;
111       if ((e = mp_set_long(&Dz, (unsigned long)D)) != MP_OKAY) {
112          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
113       }
114       if ((e = mp_gcd(a, &Dz, &gcd)) != MP_OKAY) {
115          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
116       }
117       /* if 1 < GCD < N then N is composite with factor "D", and
118          Jacobi(D,N) is technically undefined (but often returned
119          as zero). */
120       if ((mp_cmp_d(&gcd, 1uL) == MP_GT) && (mp_cmp(&gcd, a) == MP_LT)) {
121          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
122       }
123       if (Ds < 0) {
124          Dz.sign = MP_NEG;
125       }
126       if ((e = mp_kronecker(&Dz, a, &J)) != MP_OKAY) {
127          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
128       }
130       if (J == -1) {
131          break;
132       }
133       D += 2;
135       if (D > (INT_MAX - 2)) {
136          e = MP_VAL;
137          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
138       }
139    }
141    P = 1;              /* Selfridge's choice */
142    Q = (1 - Ds) / 4;   /* Required so D = P*P - 4*Q */
144    /* NOTE: The conditions (a) N does not divide Q, and
145       (b) D is square-free or not a perfect square, are included by
146       some authors; e.g., "Prime numbers and computer methods for
147       factorization," Hans Riesel (2nd ed., 1994, Birkhauser, Boston),
148       p. 130. For this particular application of Lucas sequences,
149       these conditions were found to be immaterial. */
151    /* Now calculate N - Jacobi(D,N) = N + 1 (even), and calculate the
152       odd positive integer d and positive integer s for which
153       N + 1 = 2^s*d (similar to the step for N - 1 in Miller's test).
154       The strong Lucas-Selfridge test then returns N as a strong
155       Lucas probable prime (slprp) if any of the following
156       conditions is met: U_d=0, V_d=0, V_2d=0, V_4d=0, V_8d=0,
157       V_16d=0, ..., etc., ending with V_{2^(s-1)*d}=V_{(N+1)/2}=0
158       (all equalities mod N). Thus d is the highest index of U that
159       must be computed (since V_2m is independent of U), compared
160       to U_{N+1} for the standard Lucas-Selfridge test; and no
161       index of V beyond (N+1)/2 is required, just as in the
162       standard Lucas-Selfridge test. However, the quantity Q^d must
163       be computed for use (if necessary) in the latter stages of
164       the test. The result is that the strong Lucas-Selfridge test
165       has a running time only slightly greater (order of 10 %) than
166       that of the standard Lucas-Selfridge test, while producing
167       only (roughly) 30 % as many pseudoprimes (and every strong
168       Lucas pseudoprime is also a standard Lucas pseudoprime). Thus
169       the evidence indicates that the strong Lucas-Selfridge test is
170       more effective than the standard Lucas-Selfridge test, and a
171       Baillie-PSW test based on the strong Lucas-Selfridge test
172       should be more reliable. */
174    if ((e = mp_add_d(a, 1uL, &Np1)) != MP_OKAY) {
175       goto LBL_LS_ERR;
176    }
177    s = mp_cnt_lsb(&Np1);
179    /* CZ
180     * This should round towards zero because
181     * Thomas R. Nicely used GMP's mpz_tdiv_q_2exp()
182     * and mp_div_2d() is equivalent. Additionally:
183     * dividing an even number by two does not produce
184     * any leftovers.
