1.. -*- mode: rst; -*-
3.. |json-status-format| replace::
4   "cluster":{
5      "layers":{
6         "_valid":true,
7         "_error":"some error description"
8      },
9      "processes":{
10         "$map_key=zoneid":{
11            "version":"3.0.0", // a process version will not be reported if it is not protocol-compatible; it will be absent from status
12            "machine_id":"0ccb4e0feddb5583010f6b77d9d10ece",
13            "locality":{ // This will contain any locality fields that are provided on the command line
14                "$map_key=localityName":"value"
15            },
16            "class_source":{
17               "$enum":[
18                  "command_line",
19                  "configure_auto",
20                  "set_class"
21               ]
22            },
23            "class_type":{
24               "$enum":[
25                  "unset",
26                  "storage",
27                  "transaction",
28                  "resolution",
29                  "proxy",
30                  "master",
31                  "test"
32               ]
33            },
34            "degraded":true,
35            "roles":[
36               {
37                  "query_queue_max":0,
38                  "input_bytes":{
39                     "hz":0.0,
40                     "counter":0,
41                     "roughness":0.0
42                  },
43                  "stored_bytes":12341234,
44                  "kvstore_used_bytes":12341234,
45                  "kvstore_available_bytes":12341234,
46                  "kvstore_free_bytes":12341234,
47                  "kvstore_total_bytes":12341234,
48                  "durable_bytes":{
49                     "hz":0.0,
50                     "counter":0,
51                     "roughness":0.0
52                  },
53                  "queue_disk_used_bytes":12341234,
54                  "queue_disk_available_bytes":12341234,
55                  "queue_disk_free_bytes":12341234,
56                  "queue_disk_total_bytes":12341234,
57                  "role":{
58                     "$enum":[
59                        "master",
60                        "proxy",
61                        "log",
62                        "storage",
63                        "resolver",
64                        "cluster_controller",
65                        "data_distributor",
66                        "ratekeeper"
67                     ]
68                  },
69                  "data_version":12341234,
70                  "durable_version":12341234,
71                  "data_lag": {
72                     "seconds":5.0,
73                     "versions":12341234
74                  },
75                  "durability_lag": {
76                     "seconds":5.0,
77                     "versions":12341234
78                  },
79                  "id":"eb84471d68c12d1d26f692a50000003f",
80                  "total_queries":{
81                     "hz":0.0,
82                     "counter":0,
83                     "roughness":0.0
84                  },
85                  "finished_queries":{
86                     "hz":0.0,
87                     "counter":0,
88                     "roughness":0.0
89                  },
90                  "bytes_queried":{
91                     "hz":0.0,
92                     "counter":0,
93                     "roughness":0.0
94                  },
95                  "keys_queried":{
96                     "hz":0.0,
97                     "counter":0,
98                     "roughness":0.0
99                  },
100                  "mutation_bytes":{
101                     "hz":0.0,
102                     "counter":0,
103                     "roughness":0.0
104                  },
105                  "mutations":{
106                     "hz":0.0,
107                     "counter":0,
108                     "roughness":0.0
109                  },
110                  "grv_latency_bands":{ // How many GRV requests belong to the latency (in seconds) band (e.g., How many requests belong to [0.01,0.1] latency band). The key is the upper bound of the band and the lower bound is the next smallest band (or 0, if none). Example: {0.01: 27, 0.1: 18, 1: 1, inf: 98,filtered: 10}, we have 18 requests in [0.01, 0.1) band.
