1// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
3package costexplorer
5import (
6	"context"
7	awsmiddleware "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/middleware"
8	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/signer/v4"
9	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/costexplorer/types"
10	"github.com/aws/smithy-go/middleware"
11	smithyhttp "github.com/aws/smithy-go/transport/http"
14// Retrieves an array of Cost Category names and values incurred cost. If some Cost
15// Category names and values are not associated with any cost, they will not be
16// returned by this API.
17func (c *Client) GetCostCategories(ctx context.Context, params *GetCostCategoriesInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetCostCategoriesOutput, error) {
18	if params == nil {
19		params = &GetCostCategoriesInput{}
20	}
22	result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "GetCostCategories", params, optFns, addOperationGetCostCategoriesMiddlewares)
23	if err != nil {
24		return nil, err
25	}
27	out := result.(*GetCostCategoriesOutput)
28	out.ResultMetadata = metadata
29	return out, nil
32type GetCostCategoriesInput struct {
34	// The time period of the request.
35	//
36	// This member is required.
37	TimePeriod *types.DateInterval
39	// The unique name of the Cost Category.
40	CostCategoryName *string
42	// Use Expression to filter by cost or by usage. There are two patterns:
43	//
44	// * Simple
45	// dimension values - You can set the dimension name and values for the filters
46	// that you plan to use. For example, you can filter for REGION==us-east-1 OR
47	// REGION==us-west-1. For GetRightsizingRecommendation, the Region is a full name
48	// (for example, REGION==US East (N. Virginia). The Expression example looks like:
49	// { "Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", “us-west-1” ] } }
50	// The list of dimension values are OR'd together to retrieve cost or usage data.
51	// You can create Expression and DimensionValues objects using either with* methods
52	// or set* methods in multiple lines.
53	//
54	// * Compound dimension values with logical
55	// operations - You can use multiple Expression types and the logical operators
56	// AND/OR/NOT to create a list of one or more Expression objects. This allows you
57	// to filter on more advanced options. For example, you can filter on ((REGION ==
58	// us-east-1 OR REGION == us-west-1) OR (TAG.Type == Type1)) AND (USAGE_TYPE !=
59	// DataTransfer). The Expression for that looks like this: { "And": [ {"Or": [
60	// {"Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ] }},
61	// {"Tags": { "Key": "TagName", "Values": ["Value1"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions":
62	// { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"] }}} ] }  Because each
63	// Expression can have only one operator, the service returns an error if more than
64	// one is specified. The following example shows an Expression object that creates
65	// an error.  { "And": [ ... ], "DimensionValues": { "Dimension": "USAGE_TYPE",
66	// "Values": [ "DataTransfer" ] } }
67	//
68	// For the GetRightsizingRecommendation action, a
69	// combination of OR and NOT is not supported. OR is not supported between
70	// different dimensions, or dimensions and tags. NOT operators aren't supported.
71	// Dimensions are also limited to LINKED_ACCOUNT, REGION, or RIGHTSIZING_TYPE. For
72	// the GetReservationPurchaseRecommendation action, only NOT is supported. AND and
73	// OR are not supported. Dimensions are limited to LINKED_ACCOUNT.
74	Filter *types.Expression
76	// This field is only used when SortBy is provided in the request. The maximum
77	// number of objects that to be returned for this request. If MaxResults is not
78	// specified with SortBy, the request will return 1000 results as the default value
79	// for this parameter. For GetCostCategories, MaxResults has an upper limit of
80	// 1000.
81	MaxResults int32
83	// If the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the
84	// limit, AWS returns a NextPageToken value in the response. To retrieve the next
85	// batch of objects, provide the NextPageToken from the prior call in your next
86	// request.
87	NextPageToken *string
89	// The value that you want to search the filter values for. If you do not specify a
90	// CostCategoryName, SearchString will be used to filter Cost Category names that
91	// match the SearchString pattern. If you do specifiy a CostCategoryName,
92	// SearchString will be used to filter Cost Category values that match the
93	// SearchString pattern.
94	SearchString *string
96	// The value by which you want to sort the data. The key represents cost and usage
97	// metrics. The following values are supported:
98	//
99	// * BlendedCost
100	//
101	// * UnblendedCost
102	//
103	// *
104	// AmortizedCost
105	//
106	// * NetAmortizedCost
107	//
108	// * NetUnblendedCost
109	//
110	// * UsageQuantity
111	//
112	// *
113	// NormalizedUsageAmount
114	//
115	// Supported values for SortOrder are ASCENDING or
116	// DESCENDING. When using SortBy, NextPageToken and SearchString are not supported.
117	SortBy []types.SortDefinition
120type GetCostCategoriesOutput struct {
122	// The number of objects returned.
123	//
124	// This member is required.
125	ReturnSize *int32
127	// The total number of objects.
128	//
129	// This member is required.
130	TotalSize *int32
132	// The names of the Cost Categories.
133	CostCategoryNames []string
135	// The Cost Category values. CostCategoryValues are not returned if
136	// CostCategoryName is not specified in the request.
137	CostCategoryValues []string
139	// If the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the
140	// limit, AWS returns a NextPageToken value in the response. To retrieve the next
141	// batch of objects, provide the marker from the prior call in your next request.
142	NextPageToken *string
144	// Metadata pertaining to the operation's result.
145	ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata
148func addOperationGetCostCategoriesMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) {
149	err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsjson11_serializeOpGetCostCategories{}, middleware.After)
150	if err != nil {
151		return err
152	}
153	err = stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsAwsjson11_deserializeOpGetCostCategories{}, middleware.After)
154	if err != nil {
155		return err
156	}
157	if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
158		return err
159	}
160	if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
161		return err
162	}
163	if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
164		return err
165	}
166	if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
167		return err
168	}
169	if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil {
170		return err
171	}
172	if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil {
173		return err
174	}
175	if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil {
176		return err
177	}
178	if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil {
179		return err
180	}
181	if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil {
182		return err
183	}
184	if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil {
185		return err
186	}
187	if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
188		return err
189	}
190	if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
191		return err
192	}
193	if err = addOpGetCostCategoriesValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
194		return err
195	}
196	if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetCostCategories(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil {
197		return err
198	}
199	if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
200		return err
201	}
202	if err = addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
203		return err
204	}
205	if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil {
206		return err
207	}
208	return nil
211func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetCostCategories(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata {
212	return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{
213		Region:        region,
214		ServiceID:     ServiceID,
215		SigningName:   "ce",
216		OperationName: "GetCostCategories",
217	}