1# Copyright (c) 2017, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
2# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.
4import sys
6from mixbox.binding_utils import *
7from . import cybox_common
10class SharedResourceType(cybox_common.BaseObjectPropertyType):
11    """SharedResourceType specifies Windows shared resource types via a
12    union of the SharedResourceTypeEnum type and the atomic
13    xs:string type. Its base type is the CybOX Core
14    cybox_common.BaseObjectPropertyType, for permitting complex (i.e. regular-
15    expression based) specifications.This attribute is optional and
16    specifies the expected type for the value of the specified
17    property."""
19    subclass = None
20    superclass = cybox_common.BaseObjectPropertyType
21    def __init__(self, obfuscation_algorithm_ref=None, refanging_transform_type=None, has_changed=None, delimiter='##comma##', pattern_type=None, datatype='string', refanging_transform=None, is_case_sensitive=True, bit_mask=None, appears_random=None, observed_encoding=None, defanging_algorithm_ref=None, is_obfuscated=None, regex_syntax=None, apply_condition='ANY', trend=None, idref=None, is_defanged=None, id=None, condition=None, valueOf_=None):
22        super(SharedResourceType, self).__init__(obfuscation_algorithm_ref, refanging_transform_type, has_changed, delimiter, pattern_type, datatype, refanging_transform, is_case_sensitive, bit_mask, appears_random, observed_encoding, defanging_algorithm_ref, is_obfuscated, regex_syntax, apply_condition, trend, idref, is_defanged, id, condition, valueOf_)
23        self.datatype = _cast(None, datatype)
24        self.valueOf_ = valueOf_
25    def factory(*args_, **kwargs_):
26        if SharedResourceType.subclass:
27            return SharedResourceType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_)
28        else:
29            return SharedResourceType(*args_, **kwargs_)
30    factory = staticmethod(factory)
31    def get_datatype(self): return self.datatype
32    def set_datatype(self, datatype): self.datatype = datatype
33    def get_valueOf_(self): return self.valueOf_
34    def set_valueOf_(self, valueOf_): self.valueOf_ = valueOf_
35    def hasContent_(self):
36        if (
37            self.valueOf_ or
38            super(SharedResourceType, self).hasContent_()
39            ):
40            return True
41        else:
42            return False
43    def export(self, lwrite, level, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='SharedResourceType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True):
44        if pretty_print:
45            eol_ = '\n'
46        else:
47            eol_ = ''
48        showIndent(lwrite, level, pretty_print)
49        lwrite('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', ))
50        already_processed = set()
51        self.exportAttributes(lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='SharedResourceType')
52        if self.hasContent_():
53            lwrite('>')
54            lwrite(quote_xml(self.valueOf_))
55            self.exportChildren(lwrite, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print)
56            lwrite('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_))
57        else:
58            lwrite('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
59    def exportAttributes(self, lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='SharedResourceType'):
60        super(SharedResourceType, self).exportAttributes(lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='SharedResourceType')
61        if self.datatype is not None:
63            lwrite(' datatype=%s' % (quote_attrib(self.datatype), ))
64    def exportChildren(self, lwrite, level, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='SharedResourceType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True):
65        super(SharedResourceType, self).exportChildren(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_, True, pretty_print=pretty_print)
66        pass
67    def build(self, node):
68        self.__sourcenode__ = node
69        already_processed = set()
70        self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, already_processed)
71        self.valueOf_ = get_all_text_(node)
72        for child in node:
73            nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1]
74            self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
75    def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed):
76        value = find_attr_value_('datatype', node)
77        if value is not None:
79            self.datatype = value
80        super(SharedResourceType, self).buildAttributes(node, attrs, already_processed)
81    def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False):
82        pass
83# end class SharedResourceType
85class WindowsNetworkShareObjectType(cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType):
