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5    "title" : "Container Management"
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27  }, {
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31  }, {
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85  }, {
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93  }, {
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95  }, {
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97  }, {
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353        "description" : "Get list containing docker Day 2 operation types.",
354        "parameters" : [ ],
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358            "schema" : {
359              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:String[]"
360            }
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406            "description" : "Success",
407            "schema" : {
408              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:auth:idm:local:LocalPrincipalService:LocalPrincipalState"
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422              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:auth:idm:local:LocalPrincipalService:LocalPrincipalState"
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733            "description" : "Success",
734            "schema" : {
735              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
736            }
737          },
738          "404" : {
739            "description" : "Error",
740            "schema" : {
741              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
742            }
743          }
744        }
745      },
746      "put" : {
747        "tags" : [ "/config/ca-credentials" ],
748        "parameters" : [ {
749          "in" : "body",
750          "name" : "body",
751          "required" : false,
752          "schema" : {
753            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
754          }
755        } ],
756        "responses" : {
757          "200" : {
758            "description" : "Success",
759            "schema" : {
760              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
761            }
762          },
763          "404" : {
764            "description" : "Error",
765            "schema" : {
766              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
767            }
768          }
769        }
770      },
771      "patch" : {
772        "tags" : [ "/config/ca-credentials" ],
773        "parameters" : [ {
774          "in" : "body",
775          "name" : "body",
776          "required" : false,
777          "schema" : {
778            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
779          }
780        } ],
781        "responses" : {
782          "200" : {
783            "description" : "Success",
784            "schema" : {
785              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
786            }
787          },
788          "404" : {
789            "description" : "Error",
790            "schema" : {
791              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
792            }
793          }
794        }
795      },
796      "parameters" : [ {
797        "name" : "id",
798        "in" : "path",
799        "required" : true,
800        "type" : "string"
801      } ]
802    },
803    "/config/compute-profiles" : {
804      "get" : {
805        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
806        "parameters" : [ {
807          "name" : "$filter",
808          "in" : "query",
809          "required" : false,
810          "type" : "string"
811        }, {
812          "name" : "expand",
813          "in" : "query",
814          "required" : false,
815          "type" : "string"
816        } ],
817        "responses" : {
818          "200" : {
819            "description" : "Success",
820            "schema" : {
821              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
822            }
823          }
824        }
825      },
826      "post" : {
827        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
828        "parameters" : [ {
829          "in" : "body",
830          "name" : "body",
831          "required" : false,
832          "schema" : {
833            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
834          }
835        } ],
836        "responses" : {
837          "200" : {
838            "description" : "Success",
839            "schema" : {
840              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
841            }
842          }
843        }
844      }
845    },
846    "/config/compute-profiles/{id}" : {
847      "get" : {
848        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
849        "parameters" : [ ],
850        "responses" : {
851          "200" : {
852            "description" : "Success",
853            "schema" : {
854              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
855            }
856          },
857          "404" : {
858            "description" : "Error",
859            "schema" : {
860              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
861            }
862          }
863        }
864      },
865      "post" : {
866        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
867        "parameters" : [ {
868          "in" : "body",
869          "name" : "body",
870          "required" : false,
871          "schema" : {
872            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
873          }
874        } ],
875        "responses" : {
876          "200" : {
877            "description" : "Success",
878            "schema" : {
879              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
880            }
881          },
882          "404" : {
883            "description" : "Error",
884            "schema" : {
885              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
886            }
887          }
888        }
889      },
890      "put" : {
891        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
892        "parameters" : [ {
893          "in" : "body",
894          "name" : "body",
895          "required" : false,
896          "schema" : {
897            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
898          }
899        } ],
900        "responses" : {
901          "200" : {
902            "description" : "Success",
903            "schema" : {
904              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
905            }
906          },
907          "404" : {
908            "description" : "Error",
909            "schema" : {
910              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
911            }
912          }
913        }
914      },
915      "patch" : {
916        "tags" : [ "/config/compute-profiles" ],
917        "parameters" : [ {
918          "in" : "body",
919          "name" : "body",
920          "required" : false,
921          "schema" : {
922            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
923          }
924        } ],
925        "responses" : {
926          "200" : {
927            "description" : "Success",
928            "schema" : {
929              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile"
930            }
931          },
932          "404" : {
933            "description" : "Error",
934            "schema" : {
935              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
936            }
937          }
938        }
939      },
940      "parameters" : [ {
941        "name" : "id",
942        "in" : "path",
943        "required" : true,
944        "type" : "string"
945      } ]
946    },
947    "/config/event-topic" : {
948      "get" : {
949        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
950        "parameters" : [ {
951          "name" : "$filter",
952          "in" : "query",
953          "required" : false,
954          "type" : "string"
955        }, {
956          "name" : "expand",
957          "in" : "query",
958          "required" : false,
959          "type" : "string"
960        } ],
961        "responses" : {
962          "200" : {
963            "description" : "Success",
964            "schema" : {
965              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
966            }
967          }
968        }
969      },
970      "post" : {
971        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
972        "parameters" : [ {
973          "in" : "body",
974          "name" : "body",
975          "required" : false,
976          "schema" : {
977            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
978          }
979        } ],
980        "responses" : {
981          "200" : {
982            "description" : "Success",
983            "schema" : {
984              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
985            }
986          }
987        }
988      }
989    },
990    "/config/event-topic/{id}" : {
991      "get" : {
992        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
993        "parameters" : [ ],
994        "responses" : {
995          "200" : {
996            "description" : "Success",
997            "schema" : {
998              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
999            }
1000          },
1001          "404" : {
1002            "description" : "Error",
1003            "schema" : {
1004              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1005            }
1006          }
1007        }
1008      },
1009      "post" : {
1010        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
1011        "parameters" : [ {
1012          "in" : "body",
1013          "name" : "body",
1014          "required" : false,
1015          "schema" : {
1016            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1017          }
1018        } ],
1019        "responses" : {
1020          "200" : {
1021            "description" : "Success",
1022            "schema" : {
1023              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
1024            }
1025          },
1026          "404" : {
1027            "description" : "Error",
1028            "schema" : {
1029              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1030            }
1031          }
1032        }
1033      },
1034      "put" : {
1035        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
1036        "parameters" : [ {
1037          "in" : "body",
1038          "name" : "body",
1039          "required" : false,
1040          "schema" : {
1041            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1042          }
1043        } ],
1044        "responses" : {
1045          "200" : {
1046            "description" : "Success",
1047            "schema" : {
1048              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
1049            }
1050          },
1051          "404" : {
1052            "description" : "Error",
1053            "schema" : {
1054              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1055            }
1056          }
1057        }
1058      },
1059      "patch" : {
1060        "tags" : [ "/config/event-topic" ],
1061        "parameters" : [ {
1062          "in" : "body",
1063          "name" : "body",
1064          "required" : false,
1065          "schema" : {
1066            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1067          }
1068        } ],
1069        "responses" : {
1070          "200" : {
1071            "description" : "Success",
1072            "schema" : {
1073              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState"
1074            }
1075          },
1076          "404" : {
1077            "description" : "Error",
1078            "schema" : {
1079              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1080            }
1081          }
1082        }
1083      },
1084      "parameters" : [ {
1085        "name" : "id",
1086        "in" : "path",
1087        "required" : true,
1088        "type" : "string"
1089      } ]
1090    },
1091    "/config/healthcheck" : {
1092      "get" : {
1093        "tags" : [ "/config/healthcheck" ],
1094        "description" : "Do health check of services in default node group if they are available and ready for replication.",
1095        "parameters" : [ ],
1096        "responses" : {
1097          "200" : {
1098            "description" : "Success"
1099          },
1100          "404" : {
1101            "description" : "Error",
1102            "schema" : {
1103              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1104            }
1105          }
1106        }
1107      },
1108      "patch" : {
1109        "tags" : [ "/config/healthcheck" ],
1110        "description" : "Register services for health check.",
1111        "parameters" : [ ],
1112        "responses" : {
1113          "200" : {
1114            "description" : "Success",
1115            "schema" : {
1116              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeHealthCheckService"
1117            }
1118          },
1119          "404" : {
1120            "description" : "Error",
1121            "schema" : {
1122              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1123            }
1124          }
1125        }
1126      }
1127    },
1128    "/config/image-profiles" : {
1129      "get" : {
1130        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1131        "parameters" : [ {
1132          "name" : "$filter",
1133          "in" : "query",
1134          "required" : false,
1135          "type" : "string"
1136        }, {
1137          "name" : "expand",
1138          "in" : "query",
1139          "required" : false,
1140          "type" : "string"
1141        } ],
1142        "responses" : {
1143          "200" : {
1144            "description" : "Success",
1145            "schema" : {
1146              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1147            }
1148          }
1149        }
1150      },
1151      "post" : {
1152        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1153        "parameters" : [ {
1154          "in" : "body",
1155          "name" : "body",
1156          "required" : false,
1157          "schema" : {
1158            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1159          }
1160        } ],
1161        "responses" : {
1162          "200" : {
1163            "description" : "Success",
1164            "schema" : {
1165              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1166            }
1167          }
1168        }
1169      }
1170    },
1171    "/config/image-profiles/{id}" : {
1172      "get" : {
1173        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1174        "parameters" : [ ],
1175        "responses" : {
1176          "200" : {
1177            "description" : "Success",
1178            "schema" : {
1179              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1180            }
1181          },
1182          "404" : {
1183            "description" : "Error",
1184            "schema" : {
1185              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1186            }
1187          }
1188        }
1189      },
1190      "post" : {
1191        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1192        "parameters" : [ {
1193          "in" : "body",
1194          "name" : "body",
1195          "required" : false,
1196          "schema" : {
1197            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1198          }
1199        } ],
1200        "responses" : {
1201          "200" : {
1202            "description" : "Success",
1203            "schema" : {
1204              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1205            }
1206          },
1207          "404" : {
1208            "description" : "Error",
1209            "schema" : {
1210              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1211            }
1212          }
1213        }
1214      },
1215      "put" : {
1216        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1217        "parameters" : [ {
1218          "in" : "body",
1219          "name" : "body",
1220          "required" : false,
1221          "schema" : {
1222            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1223          }
1224        } ],
1225        "responses" : {
1226          "200" : {
1227            "description" : "Success",
1228            "schema" : {
1229              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1230            }
1231          },
1232          "404" : {
1233            "description" : "Error",
1234            "schema" : {
1235              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1236            }
1237          }
1238        }
1239      },
1240      "patch" : {
1241        "tags" : [ "/config/image-profiles" ],
1242        "parameters" : [ {
1243          "in" : "body",
1244          "name" : "body",
1245          "required" : false,
1246          "schema" : {
1247            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1248          }
1249        } ],
1250        "responses" : {
1251          "200" : {
1252            "description" : "Success",
1253            "schema" : {
1254              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState"
1255            }
1256          },
1257          "404" : {
1258            "description" : "Error",
1259            "schema" : {
1260              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1261            }
1262          }
1263        }
1264      },
1265      "parameters" : [ {
1266        "name" : "id",
1267        "in" : "path",
1268        "required" : true,
1269        "type" : "string"
1270      } ]
1271    },
1272    "/config/instance-types" : {
1273      "get" : {
1274        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1275        "parameters" : [ {
1276          "name" : "$filter",
1277          "in" : "query",
1278          "required" : false,
1279          "type" : "string"
1280        }, {
1281          "name" : "expand",
1282          "in" : "query",
1283          "required" : false,
1284          "type" : "string"
1285        } ],
1286        "responses" : {
1287          "200" : {
1288            "description" : "Success",
1289            "schema" : {
1290              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1291            }
1292          }
1293        }
1294      },
1295      "post" : {
1296        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1297        "parameters" : [ {
1298          "in" : "body",
1299          "name" : "body",
1300          "required" : false,
1301          "schema" : {
1302            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1303          }
1304        } ],
1305        "responses" : {
1306          "200" : {
1307            "description" : "Success",
1308            "schema" : {
1309              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1310            }
1311          }
1312        }
1313      }
1314    },
1315    "/config/instance-types/{id}" : {
1316      "get" : {
1317        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1318        "parameters" : [ ],
1319        "responses" : {
1320          "200" : {
1321            "description" : "Success",
1322            "schema" : {
1323              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1324            }
1325          },
1326          "404" : {
1327            "description" : "Error",
1328            "schema" : {
1329              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1330            }
1331          }
1332        }
1333      },
1334      "post" : {
1335        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1336        "parameters" : [ {
1337          "in" : "body",
1338          "name" : "body",
1339          "required" : false,
1340          "schema" : {
1341            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1342          }
1343        } ],
1344        "responses" : {
1345          "200" : {
1346            "description" : "Success",
1347            "schema" : {
1348              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1349            }
1350          },
1351          "404" : {
1352            "description" : "Error",
1353            "schema" : {
1354              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1355            }
1356          }
1357        }
1358      },
1359      "put" : {
1360        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1361        "parameters" : [ {
1362          "in" : "body",
1363          "name" : "body",
1364          "required" : false,
1365          "schema" : {
1366            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1367          }
1368        } ],
1369        "responses" : {
1370          "200" : {
1371            "description" : "Success",
1372            "schema" : {
1373              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1374            }
1375          },
1376          "404" : {
1377            "description" : "Error",
1378            "schema" : {
1379              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1380            }
1381          }
1382        }
1383      },
1384      "patch" : {
1385        "tags" : [ "/config/instance-types" ],
1386        "parameters" : [ {
1387          "in" : "body",
1388          "name" : "body",
1389          "required" : false,
1390          "schema" : {
1391            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1392          }
1393        } ],
1394        "responses" : {
1395          "200" : {
1396            "description" : "Success",
1397            "schema" : {
1398              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState"
1399            }
1400          },
1401          "404" : {
1402            "description" : "Error",
1403            "schema" : {
1404              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1405            }
1406          }
1407        }
1408      },
1409      "parameters" : [ {
1410        "name" : "id",
1411        "in" : "path",
1412        "required" : true,
1413        "type" : "string"
1414      } ]
1415    },
1416    "/config/migration" : {
1417      "get" : {
1418        "tags" : [ "/config/migration" ],
1419        "description" : "Do migration of documents from another xenon node.",
1420        "parameters" : [ ],
1421        "responses" : {
1422          "200" : {
1423            "description" : "Success",
1424            "schema" : {
1425              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeMigrationService:MigrationRequest"
1426            }
1427          },
1428          "404" : {
1429            "description" : "Error",
1430            "schema" : {
1431              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1432            }
1433          }
1434        }
1435      },
1436      "patch" : {
1437        "tags" : [ "/config/migration" ],
1438        "description" : "Add services for migration from another xenon node.",
1439        "parameters" : [ ],
1440        "responses" : {
1441          "200" : {
1442            "description" : "Success",
1443            "schema" : {
1444              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeMigrationService"
1445            }
1446          },
1447          "404" : {
1448            "description" : "Error",
1449            "schema" : {
1450              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1451            }
1452          }
1453        }
1454      }
1455    },
1456    "/config/network-profiles" : {
1457      "get" : {
1458        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1459        "parameters" : [ {
1460          "name" : "$filter",
1461          "in" : "query",
1462          "required" : false,
1463          "type" : "string"
1464        }, {
1465          "name" : "expand",
1466          "in" : "query",
1467          "required" : false,
1468          "type" : "string"
1469        } ],
1470        "responses" : {
1471          "200" : {
1472            "description" : "Success",
1473            "schema" : {
1474              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1475            }
1476          }
1477        }
1478      },
1479      "post" : {
1480        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1481        "parameters" : [ {
1482          "in" : "body",
1483          "name" : "body",
1484          "required" : false,
1485          "schema" : {
1486            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1487          }
1488        } ],
1489        "responses" : {
1490          "200" : {
1491            "description" : "Success",
1492            "schema" : {
1493              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1494            }
1495          }
1496        }
1497      }
1498    },
1499    "/config/network-profiles/{id}" : {
1500      "get" : {
1501        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1502        "parameters" : [ ],
1503        "responses" : {
1504          "200" : {
1505            "description" : "Success",
1506            "schema" : {
1507              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1508            }
1509          },
1510          "404" : {
1511            "description" : "Error",
1512            "schema" : {
1513              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1514            }
1515          }
1516        }
1517      },
1518      "post" : {
1519        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1520        "parameters" : [ {
1521          "in" : "body",
1522          "name" : "body",
1523          "required" : false,
1524          "schema" : {
1525            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1526          }
1527        } ],
1528        "responses" : {
1529          "200" : {
1530            "description" : "Success",
1531            "schema" : {
1532              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1533            }
1534          },
1535          "404" : {
1536            "description" : "Error",
1537            "schema" : {
1538              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1539            }
1540          }
1541        }
1542      },
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1544        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1545        "parameters" : [ {
1546          "in" : "body",
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1549          "schema" : {
1550            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1551          }
1552        } ],
1553        "responses" : {
1554          "200" : {
1555            "description" : "Success",
1556            "schema" : {
1557              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1558            }
1559          },
1560          "404" : {
1561            "description" : "Error",
1562            "schema" : {
1563              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1564            }
1565          }
1566        }
1567      },
1568      "patch" : {
1569        "tags" : [ "/config/network-profiles" ],
1570        "parameters" : [ {
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1574          "schema" : {
1575            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1576          }
1577        } ],
1578        "responses" : {
1579          "200" : {
1580            "description" : "Success",
1581            "schema" : {
1582              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile"
1583            }
1584          },
1585          "404" : {
1586            "description" : "Error",
1587            "schema" : {
1588              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1589            }
1590          }
1591        }
1592      },
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1596        "required" : true,
1597        "type" : "string"
1598      } ]
1599    },
1600    "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" : {
1601      "get" : {
1602        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1603        "parameters" : [ {
1604          "name" : "$filter",
1605          "in" : "query",
1606          "required" : false,
1607          "type" : "string"
1608        }, {
1609          "name" : "expand",
1610          "in" : "query",
1611          "required" : false,
1612          "type" : "string"
1613        } ],
1614        "responses" : {
1615          "200" : {
1616            "description" : "Success",
1617            "schema" : {
1618              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1619            }
1620          }
1621        }
1622      },
1623      "post" : {
1624        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1625        "parameters" : [ {
1626          "in" : "body",
1627          "name" : "body",
1628          "required" : false,
1629          "schema" : {
1630            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1631          }
1632        } ],
1633        "responses" : {
1634          "200" : {
1635            "description" : "Success",
1636            "schema" : {
1637              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1638            }
1639          }
1640        }
1641      }
1642    },
1643    "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry/{id}" : {
1644      "get" : {
1645        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1646        "parameters" : [ ],
1647        "responses" : {
1648          "200" : {
1649            "description" : "Success",
1650            "schema" : {
1651              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1652            }
1653          },
1654          "404" : {
1655            "description" : "Error",
1656            "schema" : {
1657              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1658            }
1659          }
1660        }
1661      },
1662      "post" : {
1663        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1664        "parameters" : [ {
1665          "in" : "body",
1666          "name" : "body",
1667          "required" : false,
1668          "schema" : {
1669            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1670          }
1671        } ],
1672        "responses" : {
1673          "200" : {
1674            "description" : "Success",
1675            "schema" : {
1676              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1677            }
1678          },
1679          "404" : {
1680            "description" : "Error",
1681            "schema" : {
1682              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1683            }
1684          }
1685        }
1686      },
1687      "put" : {
1688        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1689        "parameters" : [ {
1690          "in" : "body",
1691          "name" : "body",
1692          "required" : false,
1693          "schema" : {
1694            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1695          }
1696        } ],
1697        "responses" : {
1698          "200" : {
1699            "description" : "Success",
1700            "schema" : {
1701              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1702            }
1703          },
1704          "404" : {
1705            "description" : "Error",
1706            "schema" : {
1707              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1708            }
1709          }
1710        }
1711      },
1712      "patch" : {
1713        "tags" : [ "/config/photon-model-adapters-registry" ],
1714        "parameters" : [ {
1715          "in" : "body",
1716          "name" : "body",
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1718          "schema" : {
1719            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1720          }
1721        } ],
1722        "responses" : {
1723          "200" : {
1724            "description" : "Success",
1725            "schema" : {
1726              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig"
1727            }
1728          },
1729          "404" : {
1730            "description" : "Error",
1731            "schema" : {
1732              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1733            }
1734          }
1735        }
1736      },
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1738        "name" : "id",
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1740        "required" : true,
1741        "type" : "string"
1742      } ]
1743    },
1744    "/config/profiles" : {
1745      "get" : {
1746        "tags" : [ "/config/profiles" ],
1747        "parameters" : [ {
1748          "name" : "$filter",
1749          "in" : "query",
1750          "required" : false,
1751          "type" : "string"
1752        }, {
1753          "name" : "expand",
1754          "in" : "query",
1755          "required" : false,
1756          "type" : "string"
1757        } ],
1758        "responses" : {
1759          "200" : {
1760            "description" : "Success",
1761            "schema" : {
1762              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1763            }
1764          }
1765        }
1766      },
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1772          "required" : false,
1773          "schema" : {
1774            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1775          }
1776        } ],
1777        "responses" : {
1778          "200" : {
1779            "description" : "Success",
1780            "schema" : {
1781              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1782            }
1783          }
1784        }
1785      }
1786    },
1787    "/config/profiles/{id}" : {
1788      "get" : {
1789        "tags" : [ "/config/profiles" ],
1790        "parameters" : [ ],
1791        "responses" : {
1792          "200" : {
1793            "description" : "Success",
1794            "schema" : {
1795              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1796            }
1797          },
1798          "404" : {
1799            "description" : "Error",
1800            "schema" : {
1801              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1802            }
1803          }
1804        }
1805      },
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1807        "tags" : [ "/config/profiles" ],
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1812          "schema" : {
1813            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1814          }
1815        } ],
1816        "responses" : {
1817          "200" : {
1818            "description" : "Success",
1819            "schema" : {
1820              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1821            }
1822          },
1823          "404" : {
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1825            "schema" : {
1826              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1827            }
1828          }
1829        }
1830      },
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1837          "schema" : {
1838            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1839          }
1840        } ],
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1842          "200" : {
1843            "description" : "Success",
1844            "schema" : {
1845              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1846            }
1847          },
1848          "404" : {
1849            "description" : "Error",
1850            "schema" : {
1851              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1852            }
1853          }
1854        }
1855      },
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1863            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1864          }
1865        } ],
1866        "responses" : {
1867          "200" : {
1868            "description" : "Success",
1869            "schema" : {
1870              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState"
1871            }
1872          },
1873          "404" : {
1874            "description" : "Error",
1875            "schema" : {
1876              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1877            }
1878          }
1879        }
1880      },
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1886      } ]
1887    },
1888    "/config/props" : {
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1890        "tags" : [ "/config/props" ],
1891        "parameters" : [ {
1892          "name" : "$filter",
1893          "in" : "query",
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1895          "type" : "string"
1896        }, {
1897          "name" : "expand",
1898          "in" : "query",
1899          "required" : false,
1900          "type" : "string"
1901        } ],
1902        "responses" : {
1903          "200" : {
1904            "description" : "Success",
1905            "schema" : {
1906              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
1907            }
1908          }
1909        }
1910      },
1911      "post" : {
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1917          "schema" : {
1918            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
1919          }
1920        } ],
1921        "responses" : {
1922          "200" : {
1923            "description" : "Success",
1924            "schema" : {
1925              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
1926            }
1927          }
1928        }
1929      }
1930    },
1931    "/config/props/{id}" : {
1932      "get" : {
1933        "tags" : [ "/config/props" ],
1934        "parameters" : [ ],
1935        "responses" : {
1936          "200" : {
1937            "description" : "Success",
1938            "schema" : {
1939              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
1940            }
1941          },
1942          "404" : {
1943            "description" : "Error",
1944            "schema" : {
1945              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1946            }
1947          }
1948        }
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1957            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1958          }
1959        } ],
1960        "responses" : {
1961          "200" : {
1962            "description" : "Success",
1963            "schema" : {
1964              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
1965            }
1966          },
1967          "404" : {
1968            "description" : "Error",
1969            "schema" : {
1970              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1971            }
1972          }
1973        }
1974      },
1975      "put" : {
1976        "tags" : [ "/config/props" ],
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1978          "in" : "body",
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1981          "schema" : {
1982            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
1983          }
1984        } ],
1985        "responses" : {
1986          "200" : {
1987            "description" : "Success",
1988            "schema" : {
1989              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
1990            }
1991          },
1992          "404" : {
1993            "description" : "Error",
1994            "schema" : {
1995              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
1996            }
1997          }
1998        }
1999      },
2000      "patch" : {
2001        "tags" : [ "/config/props" ],
2002        "parameters" : [ {
2003          "in" : "body",
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2005          "required" : false,
2006          "schema" : {
2007            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2008          }
2009        } ],
2010        "responses" : {
2011          "200" : {
2012            "description" : "Success",
2013            "schema" : {
2014              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState"
2015            }
2016          },
2017          "404" : {
2018            "description" : "Error",
2019            "schema" : {
2020              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2021            }
2022          }
2023        }
2024      },
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2029        "type" : "string"
2030      } ]
2031    },
2032    "/config/registries" : {
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2034        "tags" : [ "/config/registries" ],
2035        "parameters" : [ {
2036          "name" : "$filter",
2037          "in" : "query",
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2039          "type" : "string"
2040        }, {
2041          "name" : "expand",
2042          "in" : "query",
2043          "required" : false,
2044          "type" : "string"
2045        } ],
2046        "responses" : {
2047          "200" : {
2048            "description" : "Success",
2049            "schema" : {
2050              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2051            }
2052          }
2053        }
2054      },
2055      "post" : {
2056        "tags" : [ "/config/registries" ],
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2061          "schema" : {
2062            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2063          }
2064        } ],
2065        "responses" : {
2066          "200" : {
2067            "description" : "Success",
2068            "schema" : {
2069              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2070            }
2071          }
2072        }
2073      }
2074    },
2075    "/config/registries/{id}" : {
2076      "get" : {
2077        "tags" : [ "/config/registries" ],
2078        "parameters" : [ ],
2079        "responses" : {
2080          "200" : {
2081            "description" : "Success",
2082            "schema" : {
2083              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2084            }
2085          },
2086          "404" : {
2087            "description" : "Error",
2088            "schema" : {
2089              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2090            }
2091          }
2092        }
2093      },
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2100          "schema" : {
2101            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2102          }
2103        } ],
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2105          "200" : {
2106            "description" : "Success",
2107            "schema" : {
2108              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2109            }
2110          },
2111          "404" : {
2112            "description" : "Error",
2113            "schema" : {
2114              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2115            }
2116          }
2117        }
2118      },
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2125          "schema" : {
2126            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2127          }
2128        } ],
2129        "responses" : {
2130          "200" : {
2131            "description" : "Success",
2132            "schema" : {
2133              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2134            }
2135          },
2136          "404" : {
2137            "description" : "Error",
2138            "schema" : {
2139              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2140            }
2141          }
2142        }
2143      },
2144      "patch" : {
2145        "tags" : [ "/config/registries" ],
2146        "parameters" : [ {
2147          "in" : "body",
2148          "name" : "body",
2149          "required" : false,
2150          "schema" : {
2151            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2152          }
2153        } ],
2154        "responses" : {
2155          "200" : {
2156            "description" : "Success",
2157            "schema" : {
2158              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState"
2159            }
2160          },
2161          "404" : {
2162            "description" : "Error",
2163            "schema" : {
2164              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2165            }
2166          }
2167        }
2168      },
2169      "parameters" : [ {
2170        "name" : "id",
2171        "in" : "path",
2172        "required" : true,
2173        "type" : "string"
2174      } ]
2175    },
2176    "/config/resource-operation" : {
2177      "get" : {
2178        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
2179        "parameters" : [ {
2180          "name" : "$filter",
2181          "in" : "query",
2182          "required" : false,
2183          "type" : "string"
2184        }, {
2185          "name" : "expand",
2186          "in" : "query",
2187          "required" : false,
2188          "type" : "string"
2189        } ],
2190        "responses" : {
2191          "200" : {
2192            "description" : "Success",
2193            "schema" : {
2194              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2195            }
2196          }
2197        }
2198      },
2199      "post" : {
2200        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
2201        "parameters" : [ {
2202          "in" : "body",
2203          "name" : "body",
2204          "required" : false,
2205          "schema" : {
2206            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2207          }
2208        } ],
2209        "responses" : {
2210          "200" : {
2211            "description" : "Success",
2212            "schema" : {
2213              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2214            }
2215          }
2216        }
2217      }
2218    },
2219    "/config/resource-operation/{id}" : {
2220      "get" : {
2221        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
2222        "parameters" : [ ],
2223        "responses" : {
2224          "200" : {
2225            "description" : "Success",
2226            "schema" : {
2227              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2228            }
2229          },
2230          "404" : {
2231            "description" : "Error",
2232            "schema" : {
2233              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2234            }
2235          }
2236        }
2237      },
2238      "post" : {
2239        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
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2242          "name" : "body",
2243          "required" : false,
2244          "schema" : {
2245            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2246          }
2247        } ],
2248        "responses" : {
2249          "200" : {
2250            "description" : "Success",
2251            "schema" : {
2252              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2253            }
2254          },
2255          "404" : {
2256            "description" : "Error",
2257            "schema" : {
2258              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2259            }
2260          }
2261        }
2262      },
2263      "put" : {
2264        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
2265        "parameters" : [ {
2266          "in" : "body",
2267          "name" : "body",
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2269          "schema" : {
2270            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2271          }
2272        } ],
2273        "responses" : {
2274          "200" : {
2275            "description" : "Success",
2276            "schema" : {
2277              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2278            }
2279          },
2280          "404" : {
2281            "description" : "Error",
2282            "schema" : {
2283              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2284            }
2285          }
2286        }
2287      },
2288      "patch" : {
2289        "tags" : [ "/config/resource-operation" ],
2290        "parameters" : [ {
2291          "in" : "body",
2292          "name" : "body",
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2294          "schema" : {
2295            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2296          }
2297        } ],
2298        "responses" : {
2299          "200" : {
2300            "description" : "Success",
2301            "schema" : {
2302              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec"
2303            }
2304          },
2305          "404" : {
2306            "description" : "Error",
2307            "schema" : {
2308              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2309            }
2310          }
2311        }
2312      },
2313      "parameters" : [ {
2314        "name" : "id",
2315        "in" : "path",
2316        "required" : true,
2317        "type" : "string"
2318      } ]
2319    },
2320    "/config/storage-profiles" : {
2321      "get" : {
2322        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2323        "parameters" : [ {
2324          "name" : "$filter",
2325          "in" : "query",
2326          "required" : false,
2327          "type" : "string"
2328        }, {
2329          "name" : "expand",
2330          "in" : "query",
2331          "required" : false,
2332          "type" : "string"
2333        } ],
2334        "responses" : {
2335          "200" : {
2336            "description" : "Success",
2337            "schema" : {
2338              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2339            }
2340          }
2341        }
2342      },
2343      "post" : {
2344        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2345        "parameters" : [ {
2346          "in" : "body",
2347          "name" : "body",
2348          "required" : false,
2349          "schema" : {
2350            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2351          }
2352        } ],
2353        "responses" : {
2354          "200" : {
2355            "description" : "Success",
2356            "schema" : {
2357              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2358            }
2359          }
2360        }
2361      }
2362    },
2363    "/config/storage-profiles/{id}" : {
2364      "get" : {
2365        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2366        "parameters" : [ ],
2367        "responses" : {
2368          "200" : {
2369            "description" : "Success",
2370            "schema" : {
2371              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2372            }
2373          },
2374          "404" : {
2375            "description" : "Error",
2376            "schema" : {
2377              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2378            }
2379          }
2380        }
2381      },
2382      "post" : {
2383        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2384        "parameters" : [ {
2385          "in" : "body",
2386          "name" : "body",
2387          "required" : false,
2388          "schema" : {
2389            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2390          }
2391        } ],
2392        "responses" : {
2393          "200" : {
2394            "description" : "Success",
2395            "schema" : {
2396              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2397            }
2398          },
2399          "404" : {
2400            "description" : "Error",
2401            "schema" : {
2402              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2403            }
2404          }
2405        }
2406      },
2407      "put" : {
2408        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2409        "parameters" : [ {
2410          "in" : "body",
2411          "name" : "body",
2412          "required" : false,
2413          "schema" : {
2414            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2415          }
2416        } ],
2417        "responses" : {
2418          "200" : {
2419            "description" : "Success",
2420            "schema" : {
2421              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2422            }
2423          },
2424          "404" : {
2425            "description" : "Error",
2426            "schema" : {
2427              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2428            }
2429          }
2430        }
2431      },
2432      "patch" : {
2433        "tags" : [ "/config/storage-profiles" ],
2434        "parameters" : [ {
2435          "in" : "body",
2436          "name" : "body",
2437          "required" : false,
2438          "schema" : {
2439            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2440          }
2441        } ],
2442        "responses" : {
2443          "200" : {
2444            "description" : "Success",
2445            "schema" : {
2446              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile"
2447            }
2448          },
2449          "404" : {
2450            "description" : "Error",
2451            "schema" : {
2452              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2453            }
2454          }
2455        }
2456      },
2457      "parameters" : [ {
2458        "name" : "id",
2459        "in" : "path",
2460        "required" : true,
2461        "type" : "string"
2462      } ]
2463    },
2464    "/config/trust-certs" : {
2465      "get" : {
2466        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2467        "parameters" : [ {
2468          "name" : "$filter",
2469          "in" : "query",
2470          "required" : false,
2471          "type" : "string"
2472        }, {
2473          "name" : "expand",
2474          "in" : "query",
2475          "required" : false,
2476          "type" : "string"
2477        } ],
2478        "responses" : {
2479          "200" : {
2480            "description" : "Success",
2481            "schema" : {
2482              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2483            }
2484          }
2485        }
2486      },
2487      "post" : {
2488        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2489        "parameters" : [ {
2490          "in" : "body",
2491          "name" : "body",
2492          "required" : false,
2493          "schema" : {
2494            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2495          }
2496        } ],
2497        "responses" : {
2498          "200" : {
2499            "description" : "Success",
2500            "schema" : {
2501              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2502            }
2503          }
2504        }
2505      }
2506    },
2507    "/config/trust-certs-import" : {
2508      "put" : {
2509        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs-import" ],
2510        "description" : "Import certificate from an URI. When the certificate is downloaded and validated successfully the response is empty with status code 204. If the certificate is not validated, the response body contains the certificate with status code 200.",
2511        "parameters" : [ ],
2512        "responses" : {
2513          "200" : {
2514            "description" : "Success",
2515            "schema" : {
2516              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2517            }
2518          },
2519          "404" : {
2520            "description" : "Error",
2521            "schema" : {
2522              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2523            }
2524          }
2525        }
2526      }
2527    },
2528    "/config/trust-certs/{id}" : {
2529      "get" : {
2530        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2531        "parameters" : [ ],
2532        "responses" : {
2533          "200" : {
2534            "description" : "Success",
2535            "schema" : {
2536              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2537            }
2538          },
2539          "404" : {
2540            "description" : "Error",
2541            "schema" : {
2542              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2543            }
2544          }
2545        }
2546      },
2547      "post" : {
2548        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2549        "parameters" : [ {
2550          "in" : "body",
2551          "name" : "body",
2552          "required" : false,
2553          "schema" : {
2554            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2555          }
2556        } ],
2557        "responses" : {
2558          "200" : {
2559            "description" : "Success",
2560            "schema" : {
2561              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2562            }
2563          },
2564          "404" : {
2565            "description" : "Error",
2566            "schema" : {
2567              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2568            }
2569          }
2570        }
2571      },
2572      "put" : {
2573        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2574        "parameters" : [ {
2575          "in" : "body",
2576          "name" : "body",
2577          "required" : false,
2578          "schema" : {
2579            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2580          }
2581        } ],
2582        "responses" : {
2583          "200" : {
2584            "description" : "Success",
2585            "schema" : {
2586              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2587            }
2588          },
2589          "404" : {
2590            "description" : "Error",
2591            "schema" : {
2592              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2593            }
2594          }
2595        }
2596      },
2597      "patch" : {
2598        "tags" : [ "/config/trust-certs" ],
2599        "parameters" : [ {
2600          "in" : "body",
2601          "name" : "body",
2602          "required" : false,
2603          "schema" : {
2604            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2605          }
2606        } ],
2607        "responses" : {
2608          "200" : {
2609            "description" : "Success",
2610            "schema" : {
2611              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2612            }
2613          },
2614          "404" : {
2615            "description" : "Error",
2616            "schema" : {
2617              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2618            }
2619          }
2620        }
2621      },
2622      "parameters" : [ {
2623        "name" : "id",
2624        "in" : "path",
2625        "required" : true,
2626        "type" : "string"
2627      } ]
2628    },
2629    "/config/trusted-certificates" : {
2630      "get" : {
2631        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2632        "parameters" : [ {
2633          "name" : "$filter",
2634          "in" : "query",
2635          "required" : false,
2636          "type" : "string"
2637        }, {
2638          "name" : "expand",
2639          "in" : "query",
2640          "required" : false,
2641          "type" : "string"
2642        } ],
2643        "responses" : {
2644          "200" : {
2645            "description" : "Success",
2646            "schema" : {
2647              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2648            }
2649          }
2650        }
2651      },
2652      "post" : {
2653        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2654        "parameters" : [ {
2655          "in" : "body",
2656          "name" : "body",
2657          "required" : false,
2658          "schema" : {
2659            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2660          }
2661        } ],
2662        "responses" : {
2663          "200" : {
2664            "description" : "Success",
2665            "schema" : {
2666              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2667            }
2668          }
2669        }
2670      }
2671    },
2672    "/config/trusted-certificates/{id}" : {
2673      "get" : {
2674        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2675        "parameters" : [ ],
2676        "responses" : {
2677          "200" : {
2678            "description" : "Success",
2679            "schema" : {
2680              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2681            }
2682          },
2683          "404" : {
2684            "description" : "Error",
2685            "schema" : {
2686              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2687            }
2688          }
2689        }
2690      },
2691      "post" : {
2692        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2693        "parameters" : [ {
2694          "in" : "body",
2695          "name" : "body",
2696          "required" : false,
2697          "schema" : {
2698            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2699          }
2700        } ],
2701        "responses" : {
2702          "200" : {
2703            "description" : "Success",
2704            "schema" : {
2705              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2706            }
2707          },
2708          "404" : {
2709            "description" : "Error",
2710            "schema" : {
2711              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2712            }
2713          }
2714        }
2715      },
2716      "put" : {
2717        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2718        "parameters" : [ {
2719          "in" : "body",
2720          "name" : "body",
2721          "required" : false,
2722          "schema" : {
2723            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2724          }
2725        } ],
2726        "responses" : {
2727          "200" : {
2728            "description" : "Success",
2729            "schema" : {
2730              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2731            }
2732          },
2733          "404" : {
2734            "description" : "Error",
2735            "schema" : {
2736              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2737            }
2738          }
2739        }
2740      },
2741      "patch" : {
2742        "tags" : [ "/config/trusted-certificates" ],
2743        "parameters" : [ {
2744          "in" : "body",
2745          "name" : "body",
2746          "required" : false,
2747          "schema" : {
2748            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
2749          }
2750        } ],
2751        "responses" : {
2752          "200" : {
2753            "description" : "Success",
2754            "schema" : {
2755              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState"
2756            }
2757          },
2758          "404" : {
2759            "description" : "Error",
2760            "schema" : {
2761              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
2762            }
2763          }
2764        }
2765      },
2766      "parameters" : [ {
2767        "name" : "id",
2768        "in" : "path",
2769        "required" : true,
2770        "type" : "string"
2771      } ]
2772    },
2773    "/core/auth/credentials" : {
2774      "get" : {
2775        "tags" : [ "/core/auth/credentials" ],
2776        "parameters" : [ {
2777          "name" : "$filter",
2778          "in" : "query",
2779          "required" : false,
2780          "type" : "string"
2781        }, {
2782          "name" : "expand",
2783          "in" : "query",
2784          "required" : false,
2785          "type" : "string"
2786        } ],
2787        "responses" : {
2788          "200" : {
2789            "description" : "Success",
2790            "schema" : {
2791              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
2792            }
2793          }
2794        }
2795      },
2796      "post" : {
2797        "tags" : [ "/core/auth/credentials" ],
2798        "parameters" : [ {
2799          "in" : "body",
2800          "name" : "body",
2801          "required" : false,
2802          "schema" : {
2803            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:AuthCredentialsService:AuthCredentialsServiceState"
2804          }
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2810              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:AuthCredentialsService:AuthCredentialsServiceState"
2811            }
2812          }
2813        }
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2823            "schema" : {
2824              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:AuthCredentialsService:AuthCredentialsServiceState"
2825            }
2826          },
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2948          }
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2956          }
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2968              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
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3098              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:RoleService:RoleState"
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3111            "schema" : {
3112              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:RoleService:RoleState"
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3137              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:RoleService:RoleState"
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3162              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:RoleService:RoleState"
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3218        } ],
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3237        } ],
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3242              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:UserGroupService:UserGroupState"
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3256              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:UserGroupService:UserGroupState"
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3674              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:LoaderService:LoaderServiceState"
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3688              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:LoaderService:LoaderServiceState"
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3713              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:LoaderService:LoaderServiceState"
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4192          "200" : {
4193            "description" : "Success",
4194            "schema" : {
4195              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:SynchronizationTaskService:State"
4196            }
4197          },
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4226        } ],
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4231              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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4244          }
4245        } ],
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4249            "schema" : {
4250              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState"
4251            }
4252          }
4253        }
4254      }
4255    },
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4261          "200" : {
4262            "description" : "Success",
4263            "schema" : {
4264              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState"
4265            }
4266          },
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4288            "schema" : {
4289              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState"
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4314              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState"
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4316          },
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4339              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState"
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4375              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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4388          }
4389        } ],
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4391          "200" : {
4392            "description" : "Success",
4393            "schema" : {
4394              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState"
4395            }
4396          }
4397        }
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4399    },
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4403        "parameters" : [ ],
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4405          "200" : {
4406            "description" : "Success",
4407            "schema" : {
4408              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState"
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4410          },
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4430          "200" : {
4431            "description" : "Success",
4432            "schema" : {
4433              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState"
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4457            "schema" : {
4458              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState"
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4483              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState"
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4514        } ],
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4519              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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4538              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState"
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4552              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState"
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4577              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState"
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4602              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState"
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4627              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState"
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4663              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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4682              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallbackService:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallback"
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4696              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallbackService:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallback"
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4802        } ],
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4840              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionService:ExtensibilitySubscription"
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4859          }
4860        } ],
4861        "responses" : {
4862          "200" : {
4863            "description" : "Success",
4864            "schema" : {
4865              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionService:ExtensibilitySubscription"
4866            }
4867          },
4868          "404" : {
4869            "description" : "Error",
4870            "schema" : {
4871              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
4872            }
4873          }
4874        }
4875      },
4876      "put" : {
4877        "tags" : [ "/extensibility-subscriptions" ],
4878        "parameters" : [ {
4879          "in" : "body",
4880          "name" : "body",
4881          "required" : false,
4882          "schema" : {
4883            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
4884          }
4885        } ],
4886        "responses" : {
4887          "200" : {
4888            "description" : "Success",
4889            "schema" : {
4890              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionService:ExtensibilitySubscription"
4891            }
4892          },
4893          "404" : {
4894            "description" : "Error",
4895            "schema" : {
4896              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
4897            }
4898          }
4899        }
4900      },
4901      "patch" : {
4902        "tags" : [ "/extensibility-subscriptions" ],
4903        "parameters" : [ {
4904          "in" : "body",
4905          "name" : "body",
4906          "required" : false,
4907          "schema" : {
4908            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
4909          }
4910        } ],
4911        "responses" : {
4912          "200" : {
4913            "description" : "Success",
4914            "schema" : {
4915              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionService:ExtensibilitySubscription"
4916            }
4917          },
4918          "404" : {
4919            "description" : "Error",
4920            "schema" : {
4921              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
4922            }
4923          }
4924        }
4925      },
4926      "parameters" : [ {
4927        "name" : "id",
4928        "in" : "path",
4929        "required" : true,
4930        "type" : "string"
4931      } ]
4932    },
4933    "/images" : {
4934      "get" : {
4935        "tags" : [ "/images" ],
4936        "description" : "Search for images. Specify the name of the resource you are searching for with URI query with key \"q\".",
4937        "parameters" : [ ],
4938        "responses" : {
4939          "200" : {
4940            "description" : "Success",
4941            "schema" : {
4942              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:adapter:registry:service:RegistrySearchResponse"
4943            }
4944          },
4945          "404" : {
4946            "description" : "Error",
4947            "schema" : {
4948              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
4949            }
4950          }
4951        }
4952      }
4953    },
4954    "/images/tags" : {
4955      "get" : {
4956        "tags" : [ "/images/tags" ],
4957        "description" : "Search for tags for given image. Specify the name of the resource you are searching for with URI query with key \"q\".",
4958        "parameters" : [ ],
4959        "responses" : {
4960          "200" : {
4961            "description" : "Success",
4962            "schema" : {
4963              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:String"
4964            }
4965          },
4966          "404" : {
4967            "description" : "Error",
4968            "schema" : {
4969              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
4970            }
4971          }
4972        }
4973      }
4974    },
4975    "/logs" : {
4976      "get" : {
4977        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
4978        "parameters" : [ {
4979          "name" : "$filter",
4980          "in" : "query",
4981          "required" : false,
4982          "type" : "string"
4983        }, {
4984          "name" : "expand",
4985          "in" : "query",
4986          "required" : false,
4987          "type" : "string"
4988        } ],
4989        "responses" : {
4990          "200" : {
4991            "description" : "Success",
4992            "schema" : {
4993              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
4994            }
4995          }
4996        }
4997      },
4998      "post" : {
4999        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
5000        "parameters" : [ {
5001          "in" : "body",
5002          "name" : "body",
5003          "required" : false,
5004          "schema" : {
5005            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5006          }
5007        } ],
5008        "responses" : {
5009          "200" : {
5010            "description" : "Success",
5011            "schema" : {
5012              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5013            }
5014          }
5015        }
5016      }
5017    },
5018    "/logs/{id}" : {
5019      "get" : {
5020        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
5021        "parameters" : [ ],
5022        "responses" : {
5023          "200" : {
5024            "description" : "Success",
5025            "schema" : {
5026              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5027            }
5028          },
5029          "404" : {
5030            "description" : "Error",
5031            "schema" : {
5032              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5033            }
5034          }
5035        }
5036      },
5037      "post" : {
5038        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
5039        "parameters" : [ {
5040          "in" : "body",
5041          "name" : "body",
5042          "required" : false,
5043          "schema" : {
5044            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5045          }
5046        } ],
5047        "responses" : {
5048          "200" : {
5049            "description" : "Success",
5050            "schema" : {
5051              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5052            }
5053          },
5054          "404" : {
5055            "description" : "Error",
5056            "schema" : {
5057              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5058            }
5059          }
5060        }
5061      },
5062      "put" : {
5063        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
5064        "parameters" : [ {
5065          "in" : "body",
5066          "name" : "body",
5067          "required" : false,
5068          "schema" : {