185     */
186    if ((e = mp_div_2d(&Np1, s, &Dz, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) {
187       goto LBL_LS_ERR;
188    }
189    /* We must now compute U_d and V_d. Since d is odd, the accumulated
190       values U and V are initialized to U_1 and V_1 (if the target
191       index were even, U and V would be initialized instead to U_0=0
192       and V_0=2). The values of U_2m and V_2m are also initialized to
193       U_1 and V_1; the FOR loop calculates in succession U_2 and V_2,
194       U_4 and V_4, U_8 and V_8, etc. If the corresponding bits
195       (1, 2, 3, ...) of t are on (the zero bit having been accounted
196       for in the initialization of U and V), these values are then
197       combined with the previous totals for U and V, using the
198       composition formulas for addition of indices. */
200    mp_set(&Uz, 1uL);    /* U=U_1 */
201    mp_set(&Vz, (mp_digit)P);    /* V=V_1 */
202    mp_set(&U2mz, 1uL);  /* U_1 */
203    mp_set(&V2mz, (mp_digit)P);  /* V_1 */
205    if (Q < 0) {
206       Q = -Q;
207       if ((e = mp_set_long(&Qmz, (unsigned long)Q)) != MP_OKAY) {
208          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
209       }
210       if ((e = mp_mul_2(&Qmz, &Q2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
211          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
212       }
213       /* Initializes calculation of Q^d */
214       if ((e = mp_set_long(&Qkdz, (unsigned long)Q)) != MP_OKAY) {
215          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
216       }
217       Qmz.sign = MP_NEG;
218       Q2mz.sign = MP_NEG;
219       Qkdz.sign = MP_NEG;
220       Q = -Q;
221    } else {
222       if ((e = mp_set_long(&Qmz, (unsigned long)Q)) != MP_OKAY) {
223          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
224       }
225       if ((e = mp_mul_2(&Qmz, &Q2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
226          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
227       }
228       /* Initializes calculation of Q^d */
229       if ((e = mp_set_long(&Qkdz, (unsigned long)Q)) != MP_OKAY) {
230          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
231       }
232    }
234    Nbits = mp_count_bits(&Dz);
235    for (u = 1; u < Nbits; u++) { /* zero bit off, already accounted for */
236       /* Formulas for doubling of indices (carried out mod N). Note that
237        * the indices denoted as "2m" are actually powers of 2, specifically
238        * 2^(ul-1) beginning each loop and 2^ul ending each loop.
239        *
240        * U_2m = U_m*V_m
241        * V_2m = V_m*V_m - 2*Q^m
242        */
244       if ((e = mp_mul(&U2mz, &V2mz, &U2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
245          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
246       }
247       if ((e = mp_mod(&U2mz, a, &U2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
248          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
249       }
250       if ((e = mp_sqr(&V2mz, &V2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
251          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
252       }
253       if ((e = mp_sub(&V2mz, &Q2mz, &V2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
254          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
255       }
256       if ((e = mp_mod(&V2mz, a, &V2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
257          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
258       }
259       /* Must calculate powers of Q for use in V_2m, also for Q^d later */
260       if ((e = mp_sqr(&Qmz, &Qmz)) != MP_OKAY) {
261          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
262       }
263       /* prevents overflow */ /* CZ  still necessary without a fixed prealloc'd mem.? */
264       if ((e = mp_mod(&Qmz, a, &Qmz)) != MP_OKAY) {
265          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
266       }
267       if ((e = mp_mul_2(&Qmz, &Q2mz)) != MP_OKAY) {
268          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
269       }
271       if ((isset = mp_get_bit(&Dz, u)) == MP_VAL) {
272          e = isset;
273          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
274       }
275       if (isset == MP_YES) {
276          /* Formulas for addition of indices (carried out mod N);
277           *
278           * U_(m+n) = (U_m*V_n + U_n*V_m)/2
279           * V_(m+n) = (V_m*V_n + D*U_m*U_n)/2
280           *
281           * Be careful with division by 2 (mod N)!
282           */
284          if ((e = mp_mul(&U2mz, &Vz, &T1z)) != MP_OKAY) {
285             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
286          }
287          if ((e = mp_mul(&Uz, &V2mz, &T2z)) != MP_OKAY) {
288             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
289          }
290          if ((e = mp_mul(&V2mz, &Vz, &T3z)) != MP_OKAY) {
291             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
292          }
293          if ((e = mp_mul(&U2mz, &Uz, &T4z)) != MP_OKAY) {
294             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
295          }
296          if ((e = s_mp_mul_si(&T4z, (long)Ds, &T4z)) != MP_OKAY) {
297             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
298          }
299          if ((e = mp_add(&T1z, &T2z, &Uz)) != MP_OKAY) {
300             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
301          }
302          if (mp_isodd(&Uz) != MP_NO) {
303             if ((e = mp_add(&Uz, a, &Uz)) != MP_OKAY) {
304                goto LBL_LS_ERR;
305             }
306          }
307          /* CZ
308           * This should round towards negative infinity because
309           * Thomas R. Nicely used GMP's mpz_fdiv_q_2exp().