86    """he WindowsNetworkShareObjectType type is intended to characterize
87    Windows network shares."""
89    subclass = None
90    superclass = cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType
91    def __init__(self, object_reference=None, Custom_Properties=None, xsi_type=None, ACCESS_PERM=None, ACCESS_ATRIB=None, ACCESS_ALL=None, ACCESS_READ=None, ACCESS_DELETE=None, ACCESS_WRITE=None, ACCESS_CREATE=None, ACCESS_EXEC=None, Current_Uses=None, Local_Path=None, Max_Uses=None, Netname=None, Type=None):
92        super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).__init__(object_reference, Custom_Properties, xsi_type )
93        self.ACCESS_PERM = _cast(bool, ACCESS_PERM)
94        self.ACCESS_ATRIB = _cast(bool, ACCESS_ATRIB)
95        self.ACCESS_ALL = _cast(bool, ACCESS_ALL)
96        self.ACCESS_READ = _cast(bool, ACCESS_READ)
97        self.ACCESS_DELETE = _cast(bool, ACCESS_DELETE)
98        self.ACCESS_WRITE = _cast(bool, ACCESS_WRITE)
99        self.ACCESS_CREATE = _cast(bool, ACCESS_CREATE)
100        self.ACCESS_EXEC = _cast(bool, ACCESS_EXEC)
101        self.Current_Uses = Current_Uses
102        self.Local_Path = Local_Path
103        self.Max_Uses = Max_Uses
104        self.Netname = Netname
105        self.Type = Type
106    def factory(*args_, **kwargs_):
107        if WindowsNetworkShareObjectType.subclass:
108            return WindowsNetworkShareObjectType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_)
109        else:
110            return WindowsNetworkShareObjectType(*args_, **kwargs_)
111    factory = staticmethod(factory)
112    def get_Current_Uses(self): return self.Current_Uses
113    def set_Current_Uses(self, Current_Uses): self.Current_Uses = Current_Uses
114    def validate_NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType(self, value):
115        # Validate type cybox_common.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType, a restriction on None.
116        pass
117    def get_Local_Path(self): return self.Local_Path
118    def set_Local_Path(self, Local_Path): self.Local_Path = Local_Path
119    def validate_StringObjectPropertyType(self, value):
120        # Validate type cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType, a restriction on None.
121        pass
122    def get_Max_Uses(self): return self.Max_Uses
123    def set_Max_Uses(self, Max_Uses): self.Max_Uses = Max_Uses
124    def get_Netname(self): return self.Netname
125    def set_Netname(self, Netname): self.Netname = Netname
126    def get_Type(self): return self.Type
127    def set_Type(self, Type): self.Type = Type
128    def validate_SharedResourceType(self, value):
129        # Validate type SharedResourceType, a restriction on None.
130        pass
131    def get_ACCESS_PERM(self): return self.ACCESS_PERM
133    def get_ACCESS_ATRIB(self): return self.ACCESS_ATRIB
135    def get_ACCESS_ALL(self): return self.ACCESS_ALL
136    def set_ACCESS_ALL(self, ACCESS_ALL): self.ACCESS_ALL = ACCESS_ALL
137    def get_ACCESS_READ(self): return self.ACCESS_READ
139    def get_ACCESS_DELETE(self): return self.ACCESS_DELETE
141    def get_ACCESS_WRITE(self): return self.ACCESS_WRITE
143    def get_ACCESS_CREATE(self): return self.ACCESS_CREATE
145    def get_ACCESS_EXEC(self): return self.ACCESS_EXEC
147    def hasContent_(self):
148        if (
149            self.Current_Uses is not None or
150            self.Local_Path is not None or
151            self.Max_Uses is not None or
152            self.Netname is not None or
153            self.Type is not None or
154            super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).hasContent_()
155            ):
156            return True
157        else:
158            return False
159    def export(self, lwrite, level, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='WindowsNetworkShareObjectType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True):
160        if pretty_print:
161            eol_ = '\n'
162        else:
163            eol_ = ''
164        showIndent(lwrite, level, pretty_print)
165        lwrite('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', ))
166        already_processed = set()
167        self.exportAttributes(lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='WindowsNetworkShareObjectType')
168        if self.hasContent_():
169            lwrite('>%s' % (eol_, ))
170            self.exportChildren(lwrite, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print)
171            showIndent(lwrite, level, pretty_print)
172            lwrite('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_))
173        else:
174            lwrite('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
175    def exportAttributes(self, lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='WindowsNetworkShareObjectType'):
176        super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).exportAttributes(lwrite, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='WindowsNetworkShareObjectType')
177        if self.ACCESS_PERM is not None:
179            lwrite(' ACCESS_PERM="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_PERM, input_name='ACCESS_PERM'))
180        if self.ACCESS_ATRIB is not None:
182            lwrite(' ACCESS_ATRIB="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_ATRIB, input_name='ACCESS_ATRIB'))
183        if self.ACCESS_ALL is not None:
185            lwrite(' ACCESS_ALL="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_ALL, input_name='ACCESS_ALL'))
186        if self.ACCESS_READ is not None:
188            lwrite(' ACCESS_READ="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_READ, input_name='ACCESS_READ'))
189        if self.ACCESS_DELETE is not None:
191            lwrite(' ACCESS_DELETE="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_DELETE, input_name='ACCESS_DELETE'))
192        if self.ACCESS_WRITE is not None:
194            lwrite(' ACCESS_WRITE="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_WRITE, input_name='ACCESS_WRITE'))
195        if self.ACCESS_CREATE is not None:
197            lwrite(' ACCESS_CREATE="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_CREATE, input_name='ACCESS_CREATE'))
198        if self.ACCESS_EXEC is not None:
200            lwrite(' ACCESS_EXEC="%s"' % self.gds_format_boolean(self.ACCESS_EXEC, input_name='ACCESS_EXEC'))
201    def exportChildren(self, lwrite, level, namespace_='WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='WindowsNetworkShareObjectType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True):
202        super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).exportChildren(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_, True, pretty_print=pretty_print)
203        if pretty_print:
204            eol_ = '\n'
205        else:
206            eol_ = ''
207        if self.Current_Uses is not None:
208            self.Current_Uses.export(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='Current_Uses', pretty_print=pretty_print)
209        if self.Local_Path is not None:
210            self.Local_Path.export(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='Local_Path', pretty_print=pretty_print)
211        if self.Max_Uses is not None:
212            self.Max_Uses.export(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='Max_Uses', pretty_print=pretty_print)
213        if self.Netname is not None:
214            self.Netname.export(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='Netname', pretty_print=pretty_print)
215        if self.Type is not None:
216            self.Type.export(lwrite, level, 'WinNetworkShareObj:', name_='Type', pretty_print=pretty_print)
217    def build(self, node):
218        self.__sourcenode__ = node
219        already_processed = set()
220        self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, already_processed)
221        for child in node:
222            nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1]
223            self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
224    def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed):
225        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_PERM', node)
226        if value is not None:
228            if value in ('true', '1'):
229                self.ACCESS_PERM = True
230            elif value in ('false', '0'):
231                self.ACCESS_PERM = False
232            else:
233                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
234        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_ATRIB', node)
235        if value is not None:
237            if value in ('true', '1'):
238                self.ACCESS_ATRIB = True
239            elif value in ('false', '0'):
240                self.ACCESS_ATRIB = False
241            else:
242                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
243        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_ALL', node)
244        if value is not None:
246            if value in ('true', '1'):
247                self.ACCESS_ALL = True
248            elif value in ('false', '0'):
249                self.ACCESS_ALL = False
250            else:
251                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
252        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_READ', node)
253        if value is not None:
255            if value in ('true', '1'):
256                self.ACCESS_READ = True
257            elif value in ('false', '0'):
258                self.ACCESS_READ = False
259            else:
260                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
261        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_DELETE', node)
262        if value is not None:
264            if value in ('true', '1'):
265                self.ACCESS_DELETE = True
266            elif value in ('false', '0'):
267                self.ACCESS_DELETE = False
268            else:
269                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
270        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_WRITE', node)
271        if value is not None:
273            if value in ('true', '1'):
274                self.ACCESS_WRITE = True
275            elif value in ('false', '0'):
276                self.ACCESS_WRITE = False
277            else:
278                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
279        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_CREATE', node)
280        if value is not None:
282            if value in ('true', '1'):