5069            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5070          }
5071        } ],
5072        "responses" : {
5073          "200" : {
5074            "description" : "Success",
5075            "schema" : {
5076              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5077            }
5078          },
5079          "404" : {
5080            "description" : "Error",
5081            "schema" : {
5082              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5083            }
5084          }
5085        }
5086      },
5087      "patch" : {
5088        "tags" : [ "/logs" ],
5089        "parameters" : [ {
5090          "in" : "body",
5091          "name" : "body",
5092          "required" : false,
5093          "schema" : {
5094            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5095          }
5096        } ],
5097        "responses" : {
5098          "200" : {
5099            "description" : "Success",
5100            "schema" : {
5101              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
5102            }
5103          },
5104          "404" : {
5105            "description" : "Error",
5106            "schema" : {
5107              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5108            }
5109          }
5110        }
5111      },
5112      "parameters" : [ {
5113        "name" : "id",
5114        "in" : "path",
5115        "required" : true,
5116        "type" : "string"
5117      } ]
5118    },
5119    "/management/migration-tasks" : {
5120      "get" : {
5121        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5122        "parameters" : [ {
5123          "name" : "$filter",
5124          "in" : "query",
5125          "required" : false,
5126          "type" : "string"
5127        }, {
5128          "name" : "expand",
5129          "in" : "query",
5130          "required" : false,
5131          "type" : "string"
5132        } ],
5133        "responses" : {
5134          "200" : {
5135            "description" : "Success",
5136            "schema" : {
5137              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
5138            }
5139          }
5140        }
5141      },
5142      "post" : {
5143        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5144        "parameters" : [ {
5145          "in" : "body",
5146          "name" : "body",
5147          "required" : false,
5148          "schema" : {
5149            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5150          }
5151        } ],
5152        "responses" : {
5153          "200" : {
5154            "description" : "Success",
5155            "schema" : {
5156              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5157            }
5158          }
5159        }
5160      }
5161    },
5162    "/management/migration-tasks/{id}" : {
5163      "get" : {
5164        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5165        "parameters" : [ ],
5166        "responses" : {
5167          "200" : {
5168            "description" : "Success",
5169            "schema" : {
5170              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5171            }
5172          },
5173          "404" : {
5174            "description" : "Error",
5175            "schema" : {
5176              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5177            }
5178          }
5179        }
5180      },
5181      "post" : {
5182        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5183        "parameters" : [ {
5184          "in" : "body",
5185          "name" : "body",
5186          "required" : false,
5187          "schema" : {
5188            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5189          }
5190        } ],
5191        "responses" : {
5192          "200" : {
5193            "description" : "Success",
5194            "schema" : {
5195              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5196            }
5197          },
5198          "404" : {
5199            "description" : "Error",
5200            "schema" : {
5201              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5202            }
5203          }
5204        }
5205      },
5206      "put" : {
5207        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5208        "parameters" : [ {
5209          "in" : "body",
5210          "name" : "body",
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5212          "schema" : {
5213            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5214          }
5215        } ],
5216        "responses" : {
5217          "200" : {
5218            "description" : "Success",
5219            "schema" : {
5220              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5221            }
5222          },
5223          "404" : {
5224            "description" : "Error",
5225            "schema" : {
5226              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5227            }
5228          }
5229        }
5230      },
5231      "patch" : {
5232        "tags" : [ "/management/migration-tasks" ],
5233        "parameters" : [ {
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5237          "schema" : {
5238            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5239          }
5240        } ],
5241        "responses" : {
5242          "200" : {
5243            "description" : "Success",
5244            "schema" : {
5245              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State"
5246            }
5247          },
5248          "404" : {
5249            "description" : "Error",
5250            "schema" : {
5251              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5252            }
5253          }
5254        }
5255      },
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5259        "required" : true,
5260        "type" : "string"
5261      } ]
5262    },
5263    "/monitoring/in-memory-metrics" : {
5264      "get" : {
5265        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/in-memory-metrics" ],
5266        "parameters" : [ {
5267          "name" : "$filter",
5268          "in" : "query",
5269          "required" : false,
5270          "type" : "string"
5271        }, {
5272          "name" : "expand",
5273          "in" : "query",
5274          "required" : false,
5275          "type" : "string"
5276        } ],
5277        "responses" : {
5278          "200" : {
5279            "description" : "Success",
5280            "schema" : {
5281              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
5282            }
5283          }
5284        }
5285      },
5286      "post" : {
5287        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/in-memory-metrics" ],
5288        "parameters" : [ {
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5290          "name" : "body",
5291          "required" : false,
5292          "schema" : {
5293            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5294          }
5295        } ],
5296        "responses" : {
5297          "200" : {
5298            "description" : "Success",
5299            "schema" : {
5300              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5301            }
5302          }
5303        }
5304      }
5305    },
5306    "/monitoring/in-memory-metrics/{id}" : {
5307      "get" : {
5308        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/in-memory-metrics" ],
5309        "parameters" : [ ],
5310        "responses" : {
5311          "200" : {
5312            "description" : "Success",
5313            "schema" : {
5314              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5315            }
5316          },
5317          "404" : {
5318            "description" : "Error",
5319            "schema" : {
5320              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5321            }
5322          }
5323        }
5324      },
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5331          "schema" : {
5332            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5333          }
5334        } ],
5335        "responses" : {
5336          "200" : {
5337            "description" : "Success",
5338            "schema" : {
5339              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5340            }
5341          },
5342          "404" : {
5343            "description" : "Error",
5344            "schema" : {
5345              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5346            }
5347          }
5348        }
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5357            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5358          }
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5361          "200" : {
5362            "description" : "Success",
5363            "schema" : {
5364              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5365            }
5366          },
5367          "404" : {
5368            "description" : "Error",
5369            "schema" : {
5370              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5371            }
5372          }
5373        }
5374      },
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5382            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5383          }
5384        } ],
5385        "responses" : {
5386          "200" : {
5387            "description" : "Success",
5388            "schema" : {
5389              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric"
5390            }
5391          },
5392          "404" : {
5393            "description" : "Error",
5394            "schema" : {
5395              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5396            }
5397          }
5398        }
5399      },
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5404        "type" : "string"
5405      } ]
5406    },
5407    "/monitoring/resource-metrics" : {
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5409        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/resource-metrics" ],
5410        "parameters" : [ {
5411          "name" : "$filter",
5412          "in" : "query",
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5414          "type" : "string"
5415        }, {
5416          "name" : "expand",
5417          "in" : "query",
5418          "required" : false,
5419          "type" : "string"
5420        } ],
5421        "responses" : {
5422          "200" : {
5423            "description" : "Success",
5424            "schema" : {
5425              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
5426            }
5427          }
5428        }
5429      },
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5436          "schema" : {
5437            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5438          }
5439        } ],
5440        "responses" : {
5441          "200" : {
5442            "description" : "Success",
5443            "schema" : {
5444              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5445            }
5446          }
5447        }
5448      }
5449    },
5450    "/monitoring/resource-metrics/{id}" : {
5451      "get" : {
5452        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/resource-metrics" ],
5453        "parameters" : [ ],
5454        "responses" : {
5455          "200" : {
5456            "description" : "Success",
5457            "schema" : {
5458              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5459            }
5460          },
5461          "404" : {
5462            "description" : "Error",
5463            "schema" : {
5464              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5465            }
5466          }
5467        }
5468      },
5469      "post" : {
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5475          "schema" : {
5476            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5477          }
5478        } ],
5479        "responses" : {
5480          "200" : {
5481            "description" : "Success",
5482            "schema" : {
5483              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5484            }
5485          },
5486          "404" : {
5487            "description" : "Error",
5488            "schema" : {
5489              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5490            }
5491          }
5492        }
5493      },
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5501            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
5502          }
5503        } ],
5504        "responses" : {
5505          "200" : {
5506            "description" : "Success",
5507            "schema" : {
5508              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5509            }
5510          },
5511          "404" : {
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5513            "schema" : {
5514              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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5518      },
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5526            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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5528        } ],
5529        "responses" : {
5530          "200" : {
5531            "description" : "Success",
5532            "schema" : {
5533              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics"
5534            }
5535          },
5536          "404" : {
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5563          "type" : "string"
5564        } ],
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5566          "200" : {
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5568            "schema" : {
5569              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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5582          }
5583        } ],
5584        "responses" : {
5585          "200" : {
5586            "description" : "Success",
5587            "schema" : {
5588              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState"
5589            }
5590          }
5591        }
5592      }
5593    },
5594    "/monitoring/single-resource-stats-aggregation/{id}" : {
5595      "get" : {
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5597        "parameters" : [ ],
5598        "responses" : {
5599          "200" : {
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5601            "schema" : {
5602              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState"
5603            }
5604          },
5605          "404" : {
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5626            "schema" : {
5627              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState"
5628            }
5629          },
5630          "404" : {
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5633              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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5649          "200" : {
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5651            "schema" : {
5652              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState"
5653            }
5654          },
5655          "404" : {
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5674          "200" : {
5675            "description" : "Success",
5676            "schema" : {
5677              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState"
5678            }
5679          },
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5703        }, {
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5706          "required" : false,
5707          "type" : "string"
5708        } ],
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5710          "200" : {
5711            "description" : "Success",
5712            "schema" : {
5713              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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5725            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5726          }
5727        } ],
5728        "responses" : {
5729          "200" : {
5730            "description" : "Success",
5731            "schema" : {
5732              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5733            }
5734          }
5735        }
5736      }
5737    },
5738    "/monitoring/stats-aggregation/{id}" : {
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5741        "parameters" : [ ],
5742        "responses" : {
5743          "200" : {
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5745            "schema" : {
5746              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5747            }
5748          },
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5751            "schema" : {
5752              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5753            }
5754          }
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5768          "200" : {
5769            "description" : "Success",
5770            "schema" : {
5771              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5772            }
5773          },
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5777              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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5791        } ],
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5793          "200" : {
5794            "description" : "Success",
5795            "schema" : {
5796              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5797            }
5798          },
5799          "404" : {
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5802              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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5818          "200" : {
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5820            "schema" : {
5821              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState"
5822            }
5823          },
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5839    "/monitoring/stats-collection-resource-tasks" : {
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5851          "type" : "string"
5852        } ],
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5854          "200" : {
5855            "description" : "Success",
5856            "schema" : {
5857              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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5870          }
5871        } ],
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5873          "200" : {
5874            "description" : "Success",
5875            "schema" : {
5876              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState"
5877            }
5878          }
5879        }
5880      }
5881    },
5882    "/monitoring/stats-collection-resource-tasks/{id}" : {
5883      "get" : {
5884        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/stats-collection-resource-tasks" ],
5885        "parameters" : [ ],
5886        "responses" : {
5887          "200" : {
5888            "description" : "Success",
5889            "schema" : {
5890              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState"
5891            }
5892          },
5893          "404" : {
5894            "description" : "Error",
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5896              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
5897            }
5898          }
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5914            "schema" : {
5915              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState"
5916            }
5917          },
5918          "404" : {
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5921              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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5937          "200" : {
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5939            "schema" : {
5940              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState"
5941            }
5942          },
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5963            "description" : "Success",
5964            "schema" : {
5965              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState"
5966            }
5967          },
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5983    "/monitoring/stats-collection-tasks" : {
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5995          "type" : "string"
5996        } ],
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5998          "200" : {
5999            "description" : "Success",
6000            "schema" : {
6001              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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6013            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6014          }
6015        } ],
6016        "responses" : {
6017          "200" : {
6018            "description" : "Success",
6019            "schema" : {
6020              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6021            }
6022          }
6023        }
6024      }
6025    },
6026    "/monitoring/stats-collection-tasks/{id}" : {
6027      "get" : {
6028        "tags" : [ "/monitoring/stats-collection-tasks" ],
6029        "parameters" : [ ],
6030        "responses" : {
6031          "200" : {
6032            "description" : "Success",
6033            "schema" : {
6034              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6035            }
6036          },
6037          "404" : {
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6040              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
6041            }
6042          }
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6053          }
6054        } ],
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6056          "200" : {
6057            "description" : "Success",
6058            "schema" : {
6059              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6060            }
6061          },
6062          "404" : {
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6065              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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6067          }
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6077            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
6078          }
6079        } ],
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6081          "200" : {
6082            "description" : "Success",
6083            "schema" : {
6084              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6085            }
6086          },
6087          "404" : {
6088            "description" : "Error",
6089            "schema" : {
6090              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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6093        }
6094      },
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6102            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
6103          }
6104        } ],
6105        "responses" : {
6106          "200" : {
6107            "description" : "Success",
6108            "schema" : {
6109              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState"
6110            }
6111          },
6112          "404" : {
6113            "description" : "Error",
6114            "schema" : {
6115              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
6116            }
6117          }
6118        }
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6125      } ]
6126    },
6127    "/popular-images" : {
6128      "get" : {
6129        "tags" : [ "/popular-images" ],
6130        "description" : "Get predefined set of popular images, common for all tenants.",
6131        "parameters" : [ ],
6132        "responses" : {
6133          "200" : {
6134            "description" : "Success",
6135            "schema" : {
6136              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:String"
6137            }
6138          },
6139          "404" : {
6140            "description" : "Error",
6141            "schema" : {
6142              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
6143            }
6144          }
6145        }
6146      }
6147    },
6148    "/projects" : {
6149      "get" : {
6150        "tags" : [ "/projects" ],
6151        "parameters" : [ {
6152          "name" : "$filter",
6153          "in" : "query",
6154          "required" : false,
6155          "type" : "string"
6156        }, {
6157          "name" : "expand",
6158          "in" : "query",
6159          "required" : false,
6160          "type" : "string"
6161        } ],
6162        "responses" : {
6163          "200" : {
6164            "description" : "Success",
6165            "schema" : {
6166              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
6167            }
6168          }
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6170      },
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6175          "name" : "body",
6176          "required" : false,
6177          "schema" : {
6178            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:auth:project:ProjectService:ProjectState"
6179          }
6180        } ],
6181        "responses" : {
6182          "200" : {
6183            "description" : "Success",
6184            "schema" : {
6185              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:auth:project:ProjectService:ProjectState"
6186            }
6187          }
6188        }
6189      }
6190    },
6191    "/projects/{id}" : {
6192      "get" : {
6193        "tags" : [ "/projects" ],
6194        "parameters" : [ ],
6195        "responses" : {
6196          "200" : {
6197            "description" : "Success",
6198            "schema" : {
6199              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:auth:project:ProjectService:ProjectState"
6200            }
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6623    "/provisioning/endpoint-tasks/{id}" : {
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7545              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ResourceRemovalTaskService:ResourceRemovalTaskState"
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7547          },
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7570              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ResourceRemovalTaskService:ResourceRemovalTaskState"
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7624            "schema" : {
7625              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ScheduledTaskService:ScheduledTaskState"
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7631    "/provisioning/scheduled-tasks/{id}" : {
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7638            "schema" : {
7639              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ScheduledTaskService:ScheduledTaskState"
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7763          }
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7769              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskService:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskState"
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7771          }
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7782            "schema" : {
7783              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskService:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskState"
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7808              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskService:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskState"
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7833              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskService:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskState"
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7894              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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7907          }
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7912            "schema" : {
7913              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState"
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7927              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState"
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7952              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState"
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7977              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState"
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8000            "description" : "Success",
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8002              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState"
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8038              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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8051          }
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8056            "schema" : {
8057              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SshCommandTaskService:SshCommandTaskState"
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8063    "/provisioning/ssh-command-tasks/{id}" : {
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8070            "schema" : {
8071              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SshCommandTaskService:SshCommandTaskState"
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8096              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SshCommandTaskService:SshCommandTaskState"
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8121              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SshCommandTaskService:SshCommandTaskState"
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8182              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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8195          }
8196        } ],
8197        "responses" : {
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8202            }
8203          }
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8215              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSubnetTaskService:ProvisionSubnetTaskState"
8216            }
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8240              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSubnetTaskService:ProvisionSubnetTaskState"
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8339          }
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9079              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ClusteringTaskService:ClusteringTaskState"
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9129              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ClusteringTaskService:ClusteringTaskState"
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9223              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:kubernetes:CompositeKubernetesRemovalTaskService:CompositeKubernetesRemovalTaskState"
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10211          }
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10216            "schema" : {
10217              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState"
10218            }
10219          }
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10223    "/request/compute-placement-tasks/{id}" : {
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10230            "schema" : {
10231              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState"
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10233          },
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10255            "schema" : {
10256              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState"
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10281              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState"
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10306              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState"
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10355          }
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10360            "schema" : {
10361              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState"
10362            }
10363          }
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10367    "/request/compute-provision-tasks/{id}" : {
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10374            "schema" : {
10375              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState"
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10400              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState"
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10425              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState"
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10450              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState"
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10499          }
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10503            "description" : "Success",
10504            "schema" : {
10505              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState"
10506            }
10507          }
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10511    "/request/compute-removal-operations/{id}" : {
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10518            "schema" : {
10519              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState"
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10544              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState"
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10569              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState"
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10594              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState"
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10649              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeReservationTaskService:ComputeReservationTaskState"
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10662            "schema" : {
10663              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeReservationTaskService:ComputeReservationTaskState"
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10792            "schema" : {
10793              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeOperationTaskService:ComputeOperationTaskState"
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10799    "/request/compute-resource-operations/{id}" : {
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10807              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeOperationTaskService:ComputeOperationTaskState"
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10879          "200" : {
10880            "description" : "Success",
10881            "schema" : {
10882              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeOperationTaskService:ComputeOperationTaskState"
10883            }
10884          },
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10913        } ],
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10915          "200" : {
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10918              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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10931          }
10932        } ],
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10934          "200" : {
10935            "description" : "Success",
10936            "schema" : {
10937              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState"
10938            }
10939          }
10940        }
10941      }
10942    },
10943    "/request/configure-host/{id}" : {
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10948          "200" : {
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10950            "schema" : {
10951              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState"
10952            }
10953          },
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10976              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState"
10977            }
10978          },
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11001              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState"
11002            }
11003          },
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11026              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState"
11027            }
11028          },
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11057        } ],
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11059          "200" : {
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11062              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11075          }
11076        } ],
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11078          "200" : {
11079            "description" : "Success",
11080            "schema" : {
11081              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState"
11082            }
11083          }
11084        }
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11086    },
11087    "/request/container-network-allocation-tasks/{id}" : {
11088      "get" : {
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11092          "200" : {
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11094            "schema" : {
11095              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState"
11096            }
11097          },
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11118            "description" : "Success",
11119            "schema" : {
11120              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState"
11121            }
11122          },
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11126              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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11143            "description" : "Success",
11144            "schema" : {
11145              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState"
11146            }
11147          },
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11170              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState"
11171            }
11172          },
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11201        } ],
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11206              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11219          }
11220        } ],
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11222          "200" : {
11223            "description" : "Success",
11224            "schema" : {
11225              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState"
11226            }
11227          }
11228        }
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11231    "/request/container-network-removal-tasks/{id}" : {
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11238            "schema" : {
11239              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState"
11240            }
11241          },
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11263            "schema" : {
11264              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState"
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11289              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState"
11290            }
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11314              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState"
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11316          },
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11345        } ],
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11350              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11362            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
11363          }
11364        } ],
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11366          "200" : {
11367            "description" : "Success",
11368            "schema" : {
11369              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
11370            }
11371          }
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11375    "/request/container-ports-allocation-tasks/{id}" : {
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11382            "schema" : {
11383              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
11384            }
11385          },
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11408              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
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11433              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
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11457            "schema" : {
11458              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState"
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11460          },
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11489        } ],
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11491          "200" : {
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11493            "schema" : {
11494              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11507          }
11508        } ],
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11510          "200" : {
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11512            "schema" : {
11513              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState"
11514            }
11515          }
11516        }
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11518    },
11519    "/request/container-redeployment-tasks/{id}" : {
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11522        "parameters" : [ ],
11523        "responses" : {
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11526            "schema" : {
11527              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState"
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11529          },
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11551            "schema" : {
11552              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState"
11553            }
11554          },
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11576            "schema" : {
11577              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState"
11578            }
11579          },
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11601            "schema" : {
11602              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState"
11603            }
11604          },
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11638              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11651          }
11652        } ],
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11654          "200" : {
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11656            "schema" : {
11657              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState"
11658            }
11659          }
11660        }
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11670            "schema" : {
11671              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState"
11672            }
11673          },
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11695            "schema" : {
11696              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState"
11697            }
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11721              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState"
11722            }
11723          },
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11746              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState"
11747            }
11748          },
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11777        } ],
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11779          "200" : {
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11781            "schema" : {
11782              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11795          }
11796        } ],
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11798          "200" : {
11799            "description" : "Success",
11800            "schema" : {
11801              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState"
11802            }
11803          }
11804        }
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11807    "/request/container-volume-removal-tasks/{id}" : {
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11814            "schema" : {
11815              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState"
11816            }
11817          },
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11840              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState"
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11865              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState"
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11890              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState"
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11926              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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11939          }
11940        } ],
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11942          "200" : {
11943            "description" : "Success",
11944            "schema" : {
11945              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState"
11946            }
11947          }
11948        }
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11951    "/request/endpoint-healthcheck-tasks/{id}" : {
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11958            "schema" : {
11959              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState"
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11984              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState"
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12009              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState"
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12034              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState"
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12065        } ],
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12070              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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12082            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
12083          }
12084        } ],
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12086          "200" : {
12087            "description" : "Success",
12088            "schema" : {
12089              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
12090            }
12091          }
12092        }
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12095    "/request/host-removal-operations/{id}" : {
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12102            "schema" : {
12103              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
12104            }
12105          },
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12128              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
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12153              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
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12178              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState"
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12227          }
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12247              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerAllocationTaskService:LoadBalancerAllocationTaskState"
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12378            }
12379          }
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12391              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskService:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskState"
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12466              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskService:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskState"
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12535              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskService:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskState"
12536            }
12537          },
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12560              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskService:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskState"
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12585              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskService:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskState"
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12610              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskService:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskState"
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12646              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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12659          }
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12664            "schema" : {
12665              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:PlacementHostSelectionTaskService:PlacementHostSelectionTaskState"
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12671    "/request/placement-tasks/{id}" : {
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12678            "schema" : {
12679              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:PlacementHostSelectionTaskService:PlacementHostSelectionTaskState"
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12729              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:PlacementHostSelectionTaskService:PlacementHostSelectionTaskState"
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12790              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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12808            "schema" : {
12809              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ClosureProvisionTaskService:ClosureProvisionTaskState"
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12822            "schema" : {
12823              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ClosureProvisionTaskService:ClosureProvisionTaskState"
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13528            "schema" : {
13529              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState"
13530            }
13531          }
13532        }
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13542            "schema" : {
13543              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState"
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13568              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState"
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13593              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState"
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13618              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState"
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13674            }
13675          }
13676        }
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13686            "schema" : {
13687              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationAllocationTaskService:ReservationAllocationTaskState"
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13689          },
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13737              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationAllocationTaskService:ReservationAllocationTaskState"
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13761            "schema" : {
13762              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationAllocationTaskService:ReservationAllocationTaskState"
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13798              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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13811          }
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13817              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState"
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13823    "/request/reservation-removal-tasks/{id}" : {
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13831              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState"
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13856              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState"
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13881              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState"
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13906              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState"
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13942              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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13955          }
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13967    "/request/reservation-tasks/{id}" : {
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13975              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationTaskService:ReservationTaskState"
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14000              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationTaskService:ReservationTaskState"
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14025              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationTaskService:ReservationTaskState"
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14050              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationTaskService:ReservationTaskState"
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14086              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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14104            "schema" : {
14105              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerOperationTaskService:ContainerOperationTaskState"
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14118            "schema" : {
14119              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerOperationTaskService:ContainerOperationTaskState"
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14194              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerOperationTaskService:ContainerOperationTaskState"
14195            }
14196          },
14197          "404" : {
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14199            "schema" : {
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14201            }
14202          }
14203        }
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14225        } ],
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14227          "200" : {
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14229            "schema" : {
14230              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
14231            }
14232          }
14233        }
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14242            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
14243          }
14244        } ],
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14246          "200" : {
14247            "description" : "Success",
14248            "schema" : {
14249              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
14250            }
14251          }
14252        }
14253      }
14254    },
14255    "/request/resource-prefix-tasks/{id}" : {
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14258        "parameters" : [ ],
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14260          "200" : {
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14262            "schema" : {
14263              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
14264            }
14265          },
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14282          }
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14286            "description" : "Success",
14287            "schema" : {
14288              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
14289            }
14290          },
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14312            "schema" : {
14313              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
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14315          },
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14337            "schema" : {
14338              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState"
14339            }
14340          },
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14369        } ],
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14373            "schema" : {
14374              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
14375            }
14376          }
14377        }
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14386            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
14387          }
14388        } ],
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14390          "200" : {
14391            "description" : "Success",
14392            "schema" : {
14393              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
14394            }
14395          }
14396        }
14397      }
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14406            "schema" : {
14407              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
14408            }
14409          },
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14431            "schema" : {
14432              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
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14456            "schema" : {
14457              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
14458            }
14459          },
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14482              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState"
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14513        } ],
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14518              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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14531          }
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14537              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:RequestBrokerService:RequestBrokerState"
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14551              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:RequestBrokerService:RequestBrokerState"
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14553          },
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14576              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:RequestBrokerService:RequestBrokerState"
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14662              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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14681              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closuredescription:ClosureDescription"
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14695              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closuredescription:ClosureDescription"
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14806              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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14886          "200" : {
14887            "description" : "Success",
14888            "schema" : {
14889              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:images:DockerImage"
14890            }
14891          },
14892          "404" : {
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14894            "schema" : {
14895              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
14896            }
14897          }
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14908          }
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14911          "200" : {
14912            "description" : "Success",
14913            "schema" : {
14914              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:images:DockerImage"
14915            }
14916          },
14917          "404" : {
14918            "description" : "Error",
14919            "schema" : {
14920              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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14949            "schema" : {
14950              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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14963          }
14964        } ],
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14966          "200" : {
14967            "description" : "Success",
14968            "schema" : {
14969              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure"
14970            }
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14980          "200" : {
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14982            "schema" : {
14983              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure"
14984            }
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15005          "200" : {
15006            "description" : "Success",
15007            "schema" : {
15008              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure"
15009            }
15010          },
15011          "404" : {
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15013            "schema" : {
15014              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15015            }
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15030          "200" : {
15031            "description" : "Success",
15032            "schema" : {
15033              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure"
15034            }
15035          },
15036          "404" : {
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15038            "schema" : {
15039              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15040            }
15041          }
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15051            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15052          }
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15055          "200" : {
15056            "description" : "Success",
15057            "schema" : {
15058              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure"
15059            }
15060          },
15061          "404" : {
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15064              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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15087          "required" : false,
15088          "type" : "string"
15089        } ],
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15091          "200" : {
15092            "description" : "Success",
15093            "schema" : {
15094              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
15095            }
15096          }
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15105          "schema" : {
15106            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15107          }
15108        } ],
15109        "responses" : {
15110          "200" : {
15111            "description" : "Success",
15112            "schema" : {
15113              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15114            }
15115          }
15116        }
15117      }
15118    },
15119    "/resources/composite-components/{id}" : {
15120      "get" : {
15121        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-components" ],
15122        "parameters" : [ ],
15123        "responses" : {
15124          "200" : {
15125            "description" : "Success",
15126            "schema" : {
15127              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15128            }
15129          },
15130          "404" : {
15131            "description" : "Error",
15132            "schema" : {
15133              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15134            }
15135          }
15136        }
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15145            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15146          }
15147        } ],
15148        "responses" : {
15149          "200" : {
15150            "description" : "Success",
15151            "schema" : {
15152              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15153            }
15154          },
15155          "404" : {
15156            "description" : "Error",
15157            "schema" : {
15158              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15159            }
15160          }
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15170            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15171          }
15172        } ],
15173        "responses" : {
15174          "200" : {
15175            "description" : "Success",
15176            "schema" : {
15177              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15178            }
15179          },
15180          "404" : {
15181            "description" : "Error",
15182            "schema" : {
15183              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15184            }
15185          }
15186        }
15187      },
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15195            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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15197        } ],
15198        "responses" : {
15199          "200" : {
15200            "description" : "Success",
15201            "schema" : {
15202              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent"
15203            }
15204          },
15205          "404" : {
15206            "description" : "Error",
15207            "schema" : {
15208              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15209            }
15210          }
15211        }
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15220    "/resources/composite-descriptions" : {
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15222        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
15223        "parameters" : [ {
15224          "name" : "$filter",
15225          "in" : "query",
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15227          "type" : "string"
15228        }, {
15229          "name" : "expand",
15230          "in" : "query",
15231          "required" : false,
15232          "type" : "string"
15233        } ],
15234        "responses" : {
15235          "200" : {
15236            "description" : "Success",
15237            "schema" : {
15238              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
15239            }
15240          }
15241        }
15242      },
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15244        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
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15248          "required" : false,
15249          "schema" : {
15250            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15251          }
15252        } ],
15253        "responses" : {
15254          "200" : {
15255            "description" : "Success",
15256            "schema" : {
15257              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15258            }
15259          }
15260        }
15261      }
15262    },
15263    "/resources/composite-descriptions-clone" : {
15264      "post" : {
15265        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions-clone" ],
15266        "description" : "Post a composite description to clone it with a new copy of the container descriptions inside it.",
15267        "parameters" : [ ],
15268        "responses" : {
15269          "200" : {
15270            "description" : "Success",
15271            "schema" : {
15272              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15273            }
15274          },
15275          "404" : {
15276            "description" : "Error",
15277            "schema" : {
15278              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15279            }
15280          }
15281        }
15282      }
15283    },
15284    "/resources/composite-descriptions/{id}" : {
15285      "get" : {
15286        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
15287        "parameters" : [ ],
15288        "responses" : {
15289          "200" : {
15290            "description" : "Success",
15291            "schema" : {
15292              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15293            }
15294          },
15295          "404" : {
15296            "description" : "Error",
15297            "schema" : {
15298              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15299            }
15300          }
15301        }
15302      },
15303      "post" : {
15304        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
15305        "parameters" : [ {
15306          "in" : "body",
15307          "name" : "body",
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15309          "schema" : {
15310            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15311          }
15312        } ],
15313        "responses" : {
15314          "200" : {
15315            "description" : "Success",
15316            "schema" : {
15317              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15318            }
15319          },
15320          "404" : {
15321            "description" : "Error",
15322            "schema" : {
15323              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15324            }
15325          }
15326        }
15327      },
15328      "put" : {
15329        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
15330        "parameters" : [ {
15331          "in" : "body",
15332          "name" : "body",
15333          "required" : false,
15334          "schema" : {
15335            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15336          }
15337        } ],
15338        "responses" : {
15339          "200" : {
15340            "description" : "Success",
15341            "schema" : {
15342              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15343            }
15344          },
15345          "404" : {
15346            "description" : "Error",
15347            "schema" : {
15348              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15349            }
15350          }
15351        }
15352      },
15353      "patch" : {
15354        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-descriptions" ],
15355        "parameters" : [ {
15356          "in" : "body",
15357          "name" : "body",
15358          "required" : false,
15359          "schema" : {
15360            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15361          }
15362        } ],
15363        "responses" : {
15364          "200" : {
15365            "description" : "Success",
15366            "schema" : {
15367              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription"
15368            }
15369          },
15370          "404" : {
15371            "description" : "Error",
15372            "schema" : {
15373              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15374            }
15375          }
15376        }
15377      },
15378      "parameters" : [ {
15379        "name" : "id",
15380        "in" : "path",
15381        "required" : true,
15382        "type" : "string"
15383      } ]
15384    },
15385    "/resources/composite-templates" : {
15386      "get" : {
15387        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-templates" ],
15388        "description" : "Provide the composite description documentSelfLink in URI query parameter with key \"selfLink\" to get it's YAML definition.",
15389        "parameters" : [ ],
15390        "responses" : {
15391          "200" : {
15392            "description" : "Success",
15393            "schema" : {
15394              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:String"
15395            }
15396          },
15397          "404" : {
15398            "description" : "Error",
15399            "schema" : {
15400              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15401            }
15402          }
15403        }
15404      },
15405      "post" : {
15406        "tags" : [ "/resources/composite-templates" ],
15407        "description" : "Import YAML definition of composite description. Resource reference of the imported template can be acquired from \"Location\" response header.",
15408        "parameters" : [ ],
15409        "responses" : {
15410          "200" : {
15411            "description" : "Success"
15412          },
15413          "404" : {
15414            "description" : "Error",
15415            "schema" : {
15416              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15417            }
15418          }
15419        }
15420      }
15421    },
15422    "/resources/compute" : {
15423      "get" : {
15424        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute" ],
15425        "parameters" : [ {
15426          "name" : "$filter",
15427          "in" : "query",
15428          "required" : false,
15429          "type" : "string"
15430        }, {
15431          "name" : "expand",
15432          "in" : "query",
15433          "required" : false,
15434          "type" : "string"
15435        } ],
15436        "responses" : {
15437          "200" : {
15438            "description" : "Success",
15439            "schema" : {
15440              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
15441            }
15442          }
15443        }
15444      },
15445      "post" : {
15446        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute" ],
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15448          "in" : "body",
15449          "name" : "body",
15450          "required" : false,
15451          "schema" : {
15452            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeService:ComputeState"
15453          }
15454        } ],
15455        "responses" : {
15456          "200" : {
15457            "description" : "Success",
15458            "schema" : {
15459              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeService:ComputeState"
15460            }
15461          }
15462        }
15463      }
15464    },
15465    "/resources/compute-descriptions" : {
15466      "get" : {
15467        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute-descriptions" ],
15468        "parameters" : [ {
15469          "name" : "$filter",
15470          "in" : "query",
15471          "required" : false,
15472          "type" : "string"
15473        }, {
15474          "name" : "expand",
15475          "in" : "query",
15476          "required" : false,
15477          "type" : "string"
15478        } ],
15479        "responses" : {
15480          "200" : {
15481            "description" : "Success",
15482            "schema" : {
15483              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
15484            }
15485          }
15486        }
15487      },
15488      "post" : {
15489        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute-descriptions" ],
15490        "parameters" : [ {
15491          "in" : "body",
15492          "name" : "body",
15493          "required" : false,
15494          "schema" : {
15495            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeDescriptionService:ComputeDescription"
15496          }
15497        } ],
15498        "responses" : {
15499          "200" : {
15500            "description" : "Success",
15501            "schema" : {
15502              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeDescriptionService:ComputeDescription"
15503            }
15504          }
15505        }
15506      }
15507    },
15508    "/resources/compute-descriptions/{id}" : {
15509      "get" : {
15510        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute-descriptions" ],
15511        "parameters" : [ ],
15512        "responses" : {
15513          "200" : {
15514            "description" : "Success",
15515            "schema" : {
15516              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeDescriptionService:ComputeDescription"
15517            }
15518          },
15519          "404" : {
15520            "description" : "Error",
15521            "schema" : {
15522              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15523            }
15524          }
15525        }
15526      },
15527      "post" : {
15528        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute-descriptions" ],
15529        "parameters" : [ {
15530          "in" : "body",
15531          "name" : "body",
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15533          "schema" : {
15534            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
15535          }
15536        } ],
15537        "responses" : {
15538          "200" : {
15539            "description" : "Success",
15540            "schema" : {
15541              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeDescriptionService:ComputeDescription"
