1# Makefile for PGP (Microsoft C)
4# This makefile is intended for PGP 2.6.3i. PGP 2.6.3i is based on MIT's
5# PGP 2.6.2, but has been modified so that it:
7#  (1) does not use RSAREF
8#  (2) allows you to disable the "legal kludge"
9#  (3) corrects a number of bugs present in PGP 2.6.2
10#  (4) adds a number of new features without breaking compatibility
11#      with older versions
13# PGP 2.6.3i is probably illegal to use within the USA, so if you're
14# physically inside the US, you should do the following:
16#  (1) Obtain and build a copy of the RSAREF 1.0 library (included with
17#      MIT PGP 2.6 and later)
18#  (2) Add the -DUSA compiler switch to CFLAGS for your system below
19#  (3) Comment out the lines for MPILIB (rsaglue1.o) and uncomment the
20#      lines for RSAREF (rsaglue2.o) below
22# This will give you a version of PGP called 2.6.3, which is identical
23# to 2.6.3i, except that it uses RSAREF and the "legal kludge" cannot
24# be disabled.
27# CFLAGS options:
29# -DUSA       to get a version that is legal to use within the US
30# -DDEBUG     to include debugging information
31# -DDYN_ALLOC if your compiler does not support large static arrays
32# -DSMALL_MEM if your machine has a small memory (required for MSDOS)
34# Define one of:
35# -DMERRITT    Merritt's modmult (fast on risc machines)
36# -DPEASANT    Russian peasant modulo multiply algorithm
37# -DUPTON      use Upton's modmult algorithm
38# -DSMITH      use Smith's modmult
39# See also the file platform.h for system defaults
41# If you don't have a working FIONREAD ioctl you must use one of these:
42# -DUSE_SELECT to use select() system call
43# -DUSE_NBIO   to use non-blocking read()
45# For an MPILIB version, uncomment the following line
46RSAOBJS = rsaglue1.obj
48# For an RSAREF version, uncomment the following lines
49#RSADIR = ..\rsaref
50#RSAOPTS = -I$(RSADIR)\source -I$(RSADIR)\install -DUSEMPILIB
51#RSALIBS = $(RSADIR)\install\rsaref.lib
52#RSAOBJS = rsaglue2.obj
57CC      = cl -nologo -AL
58OPT     = -Oilt
59CFLAGS  = -c -Gt $(OPT) $(DEFINES)
60LD      = link          # Link command
61LDFLAGS = /M /STACK:24064
63ASM     = masm          # Assembler command
65# For MASM 6.0, use the following
66#ASM    = ml -nologo
67#AFLAGS = -Zm -Cp -c $(ADEFINES)
69OBJS_EXT= 8086.obj zmatch.obj   # ASM obj. files
70LIBS_EXT=                       # Libararies
72PROJ    =pgp
73EXT     =.exe
76	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $*.c
78all:    $(PROJ)$(EXT)
81	del $(PROJ)$(EXT)
82	del *.obj
84scratch: clean all
86new:     clean all
89# Assembly-language subroutine dependencies
918086.obj: 8086.asm
92	$(ASM) $(AFLAGS) 8086.asm
94zmatch.obj: zmatch.asm
95	$(ASM) $(AFLAGS) $(ADEFINES) zmatch.asm
97ZIPOBJS= zbits.obj zdeflate.obj zfile_io.obj zglobals.obj \
98	zinflate.obj zip.obj zipup.obj ztrees.obj zunzip.obj
100OBJ1    = pgp.obj crypto.obj keymgmt.obj fileio.obj mdfile.obj more.obj
101OBJ2    = armor.obj mpilib.obj mpiio.obj genprime.obj rsagen.obj random.obj
102OBJ3    = idea.obj passwd.obj md5.obj system.obj language.obj getopt.obj
103OBJ4    = keyadd.obj config.obj keymaint.obj charset.obj randpool.obj noise.obj
104OBJ5    = $(OBJS_EXT) $(RSAOBJS) sleep.obj
106$(PROJ)$(EXT):  $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4) $(OBJ5) $(ZIPOBJS)
107	echo $(OBJ1)+ >pgp.rsp
108	echo $(OBJ2)+ >>pgp.rsp
109	echo $(OBJ3)+ >>pgp.rsp
110	echo $(OBJ4)+ >>pgp.rsp
111	echo $(OBJ5)+ >>pgp.rsp
112	echo $(ZIPOBJS) >>pgp.rsp
113	echo $(PROJ)$(EXT) >>pgp.rsp
114	echo NUL.MAP >>pgp.rsp
115	echo $(LIBS_EXT) $(RSALIBS); >>pgp.rsp
116	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) @pgp.rsp
118## Dependencies ##
119armor.obj: armor.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h fileio.h mpiio.h language.h
120armor.obj: pgp.h more.h armor.h crypto.h charset.h
121charset.obj: charset.c usuals.h language.h charset.h system.h
122config.obj: config.c usuals.h fileio.h pgp.h more.h armor.h config.h charset.h