283                self.ACCESS_CREATE = True
284            elif value in ('false', '0'):
285                self.ACCESS_CREATE = False
286            else:
287                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
288        value = find_attr_value_('ACCESS_EXEC', node)
289        if value is not None:
291            if value in ('true', '1'):
292                self.ACCESS_EXEC = True
293            elif value in ('false', '0'):
294                self.ACCESS_EXEC = False
295            else:
296                raise_parse_error(node, 'Bad boolean attribute')
297        super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).buildAttributes(node, attrs, already_processed)
298    def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False):
299        if nodeName_ == 'Current_Uses':
300            obj_ = cybox_common.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType.factory()
301            obj_.build(child_)
302            self.set_Current_Uses(obj_)
303        elif nodeName_ == 'Local_Path':
304            obj_ = cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType.factory()
305            obj_.build(child_)
306            self.set_Local_Path(obj_)
307        elif nodeName_ == 'Max_Uses':
308            obj_ = cybox_common.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType.factory()
309            obj_.build(child_)
310            self.set_Max_Uses(obj_)
311        elif nodeName_ == 'Netname':
312            obj_ = cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType.factory()
313            obj_.build(child_)
314            self.set_Netname(obj_)
315        elif nodeName_ == 'Type':
316            obj_ = SharedResourceType.factory()
317            obj_.build(child_)
318            self.set_Type(obj_)
319        super(WindowsNetworkShareObjectType, self).buildChildren(child_, node, nodeName_, True)
320# end class WindowsNetworkShareObjectType
322GDSClassesMapping = {
323    'Build_Utility': cybox_common.BuildUtilityType,
324    'Errors': cybox_common.ErrorsType,
325    'Time': cybox_common.TimeType,
326    'Certificate_Issuer': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
327    'Metadata': cybox_common.MetadataType,
328    'Hash': cybox_common.HashType,
329    'Information_Source_Type': cybox_common.ControlledVocabularyStringType,
330    'Block_Hash_Value': cybox_common.HashValueType,
331    'Fuzzy_Hash_Structure': cybox_common.FuzzyHashStructureType,
332    'SubDatum': cybox_common.MetadataType,
333    'Segment_Hash': cybox_common.HashValueType,
334    'Digital_Signature': cybox_common.DigitalSignatureInfoType,
335    'Code_Snippets': cybox_common.CodeSnippetsType,
336    'Value': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
337    'Length': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
338    'Encoding': cybox_common.ControlledVocabularyStringType,
339    'Internationalization_Settings': cybox_common.InternationalizationSettingsType,
340    'Tool_Configuration': cybox_common.ToolConfigurationType,
341    'English_Translation': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
342    'Functions': cybox_common.FunctionsType,
343    'String_Value': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
344    'Build_Utility_Platform_Specification': cybox_common.PlatformSpecificationType,
345    'Compiler_Informal_Description': cybox_common.CompilerInformalDescriptionType,
346    'System': cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType,
347    'Platform': cybox_common.PlatformSpecificationType,
348    'Usage_Context_Assumptions': cybox_common.UsageContextAssumptionsType,
349    'Type': cybox_common.ControlledVocabularyStringType,
350    'Compilers': cybox_common.CompilersType,
351    'Tool_Type': cybox_common.ControlledVocabularyStringType,
352    'String': cybox_common.ExtractedStringType,
353    'Tool': cybox_common.ToolInformationType,
354    'Build_Information': cybox_common.BuildInformationType,
355    'Tool_Hashes': cybox_common.HashListType,
356    'Max_Uses': cybox_common.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType,
357    'Error_Instances': cybox_common.ErrorInstancesType,
358    'Data_Segment': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
359    'Certificate_Subject': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
360    'Language': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
361    'Property': cybox_common.PropertyType,
362    'Strings': cybox_common.ExtractedStringsType,
363    'File_System_Offset': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
364    'Compiler_Platform_Specification': cybox_common.PlatformSpecificationType,
365    'Reference_Description': cybox_common.StructuredTextType,
366    'Code_Snippet': cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType,
367    'Local_Path': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
368    'Configuration_Settings': cybox_common.ConfigurationSettingsType,
369    'Simple_Hash_Value': cybox_common.SimpleHashValueType,
370    'Byte_String_Value': cybox_common.HexBinaryObjectPropertyType,
371    'Instance': cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType,
372    'Import': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
373    'Identifier': cybox_common.PlatformIdentifierType,