15542            }
15543          },
15544          "404" : {
15545            "description" : "Error",
15546            "schema" : {
15547              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
15548            }
15549          }
15550        }
15551      },
15552      "put" : {
15553        "tags" : [ "/resources/compute-descriptions" ],
15554        "parameters" : [ {
15555          "in" : "body",
15556          "name" : "body",
15557          "required" : false,
15558          "schema" : {
15559            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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16235          "schema" : {
16236            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16237          }
16238        } ],
16239        "responses" : {
16240          "200" : {
16241            "description" : "Success",
16242            "schema" : {
16243              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerControlLoopService:ContainerControlLoopState"
16244            }
16245          },
16246          "404" : {
16247            "description" : "Error",
16248            "schema" : {
16249              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16250            }
16251          }
16252        }
16253      },
16254      "patch" : {
16255        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-control-loop" ],
16256        "parameters" : [ {
16257          "in" : "body",
16258          "name" : "body",
16259          "required" : false,
16260          "schema" : {
16261            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16262          }
16263        } ],
16264        "responses" : {
16265          "200" : {
16266            "description" : "Success",
16267            "schema" : {
16268              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerControlLoopService:ContainerControlLoopState"
16269            }
16270          },
16271          "404" : {
16272            "description" : "Error",
16273            "schema" : {
16274              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16275            }
16276          }
16277        }
16278      },
16279      "parameters" : [ {
16280        "name" : "id",
16281        "in" : "path",
16282        "required" : true,
16283        "type" : "string"
16284      } ]
16285    },
16286    "/resources/container-descriptions" : {
16287      "get" : {
16288        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16289        "parameters" : [ {
16290          "name" : "$filter",
16291          "in" : "query",
16292          "required" : false,
16293          "type" : "string"
16294        }, {
16295          "name" : "expand",
16296          "in" : "query",
16297          "required" : false,
16298          "type" : "string"
16299        } ],
16300        "responses" : {
16301          "200" : {
16302            "description" : "Success",
16303            "schema" : {
16304              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
16305            }
16306          }
16307        }
16308      },
16309      "post" : {
16310        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16311        "parameters" : [ {
16312          "in" : "body",
16313          "name" : "body",
16314          "required" : false,
16315          "schema" : {
16316            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16317          }
16318        } ],
16319        "responses" : {
16320          "200" : {
16321            "description" : "Success",
16322            "schema" : {
16323              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16324            }
16325          }
16326        }
16327      }
16328    },
16329    "/resources/container-descriptions/{id}" : {
16330      "get" : {
16331        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16332        "parameters" : [ ],
16333        "responses" : {
16334          "200" : {
16335            "description" : "Success",
16336            "schema" : {
16337              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16338            }
16339          },
16340          "404" : {
16341            "description" : "Error",
16342            "schema" : {
16343              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16344            }
16345          }
16346        }
16347      },
16348      "post" : {
16349        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16350        "parameters" : [ {
16351          "in" : "body",
16352          "name" : "body",
16353          "required" : false,
16354          "schema" : {
16355            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16356          }
16357        } ],
16358        "responses" : {
16359          "200" : {
16360            "description" : "Success",
16361            "schema" : {
16362              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16363            }
16364          },
16365          "404" : {
16366            "description" : "Error",
16367            "schema" : {
16368              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16369            }
16370          }
16371        }
16372      },
16373      "put" : {
16374        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16375        "parameters" : [ {
16376          "in" : "body",
16377          "name" : "body",
16378          "required" : false,
16379          "schema" : {
16380            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16381          }
16382        } ],
16383        "responses" : {
16384          "200" : {
16385            "description" : "Success",
16386            "schema" : {
16387              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16388            }
16389          },
16390          "404" : {
16391            "description" : "Error",
16392            "schema" : {
16393              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16394            }
16395          }
16396        }
16397      },
16398      "patch" : {
16399        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-descriptions" ],
16400        "parameters" : [ {
16401          "in" : "body",
16402          "name" : "body",
16403          "required" : false,
16404          "schema" : {
16405            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16406          }
16407        } ],
16408        "responses" : {
16409          "200" : {
16410            "description" : "Success",
16411            "schema" : {
16412              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription"
16413            }
16414          },
16415          "404" : {
16416            "description" : "Error",
16417            "schema" : {
16418              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16419            }
16420          }
16421        }
16422      },
16423      "parameters" : [ {
16424        "name" : "id",
16425        "in" : "path",
16426        "required" : true,
16427        "type" : "string"
16428      } ]
16429    },
16430    "/resources/container-logs" : {
16431      "get" : {
16432        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-logs" ],
16433        "description" : "Get container logs. Provide the ContainerState id in URI query parameter with key \"id\".",
16434        "parameters" : [ ],
16435        "responses" : {
16436          "200" : {
16437            "description" : "Success",
16438            "schema" : {
16439              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState"
16440            }
16441          },
16442          "404" : {
16443            "description" : "Error",
16444            "schema" : {
16445              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16446            }
16447          }
16448        }
16449      }
16450    },
16451    "/resources/container-network-descriptions" : {
16452      "get" : {
16453        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
16454        "parameters" : [ {
16455          "name" : "$filter",
16456          "in" : "query",
16457          "required" : false,
16458          "type" : "string"
16459        }, {
16460          "name" : "expand",
16461          "in" : "query",
16462          "required" : false,
16463          "type" : "string"
16464        } ],
16465        "responses" : {
16466          "200" : {
16467            "description" : "Success",
16468            "schema" : {
16469              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
16470            }
16471          }
16472        }
16473      },
16474      "post" : {
16475        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
16476        "parameters" : [ {
16477          "in" : "body",
16478          "name" : "body",
16479          "required" : false,
16480          "schema" : {
16481            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16482          }
16483        } ],
16484        "responses" : {
16485          "200" : {
16486            "description" : "Success",
16487            "schema" : {
16488              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16489            }
16490          }
16491        }
16492      }
16493    },
16494    "/resources/container-network-descriptions/{id}" : {
16495      "get" : {
16496        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
16497        "parameters" : [ ],
16498        "responses" : {
16499          "200" : {
16500            "description" : "Success",
16501            "schema" : {
16502              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16503            }
16504          },
16505          "404" : {
16506            "description" : "Error",
16507            "schema" : {
16508              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16509            }
16510          }
16511        }
16512      },
16513      "post" : {
16514        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
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16517          "name" : "body",
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16519          "schema" : {
16520            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16521          }
16522        } ],
16523        "responses" : {
16524          "200" : {
16525            "description" : "Success",
16526            "schema" : {
16527              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16528            }
16529          },
16530          "404" : {
16531            "description" : "Error",
16532            "schema" : {
16533              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16534            }
16535          }
16536        }
16537      },
16538      "put" : {
16539        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
16540        "parameters" : [ {
16541          "in" : "body",
16542          "name" : "body",
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16544          "schema" : {
16545            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16546          }
16547        } ],
16548        "responses" : {
16549          "200" : {
16550            "description" : "Success",
16551            "schema" : {
16552              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16553            }
16554          },
16555          "404" : {
16556            "description" : "Error",
16557            "schema" : {
16558              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16559            }
16560          }
16561        }
16562      },
16563      "patch" : {
16564        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-network-descriptions" ],
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16566          "in" : "body",
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16569          "schema" : {
16570            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16571          }
16572        } ],
16573        "responses" : {
16574          "200" : {
16575            "description" : "Success",
16576            "schema" : {
16577              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription"
16578            }
16579          },
16580          "404" : {
16581            "description" : "Error",
16582            "schema" : {
16583              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16584            }
16585          }
16586        }
16587      },
16588      "parameters" : [ {
16589        "name" : "id",
16590        "in" : "path",
16591        "required" : true,
16592        "type" : "string"
16593      } ]
16594    },
16595    "/resources/container-networks" : {
16596      "get" : {
16597        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
16598        "parameters" : [ {
16599          "name" : "$filter",
16600          "in" : "query",
16601          "required" : false,
16602          "type" : "string"
16603        }, {
16604          "name" : "expand",
16605          "in" : "query",
16606          "required" : false,
16607          "type" : "string"
16608        } ],
16609        "responses" : {
16610          "200" : {
16611            "description" : "Success",
16612            "schema" : {
16613              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
16614            }
16615          }
16616        }
16617      },
16618      "post" : {
16619        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
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16622          "name" : "body",
16623          "required" : false,
16624          "schema" : {
16625            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16626          }
16627        } ],
16628        "responses" : {
16629          "200" : {
16630            "description" : "Success",
16631            "schema" : {
16632              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16633            }
16634          }
16635        }
16636      }
16637    },
16638    "/resources/container-networks/{id}" : {
16639      "get" : {
16640        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
16641        "parameters" : [ ],
16642        "responses" : {
16643          "200" : {
16644            "description" : "Success",
16645            "schema" : {
16646              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16647            }
16648          },
16649          "404" : {
16650            "description" : "Error",
16651            "schema" : {
16652              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16653            }
16654          }
16655        }
16656      },
16657      "post" : {
16658        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
16659        "parameters" : [ {
16660          "in" : "body",
16661          "name" : "body",
16662          "required" : false,
16663          "schema" : {
16664            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16665          }
16666        } ],
16667        "responses" : {
16668          "200" : {
16669            "description" : "Success",
16670            "schema" : {
16671              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16672            }
16673          },
16674          "404" : {
16675            "description" : "Error",
16676            "schema" : {
16677              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16678            }
16679          }
16680        }
16681      },
16682      "put" : {
16683        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
16684        "parameters" : [ {
16685          "in" : "body",
16686          "name" : "body",
16687          "required" : false,
16688          "schema" : {
16689            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16690          }
16691        } ],
16692        "responses" : {
16693          "200" : {
16694            "description" : "Success",
16695            "schema" : {
16696              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16697            }
16698          },
16699          "404" : {
16700            "description" : "Error",
16701            "schema" : {
16702              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16703            }
16704          }
16705        }
16706      },
16707      "patch" : {
16708        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-networks" ],
16709        "parameters" : [ {
16710          "in" : "body",
16711          "name" : "body",
16712          "required" : false,
16713          "schema" : {
16714            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16715          }
16716        } ],
16717        "responses" : {
16718          "200" : {
16719            "description" : "Success",
16720            "schema" : {
16721              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState"
16722            }
16723          },
16724          "404" : {
16725            "description" : "Error",
16726            "schema" : {
16727              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16728            }
16729          }
16730        }
16731      },
16732      "parameters" : [ {
16733        "name" : "id",
16734        "in" : "path",
16735        "required" : true,
16736        "type" : "string"
16737      } ]
16738    },
16739    "/resources/container-stats" : {
16740      "get" : {
16741        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-stats" ],
16742        "description" : "Get container stats. Provide the ContainerState id in URI query parameter with key \"id\".",
16743        "parameters" : [ ],
16744        "responses" : {
16745          "200" : {
16746            "description" : "Success",
16747            "schema" : {
16748              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:maintenance:ContainerStats"
16749            }
16750          },
16751          "404" : {
16752            "description" : "Error",
16753            "schema" : {
16754              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16755            }
16756          }
16757        }
16758      }
16759    },
16760    "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" : {
16761      "get" : {
16762        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
16763        "parameters" : [ {
16764          "name" : "$filter",
16765          "in" : "query",
16766          "required" : false,
16767          "type" : "string"
16768        }, {
16769          "name" : "expand",
16770          "in" : "query",
16771          "required" : false,
16772          "type" : "string"
16773        } ],
16774        "responses" : {
16775          "200" : {
16776            "description" : "Success",
16777            "schema" : {
16778              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
16779            }
16780          }
16781        }
16782      },
16783      "post" : {
16784        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
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16786          "in" : "body",
16787          "name" : "body",
16788          "required" : false,
16789          "schema" : {
16790            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16791          }
16792        } ],
16793        "responses" : {
16794          "200" : {
16795            "description" : "Success",
16796            "schema" : {
16797              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16798            }
16799          }
16800        }
16801      }
16802    },
16803    "/resources/container-volume-descriptions/{id}" : {
16804      "get" : {
16805        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
16806        "parameters" : [ ],
16807        "responses" : {
16808          "200" : {
16809            "description" : "Success",
16810            "schema" : {
16811              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16812            }
16813          },
16814          "404" : {
16815            "description" : "Error",
16816            "schema" : {
16817              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16818            }
16819          }
16820        }
16821      },
16822      "post" : {
16823        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
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16828          "schema" : {
16829            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16830          }
16831        } ],
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16833          "200" : {
16834            "description" : "Success",
16835            "schema" : {
16836              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16837            }
16838          },
16839          "404" : {
16840            "description" : "Error",
16841            "schema" : {
16842              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16843            }
16844          }
16845        }
16846      },
16847      "put" : {
16848        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
16849        "parameters" : [ {
16850          "in" : "body",
16851          "name" : "body",
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16853          "schema" : {
16854            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16855          }
16856        } ],
16857        "responses" : {
16858          "200" : {
16859            "description" : "Success",
16860            "schema" : {
16861              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16862            }
16863          },
16864          "404" : {
16865            "description" : "Error",
16866            "schema" : {
16867              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16868            }
16869          }
16870        }
16871      },
16872      "patch" : {
16873        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volume-descriptions" ],
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16875          "in" : "body",
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16878          "schema" : {
16879            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16880          }
16881        } ],
16882        "responses" : {
16883          "200" : {
16884            "description" : "Success",
16885            "schema" : {
16886              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription"
16887            }
16888          },
16889          "404" : {
16890            "description" : "Error",
16891            "schema" : {
16892              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16893            }
16894          }
16895        }
16896      },
16897      "parameters" : [ {
16898        "name" : "id",
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16900        "required" : true,
16901        "type" : "string"
16902      } ]
16903    },
16904    "/resources/container-volumes" : {
16905      "get" : {
16906        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volumes" ],
16907        "parameters" : [ {
16908          "name" : "$filter",
16909          "in" : "query",
16910          "required" : false,
16911          "type" : "string"
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16914          "in" : "query",
16915          "required" : false,
16916          "type" : "string"
16917        } ],
16918        "responses" : {
16919          "200" : {
16920            "description" : "Success",
16921            "schema" : {
16922              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
16923            }
16924          }
16925        }
16926      },
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16929        "parameters" : [ {
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16931          "name" : "body",
16932          "required" : false,
16933          "schema" : {
16934            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
16935          }
16936        } ],
16937        "responses" : {
16938          "200" : {
16939            "description" : "Success",
16940            "schema" : {
16941              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
16942            }
16943          }
16944        }
16945      }
16946    },
16947    "/resources/container-volumes/{id}" : {
16948      "get" : {
16949        "tags" : [ "/resources/container-volumes" ],
16950        "parameters" : [ ],
16951        "responses" : {
16952          "200" : {
16953            "description" : "Success",
16954            "schema" : {
16955              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
16956            }
16957          },
16958          "404" : {
16959            "description" : "Error",
16960            "schema" : {
16961              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16962            }
16963          }
16964        }
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16973            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16974          }
16975        } ],
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16977          "200" : {
16978            "description" : "Success",
16979            "schema" : {
16980              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
16981            }
16982          },
16983          "404" : {
16984            "description" : "Error",
16985            "schema" : {
16986              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
16987            }
16988          }
16989        }
16990      },
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16998            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
16999          }
17000        } ],
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17002          "200" : {
17003            "description" : "Success",
17004            "schema" : {
17005              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
17006            }
17007          },
17008          "404" : {
17009            "description" : "Error",
17010            "schema" : {
17011              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17012            }
17013          }
17014        }
17015      },
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17022          "schema" : {
17023            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17024          }
17025        } ],
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17027          "200" : {
17028            "description" : "Success",
17029            "schema" : {
17030              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState"
17031            }
17032          },
17033          "404" : {
17034            "description" : "Error",
17035            "schema" : {
17036              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17037            }
17038          }
17039        }
17040      },
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17046      } ]
17047    },
17048    "/resources/containers" : {
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17050        "tags" : [ "/resources/containers" ],
17051        "parameters" : [ {
17052          "name" : "$filter",
17053          "in" : "query",
17054          "required" : false,
17055          "type" : "string"
17056        }, {
17057          "name" : "expand",
17058          "in" : "query",
17059          "required" : false,
17060          "type" : "string"
17061        } ],
17062        "responses" : {
17063          "200" : {
17064            "description" : "Success",
17065            "schema" : {
17066              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17067            }
17068          }
17069        }
17070      },
17071      "post" : {
17072        "tags" : [ "/resources/containers" ],
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17076          "required" : false,
17077          "schema" : {
17078            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17079          }
17080        } ],
17081        "responses" : {
17082          "200" : {
17083            "description" : "Success",
17084            "schema" : {
17085              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17086            }
17087          }
17088        }
17089      }
17090    },
17091    "/resources/containers/{id}" : {
17092      "get" : {
17093        "tags" : [ "/resources/containers" ],
17094        "parameters" : [ ],
17095        "responses" : {
17096          "200" : {
17097            "description" : "Success",
17098            "schema" : {
17099              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17100            }
17101          },
17102          "404" : {
17103            "description" : "Error",
17104            "schema" : {
17105              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17106            }
17107          }
17108        }
17109      },
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17116          "schema" : {
17117            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17118          }
17119        } ],
17120        "responses" : {
17121          "200" : {
17122            "description" : "Success",
17123            "schema" : {
17124              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17125            }
17126          },
17127          "404" : {
17128            "description" : "Error",
17129            "schema" : {
17130              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17131            }
17132          }
17133        }
17134      },
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17141          "schema" : {
17142            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17143          }
17144        } ],
17145        "responses" : {
17146          "200" : {
17147            "description" : "Success",
17148            "schema" : {
17149              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17150            }
17151          },
17152          "404" : {
17153            "description" : "Error",
17154            "schema" : {
17155              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17156            }
17157          }
17158        }
17159      },
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17161        "tags" : [ "/resources/containers" ],
17162        "parameters" : [ {
17163          "in" : "body",
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17166          "schema" : {
17167            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17168          }
17169        } ],
17170        "responses" : {
17171          "200" : {
17172            "description" : "Success",
17173            "schema" : {
17174              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState"
17175            }
17176          },
17177          "404" : {
17178            "description" : "Error",
17179            "schema" : {
17180              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17181            }
17182          }
17183        }
17184      },
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17186        "name" : "id",
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17188        "required" : true,
17189        "type" : "string"
17190      } ]
17191    },
17192    "/resources/deployment-policies" : {
17193      "get" : {
17194        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17195        "parameters" : [ {
17196          "name" : "$filter",
17197          "in" : "query",
17198          "required" : false,
17199          "type" : "string"
17200        }, {
17201          "name" : "expand",
17202          "in" : "query",
17203          "required" : false,
17204          "type" : "string"
17205        } ],
17206        "responses" : {
17207          "200" : {
17208            "description" : "Success",
17209            "schema" : {
17210              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17211            }
17212          }
17213        }
17214      },
17215      "post" : {
17216        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17217        "parameters" : [ {
17218          "in" : "body",
17219          "name" : "body",
17220          "required" : false,
17221          "schema" : {
17222            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17223          }
17224        } ],
17225        "responses" : {
17226          "200" : {
17227            "description" : "Success",
17228            "schema" : {
17229              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17230            }
17231          }
17232        }
17233      }
17234    },
17235    "/resources/deployment-policies/{id}" : {
17236      "get" : {
17237        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17238        "parameters" : [ ],
17239        "responses" : {
17240          "200" : {
17241            "description" : "Success",
17242            "schema" : {
17243              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17244            }
17245          },
17246          "404" : {
17247            "description" : "Error",
17248            "schema" : {
17249              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17250            }
17251          }
17252        }
17253      },
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17255        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17256        "parameters" : [ {
17257          "in" : "body",
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17260          "schema" : {
17261            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17262          }
17263        } ],
17264        "responses" : {
17265          "200" : {
17266            "description" : "Success",
17267            "schema" : {
17268              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17269            }
17270          },
17271          "404" : {
17272            "description" : "Error",
17273            "schema" : {
17274              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17275            }
17276          }
17277        }
17278      },
17279      "put" : {
17280        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17281        "parameters" : [ {
17282          "in" : "body",
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17285          "schema" : {
17286            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17287          }
17288        } ],
17289        "responses" : {
17290          "200" : {
17291            "description" : "Success",
17292            "schema" : {
17293              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17294            }
17295          },
17296          "404" : {
17297            "description" : "Error",
17298            "schema" : {
17299              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17300            }
17301          }
17302        }
17303      },
17304      "patch" : {
17305        "tags" : [ "/resources/deployment-policies" ],
17306        "parameters" : [ {
17307          "in" : "body",
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17310          "schema" : {
17311            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17312          }
17313        } ],
17314        "responses" : {
17315          "200" : {
17316            "description" : "Success",
17317            "schema" : {
17318              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy"
17319            }
17320          },
17321          "404" : {
17322            "description" : "Error",
17323            "schema" : {
17324              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17325            }
17326          }
17327        }
17328      },
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17330        "name" : "id",
17331        "in" : "path",
17332        "required" : true,
17333        "type" : "string"
17334      } ]
17335    },
17336    "/resources/disks" : {
17337      "get" : {
17338        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17339        "parameters" : [ {
17340          "name" : "$filter",
17341          "in" : "query",
17342          "required" : false,
17343          "type" : "string"
17344        }, {
17345          "name" : "expand",
17346          "in" : "query",
17347          "required" : false,
17348          "type" : "string"
17349        } ],
17350        "responses" : {
17351          "200" : {
17352            "description" : "Success",
17353            "schema" : {
17354              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17355            }
17356          }
17357        }
17358      },
17359      "post" : {
17360        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17361        "parameters" : [ {
17362          "in" : "body",
17363          "name" : "body",
17364          "required" : false,
17365          "schema" : {
17366            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17367          }
17368        } ],
17369        "responses" : {
17370          "200" : {
17371            "description" : "Success",
17372            "schema" : {
17373              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17374            }
17375          }
17376        }
17377      }
17378    },
17379    "/resources/disks/{id}" : {
17380      "get" : {
17381        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17382        "parameters" : [ ],
17383        "responses" : {
17384          "200" : {
17385            "description" : "Success",
17386            "schema" : {
17387              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17388            }
17389          },
17390          "404" : {
17391            "description" : "Error",
17392            "schema" : {
17393              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17394            }
17395          }
17396        }
17397      },
17398      "post" : {
17399        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17400        "parameters" : [ {
17401          "in" : "body",
17402          "name" : "body",
17403          "required" : false,
17404          "schema" : {
17405            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17406          }
17407        } ],
17408        "responses" : {
17409          "200" : {
17410            "description" : "Success",
17411            "schema" : {
17412              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17413            }
17414          },
17415          "404" : {
17416            "description" : "Error",
17417            "schema" : {
17418              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17419            }
17420          }
17421        }
17422      },
17423      "put" : {
17424        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17425        "parameters" : [ {
17426          "in" : "body",
17427          "name" : "body",
17428          "required" : false,
17429          "schema" : {
17430            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17431          }
17432        } ],
17433        "responses" : {
17434          "200" : {
17435            "description" : "Success",
17436            "schema" : {
17437              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17438            }
17439          },
17440          "404" : {
17441            "description" : "Error",
17442            "schema" : {
17443              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17444            }
17445          }
17446        }
17447      },
17448      "patch" : {
17449        "tags" : [ "/resources/disks" ],
17450        "parameters" : [ {
17451          "in" : "body",
17452          "name" : "body",
17453          "required" : false,
17454          "schema" : {
17455            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17456          }
17457        } ],
17458        "responses" : {
17459          "200" : {
17460            "description" : "Success",
17461            "schema" : {
17462              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState"
17463            }
17464          },
17465          "404" : {
17466            "description" : "Error",
17467            "schema" : {
17468              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17469            }
17470          }
17471        }
17472      },
17473      "parameters" : [ {
17474        "name" : "id",
17475        "in" : "path",
17476        "required" : true,
17477        "type" : "string"
17478      } ]
17479    },
17480    "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" : {
17481      "get" : {
17482        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17483        "parameters" : [ {
17484          "name" : "$filter",
17485          "in" : "query",
17486          "required" : false,
17487          "type" : "string"
17488        }, {
17489          "name" : "expand",
17490          "in" : "query",
17491          "required" : false,
17492          "type" : "string"
17493        } ],
17494        "responses" : {
17495          "200" : {
17496            "description" : "Success",
17497            "schema" : {
17498              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17499            }
17500          }
17501        }
17502      },
17503      "post" : {
17504        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17505        "parameters" : [ {
17506          "in" : "body",
17507          "name" : "body",
17508          "required" : false,
17509          "schema" : {
17510            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17511          }
17512        } ],
17513        "responses" : {
17514          "200" : {
17515            "description" : "Success",
17516            "schema" : {
17517              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17518            }
17519          }
17520        }
17521      }
17522    },
17523    "/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config" : {
17524      "get" : {
17525        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config" ],
17526        "description" : "Use the service URL to get all elastic placement zones. Append the resource pool link to this service URL to retrieve the ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState for a single existing resource pool. For example: http://host:port/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config/resources/pools/pool-1",
17527        "parameters" : [ ],
17528        "responses" : {
17529          "200" : {
17530            "description" : "Success",
17531            "schema" : {
17532              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17533            }
17534          },
17535          "404" : {
17536            "description" : "Error",
17537            "schema" : {
17538              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17539            }
17540          }
17541        }
17542      },
17543      "post" : {
17544        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config" ],
17545        "description" : "Post a valid ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState with no document self links to create a resource pool and optionally a corresponding elastic placement zone.",
17546        "parameters" : [ ],
17547        "responses" : {
17548          "200" : {
17549            "description" : "Success",
17550            "schema" : {
17551              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationService:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState"
17552            }
17553          },
17554          "404" : {
17555            "description" : "Error",
17556            "schema" : {
17557              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17558            }
17559          }
17560        }
17561      },
17562      "delete" : {
17563        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config" ],
17564        "description" : "Append the resource pool link to this service URL to delete the placement zone (both the resource pool and its corresponding EPZ state will be deleted).  For example: http://host:port/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config/resources/pools/pool-1.",
17565        "parameters" : [ ],
17566        "responses" : {
17567          "200" : {
17568            "description" : "Success"
17569          },
17570          "404" : {
17571            "description" : "Error",
17572            "schema" : {
17573              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17574            }
17575          }
17576        }
17577      },
17578      "patch" : {
17579        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones-config" ],
17580        "description" : "Send a valid ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState to update the resource pool and optionally the elastic placement zone. PATCH is done for the resource pool and a PUT is done for the elastic placement zone.",
17581        "parameters" : [ ],
17582        "responses" : {
17583          "200" : {
17584            "description" : "Success",
17585            "schema" : {
17586              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationService:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState"
17587            }
17588          },
17589          "404" : {
17590            "description" : "Error",
17591            "schema" : {
17592              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17593            }
17594          }
17595        }
17596      }
17597    },
17598    "/resources/elastic-placement-zones/{id}" : {
17599      "get" : {
17600        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17601        "parameters" : [ ],
17602        "responses" : {
17603          "200" : {
17604            "description" : "Success",
17605            "schema" : {
17606              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17607            }
17608          },
17609          "404" : {
17610            "description" : "Error",
17611            "schema" : {
17612              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17613            }
17614          }
17615        }
17616      },
17617      "post" : {
17618        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17619        "parameters" : [ {
17620          "in" : "body",
17621          "name" : "body",
17622          "required" : false,
17623          "schema" : {
17624            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17625          }
17626        } ],
17627        "responses" : {
17628          "200" : {
17629            "description" : "Success",
17630            "schema" : {
17631              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17632            }
17633          },
17634          "404" : {
17635            "description" : "Error",
17636            "schema" : {
17637              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17638            }
17639          }
17640        }
17641      },
17642      "put" : {
17643        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17644        "parameters" : [ {
17645          "in" : "body",
17646          "name" : "body",
17647          "required" : false,
17648          "schema" : {
17649            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17650          }
17651        } ],
17652        "responses" : {
17653          "200" : {
17654            "description" : "Success",
17655            "schema" : {
17656              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17657            }
17658          },
17659          "404" : {
17660            "description" : "Error",
17661            "schema" : {
17662              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17663            }
17664          }
17665        }
17666      },
17667      "patch" : {
17668        "tags" : [ "/resources/elastic-placement-zones" ],
17669        "parameters" : [ {
17670          "in" : "body",
17671          "name" : "body",
17672          "required" : false,
17673          "schema" : {
17674            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17675          }
17676        } ],
17677        "responses" : {
17678          "200" : {
17679            "description" : "Success",
17680            "schema" : {
17681              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
17682            }
17683          },
17684          "404" : {
17685            "description" : "Error",
17686            "schema" : {
17687              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17688            }
17689          }
17690        }
17691      },
17692      "parameters" : [ {
17693        "name" : "id",
17694        "in" : "path",
17695        "required" : true,
17696        "type" : "string"
17697      } ]
17698    },
17699    "/resources/endpoints" : {
17700      "get" : {
17701        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17702        "parameters" : [ {
17703          "name" : "$filter",
17704          "in" : "query",
17705          "required" : false,
17706          "type" : "string"
17707        }, {
17708          "name" : "expand",
17709          "in" : "query",
17710          "required" : false,
17711          "type" : "string"
17712        } ],
17713        "responses" : {
17714          "200" : {
17715            "description" : "Success",
17716            "schema" : {
17717              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17718            }
17719          }
17720        }
17721      },
17722      "post" : {
17723        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17724        "parameters" : [ {
17725          "in" : "body",
17726          "name" : "body",
17727          "required" : false,
17728          "schema" : {
17729            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17730          }
17731        } ],
17732        "responses" : {
17733          "200" : {
17734            "description" : "Success",
17735            "schema" : {
17736              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17737            }
17738          }
17739        }
17740      }
17741    },
17742    "/resources/endpoints/{id}" : {
17743      "get" : {
17744        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17745        "parameters" : [ ],
17746        "responses" : {
17747          "200" : {
17748            "description" : "Success",
17749            "schema" : {
17750              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17751            }
17752          },
17753          "404" : {
17754            "description" : "Error",
17755            "schema" : {
17756              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17757            }
17758          }
17759        }
17760      },
17761      "post" : {
17762        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17763        "parameters" : [ {
17764          "in" : "body",
17765          "name" : "body",
17766          "required" : false,
17767          "schema" : {
17768            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17769          }
17770        } ],
17771        "responses" : {
17772          "200" : {
17773            "description" : "Success",
17774            "schema" : {
17775              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17776            }
17777          },
17778          "404" : {
17779            "description" : "Error",
17780            "schema" : {
17781              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17782            }
17783          }
17784        }
17785      },
17786      "put" : {
17787        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17788        "parameters" : [ {
17789          "in" : "body",
17790          "name" : "body",
17791          "required" : false,
17792          "schema" : {
17793            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17794          }
17795        } ],
17796        "responses" : {
17797          "200" : {
17798            "description" : "Success",
17799            "schema" : {
17800              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17801            }
17802          },
17803          "404" : {
17804            "description" : "Error",
17805            "schema" : {
17806              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17807            }
17808          }
17809        }
17810      },
17811      "patch" : {
17812        "tags" : [ "/resources/endpoints" ],
17813        "parameters" : [ {
17814          "in" : "body",
17815          "name" : "body",
17816          "required" : false,
17817          "schema" : {
17818            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17819          }
17820        } ],
17821        "responses" : {
17822          "200" : {
17823            "description" : "Success",
17824            "schema" : {
17825              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
17826            }
17827          },
17828          "404" : {
17829            "description" : "Error",
17830            "schema" : {
17831              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17832            }
17833          }
17834        }
17835      },
17836      "parameters" : [ {
17837        "name" : "id",
17838        "in" : "path",
17839        "required" : true,
17840        "type" : "string"
17841      } ]
17842    },
17843    "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" : {
17844      "get" : {
17845        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17846        "parameters" : [ {
17847          "name" : "$filter",
17848          "in" : "query",
17849          "required" : false,
17850          "type" : "string"
17851        }, {
17852          "name" : "expand",
17853          "in" : "query",
17854          "required" : false,
17855          "type" : "string"
17856        } ],
17857        "responses" : {
17858          "200" : {
17859            "description" : "Success",
17860            "schema" : {
17861              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
17862            }
17863          }
17864        }
17865      },
17866      "post" : {
17867        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17868        "parameters" : [ {
17869          "in" : "body",
17870          "name" : "body",
17871          "required" : false,
17872          "schema" : {
17873            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17874          }
17875        } ],
17876        "responses" : {
17877          "200" : {
17878            "description" : "Success",
17879            "schema" : {
17880              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17881            }
17882          }
17883        }
17884      }
17885    },
17886    "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks/{id}" : {
17887      "get" : {
17888        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17889        "parameters" : [ ],
17890        "responses" : {
17891          "200" : {
17892            "description" : "Success",
17893            "schema" : {
17894              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17895            }
17896          },
17897          "404" : {
17898            "description" : "Error",
17899            "schema" : {
17900              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17901            }
17902          }
17903        }
17904      },
17905      "post" : {
17906        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17907        "parameters" : [ {
17908          "in" : "body",
17909          "name" : "body",
17910          "required" : false,
17911          "schema" : {
17912            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17913          }
17914        } ],
17915        "responses" : {
17916          "200" : {
17917            "description" : "Success",
17918            "schema" : {
17919              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17920            }
17921          },
17922          "404" : {
17923            "description" : "Error",
17924            "schema" : {
17925              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17926            }
17927          }
17928        }
17929      },
17930      "put" : {
17931        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17932        "parameters" : [ {
17933          "in" : "body",
17934          "name" : "body",
17935          "required" : false,
17936          "schema" : {
17937            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17938          }
17939        } ],
17940        "responses" : {
17941          "200" : {
17942            "description" : "Success",
17943            "schema" : {
17944              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17945            }
17946          },
17947          "404" : {
17948            "description" : "Error",
17949            "schema" : {
17950              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17951            }
17952          }
17953        }
17954      },
17955      "patch" : {
17956        "tags" : [ "/resources/epz-compute-enumeration-tasks" ],
17957        "parameters" : [ {
17958          "in" : "body",
17959          "name" : "body",
17960          "required" : false,
17961          "schema" : {
17962            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
17963          }
17964        } ],
17965        "responses" : {
17966          "200" : {
17967            "description" : "Success",
17968            "schema" : {
17969              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState"
17970            }
17971          },
17972          "404" : {
17973            "description" : "Error",
17974            "schema" : {
17975              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
17976            }
17977          }
17978        }
17979      },
17980      "parameters" : [ {
17981        "name" : "id",
17982        "in" : "path",
17983        "required" : true,
17984        "type" : "string"
17985      } ]
17986    },
17987    "/resources/event-logs" : {
17988      "get" : {
17989        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
17990        "parameters" : [ {
17991          "name" : "$filter",
17992          "in" : "query",
17993          "required" : false,
17994          "type" : "string"
17995        }, {
17996          "name" : "expand",
17997          "in" : "query",
17998          "required" : false,
17999          "type" : "string"
18000        } ],
18001        "responses" : {
18002          "200" : {
18003            "description" : "Success",
18004            "schema" : {
18005              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
18006            }
18007          }
18008        }
18009      },
18010      "post" : {
18011        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
18012        "parameters" : [ {
18013          "in" : "body",
18014          "name" : "body",
18015          "required" : false,
18016          "schema" : {
18017            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18018          }
18019        } ],
18020        "responses" : {
18021          "200" : {
18022            "description" : "Success",
18023            "schema" : {
18024              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18025            }
18026          }
18027        }
18028      }
18029    },
18030    "/resources/event-logs/{id}" : {
18031      "get" : {
18032        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
18033        "parameters" : [ ],
18034        "responses" : {
18035          "200" : {
18036            "description" : "Success",
18037            "schema" : {
18038              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18039            }
18040          },
18041          "404" : {
18042            "description" : "Error",
18043            "schema" : {
18044              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18045            }
18046          }
18047        }
18048      },
18049      "post" : {
18050        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
18051        "parameters" : [ {
18052          "in" : "body",
18053          "name" : "body",
18054          "required" : false,
18055          "schema" : {
18056            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18057          }
18058        } ],
18059        "responses" : {
18060          "200" : {
18061            "description" : "Success",
18062            "schema" : {
18063              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18064            }
18065          },
18066          "404" : {
18067            "description" : "Error",
18068            "schema" : {
18069              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18070            }
18071          }
18072        }
18073      },
18074      "put" : {
18075        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
18076        "parameters" : [ {
18077          "in" : "body",
18078          "name" : "body",
18079          "required" : false,
18080          "schema" : {
18081            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18082          }
18083        } ],
18084        "responses" : {
18085          "200" : {
18086            "description" : "Success",
18087            "schema" : {
18088              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18089            }
18090          },
18091          "404" : {
18092            "description" : "Error",
18093            "schema" : {
18094              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18095            }
18096          }
18097        }
18098      },
18099      "patch" : {
18100        "tags" : [ "/resources/event-logs" ],
18101        "parameters" : [ {
18102          "in" : "body",
18103          "name" : "body",
18104          "required" : false,
18105          "schema" : {
18106            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18107          }
18108        } ],
18109        "responses" : {
18110          "200" : {
18111            "description" : "Success",
18112            "schema" : {
18113              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState"
18114            }
18115          },
18116          "404" : {
18117            "description" : "Error",
18118            "schema" : {
18119              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18120            }
18121          }
18122        }
18123      },
18124      "parameters" : [ {
18125        "name" : "id",
18126        "in" : "path",
18127        "required" : true,
18128        "type" : "string"
18129      } ]
18130    },
18131    "/resources/firewalls" : {
18132      "get" : {
18133        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18134        "parameters" : [ {
18135          "name" : "$filter",
18136          "in" : "query",
18137          "required" : false,
18138          "type" : "string"
18139        }, {
18140          "name" : "expand",
18141          "in" : "query",
18142          "required" : false,
18143          "type" : "string"
18144        } ],
18145        "responses" : {
18146          "200" : {
18147            "description" : "Success",
18148            "schema" : {
18149              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
18150            }
18151          }
18152        }
18153      },
18154      "post" : {
18155        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18156        "parameters" : [ {
18157          "in" : "body",
18158          "name" : "body",
18159          "required" : false,
18160          "schema" : {
18161            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18162          }
18163        } ],
18164        "responses" : {
18165          "200" : {
18166            "description" : "Success",
18167            "schema" : {
18168              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18169            }
18170          }
18171        }
18172      }
18173    },
18174    "/resources/firewalls/{id}" : {
18175      "get" : {
18176        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18177        "parameters" : [ ],
18178        "responses" : {
18179          "200" : {
18180            "description" : "Success",
18181            "schema" : {
18182              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18183            }
18184          },
18185          "404" : {
18186            "description" : "Error",
18187            "schema" : {
18188              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18189            }
18190          }
18191        }
18192      },
18193      "post" : {
18194        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18195        "parameters" : [ {
18196          "in" : "body",
18197          "name" : "body",
18198          "required" : false,
18199          "schema" : {
18200            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18201          }
18202        } ],
18203        "responses" : {
18204          "200" : {
18205            "description" : "Success",
18206            "schema" : {
18207              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18208            }
18209          },
18210          "404" : {
18211            "description" : "Error",
18212            "schema" : {
18213              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18214            }
18215          }
18216        }
18217      },
18218      "put" : {
18219        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18220        "parameters" : [ {
18221          "in" : "body",
18222          "name" : "body",
18223          "required" : false,
18224          "schema" : {
18225            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18226          }
18227        } ],
18228        "responses" : {
18229          "200" : {
18230            "description" : "Success",
18231            "schema" : {
18232              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18233            }
18234          },
18235          "404" : {
18236            "description" : "Error",
18237            "schema" : {
18238              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18239            }
18240          }
18241        }
18242      },
18243      "patch" : {
18244        "tags" : [ "/resources/firewalls" ],
18245        "parameters" : [ {
18246          "in" : "body",
18247          "name" : "body",
18248          "required" : false,
18249          "schema" : {
18250            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18251          }
18252        } ],
18253        "responses" : {
18254          "200" : {
18255            "description" : "Success",
18256            "schema" : {
18257              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState"
18258            }
18259          },
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18262            "schema" : {
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18288        } ],
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18292            "schema" : {
18293              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
18294            }
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18305            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18306          }
18307        } ],
18308        "responses" : {
18309          "200" : {
18310            "description" : "Success",
18311            "schema" : {
18312              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18313            }
18314          }
18315        }
18316      }
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18318    "/resources/group-placements/{id}" : {
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18323          "200" : {
18324            "description" : "Success",
18325            "schema" : {
18326              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18327            }
18328          },
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18348          "200" : {
18349            "description" : "Success",
18350            "schema" : {
18351              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18352            }
18353          },
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18374            "description" : "Success",
18375            "schema" : {
18376              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18377            }
18378          },
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18400            "schema" : {
18401              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState"
18402            }
18403          },
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18432        } ],
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18437              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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18449            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
18450          }
18451        } ],
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18453          "200" : {
18454            "description" : "Success",
18455            "schema" : {
18456              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
18457            }
18458          }
18459        }
18460      }
18461    },
18462    "/resources/groups/{id}" : {
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18468            "description" : "Success",
18469            "schema" : {
18470              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
18471            }
18472          },
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18489          }
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18492          "200" : {
18493            "description" : "Success",
18494            "schema" : {
18495              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
18496            }
18497          },
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18519            "schema" : {
18520              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
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18543            "description" : "Success",
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18545              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState"
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18576        } ],
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18581              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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18594          }
18595        } ],
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18597          "200" : {
18598            "description" : "Success",
18599            "schema" : {
18600              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState"
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18613            "schema" : {
18614              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState"
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18639              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState"
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18663            "schema" : {
18664              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState"
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18666          },
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18688            "schema" : {
18689              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState"
18690            }
18691          },
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18725              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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18738          }
18739        } ],
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18741          "200" : {
18742            "description" : "Success",
18743            "schema" : {
18744              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState"
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18757            "schema" : {
18758              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState"
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18783              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState"
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18807            "schema" : {
18808              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState"
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18833              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState"
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18864        } ],
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18869              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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18882          }
18883        } ],
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18885          "200" : {
18886            "description" : "Success",
18887            "schema" : {
18888              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState"
18889            }
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18901            "schema" : {
18902              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState"
18903            }
18904          },
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18924          "200" : {
18925            "description" : "Success",
18926            "schema" : {
18927              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState"
18928            }
18929          },
18930          "404" : {
18931            "description" : "Error",
18932            "schema" : {
18933              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18934            }
18935          }
18936        }
18937      },
18938      "put" : {
18939        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-network-list-data-collection" ],
18940        "parameters" : [ {
18941          "in" : "body",
18942          "name" : "body",
18943          "required" : false,
18944          "schema" : {
18945            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18946          }
18947        } ],
18948        "responses" : {
18949          "200" : {
18950            "description" : "Success",
18951            "schema" : {
18952              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState"
18953            }
18954          },
18955          "404" : {
18956            "description" : "Error",
18957            "schema" : {
18958              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18959            }
18960          }
18961        }
18962      },
18963      "patch" : {
18964        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-network-list-data-collection" ],
18965        "parameters" : [ {
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18967          "name" : "body",
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18969          "schema" : {
18970            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
18971          }
18972        } ],
18973        "responses" : {
18974          "200" : {
18975            "description" : "Success",
18976            "schema" : {
18977              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState"
18978            }
18979          },
18980          "404" : {
18981            "description" : "Error",
18982            "schema" : {
18983              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
18984            }
18985          }
18986        }
18987      },
18988      "parameters" : [ {
18989        "name" : "id",
18990        "in" : "path",
18991        "required" : true,
18992        "type" : "string"
18993      } ]
18994    },
18995    "/resources/host-port-profiles" : {
18996      "get" : {
18997        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
18998        "parameters" : [ {
18999          "name" : "$filter",
19000          "in" : "query",
19001          "required" : false,
19002          "type" : "string"
19003        }, {
19004          "name" : "expand",
19005          "in" : "query",
19006          "required" : false,
19007          "type" : "string"
19008        } ],
19009        "responses" : {
19010          "200" : {
19011            "description" : "Success",
19012            "schema" : {
19013              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
19014            }
19015          }
19016        }
19017      },
19018      "post" : {
19019        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
19020        "parameters" : [ {
19021          "in" : "body",
19022          "name" : "body",
19023          "required" : false,
19024          "schema" : {
19025            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19026          }
19027        } ],
19028        "responses" : {
19029          "200" : {
19030            "description" : "Success",
19031            "schema" : {
19032              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19033            }
19034          }
19035        }
19036      }
19037    },
19038    "/resources/host-port-profiles/{id}" : {
19039      "get" : {
19040        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
19041        "parameters" : [ ],
19042        "responses" : {
19043          "200" : {
19044            "description" : "Success",
19045            "schema" : {
19046              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19047            }
19048          },
19049          "404" : {
19050            "description" : "Error",
19051            "schema" : {
19052              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19053            }
19054          }
19055        }
19056      },
19057      "post" : {
19058        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
19059        "parameters" : [ {
19060          "in" : "body",
19061          "name" : "body",
19062          "required" : false,
19063          "schema" : {
19064            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19065          }
19066        } ],
19067        "responses" : {
19068          "200" : {
19069            "description" : "Success",
19070            "schema" : {
19071              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19072            }
19073          },
19074          "404" : {
19075            "description" : "Error",
19076            "schema" : {