310           * But mp_div_2() does not do so, it is truncating instead.
311           */
312          if ((e = mp_div_2(&Uz, &Uz)) != MP_OKAY) {
313             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
314          }
315          if ((Uz.sign == MP_NEG) && (mp_isodd(&Uz) != MP_NO)) {
316             if ((e = mp_sub_d(&Uz, 1uL, &Uz)) != MP_OKAY) {
317                goto LBL_LS_ERR;
318             }
319          }
320          if ((e = mp_add(&T3z, &T4z, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
321             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
322          }
323          if (mp_isodd(&Vz) != MP_NO) {
324             if ((e = mp_add(&Vz, a, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
325                goto LBL_LS_ERR;
326             }
327          }
328          if ((e = mp_div_2(&Vz, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
329             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
330          }
331          if ((Vz.sign == MP_NEG) && (mp_isodd(&Vz) != MP_NO)) {
332             if ((e = mp_sub_d(&Vz, 1uL, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
333                goto LBL_LS_ERR;
334             }
335          }
336          if ((e = mp_mod(&Uz, a, &Uz)) != MP_OKAY) {
337             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
338          }
339          if ((e = mp_mod(&Vz, a, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
340             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
341          }
342          /* Calculating Q^d for later use */
343          if ((e = mp_mul(&Qkdz, &Qmz, &Qkdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
344             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
345          }
346          if ((e = mp_mod(&Qkdz, a, &Qkdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
347             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
348          }
349       }
350    }
352    /* If U_d or V_d is congruent to 0 mod N, then N is a prime or a
353       strong Lucas pseudoprime. */
354    if ((mp_iszero(&Uz) != MP_NO) || (mp_iszero(&Vz) != MP_NO)) {
355       *result = MP_YES;
356       goto LBL_LS_ERR;
357    }
359    /* NOTE: Ribenboim ("The new book of prime number records," 3rd ed.,
360       1995/6) omits the condition V0 on p.142, but includes it on
361       p. 130. The condition is NECESSARY; otherwise the test will
362       return false negatives---e.g., the primes 29 and 2000029 will be
363       returned as composite. */
365    /* Otherwise, we must compute V_2d, V_4d, V_8d, ..., V_{2^(s-1)*d}
366       by repeated use of the formula V_2m = V_m*V_m - 2*Q^m. If any of
367       these are congruent to 0 mod N, then N is a prime or a strong
368       Lucas pseudoprime. */
370    /* Initialize 2*Q^(d*2^r) for V_2m */
371    if ((e = mp_mul_2(&Qkdz, &Q2kdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
372       goto LBL_LS_ERR;
373    }
375    for (r = 1; r < s; r++) {
376       if ((e = mp_sqr(&Vz, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
377          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
378       }
379       if ((e = mp_sub(&Vz, &Q2kdz, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
380          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
381       }
382       if ((e = mp_mod(&Vz, a, &Vz)) != MP_OKAY) {
383          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
384       }
385       if (mp_iszero(&Vz) != MP_NO) {
386          *result = MP_YES;
387          goto LBL_LS_ERR;
388       }
389       /* Calculate Q^{d*2^r} for next r (final iteration irrelevant). */
390       if (r < (s - 1)) {
391          if ((e = mp_sqr(&Qkdz, &Qkdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
392             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
393          }
394          if ((e = mp_mod(&Qkdz, a, &Qkdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
395             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
396          }
397          if ((e = mp_mul_2(&Qkdz, &Q2kdz)) != MP_OKAY) {
398             goto LBL_LS_ERR;
399          }
400       }
401    }
403    mp_clear_multi(&Q2kdz, &T4z, &T3z, &T2z, &T1z, &Qkdz, &Q2mz, &Qmz, &V2mz, &U2mz, &Vz, &Uz, &Np1, &gcd, &Dz, NULL);
404    return e;
405 }
406 #endif
407 #endif
408 #endif
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