111                     "$map_key=upperBoundOfBand": 1
112                  },
113                  "read_latency_bands":{
114                     "$map_key=upperBoundOfBand": 1
115                  },
116                  "commit_latency_bands":{
117                     "$map_key=upperBoundOfBand": 1
118                  }
119               }
120            ],
121            "command_line":"-r simulation",
122            "memory":{
123               "available_bytes":0, //an estimate of the process' fair share of the memory available to fdbservers
124               "limit_bytes":0, // memory limit per process
125               "unused_allocated_memory":0,
126               "used_bytes":0
127            },
128            "messages":[
129               {
130                  "time":12345.12312,
131                  "type":"x",
132                  "name":{ // when not limiting
133                     "$enum":[
134                        "file_open_error",
135                        "incorrect_cluster_file_contents",
136                        "process_error",
137                        "io_error",
138                        "io_timeout",
139                        "platform_error",
140                        "storage_server_lagging",
141                        "(other FDB error messages)"
142                     ]
143                  },
144                  "raw_log_message":"<stuff/>",
145                  "description":"abc"
146               }
147            ],
148            "fault_domain":"0ccb4e0fdbdb5583010f6b77d9d10ece",
149            "under_maintenance":true,
150            "excluded":false,
151            "address":"",
152            "disk":{
153               "free_bytes":3451233456234, // an estimate of how many bytes are free to allocate to fdbservers without swapping
154               "reads":{
155                  "hz":0.0,
156                  "counter":0,
157                  "sectors":0
158               },
159               "busy":0.0, // from 0.0 (idle) to 1.0 (fully busy)
160               "writes":{
161                  "hz":0.0,
162                  "counter":0,
163                  "sectors":0
164               },
165               "total_bytes":123412341234 // an estimate of total physical RAM
166            },
167            "uptime_seconds":1234.2345,
168            "cpu":{
169               "usage_cores":0.0 // average number of logical cores utilized by the process over the recent past; value may be > 1.0
170            },
171            "network":{
172               "current_connections":0,
173               "connections_established":{
174                   "hz":0.0
175               },
176               "connections_closed":{
177                   "hz":0.0
178               },
179               "connection_errors":{
180                   "hz":0.0
181               },
182               "megabits_sent":{
183                  "hz":0.0
184               },
185               "megabits_received":{
186                  "hz":0.0
187               }
188            }
189         }
190      },
191      "old_logs":[
192         {
193            "logs":[ // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
194               {
195                  "id":"7f8d623d0cb9966e",
196                  "healthy":true,
197                  "address":""
198               }
199            ],
200            "log_replication_factor":3,
201            "log_write_anti_quorum":0,
202            "log_fault_tolerance":2,
203            "remote_log_replication_factor":3,
204            "remote_log_fault_tolerance":2,
205            "satellite_log_replication_factor":3,
206            "satellite_log_write_anti_quorum":0,
207            "satellite_log_fault_tolerance":2
208         }
209      ],
210      "fault_tolerance":{
211         "max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability":0,
212         "max_machine_failures_without_losing_data":0
213      },
214      "qos":{
215         "worst_queue_bytes_log_server":460,
216         "batch_performance_limited_by":{
217            "reason_server_id":"7f8d623d0cb9966e",
218            "reason_id":0,
219            "name":{ // when not limiting
220               "$enum":[
221                  "workload",
222                  "storage_server_write_queue_size",
223                  "storage_server_write_bandwidth_mvcc",
224                  "storage_server_readable_behind",
225                  "log_server_mvcc_write_bandwidth",
226                  "log_server_write_queue",
227                  "storage_server_min_free_space",
228                  "storage_server_min_free_space_ratio",
229                  "log_server_min_free_space",
230                  "log_server_min_free_space_ratio"
231               ]
232            },
233            "description":"The database is not being saturated by the workload."
234         },
235         "performance_limited_by":{
236            "reason_server_id":"7f8d623d0cb9966e",
237            "reason_id":0,
238            "name":{ // when not limiting
239               "$enum":[
240                  "workload",
241                  "storage_server_write_queue_size",
242                  "storage_server_write_bandwidth_mvcc",
243                  "storage_server_readable_behind",
244                  "log_server_mvcc_write_bandwidth",
245                  "log_server_write_queue",
246                  "storage_server_min_free_space",
247                  "storage_server_min_free_space_ratio",
248                  "log_server_min_free_space",
249                  "log_server_min_free_space_ratio"
250               ]
251            },
252            "description":"The database is not being saturated by the workload."
253         },
254         "batch_transactions_per_second_limit":0,
255         "transactions_per_second_limit":0,
256         "batch_released_transactions_per_second":0,
257         "released_transactions_per_second":0,
258         "limiting_queue_bytes_storage_server":0,
259         "worst_queue_bytes_storage_server":0,
260         "limiting_version_lag_storage_server":0,
261         "worst_version_lag_storage_server":0
262      },
263      "incompatible_connections":[
264      ],
265      "datacenter_version_difference":0,
266      "degraded_processes":0,
267      "database_available":true,
268      "database_locked":false,
269      "generation":2,
270      "latency_probe":{ // all measurements are based on running sample transactions
271         "read_seconds":7, // time to perform a single read
272         "immediate_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at system immediate priority
273         "batch_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at batch priority
274         "transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at normal priority
275         "commit_seconds":0.02 // time to commit a sample transaction
276      },
277      "clients":{
278         "count":1,
279         "supported_versions":[
280             {
281                 "client_version":"3.0.0",
282                 "connected_clients":[
283                     {
284                         "address":"",
285                         "log_group":"default"
286                     }
287                 ],
288                 "count" : 1,
289                 "protocol_version" : "fdb00a400050001",
290                 "source_version" : "9430e1127b4991cbc5ab2b17f41cfffa5de07e9d"
291             }
292         ]
293      },
294      "messages":[
295         {
296            "reasons":[
297               {
298                  "description":"Blah."