19077              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19078            }
19079          }
19080        }
19081      },
19082      "put" : {
19083        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
19084        "parameters" : [ {
19085          "in" : "body",
19086          "name" : "body",
19087          "required" : false,
19088          "schema" : {
19089            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19090          }
19091        } ],
19092        "responses" : {
19093          "200" : {
19094            "description" : "Success",
19095            "schema" : {
19096              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19097            }
19098          },
19099          "404" : {
19100            "description" : "Error",
19101            "schema" : {
19102              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19103            }
19104          }
19105        }
19106      },
19107      "patch" : {
19108        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-port-profiles" ],
19109        "parameters" : [ {
19110          "in" : "body",
19111          "name" : "body",
19112          "required" : false,
19113          "schema" : {
19114            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19115          }
19116        } ],
19117        "responses" : {
19118          "200" : {
19119            "description" : "Success",
19120            "schema" : {
19121              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState"
19122            }
19123          },
19124          "404" : {
19125            "description" : "Error",
19126            "schema" : {
19127              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19128            }
19129          }
19130        }
19131      },
19132      "parameters" : [ {
19133        "name" : "id",
19134        "in" : "path",
19135        "required" : true,
19136        "type" : "string"
19137      } ]
19138    },
19139    "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" : {
19140      "get" : {
19141        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19142        "parameters" : [ {
19143          "name" : "$filter",
19144          "in" : "query",
19145          "required" : false,
19146          "type" : "string"
19147        }, {
19148          "name" : "expand",
19149          "in" : "query",
19150          "required" : false,
19151          "type" : "string"
19152        } ],
19153        "responses" : {
19154          "200" : {
19155            "description" : "Success",
19156            "schema" : {
19157              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
19158            }
19159          }
19160        }
19161      },
19162      "post" : {
19163        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19164        "parameters" : [ {
19165          "in" : "body",
19166          "name" : "body",
19167          "required" : false,
19168          "schema" : {
19169            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19170          }
19171        } ],
19172        "responses" : {
19173          "200" : {
19174            "description" : "Success",
19175            "schema" : {
19176              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19177            }
19178          }
19179        }
19180      }
19181    },
19182    "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection/{id}" : {
19183      "get" : {
19184        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19185        "parameters" : [ ],
19186        "responses" : {
19187          "200" : {
19188            "description" : "Success",
19189            "schema" : {
19190              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19191            }
19192          },
19193          "404" : {
19194            "description" : "Error",
19195            "schema" : {
19196              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19197            }
19198          }
19199        }
19200      },
19201      "post" : {
19202        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19203        "parameters" : [ {
19204          "in" : "body",
19205          "name" : "body",
19206          "required" : false,
19207          "schema" : {
19208            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19209          }
19210        } ],
19211        "responses" : {
19212          "200" : {
19213            "description" : "Success",
19214            "schema" : {
19215              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19216            }
19217          },
19218          "404" : {
19219            "description" : "Error",
19220            "schema" : {
19221              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19222            }
19223          }
19224        }
19225      },
19226      "put" : {
19227        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19228        "parameters" : [ {
19229          "in" : "body",
19230          "name" : "body",
19231          "required" : false,
19232          "schema" : {
19233            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19234          }
19235        } ],
19236        "responses" : {
19237          "200" : {
19238            "description" : "Success",
19239            "schema" : {
19240              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19241            }
19242          },
19243          "404" : {
19244            "description" : "Error",
19245            "schema" : {
19246              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19247            }
19248          }
19249        }
19250      },
19251      "patch" : {
19252        "tags" : [ "/resources/host-volume-list-data-collection" ],
19253        "parameters" : [ {
19254          "in" : "body",
19255          "name" : "body",
19256          "required" : false,
19257          "schema" : {
19258            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19259          }
19260        } ],
19261        "responses" : {
19262          "200" : {
19263            "description" : "Success",
19264            "schema" : {
19265              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState"
19266            }
19267          },
19268          "404" : {
19269            "description" : "Error",
19270            "schema" : {
19271              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19272            }
19273          }
19274        }
19275      },
19276      "parameters" : [ {
19277        "name" : "id",
19278        "in" : "path",
19279        "required" : true,
19280        "type" : "string"
19281      } ]
19282    },
19283    "/resources/hosts" : {
19284      "put" : {
19285        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts" ],
19286        "description" : "Add container host. If host is added successfully, it's reference can be acquired from \"Location\" response header.",
19287        "parameters" : [ ],
19288        "responses" : {
19289          "200" : {
19290            "description" : "Success"
19291          },
19292          "404" : {
19293            "description" : "Error",
19294            "schema" : {
19295              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19296            }
19297          }
19298        }
19299      }
19300    },
19301    "/resources/hosts-data-collections" : {
19302      "get" : {
19303        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19304        "parameters" : [ {
19305          "name" : "$filter",
19306          "in" : "query",
19307          "required" : false,
19308          "type" : "string"
19309        }, {
19310          "name" : "expand",
19311          "in" : "query",
19312          "required" : false,
19313          "type" : "string"
19314        } ],
19315        "responses" : {
19316          "200" : {
19317            "description" : "Success",
19318            "schema" : {
19319              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
19320            }
19321          }
19322        }
19323      },
19324      "post" : {
19325        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19326        "parameters" : [ {
19327          "in" : "body",
19328          "name" : "body",
19329          "required" : false,
19330          "schema" : {
19331            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19332          }
19333        } ],
19334        "responses" : {
19335          "200" : {
19336            "description" : "Success",
19337            "schema" : {
19338              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19339            }
19340          }
19341        }
19342      }
19343    },
19344    "/resources/hosts-data-collections/{id}" : {
19345      "get" : {
19346        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19347        "parameters" : [ ],
19348        "responses" : {
19349          "200" : {
19350            "description" : "Success",
19351            "schema" : {
19352              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19353            }
19354          },
19355          "404" : {
19356            "description" : "Error",
19357            "schema" : {
19358              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19359            }
19360          }
19361        }
19362      },
19363      "post" : {
19364        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19365        "parameters" : [ {
19366          "in" : "body",
19367          "name" : "body",
19368          "required" : false,
19369          "schema" : {
19370            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19371          }
19372        } ],
19373        "responses" : {
19374          "200" : {
19375            "description" : "Success",
19376            "schema" : {
19377              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19378            }
19379          },
19380          "404" : {
19381            "description" : "Error",
19382            "schema" : {
19383              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19384            }
19385          }
19386        }
19387      },
19388      "put" : {
19389        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19390        "parameters" : [ {
19391          "in" : "body",
19392          "name" : "body",
19393          "required" : false,
19394          "schema" : {
19395            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19396          }
19397        } ],
19398        "responses" : {
19399          "200" : {
19400            "description" : "Success",
19401            "schema" : {
19402              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19403            }
19404          },
19405          "404" : {
19406            "description" : "Error",
19407            "schema" : {
19408              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19409            }
19410          }
19411        }
19412      },
19413      "patch" : {
19414        "tags" : [ "/resources/hosts-data-collections" ],
19415        "parameters" : [ {
19416          "in" : "body",
19417          "name" : "body",
19418          "required" : false,
19419          "schema" : {
19420            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19421          }
19422        } ],
19423        "responses" : {
19424          "200" : {
19425            "description" : "Success",
19426            "schema" : {
19427              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState"
19428            }
19429          },
19430          "404" : {
19431            "description" : "Error",
19432            "schema" : {
19433              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19434            }
19435          }
19436        }
19437      },
19438      "parameters" : [ {
19439        "name" : "id",
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19441        "required" : true,
19442        "type" : "string"
19443      } ]
19444    },
19445    "/resources/images" : {
19446      "get" : {
19447        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19448        "parameters" : [ {
19449          "name" : "$filter",
19450          "in" : "query",
19451          "required" : false,
19452          "type" : "string"
19453        }, {
19454          "name" : "expand",
19455          "in" : "query",
19456          "required" : false,
19457          "type" : "string"
19458        } ],
19459        "responses" : {
19460          "200" : {
19461            "description" : "Success",
19462            "schema" : {
19463              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
19464            }
19465          }
19466        }
19467      },
19468      "post" : {
19469        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19470        "parameters" : [ {
19471          "in" : "body",
19472          "name" : "body",
19473          "required" : false,
19474          "schema" : {
19475            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19476          }
19477        } ],
19478        "responses" : {
19479          "200" : {
19480            "description" : "Success",
19481            "schema" : {
19482              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19483            }
19484          }
19485        }
19486      }
19487    },
19488    "/resources/images/{id}" : {
19489      "get" : {
19490        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19491        "parameters" : [ ],
19492        "responses" : {
19493          "200" : {
19494            "description" : "Success",
19495            "schema" : {
19496              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19497            }
19498          },
19499          "404" : {
19500            "description" : "Error",
19501            "schema" : {
19502              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19503            }
19504          }
19505        }
19506      },
19507      "post" : {
19508        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19509        "parameters" : [ {
19510          "in" : "body",
19511          "name" : "body",
19512          "required" : false,
19513          "schema" : {
19514            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19515          }
19516        } ],
19517        "responses" : {
19518          "200" : {
19519            "description" : "Success",
19520            "schema" : {
19521              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19522            }
19523          },
19524          "404" : {
19525            "description" : "Error",
19526            "schema" : {
19527              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19528            }
19529          }
19530        }
19531      },
19532      "put" : {
19533        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19534        "parameters" : [ {
19535          "in" : "body",
19536          "name" : "body",
19537          "required" : false,
19538          "schema" : {
19539            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19540          }
19541        } ],
19542        "responses" : {
19543          "200" : {
19544            "description" : "Success",
19545            "schema" : {
19546              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19547            }
19548          },
19549          "404" : {
19550            "description" : "Error",
19551            "schema" : {
19552              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19553            }
19554          }
19555        }
19556      },
19557      "patch" : {
19558        "tags" : [ "/resources/images" ],
19559        "parameters" : [ {
19560          "in" : "body",
19561          "name" : "body",
19562          "required" : false,
19563          "schema" : {
19564            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19565          }
19566        } ],
19567        "responses" : {
19568          "200" : {
19569            "description" : "Success",
19570            "schema" : {
19571              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState"
19572            }
19573          },
19574          "404" : {
19575            "description" : "Error",
19576            "schema" : {
19577              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19578            }
19579          }
19580        }
19581      },
19582      "parameters" : [ {
19583        "name" : "id",
19584        "in" : "path",
19585        "required" : true,
19586        "type" : "string"
19587      } ]
19588    },
19589    "/resources/kubernetes-deployments" : {
19590      "get" : {
19591        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-deployments" ],
19592        "parameters" : [ {
19593          "name" : "$filter",
19594          "in" : "query",
19595          "required" : false,
19596          "type" : "string"
19597        }, {
19598          "name" : "expand",
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19602        } ],
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19606            "schema" : {
19607              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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19620          }
19621        } ],
19622        "responses" : {
19623          "200" : {
19624            "description" : "Success",
19625            "schema" : {
19626              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState"
19627            }
19628          }
19629        }
19630      }
19631    },
19632    "/resources/kubernetes-deployments/{id}" : {
19633      "get" : {
19634        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-deployments" ],
19635        "parameters" : [ ],
19636        "responses" : {
19637          "200" : {
19638            "description" : "Success",
19639            "schema" : {
19640              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState"
19641            }
19642          },
19643          "404" : {
19644            "description" : "Error",
19645            "schema" : {
19646              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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19648          }
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19658            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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19662          "200" : {
19663            "description" : "Success",
19664            "schema" : {
19665              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState"
19666            }
19667          },
19668          "404" : {
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19670            "schema" : {
19671              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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19688            "description" : "Success",
19689            "schema" : {
19690              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState"
19691            }
19692          },
19693          "404" : {
19694            "description" : "Error",
19695            "schema" : {
19696              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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19712          "200" : {
19713            "description" : "Success",
19714            "schema" : {
19715              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState"
19716            }
19717          },
19718          "404" : {
19719            "description" : "Error",
19720            "schema" : {
19721              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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19723          }
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19733    "/resources/kubernetes-descriptions" : {
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19745          "type" : "string"
19746        } ],
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19748          "200" : {
19749            "description" : "Success",
19750            "schema" : {
19751              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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19763            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19764          }
19765        } ],
19766        "responses" : {
19767          "200" : {
19768            "description" : "Success",
19769            "schema" : {
19770              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19771            }
19772          }
19773        }
19774      }
19775    },
19776    "/resources/kubernetes-descriptions/{id}" : {
19777      "get" : {
19778        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-descriptions" ],
19779        "parameters" : [ ],
19780        "responses" : {
19781          "200" : {
19782            "description" : "Success",
19783            "schema" : {
19784              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19785            }
19786          },
19787          "404" : {
19788            "description" : "Error",
19789            "schema" : {
19790              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19791            }
19792          }
19793        }
19794      },
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19801          "schema" : {
19802            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19803          }
19804        } ],
19805        "responses" : {
19806          "200" : {
19807            "description" : "Success",
19808            "schema" : {
19809              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19810            }
19811          },
19812          "404" : {
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19814            "schema" : {
19815              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19816            }
19817          }
19818        }
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19827            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19828          }
19829        } ],
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19831          "200" : {
19832            "description" : "Success",
19833            "schema" : {
19834              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19835            }
19836          },
19837          "404" : {
19838            "description" : "Error",
19839            "schema" : {
19840              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19841            }
19842          }
19843        }
19844      },
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19852            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19853          }
19854        } ],
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19856          "200" : {
19857            "description" : "Success",
19858            "schema" : {
19859              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription"
19860            }
19861          },
19862          "404" : {
19863            "description" : "Error",
19864            "schema" : {
19865              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19866            }
19867          }
19868        }
19869      },
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19873        "required" : true,
19874        "type" : "string"
19875      } ]
19876    },
19877    "/resources/kubernetes-pod-logs" : {
19878      "get" : {
19879        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-pod-logs" ],
19880        "description" : "Get container logs for all containers in a pod. Provide the PodState id in URI query parameter with key \"id\". The response body is map where the key is string containing the container name and the value is LogServiceState object.",
19881        "parameters" : [ ],
19882        "responses" : {
19883          "200" : {
19884            "description" : "Success",
19885            "schema" : {
19886              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:util:Map"
19887            }
19888          },
19889          "404" : {
19890            "description" : "Error",
19891            "schema" : {
19892              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19893            }
19894          }
19895        }
19896      }
19897    },
19898    "/resources/kubernetes-pods" : {
19899      "get" : {
19900        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-pods" ],
19901        "parameters" : [ {
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19903          "in" : "query",
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19905          "type" : "string"
19906        }, {
19907          "name" : "expand",
19908          "in" : "query",
19909          "required" : false,
19910          "type" : "string"
19911        } ],
19912        "responses" : {
19913          "200" : {
19914            "description" : "Success",
19915            "schema" : {
19916              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
19917            }
19918          }
19919        }
19920      },
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19927          "schema" : {
19928            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
19929          }
19930        } ],
19931        "responses" : {
19932          "200" : {
19933            "description" : "Success",
19934            "schema" : {
19935              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
19936            }
19937          }
19938        }
19939      }
19940    },
19941    "/resources/kubernetes-pods/{id}" : {
19942      "get" : {
19943        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-pods" ],
19944        "parameters" : [ ],
19945        "responses" : {
19946          "200" : {
19947            "description" : "Success",
19948            "schema" : {
19949              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
19950            }
19951          },
19952          "404" : {
19953            "description" : "Error",
19954            "schema" : {
19955              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19956            }
19957          }
19958        }
19959      },
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19967            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19968          }
19969        } ],
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19971          "200" : {
19972            "description" : "Success",
19973            "schema" : {
19974              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
19975            }
19976          },
19977          "404" : {
19978            "description" : "Error",
19979            "schema" : {
19980              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
19981            }
19982          }
19983        }
19984      },
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19986        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-pods" ],
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19991          "schema" : {
19992            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
19993          }
19994        } ],
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19996          "200" : {
19997            "description" : "Success",
19998            "schema" : {
19999              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
20000            }
20001          },
20002          "404" : {
20003            "description" : "Error",
20004            "schema" : {
20005              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20006            }
20007          }
20008        }
20009      },
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20021          "200" : {
20022            "description" : "Success",
20023            "schema" : {
20024              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState"
20025            }
20026          },
20027          "404" : {
20028            "description" : "Error",
20029            "schema" : {
20030              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20031            }
20032          }
20033        }
20034      },
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20039        "type" : "string"
20040      } ]
20041    },
20042    "/resources/kubernetes-replica-sets" : {
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20044        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-replica-sets" ],
20045        "parameters" : [ {
20046          "name" : "$filter",
20047          "in" : "query",
20048          "required" : false,
20049          "type" : "string"
20050        }, {
20051          "name" : "expand",
20052          "in" : "query",
20053          "required" : false,
20054          "type" : "string"
20055        } ],
20056        "responses" : {
20057          "200" : {
20058            "description" : "Success",
20059            "schema" : {
20060              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
20061            }
20062          }
20063        }
20064      },
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20071          "schema" : {
20072            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20073          }
20074        } ],
20075        "responses" : {
20076          "200" : {
20077            "description" : "Success",
20078            "schema" : {
20079              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20080            }
20081          }
20082        }
20083      }
20084    },
20085    "/resources/kubernetes-replica-sets/{id}" : {
20086      "get" : {
20087        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-replica-sets" ],
20088        "parameters" : [ ],
20089        "responses" : {
20090          "200" : {
20091            "description" : "Success",
20092            "schema" : {
20093              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20094            }
20095          },
20096          "404" : {
20097            "description" : "Error",
20098            "schema" : {
20099              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20100            }
20101          }
20102        }
20103      },
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20110          "schema" : {
20111            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
20112          }
20113        } ],
20114        "responses" : {
20115          "200" : {
20116            "description" : "Success",
20117            "schema" : {
20118              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20119            }
20120          },
20121          "404" : {
20122            "description" : "Error",
20123            "schema" : {
20124              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20125            }
20126          }
20127        }
20128      },
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20135          "schema" : {
20136            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
20137          }
20138        } ],
20139        "responses" : {
20140          "200" : {
20141            "description" : "Success",
20142            "schema" : {
20143              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20144            }
20145          },
20146          "404" : {
20147            "description" : "Error",
20148            "schema" : {
20149              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20150            }
20151          }
20152        }
20153      },
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20161            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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20165          "200" : {
20166            "description" : "Success",
20167            "schema" : {
20168              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState"
20169            }
20170          },
20171          "404" : {
20172            "description" : "Error",
20173            "schema" : {
20174              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20175            }
20176          }
20177        }
20178      },
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20180        "name" : "id",
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20183        "type" : "string"
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20185    },
20186    "/resources/kubernetes-replication-controllers" : {
20187      "get" : {
20188        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-replication-controllers" ],
20189        "parameters" : [ {
20190          "name" : "$filter",
20191          "in" : "query",
20192          "required" : false,
20193          "type" : "string"
20194        }, {
20195          "name" : "expand",
20196          "in" : "query",
20197          "required" : false,
20198          "type" : "string"
20199        } ],
20200        "responses" : {
20201          "200" : {
20202            "description" : "Success",
20203            "schema" : {
20204              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
20205            }
20206          }
20207        }
20208      },
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20215          "schema" : {
20216            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20217          }
20218        } ],
20219        "responses" : {
20220          "200" : {
20221            "description" : "Success",
20222            "schema" : {
20223              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20224            }
20225          }
20226        }
20227      }
20228    },
20229    "/resources/kubernetes-replication-controllers/{id}" : {
20230      "get" : {
20231        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-replication-controllers" ],
20232        "parameters" : [ ],
20233        "responses" : {
20234          "200" : {
20235            "description" : "Success",
20236            "schema" : {
20237              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20238            }
20239          },
20240          "404" : {
20241            "description" : "Error",
20242            "schema" : {
20243              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20244            }
20245          }
20246        }
20247      },
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20254          "schema" : {
20255            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
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20257        } ],
20258        "responses" : {
20259          "200" : {
20260            "description" : "Success",
20261            "schema" : {
20262              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20263            }
20264          },
20265          "404" : {
20266            "description" : "Error",
20267            "schema" : {
20268              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20269            }
20270          }
20271        }
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20284          "200" : {
20285            "description" : "Success",
20286            "schema" : {
20287              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20288            }
20289          },
20290          "404" : {
20291            "description" : "Error",
20292            "schema" : {
20293              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20294            }
20295          }
20296        }
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20305            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
20306          }
20307        } ],
20308        "responses" : {
20309          "200" : {
20310            "description" : "Success",
20311            "schema" : {
20312              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState"
20313            }
20314          },
20315          "404" : {
20316            "description" : "Error",
20317            "schema" : {
20318              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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20321        }
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20330    "/resources/kubernetes-services" : {
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20335          "in" : "query",
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20338        }, {
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20340          "in" : "query",
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20342          "type" : "string"
20343        } ],
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20345          "200" : {
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20347            "schema" : {
20348              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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20359          "schema" : {
20360            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20361          }
20362        } ],
20363        "responses" : {
20364          "200" : {
20365            "description" : "Success",
20366            "schema" : {
20367              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20368            }
20369          }
20370        }
20371      }
20372    },
20373    "/resources/kubernetes-services/{id}" : {
20374      "get" : {
20375        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-services" ],
20376        "parameters" : [ ],
20377        "responses" : {
20378          "200" : {
20379            "description" : "Success",
20380            "schema" : {
20381              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20382            }
20383          },
20384          "404" : {
20385            "description" : "Error",
20386            "schema" : {
20387              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20388            }
20389          }
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20399            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
20400          }
20401        } ],
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20403          "200" : {
20404            "description" : "Success",
20405            "schema" : {
20406              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20407            }
20408          },
20409          "404" : {
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20412              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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20425          }
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20428          "200" : {
20429            "description" : "Success",
20430            "schema" : {
20431              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20432            }
20433          },
20434          "404" : {
20435            "description" : "Error",
20436            "schema" : {
20437              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20438            }
20439          }
20440        }
20441      },
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20449            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
20450          }
20451        } ],
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20453          "200" : {
20454            "description" : "Success",
20455            "schema" : {
20456              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState"
20457            }
20458          },
20459          "404" : {
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20461            "schema" : {
20462              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20463            }
20464          }
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20474    "/resources/kubernetes-templates" : {
20475      "post" : {
20476        "tags" : [ "/resources/kubernetes-templates" ],
20477        "description" : "Post single or multiple kubernetes YAML definitions to create composite description. If there are multiple YAML definitions separate them with \"---\".",
20478        "parameters" : [ ],
20479        "responses" : {
20480          "200" : {
20481            "description" : "Success",
20482            "schema" : {
20483              "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:String[]"
20484            }
20485          },
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20489              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20490            }
20491          }
20492        }
20493      }
20494    },
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20505          "in" : "query",
20506          "required" : false,
20507          "type" : "string"
20508        } ],
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20510          "200" : {
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20512            "schema" : {
20513              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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20525            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20526          }
20527        } ],
20528        "responses" : {
20529          "200" : {
20530            "description" : "Success",
20531            "schema" : {
20532              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20533            }
20534          }
20535        }
20536      }
20537    },
20538    "/resources/load-balancer-descriptions/{id}" : {
20539      "get" : {
20540        "tags" : [ "/resources/load-balancer-descriptions" ],
20541        "parameters" : [ ],
20542        "responses" : {
20543          "200" : {
20544            "description" : "Success",
20545            "schema" : {
20546              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20547            }
20548          },
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20550            "description" : "Error",
20551            "schema" : {
20552              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20553            }
20554          }
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20570            "schema" : {
20571              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20572            }
20573          },
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20576            "schema" : {
20577              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
20578            }
20579          }
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20590          }
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20593          "200" : {
20594            "description" : "Success",
20595            "schema" : {
20596              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20597            }
20598          },
20599          "404" : {
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20620            "schema" : {
20621              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription"
20622            }
20623          },
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20639    "/resources/load-balancers" : {
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20649          "in" : "query",
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20651          "type" : "string"
20652        } ],
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20654          "200" : {
20655            "description" : "Success",
20656            "schema" : {
20657              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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20670          }
20671        } ],
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20673          "200" : {
20674            "description" : "Success",
20675            "schema" : {
20676              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState"
20677            }
20678          }
20679        }
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20682    "/resources/load-balancers/{id}" : {
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20684        "tags" : [ "/resources/load-balancers" ],
20685        "parameters" : [ ],
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20687          "200" : {
20688            "description" : "Success",
20689            "schema" : {
20690              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState"
20691            }
20692          },
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20712          "200" : {
20713            "description" : "Success",
20714            "schema" : {
20715              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState"
20716            }
20717          },
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20721              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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20738            "description" : "Success",
20739            "schema" : {
20740              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState"
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20742          },
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20764            "schema" : {
20765              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState"
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20796        } ],
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20798          "200" : {
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20800            "schema" : {
20801              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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20814          }
20815        } ],
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20817          "200" : {
20818            "description" : "Success",
20819            "schema" : {
20820              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState"
20821            }
20822          }
20823        }
20824      }
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20826    "/resources/name-prefixes/{id}" : {
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20831          "200" : {
20832            "description" : "Success",
20833            "schema" : {
20834              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState"
20835            }
20836          },
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20839            "schema" : {
20840              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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20856          "200" : {
20857            "description" : "Success",
20858            "schema" : {
20859              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState"
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20861          },
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20865              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
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20883            "schema" : {
20884              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState"
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20886          },
20887          "404" : {
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20906          "200" : {
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20908            "schema" : {
20909              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState"
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20911          },
20912          "404" : {
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20940        } ],
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20942          "200" : {
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20945              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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21629              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourcePoolService:ResourcePoolState"
21630            }
21631          },
21632          "404" : {
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21665              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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21678          }
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21683            "schema" : {
21684              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceDescriptionService:ResourceDescription"
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21686          }
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21690    "/resources/resource-descriptions/{id}" : {
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21698              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceDescriptionService:ResourceDescription"
21699            }
21700          },
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21723              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceDescriptionService:ResourceDescription"
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21748              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceDescriptionService:ResourceDescription"
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21809              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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21822          }
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21825          "200" : {
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21827            "schema" : {
21828              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState"
21829            }
21830          }
21831        }
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21834    "/resources/security-groups/{id}" : {
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21841            "schema" : {
21842              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState"
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21866            "schema" : {
21867              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState"
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21892              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState"
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21917              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState"
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21953              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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21971            "schema" : {
21972              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState"
21973            }
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21977    },
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21985            "schema" : {
21986              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState"
21987            }
21988          },
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22010            "schema" : {
22011              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState"
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22036              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState"
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22061              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState"
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22092        } ],
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22097              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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22115            "schema" : {
22116              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription"
22117            }
22118          }
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22122    "/resources/storage-descriptions/{id}" : {
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22129            "schema" : {
22130              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription"
22131            }
22132          },
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22155              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription"
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22180              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription"
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22205              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription"
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22236        } ],
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22241              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
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22259            "schema" : {
22260              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState"
22261            }
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22263        }
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22266    "/resources/sub-networks/{id}" : {
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22273            "schema" : {
22274              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState"
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22276          },
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22299              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState"
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22317            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22318          }
22319        } ],
22320        "responses" : {
22321          "200" : {
22322            "description" : "Success",
22323            "schema" : {
22324              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState"
22325            }
22326          },
22327          "404" : {
22328            "description" : "Error",
22329            "schema" : {
22330              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22331            }
22332          }
22333        }
22334      },
22335      "patch" : {
22336        "tags" : [ "/resources/sub-networks" ],
22337        "parameters" : [ {
22338          "in" : "body",
22339          "name" : "body",
22340          "required" : false,
22341          "schema" : {
22342            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22343          }
22344        } ],
22345        "responses" : {
22346          "200" : {
22347            "description" : "Success",
22348            "schema" : {
22349              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState"
22350            }
22351          },
22352          "404" : {
22353            "description" : "Error",
22354            "schema" : {
22355              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22356            }
22357          }
22358        }
22359      },
22360      "parameters" : [ {
22361        "name" : "id",
22362        "in" : "path",
22363        "required" : true,
22364        "type" : "string"
22365      } ]
22366    },
22367    "/resources/tags" : {
22368      "get" : {
22369        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22370        "parameters" : [ {
22371          "name" : "$filter",
22372          "in" : "query",
22373          "required" : false,
22374          "type" : "string"
22375        }, {
22376          "name" : "expand",
22377          "in" : "query",
22378          "required" : false,
22379          "type" : "string"
22380        } ],
22381        "responses" : {
22382          "200" : {
22383            "description" : "Success",
22384            "schema" : {
22385              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
22386            }
22387          }
22388        }
22389      },
22390      "post" : {
22391        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22392        "parameters" : [ {
22393          "in" : "body",
22394          "name" : "body",
22395          "required" : false,
22396          "schema" : {
22397            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22398          }
22399        } ],
22400        "responses" : {
22401          "200" : {
22402            "description" : "Success",
22403            "schema" : {
22404              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22405            }
22406          }
22407        }
22408      }
22409    },
22410    "/resources/tags/{id}" : {
22411      "get" : {
22412        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22413        "parameters" : [ ],
22414        "responses" : {
22415          "200" : {
22416            "description" : "Success",
22417            "schema" : {
22418              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22419            }
22420          },
22421          "404" : {
22422            "description" : "Error",
22423            "schema" : {
22424              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22425            }
22426          }
22427        }
22428      },
22429      "post" : {
22430        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22431        "parameters" : [ {
22432          "in" : "body",
22433          "name" : "body",
22434          "required" : false,
22435          "schema" : {
22436            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22437          }
22438        } ],
22439        "responses" : {
22440          "200" : {
22441            "description" : "Success",
22442            "schema" : {
22443              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22444            }
22445          },
22446          "404" : {
22447            "description" : "Error",
22448            "schema" : {
22449              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22450            }
22451          }
22452        }
22453      },
22454      "put" : {
22455        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22456        "parameters" : [ {
22457          "in" : "body",
22458          "name" : "body",
22459          "required" : false,
22460          "schema" : {
22461            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22462          }
22463        } ],
22464        "responses" : {
22465          "200" : {
22466            "description" : "Success",
22467            "schema" : {
22468              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22469            }
22470          },
22471          "404" : {
22472            "description" : "Error",
22473            "schema" : {
22474              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22475            }
22476          }
22477        }
22478      },
22479      "patch" : {
22480        "tags" : [ "/resources/tags" ],
22481        "parameters" : [ {
22482          "in" : "body",
22483          "name" : "body",
22484          "required" : false,
22485          "schema" : {
22486            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22487          }
22488        } ],
22489        "responses" : {
22490          "200" : {
22491            "description" : "Success",
22492            "schema" : {
22493              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState"
22494            }
22495          },
22496          "404" : {
22497            "description" : "Error",
22498            "schema" : {
22499              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22500            }
22501          }
22502        }
22503      },
22504      "parameters" : [ {
22505        "name" : "id",
22506        "in" : "path",
22507        "required" : true,
22508        "type" : "string"
22509      } ]
22510    },
22511    "/tasks/sub-tasks" : {
22512      "get" : {
22513        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22514        "parameters" : [ {
22515          "name" : "$filter",
22516          "in" : "query",
22517          "required" : false,
22518          "type" : "string"
22519        }, {
22520          "name" : "expand",
22521          "in" : "query",
22522          "required" : false,
22523          "type" : "string"
22524        } ],
22525        "responses" : {
22526          "200" : {
22527            "description" : "Success",
22528            "schema" : {
22529              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
22530            }
22531          }
22532        }
22533      },
22534      "post" : {
22535        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22536        "parameters" : [ {
22537          "in" : "body",
22538          "name" : "body",
22539          "required" : false,
22540          "schema" : {
22541            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22542          }
22543        } ],
22544        "responses" : {
22545          "200" : {
22546            "description" : "Success",
22547            "schema" : {
22548              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22549            }
22550          }
22551        }
22552      }
22553    },
22554    "/tasks/sub-tasks/{id}" : {
22555      "get" : {
22556        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22557        "parameters" : [ ],
22558        "responses" : {
22559          "200" : {
22560            "description" : "Success",
22561            "schema" : {
22562              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22563            }
22564          },
22565          "404" : {
22566            "description" : "Error",
22567            "schema" : {
22568              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22569            }
22570          }
22571        }
22572      },
22573      "post" : {
22574        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22575        "parameters" : [ {
22576          "in" : "body",
22577          "name" : "body",
22578          "required" : false,
22579          "schema" : {
22580            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22581          }
22582        } ],
22583        "responses" : {
22584          "200" : {
22585            "description" : "Success",
22586            "schema" : {
22587              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22588            }
22589          },
22590          "404" : {
22591            "description" : "Error",
22592            "schema" : {
22593              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22594            }
22595          }
22596        }
22597      },
22598      "put" : {
22599        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22600        "parameters" : [ {
22601          "in" : "body",
22602          "name" : "body",
22603          "required" : false,
22604          "schema" : {
22605            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22606          }
22607        } ],
22608        "responses" : {
22609          "200" : {
22610            "description" : "Success",
22611            "schema" : {
22612              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22613            }
22614          },
22615          "404" : {
22616            "description" : "Error",
22617            "schema" : {
22618              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22619            }
22620          }
22621        }
22622      },
22623      "patch" : {
22624        "tags" : [ "/tasks/sub-tasks" ],
22625        "parameters" : [ {
22626          "in" : "body",
22627          "name" : "body",
22628          "required" : false,
22629          "schema" : {
22630            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument"
22631          }
22632        } ],
22633        "responses" : {
22634          "200" : {
22635            "description" : "Success",
22636            "schema" : {
22637              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState"
22638            }
22639          },
22640          "404" : {
22641            "description" : "Error",
22642            "schema" : {
22643              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22644            }
22645          }
22646        }
22647      },
22648      "parameters" : [ {
22649        "name" : "id",
22650        "in" : "path",
22651        "required" : true,
22652        "type" : "string"
22653      } ]
22654    },
22655    "/templates" : {
22656      "get" : {
22657        "tags" : [ "/templates" ],
22658        "description" : "Search for composite descriptions, container images and closure descriptions. Specify the type you are searching with one of the boolean URI queries \"templatesOnly\", \"imagesOnly\", \"closuresOnly\". Specify the name of the resource you are searching for with URI query with key \"q\"",
22659        "parameters" : [ ],
22660        "responses" : {
22661          "200" : {
22662            "description" : "Success"
22663          },
22664          "404" : {
22665            "description" : "Error",
22666            "schema" : {
22667              "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
22668            }
22669          }
22670        }
22671      }
22672    }
22673  },
22674  "definitions" : {
22675    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState" : {
22676      "properties" : {
22677        "creationTimeMicros" : {
22678          "type" : "integer",
22679          "format" : "int64",
22680          "example" : 0.0
22681        },
22682        "customProperties" : {
22683          "type" : "object",
22684          "additionalProperties" : {
22685            "type" : "string"
22686          }
22687        },
22688        "desc" : {
22689          "type" : "string",
22690          "example" : "example string"
22691        },
22692        "description" : {
22693          "type" : "string",
22694          "example" : "example string"
22695        },
22696        "diskConfigs" : {
22697          "type" : "array",
22698          "items" : {
22699            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState:DiskConfiguration"
22700          }
22701        },
22702        "endpointLink" : {
22703          "type" : "string",
22704          "example" : "some/service"
22705        },
22706        "endpointType" : {
22707          "type" : "string",
22708          "example" : "example string"
22709        },
22710        "groupLinks" : {
22711          "type" : "array",
22712          "items" : {
22713            "type" : "string"
22714          }
22715        },
22716        "id" : {
22717          "type" : "string",
22718          "example" : "ab5064b7-f1b7-4f10-b23b-38261ce0ab45"
22719        },
22720        "name" : {
22721          "type" : "string",
22722          "example" : "example string"
22723        },
22724        "osFamily" : {
22725          "type" : "string",
22726          "example" : "example string"
22727        },
22728        "regionId" : {
22729          "type" : "string",
22730          "example" : "example string"
22731        },
22732        "tagLinks" : {
22733          "type" : "array",
22734          "items" : {
22735            "type" : "string"
22736          }
22737        },
22738        "tenantLinks" : {
22739          "type" : "array",
22740          "items" : {
22741            "type" : "string"
22742          }
22743        }
22744      }
22745    },
22746    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SshCommandTaskService:SshCommandTaskState" : {
22747      "properties" : {
22748        "authCredentialLink" : {
22749          "type" : "string",
22750          "example" : "some/service"
22751        },
22752        "commandResponse" : {
22753          "type" : "object",
22754          "additionalProperties" : {
22755            "type" : "string"
22756          }
22757        },
22758        "commands" : {
22759          "type" : "array",
22760          "items" : {
22761            "type" : "string"
22762          }
22763        },
22764        "failureMessage" : {
22765          "type" : "string",
22766          "example" : "example string"
22767        },
22768        "host" : {
22769          "type" : "string",
22770          "example" : "example string"
22771        },
22772        "isMockRequest" : {
22773          "type" : "boolean",
22774          "example" : false
22775        },
22776        "port" : {
22777          "type" : "integer",
22778          "format" : "int64",
22779          "example" : 0.0
22780        },
22781        "taskInfo" : {
22782          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
22783        }
22784      }
22785    },
22786    "com:vmware:admiral:request:PlacementHostSelectionTaskService:PlacementHostSelectionTaskState" : {
22787      "properties" : {
22788        "contextId" : {
22789          "type" : "string",
22790          "example" : "example string"
22791        },
22792        "customProperties" : {
22793          "type" : "object",
22794          "description" : "Custom properties.",
22795          "additionalProperties" : {
22796            "type" : "string"
22797          }
22798        },
22799        "requestTrackerLink" : {
22800          "type" : "string",
22801          "example" : "some/service",
22802          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
22803        },
22804        "resourceCount" : {
22805          "type" : "integer",
22806          "format" : "int64",
22807          "example" : 0.0
22808        },
22809        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
22810          "type" : "string",
22811          "example" : "some/service"
22812        },
22813        "resourcePoolLinks" : {
22814          "type" : "array",
22815          "items" : {
22816            "type" : "string"
22817          }
22818        },
22819        "resourceType" : {
22820          "type" : "string",
22821          "example" : "example string"
22822        },
22823        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
22824          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
22825          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
22826        },
22827        "taskInfo" : {
22828          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
22829          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
22830        },
22831        "taskSubStage" : {
22832          "type" : "string",
22833          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
22834        },
22835        "tenantLinks" : {
22836          "type" : "array",
22837          "items" : {
22838            "type" : "string"
22839          }
22840        }
22841      }
22842    },
22843    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeAllocationTaskService:ComputeAllocationTaskState" : {
22844      "properties" : {
22845        "customProperties" : {
22846          "type" : "object",
22847          "description" : "Custom properties.",
22848          "additionalProperties" : {
22849            "type" : "string"
22850          }
22851        },
22852        "groupResourcePlacementLink" : {
22853          "type" : "string",
22854          "example" : "some/service",
22855          "description" : "(Required) the groupResourcePlacementState that links to ResourcePool"
22856        },
22857        "requestTrackerLink" : {
22858          "type" : "string",
22859          "example" : "some/service",
22860          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
22861        },
22862        "resourceCount" : {
22863          "type" : "integer",
22864          "format" : "int64",
22865          "example" : 0.0,
22866          "description" : "(Required) Number of resources to provision. "
22867        },
22868        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
22869          "type" : "string",
22870          "example" : "some/service",
22871          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
22872        },
22873        "resourceLinks" : {
22874          "type" : "array",
22875          "description" : "Set by the task with the links of the provisioned resources.",
22876          "items" : {
22877            "type" : "string"
22878          }
22879        },
22880        "resourcePoolLink" : {
22881          "type" : "string",
22882          "example" : "some/service",
22883          "description" : "(Optional) the resourcePoolLink to ResourcePool"
22884        },
22885        "resourceType" : {
22886          "type" : "string",
22887          "example" : "example string",
22888          "description" : "Type of resource to create"
22889        },
22890        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
22891          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
22892          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
22893        },
22894        "taskInfo" : {
22895          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
22896          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
22897        },
22898        "taskSubStage" : {
22899          "type" : "string",
22900          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
22901        },
22902        "tenantLinks" : {
22903          "type" : "array",
22904          "items" : {
22905            "type" : "string"
22906          }
22907        }
22908      }
22909    },
22910    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:NetworkService:NetworkState" : {
22911      "properties" : {
22912        "adapterManagementReference" : {
22913          "type" : "string",
22914          "format" : "uri",
22915          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
22916        },
22917        "authCredentialsLink" : {
22918          "type" : "string",
22919          "example" : "some/service"
22920        },
22921        "creationTimeMicros" : {
22922          "type" : "integer",
22923          "format" : "int64",
22924          "example" : 0.0
22925        },
22926        "customProperties" : {
22927          "type" : "object",
22928          "additionalProperties" : {
22929            "type" : "string"
22930          }
22931        },
22932        "desc" : {
22933          "type" : "string",
22934          "example" : "example string"
22935        },
22936        "endpointLink" : {
22937          "type" : "string",
22938          "example" : "some/service"
22939        },
22940        "groupLinks" : {
22941          "type" : "array",
22942          "items" : {
22943            "type" : "string"
22944          }
22945        },
22946        "id" : {
22947          "type" : "string",
22948          "example" : "80eca3b9-80c3-4220-b416-887a272686cf"
22949        },
22950        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
22951          "type" : "string",
22952          "format" : "uri",
22953          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
22954        },
22955        "name" : {
22956          "type" : "string",
22957          "example" : "example string"
22958        },
22959        "regionId" : {
22960          "type" : "string",
22961          "example" : "example string"
22962        },
22963        "resourcePoolLink" : {
22964          "type" : "string",
22965          "example" : "some/service"
22966        },
22967        "subnetCIDR" : {
22968          "type" : "string",
22969          "example" : "example string"
22970        },
22971        "tagLinks" : {
22972          "type" : "array",
22973          "items" : {
22974            "type" : "string"
22975          }
22976        },
22977        "tenantLinks" : {
22978          "type" : "array",
22979          "items" : {
22980            "type" : "string"
22981          }
22982        },
22983        "type" : {
22984          "type" : "string",
22985          "example" : "example string"
22986        }
22987      }
22988    },
22989    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GitRepoVolumeSource" : {
22990      "properties" : {
22991        "directory" : {
22992          "type" : "string",
22993          "example" : "example string"
22994        },
22995        "repository" : {
22996          "type" : "string",
22997          "example" : "example string"
22998        },
22999        "revision" : {
23000          "type" : "string",
23001          "example" : "example string"
23002        }
23003      }
23004    },
23005    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerAllocationTaskService:LoadBalancerAllocationTaskState" : {
23006      "properties" : {
23007        "customProperties" : {
23008          "type" : "object",
23009          "description" : "Custom properties.",
23010          "additionalProperties" : {
23011            "type" : "string"
23012          }
23013        },
23014        "requestTrackerLink" : {
23015          "type" : "string",
23016          "example" : "some/service",
23017          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
23018        },
23019        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
23020          "type" : "string",
23021          "example" : "some/service",
23022          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
23023        },
23024        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
23025          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
23026          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
23027        },
23028        "taskInfo" : {
23029          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
23030          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23031        },
23032        "taskSubStage" : {
23033          "type" : "string",
23034          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
23035        },
23036        "tenantLinks" : {
23037          "type" : "array",
23038          "items" : {
23039            "type" : "string"
23040          }
23041        }
23042      }
23043    },
23044    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:HTTPGetAction" : {
23045      "properties" : {
23046        "host" : {
23047          "type" : "string",
23048          "example" : "example string"
23049        },
23050        "path" : {
23051          "type" : "string",
23052          "example" : "example string"
23053        },
23054        "port" : {
23055          "type" : "string",
23056          "example" : "example string"
23057        },
23058        "scheme" : {
23059          "type" : "string",
23060          "example" : "example string"
23061        }
23062      }
23063    },
23064    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:TenantService:TenantState" : {
23065      "properties" : {
23066        "id" : {
23067          "type" : "string",
23068          "example" : "4c9fe56e-8368-4f81-8b49-cf7bb4184fc2"
23069        },
23070        "name" : {
23071          "type" : "string",
23072          "example" : "VMware Inc."