123crypto.obj: crypto.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h mpiio.h random.h idea.h
124crypto.obj: crypto.h keymgmt.h keymaint.h pgp.h more.h armor.h mdfile.h md5.h
125crypto.obj: fileio.h charset.h language.h exitpgp.h zipup.h rsaglue.h
126fileio.obj: fileio.c random.h usuals.h mpilib.h platform.h mpiio.h fileio.h
127fileio.obj: language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h exitpgp.h charset.h system.h idea.h
128genprime.obj: genprime.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h genprime.h random.h idea.h
129getopt.obj: getopt.c getopt.h
130idea.obj: idea.c idea.h usuals.h randpool.h
131keyadd.obj: keyadd.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h crypto.h fileio.h keymgmt.h
132keyadd.obj: charset.h language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h exitpgp.h keyadd.h
133keyadd.obj: keymaint.h keymaint.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h random.h idea.h
134keymaint.obj: crypto.h fileio.h keymgmt.h keymaint.h pgp.h more.h armor.h
135keymaint.obj: mpiio.h charset.h language.h mpilib.h
136keymgmt.obj: keymgmt.c system.h mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h idea.h random.h
137keymgmt.obj: crypto.h fileio.h keymgmt.h rsagen.h mpiio.h language.h pgp.h
138keymgmt.obj: more.h armor.h md5.h charset.h keymaint.h
139language.obj: language.c usuals.h fileio.h language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h
140language.obj: charset.h
141md5.obj: md5.c md5.h
142mdfile.obj: mdfile.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h mdfile.h md5.h fileio.h
143mdfile.obj: language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h
144more.obj: more.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h language.h fileio.h pgp.h more.h
145more.obj: armor.h charset.h
146mpiio.obj: mpiio.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h mpiio.h pgp.h more.h armor.h
147mpilib.obj: mpilib.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h
148noise.obj: noise.c usuals.h randpool.h noise.h
149passwd.obj: passwd.c random.h idea.h usuals.h md5.h language.h pgp.h more.h
150passwd.obj: armor.h
151pgp.obj: pgp.c system.h mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h random.h crypto.h fileio.h
152pgp.obj: keymgmt.h language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h exitpgp.h charset.h getopt.h
153pgp.obj: config.h keymaint.h keyadd.h rsaglue.h idea.h
154r3000.obj: r3000.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h lmul.h
155random.obj: random.c system.h idea.h usuals.h md5.h noise.h language.h random.h
156random.obj: fileio.h pgp.h more.h armor.h randpool.h
157randpool.obj: randpool.c randpool.h usuals.h md5.h
158rsagen.obj: rsagen.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h genprime.h rsagen.h random.h
159rsagen.obj: rsaglue.h idea.h
160rsaglue1.obj: rsaglue1.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h mpiio.h pgp.h more.h
161rsaglue1.obj: armor.h rsaglue.h random.h idea.h
162rsaglue2.obj: rsaglue2.c mpilib.h usuals.h platform.h mpiio.h pgp.h more.h
163rsaglue2.obj: armor.h rsaglue.h random.h idea.h ../rsaref/install/global.h
164rsaglue2.obj: ../rsaref/source/rsaref.h ../rsaref/source/md2.h
165rsaglue2.obj: ../rsaref/source/md5.h ../rsaref/source/des.h
166rsaglue2.obj: ../rsaref/source/rsa.h
167sleep.obj: sleep.c
168system.obj: system.c exitpgp.h system.h usuals.h mpilib.h
169zbits.obj: zbits.c zip.h ztailor.h ziperr.h
170zdeflate.obj: zdeflate.c zunzip.h usuals.h system.h zip.h ztailor.h ziperr.h
171zfile_io.obj: zfile_io.c zunzip.h usuals.h system.h
172zglobals.obj: zglobals.c zip.h ztailor.h ziperr.h
173zinflate.obj: zinflate.c zunzip.h usuals.h system.h exitpgp.h
174zip.obj: zip.c zip.h usuals.h fileio.h language.h pgp.h more.h armor.h
175zip.obj: exitpgp.h ziperr.h
176zipup.obj: zipup.c zip.h ztailor.h ziperr.h zrevisio.h
177ztrees.obj: ztrees.c zip.h ztailor.h ziperr.h
178zunzip.obj: zunzip.c zunzip.h usuals.h system.h language.h