299               }
300            ],
301            "unreachable_processes":[
302               {
303                  "address":""
304               }
305            ],
306            "name":{ // when not limiting
307               "$enum":[
308                  "unreachable_master_worker",
309                  "unreachable_dataDistributor_worker",
310                  "unreachable_ratekeeper_worker",
311                  "unreadable_configuration",
312                  "full_replication_timeout",
313                  "client_issues",
314                  "unreachable_processes",
315                  "immediate_priority_transaction_start_probe_timeout",
316                  "batch_priority_transaction_start_probe_timeout",
317                  "transaction_start_probe_timeout",
318                  "read_probe_timeout",
319                  "commit_probe_timeout",
320                  "storage_servers_error",
321                  "status_incomplete",
322                  "layer_status_incomplete",
323                  "database_availability_timeout"
324               ]
325            },
326            "issues":[
327               {
328                  "name":{ // when not limiting
329                     "$enum":[
330                        "incorrect_cluster_file_contents"
331                     ]
332                  },
333                  "description":"Cluster file contents do not match current cluster connection string. Verify cluster file is writable and has not been overwritten externally."
334               }
335            ],
336            "description":"abc"
337         }
338      ],
339      "recovery_state":{
340         "required_resolvers":1,
341         "required_proxies":1,
342         "name":{ // "fully_recovered" is the healthy state; other states are normal to transition through but not to persist in
343            "$enum":[
344               "reading_coordinated_state",
345               "locking_coordinated_state",
346               "locking_old_transaction_servers",
347               "reading_transaction_system_state",
348               "configuration_missing",
349               "configuration_never_created",
350               "configuration_invalid",
351               "recruiting_transaction_servers",
352               "initializing_transaction_servers",
353               "recovery_transaction",
354               "writing_coordinated_state",
355               "accepting_commits",
356               "all_logs_recruited",
357               "storage_recovered",
358               "fully_recovered"
359            ]
360         },
361         "required_logs":3,
362         "missing_logs":"7f8d623d0cb9966e",
363         "description":"Recovery complete."
364      },
365      "workload":{
366         "operations":{
367            "writes":{
368               "hz":0.0,
369               "counter":0,
370               "roughness":0.0
371            },
372            "reads":{
373               "hz":0.0,
374               "counter":0,
375               "roughness":0.0
376            },
377            "read_requests":{
378               "hz":0.0,
379               "counter":0,
380               "roughness":0.0
381            }
382         },
383         "bytes":{ // of operations (independent of hz). Perfectly spaced operations will have a roughness of 1.0 . Randomly spaced (Poisson-distributed) operations will have a roughness of 2.0, with increased bunching resulting in increased values. Higher roughness can result in increased latency due to increased queuing.
384            "written":{
385               "hz":0.0,
386               "counter":0,
387               "roughness":0.0
388            },
389            "read":{
390               "hz":0.0,
391               "counter":0,
392               "roughness":0.0
393            }
394         },
395         "keys":{
396            "read":{
397               "hz":0.0,
398               "counter":0,
399               "roughness":0.0
400            }
401         },
402         "transactions":{
403            "started":{
404               "hz":0.0,
405               "counter":0,
406               "roughness":0.0
407            },
408            "conflicted":{
409               "hz":0.0,
410               "counter":0,
411               "roughness":0.0
412            },
413            "committed":{
414               "hz":0.0,
415               "counter":0,
416               "roughness":0.0
417            }
418         }
419      },
420      "cluster_controller_timestamp":1415650089,
421      "protocol_version":"fdb00a400050001",
422      "connection_string":"a:a@",
423      "full_replication":true,
424      "maintenance_zone":"0ccb4e0fdbdb5583010f6b77d9d10ece",
425      "maintenance_seconds_remaining":1.0,
426      "configuration":{
427         "log_anti_quorum":0,
428         "log_replicas":2,
429         "log_replication_policy":"(zoneid^3x1)",
430         "redundancy_mode":{
431         "$enum":[
432             "single",
433             "double",
434             "triple",
435             "three_datacenter",
436             "three_datacenter_fallback",
437             "three_data_hall",
438             "three_data_hall_fallback"
439         ]},
440         "regions":[{
441         "datacenters":[{
442             "id":"mr",
443             "priority":1,
444             "satellite":1
445         }],
446         "satellite_redundancy_mode":{
447         "$enum":[
448             "one_satellite_single",
449             "one_satellite_double",
450             "one_satellite_triple",
451             "two_satellite_safe",
452             "two_satellite_fast"
453         ]},
454         "satellite_log_replicas":1,
455         "satellite_usable_dcs":1,
456         "satellite_anti_quorum":0,
457         "satellite_log_policy":"(zoneid^3x1)",
458         "satellite_logs":2
459         }],
460         "remote_redundancy_mode":{