23073        },
23074        "parentLink" : {
23075          "type" : "string",
23076          "example" : "some/service",
23077          "description" : "The parent (if any) of this tenant"
23078        }
23079      }
23080    },
23081    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:ConfigMapVolumeSource" : {
23082      "properties" : {
23083        "defaultMode" : {
23084          "type" : "integer",
23085          "format" : "int64",
23086          "example" : 0.0
23087        },
23088        "items" : {
23089          "type" : "array",
23090          "items" : {
23091            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:KeyToPath"
23092          }
23093        },
23094        "name" : {
23095          "type" : "string",
23096          "example" : "example string"
23097        }
23098      }
23099    },
23100    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:DeploymentService:DeploymentState" : {
23101      "properties" : {
23102        "compositeComponentLink" : {
23103          "type" : "string",
23104          "example" : "some/service",
23105          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a entity is part of App/Composition request."
23106        },
23107        "creationTimeMicros" : {
23108          "type" : "integer",
23109          "format" : "int64",
23110          "example" : 0.0
23111        },
23112        "customProperties" : {
23113          "type" : "object",
23114          "additionalProperties" : {
23115            "type" : "string"
23116          }
23117        },
23118        "deployment" : {
23119          "description" : "Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.",
23120          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:Deployment"
23121        },
23122        "desc" : {
23123          "type" : "string",
23124          "example" : "example string"
23125        },
23126        "descriptionLink" : {
23127          "type" : "string",
23128          "example" : "some/service",
23129          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
23130        },
23131        "groupLinks" : {
23132          "type" : "array",
23133          "items" : {
23134            "type" : "string"
23135          }
23136        },
23137        "id" : {
23138          "type" : "string",
23139          "example" : "43d0ee25-9092-4c0c-94c8-16a8d926ecd4"
23140        },
23141        "kubernetesSelfLink" : {
23142          "type" : "string",
23143          "example" : "some/service",
23144          "description" : "The kubernetes self link of the entity created by the Kubernetes itself."
23145        },
23146        "name" : {
23147          "type" : "string",
23148          "example" : "example string"
23149        },
23150        "parentLink" : {
23151          "type" : "string",
23152          "example" : "some/service",
23153          "description" : "Entity host link"
23154        },
23155        "regionId" : {
23156          "type" : "string",
23157          "example" : "example string"
23158        },
23159        "tagLinks" : {
23160          "type" : "array",
23161          "items" : {
23162            "type" : "string"
23163          }
23164        },
23165        "tenantLinks" : {
23166          "type" : "array",
23167          "items" : {
23168            "type" : "string"
23169          }
23170        }
23171      }
23172    },
23173    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeMigrationService" : {
23174      "properties" : {
23175        "services" : {
23176          "type" : "array",
23177          "items" : {
23178            "type" : "string"
23179          }
23180        }
23181      }
23182    },
23183    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:drivers:ImageConfiguration" : {
23184      "properties" : {
23185        "baseImageName" : {
23186          "type" : "string",
23187          "example" : "example string"
23188        },
23189        "baseImageVersion" : {
23190          "type" : "string",
23191          "example" : "example string"
23192        },
23193        "imageName" : {
23194          "type" : "string",
23195          "example" : "example string"
23196        },
23197        "imageNameVersion" : {
23198          "type" : "string",
23199          "example" : "example string"
23200        },
23201        "registry" : {
23202          "type" : "string",
23203          "example" : "example string"
23204        }
23205      }
23206    },
23207    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerCondition" : {
23208      "properties" : {
23209        "lastTransitionTime" : {
23210          "type" : "string",
23211          "example" : "example string"
23212        },
23213        "message" : {
23214          "type" : "string",
23215          "example" : "example string"
23216        },
23217        "reason" : {
23218          "type" : "string",
23219          "example" : "example string"
23220        },
23221        "status" : {
23222          "type" : "string",
23223          "example" : "example string"
23224        },
23225        "type" : {
23226          "type" : "string",
23227          "example" : "example string"
23228        }
23229      }
23230    },
23231    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:KubernetesDescriptionService:KubernetesDescription" : {
23232      "properties" : {
23233        "creationTimeMicros" : {
23234          "type" : "integer",
23235          "format" : "int64",
23236          "example" : 0.0
23237        },
23238        "customProperties" : {
23239          "type" : "object",
23240          "additionalProperties" : {
23241            "type" : "string"
23242          }
23243        },
23244        "desc" : {
23245          "type" : "string",
23246          "example" : "example string"
23247        },
23248        "groupLinks" : {
23249          "type" : "array",
23250          "items" : {
23251            "type" : "string"
23252          }
23253        },
23254        "id" : {
23255          "type" : "string",
23256          "example" : "5b2aa98c-a5fd-482c-b342-784e8f4aee48"
23257        },
23258        "kubernetesEntity" : {
23259          "type" : "string",
23260          "example" : "example string",
23261          "description" : "Serialized kubernetes entity in YAML format."
23262        },
23263        "name" : {
23264          "type" : "string",
23265          "example" : "example string"
23266        },
23267        "regionId" : {
23268          "type" : "string",
23269          "example" : "example string"
23270        },
23271        "tagLinks" : {
23272          "type" : "array",
23273          "items" : {
23274            "type" : "string"
23275          }
23276        },
23277        "tenantLinks" : {
23278          "type" : "array",
23279          "items" : {
23280            "type" : "string"
23281          }
23282        },
23283        "type" : {
23284          "type" : "string",
23285          "example" : "example string",
23286          "description" : "The type of the kubernetes entity."
23287        }
23288      }
23289    },
23290    "java:lang:String[]" : { },
23291    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeDescriptionService:CompositeDescription" : {
23292      "properties" : {
23293        "bindings" : {
23294          "type" : "array",
23295          "items" : {
23296            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding:ComponentBinding"
23297          }
23298        },
23299        "customProperties" : {
23300          "type" : "object",
23301          "additionalProperties" : {
23302            "type" : "string"
23303          }
23304        },
23305        "descriptionLinks" : {
23306          "type" : "array",
23307          "items" : {
23308            "type" : "string"
23309          }
23310        },
23311        "lastPublished" : {
23312          "type" : "integer",
23313          "format" : "int64",
23314          "example" : 0
23315        },
23316        "name" : {
23317          "type" : "string",
23318          "example" : "example string"
23319        },
23320        "parentDescriptionLink" : {
23321          "type" : "string",
23322          "example" : "some/service"
23323        },
23324        "status" : {
23325          "type" : "string",
23326          "enum" : [ "DRAFT", "PUBLISHED", "RETIRED" ]
23327        },
23328        "tenantLinks" : {
23329          "type" : "array",
23330          "items" : {
23331            "type" : "string"
23332          }
23333        }
23334      }
23335    },
23336    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:DownwardAPIVolumeFile" : {
23337      "properties" : {
23338        "fieldRef" : {
23339          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectFieldSelector"
23340        },
23341        "mode" : {
23342          "type" : "integer",
23343          "format" : "int64",
23344          "example" : 0.0
23345        },
23346        "path" : {
23347          "type" : "string",
23348          "example" : "example string"
23349        },
23350        "resourceFieldRef" : {
23351          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ResourceFieldSelector"
23352        }
23353      }
23354    },
23355    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationController" : {
23356      "properties" : {
23357        "apiVersion" : {
23358          "type" : "string",
23359          "example" : "example string"
23360        },
23361        "kind" : {
23362          "type" : "string",
23363          "example" : "example string"
23364        },
23365        "metadata" : {
23366          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
23367        },
23368        "spec" : {
23369          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerSpec"
23370        },
23371        "status" : {
23372          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerStatus"
23373        }
23374      }
23375    },
23376    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodSpec" : {
23377      "properties" : {
23378        "activeDeadlineSeconds" : {
23379          "type" : "integer",
23380          "format" : "int64",
23381          "example" : 0.0
23382        },
23383        "containers" : {
23384          "type" : "array",
23385          "items" : {
23386            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Container"
23387          }
23388        },
23389        "dnsPolicy" : {
23390          "type" : "string",
23391          "enum" : [ "ClusterFirst", "Default" ]
23392        },
23393        "hostIPC" : {
23394          "type" : "boolean",
23395          "example" : false
23396        },
23397        "hostNetwork" : {
23398          "type" : "string",
23399          "example" : "example string"
23400        },
23401        "hostPID" : {
23402          "type" : "boolean",
23403          "example" : false
23404        },
23405        "hostname" : {
23406          "type" : "string",
23407          "example" : "example string"
23408        },
23409        "nodeName" : {
23410          "type" : "string",
23411          "example" : "example string"
23412        },
23413        "nodeSelector" : {
23414          "type" : "object",
23415          "additionalProperties" : {
23416            "type" : "string"
23417          }
23418        },
23419        "restartPolicy" : {
23420          "type" : "string",
23421          "enum" : [ "Always", "OnFailure", "Never" ]
23422        },
23423        "securityContext" : {
23424          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodSecurityContext"
23425        },
23426        "subdomain" : {
23427          "type" : "string",
23428          "example" : "example string"
23429        },
23430        "terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : {
23431          "type" : "integer",
23432          "format" : "int64",
23433          "example" : 0.0
23434        },
23435        "volumes" : {
23436          "type" : "array",
23437          "items" : {
23438            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:Volume"
23439          }
23440        }
23441      }
23442    },
23443    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask" : {
23444      "properties" : {
23445        "indexLink" : {
23446          "type" : "string",
23447          "example" : "some/service"
23448        },
23449        "nodeSelectorLink" : {
23450          "type" : "string",
23451          "example" : "some/service"
23452        },
23453        "querySpec" : {
23454          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QuerySpecification"
23455        },
23456        "results" : {
23457          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult"
23458        },
23459        "taskInfo" : {
23460          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23461        },
23462        "tenantLinks" : {
23463          "type" : "array",
23464          "items" : {
23465            "type" : "string"
23466          }
23467        }
23468      }
23469    },
23470    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:CounterSubTaskService:CounterSubTaskState" : {
23471      "properties" : {
23472        "completionsRemaining" : {
23473          "type" : "integer",
23474          "format" : "int64",
23475          "example" : 0.0
23476        },
23477        "customProperties" : {
23478          "type" : "object",
23479          "additionalProperties" : {
23480            "type" : "string"
23481          }
23482        },
23483        "errorThreshold" : {
23484          "type" : "number",
23485          "format" : "double",
23486          "example" : 0.0
23487        },
23488        "failCount" : {
23489          "type" : "integer",
23490          "format" : "int64",
23491          "example" : 0.0
23492        },
23493        "finishedCount" : {
23494          "type" : "integer",
23495          "format" : "int64",
23496          "example" : 0.0
23497        },
23498        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
23499          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
23500        },
23501        "taskInfo" : {
23502          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23503        }
23504      }
23505    },
23506    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerStatus" : {
23507      "properties" : {
23508        "availableReplicas" : {
23509          "type" : "integer",
23510          "format" : "int64",
23511          "example" : 0.0
23512        },
23513        "conditions" : {
23514          "type" : "array",
23515          "items" : {
23516            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerCondition"
23517          }
23518        },
23519        "fullyLabeledReplicas" : {
23520          "type" : "integer",
23521          "format" : "int64",
23522          "example" : 0.0
23523        },
23524        "observedGeneration" : {
23525          "type" : "integer",
23526          "format" : "int64",
23527          "example" : 0.0
23528        },
23529        "readyReplicas" : {
23530          "type" : "integer",
23531          "format" : "int64",
23532          "example" : 0.0
23533        },
23534        "replicas" : {
23535          "type" : "integer",
23536          "format" : "int64",
23537          "example" : 0.0
23538        }
23539      }
23540    },
23541    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState" : {
23542      "properties" : {
23543        "creationTimeMicros" : {
23544          "type" : "integer",
23545          "format" : "int64",
23546          "example" : 0.0
23547        },
23548        "customProperties" : {
23549          "type" : "object",
23550          "additionalProperties" : {
23551            "type" : "string"
23552          }
23553        },
23554        "desc" : {
23555          "type" : "string",
23556          "example" : "example string"
23557        },
23558        "groupLinks" : {
23559          "type" : "array",
23560          "items" : {
23561            "type" : "string"
23562          }
23563        },
23564        "id" : {
23565          "type" : "string",
23566          "example" : "7461793f-30f1-4613-9641-92667fd9168d"
23567        },
23568        "name" : {
23569          "type" : "string",
23570          "example" : "example string"
23571        },
23572        "query" : {
23573          "description" : "Query used to define resource group membership",
23574          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
23575        },
23576        "regionId" : {
23577          "type" : "string",
23578          "example" : "example string"
23579        },
23580        "tagLinks" : {
23581          "type" : "array",
23582          "items" : {
23583            "type" : "string"
23584          }
23585        },
23586        "tenantLinks" : {
23587          "type" : "array",
23588          "items" : {
23589            "type" : "string"
23590          }
23591        }
23592      }
23593    },
23594    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServiceStatus" : {
23595      "properties" : {
23596        "loadBalancer" : {
23597          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:LoadBalancerStatus"
23598        }
23599      }
23600    },
23601    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:EndpointAllocationTaskService:ResourceEnumerationRequest" : {
23602      "properties" : {
23603        "delayMicros" : {
23604          "type" : "integer",
23605          "format" : "int64",
23606          "example" : 0.0
23607        },
23608        "refreshIntervalMicros" : {
23609          "type" : "integer",
23610          "format" : "int64",
23611          "example" : 0.0
23612        },
23613        "resourcePoolLink" : {
23614          "type" : "string",
23615          "example" : "some/service"
23616        }
23617      }
23618    },
23619    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ResourceRemovalTaskService:ResourceRemovalTaskState" : {
23620      "properties" : {
23621        "errorThreshold" : {
23622          "type" : "number",
23623          "format" : "double",
23624          "example" : 0.0
23625        },
23626        "failureMessage" : {
23627          "type" : "string",
23628          "example" : "example string"
23629        },
23630        "isMockRequest" : {
23631          "type" : "boolean",
23632          "example" : false
23633        },
23634        "nextPageLink" : {
23635          "type" : "string",
23636          "example" : "some/service"
23637        },
23638        "options" : {
23639          "type" : "array",
23640          "items" : {
23641            "type" : "string",
23643          }
23644        },
23645        "resourceQueryLink" : {
23646          "type" : "string",
23647          "example" : "some/service"
23648        },
23649        "resourceQuerySpec" : {
23650          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QuerySpecification"
23651        },
23652        "taskInfo" : {
23653          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23654        },
23655        "taskSubStage" : {
23656          "type" : "string",
23658        },
23659        "tenantLinks" : {
23660          "type" : "array",
23661          "items" : {
23662            "type" : "string"
23663          }
23664        }
23665      }
23666    },
23667    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkProvisionTaskService:ContainerNetworkProvisionTaskState" : {
23668      "properties" : {
23669        "customProperties" : {
23670          "type" : "object",
23671          "description" : "Custom properties.",
23672          "additionalProperties" : {
23673            "type" : "string"
23674          }
23675        },
23676        "requestTrackerLink" : {
23677          "type" : "string",
23678          "example" : "some/service",
23679          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
23680        },
23681        "resourceCount" : {
23682          "type" : "integer",
23683          "format" : "int64",
23684          "example" : 0.0,
23685          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
23686        },
23687        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
23688          "type" : "string",
23689          "example" : "some/service",
23690          "description" : "Type of resource to create."
23691        },
23692        "resourceLinks" : {
23693          "type" : "array",
23694          "description" : "Links to already allocated resources that are going to be provisioned.",
23695          "items" : {
23696            "type" : "string"
23697          }
23698        },
23699        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
23700          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
23701          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
23702        },
23703        "taskInfo" : {
23704          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
23705          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23706        },
23707        "taskSubStage" : {
23708          "type" : "string",
23709          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
23710        },
23711        "tenantLinks" : {
23712          "type" : "array",
23713          "items" : {
23714            "type" : "string"
23715          }
23716        }
23717      }
23718    },
23719    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:security:service:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState" : {
23720      "properties" : {
23721        "certificate" : {
23722          "type" : "string",
23723          "example" : "example string",
23724          "description" : "The SSL trust certificate encoded into .PEM format."
23725        },
23726        "commonName" : {
23727          "type" : "string",
23728          "example" : "example string",
23729          "description" : "The common name of the certificate."
23730        },
23731        "fingerprint" : {
23732          "type" : "string",
23733          "example" : "example string",
23734          "description" : "The fingerprint of the certificate in SHA-1 form. "
23735        },
23736        "issuerName" : {
23737          "type" : "string",
23738          "example" : "example string",
23739          "description" : "The issuer name of the certificate."
23740        },
23741        "serial" : {
23742          "type" : "string",
23743          "example" : "example string",
23744          "description" : "The serial of the certificate."
23745        },
23746        "tenantLinks" : {
23747          "type" : "array",
23748          "items" : {
23749            "type" : "string"
23750          }
23751        },
23752        "validSince" : {
23753          "type" : "integer",
23754          "format" : "int64",
23755          "example" : 0.0,
23756          "description" : "The date since the certificate is valid."
23757        },
23758        "validTo" : {
23759          "type" : "integer",
23760          "format" : "int64",
23761          "example" : 0.0,
23762          "description" : "The date until the certificate is valid."
23763        }
23764      }
23765    },
23766    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GlusterfsVolumeSource" : {
23767      "properties" : {
23768        "endpoints" : {
23769          "type" : "string",
23770          "example" : "example string"
23771        },
23772        "path" : {
23773          "type" : "string",
23774          "example" : "example string"
23775        },
23776        "readOnly" : {
23777          "type" : "boolean",
23778          "example" : false
23779        }
23780      }
23781    },
23782    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ImageProfileService:ImageProfileState" : {
23783      "properties" : {
23784        "creationTimeMicros" : {
23785          "type" : "integer",
23786          "format" : "int64",
23787          "example" : 0.0
23788        },
23789        "customProperties" : {
23790          "type" : "object",
23791          "additionalProperties" : {
23792            "type" : "string"
23793          }
23794        },
23795        "desc" : {
23796          "type" : "string",
23797          "example" : "example string"
23798        },
23799        "endpointLink" : {
23800          "type" : "string",
23801          "example" : "some/service",
23802          "description" : "Link to the endpoint this profile is associated with"
23803        },
23804        "endpointType" : {
23805          "type" : "string",
23806          "example" : "example string",
23807          "description" : "The endpoint type if this profile is not for a specific endpoint "
23808        },
23809        "groupLinks" : {
23810          "type" : "array",
23811          "items" : {
23812            "type" : "string"
23813          }
23814        },
23815        "id" : {
23816          "type" : "string",
23817          "example" : "30ebc107-5c2d-4bed-b833-7b1bacb5ba23"
23818        },
23819        "imageMapping" : {
23820          "type" : "object",
23821          "additionalProperties" : {
23822            "type" : "string"
23823          }
23824        },
23825        "name" : {
23826          "type" : "string",
23827          "example" : "example string"
23828        },
23829        "regionId" : {
23830          "type" : "string",
23831          "example" : "example string"
23832        },
23833        "tagLinks" : {
23834          "type" : "array",
23835          "items" : {
23836            "type" : "string"
23837          }
23838        },
23839        "tenantLinks" : {
23840          "type" : "array",
23841          "items" : {
23842            "type" : "string"
23843          }
23844        }
23845      }
23846    },
23847    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ClosureAllocationTaskService:ClosureAllocationTaskState" : {
23848      "properties" : {
23849        "closureLink" : {
23850          "type" : "string",
23851          "example" : "some/service",
23852          "description" : "The description that defines the closure."
23853        },
23854        "customProperties" : {
23855          "type" : "object",
23856          "description" : "Custom properties.",
23857          "additionalProperties" : {
23858            "type" : "string"
23859          }
23860        },
23861        "requestTrackerLink" : {
23862          "type" : "string",
23863          "example" : "some/service",
23864          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
23865        },
23866        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
23867          "type" : "string",
23868          "example" : "some/service",
23869          "description" : "The description that defines the closure description."
23870        },
23871        "resourceLinks" : {
23872          "type" : "array",
23873          "description" : "Set by a Task with the links of the provisioned resources.",
23874          "items" : {
23875            "type" : "string"
23876          }
23877        },
23878        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
23879          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
23880          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
23881        },
23882        "taskInfo" : {
23883          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
23884          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23885        },
23886        "taskSubStage" : {
23887          "type" : "string",
23888          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
23889        },
23890        "tenantLinks" : {
23891          "type" : "array",
23892          "items" : {
23893            "type" : "string"
23894          }
23895        }
23896      }
23897    },
23898    "com:vmware:admiral:request:RequestStatusService:RequestStatus" : {
23899      "properties" : {
23900        "component" : {
23901          "type" : "string",
23902          "example" : "example string"
23903        },
23904        "components" : {
23905          "type" : "array",
23906          "items" : {
23907            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:request:composition:CompositionGraph:ResourceNode"
23908          }
23909        },
23910        "eventLogLink" : {
23911          "type" : "string",
23912          "example" : "some/service"
23913        },
23914        "name" : {
23915          "type" : "string",
23916          "example" : "example string"
23917        },
23918        "phase" : {
23919          "type" : "string",
23920          "example" : "example string"
23921        },
23922        "progress" : {
23923          "type" : "integer",
23924          "format" : "int64",
23925          "example" : 0.0
23926        },
23927        "requestProgressByComponent" : {
23928          "type" : "object",
23929          "additionalProperties" : {
23930            "type" : "string"
23931          }
23932        },
23933        "resourceLinks" : {
23934          "type" : "array",
23935          "items" : {
23936            "type" : "string"
23937          }
23938        },
23939        "subStage" : {
23940          "type" : "string",
23941          "example" : "example string"
23942        },
23943        "taskInfo" : {
23944          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23945        },
23946        "tenantLinks" : {
23947          "type" : "array",
23948          "items" : {
23949            "type" : "string"
23950          }
23951        },
23952        "trackedAllocationTasksByResourceType" : {
23953          "type" : "object",
23954          "additionalProperties" : {
23955            "type" : "string"
23956          }
23957        },
23958        "trackedExecutionTasksByResourceType" : {
23959          "type" : "object",
23960          "additionalProperties" : {
23961            "type" : "string"
23962          }
23963        }
23964      }
23965    },
23966    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeNetworkRemovalTaskService:ComputeNetworkRemovalTaskState" : {
23967      "properties" : {
23968        "customProperties" : {
23969          "type" : "object",
23970          "description" : "Custom properties.",
23971          "additionalProperties" : {
23972            "type" : "string"
23973          }
23974        },
23975        "requestTrackerLink" : {
23976          "type" : "string",
23977          "example" : "some/service",
23978          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
23979        },
23980        "resourceLinks" : {
23981          "type" : "array",
23982          "items" : {
23983            "type" : "string"
23984          }
23985        },
23986        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
23987          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
23988          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
23989        },
23990        "taskInfo" : {
23991          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
23992          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
23993        },
23994        "taskSubStage" : {
23995          "type" : "string",
23996          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
23997        },
23998        "tenantLinks" : {
23999          "type" : "array",
24000          "items" : {
24001            "type" : "string"
24002          }
24003        }
24004      }
24005    },
24006    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicationControllerService:ReplicationControllerState" : {
24007      "properties" : {
24008        "compositeComponentLink" : {
24009          "type" : "string",
24010          "example" : "some/service",
24011          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a entity is part of App/Composition request."
24012        },
24013        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24014          "type" : "integer",
24015          "format" : "int64",
24016          "example" : 0.0
24017        },
24018        "customProperties" : {
24019          "type" : "object",
24020          "additionalProperties" : {
24021            "type" : "string"
24022          }
24023        },
24024        "desc" : {
24025          "type" : "string",
24026          "example" : "example string"
24027        },
24028        "descriptionLink" : {
24029          "type" : "string",
24030          "example" : "some/service",
24031          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
24032        },
24033        "groupLinks" : {
24034          "type" : "array",
24035          "items" : {
24036            "type" : "string"
24037          }
24038        },
24039        "id" : {
24040          "type" : "string",
24041          "example" : "07f67283-2264-4818-aa53-ef64f2912c45"
24042        },
24043        "kubernetesSelfLink" : {
24044          "type" : "string",
24045          "example" : "some/service",
24046          "description" : "The kubernetes self link of the entity created by the Kubernetes itself."
24047        },
24048        "name" : {
24049          "type" : "string",
24050          "example" : "example string"
24051        },
24052        "parentLink" : {
24053          "type" : "string",
24054          "example" : "some/service",
24055          "description" : "Entity host link"
24056        },
24057        "regionId" : {
24058          "type" : "string",
24059          "example" : "example string"
24060        },
24061        "replicationController" : {
24062          "description" : "ReplicationController represents the configuration of a replication controller.",
24063          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationController"
24064        },
24065        "tagLinks" : {
24066          "type" : "array",
24067          "items" : {
24068            "type" : "string"
24069          }
24070        },
24071        "tenantLinks" : {
24072          "type" : "array",
24073          "items" : {
24074            "type" : "string"
24075          }
24076        }
24077      }
24078    },
24079    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerDescriptionService:ContainerDescription" : {
24080      "properties" : {
24081        "_cluster" : {
24082          "type" : "integer",
24083          "format" : "int64",
24084          "example" : 0.0,
24085          "description" : "The number of nodes to be provisioned. Default is one."
24086        },
24087        "affinity" : {
24088          "type" : "array",
24089          "description" : " Affinity or anti-affinity conditions of containers deployed or not deployed on the same host. Format: [!]serviceName[:soft|hard].If not specified, the default constraint type is 'hard'. Examples: ['cont1', '!cont2', 'cont3:soft', 'cont4:hard', '!cont5:soft', '!cont6:hard']",
24090          "items" : {
24091            "type" : "string"
24092          }
24093        },
24094        "capAdd" : {
24095          "type" : "array",
24096          "description" : "A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container.",
24097          "items" : {
24098            "type" : "string"
24099          }
24100        },
24101        "capDrop" : {
24102          "type" : "array",
24103          "description" : "A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container.",
24104          "items" : {
24105            "type" : "string"
24106          }
24107        },
24108        "command" : {
24109          "type" : "array",
24110          "description" : "Commands to run.",
24111          "items" : {
24112            "type" : "string"
24113          }
24114        },
24115        "cpuShares" : {
24116          "type" : "integer",
24117          "format" : "int64",
24118          "example" : 0.0,
24119          "description" : "CPU Shares for container."
24120        },
24121        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24122          "type" : "integer",
24123          "format" : "int64",
24124          "example" : 0.0
24125        },
24126        "customProperties" : {
24127          "type" : "object",
24128          "additionalProperties" : {
24129            "type" : "string"
24130          }
24131        },
24132        "dependsOn" : {
24133          "type" : "array",
24134          "description" : "A list of services (in a blueprint) the container depends on.",
24135          "items" : {
24136            "type" : "string"
24137          }
24138        },
24139        "deploymentPolicyId" : {
24140          "type" : "string",
24141          "example" : "example string",
24142          "description" : "Document link to the deployment policy if any. Container description with a deployment policy will be deployed on hosts/policies with the same policy."
24143        },
24144        "desc" : {
24145          "type" : "string",
24146          "example" : "example string"
24147        },
24148        "device" : {
24149          "type" : "array",
24150          "description" : "A list of devices to add to the container specified in the format hostPath:containerPath:rwm",
24151          "items" : {
24152            "type" : "string"
24153          }
24154        },
24155        "dns" : {
24156          "type" : "array",
24157          "description" : "Force Docker to use specific DNS servers.",
24158          "items" : {
24159            "type" : "string"
24160          }
24161        },
24162        "dnsSearch" : {
24163          "type" : "array",
24164          "description" : "Custom DNS search domains (Use . if you don't wish to set the search domain).",
24165          "items" : {
24166            "type" : "string"
24167          }
24168        },
24169        "domainName" : {
24170          "type" : "string",
24171          "example" : "example string",
24172          "description" : "Domain name of the container."
24173        },
24174        "entryPoint" : {
24175          "type" : "array",
24176          "description" : "Set the entrypoints for the container.",
24177          "items" : {
24178            "type" : "string"
24179          }
24180        },
24181        "env" : {
24182          "type" : "array",
24183          "description" : "A list of environment variables in the form of VAR=value.",
24184          "items" : {
24185            "type" : "string"
24186          }
24187        },
24188        "extraHosts" : {
24189          "type" : "array",
24190          "description" : "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip).",
24191          "items" : {
24192            "type" : "string"
24193          }
24194        },
24195        "groupLinks" : {
24196          "type" : "array",
24197          "items" : {
24198            "type" : "string"
24199          }
24200        },
24201        "healthConfig" : {
24202          "description" : "Health service for this container.",
24203          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HealthChecker:HealthConfig"
24204        },
24205        "hostname" : {
24206          "type" : "string",
24207          "example" : "example string",
24208          "description" : "Hostname of the container."
24209        },
24210        "id" : {
24211          "type" : "string",
24212          "example" : "0070e839-3fa3-438d-b786-f681ada808ee"
24213        },
24214        "image" : {
24215          "type" : "string",
24216          "example" : "example string",
24217          "description" : "The docker image."
24218        },
24219        "imageReference" : {
24220          "type" : "string",
24221          "format" : "uri",
24222          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
24223          "description" : "An image reference to a docker image in .tgz format to be downloaded to the server and pushed to the local host repository."
24224        },
24225        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
24226          "type" : "string",
24227          "format" : "uri",
24228          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
24229          "description" : "Instance Adapter reference for provisioning of containers."
24230        },
24231        "links" : {
24232          "type" : "array",
24233          "description" : "A list of services (in a blueprint) the container depends on.",
24234          "items" : {
24235            "type" : "string"
24236          }
24237        },
24238        "logConfig" : {
24239          "description" : "Log configuration of the container",
24240          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:LogConfig"
24241        },
24242        "maximumRetryCount" : {
24243          "type" : "integer",
24244          "format" : "int64",
24245          "example" : 0.0,
24246          "description" : "When restart policy is set to on-failure, the max retries."
24247        },
24248        "memoryLimit" : {
24249          "type" : "integer",
24250          "format" : "int64",
24251          "example" : 0.0,
24252          "description" : "Memory limit in bytes."
24253        },
24254        "memorySwapLimit" : {
24255          "type" : "integer",
24256          "format" : "int64",
24257          "example" : 0.0,
24258          "description" : "Total memory usage (memory + swap); set -1 to set infinite (disable swap limit), 0 to disable swap."
24259        },
24260        "name" : {
24261          "type" : "string",
24262          "example" : "example string"
24263        },
24264        "networkMode" : {
24265          "type" : "string",
24266          "example" : "bridge",
24267          "description" : "Network mode for the container (bridge / none / container:<name|id> / host)."
24268        },
24269        "networks" : {
24270          "type" : "object",
24271          "description" : "Networks to join, referencing declared or already existing networks.",
24272          "additionalProperties" : {
24273            "type" : "string"
24274          }
24275        },
24276        "parentDescriptionLink" : {
24277          "type" : "string",
24278          "example" : "some/service",
24279          "description" : "Link to the parent container description."
24280        },
24281        "pidMode" : {
24282          "type" : "string",
24283          "example" : "example string",
24284          "description" : "PID namespace for the container ( '' / host )"
24285        },
24286        "pod" : {
24287          "type" : "string",
24288          "example" : "example string",
24289          "description" : "The identity of a grouping associated usually with a host for multiple containers."
24290        },
24291        "portBindings" : {
24292          "type" : "array",
24293          "description" : "Port bindings in the format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort | containerPort where range of ports can also be provided.",
24294          "items" : {
24295            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:PortBinding"
24296          }
24297        },
24298        "privileged" : {
24299          "type" : "boolean",
24300          "example" : false,
24301          "description" : "Run in privileged mode"
24302        },
24303        "publishAll" : {
24304          "type" : "boolean",
24305          "example" : false,
24306          "description" : "Automatically bind all exposed ports declared for the image."
24307        },
24308        "regionId" : {
24309          "type" : "string",
24310          "example" : "example string"
24311        },
24312        "restartPolicy" : {
24313          "type" : "string",
24314          "example" : "always",
24315          "description" : "Restart policy to apply when a container exits (no, on-failure[:max-retry], always)."
24316        },
24317        "tagLinks" : {
24318          "type" : "array",
24319          "items" : {
24320            "type" : "string"
24321          }
24322        },
24323        "tenantLinks" : {
24324          "type" : "array",
24325          "items" : {
24326            "type" : "string"
24327          }
24328        },
24329        "ulimits" : {
24330          "type" : "array",
24331          "description" : "A list of resource limits to set in the container",
24332          "items" : {
24333            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:Ulimit"
24334          }
24335        },
24336        "user" : {
24337          "type" : "string",
24338          "example" : "example string",
24339          "description" : "User to use inside the container."
24340        },
24341        "volumeDriver" : {
24342          "type" : "string",
24343          "example" : "example string",
24344          "description" : "Specify volume driver name (default \"local\")"
24345        },
24346        "volumes" : {
24347          "type" : "array",
24348          "description" : "Mount a volume e.g /host:/container or /host:/container:ro",
24349          "items" : {
24350            "type" : "string"
24351          }
24352        },
24353        "volumesFrom" : {
24354          "type" : "array",
24355          "description" : "Mount volumes from the specified container(s) of the format <container name>[:<ro|rw>]",
24356          "items" : {
24357            "type" : "string"
24358          }
24359        },
24360        "workingDir" : {
24361          "type" : "string",
24362          "example" : "example string",
24363          "description" : "Working dir for commands to run in."