374    'Tool_Specific_Data': cybox_common.ToolSpecificDataType,
375    'Execution_Environment': cybox_common.ExecutionEnvironmentType,
376    'Dependencies': cybox_common.DependenciesType,
377    'Offset': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
378    'Date': cybox_common.DateRangeType,
379    'Hashes': cybox_common.HashListType,
380    'Segments': cybox_common.HashSegmentsType,
381    'Segment_Count': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
382    'Usage_Context_Assumption': cybox_common.StructuredTextType,
383    'Block_Hash': cybox_common.FuzzyHashBlockType,
384    'Dependency': cybox_common.DependencyType,
385    'Error': cybox_common.ErrorType,
386    'Trigger_Point': cybox_common.HexBinaryObjectPropertyType,
387    'Environment_Variable': cybox_common.EnvironmentVariableType,
388    'Byte_Run': cybox_common.ByteRunType,
389    'Contributors': cybox_common.PersonnelType,
390    'Image_Offset': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
391    'Imports': cybox_common.ImportsType,
392    'Library': cybox_common.LibraryType,
393    'References': cybox_common.ToolReferencesType,
394    'Netname': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
395    'Internal_Strings': cybox_common.InternalStringsType,
396    'Custom_Properties': cybox_common.CustomPropertiesType,
397    'Configuration_Setting': cybox_common.ConfigurationSettingType,
398    'Libraries': cybox_common.LibrariesType,
399    'Function': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
400    'Description': cybox_common.StructuredTextType,
401    'User_Account_Info': cybox_common.ObjectPropertiesType,
402    'Build_Configuration': cybox_common.BuildConfigurationType,
403    'Address': cybox_common.HexBinaryObjectPropertyType,
404    'Search_Within': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
405    'Segment': cybox_common.HashSegmentType,
406    'Compiler': cybox_common.CompilerType,
407    'Name': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
408    'Signature_Description': cybox_common.StringObjectPropertyType,
409    'Block_Size': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
410    'Search_Distance': cybox_common.IntegerObjectPropertyType,
411    'Fuzzy_Hash_Value': cybox_common.FuzzyHashValueType,
412    'Current_Uses': cybox_common.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType,
413    'Dependency_Description': cybox_common.StructuredTextType,
414    'Contributor': cybox_common.ContributorType,
415    'Tools': cybox_common.ToolsInformationType,
416    'Data_Size': cybox_common.DataSizeType,
419USAGE_TEXT = """
420Usage: python <Parser>.py [ -s ] <in_xml_file>
423def usage():
424    print(USAGE_TEXT)
425    sys.exit(1)
427def get_root_tag(node):
428    tag = Tag_pattern_.match(node.tag).groups()[-1]
429    rootClass = GDSClassesMapping.get(tag)
430    if rootClass is None:
431        rootClass = globals().get(tag)
432    return tag, rootClass
434def parse(inFileName):
435    doc = parsexml_(inFileName)
436    rootNode = doc.getroot()
437    rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)
438    if rootClass is None:
439        rootTag = 'Windows_Network_Share'
440        rootClass = WindowsNetworkShareObjectType
441    rootObj = rootClass.factory()
442    rootObj.build(rootNode)
443    # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM.
444    doc = None
445#    sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')
446#    rootObj.export(sys.stdout.write, 0, name_=rootTag,
447#        namespacedef_='',
448#        pretty_print=True)
449    return rootObj
451def parseEtree(inFileName):
452    doc = parsexml_(inFileName)
453    rootNode = doc.getroot()
454    rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)
455    if rootClass is None:
456        rootTag = 'Windows_Network_Share'
457        rootClass = WindowsNetworkShareObjectType
458    rootObj = rootClass.factory()
459    rootObj.build(rootNode)
460    # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM.
461    doc = None
462    rootElement = rootObj.to_etree(None, name_=rootTag)
463    content = etree_.tostring(rootElement, pretty_print=True,
464        xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")
465    sys.stdout.write(content)
466    sys.stdout.write('\n')
467    return rootObj, rootElement
469def parseString(inString):
470    from mixbox.vendor.six import StringIO
471    doc = parsexml_(StringIO(inString))
472    rootNode = doc.getroot()
473    rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode)
474    if rootClass is None:
475        rootTag = 'Windows_Network_Share'
476        rootClass = WindowsNetworkShareObjectType
477    rootObj = rootClass.factory()
478    rootObj.build(rootNode)
479    # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM.
480    doc = None
481#    sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')
482#    rootObj.export(sys.stdout.write, 0, name_="Windows_Network_Share",
483#        namespacedef_='')
484    return rootObj
486def main():
487    args = sys.argv[1:]
488    if len(args) == 1:
489        parse(args[0])
490    else:
491        usage()
493if __name__ == '__main__':
494    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
495    main()
497__all__ = [
498    "WindowsNetworkShareObjectType",
499    "SharedResourceType"
500    ]