461         "$enum":[
462             "remote_default",
463             "remote_single",
464             "remote_double",
465             "remote_triple",
466             "remote_three_data_hall"
467         ]},
468         "remote_log_replicas":3,
469         "remote_logs":5,
470         "log_routers":10,
471         "usable_regions":1,
472         "repopulate_anti_quorum":1,
473         "storage_replicas":1,
474         "resolvers":1, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
475         "storage_replication_policy":"(zoneid^3x1)",
476         "logs":2, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
477         "log_version":2,
478         "log_engine":1,
479         "log_spill":1,
480         "storage_engine":{
481         "$enum":[
482             "ssd",
483             "ssd-1",
484             "ssd-2",
485             "ssd-redwood-experimental",
486             "memory"
487         ]},
488         "coordinators_count":1,
489         "excluded_servers":[
490            {
491               "address":""
492            }
493         ],
494         "auto_proxies":3,
495         "auto_resolvers":1,
496         "auto_logs":3,
497         "proxies":5 // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
498      },
499      "data":{
500         "least_operating_space_bytes_log_server":0,
501         "average_partition_size_bytes":0,
502         "state":{
503            "healthy":true,
504            "min_replicas_remaining":0,
505            "name":{ // when not limiting
506               "$enum":[
507                  "initializing",
508                  "missing_data",
509                  "healing",
510                  "optimizing_team_collections",
511                  "healthy_repartitioning",
512                  "healthy_removing_server",
513                  "healthy_rebalancing",
514                  "healthy"
515               ]
516            },
517            "description":""
518         },
519         "least_operating_space_ratio_storage_server":0.1,
520         "max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability":0,
521         "total_disk_used_bytes":0,
522         "total_kv_size_bytes":0, // estimated
523         "partitions_count":2,
524         "moving_data":{
525            "total_written_bytes":0,
526            "in_flight_bytes":0,
527            "in_queue_bytes":0,
528            "highest_priority":0
529         },
530         "team_trackers":[
531            {
532                "primary":true,
533                "in_flight_bytes":0,
534                "unhealthy_servers":0,
535                "state":{
536                    "healthy":true,
537                    "min_replicas_remaining":0,
538                    "name":{ // when not limiting
539                       "$enum":[
540                          "initializing",
541                          "missing_data",
542                          "healing",
543                          "optimizing_team_collections",
544                          "healthy_repartitioning",
545                          "healthy_removing_server",
546                          "healthy_rebalancing",
547                          "healthy"
548                       ]
549                    },
550                    "description":""
551                }
552            }
553         ],
554         "least_operating_space_bytes_storage_server":0,
555         "max_machine_failures_without_losing_data":0
556      },
557      "machines":{
558         "$map_key=machineid":{
559            "network":{
560               "megabits_sent":{
561                  "hz":0.0
562               },
563               "megabits_received":{
564                  "hz":0.0
565               },
566               "tcp_segments_retransmitted":{
567                  "hz":0.0
568               }
569            },
570            "memory":{
571               "free_bytes":0, // an estimate of how many bytes are free to allocate to fdbservers without swapping
572               "committed_bytes":0,
573               "total_bytes":0 // an estimate of total physical RAM
574            },
575            "contributing_workers":4,
576            "datacenter_id":"6344abf1813eb05b",
577            "excluded":false,
578            "address":"",
579            "machine_id":"6344abf1813eb05b",
580            "locality":{ // This will contain any locality fields that are provided on the command line
581                "$map_key=localityName":"value"
582            },
583            "cpu":{
584               "logical_core_utilization":0.4 // computed as cpu_seconds / elapsed_seconds; value may be capped at 0.5 due to hyper-threading
585            }
586         }
587      }
588   },
589   "client":{
590      "coordinators":{
591         "coordinators":[
592            {
593               "reachable":true,
594               "address":""
595            }
596         ],
597         "quorum_reachable":true
598      },
599      "database_status":{
600         "available":true,
601         "healthy":true
602      },
603      "messages":[
604         {
605            "name":{ // when not limiting
606               "$enum":[
607                  "inconsistent_cluster_file",
608                  "unreachable_cluster_controller",
609                  "no_cluster_controller",
610                  "status_incomplete_client",
611                  "status_incomplete_coordinators",
612                  "status_incomplete_error",
613                  "status_incomplete_timeout",
614                  "status_incomplete_cluster",
615                  "quorum_not_reachable"
616               ]
617            },
618            "description":"The cluster file is not up to date."
619         }
620      ],
621      "timestamp":1415650089,
622      "cluster_file":{
623         "path":"/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster",
624         "up_to_date":true
625      }
626   }