24364        },
24365        "zoneId" : {
24366          "type" : "string",
24367          "example" : "example string",
24368          "description" : "Data-center or other identification of the group of resources."
24369        }
24370      }
24371    },
24372    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSubnetTaskService:ProvisionSubnetTaskState" : {
24373      "properties" : {
24374        "failureMessage" : {
24375          "type" : "string",
24376          "example" : "example string"
24377        },
24378        "options" : {
24379          "type" : "array",
24380          "items" : {
24381            "type" : "string",
24383          }
24384        },
24385        "requestType" : {
24386          "type" : "string",
24387          "enum" : [ "CREATE", "DELETE" ]
24388        },
24389        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
24390          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback"
24391        },
24392        "subnetDescriptionLink" : {
24393          "type" : "string",
24394          "example" : "some/service"
24395        },
24396        "subnetLink" : {
24397          "type" : "string",
24398          "example" : "some/service"
24399        },
24400        "taskInfo" : {
24401          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24402        },
24403        "taskSubStage" : {
24404          "type" : "string",
24406        },
24407        "tenantLinks" : {
24408          "type" : "array",
24409          "items" : {
24410            "type" : "string"
24411          }
24412        }
24413      }
24414    },
24415    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:PlacementCapacityUpdateTaskService:PlacementCapacityUpdateTaskState" : {
24416      "properties" : {
24417        "customProperties" : {
24418          "type" : "object",
24419          "description" : "Custom properties.",
24420          "additionalProperties" : {
24421            "type" : "string"
24422          }
24423        },
24424        "requestTrackerLink" : {
24425          "type" : "string",
24426          "example" : "some/service",
24427          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
24428        },
24429        "resourcePoolLink" : {
24430          "type" : "string",
24431          "example" : "some/service",
24432          "description" : "Link to the resource pool which capacity to update."
24433        },
24434        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
24435          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
24436          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
24437        },
24438        "taskInfo" : {
24439          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
24440          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24441        },
24442        "taskSubStage" : {
24443          "type" : "string",
24444          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
24445        },
24446        "tenantLinks" : {
24447          "type" : "array",
24448          "items" : {
24449            "type" : "string"
24450          }
24451        }
24452      }
24453    },
24454    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:RollbackConfig" : {
24455      "properties" : {
24456        "revision" : {
24457          "type" : "integer",
24458          "format" : "int64",
24459          "example" : 0.0
24460        }
24461      }
24462    },
24463    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ResourceRequirements" : {
24464      "properties" : {
24465        "limits" : {
24466          "type" : "object",
24467          "additionalProperties" : {
24468            "type" : "string"
24469          }
24470        },
24471        "requests" : {
24472          "type" : "object",
24473          "additionalProperties" : {
24474            "type" : "string"
24475          }
24476        }
24477      }
24478    },
24479    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodTemplateSpec" : {
24480      "properties" : {
24481        "metadata" : {
24482          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
24483        },
24484        "spec" : {
24485          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodSpec"
24486        }
24487      }
24488    },
24489    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSet" : {
24490      "properties" : {
24491        "apiVersion" : {
24492          "type" : "string",
24493          "example" : "example string"
24494        },
24495        "kind" : {
24496          "type" : "string",
24497          "example" : "example string"
24498        },
24499        "metadata" : {
24500          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
24501        },
24502        "spec" : {
24503          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetSpec"
24504        },
24505        "status" : {
24506          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetStatus"
24507        }
24508      }
24509    },
24510    "com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState" : {
24511      "properties" : {
24512        "durationMicros" : {
24513          "type" : "integer",
24514          "format" : "int64",
24515          "example" : 0.0
24516        },
24517        "failure" : {
24518          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse"
24519        },
24520        "isDirect" : {
24521          "type" : "boolean",
24522          "example" : false
24523        },
24524        "stage" : {
24525          "type" : "string",
24526          "enum" : [ "CREATED", "STARTED", "FINISHED", "FAILED", "CANCELLED" ]
24527        }
24528      }
24529    },
24530    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SnapshotService:SnapshotState" : {
24531      "properties" : {
24532        "computeLink" : {
24533          "type" : "string",
24534          "example" : "some/service"
24535        },
24536        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24537          "type" : "integer",
24538          "format" : "int64",
24539          "example" : 0.0
24540        },
24541        "customProperties" : {
24542          "type" : "object",
24543          "additionalProperties" : {
24544            "type" : "string"
24545          }
24546        },
24547        "desc" : {
24548          "type" : "string",
24549          "example" : "example string"
24550        },
24551        "description" : {
24552          "type" : "string",
24553          "example" : "example string"
24554        },
24555        "groupLinks" : {
24556          "type" : "array",
24557          "items" : {
24558            "type" : "string"
24559          }
24560        },
24561        "id" : {
24562          "type" : "string",
24563          "example" : "1c5cec22-5d1e-458e-8288-18881270b828"
24564        },
24565        "name" : {
24566          "type" : "string",
24567          "example" : "example string"
24568        },
24569        "regionId" : {
24570          "type" : "string",
24571          "example" : "example string"
24572        },
24573        "tagLinks" : {
24574          "type" : "array",
24575          "items" : {
24576            "type" : "string"
24577          }
24578        },
24579        "tenantLinks" : {
24580          "type" : "array",
24581          "items" : {
24582            "type" : "string"
24583          }
24584        }
24585      }
24586    },
24587    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskService:SingleResourceStatsAggregationTaskState" : {
24588      "properties" : {
24589        "aggregations" : {
24590          "type" : "object",
24591          "description" : "Aggregation type per metric name",
24592          "additionalProperties" : {
24593            "type" : "string"
24594          }
24595        },
24596        "failureMessage" : {
24597          "type" : "string",
24598          "example" : "example string"
24599        },
24600        "latestValueOnly" : {
24601          "type" : "array",
24602          "description" : "Metrics to be aggregated on latest value only",
24603          "items" : {
24604            "type" : "string"
24605          }
24606        },
24607        "metricNames" : {
24608          "type" : "array",
24609          "description" : "The set of metric names to aggregate on",
24610          "items" : {
24611            "type" : "string"
24612          }
24613        },
24614        "parentTaskReference" : {
24615          "type" : "string",
24616          "format" : "uri",
24617          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
24618          "description" : "Task to patch back to"
24619        },
24620        "query" : {
24621          "description" : "The query to lookup resources for stats aggregation. If no query is specified, the aggregation is performed on the resource identified by the resourceLink parameter",
24622          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
24623        },
24624        "resourceLink" : {
24625          "type" : "string",
24626          "example" : "some/service",
24627          "description" : "Resource to invoke stats aggregation on"
24628        },
24629        "taskInfo" : {
24630          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24631        }
24632      }
24633    },
24634    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LabelSelector" : {
24635      "properties" : {
24636        "matchExpressions" : {
24637          "type" : "array",
24638          "items" : {
24639            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LabelSelectorRequirement"
24640          }
24641        },
24642        "matchLabels" : {
24643          "type" : "object",
24644          "additionalProperties" : {
24645            "type" : "string"
24646          }
24647        }
24648      }
24649    },
24650    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:CinderVolumeSource" : {
24651      "properties" : {
24652        "fsType" : {
24653          "type" : "string",
24654          "example" : "example string"
24655        },
24656        "readOnly" : {
24657          "type" : "boolean",
24658          "example" : false
24659        },
24660        "volumeID" : {
24661          "type" : "string",
24662          "example" : "example string"
24663        }
24664      }
24665    },
24666    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ConfigMapKeySelector" : {
24667      "properties" : {
24668        "key" : {
24669          "type" : "string",
24670          "example" : "example string"
24671        },
24672        "name" : {
24673          "type" : "string",
24674          "example" : "example string"
24675        }
24676      }
24677    },
24678    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeNetworkAllocationTaskService:ComputeNetworkAllocationTaskState" : {
24679      "properties" : {
24680        "customProperties" : {
24681          "type" : "object",
24682          "description" : "Custom properties.",
24683          "additionalProperties" : {
24684            "type" : "string"
24685          }
24686        },
24687        "requestTrackerLink" : {
24688          "type" : "string",
24689          "example" : "some/service",
24690          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
24691        },
24692        "resourceCount" : {
24693          "type" : "integer",
24694          "format" : "int64",
24695          "example" : 0.0,
24696          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
24697        },
24698        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
24699          "type" : "string",
24700          "example" : "some/service",
24701          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
24702        },
24703        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
24704          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
24705          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
24706        },
24707        "taskInfo" : {
24708          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
24709          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24710        },
24711        "taskSubStage" : {
24712          "type" : "string",
24713          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
24714        },
24715        "tenantLinks" : {
24716          "type" : "array",
24717          "items" : {
24718            "type" : "string"
24719          }
24720        }
24721      }
24722    },
24723    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeDescriptionService:ContainerVolumeDescription" : {
24724      "properties" : {
24725        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24726          "type" : "integer",
24727          "format" : "int64",
24728          "example" : 0.0
24729        },
24730        "customProperties" : {
24731          "type" : "object",
24732          "additionalProperties" : {
24733            "type" : "string"
24734          }
24735        },
24736        "desc" : {
24737          "type" : "string",
24738          "example" : "example string"
24739        },
24740        "driver" : {
24741          "type" : "string",
24742          "example" : "example string",
24743          "description" : "Name of the volume driver to use. Defaults to local for the name."
24744        },
24745        "external" : {
24746          "type" : "boolean",
24747          "example" : false,
24748          "description" : "Composite Template use only. If set to true, specifies that this volume exists outside of the Composite Template."
24749        },
24750        "externalName" : {
24751          "type" : "string",
24752          "example" : "example string",
24753          "description" : "Composite Template use only. The name of the external volume. If set then the value of the attribute 'external' is considered 'true'."
24754        },
24755        "groupLinks" : {
24756          "type" : "array",
24757          "items" : {
24758            "type" : "string"
24759          }
24760        },
24761        "id" : {
24762          "type" : "string",
24763          "example" : "3c1e8669-c027-48eb-a023-086466882949"
24764        },
24765        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
24766          "type" : "string",
24767          "format" : "uri",
24768          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
24769          "description" : "Defines which adapter will serve the provision request"
24770        },
24771        "name" : {
24772          "type" : "string",
24773          "example" : "example string"
24774        },
24775        "options" : {
24776          "type" : "object",
24777          "description" : "A map of field-value pairs for a given volume. These are usedto specify volume options that are used by the volume drivers.",
24778          "additionalProperties" : {
24779            "type" : "string"
24780          }
24781        },
24782        "parentDescriptionLink" : {
24783          "type" : "string",
24784          "example" : "some/service",
24785          "description" : "Link to the parent volume description."
24786        },
24787        "regionId" : {
24788          "type" : "string",
24789          "example" : "example string"
24790        },
24791        "tagLinks" : {
24792          "type" : "array",
24793          "items" : {
24794            "type" : "string"
24795          }
24796        },
24797        "tenantLinks" : {
24798          "type" : "array",
24799          "items" : {
24800            "type" : "string"
24801          }
24802        }
24803      }
24804    },
24805    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourceDescriptionService:ResourceDescription" : {
24806      "properties" : {
24807        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
24808          "type" : "string",
24809          "example" : "some/service"
24810        },
24811        "computeType" : {
24812          "type" : "string",
24813          "example" : "example string"
24814        },
24815        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24816          "type" : "integer",
24817          "format" : "int64",
24818          "example" : 0.0
24819        },
24820        "customProperties" : {
24821          "type" : "object",
24822          "additionalProperties" : {
24823            "type" : "string"
24824          }
24825        },
24826        "desc" : {
24827          "type" : "string",
24828          "example" : "example string"
24829        },
24830        "groupLinks" : {
24831          "type" : "array",
24832          "items" : {
24833            "type" : "string"
24834          }
24835        },
24836        "id" : {
24837          "type" : "string",
24838          "example" : "061d174c-f8be-4a2c-b7f1-ce1b1681ea49"
24839        },
24840        "name" : {
24841          "type" : "string",
24842          "example" : "example string"
24843        },
24844        "regionId" : {
24845          "type" : "string",
24846          "example" : "example string"
24847        },
24848        "tagLinks" : {
24849          "type" : "array",
24850          "items" : {
24851            "type" : "string"
24852          }
24853        },
24854        "tenantLinks" : {
24855          "type" : "array",
24856          "items" : {
24857            "type" : "string"
24858          }
24859        }
24860      }
24861    },
24862    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsCollectionTaskService:StatsCollectionTaskState" : {
24863      "properties" : {
24864        "customizationClauses" : {
24865          "type" : "array",
24866          "items" : {
24867            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
24868          }
24869        },
24870        "failureMessage" : {
24871          "type" : "string",
24872          "example" : "example string"
24873        },
24874        "options" : {
24875          "type" : "array",
24876          "items" : {
24877            "type" : "string",
24879          }
24880        },
24881        "resourcePoolLink" : {
24882          "type" : "string",
24883          "example" : "some/service"
24884        },
24885        "statsAdapterReference" : {
24886          "type" : "string",
24887          "format" : "uri",
24888          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
24889        },
24890        "taskInfo" : {
24891          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24892        },
24893        "taskSubStage" : {
24894          "type" : "string",
24895          "enum" : [ "INIT", "GET_RESOURCES" ]
24896        }
24897      }
24898    },
24899    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskService:ServiceDocumentDeleteTaskState" : {
24900      "properties" : {
24901        "customProperties" : {
24902          "type" : "object",
24903          "description" : "Custom properties.",
24904          "additionalProperties" : {
24905            "type" : "string"
24906          }
24907        },
24908        "deleteDocumentKind" : {
24909          "type" : "string",
24910          "example" : "example string"
24911        },
24912        "requestTrackerLink" : {
24913          "type" : "string",
24914          "example" : "some/service",
24915          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
24916        },
24917        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
24918          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
24919          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
24920        },
24921        "taskInfo" : {
24922          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
24923          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
24924        },
24925        "taskSubStage" : {
24926          "type" : "string",
24927          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
24928        },
24929        "tenantLinks" : {
24930          "type" : "array",
24931          "items" : {
24932            "type" : "string"
24933          }
24934        }
24935      }
24936    },
24937    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:LoadBalancerStatus" : {
24938      "properties" : {
24939        "ingress" : {
24940          "type" : "array",
24941          "items" : {
24942            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:LoadBalancerIngress"
24943          }
24944        }
24945      }
24946    },
24947    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ProfileService:ProfileState" : {
24948      "properties" : {
24949        "computeProfileLink" : {
24950          "type" : "string",
24951          "example" : "some/service",
24952          "description" : "Link to the compute profile for this profile"
24953        },
24954        "creationTimeMicros" : {
24955          "type" : "integer",
24956          "format" : "int64",
24957          "example" : 0.0
24958        },
24959        "customProperties" : {
24960          "type" : "object",
24961          "additionalProperties" : {
24962            "type" : "string"
24963          }
24964        },
24965        "desc" : {
24966          "type" : "string",
24967          "example" : "example string"
24968        },
24969        "endpointLink" : {
24970          "type" : "string",
24971          "example" : "some/service",
24972          "description" : "Link to the endpoint this profile is associated with"
24973        },
24974        "endpointType" : {
24975          "type" : "string",
24976          "example" : "example string",
24977          "description" : "The endpoint type if this profile is not for a specific endpoint "
24978        },
24979        "groupLinks" : {
24980          "type" : "array",
24981          "items" : {
24982            "type" : "string"
24983          }
24984        },
24985        "id" : {
24986          "type" : "string",
24987          "example" : "418ef7f6-d325-406c-bb8c-6c7605943eaa"
24988        },
24989        "misc" : {
24990          "type" : "object",
24991          "description" : "Misc properties",
24992          "additionalProperties" : {
24993            "type" : "string"
24994          }
24995        },
24996        "name" : {
24997          "type" : "string",
24998          "example" : "example string"
24999        },
25000        "networkProfileLink" : {
25001          "type" : "string",
25002          "example" : "some/service",
25003          "description" : "Link to the network profile for this profile"
25004        },
25005        "regionId" : {
25006          "type" : "string",
25007          "example" : "example string"
25008        },
25009        "storageProfileLink" : {
25010          "type" : "string",
25011          "example" : "some/service",
25012          "description" : "Link to the storage profile for this profile"
25013        },
25014        "tagLinks" : {
25015          "type" : "array",
25016          "items" : {
25017            "type" : "string"
25018          }
25019        },
25020        "tenantLinks" : {
25021          "type" : "array",
25022          "items" : {
25023            "type" : "string"
25024          }
25025        }
25026      }
25027    },
25028    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closuredescription:ResourceConstraints" : {
25029      "properties" : {
25030        "cpuShares" : {
25031          "type" : "integer",
25032          "format" : "int64",
25033          "example" : 0.0
25034        },
25035        "ramMB" : {
25036          "type" : "integer",
25037          "format" : "int64",
25038          "example" : 0.0
25039        },
25040        "timeoutSeconds" : {
25041          "type" : "integer",
25042          "format" : "int64",
25043          "example" : 0.0
25044        }
25045      }
25046    },
25047    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeRemovalTaskService:ComputeRemovalTaskState" : {
25048      "properties" : {
25049        "customProperties" : {
25050          "type" : "object",
25051          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25052          "additionalProperties" : {
25053            "type" : "string"
25054          }
25055        },
25056        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25057          "type" : "string",
25058          "example" : "some/service",
25059          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
25060        },
25061        "resourceLinks" : {
25062          "type" : "array",
25063          "description" : "The compute resources to be removed",
25064          "items" : {
25065            "type" : "string"
25066          }
25067        },
25068        "resourceRemovalOptions" : {
25069          "type" : "array",
25070          "description" : "Optional resource removal options",
25071          "items" : {
25072            "type" : "string",
25074          }
25075        },
25076        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
25077          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
25078          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
25079        },
25080        "skipReleaseResourceQuota" : {
25081          "type" : "boolean",
25082          "example" : false,
25083          "description" : "Whether to skip the associated reservation or not"
25084        },
25085        "taskInfo" : {
25086          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
25087          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25088        },
25089        "taskSubStage" : {
25090          "type" : "string",
25091          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
25092        },
25093        "tenantLinks" : {
25094          "type" : "array",
25095          "items" : {
25096            "type" : "string"
25097          }
25098        }
25099      }
25100    },
25101    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ExecAction" : {
25102      "properties" : {
25103        "command" : {
25104          "type" : "array",
25105          "items" : {
25106            "type" : "string"
25107          }
25108        }
25109      }
25110    },
25111    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskService:EpzComputeEnumerationTaskState" : {
25112      "properties" : {
25113        "customProperties" : {
25114          "type" : "object",
25115          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25116          "additionalProperties" : {
25117            "type" : "string"
25118          }
25119        },
25120        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25121          "type" : "string",
25122          "example" : "some/service",
25123          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
25124        },
25125        "resourcePoolLink" : {
25126          "type" : "string",
25127          "example" : "some/service",
25128          "description" : "Link to the resource pool which capacity to update."
25129        },
25130        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
25131          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
25132          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
25133        },
25134        "taskInfo" : {
25135          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
25136          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25137        },
25138        "taskSubStage" : {
25139          "type" : "string",
25140          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
25141        },
25142        "tenantLinks" : {
25143          "type" : "array",
25144          "items" : {
25145            "type" : "string"
25146          }
25147        }
25148      }
25149    },
25150    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:RegistryService:RegistryState" : {
25151      "properties" : {
25152        "address" : {
25153          "type" : "string",
25154          "example" : "example string",
25155          "description" : "URI or other connection address."
25156        },
25157        "authCredentialsLink" : {
25158          "type" : "string",
25159          "example" : "some/service",
25160          "description" : "Link to associated authentication credentials."
25161        },
25162        "customProperties" : {
25163          "type" : "object",
25164          "description" : "Custom properties ",
25165          "additionalProperties" : {
25166            "type" : "string"
25167          }
25168        },
25169        "disabled" : {
25170          "type" : "boolean",
25171          "example" : false,
25172          "description" : "Disabling the registry and removing it from the active registries."
25173        },
25174        "endpointType" : {
25175          "type" : "string",
25176          "example" : "container.docker.registry",
25177          "description" : " The type of the endpoint configuration"
25178        },
25179        "name" : {
25180          "type" : "string",
25181          "example" : "example string",
25182          "description" : "Name/type of a component/service"
25183        },
25184        "protocolType" : {
25185          "type" : "string",
25186          "example" : "HTTP, SSH...",
25187          "description" : "Connection protocol type"
25188        },
25189        "tenantLinks" : {
25190          "type" : "array",
25191          "items" : {
25192            "type" : "string"
25193          }
25194        },
25195        "version" : {
25196          "type" : "string",
25197          "example" : "v1",
25198          "description" : "Version of the API supported by service registration."
25199        }
25200      }
25201    },
25202    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ResourceNamePrefixService:ResourceNamePrefixState" : {
25203      "properties" : {
25204        "addRandomToken" : {
25205          "type" : "boolean",
25206          "example" : false,
25207          "description" : "Flag indicating whether to add additional generated token to the  sequence."
25208        },
25209        "nextNumber" : {
25210          "type" : "integer",
25211          "format" : "int64",
25212          "example" : 0.0,
25213          "description" : "The number where the prefix sequence will begin."
25214        },
25215        "numberOfDigits" : {
25216          "type" : "integer",
25217          "format" : "int64",
25218          "example" : 0.0,
25219          "description" : "The amount of ending digits"
25220        },
25221        "prefix" : {
25222          "type" : "string",
25223          "example" : "prefix",
25224          "description" : "Prefix or suffix name"
25225        },
25226        "tenantLinks" : {
25227          "type" : "array",
25228          "items" : {
25229            "type" : "string"
25230          }
25231        }
25232      }
25233    },
25234    "java:time:LocalDateTime" : { },
25235    "com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult" : {
25236      "properties" : {
25237        "continuousResults" : {
25238          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult:ContinuousResult"
25239        },
25240        "documentCount" : {
25241          "type" : "integer",
25242          "format" : "int64",
25243          "example" : 0
25244        },
25245        "documentLinks" : {
25246          "type" : "array",
25247          "items" : {
25248            "type" : "string"
25249          }
25250        },
25251        "documents" : {
25252            "type" : "object",
25253            "additionalProperties" : {
25254                "type" : "object"
25255            }
25256        },
25257        "nextPageLink" : {
25258          "type" : "string",
25259          "example" : "some/service"
25260        },
25261        "nextPageLinksPerGroup" : {
25262          "type" : "object",
25263          "additionalProperties" : {
25264            "type" : "string"
25265          }
25266        },
25267        "prevPageLink" : {
25268          "type" : "string",
25269          "example" : "some/service"
25270        },
25271        "queryTimeMicros" : {
25272          "type" : "integer",
25273          "format" : "int64",
25274          "example" : 0
25275        },
25276        "selectedDocuments" : {
25277          "type" : "object",
25278          "additionalProperties" : {
25279            "type" : "string"
25280          }
25281        },
25282        "selectedLinks" : {
25283          "type" : "array",
25284          "items" : {
25285            "type" : "string"
25286          }
25287        },
25288        "selectedLinksPerDocument" : {
25289          "type" : "object",
25290          "additionalProperties" : {
25291            "type" : "string"
25292          }
25293        }
25294      }
25295    },
25296    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QuerySpecification" : {
25297      "properties" : {
25298        "additionalGroupSortTerms" : {
25299          "type" : "array",
25300          "items" : {
25301            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25302          }
25303        },
25304        "additionalSortTerms" : {
25305          "type" : "array",
25306          "items" : {
25307            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25308          }
25309        },
25310        "expectedResultCount" : {
25311          "type" : "integer",
25312          "format" : "int64",
25313          "example" : 0.0
25314        },
25315        "groupByTerm" : {
25316          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25317        },
25318        "groupResultLimit" : {
25319          "type" : "integer",
25320          "format" : "int64",
25321          "example" : 0.0
25322        },
25323        "groupSortOrder" : {
25324          "type" : "string",
25325          "enum" : [ "ASC", "DESC" ]
25326        },
25327        "groupSortTerm" : {
25328          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25329        },
25330        "linkTerms" : {
25331          "type" : "array",
25332          "items" : {
25333            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25334          }
25335        },
25336        "options" : {
25337          "type" : "array",
25338          "items" : {
25339            "type" : "string",
25341          }
25342        },
25343        "query" : {
25344          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
25345        },
25346        "resultLimit" : {
25347          "type" : "integer",
25348          "format" : "int64",
25349          "example" : 0.0
25350        },
25351        "selectTerms" : {
25352          "type" : "array",
25353          "items" : {
25354            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25355          }
25356        },
25357        "sortOrder" : {
25358          "type" : "string",
25359          "enum" : [ "ASC", "DESC" ]
25360        },
25361        "sortTerm" : {
25362          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
25363        },
25364        "timeSnapshotBoundaryMicros" : {
25365          "type" : "integer",
25366          "format" : "int64",
25367          "example" : 0.0
25368        }
25369      }
25370    },
25371    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback:ServiceTaskCallbackResponse" : {
25372      "properties" : {
25373        "customProperties" : {
25374          "type" : "object",
25375          "additionalProperties" : {
25376            "type" : "string"
25377          }
25378        },
25379        "taskInfo" : {
25380          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25381        },
25382        "taskSubStage" : {
25383          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:Object"
25384        }
25385      }
25386    },
25387    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState" : {
25388      "properties" : {
25389        "authCredentialsLink" : {
25390          "type" : "string",
25391          "example" : "some/service"
25392        },
25393        "creationTimeMicros" : {
25394          "type" : "integer",
25395          "format" : "int64",
25396          "example" : 0.0
25397        },
25398        "customProperties" : {
25399          "type" : "object",
25400          "additionalProperties" : {
25401            "type" : "string"
25402          }
25403        },
25404        "desc" : {
25405          "type" : "string",
25406          "example" : "example string"
25407        },
25408        "egress" : {
25409          "type" : "array",
25410          "items" : {
25411            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState:Rule"
25412          }
25413        },
25414        "endpointLink" : {
25415          "type" : "string",
25416          "example" : "some/service"
25417        },
25418        "groupLinks" : {
25419          "type" : "array",
25420          "items" : {
25421            "type" : "string"
25422          }
25423        },
25424        "id" : {
25425          "type" : "string",
25426          "example" : "d10489e0-a544-4504-b58f-400a53a14510"
25427        },
25428        "ingress" : {
25429          "type" : "array",
25430          "items" : {
25431            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState:Rule"
25432          }
25433        },
25434        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
25435          "type" : "string",
25436          "format" : "uri",
25437          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
25438        },
25439        "name" : {
25440          "type" : "string",
25441          "example" : "example string"
25442        },
25443        "regionId" : {
25444          "type" : "string",
25445          "example" : "example string"
25446        },
25447        "resourcePoolLink" : {
25448          "type" : "string",
25449          "example" : "some/service"
25450        },
25451        "tagLinks" : {
25452          "type" : "array",
25453          "items" : {
25454            "type" : "string"
25455          }
25456        },
25457        "tenantLinks" : {
25458          "type" : "array",
25459          "items" : {
25460            "type" : "string"
25461          }
25462        }
25463      }
25464    },
25465    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServiceSpec" : {
25466      "properties" : {
25467        "clusterIP" : {
25468          "type" : "string",
25469          "example" : "example string"
25470        },
25471        "deprecatedPublicIPs" : {
25472          "type" : "array",
25473          "items" : {
25474            "type" : "string"
25475          }
25476        },
25477        "externalIPs" : {
25478          "type" : "array",
25479          "items" : {
25480            "type" : "string"
25481          }
25482        },
25483        "externalName" : {
25484          "type" : "string",
25485          "example" : "example string"
25486        },
25487        "loadBalancerIP" : {
25488          "type" : "string",
25489          "example" : "example string"
25490        },
25491        "loadBalancerSourceRanges" : {
25492          "type" : "string",
25493          "example" : "example string"
25494        },
25495        "ports" : {
25496          "type" : "array",
25497          "items" : {
25498            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServicePort"
25499          }
25500        },
25501        "selector" : {
25502          "type" : "object",
25503          "additionalProperties" : {
25504            "type" : "string"
25505          }
25506        },
25507        "sessionAffinity" : {
25508          "type" : "string",
25509          "example" : "example string"
25510        },
25511        "type" : {
25512          "type" : "string",
25513          "enum" : [ "ClusterIP", "NodePort", "LoadBalancer", "ExternalName" ]
25514        }
25515      }
25516    },
25517    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:NetworkProfileService:NetworkProfile" : {
25518      "properties" : {
25519        "creationTimeMicros" : {
25520          "type" : "integer",
25521          "format" : "int64",
25522          "example" : 0.0
25523        },
25524        "customProperties" : {
25525          "type" : "object",
25526          "additionalProperties" : {
25527            "type" : "string"
25528          }
25529        },
25530        "desc" : {
25531          "type" : "string",
25532          "example" : "example string"
25533        },
25534        "endpointLink" : {
25535          "type" : "string",
25536          "example" : "some/service",
25537          "description" : "Link to the endpoint this profile is associated with"
25538        },
25539        "groupLinks" : {
25540          "type" : "array",
25541          "items" : {
25542            "type" : "string"
25543          }
25544        },
25545        "id" : {
25546          "type" : "string",
25547          "example" : "19282fc9-2647-4d45-8340-2a4dcaef413a"
25548        },
25549        "isolatedSubnetCIDRPrefix" : {
25550          "type" : "integer",
25551          "format" : "int64",
25552          "example" : 0.0,
25553          "description" : "The CIDR prefix length to be used for the isolated subnets to be created (example: Subnet with CIDR has CIDR prefix length: 20."
25554        },
25555        "isolationNetworkCIDR" : {
25556          "type" : "string",
25557          "example" : "example string",
25558          "description" : "CIDR of the isolation network. If not provided it will be retrieved from the isolation network itself. To be used when isolation network doesn't have a CIDR itself."
25559        },
25560        "isolationNetworkCIDRAllocationLink" : {
25561          "type" : "string",
25562          "example" : "some/service",
25563          "description" : "Link to CIDR Allocation Service matching the provided "
25564        },
25565        "isolationNetworkLink" : {
25566          "type" : "string",
25567          "example" : "some/service",
25568          "description" : "Link to the network used for creating isolated subnets. This field should be populated only when isolation Type is SUBNET."
25569        },
25570        "isolationType" : {
25571          "type" : "string",
25572          "description" : "Specifies the isolation support type e.g. none, subnet or security group",
25573          "enum" : [ "NONE", "SUBNET", "SECURITY_GROUP" ]
25574        },
25575        "name" : {
25576          "type" : "string",
25577          "example" : "example string"
25578        },
25579        "regionId" : {
25580          "type" : "string",
25581          "example" : "example string"
25582        },
25583        "securityGroupLinks" : {
25584          "type" : "array",
25585          "description" : "SecurityGroupStates included in this network profile",
25586          "items" : {
25587            "type" : "string"
25588          }
25589        },
25590        "subnetLinks" : {
25591          "type" : "array",
25592          "description" : "SubnetStates included in this network profile",
25593          "items" : {
25594            "type" : "string"
25595          }
25596        },
25597        "tagLinks" : {
25598          "type" : "array",
25599          "items" : {
25600            "type" : "string"
25601          }
25602        },
25603        "tenantLinks" : {
25604          "type" : "array",
25605          "items" : {
25606            "type" : "string"
25607          }
25608        }
25609      }
25610    },
25611    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeReservationTaskService:ComputeReservationTaskState" : {
25612      "properties" : {
25613        "customProperties" : {
25614          "type" : "object",
25615          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25616          "additionalProperties" : {
25617            "type" : "string"
25618          }
25619        },
25620        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25621          "type" : "string",
25622          "example" : "some/service",
25623          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
25624        },
25625        "resourceCount" : {
25626          "type" : "integer",
25627          "format" : "int64",
25628          "example" : 0.0,
25629          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
25630        },
25631        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
25632          "type" : "string",
25633          "example" : "some/service",
25634          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
25635        },
25636        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
25637          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
25638          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
25639        },
25640        "taskInfo" : {
25641          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
25642          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25643        },
25644        "taskSubStage" : {
25645          "type" : "string",
25646          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
25647        },
25648        "tenantLinks" : {
25649          "type" : "array",
25650          "items" : {
25651            "type" : "string"
25652          }
25653        }
25654      }
25655    },
25656    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ProvisionContainerHostsTaskService:ProvisionContainerHostsTaskState" : {
25657      "properties" : {
25658        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
25659          "type" : "string",
25660          "example" : "some/service",
25661          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
25662        },
25663        "customProperties" : {
25664          "type" : "object",
25665          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25666          "additionalProperties" : {
25667            "type" : "string"
25668          }
25669        },
25670        "endpointLink" : {
25671          "type" : "string",
25672          "example" : "some/service"
25673        },
25674        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25675          "type" : "string",
25676          "example" : "some/service",
25677          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
25678        },
25679        "resourceCount" : {
25680          "type" : "integer",
25681          "format" : "int64",
25682          "example" : 0.0,
25683          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
25684        },
25685        "resourceLinks" : {
25686          "type" : "array",
25687          "description" : "The compute resource links of the provisioned Docker Host VMs.",
25688          "items" : {
25689            "type" : "string"
25690          }
25691        },
25692        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
25693          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
25694          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
25695        },
25696        "taskInfo" : {
25697          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
25698          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25699        },
25700        "taskSubStage" : {
25701          "type" : "string",
25702          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
25703        },
25704        "tenantLinks" : {
25705          "type" : "array",
25706          "items" : {
25707            "type" : "string"
25708          }
25709        }
25710      }
25711    },
25712    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageItem" : {
25713      "properties" : {
25714        "defaultItem" : {
25715          "type" : "boolean",
25716          "example" : false
25717        },
25718        "diskProperties" : {
25719          "type" : "object",
25720          "additionalProperties" : {
25721            "type" : "string"
25722          }
25723        },
25724        "name" : {
25725          "type" : "string",
25726          "example" : "example string"
25727        },
25728        "resourceGroupLink" : {
25729          "type" : "string",
25730          "example" : "some/service"
25731        },
25732        "storageDescriptionLink" : {
25733          "type" : "string",
25734          "example" : "some/service"
25735        },
25736        "supportsEncryption" : {
25737          "type" : "boolean",
25738          "example" : false
25739        },
25740        "tagLinks" : {
25741          "type" : "array",
25742          "items" : {
25743            "type" : "string"
25744          }
25745        }
25746      }
25747    },
25748    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource" : {
25749      "properties" : {
25750        "fsType" : {
25751          "type" : "string",
25752          "example" : "example string"
25753        },
25754        "pdID" : {
25755          "type" : "string",
25756          "example" : "example string"
25757        }
25758      }
25759    },
25760    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HealthChecker:HealthConfig" : {
25761      "properties" : {
25762        "autoredeploy" : {
25763          "type" : "boolean",
25764          "example" : false,
25765          "description" : "Automatic redeployment of containers."
25766        },
25767        "command" : {
25768          "type" : "string",
25769          "example" : "example string"
25770        },
25771        "healthyThreshold" : {
25772          "type" : "integer",
25773          "format" : "int64",
25774          "example" : 0.0
25775        },
25776        "httpMethod" : {
25777          "type" : "string",
25778          "enum" : [ "GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" ]
25779        },
25780        "httpVersion" : {
25781          "type" : "string",
25782          "enum" : [ "HTTP_v1_1", "HTTP_v2" ]
25783        },
25784        "ignoreOnProvision" : {
25785          "type" : "boolean",
25786          "example" : false,
25787          "description" : "Ignore health check on provision. Default is true."
25788        },
25789        "port" : {
25790          "type" : "integer",
25791          "format" : "int64",
25792          "example" : 0.0
25793        },
25794        "protocol" : {
25795          "type" : "string",
25796          "enum" : [ "HTTP", "TCP", "COMMAND" ]
25797        },
25798        "timeoutMillis" : {
25799          "type" : "integer",
25800          "format" : "int64",
25801          "example" : 0.0
25802        },
25803        "unhealthyThreshold" : {
25804          "type" : "integer",
25805          "format" : "int64",
25806          "example" : 0.0
25807        },
25808        "urlPath" : {
25809          "type" : "string",
25810          "example" : "example string"
25811        }
25812      }
25813    },
25814    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:EnvVarSource" : {
25815      "properties" : {
25816        "configMapKeyRef" : {
25817          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ConfigMapKeySelector"
25818        },
25819        "fieldRef" : {
25820          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectFieldSelector"
25821        },
25822        "resourceFieldRef" : {
25823          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ResourceFieldSelector"
25824        },
25825        "secretKeyRef" : {
25826          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:SecretKeySelector"
25827        }
25828      }
25829    },
25830    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:Ulimit" : {
25831      "properties" : {
25832        "hard" : {
25833          "type" : "integer",
25834          "format" : "int64",
25835          "example" : 0.0
25836        },
25837        "name" : {
25838          "type" : "string",
25839          "example" : "example string"
25840        },
25841        "soft" : {
25842          "type" : "integer",
25843          "format" : "int64",
25844          "example" : 0.0
25845        }
25846      }
25847    },
25848    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState" : {
25849      "properties" : {
25850        "authCredentialsLink" : {
25851          "type" : "string",
25852          "example" : "some/service"
25853        },
25854        "creationTimeMicros" : {
25855          "type" : "integer",
25856          "format" : "int64",
25857          "example" : 0.0
25858        },
25859        "customProperties" : {
25860          "type" : "object",
25861          "additionalProperties" : {
25862            "type" : "string"
25863          }
25864        },
25865        "desc" : {
25866          "type" : "string",
25867          "example" : "example string"
25868        },
25869        "egress" : {
25870          "type" : "array",
25871          "items" : {
25872            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState:Allow"
25873          }
25874        },
25875        "groupLinks" : {
25876          "type" : "array",
25877          "items" : {
25878            "type" : "string"
25879          }
25880        },
25881        "id" : {
25882          "type" : "string",
25883          "example" : "dd200574-93cc-4151-a876-437571749d62"
25884        },
25885        "ingress" : {
25886          "type" : "array",
25887          "items" : {
25888            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState:Allow"
25889          }
25890        },
25891        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
25892          "type" : "string",
25893          "format" : "uri",
25894          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
25895        },
25896        "name" : {
25897          "type" : "string",
25898          "example" : "example string"
25899        },
25900        "networkDescriptionLink" : {
25901          "type" : "string",
25902          "example" : "some/service"
25903        },
25904        "regionId" : {
25905          "type" : "string",
25906          "example" : "example string"
25907        },
25908        "resourcePoolLink" : {
25909          "type" : "string",
25910          "example" : "some/service"
25911        },
25912        "tagLinks" : {
25913          "type" : "array",
25914          "items" : {
25915            "type" : "string"
25916          }
25917        },
25918        "tenantLinks" : {
25919          "type" : "array",
25920          "items" : {
25921            "type" : "string"
25922          }
25923        }
25924      }
25925    },
25926    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ClusteringTaskService:ClusteringTaskState" : {
25927      "properties" : {
25928        "contextId" : {
25929          "type" : "string",
25930          "example" : "example string"
25931        },
25932        "customProperties" : {
25933          "type" : "object",
25934          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25935          "additionalProperties" : {
25936            "type" : "string"
25937          }
25938        },
25939        "postAllocation" : {
25940          "type" : "boolean",
25941          "example" : false
25942        },
25943        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25944          "type" : "string",
25945          "example" : "some/service",
25946          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
25947        },
25948        "resourceCount" : {
25949          "type" : "integer",
25950          "format" : "int64",
25951          "example" : 0.0
25952        },
25953        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
25954          "type" : "string",
25955          "example" : "some/service"
25956        },
25957        "resourceType" : {
25958          "type" : "string",
25959          "example" : "example string"
25960        },
25961        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
25962          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
25963          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
25964        },
25965        "taskInfo" : {
25966          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
25967          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
25968        },
25969        "taskSubStage" : {
25970          "type" : "string",
25971          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
25972        },
25973        "tenantLinks" : {
25974          "type" : "array",
25975          "items" : {
25976            "type" : "string"
25977          }
25978        }
25979      }
25980    },
25981    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerControlLoopService:ContainerControlLoopState" : { },
25982    "com:vmware:admiral:request:composition:CompositionTaskService:CompositionTaskState" : {
25983      "properties" : {
25984        "customProperties" : {
25985          "type" : "object",
25986          "description" : "Custom properties.",
25987          "additionalProperties" : {
25988            "type" : "string"
25989          }
25990        },
25991        "errorCount" : {
25992          "type" : "integer",
25993          "format" : "int64",
25994          "example" : 0.0
25995        },
25996        "requestTrackerLink" : {
25997          "type" : "string",
25998          "example" : "some/service",
25999          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
26000        },
26001        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
26002          "type" : "string",
26003          "example" : "some/service"
26004        },
26005        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
26006          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
26007          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
26008        },
26009        "taskInfo" : {
26010          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
26011          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26012        },
26013        "taskSubStage" : {
26014          "type" : "string",
26015          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
26016        },
26017        "tenantLinks" : {
26018          "type" : "array",
26019          "items" : {
26020            "type" : "string"
26021          }
26022        }
26023      }
26024    },
26025    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionService:ExtensibilitySubscription" : {
26026      "properties" : {
26027        "blocking" : {
26028          "type" : "boolean",
26029          "example" : false,
26030          "description" : "Blocking or asynchronous flag"
26031        },
26032        "callbackReference" : {
26033          "type" : "string",
26034          "format" : "uri",
26035          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
26036          "description" : "Callback address, when the specified task reaches the stage and substage, a POST request with the task state will be sent to the subscriber"
26037        },
26038        "stage" : {
26039          "type" : "string",
26040          "example" : "example string",
26041          "description" : "Task stage"
26042        },
26043        "substage" : {
26044          "type" : "string",
26045          "example" : "example string",
26046          "description" : "Task substage"
26047        },
26048        "task" : {
26049          "type" : "string",
26050          "example" : "example string",
26051          "description" : "Task name"
26052        },
26053        "tenantLinks" : {
26054          "type" : "array",
26055          "items" : {
26056            "type" : "string"
26057          }
26058        }
26059      }
26060    },
26061    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LocalObjectReference" : {
26062      "properties" : {
26063        "name" : {
26064          "type" : "string",
26065          "example" : "example string"
26066        }
26067      }
26068    },
26069    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:RollingUpdateDeployment" : {
26070      "properties" : {
26071        "maxSurge" : {
26072          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:Object"
26073        },
26074        "maxUnavailable" : {
26075          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:Object"
26076        }
26077      }
26078    },
26079    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationService:ElasticPlacementZoneConfigurationState" : {
26080      "properties" : {
26081        "epzState" : {
26082          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState"
26083        },
26084        "resourcePoolState" : {
26085          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourcePoolService:ResourcePoolState"
26086        },
26087        "tenantLinks" : {
26088          "type" : "array",
26089          "items" : {
26090            "type" : "string"
26091          }
26092        }
26093      }
26094    },
26095    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerHostDataCollectionService:ContainerHostDataCollectionState" : {
26096      "properties" : {
26097        "computeContainerHostLinks" : {
26098          "type" : "array",
26099          "description" : "List of container host links to be updated as part of Patch triggered data collection.",
26100          "items" : {
26101            "type" : "string"
26102          }
26103        },
26104        "createOrUpdateHost" : {
26105          "type" : "boolean",
26106          "example" : false
26107        },
26108        "lastRunTimeMicros" : {
26109          "type" : "integer",
26110          "format" : "int64",
26111          "example" : 0.0,
26112          "description" : "Indicator of the last run of data-collection."
