1 // -*- mode: rust; -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of ed25519-dalek.
4 // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 isis lovecruft
5 // See LICENSE for licensing information.
6 //
7 // Authors:
8 // - isis agora lovecruft <isis@patternsinthevoid.net>
10 //! Integration tests for ed25519-dalek.
12 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
13 extern crate bincode;
14 extern crate ed25519_dalek;
15 extern crate hex;
16 extern crate sha2;
17 extern crate rand;
18 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
19 extern crate serde_crate;
20 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
21 extern crate toml;
23 use ed25519_dalek::*;
25 use hex::FromHex;
27 use sha2::Sha512;
29 #[cfg(test)]
30 mod vectors {
31     use ed25519::signature::Signature as _;
33     use std::io::BufReader;
34     use std::io::BufRead;
35     use std::fs::File;
37     use super::*;
39     // TESTVECTORS is taken from sign.input.gz in agl's ed25519 Golang
40     // package. It is a selection of test cases from
41     // http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/python/sign.input
42     #[test]
against_reference_implementation()43     fn against_reference_implementation() { // TestGolden
44         let mut line: String;
45         let mut lineno: usize = 0;
47         let f = File::open("TESTVECTORS");
48         if f.is_err() {
49             println!("This test is only available when the code has been cloned \
50                       from the git repository, since the TESTVECTORS file is large \
51                       and is therefore not included within the distributed crate.");
52             panic!();
53         }
54         let file = BufReader::new(f.unwrap());
56         for l in file.lines() {
57             lineno += 1;
58             line = l.unwrap();
60             let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split(':').collect();
61             assert_eq!(parts.len(), 5, "wrong number of fields in line {}", lineno);
63             let sec_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(&parts[0]).unwrap();
64             let pub_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(&parts[1]).unwrap();
65             let msg_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(&parts[2]).unwrap();
66             let sig_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(&parts[3]).unwrap();
68             let secret: SecretKey = SecretKey::from_bytes(&sec_bytes[..SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]).unwrap();
69             let public: PublicKey = PublicKey::from_bytes(&pub_bytes[..PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH]).unwrap();
70             let keypair: Keypair  = Keypair{ secret: secret, public: public };
72 		    // The signatures in the test vectors also include the message
73 		    // at the end, but we just want R and S.
74             let sig1: Signature = Signature::from_bytes(&sig_bytes[..64]).unwrap();
75             let sig2: Signature = keypair.sign(&msg_bytes);
77             assert!(sig1 == sig2, "Signature bytes not equal on line {}", lineno);
78             assert!(keypair.verify(&msg_bytes, &sig2).is_ok(),
79                     "Signature verification failed on line {}", lineno);
80         }
81     }
83     // From https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-7.3
84     #[test]
ed25519ph_rf8032_test_vector()85     fn ed25519ph_rf8032_test_vector() {
86         let secret_key: &[u8] = b"833fe62409237b9d62ec77587520911e9a759cec1d19755b7da901b96dca3d42";
87         let public_key: &[u8] = b"ec172b93ad5e563bf4932c70e1245034c35467ef2efd4d64ebf819683467e2bf";
88         let message: &[u8] = b"616263";
89         let signature: &[u8] = b"98a70222f0b8121aa9d30f813d683f809e462b469c7ff87639499bb94e6dae4131f85042463c2a355a2003d062adf5aaa10b8c61e636062aaad11c2a26083406";
91         let sec_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(secret_key).unwrap();
92         let pub_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(public_key).unwrap();
93         let msg_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(message).unwrap();
94         let sig_bytes: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(signature).unwrap();
96         let secret: SecretKey = SecretKey::from_bytes(&sec_bytes[..SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]).unwrap();
97         let public: PublicKey = PublicKey::from_bytes(&pub_bytes[..PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH]).unwrap();
98         let keypair: Keypair  = Keypair{ secret: secret, public: public };
99         let sig1: Signature = Signature::from_bytes(&sig_bytes[..]).unwrap();
101         let mut prehash_for_signing: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
102         let mut prehash_for_verifying: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
104         prehash_for_signing.update(&msg_bytes[..]);
105         prehash_for_verifying.update(&msg_bytes[..]);
107         let sig2: Signature = keypair.sign_prehashed(prehash_for_signing, None).unwrap();
109         assert!(sig1 == sig2,
110                 "Original signature from test vectors doesn't equal signature produced:\
111                 \noriginal:\n{:?}\nproduced:\n{:?}", sig1, sig2);
112         assert!(keypair.verify_prehashed(prehash_for_verifying, None, &sig2).is_ok(),
113                 "Could not verify ed25519ph signature!");
114     }
115 }
117 #[cfg(test)]
118 mod integrations {
119     use super::*;
120     use rand::rngs::OsRng;
122     #[test]
sign_verify()123     fn sign_verify() {  // TestSignVerify
124         let keypair: Keypair;
125         let good_sig: Signature;
126         let bad_sig:  Signature;
128         let good: &[u8] = "test message".as_bytes();
129         let bad:  &[u8] = "wrong message".as_bytes();
131         let mut csprng = OsRng{};
133         keypair  = Keypair::generate(&mut csprng);
134         good_sig = keypair.sign(&good);
135         bad_sig  = keypair.sign(&bad);
137         assert!(keypair.verify(&good, &good_sig).is_ok(),
138                 "Verification of a valid signature failed!");
139         assert!(keypair.verify(&good, &bad_sig).is_err(),
140                 "Verification of a signature on a different message passed!");
141         assert!(keypair.verify(&bad,  &good_sig).is_err(),
142                 "Verification of a signature on a different message passed!");
143     }
145     #[test]
ed25519ph_sign_verify()146     fn ed25519ph_sign_verify() {
147         let keypair: Keypair;
148         let good_sig: Signature;
149         let bad_sig:  Signature;
151         let good: &[u8] = b"test message";
152         let bad:  &[u8] = b"wrong message";
154         let mut csprng = OsRng{};
156         // ugh… there's no `impl Copy for Sha512`… i hope we can all agree these are the same hashes
157         let mut prehashed_good1: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
158         prehashed_good1.update(good);
159         let mut prehashed_good2: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
160         prehashed_good2.update(good);
161         let mut prehashed_good3: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
162         prehashed_good3.update(good);
164         let mut prehashed_bad1: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
165         prehashed_bad1.update(bad);
166         let mut prehashed_bad2: Sha512 = Sha512::default();
167         prehashed_bad2.update(bad);
169         let context: &[u8] = b"testing testing 1 2 3";
171         keypair  = Keypair::generate(&mut csprng);
172         good_sig = keypair.sign_prehashed(prehashed_good1, Some(context)).unwrap();
173         bad_sig  = keypair.sign_prehashed(prehashed_bad1,  Some(context)).unwrap();
175         assert!(keypair.verify_prehashed(prehashed_good2, Some(context), &good_sig).is_ok(),
176                 "Verification of a valid signature failed!");
177         assert!(keypair.verify_prehashed(prehashed_good3, Some(context), &bad_sig).is_err(),
178                 "Verification of a signature on a different message passed!");
179         assert!(keypair.verify_prehashed(prehashed_bad2,  Some(context), &good_sig).is_err(),
180                 "Verification of a signature on a different message passed!");
181     }
183     #[cfg(feature = "batch")]
184     #[test]
verify_batch_seven_signatures()185     fn verify_batch_seven_signatures() {
186         let messages: [&[u8]; 7] = [
187             b"Watch closely everyone, I'm going to show you how to kill a god.",
188             b"I'm not a cryptographer I just encrypt a lot.",
189             b"Still not a cryptographer.",
190             b"This is a test of the tsunami alert system. This is only a test.",
191             b"Fuck dumbin' it down, spit ice, skip jewellery: Molotov cocktails on me like accessories.",
192             b"Hey, I never cared about your bucks, so if I run up with a mask on, probably got a gas can too.",
193             b"And I'm not here to fill 'er up. Nope, we came to riot, here to incite, we don't want any of your stuff.", ];
194         let mut csprng = OsRng{};
195         let mut keypairs: Vec<Keypair> = Vec::new();
196         let mut signatures: Vec<Signature> = Vec::new();
198         for i in 0..messages.len() {
199             let keypair: Keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut csprng);
200             signatures.push(keypair.sign(&messages[i]));
201             keypairs.push(keypair);
202         }
203         let public_keys: Vec<PublicKey> = keypairs.iter().map(|key| key.public).collect();
205         let result = verify_batch(&messages, &signatures[..], &public_keys[..]);
207         assert!(result.is_ok());
208     }
210     #[test]
pubkey_from_secret_and_expanded_secret()211     fn pubkey_from_secret_and_expanded_secret() {
212         let mut csprng = OsRng{};
213         let secret: SecretKey = SecretKey::generate(&mut csprng);
214         let expanded_secret: ExpandedSecretKey = (&secret).into();
215         let public_from_secret: PublicKey = (&secret).into(); // XXX eww
216         let public_from_expanded_secret: PublicKey = (&expanded_secret).into(); // XXX eww
218         assert!(public_from_secret == public_from_expanded_secret);
219     }
220 }
222 #[serde(crate = "serde_crate")]
223 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
224 #[derive(Debug, serde_crate::Serialize, serde_crate::Deserialize)]
225 struct Demo {
226     keypair: Keypair
227 }
229 #[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
230 mod serialisation {
231     use super::*;
233     use self::bincode::{serialize, serialized_size, deserialize, Infinite};
234     use self::toml;
236     use ed25519::signature::Signature as _;
238     static PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES: [u8; PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH] = [
239         130, 039, 155, 015, 062, 076, 188, 063,
240         124, 122, 026, 251, 233, 253, 225, 220,
241         014, 041, 166, 120, 108, 035, 254, 077,
242         160, 083, 172, 058, 219, 042, 086, 120, ];
244     static SECRET_KEY_BYTES: [u8; SECRET_KEY_LENGTH] = [
245         062, 070, 027, 163, 092, 182, 011, 003,
246         077, 234, 098, 004, 011, 127, 079, 228,
247         243, 187, 150, 073, 201, 137, 076, 022,
248         085, 251, 152, 002, 241, 042, 072, 054, ];
250     /// Signature with the above keypair of a blank message.