26113        },
26114        "remove" : {
26115          "type" : "boolean",
26116          "example" : false,
26117          "description" : "Flag indicating if this is data-collection after container remove."
26118        },
26119        "skipRunCount" : {
26120          "type" : "integer",
26121          "format" : "int64",
26122          "example" : 0.0,
26123          "description" : "Count of how many times the last run data-collection has been run within very small time period."
26124        }
26125      }
26126    },
26127    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AzureDiskVolumeSource" : {
26128      "properties" : {
26129        "cachingMode" : {
26130          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:Object"
26131        },
26132        "diskName" : {
26133          "type" : "string",
26134          "example" : "example string"
26135        },
26136        "diskURI" : {
26137          "type" : "string",
26138          "example" : "example string"
26139        },
26140        "fsType" : {
26141          "type" : "string",
26142          "example" : "example string"
26143        },
26144        "readOnly" : {
26145          "type" : "boolean",
26146          "example" : false
26147        }
26148      }
26149    },
26150    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:CephFSVolumeSource" : {
26151      "properties" : {
26152        "monitors" : {
26153          "type" : "array",
26154          "items" : {
26155            "type" : "string"
26156          }
26157        },
26158        "path" : {
26159          "type" : "string",
26160          "example" : "example string"
26161        },
26162        "readOnly" : {
26163          "type" : "boolean",
26164          "example" : false
26165        },
26166        "secretFile" : {
26167          "type" : "string",
26168          "example" : "example string"
26169        },
26170        "secretRef" : {
26171          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LocalObjectReference"
26172        },
26173        "user" : {
26174          "type" : "string",
26175          "example" : "example string"
26176        }
26177      }
26178    },
26179    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:FlexVolumeSource" : {
26180      "properties" : {
26181        "driver" : {
26182          "type" : "string",
26183          "example" : "example string"
26184        },
26185        "fsType" : {
26186          "type" : "string",
26187          "example" : "example string"
26188        },
26189        "options" : {
26190          "type" : "object",
26191          "additionalProperties" : {
26192            "type" : "string"
26193          }
26194        },
26195        "readOnly" : {
26196          "type" : "boolean",
26197          "example" : false
26198        },
26199        "secretRef" : {
26200          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LocalObjectReference"
26201        }
26202      }
26203    },
26204    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerService:LoadBalancerState" : {
26205      "properties" : {
26206        "address" : {
26207          "type" : "string",
26208          "example" : "example string"
26209        },
26210        "computeLinks" : {
26211          "type" : "array",
26212          "items" : {
26213            "type" : "string"
26214          }
26215        },
26216        "creationTimeMicros" : {
26217          "type" : "integer",
26218          "format" : "int64",
26219          "example" : 0.0
26220        },
26221        "customProperties" : {
26222          "type" : "object",
26223          "additionalProperties" : {
26224            "type" : "string"
26225          }
26226        },
26227        "desc" : {
26228          "type" : "string",
26229          "example" : "example string"
26230        },
26231        "descriptionLink" : {
26232          "type" : "string",
26233          "example" : "some/service"
26234        },
26235        "endpointLink" : {
26236          "type" : "string",
26237          "example" : "some/service"
26238        },
26239        "groupLinks" : {
26240          "type" : "array",
26241          "items" : {
26242            "type" : "string"
26243          }
26244        },
26245        "id" : {
26246          "type" : "string",
26247          "example" : "8a48a297-8506-462c-953e-68346975cecb"
26248        },
26249        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
26250          "type" : "string",
26251          "format" : "uri",
26252          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26253        },
26254        "instancePort" : {
26255          "type" : "integer",
26256          "format" : "int64",
26257          "example" : 0.0
26258        },
26259        "instanceProtocol" : {
26260          "type" : "string",
26261          "example" : "example string"
26262        },
26263        "internetFacing" : {
26264          "type" : "boolean",
26265          "example" : false
26266        },
26267        "name" : {
26268          "type" : "string",
26269          "example" : "example string"
26270        },
26271        "port" : {
26272          "type" : "integer",
26273          "format" : "int64",
26274          "example" : 0.0
26275        },
26276        "protocol" : {
26277          "type" : "string",
26278          "example" : "example string"
26279        },
26280        "regionId" : {
26281          "type" : "string",
26282          "example" : "example string"
26283        },
26284        "routes" : {
26285          "type" : "array",
26286          "items" : {
26287            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription:RouteConfiguration"
26288          }
26289        },
26290        "subnetLinks" : {
26291          "type" : "array",
26292          "items" : {
26293            "type" : "string"
26294          }
26295        },
26296        "tagLinks" : {
26297          "type" : "array",
26298          "items" : {
26299            "type" : "string"
26300          }
26301        },
26302        "tenantLinks" : {
26303          "type" : "array",
26304          "items" : {
26305            "type" : "string"
26306          }
26307        }
26308      }
26309    },
26310    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateWaiting" : {
26311      "properties" : {
26312        "message" : {
26313          "type" : "string",
26314          "example" : "example string"
26315        },
26316        "reason" : {
26317          "type" : "string",
26318          "example" : "example string"
26319        }
26320      }
26321    },
26322    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:AuthCredentialsService:AuthCredentialsServiceState" : {
26323      "properties" : {
26324        "customProperties" : {
26325          "type" : "object",
26326          "additionalProperties" : {
26327            "type" : "string"
26328          }
26329        },
26330        "privateKey" : {
26331          "type" : "string",
26332          "example" : "example string"
26333        },
26334        "privateKeyId" : {
26335          "type" : "string",
26336          "example" : "example string"
26337        },
26338        "publicKey" : {
26339          "type" : "string",
26340          "example" : "example string"
26341        },
26342        "tenantLinks" : {
26343          "type" : "array",
26344          "items" : {
26345            "type" : "string"
26346          }
26347        },
26348        "tokenReference" : {
26349          "type" : "string",
26350          "format" : "uri",
26351          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26352        },
26353        "type" : {
26354          "type" : "string",
26355          "example" : "example string"
26356        },
26357        "userEmail" : {
26358          "type" : "string",
26359          "example" : "example string"
26360        },
26361        "userLink" : {
26362          "type" : "string",
26363          "example" : "some/service"
26364        }
26365      }
26366    },
26367    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskService:ContainerVolumeRemovalTaskState" : {
26368      "properties" : {
26369        "cleanupRemoval" : {
26370          "type" : "boolean",
26371          "example" : false
26372        },
26373        "customProperties" : {
26374          "type" : "object",
26375          "description" : "Custom properties.",
26376          "additionalProperties" : {
26377            "type" : "string"
26378          }
26379        },
26380        "externalInspectOnly" : {
26381          "type" : "boolean",
26382          "example" : false
26383        },
26384        "removeOnly" : {
26385          "type" : "boolean",
26386          "example" : false
26387        },
26388        "requestTrackerLink" : {
26389          "type" : "string",
26390          "example" : "some/service",
26391          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
26392        },
26393        "resourceLinks" : {
26394          "type" : "array",
26395          "items" : {
26396            "type" : "string"
26397          }
26398        },
26399        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
26400          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
26401          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
26402        },
26403        "taskInfo" : {
26404          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
26405          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26406        },
26407        "taskSubStage" : {
26408          "type" : "string",
26409          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
26410        },
26411        "tenantLinks" : {
26412          "type" : "array",
26413          "items" : {
26414            "type" : "string"
26415          }
26416        }
26417      }
26418    },
26419    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:InMemoryResourceMetricService:InMemoryResourceMetric" : {
26420      "properties" : {
26421        "timeSeriesStats" : {
26422          "type" : "object",
26423          "additionalProperties" : {
26424            "type" : "string"
26425          }
26426        }
26427      }
26428    },
26429    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ResourceAllocationTaskService:ResourceAllocationTaskState" : {
26430      "properties" : {
26431        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
26432          "type" : "string",
26433          "example" : "some/service"
26434        },
26435        "computeType" : {
26436          "type" : "string",
26437          "example" : "example string"
26438        },
26439        "customProperties" : {
26440          "type" : "object",
26441          "additionalProperties" : {
26442            "type" : "string"
26443          }
26444        },
26445        "errorThreshold" : {
26446          "type" : "number",
26447          "format" : "double",
26448          "example" : 0.0
26449        },
26450        "failureMessage" : {
26451          "type" : "string",
26452          "example" : "example string"
26453        },
26454        "isMockRequest" : {
26455          "type" : "boolean",
26456          "example" : false
26457        },
26458        "parentLinks" : {
26459          "type" : "array",
26460          "items" : {
26461            "type" : "string"
26462          }
26463        },
26464        "resourceCount" : {
26465          "type" : "integer",
26466          "format" : "int64",
26467          "example" : 0.0
26468        },
26469        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
26470          "type" : "string",
26471          "example" : "some/service"
26472        },
26473        "resourcePoolLink" : {
26474          "type" : "string",
26475          "example" : "some/service"
26476        },
26477        "taskInfo" : {
26478          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26479        },
26480        "taskSubStage" : {
26481          "type" : "string",
26483        },
26484        "tenantLinks" : {
26485          "type" : "array",
26486          "items" : {
26487            "type" : "string"
26488          }
26489        }
26490      }
26491    },
26492    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ResourceEnumerationTaskService:ResourceEnumerationTaskState" : {
26493      "properties" : {
26494        "adapterManagementReference" : {
26495          "type" : "string",
26496          "format" : "uri",
26497          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26498        },
26499        "endpointLink" : {
26500          "type" : "string",
26501          "example" : "some/service"
26502        },
26503        "enumerationAction" : {
26504          "type" : "string",
26505          "enum" : [ "START", "STOP", "REFRESH" ]
26506        },
26507        "failureMessage" : {
26508          "type" : "string",
26509          "example" : "example string"
26510        },
26511        "options" : {
26512          "type" : "array",
26513          "items" : {
26514            "type" : "string",
26516          }
26517        },
26518        "parentComputeLink" : {
26519          "type" : "string",
26520          "example" : "some/service"
26521        },
26522        "resourcePoolLink" : {
26523          "type" : "string",
26524          "example" : "some/service"
26525        },
26526        "taskInfo" : {
26527          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26528        },
26529        "tenantLinks" : {
26530          "type" : "array",
26531          "items" : {
26532            "type" : "string"
26533          }
26534        }
26535      }
26536    },
26537    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:RoleService:RoleState" : {
26538      "properties" : {
26539        "policy" : {
26540          "type" : "string",
26541          "enum" : [ "ALLOW", "DENY" ]
26542        },
26543        "priority" : {
26544          "type" : "integer",
26545          "format" : "int64",
26546          "example" : 0.0
26547        },
26548        "resourceGroupLink" : {
26549          "type" : "string",
26550          "example" : "some/service"
26551        },
26552        "userGroupLink" : {
26553          "type" : "string",
26554          "example" : "some/service"
26555        },
26556        "verbs" : {
26557          "type" : "array",
26558          "items" : {
26559            "type" : "string",
26560            "enum" : [ "GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" ]
26561          }
26562        }
26563      }
26564    },
26565    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ClosureProvisionTaskService:ClosureProvisionTaskState" : {
26566      "properties" : {
26567        "customProperties" : {
26568          "type" : "object",
26569          "description" : "Custom properties.",
26570          "additionalProperties" : {
26571            "type" : "string"
26572          }
26573        },
26574        "requestTrackerLink" : {
26575          "type" : "string",
26576          "example" : "some/service",
26577          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
26578        },
26579        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
26580          "type" : "string",
26581          "example" : "some/service",
26582          "description" : "The description that defines the closure description."
26583        },
26584        "resourceLinks" : {
26585          "type" : "array",
26586          "description" : "Set by a Task with the links of the provisioned resources.",
26587          "items" : {
26588            "type" : "string"
26589          }
26590        },
26591        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
26592          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
26593          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
26594        },
26595        "taskInfo" : {
26596          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
26597          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26598        },
26599        "taskSubStage" : {
26600          "type" : "string",
26601          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
26602        },
26603        "tenantLinks" : {
26604          "type" : "array",
26605          "items" : {
26606            "type" : "string"
26607          }
26608        }
26609      }
26610    },
26611    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription:HealthCheckConfiguration" : {
26612      "properties" : {
26613        "healthyThreshold" : {
26614          "type" : "integer",
26615          "format" : "int64",
26616          "example" : 0.0
26617        },
26618        "intervalSeconds" : {
26619          "type" : "integer",
26620          "format" : "int64",
26621          "example" : 0.0
26622        },
26623        "port" : {
26624          "type" : "string",
26625          "example" : "example string"
26626        },
26627        "protocol" : {
26628          "type" : "string",
26629          "example" : "example string"
26630        },
26631        "timeoutSeconds" : {
26632          "type" : "integer",
26633          "format" : "int64",
26634          "example" : 0.0
26635        },
26636        "unhealthyThreshold" : {
26637          "type" : "integer",
26638          "format" : "int64",
26639          "example" : 0.0
26640        },
26641        "urlPath" : {
26642          "type" : "string",
26643          "example" : "example string"
26644        }
26645      }
26646    },
26647    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ResourceNamePrefixTaskService:ResourceNamePrefixTaskState" : {
26648      "properties" : {
26649        "baseResourceNameFormat" : {
26650          "type" : "string",
26651          "example" : "example string"
26652        },
26653        "customProperties" : {
26654          "type" : "object",
26655          "description" : "Custom properties.",
26656          "additionalProperties" : {
26657            "type" : "string"
26658          }
26659        },
26660        "requestTrackerLink" : {
26661          "type" : "string",
26662          "example" : "some/service",
26663          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
26664        },
26665        "resourceCount" : {
26666          "type" : "integer",
26667          "format" : "int64",
26668          "example" : 0.0
26669        },
26670        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
26671          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
26672          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
26673        },
26674        "taskInfo" : {
26675          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
26676          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
26677        },
26678        "taskSubStage" : {
26679          "type" : "string",
26680          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
26681        },
26682        "tenantLinks" : {
26683          "type" : "array",
26684          "items" : {
26685            "type" : "string"
26686          }
26687        }
26688      }
26689    },
26690    "com:google:gson:JsonElement" : { },
26691    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicationcontrollers:ReplicationControllerSpec" : {
26692      "properties" : {
26693        "minReadySeconds" : {
26694          "type" : "integer",
26695          "format" : "int64",
26696          "example" : 0.0
26697        },
26698        "replicas" : {
26699          "type" : "integer",
26700          "format" : "int64",
26701          "example" : 0.0
26702        },
26703        "selector" : {
26704          "type" : "object",
26705          "additionalProperties" : {
26706            "type" : "string"
26707          }
26708        },
26709        "template" : {
26710          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodTemplateSpec"
26711        }
26712      }
26713    },
26714    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:Volume" : {
26715      "properties" : {
26716        "awsElasticBlockStore" : {
26717          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource"
26718        },
26719        "azureDisk" : {
26720          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AzureDiskVolumeSource"
26721        },
26722        "azureFile" : {
26723          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AzureFileVolumeSource"
26724        },
26725        "cephfs" : {
26726          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:CephFSVolumeSource"
26727        },
26728        "cinder" : {
26729          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:CinderVolumeSource"
26730        },
26731        "configMap" : {
26732          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:ConfigMapVolumeSource"
26733        },
26734        "downwardAPI" : {
26735          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:DownwardAPIVolumeSource"
26736        },
26737        "emptyDir" : {
26738          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:EmptyDirVolumeSource"
26739        },
26740        "fc" : {
26741          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:FCVolumeSource"
26742        },
26743        "flexVolume" : {
26744          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:FlexVolumeSource"
26745        },
26746        "gcePersistentDisk" : {
26747          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource"
26748        },
26749        "gitRepo" : {
26750          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GitRepoVolumeSource"
26751        },
26752        "glusterfs" : {
26753          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GlusterfsVolumeSource"
26754        },
26755        "hostPath" : {
26756          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:HostPathVolumeSource"
26757        },
26758        "iscsi" : {
26759          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:ISCSIVolumeSource"
26760        },
26761        "name" : {
26762          "type" : "string",
26763          "example" : "example string"
26764        },
26765        "nfs" : {
26766          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:NFSVolumeSource"
26767        },
26768        "persistentVolumeClaim" : {
26769          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource"
26770        },
26771        "photonPersistentDisk" : {
26772          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource"
26773        },
26774        "quobyte" : {
26775          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:QuobyteVolumeSource"
26776        },
26777        "rbd" : {
26778          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:RBDVolumeSource"
26779        },
26780        "secret" : {
26781          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:SecretVolumeSource"
26782        },
26783        "vsphereVolume" : {
26784          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource"
26785        }
26786      }
26787    },
26788    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:drivers:ContainerConfiguration" : {
26789      "properties" : {
26790        "cpuShares" : {
26791          "type" : "integer",
26792          "format" : "int64",
26793          "example" : 0.0
26794        },
26795        "dependencies" : {
26796          "type" : "string",
26797          "example" : "example string"
26798        },
26799        "envVars" : {
26800          "type" : "array",
26801          "items" : {
26802            "type" : "string"
26803          }
26804        },
26805        "logConfiguration" : {
26806          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:google:gson:JsonElement"
26807        },
26808        "memoryMB" : {
26809          "type" : "integer",
26810          "format" : "int64",
26811          "example" : 0.0
26812        },
26813        "name" : {
26814          "type" : "string",
26815          "example" : "example string"
26816        },
26817        "sourceURL" : {
26818          "type" : "string",
26819          "example" : "example string"
26820        }
26821      }
26822    },
26823    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeService:ComputeState" : {
26824      "properties" : {
26825        "adapterManagementReference" : {
26826          "type" : "string",
26827          "format" : "uri",
26828          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26829        },
26830        "address" : {
26831          "type" : "string",
26832          "example" : "example string"
26833        },
26834        "bootAdapterReference" : {
26835          "type" : "string",
26836          "format" : "uri",
26837          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26838        },
26839        "cpuCount" : {
26840          "type" : "integer",
26841          "format" : "int64",
26842          "example" : 0.0
26843        },
26844        "cpuMhzPerCore" : {
26845          "type" : "integer",
26846          "format" : "int64",
26847          "example" : 0.0
26848        },
26849        "creationTimeMicros" : {
26850          "type" : "integer",
26851          "format" : "int64",
26852          "example" : 0.0
26853        },
26854        "customProperties" : {
26855          "type" : "object",
26856          "additionalProperties" : {
26857            "type" : "string"
26858          }
26859        },
26860        "desc" : {
26861          "type" : "string",
26862          "example" : "example string"
26863        },
26864        "descriptionLink" : {
26865          "type" : "string",
26866          "example" : "some/service"
26867        },
26868        "diskLinks" : {
26869          "type" : "array",
26870          "items" : {
26871            "type" : "string"
26872          }
26873        },
26874        "endpointLink" : {
26875          "type" : "string",
26876          "example" : "some/service"
26877        },
26878        "enumerationAdapterReference" : {
26879          "type" : "string",
26880          "format" : "uri",
26881          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26882        },
26883        "environmentName" : {
26884          "type" : "string",
26885          "example" : "example string"
26886        },
26887        "gpuCount" : {
26888          "type" : "integer",
26889          "format" : "int64",
26890          "example" : 0.0
26891        },
26892        "groupLinks" : {
26893          "type" : "array",
26894          "items" : {
26895            "type" : "string"
26896          }
26897        },
26898        "healthAdapterReference" : {
26899          "type" : "string",
26900          "format" : "uri",
26901          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26902        },
26903        "hostName" : {
26904          "type" : "string",
26905          "example" : "example string"
26906        },
26907        "id" : {
26908          "type" : "string",
26909          "example" : "5656a89c-adfe-4de9-9938-8ff0f990869b"
26910        },
26911        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
26912          "type" : "string",
26913          "format" : "uri",
26914          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26915        },
26916        "instanceType" : {
26917          "type" : "string",
26918          "example" : "example string"
26919        },
26920        "lifecycleState" : {
26921          "type" : "string",
26922          "description" : "Lifecycle state indicating runtime state of a resource instance.",
26923          "enum" : [ "PROVISIONING", "READY", "SUSPEND", "STOPPED", "RETIRED" ]
26924        },
26925        "name" : {
26926          "type" : "string",
26927          "example" : "example string"
26928        },
26929        "networkInterfaceLinks" : {
26930          "type" : "array",
26931          "items" : {
26932            "type" : "string"
26933          }
26934        },
26935        "parentLink" : {
26936          "type" : "string",
26937          "example" : "some/service"
26938        },
26939        "powerAdapterReference" : {
26940          "type" : "string",
26941          "format" : "uri",
26942          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26943        },
26944        "powerState" : {
26945          "type" : "string",
26946          "enum" : [ "ON", "OFF", "UNKNOWN", "SUSPEND" ]
26947        },
26948        "primaryMAC" : {
26949          "type" : "string",
26950          "example" : "example string"
26951        },
26952        "regionId" : {
26953          "type" : "string",
26954          "example" : "example string"
26955        },
26956        "resourcePoolLink" : {
26957          "type" : "string",
26958          "example" : "some/service"
26959        },
26960        "statsAdapterReference" : {
26961          "type" : "string",
26962          "format" : "uri",
26963          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
26964        },
26965        "statsAdapterReferences" : {
26966          "type" : "array",
26967          "description" : "Set of URIs for stats adapters of this host",
26968          "items" : {
26969            "type" : "string",
26970            "format" : "uri"
26971          }
26972        },
26973        "tagLinks" : {
26974          "type" : "array",
26975          "items" : {
26976            "type" : "string"
26977          }
26978        },
26979        "tenantLinks" : {
26980          "type" : "array",
26981          "items" : {
26982            "type" : "string"
26983          }
26984        },
26985        "totalMemoryBytes" : {
26986          "type" : "integer",
26987          "format" : "int64",
26988          "example" : 0.0
26989        },
26990        "type" : {
26991          "type" : "string",
26992          "enum" : [ "VM_HOST", "VM_GUEST", "DOCKER_CONTAINER", "PHYSICAL", "OS_ON_PHYSICAL", "ZONE" ]
26993        },
26994        "zoneId" : {
26995          "type" : "string",
26996          "example" : "example string"
26997        }
26998      }
26999    },
27000    "com:vmware:admiral:auth:idm:local:LocalPrincipalService:LocalPrincipalState" : {
27001      "properties" : {
27002        "email" : {
27003          "type" : "string",
27004          "example" : "example string"
27005        },
27006        "groupMembersLinks" : {
27007          "type" : "array",
27008          "items" : {
27009            "type" : "string"
27010          }
27011        },
27012        "id" : {
27013          "type" : "string",
27014          "example" : "example string"
27015        },
27016        "isAdmin" : {
27017          "type" : "boolean",
27018          "example" : false
27019        },
27020        "name" : {
27021          "type" : "string",
27022          "example" : "example string"
27023        },
27024        "password" : {
27025          "type" : "string",
27026          "example" : "example string"
27027        },
27028        "type" : {
27029          "type" : "string",
27030          "enum" : [ "USER", "GROUP" ]
27031        }
27032      }
27033    },
27034    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource" : {
27035      "properties" : {
27036        "claimName" : {
27037          "type" : "string",
27038          "example" : "example string"
27039        },
27040        "readOnly" : {
27041          "type" : "string",
27042          "example" : "example string"
27043        }
27044      }
27045    },
27046    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription:RouteConfiguration" : {
27047      "properties" : {
27048        "healthCheckConfiguration" : {
27049          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription:HealthCheckConfiguration"
27050        },
27051        "instancePort" : {
27052          "type" : "string",
27053          "example" : "example string"
27054        },
27055        "instanceProtocol" : {
27056          "type" : "string",
27057          "example" : "example string"
27058        },
27059        "port" : {
27060          "type" : "string",
27061          "example" : "example string"
27062        },
27063        "protocol" : {
27064          "type" : "string",
27065          "example" : "example string"
27066        }
27067      }
27068    },
27069    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:TagService:TagState" : {
27070      "properties" : {
27071        "external" : {
27072          "type" : "boolean",
27073          "example" : false,
27074          "description" : "Whether this tag is from external source"
27075        },
27076        "key" : {
27077          "type" : "string",
27078          "example" : "example string",
27079          "description" : "Tag key"
27080        },
27081        "tenantLinks" : {
27082          "type" : "array",
27083          "description" : "A list of tenant links that can access this tag",
27084          "items" : {
27085            "type" : "string"
27086          }
27087        },
27088        "value" : {
27089          "type" : "string",
27090          "example" : "example string",
27091          "description" : "Tag value, empty string used for none (null not accepted)"
27092        }
27093      }
27094    },
27095    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:StatsAggregationTaskService:StatsAggregationTaskState" : {
27096      "properties" : {
27097        "failureMessage" : {
27098          "type" : "string",
27099          "example" : "example string"
27100        },
27101        "metricNames" : {
27102          "type" : "array",
27103          "description" : "The set of metric names to aggregate on",
27104          "items" : {
27105            "type" : "string"
27106          }
27107        },
27108        "query" : {
27109          "description" : "The query to lookup resources for stats aggregation",
27110          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
27111        },
27112        "taskInfo" : {
27113          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27114        }
27115      }
27116    },
27117    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetCondition" : {
27118      "properties" : {
27119        "lastTransitionTime" : {
27120          "type" : "string",
27121          "example" : "example string"
27122        },
27123        "message" : {
27124          "type" : "string",
27125          "example" : "example string"
27126        },
27127        "reason" : {
27128          "type" : "string",
27129          "example" : "example string"
27130        },
27131        "status" : {
27132          "type" : "string",
27133          "example" : "example string"
27134        },
27135        "type" : {
27136          "type" : "string",
27137          "example" : "example string"
27138        }
27139      }
27140    },
27141    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapterapi:ResourceOperationResponse" : {
27142      "properties" : {
27143        "failureMessage" : {
27144          "type" : "string",
27145          "example" : "example string"
27146        },
27147        "resourceLink" : {
27148          "type" : "string",
27149          "example" : "some/service"
27150        },
27151        "taskInfo" : {
27152          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27153        }
27154      }
27155    },
27156    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:StorageDescriptionService:StorageDescription" : {
27157      "properties" : {
27158        "adapterManagementReference" : {
27159          "type" : "string",
27160          "format" : "uri",
27161          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
27162        },
27163        "authCredentialsLink" : {
27164          "type" : "string",
27165          "example" : "some/service"
27166        },
27167        "capacityBytes" : {
27168          "type" : "integer",
27169          "format" : "int64",
27170          "example" : 0.0
27171        },
27172        "computeHostLink" : {
27173          "type" : "string",
27174          "example" : "some/service"
27175        },
27176        "creationTimeMicros" : {
27177          "type" : "integer",
27178          "format" : "int64",
27179          "example" : 0.0
27180        },
27181        "customProperties" : {
27182          "type" : "object",
27183          "additionalProperties" : {
27184            "type" : "string"
27185          }
27186        },
27187        "desc" : {
27188          "type" : "string",
27189          "example" : "example string"
27190        },
27191        "endpointLink" : {
27192          "type" : "string",
27193          "example" : "some/service"
27194        },
27195        "groupLinks" : {
27196          "type" : "array",
27197          "items" : {
27198            "type" : "string"
27199          }
27200        },
27201        "id" : {
27202          "type" : "string",
27203          "example" : "08a328ef-235c-4990-a4a3-b99f7e89eb55"
27204        },
27205        "name" : {
27206          "type" : "string",
27207          "example" : "example string"
27208        },
27209        "regionId" : {
27210          "type" : "string",
27211          "example" : "example string"
27212        },
27213        "resourcePoolLink" : {
27214          "type" : "string",
27215          "example" : "some/service"
27216        },
27217        "supportsEncryption" : {
27218          "type" : "boolean",
27219          "example" : false
27220        },
27221        "tagLinks" : {
27222          "type" : "array",
27223          "items" : {
27224            "type" : "string"
27225          }
27226        },
27227        "tenantLinks" : {
27228          "type" : "array",
27229          "items" : {
27230            "type" : "string"
27231          }
27232        },
27233        "type" : {
27234          "type" : "string",
27235          "example" : "example string"
27236        }
27237      }
27238    },
27239    "com:vmware:admiral:adapter:registry:service:RegistrySearchResponse" : {
27240      "properties" : {
27241        "isPartialResult" : {
27242          "type" : "boolean",
27243          "example" : false
27244        },
27245        "numPages" : {
27246          "type" : "integer",
27247          "format" : "int64",
27248          "example" : 0
27249        },
27250        "numResults" : {
27251          "type" : "integer",
27252          "format" : "int64",
27253          "example" : 0
27254        },
27255        "page" : {
27256          "type" : "integer",
27257          "format" : "int64",
27258          "example" : 0
27259        },
27260        "pageSize" : {
27261          "type" : "integer",
27262          "format" : "int64",
27263          "example" : 0
27264        },
27265        "query" : {
27266          "type" : "string",
27267          "example" : "example string"
27268        },
27269        "results" : {
27270          "type" : "array",
27271          "items" : {
27272            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:adapter:registry:service:RegistrySearchResponse:Result"
27273          }
27274        }
27275      }
27276    },
27277    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:ContainerService:ContainerState" : {
27278      "properties" : {
27279        "adapterManagementReference" : {
27280          "type" : "string",
27281          "format" : "uri",
27282          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
27283          "description" : "Defines which adapter which serve the provision request"
27284        },
27285        "address" : {
27286          "type" : "string",
27287          "example" : "example string",
27288          "description" : "Defines the address of the container"
27289        },
27290        "attributes" : {
27291          "type" : "object",
27292          "description" : "Unmodeled container attributes",
27293          "additionalProperties" : {
27294            "type" : "string"
27295          }
27296        },
27297        "command" : {
27298          "type" : "array",
27299          "description" : "Commands to run.",
27300          "items" : {
27301            "type" : "string"
27302          }
27303        },
27304        "compositeComponentLink" : {
27305          "type" : "string",
27306          "example" : "some/service",
27307          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a container is part of App/Composition request."
27308        },
27309        "cpuShares" : {
27310          "type" : "integer",
27311          "format" : "int64",
27312          "example" : 0.0,
27313          "description" : "Percentages of the relative CPU sharing in a given resource pool. This is not an actual limit but a guideline of how much CPU should be divided among all containers running at a given time."
27314        },
27315        "created" : {
27316          "type" : "integer",
27317          "format" : "int64",
27318          "example" : 0.0,
27319          "description" : "Container created time in milliseconds"
27320        },
27321        "creationTimeMicros" : {
27322          "type" : "integer",
27323          "format" : "int64",
27324          "example" : 0.0
27325        },
27326        "customProperties" : {
27327          "type" : "object",
27328          "additionalProperties" : {
27329            "type" : "string"
27330          }
27331        },
27332        "desc" : {
27333          "type" : "string",
27334          "example" : "example string"
27335        },
27336        "descriptionLink" : {
27337          "type" : "string",
27338          "example" : "some/service",
27339          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
27340        },
27341        "env" : {
27342          "type" : "array",
27343          "description" : "A list of environment variables in the form of VAR=value.",
27344          "items" : {
27345            "type" : "string"
27346          }
27347        },
27348        "extraHosts" : {
27349          "type" : "array",
27350          "description" : "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)",
27351          "items" : {
27352            "type" : "string"
27353          }
27354        },
27355        "groupLinks" : {
27356          "type" : "array",
27357          "items" : {
27358            "type" : "string"
27359          }
27360        },
27361        "groupResourcePlacementLink" : {
27362          "type" : "string",
27363          "example" : "some/service",
27364          "description" : "Link to the resource placement associated with a given container instance. Null if no placement"
27365        },
27366        "id" : {
27367          "type" : "string",
27368          "example" : "4aab48b4-853f-418a-ae27-4681f90c48a8"
27369        },
27370        "image" : {
27371          "type" : "string",
27372          "example" : "example string",
27373          "description" : "The docker image."
27374        },
27375        "isDeleted" : {
27376          "type" : "boolean",
27377          "example" : false,
27378          "description" : "Is the docker container deleted by Admiral."