251     static SIGNATURE_BYTES: [u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH] = [
252         010, 126, 151, 143, 157, 064, 047, 001,
253         196, 140, 179, 058, 226, 152, 018, 102,
254         160, 123, 080, 016, 210, 086, 196, 028,
255         053, 231, 012, 157, 169, 019, 158, 063,
256         045, 154, 238, 007, 053, 185, 227, 229,
257         079, 108, 213, 080, 124, 252, 084, 167,
258         216, 085, 134, 144, 129, 149, 041, 081,
259         063, 120, 126, 100, 092, 059, 050, 011, ];
261     static KEYPAIR_BYTES: [u8; KEYPAIR_LENGTH] = [
262         239, 085, 017, 235, 167, 103, 034, 062,
263         007, 010, 032, 146, 113, 039, 096, 174,
264         003, 219, 232, 166, 240, 121, 167, 013,
265         098, 238, 122, 116, 193, 114, 215, 213,
266         175, 181, 075, 166, 224, 164, 140, 146,
267         053, 120, 010, 037, 104, 094, 136, 225,
268         249, 102, 171, 160, 097, 132, 015, 071,
269         035, 056, 000, 074, 130, 168, 225, 071, ];
271     #[test]
serialize_deserialize_signature()272     fn serialize_deserialize_signature() {
273         let signature: Signature = Signature::from_bytes(&SIGNATURE_BYTES).unwrap();
274         let encoded_signature: Vec<u8> = serialize(&signature, Infinite).unwrap();
275         let decoded_signature: Signature = deserialize(&encoded_signature).unwrap();
277         assert_eq!(signature, decoded_signature);
278     }
280     #[test]
serialize_deserialize_public_key()281     fn serialize_deserialize_public_key() {
282         let public_key: PublicKey = PublicKey::from_bytes(&PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES).unwrap();
283         let encoded_public_key: Vec<u8> = serialize(&public_key, Infinite).unwrap();
284         let decoded_public_key: PublicKey = deserialize(&encoded_public_key).unwrap();
286         assert_eq!(&PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES[..], &encoded_public_key[encoded_public_key.len() - 32..]);
287         assert_eq!(public_key, decoded_public_key);
288     }
290     #[test]
serialize_deserialize_secret_key()291     fn serialize_deserialize_secret_key() {
292         let secret_key: SecretKey = SecretKey::from_bytes(&SECRET_KEY_BYTES).unwrap();
293         let encoded_secret_key: Vec<u8> = serialize(&secret_key, Infinite).unwrap();
294         let decoded_secret_key: SecretKey = deserialize(&encoded_secret_key).unwrap();
296         for i in 0..32 {
297             assert_eq!(SECRET_KEY_BYTES[i], decoded_secret_key.as_bytes()[i]);
298         }
299     }
301     #[test]
serialize_deserialize_keypair_bincode()302     fn serialize_deserialize_keypair_bincode() {
303         let keypair = Keypair::from_bytes(&KEYPAIR_BYTES).unwrap();
304         let encoded_keypair: Vec<u8> = serialize(&keypair, Infinite).unwrap();
305         let decoded_keypair: Keypair = deserialize(&encoded_keypair).unwrap();
307         for i in 0..64 {
308             assert_eq!(KEYPAIR_BYTES[i], decoded_keypair.to_bytes()[i]);
309         }
310     }
312     #[test]
serialize_deserialize_keypair_toml()313     fn serialize_deserialize_keypair_toml() {
314         let demo = Demo { keypair: Keypair::from_bytes(&KEYPAIR_BYTES).unwrap() };
316         println!("\n\nWrite to toml");
317         let demo_toml = toml::to_string(&demo).unwrap();
318         println!("{}", demo_toml);
319         let demo_toml_rebuild: Result<Demo, _> = toml::from_str(&demo_toml);
320         println!("{:?}", demo_toml_rebuild);
321     }
323     #[test]
serialize_public_key_size()324     fn serialize_public_key_size() {
325         let public_key: PublicKey = PublicKey::from_bytes(&PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES).unwrap();
326         assert_eq!(serialized_size(&public_key) as usize, 40); // These sizes are specific to bincode==1.0.1
327     }
329     #[test]
serialize_signature_size()330     fn serialize_signature_size() {
331         let signature: Signature = Signature::from_bytes(&SIGNATURE_BYTES).unwrap();
332         assert_eq!(serialized_size(&signature) as usize, 64); // These sizes are specific to bincode==1.0.1
333     }
335     #[test]
serialize_secret_key_size()336     fn serialize_secret_key_size() {
337         let secret_key: SecretKey = SecretKey::from_bytes(&SECRET_KEY_BYTES).unwrap();
338         assert_eq!(serialized_size(&secret_key) as usize, 40); // These sizes are specific to bincode==1.0.1
339     }
340 }