27379        },
27380        "links" : {
27381          "type" : "array",
27382          "description" : "A list of services (in a blueprint) the container depends on.",
27383          "items" : {
27384            "type" : "string"
27385          }
27386        },
27387        "memoryLimit" : {
27388          "type" : "integer",
27389          "format" : "int64",
27390          "example" : 0.0,
27391          "description" : "Effective memory limit"
27392        },
27393        "name" : {
27394          "type" : "string",
27395          "example" : "example string"
27396        },
27397        "names" : {
27398          "type" : "array",
27399          "description" : "The list of names of a given container host.",
27400          "items" : {
27401            "type" : "string"
27402          }
27403        },
27404        "networks" : {
27405          "type" : "object",
27406          "description" : "Joined networks.",
27407          "additionalProperties" : {
27408            "type" : "string"
27409          }
27410        },
27411        "parentLink" : {
27412          "type" : "string",
27413          "example" : "some/service",
27414          "description" : "Container host link"
27415        },
27416        "ports" : {
27417          "type" : "array",
27418          "description" : "Port bindings in the format ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort | containerPort where range of ports can also be provided",
27419          "items" : {
27420            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:PortBinding"
27421          }
27422        },
27423        "powerState" : {
27424          "type" : "string",
27425          "description" : "Container state indicating runtime state of a container instance.",
27426          "enum" : [ "UNKNOWN", "PROVISIONING", "RUNNING", "PAUSED", "STOPPED", "RETIRED", "ERROR" ]
27427        },
27428        "regionId" : {
27429          "type" : "string",
27430          "example" : "example string"
27431        },
27432        "started" : {
27433          "type" : "integer",
27434          "format" : "int64",
27435          "example" : 0.0,
27436          "description" : "Container started time in milliseconds"
27437        },
27438        "status" : {
27439          "type" : "string",
27440          "example" : "example string",
27441          "description" : "Status of the container"
27442        },
27443        "storageLimit" : {
27444          "type" : "integer",
27445          "format" : "int64",
27446          "example" : 0.0,
27447          "description" : "Storage limit in bytes"
27448        },
27449        "system" : {
27450          "type" : "boolean",
27451          "example" : false,
27452          "description" : "Is system container"
27453        },
27454        "tagLinks" : {
27455          "type" : "array",
27456          "items" : {
27457            "type" : "string"
27458          }
27459        },
27460        "tenantLinks" : {
27461          "type" : "array",
27462          "items" : {
27463            "type" : "string"
27464          }
27465        },
27466        "ulimits" : {
27467          "type" : "array",
27468          "description" : "A list of resource limits to set in the container",
27469          "items" : {
27470            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:Ulimit"
27471          }
27472        },
27473        "volumeDriver" : {
27474          "type" : "string",
27475          "example" : "example string",
27476          "description" : "Specify volume driver name (default \"local\")"
27477        },
27478        "volumes" : {
27479          "type" : "array",
27480          "description" : "Mount a volume e.g /host:/container[:ro] or just named volume like 'vol1'",
27481          "items" : {
27482            "type" : "string"
27483          }
27484        },
27485        "volumesFrom" : {
27486          "type" : "array",
27487          "description" : "Volumes from the specified container(s) of the format <container name>[:<ro|rw>]",
27488          "items" : {
27489            "type" : "string"
27490          }
27491        }
27492      }
27493    },
27494    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:ElasticPlacementZoneService:ElasticPlacementZoneState" : {
27495      "properties" : {
27496        "placementPolicy" : {
27497          "type" : "string",
27498          "description" : "Advanced placement policy.",
27499          "enum" : [ "DEFAULT", "SPREAD", "BINPACK" ]
27500        },
27501        "resourcePoolLink" : {
27502          "type" : "string",
27503          "example" : "some/service",
27504          "description" : "Link to the elastic resource pool"
27505        },
27506        "tagLinksToMatch" : {
27507          "type" : "array",
27508          "description" : "Links to tags that must be set on the computes in order to add them to the elastic resource pool",
27509          "items" : {
27510            "type" : "string"
27511          }
27512        },
27513        "tenantLinks" : {
27514          "type" : "array",
27515          "items" : {
27516            "type" : "string"
27517          }
27518        }
27519      }
27520    },
27521    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:VolumeMount" : {
27522      "properties" : {
27523        "mountPath" : {
27524          "type" : "string",
27525          "example" : "example string"
27526        },
27527        "name" : {
27528          "type" : "string",
27529          "example" : "example string"
27530        },
27531        "readOnly" : {
27532          "type" : "boolean",
27533          "example" : false
27534        },
27535        "subPath" : {
27536          "type" : "string",
27537          "example" : "example string"
27538        }
27539      }
27540    },
27541    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ScheduledTaskService:ScheduledTaskState" : {
27542      "properties" : {
27543        "customProperties" : {
27544          "type" : "object",
27545          "additionalProperties" : {
27546            "type" : "string"
27547          }
27548        },
27549        "delayMicros" : {
27550          "type" : "integer",
27551          "format" : "int64",
27552          "example" : 0.0
27553        },
27554        "enabled" : {
27555          "type" : "boolean",
27556          "example" : false
27557        },
27558        "factoryLink" : {
27559          "type" : "string",
27560          "example" : "some/service"
27561        },
27562        "failureMessage" : {
27563          "type" : "string",
27564          "example" : "example string"
27565        },
27566        "initialStateJson" : {
27567          "type" : "string",
27568          "example" : "example string"
27569        },
27570        "intervalMicros" : {
27571          "type" : "integer",
27572          "format" : "int64",
27573          "example" : 0.0
27574        },
27575        "taskInfo" : {
27576          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27577        },
27578        "tenantLinks" : {
27579          "type" : "array",
27580          "items" : {
27581            "type" : "string"
27582          }
27583        },
27584        "userLink" : {
27585          "type" : "string",
27586          "example" : "some/service",
27587          "description" : "The user in whose context the task will be executed"
27588        }
27589      }
27590    },
27591    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskService:ContainerNetworkRemovalTaskState" : {
27592      "properties" : {
27593        "cleanupRemoval" : {
27594          "type" : "boolean",
27595          "example" : false
27596        },
27597        "customProperties" : {
27598          "type" : "object",
27599          "description" : "Custom properties.",
27600          "additionalProperties" : {
27601            "type" : "string"
27602          }
27603        },
27604        "externalInspectOnly" : {
27605          "type" : "boolean",
27606          "example" : false
27607        },
27608        "removeOnly" : {
27609          "type" : "boolean",
27610          "example" : false
27611        },
27612        "requestTrackerLink" : {
27613          "type" : "string",
27614          "example" : "some/service",
27615          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
27616        },
27617        "resourceLinks" : {
27618          "type" : "array",
27619          "items" : {
27620            "type" : "string"
27621          }
27622        },
27623        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
27624          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
27625          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
27626        },
27627        "taskInfo" : {
27628          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
27629          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27630        },
27631        "taskSubStage" : {
27632          "type" : "string",
27633          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
27634        },
27635        "tenantLinks" : {
27636          "type" : "array",
27637          "items" : {
27638            "type" : "string"
27639          }
27640        }
27641      }
27642    },
27643    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:DownwardAPIVolumeSource" : {
27644      "properties" : {
27645        "defaultMode" : {
27646          "type" : "integer",
27647          "format" : "int64",
27648          "example" : 0.0
27649        },
27650        "items" : {
27651          "type" : "array",
27652          "items" : {
27653            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:DownwardAPIVolumeFile"
27654          }
27655        }
27656      }
27657    },
27658    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:InstanceTypeService:InstanceTypeState" : {
27659      "properties" : {
27660        "creationTimeMicros" : {
27661          "type" : "integer",
27662          "format" : "int64",
27663          "example" : 0.0
27664        },
27665        "customProperties" : {
27666          "type" : "object",
27667          "additionalProperties" : {
27668            "type" : "string"
27669          }
27670        },
27671        "desc" : {
27672          "type" : "string",
27673          "example" : "example string"
27674        },
27675        "endpointType" : {
27676          "type" : "string",
27677          "example" : "example string",
27678          "description" : "The endpoint type if this profile is not for a specific endpoint "
27679        },
27680        "groupLinks" : {
27681          "type" : "array",
27682          "items" : {
27683            "type" : "string"
27684          }
27685        },
27686        "id" : {
27687          "type" : "string",
27688          "example" : "8315387c-60d7-4476-8d6f-51406edaae62"
27689        },
27690        "instanceTypeMapping" : {
27691          "type" : "object",
27692          "additionalProperties" : {
27693            "type" : "string"
27694          }
27695        },
27696        "name" : {
27697          "type" : "string",
27698          "example" : "example string"
27699        },
27700        "regionId" : {
27701          "type" : "string",
27702          "example" : "example string"
27703        },
27704        "tagLinks" : {
27705          "type" : "array",
27706          "items" : {
27707            "type" : "string"
27708          }
27709        },
27710        "tenantLinks" : {
27711          "type" : "array",
27712          "items" : {
27713            "type" : "string"
27714          }
27715        }
27716      }
27717    },
27718    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:ISCSIVolumeSource" : {
27719      "properties" : {
27720        "fsType" : {
27721          "type" : "string",
27722          "example" : "example string"
27723        },
27724        "iqn" : {
27725          "type" : "string",
27726          "example" : "example string"
27727        },
27728        "iscsiInterface" : {
27729          "type" : "string",
27730          "example" : "example string"
27731        },
27732        "lun" : {
27733          "type" : "integer",
27734          "format" : "int64",
27735          "example" : 0.0
27736        },
27737        "readOnly" : {
27738          "type" : "boolean",
27739          "example" : false
27740        },
27741        "targetPortal" : {
27742          "type" : "string",
27743          "example" : "example string"
27744        }
27745      }
27746    },
27747    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStatus" : {
27748      "properties" : {
27749        "containerID" : {
27750          "type" : "string",
27751          "example" : "example string"
27752        },
27753        "image" : {
27754          "type" : "string",
27755          "example" : "example string"
27756        },
27757        "imageID" : {
27758          "type" : "string",
27759          "example" : "example string"
27760        },
27761        "lastState" : {
27762          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerState"
27763        },
27764        "name" : {
27765          "type" : "string",
27766          "example" : "example string"
27767        },
27768        "ready" : {
27769          "type" : "boolean",
27770          "example" : false
27771        },
27772        "restartCount" : {
27773          "type" : "integer",
27774          "format" : "int64",
27775          "example" : 0.0
27776        },
27777        "state" : {
27778          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerState"
27779        }
27780      }
27781    },
27782    "java:util:Map" : { },
27783    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodStatus" : {
27784      "properties" : {
27785        "conditions" : {
27786          "type" : "array",
27787          "items" : {
27788            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodCondition"
27789          }
27790        },
27791        "containerStatuses" : {
27792          "type" : "array",
27793          "items" : {
27794            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStatus"
27795          }
27796        },
27797        "hostIP" : {
27798          "type" : "string",
27799          "example" : "example string"
27800        },
27801        "message" : {
27802          "type" : "string",
27803          "example" : "example string"
27804        },
27805        "phase" : {
27806          "type" : "string",
27807          "example" : "example string"
27808        },
27809        "podIP" : {
27810          "type" : "string",
27811          "example" : "example string"
27812        },
27813        "reason" : {
27814          "type" : "string",
27815          "example" : "example string"
27816        },
27817        "startTime" : {
27818          "type" : "string",
27819          "example" : "example string"
27820        }
27821      }
27822    },
27823    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentStrategy" : {
27824      "properties" : {
27825        "rollingUpdate" : {
27826          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:RollingUpdateDeployment"
27827        },
27828        "type" : {
27829          "type" : "string",
27830          "enum" : [ "Recreate", "RollingUpdate" ]
27831        }
27832      }
27833    },
27834    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:EmptyDirVolumeSource" : {
27835      "properties" : {
27836        "medium" : {
27837          "type" : "string",
27838          "example" : "example string"
27839        }
27840      }
27841    },
27842    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Pod" : {
27843      "properties" : {
27844        "apiVersion" : {
27845          "type" : "string",
27846          "example" : "example string"
27847        },
27848        "kind" : {
27849          "type" : "string",
27850          "example" : "example string"
27851        },
27852        "metadata" : {
27853          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
27854        },
27855        "spec" : {
27856          "description" : "Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.",
27857          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodSpec"
27858        },
27859        "status" : {
27860          "description" : "Most recently observed status of the pod.",
27861          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodStatus"
27862        }
27863      }
27864    },
27865    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetStatus" : {
27866      "properties" : {
27867        "availableReplicas" : {
27868          "type" : "integer",
27869          "format" : "int64",
27870          "example" : 0.0
27871        },
27872        "conditions" : {
27873          "type" : "array",
27874          "items" : {
27875            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetCondition"
27876          }
27877        },
27878        "fullyLabeledReplicas" : {
27879          "type" : "integer",
27880          "format" : "int64",
27881          "example" : 0.0
27882        },
27883        "observedGeneration" : {
27884          "type" : "integer",
27885          "format" : "int64",
27886          "example" : 0.0
27887        },
27888        "readyReplicas" : {
27889          "type" : "integer",
27890          "format" : "int64",
27891          "example" : 0.0
27892        },
27893        "replicas" : {
27894          "type" : "integer",
27895          "format" : "int64",
27896          "example" : 0.0
27897        }
27898      }
27899    },
27900    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Lifecycle" : {
27901      "properties" : {
27902        "podStart" : {
27903          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:Handler"
27904        },
27905        "preStop" : {
27906          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:Handler"
27907        }
27908      }
27909    },
27910    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerAllocationTaskService:ContainerAllocationTaskState" : {
27911      "properties" : {
27912        "customProperties" : {
27913          "type" : "object",
27914          "description" : "Custom properties.",
27915          "additionalProperties" : {
27916            "type" : "string"
27917          }
27918        },
27919        "groupResourcePlacementLink" : {
27920          "type" : "string",
27921          "example" : "some/service"
27922        },
27923        "postAllocation" : {
27924          "type" : "boolean",
27925          "example" : false
27926        },
27927        "requestTrackerLink" : {
27928          "type" : "string",
27929          "example" : "some/service",
27930          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
27931        },
27932        "resourceCount" : {
27933          "type" : "integer",
27934          "format" : "int64",
27935          "example" : 0.0
27936        },
27937        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
27938          "type" : "string",
27939          "example" : "some/service"
27940        },
27941        "resourceLinks" : {
27942          "type" : "array",
27943          "items" : {
27944            "type" : "string"
27945          }
27946        },
27947        "resourceType" : {
27948          "type" : "string",
27949          "example" : "example string"
27950        },
27951        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
27952          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
27953          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
27954        },
27955        "taskInfo" : {
27956          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
27957          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27958        },
27959        "taskSubStage" : {
27960          "type" : "string",
27961          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
27962        },
27963        "tenantLinks" : {
27964          "type" : "array",
27965          "items" : {
27966            "type" : "string"
27967          }
27968        }
27969      }
27970    },
27971    "com:vmware:admiral:request:composition:CompositeComponentRemovalTaskService:CompositeComponentRemovalTaskState" : {
27972      "properties" : {
27973        "customProperties" : {
27974          "type" : "object",
27975          "description" : "Custom properties.",
27976          "additionalProperties" : {
27977            "type" : "string"
27978          }
27979        },
27980        "requestTrackerLink" : {
27981          "type" : "string",
27982          "example" : "some/service",
27983          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
27984        },
27985        "resourceLinks" : {
27986          "type" : "array",
27987          "description" : "(Required) The composites on which the given operation will be applied.",
27988          "items" : {
27989            "type" : "string"
27990          }
27991        },
27992        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
27993          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
27994          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
27995        },
27996        "taskInfo" : {
27997          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
27998          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
27999        },
28000        "taskSubStage" : {
28001          "type" : "string",
28002          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28003        },
28004        "tenantLinks" : {
28005          "type" : "array",
28006          "items" : {
28007            "type" : "string"
28008          }
28009        }
28010      }
28011    },
28012    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription" : {
28013      "properties" : {
28014        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
28015          "type" : "string",
28016          "example" : "some/service"
28017        },
28018        "creationTimeMicros" : {
28019          "type" : "integer",
28020          "format" : "int64",
28021          "example" : 0.0
28022        },
28023        "customProperties" : {
28024          "type" : "object",
28025          "additionalProperties" : {
28026            "type" : "string"
28027          }
28028        },
28029        "desc" : {
28030          "type" : "string",
28031          "example" : "example string"
28032        },
28033        "endpointLink" : {
28034          "type" : "string",
28035          "example" : "some/service"
28036        },
28037        "groupLinks" : {
28038          "type" : "array",
28039          "items" : {
28040            "type" : "string"
28041          }
28042        },
28043        "id" : {
28044          "type" : "string",
28045          "example" : "e7e252b7-b317-4d6e-8bd7-81e8267fdf72"
28046        },
28047        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
28048          "type" : "string",
28049          "format" : "uri",
28050          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
28051        },
28052        "instancePort" : {
28053          "type" : "integer",
28054          "format" : "int64",
28055          "example" : 0.0
28056        },
28057        "instanceProtocol" : {
28058          "type" : "string",
28059          "example" : "example string"
28060        },
28061        "internetFacing" : {
28062          "type" : "boolean",
28063          "example" : false
28064        },
28065        "name" : {
28066          "type" : "string",
28067          "example" : "example string"
28068        },
28069        "networkName" : {
28070          "type" : "string",
28071          "example" : "example string"
28072        },
28073        "port" : {
28074          "type" : "integer",
28075          "format" : "int64",
28076          "example" : 0.0
28077        },
28078        "protocol" : {
28079          "type" : "string",
28080          "example" : "example string"
28081        },
28082        "regionId" : {
28083          "type" : "string",
28084          "example" : "example string"
28085        },
28086        "routes" : {
28087          "type" : "array",
28088          "items" : {
28089            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:LoadBalancerDescriptionService:LoadBalancerDescription:RouteConfiguration"
28090          }
28091        },
28092        "subnetLinks" : {
28093          "type" : "array",
28094          "items" : {
28095            "type" : "string"
28096          }
28097        },
28098        "tagLinks" : {
28099          "type" : "array",
28100          "items" : {
28101            "type" : "string"
28102          }
28103        },
28104        "tenantLinks" : {
28105          "type" : "array",
28106          "items" : {
28107            "type" : "string"
28108          }
28109        }
28110      }
28111    },
28112    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeOperationTaskService:ComputeOperationTaskState" : {
28113      "properties" : {
28114        "customProperties" : {
28115          "type" : "object",
28116          "description" : "Custom properties.",
28117          "additionalProperties" : {
28118            "type" : "string"
28119          }
28120        },
28121        "operation" : {
28122          "type" : "string",
28123          "example" : "example string",
28124          "description" : "The identifier of the resource operation to be performed."
28125        },
28126        "requestTrackerLink" : {
28127          "type" : "string",
28128          "example" : "some/service",
28129          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
28130        },
28131        "resourceLinks" : {
28132          "type" : "array",
28133          "description" : "The resources on which the given operation will be applied",
28134          "items" : {
28135            "type" : "string"
28136          }
28137        },
28138        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
28139          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
28140          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
28141        },
28142        "taskInfo" : {
28143          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
28144          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28145        },
28146        "taskSubStage" : {
28147          "type" : "string",
28148          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28149        },
28150        "tenantLinks" : {
28151          "type" : "array",
28152          "items" : {
28153            "type" : "string"
28154          }
28155        }
28156      }
28157    },
28158    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AzureFileVolumeSource" : {
28159      "properties" : {
28160        "readOnly" : {
28161          "type" : "boolean",
28162          "example" : false
28163        },
28164        "secretName" : {
28165          "type" : "string",
28166          "example" : "example string"
28167        },
28168        "shareName" : {
28169          "type" : "string",
28170          "example" : "example string"
28171        }
28172      }
28173    },
28174    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostPortProfileService:HostPortProfileState" : {
28175      "properties" : {
28176        "creationTimeMicros" : {
28177          "type" : "integer",
28178          "format" : "int64",
28179          "example" : 0.0
28180        },
28181        "customProperties" : {
28182          "type" : "object",
28183          "additionalProperties" : {
28184            "type" : "string"
28185          }
28186        },
28187        "desc" : {
28188          "type" : "string",
28189          "example" : "example string"
28190        },
28191        "endPort" : {
28192          "type" : "integer",
28193          "format" : "int64",
28194          "example" : 0.0,
28195          "description" : "Host port profile range end port."
28196        },
28197        "groupLinks" : {
28198          "type" : "array",
28199          "items" : {
28200            "type" : "string"
28201          }
28202        },
28203        "hostLink" : {
28204          "type" : "string",
28205          "example" : "some/service",
28206          "description" : "The link of the ComputeState associated with this host port profile."
28207        },
28208        "id" : {
28209          "type" : "string",
28210          "example" : "9b846983-8224-4615-bb7a-83dea6d2c431"
28211        },
28212        "name" : {
28213          "type" : "string",
28214          "example" : "example string"
28215        },
28216        "regionId" : {
28217          "type" : "string",
28218          "example" : "example string"
28219        },
28220        "reservedPorts" : {
28221          "type" : "object",
28222          "description" : "Host port to container link map.",
28223          "additionalProperties" : {
28224            "type" : "string"
28225          }
28226        },
28227        "startPort" : {
28228          "type" : "integer",
28229          "format" : "int64",
28230          "example" : 0.0,
28231          "description" : "Host port profile range start port."
28232        },
28233        "tagLinks" : {
28234          "type" : "array",
28235          "items" : {
28236            "type" : "string"
28237          }
28238        },
28239        "tenantLinks" : {
28240          "type" : "array",
28241          "items" : {
28242            "type" : "string"
28243          }
28244        }
28245      }
28246    },
28247    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeMigrationService:MigrationRequest" : {
28248      "properties" : {
28249        "destinationNodeGroup" : {
28250          "type" : "string",
28251          "example" : "example string"
28252        },
28253        "sourceNodeGroup" : {
28254          "type" : "string",
28255          "example" : "example string"
28256        }
28257      }
28258    },
28259    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:CompositeComponentService:CompositeComponent" : {
28260      "properties" : {
28261        "componentLinks" : {
28262          "type" : "array",
28263          "description" : "Component links.",
28264          "items" : {
28265            "type" : "string"
28266          }
28267        },
28268        "compositeDescriptionLink" : {
28269          "type" : "string",
28270          "example" : "some/service",
28271          "description" : "CompositeDescription link."
28272        },
28273        "created" : {
28274          "type" : "integer",
28275          "format" : "int64",
28276          "example" : 0.0,
28277          "description" : "Composite creation time in milliseconds"
28278        },
28279        "customProperties" : {
28280          "type" : "object",
28281          "additionalProperties" : {
28282            "type" : "string"
28283          }
28284        },
28285        "name" : {
28286          "type" : "string",
28287          "example" : "example string",
28288          "description" : "Name of composite description."
28289        },
28290        "tenantLinks" : {
28291          "type" : "array",
28292          "items" : {
28293            "type" : "string"
28294          }
28295        }
28296      }
28297    },
28298    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SecurityGroupService:SecurityGroupState:Rule" : {
28299      "properties" : {
28300        "access" : {
28301          "type" : "string",
28302          "enum" : [ "Allow", "Deny" ]
28303        },
28304        "ipRangeCidr" : {
28305          "type" : "string",
28306          "example" : "example string"
28307        },
28308        "name" : {
28309          "type" : "string",
28310          "example" : "example string"
28311        },
28312        "ports" : {
28313          "type" : "string",
28314          "example" : "example string"
28315        },
28316        "protocol" : {
28317          "type" : "string",
28318          "example" : "example string"
28319        }
28320      }
28321    },
28322    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:NFSVolumeSource" : {
28323      "properties" : {
28324        "path" : {
28325          "type" : "string",
28326          "example" : "example string"
28327        },
28328        "readOnly" : {
28329          "type" : "boolean",
28330          "example" : false
28331        },
28332        "server" : {
28333          "type" : "string",
28334          "example" : "example string"
28335        }
28336      }
28337    },
28338    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:SslTrustCertificateService:SslTrustCertificateState" : {
28339      "properties" : {
28340        "certificate" : {
28341          "type" : "string",
28342          "example" : "example string",
28343          "description" : "The SSL trust certificate encoded into .PEM format."
28344        },
28345        "commonName" : {
28346          "type" : "string",
28347          "example" : "example string",
28348          "description" : "The common name of the certificate."
28349        },
28350        "fingerprint" : {
28351          "type" : "string",
28352          "example" : "example string",
28353          "description" : "The fingerprint of the certificate in SHA-1 form. "
28354        },
28355        "issuerName" : {
28356          "type" : "string",
28357          "example" : "example string",
28358          "description" : "The issuer name of the certificate."
28359        },
28360        "serial" : {
28361          "type" : "string",
28362          "example" : "example string",
28363          "description" : "The serial of the certificate."
28364        },
28365        "tenantLinks" : {
28366          "type" : "array",
28367          "items" : {
28368            "type" : "string"
28369          }
28370        },
28371        "validSince" : {
28372          "type" : "integer",
28373          "format" : "int64",
28374          "example" : 0,
28375          "description" : "The date since the certificate is valid."
28376        },
28377        "validTo" : {
28378          "type" : "integer",
28379          "format" : "int64",
28380          "example" : 0,
28381          "description" : "The date until the certificate is valid."
28382        }
28383      }
28384    },
28385    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState" : {
28386      "properties" : {
28387        "authCredentialsLink" : {
28388          "type" : "string",
28389          "example" : "some/service",
28390          "description" : "The link to the credentials to authenticate against this endpoint."
28391        },
28392        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
28393          "type" : "string",
28394          "example" : "some/service",
28395          "description" : "The link to the compute description that represents this endpoint."
28396        },
28397        "computeLink" : {
28398          "type" : "string",
28399          "example" : "some/service",
28400          "description" : "The link to the compute that represents this endpoint."
28401        },
28402        "creationTimeMicros" : {
28403          "type" : "integer",
28404          "format" : "int64",
28405          "example" : 0.0
28406        },
28407        "customProperties" : {
28408          "type" : "object",
28409          "additionalProperties" : {
28410            "type" : "string"
28411          }
28412        },
28413        "desc" : {
28414          "type" : "string",
28415          "example" : "example string"
28416        },
28417        "endpointProperties" : {
28418          "type" : "object",
28419          "description" : "Endpoint specific properties. The specific endpoint adapter will extract them and enhance the linked Credentials,Compute and ComputeDescription.",
28420          "additionalProperties" : {
28421            "type" : "string"
28422          }
28423        },
28424        "endpointType" : {
28425          "type" : "string",
28426          "example" : "example string",
28427          "description" : "Endpoint type of the endpoint instance,e.g. aws,azure,..."
28428        },
28429        "groupLinks" : {
28430          "type" : "array",
28431          "items" : {
28432            "type" : "string"
28433          }
28434        },
28435        "id" : {
28436          "type" : "string",
28437          "example" : "e3ed32fb-7f9e-4df6-8ae5-1cbc2b6240ea"
28438        },
28439        "name" : {
28440          "type" : "string",
28441          "example" : "example string"
28442        },
28443        "parentLink" : {
28444          "type" : "string",
28445          "example" : "some/service",
28446          "description" : "The link to the parent endpoint link of this endpoint"
28447        },
28448        "regionId" : {
28449          "type" : "string",
28450          "example" : "example string"
28451        },
28452        "resourcePoolLink" : {
28453          "type" : "string",
28454          "example" : "some/service",
28455          "description" : "The link to the resource pool that is default for an endpoint."
28456        },
28457        "tagLinks" : {
28458          "type" : "array",
28459          "items" : {
28460            "type" : "string"
28461          }
28462        },
28463        "tenantLinks" : {
28464          "type" : "array",
28465          "items" : {
28466            "type" : "string"
28467          }
28468        }
28469      }
28470    },
28471    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:KeyToPath" : {
28472      "properties" : {
28473        "key" : {
28474          "type" : "string",
28475          "example" : "example string"
28476        },
28477        "mode" : {
28478          "type" : "integer",
28479          "format" : "int64",
28480          "example" : 0.0
28481        },
28482        "path" : {
28483          "type" : "string",
28484          "example" : "example string"
28485        }
28486      }
28487    },
28488    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateTerminated" : {
28489      "properties" : {
28490        "containerID" : {
28491          "type" : "string",
28492          "example" : "example string"
28493        },
28494        "exitCode" : {
28495          "type" : "integer",
28496          "format" : "int64",
28497          "example" : 0.0
28498        },
28499        "finishedAt" : {
28500          "type" : "string",
28501          "example" : "example string"
28502        },
28503        "message" : {
28504          "type" : "string",
28505          "example" : "example string"
28506        },
28507        "reason" : {
28508          "type" : "string",
28509          "example" : "example string"
28510        },
28511        "signal" : {
28512          "type" : "integer",
28513          "format" : "int64",
28514          "example" : 0.0
28515        },
28516        "startedAt" : {
28517          "type" : "string",
28518          "example" : "example string"
28519        }
28520      }
28521    },
28522    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationTaskService:ReservationTaskState" : {
28523      "properties" : {
28524        "customProperties" : {
28525          "type" : "object",
28526          "description" : "Custom properties.",
28527          "additionalProperties" : {
28528            "type" : "string"
28529          }
28530        },
28531        "requestTrackerLink" : {
28532          "type" : "string",
28533          "example" : "some/service",
28534          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
28535        },
28536        "resourceCount" : {
28537          "type" : "integer",
28538          "format" : "int64",
28539          "example" : 0.0
28540        },
28541        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
28542          "type" : "string",
28543          "example" : "some/service"
28544        },
28545        "resourceType" : {
28546          "type" : "string",
28547          "example" : "example string"
28548        },
28549        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
28550          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
28551          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
28552        },
28553        "taskInfo" : {
28554          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
28555          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28556        },
28557        "taskSubStage" : {
28558          "type" : "string",
28559          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28560        },
28561        "tenantLinks" : {
28562          "type" : "array",
28563          "items" : {
28564            "type" : "string"
28565          }
28566        }
28567      }
28568    },
28569    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:PortBinding" : {
28570      "properties" : {
28571        "containerPort" : {
28572          "type" : "string",
28573          "example" : "example string"
28574        },
28575        "hostIp" : {
28576          "type" : "string",
28577          "example" : "example string"
28578        },
28579        "hostPort" : {
28580          "type" : "string",
28581          "example" : "example string"
28582        },
28583        "protocol" : {
28584          "type" : "string",
28585          "example" : "example string"
28586        }
28587      }
28588    },
28589    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:MigrationTaskService:State" : {
28590      "properties" : {
28591        "continuousMigration" : {
28592          "type" : "boolean",
28593          "example" : false
28594        },
28595        "destinationFactoryLink" : {
28596          "type" : "string",
28597          "example" : "some/service"
28598        },
28599        "destinationNodeGroupReference" : {
28600          "type" : "string",
28601          "format" : "uri",
28602          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
28603        },
28604        "latestSourceUpdateTimeMicros" : {
28605          "type" : "integer",
28606          "format" : "int64",
28607          "example" : 0.0
28608        },
28609        "maintenanceIntervalMicros" : {
28610          "type" : "integer",
28611          "format" : "int64",
28612          "example" : 0.0
28613        },
28614        "maximumConvergenceChecks" : {
28615          "type" : "integer",
28616          "format" : "int64",
28617          "example" : 0.0
28618        },
28619        "migrationOptions" : {
28620          "type" : "array",
28621          "items" : {
28622            "type" : "string",
28624          }
28625        },
28626        "querySpec" : {
28627          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QuerySpecification"
28628        },
28629        "sourceFactoryLink" : {
28630          "type" : "string",
28631          "example" : "some/service"
28632        },
28633        "sourceNodeGroupReference" : {
28634          "type" : "string",
28635          "format" : "uri",
28636          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
28637        },
28638        "taskInfo" : {
28639          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28640        },
28641        "transformationServiceLink" : {
28642          "type" : "string",
28643          "example" : "some/service"
28644        }
28645      }
28646    },
28647    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ClosureRemovalTaskService:ClosureRemovalTaskState" : {
28648      "properties" : {
28649        "customProperties" : {
28650          "type" : "object",
28651          "description" : "Custom properties.",
28652          "additionalProperties" : {
28653            "type" : "string"
28654          }
28655        },
28656        "requestTrackerLink" : {
28657          "type" : "string",
28658          "example" : "some/service",
28659          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
28660        },
28661        "resourceLinks" : {
28662          "type" : "array",
28663          "items" : {
28664            "type" : "string"
28665          }
28666        },
28667        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
28668          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
28669          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
28670        },
28671        "taskInfo" : {
28672          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
28673          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28674        },
28675        "taskSubStage" : {
28676          "type" : "string",
28677          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28678        },
28679        "tenantLinks" : {
28680          "type" : "array",
28681          "items" : {
28682            "type" : "string"
28683          }
28684        }
28685      }
28686    },
28687    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskService:ConfigureHostOverSshTaskServiceState" : {
28688      "properties" : {
28689        "customProperties" : {
28690          "type" : "object",
28691          "description" : "Custom properties.",
28692          "additionalProperties" : {
28693            "type" : "string"
28694          }
28695        },
28696        "hostLink" : {
28697          "type" : "string",
28698          "example" : "some/service",
28699          "description" : "Link to configured host"
28700        },
28701        "requestTrackerLink" : {
28702          "type" : "string",
28703          "example" : "some/service",
28704          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
28705        },
28706        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
28707          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
28708          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
28709        },
28710        "taskInfo" : {
28711          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
28712          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28713        },
28714        "taskSubStage" : {
28715          "type" : "string",
28716          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28717        },
28718        "tenantLinks" : {
28719          "type" : "array",
28720          "items" : {
28721            "type" : "string"
28722          }
28723        }
28724      }
28725    },
28726    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:SubnetService:SubnetState" : {
28727      "properties" : {
28728        "creationTimeMicros" : {
28729          "type" : "integer",
28730          "format" : "int64",
28731          "example" : 0.0
28732        },
28733        "customProperties" : {
28734          "type" : "object",
28735          "additionalProperties" : {
28736            "type" : "string"
28737          }
28738        },
28739        "defaultForZone" : {
28740          "type" : "boolean",
28741          "example" : false
28742        },
28743        "desc" : {
28744          "type" : "string",
28745          "example" : "example string"
28746        },
28747        "dnsSearchDomains" : {
28748          "type" : "array",
28749          "items" : {
28750            "type" : "string"
28751          }
28752        },
28753        "dnsServerAddresses" : {
28754          "type" : "array",
28755          "items" : {
28756            "type" : "string"
28757          }
28758        },
28759        "domain" : {
28760          "type" : "string",
28761          "example" : "example string"
28762        },
28763        "endpointLink" : {
28764          "type" : "string",
28765          "example" : "some/service"
28766        },
28767        "gatewayAddress" : {
28768          "type" : "string",
28769          "example" : "example string"
28770        },
28771        "groupLinks" : {
28772          "type" : "array",
28773          "items" : {
28774            "type" : "string"
28775          }
28776        },
28777        "id" : {
28778          "type" : "string",
28779          "example" : "cf221b72-965c-47d9-80e8-79f53754dad1"
28780        },
28781        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
28782          "type" : "string",
28783          "format" : "uri",
28784          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
28785        },
28786        "lifecycleState" : {
28787          "type" : "string",
28788          "description" : "Lifecycle state indicating runtime state of a resource instance.",
28789          "enum" : [ "PROVISIONING", "READY", "SUSPEND", "STOPPED", "RETIRED" ]
28790        },
28791        "name" : {
28792          "type" : "string",
28793          "example" : "example string"
28794        },
28795        "networkLink" : {
28796          "type" : "string",
28797          "example" : "some/service"
28798        },
28799        "regionId" : {
28800          "type" : "string",
28801          "example" : "example string"
28802        },
28803        "subnetCIDR" : {
28804          "type" : "string",
28805          "example" : "example string"
28806        },
28807        "supportPublicIpAddress" : {
28808          "type" : "boolean",
28809          "example" : false
28810        },
28811        "tagLinks" : {
28812          "type" : "array",
28813          "items" : {
28814            "type" : "string"
28815          }
28816        },
28817        "tenantLinks" : {
28818          "type" : "array",
28819          "items" : {
28820            "type" : "string"
28821          }
28822        },
28823        "type" : {
28824          "type" : "string",
28825          "example" : "example string"
28826        },
28827        "zoneId" : {
28828          "type" : "string",
28829          "example" : "example string"
28830        }
28831      }
28832    },
28833    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkDescriptionService:ContainerNetworkDescription" : {
28834      "properties" : {
28835        "creationTimeMicros" : {
28836          "type" : "integer",
28837          "format" : "int64",
28838          "example" : 0.0
28839        },
28840        "customProperties" : {
28841          "type" : "object",
28842          "additionalProperties" : {
28843            "type" : "string"
28844          }
28845        },
28846        "desc" : {
28847          "type" : "string",
28848          "example" : "example string"
28849        },
28850        "driver" : {
28851          "type" : "string",
28852          "example" : "example string",
28853          "description" : "The name of the driver for this network. Can be bridge, host, overlay, none."
28854        },
28855        "external" : {
28856          "type" : "boolean",
28857          "example" : false,
28858          "description" : "Composite Template use only. If set to true, specifies that this network exists outside of the Composite Template."
28859        },
28860        "externalName" : {
28861          "type" : "string",
28862          "example" : "example string",
28863          "description" : "Composite Template use only. The name of the external network. If set then the value of the attribute 'external' is considered 'true'."
28864        },
28865        "groupLinks" : {
28866          "type" : "array",
28867          "items" : {
28868            "type" : "string"
28869          }
28870        },
28871        "id" : {
28872          "type" : "string",
28873          "example" : "b49277d3-0da2-4e98-b943-fb8597a80635"
28874        },
28875        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
28876          "type" : "string",
28877          "format" : "uri",
28878          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
28879          "description" : "Instance Adapter reference for provisioning of containers."
28880        },
28881        "ipam" : {
28882          "description" : "An IPAM configuration for a given network.",
28883          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:Ipam"
28884        },
28885        "name" : {
28886          "type" : "string",
28887          "example" : "example string"
28888        },
28889        "options" : {
28890          "type" : "object",
28891          "description" : "A map of field-value pairs for a given network. These are usedto specify network options that are used by the network drivers.",
28892          "additionalProperties" : {
28893            "type" : "string"
28894          }
28895        },
28896        "parentDescriptionLink" : {
28897          "type" : "string",
28898          "example" : "some/service",
28899          "description" : "Link to the parent network description."
28900        },
28901        "regionId" : {
28902          "type" : "string",
28903          "example" : "example string"
28904        },
28905        "tagLinks" : {
28906          "type" : "array",
28907          "items" : {
28908            "type" : "string"
28909          }
28910        },
28911        "tenantLinks" : {
28912          "type" : "array",
28913          "items" : {
28914            "type" : "string"
28915          }
28916        }
28917      }
28918    },
28919    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:SecurityContext" : {
28920      "properties" : {
28921        "privileged" : {
28922          "type" : "boolean",
28923          "example" : false
28924        },
28925        "readOnlyRootFilesystem" : {
28926          "type" : "boolean",
28927          "example" : false
28928        },
28929        "runAsNonRoot" : {
28930          "type" : "boolean",
28931          "example" : false
28932        },
28933        "runAsUser" : {
28934          "type" : "integer",
28935          "format" : "int64",
28936          "example" : 0.0
28937        }
28938      }
28939    },
28940    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationAllocationTaskService:ReservationAllocationTaskState" : {
28941      "properties" : {
28942        "contextId" : {
28943          "type" : "string",
28944          "example" : "example string",
28945          "description" : "The overall contextId of this request (could be the same across multiple request - composite allocation)"
28946        },
28947        "customProperties" : {
28948          "type" : "object",
28949          "description" : "Custom properties.",
28950          "additionalProperties" : {
28951            "type" : "string"
28952          }
28953        },
28954        "name" : {
28955          "type" : "string",
28956          "example" : "example string",
28957          "description" : "Name of the container."
28958        },
28959        "requestTrackerLink" : {
28960          "type" : "string",
28961          "example" : "some/service",
28962          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
28963        },
28964        "resourceCount" : {
28965          "type" : "integer",
28966          "format" : "int64",
28967          "example" : 0.0,
28968          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
28969        },
28970        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
28971          "type" : "string",
28972          "example" : "some/service",
28973          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
28974        },
28975        "resourceType" : {
28976          "type" : "string",
28977          "example" : "example string",
28978          "description" : "Type of resource to create."
28979        },
28980        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
28981          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
28982          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
28983        },
28984        "taskInfo" : {
28985          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
28986          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
28987        },
28988        "taskSubStage" : {
28989          "type" : "string",
28990          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
28991        },
28992        "tenantLinks" : {
28993          "type" : "array",
28994          "items" : {
28995            "type" : "string"
28996          }
28997        }
28998      }
28999    },
29000    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerPort" : {
29001      "properties" : {
29002        "containerPort" : {
29003          "type" : "integer",
29004          "format" : "int64",
29005          "example" : 0.0
29006        },
29007        "hostIP" : {
29008          "type" : "string",
29009          "example" : "example string"
29010        },
29011        "hostPort" : {
29012          "type" : "integer",
29013          "format" : "int64",
29014          "example" : 0.0
29015        },
29016        "name" : {
29017          "type" : "string",
29018          "example" : "example string"
29019        },
29020        "protocol" : {
29021          "type" : "string",
29022          "example" : "example string"
29023        }
29024      }
29025    },
29026    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:endpoint:EndpointHealthCheckTaskService:EndpointHealthCheckTaskState" : {
29027      "properties" : {
29028        "customProperties" : {
29029          "type" : "object",
29030          "description" : "Custom properties.",
29031          "additionalProperties" : {
29032            "type" : "string"
29033          }
29034        },
29035        "endpointLink" : {
29036          "type" : "string",
29037          "example" : "some/service",
29038          "description" : "Link to the endpoint to check."
29039        },
29040        "requestTrackerLink" : {
29041          "type" : "string",
29042          "example" : "some/service",
29043          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
29044        },
29045        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
29046          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
29047          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
29048        },
29049        "taskInfo" : {
29050          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
29051          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29052        },
29053        "taskSubStage" : {
29054          "type" : "string",
29055          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
29056        },
29057        "tenantLinks" : {
29058          "type" : "array",
29059          "items" : {
29060            "type" : "string"
29061          }
29062        }
29063      }
29064    },
29065    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ReservationRemovalTaskService:ReservationRemovalTaskState" : {
29066      "properties" : {
29067        "customProperties" : {
29068          "type" : "object",
29069          "description" : "Custom properties.",
29070          "additionalProperties" : {
29071            "type" : "string"
29072          }
29073        },
29074        "groupResourcePlacementLink" : {
29075          "type" : "string",
29076          "example" : "some/service"
29077        },
29078        "requestTrackerLink" : {
29079          "type" : "string",
29080          "example" : "some/service",
29081          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
29082        },
29083        "resourceCount" : {
29084          "type" : "integer",
29085          "format" : "int64",
29086          "example" : 0.0
29087        },
29088        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
29089          "type" : "string",
29090          "example" : "some/service"
29091        },
29092        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
29093          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
29094          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
29095        },
29096        "taskInfo" : {
29097          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
29098          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29099        },
29100        "taskSubStage" : {
29101          "type" : "string",
29102          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
29103        },
29104        "tenantLinks" : {
29105          "type" : "array",
29106          "items" : {
29107            "type" : "string"
29108          }
29109        }
29110      }
29111    },
29112    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:network:ComputeNetworkService:ComputeNetwork" : {
29113      "properties" : {
29114        "assignment" : {
29115          "type" : "string",
29116          "example" : "example string"
29117        },
29118        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29119          "type" : "integer",
29120          "format" : "int64",
29121          "example" : 0.0
29122        },
29123        "customProperties" : {
29124          "type" : "object",
29125          "additionalProperties" : {
29126            "type" : "string"
29127          }
29128        },
29129        "desc" : {
29130          "type" : "string",
29131          "example" : "example string"
29132        },
29133        "descriptionLink" : {
29134          "type" : "string",
29135          "example" : "some/service",
29136          "description" : "Defines the description of the network."
29137        },
29138        "groupLinks" : {
29139          "type" : "array",
29140          "items" : {
29141            "type" : "string"
29142          }
29143        },
29144        "id" : {
29145          "type" : "string",
29146          "example" : "16fc116e-9217-4702-a6a1-6905fc358a36"
29147        },
29148        "name" : {
29149          "type" : "string",
29150          "example" : "example string"
29151        },
29152        "networkType" : {
29153          "type" : "string",
29154          "description" : "Specifies the network type e.g. public or isolated",
29155          "enum" : [ "PUBLIC", "ISOLATED", "EXTERNAL" ]
29156        },
29157        "provisionProfileLink" : {
29158          "type" : "string",
29159          "example" : "some/service",
29160          "description" : "Link to a profile where the network will be provisioned."
29161        },
29162        "regionId" : {
29163          "type" : "string",
29164          "example" : "example string"
29165        },
29166        "securityGroupLinks" : {
29167          "type" : "array",
29168          "description" : "Security groups to apply to all instances connected to this network",
29169          "items" : {
29170            "type" : "string"
29171          }
29172        },
29173        "subnetLink" : {
29174          "type" : "string",
29175          "example" : "some/service",
29176          "description" : "Link to a new subnet state to provision."
29177        },
29178        "tagLinks" : {
29179          "type" : "array",
29180          "items" : {
29181            "type" : "string"
29182          }
29183        },
29184        "tenantLinks" : {
29185          "type" : "array",
29186          "items" : {
29187            "type" : "string"
29188          }
29189        }
29190      }
29191    },
29192    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:monitoring:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskService:SingleResourceStatsCollectionTaskState" : {
29193      "properties" : {
29194        "computeLink" : {
29195          "type" : "string",
29196          "example" : "some/service"
29197        },
29198        "failureMessage" : {
29199          "type" : "string",
29200          "example" : "example string"
29201        },
29202        "parentPatchBody" : {
29203          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:lang:Object"
29204        },
29205        "parentTaskReference" : {
29206          "type" : "string",
29207          "format" : "uri",
29208          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
29209        },
29210        "statsAdapterReference" : {
29211          "type" : "string",
29212          "format" : "uri",
29213          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
29214          "description" : "The stats adapter reference"
29215        },
29216        "taskInfo" : {
29217          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29218        },
29219        "taskStage" : {
29220          "type" : "string",
29221          "enum" : [ "GET_DESCRIPTIONS", "UPDATE_STATS" ]
29222        }
29223      }
29224    },
29225    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:NetworkInterfaceService:NetworkInterfaceState" : {
29226      "properties" : {
29227        "address" : {
29228          "type" : "string",
29229          "example" : "example string"
29230        },
29231        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29232          "type" : "integer",
29233          "format" : "int64",
29234          "example" : 0.0
29235        },
29236        "customProperties" : {
29237          "type" : "object",
29238          "additionalProperties" : {
29239            "type" : "string"
29240          }
29241        },
29242        "desc" : {
29243          "type" : "string",
29244          "example" : "example string"
29245        },
29246        "deviceIndex" : {
29247          "type" : "integer",
29248          "format" : "int64",
29249          "example" : 0.0
29250        },
29251        "endpointLink" : {
29252          "type" : "string",
29253          "example" : "some/service"
29254        },
29255        "firewallLinks" : {
29256          "type" : "array",
29257          "items" : {
29258            "type" : "string"
29259          }
29260        },
29261        "groupLinks" : {
29262          "type" : "array",
29263          "items" : {
29264            "type" : "string"
29265          }
29266        },
29267        "id" : {
29268          "type" : "string",
29269          "example" : "011d432f-a273-4067-8560-b53ca1eb7f42"
29270        },
29271        "name" : {
29272          "type" : "string",
29273          "example" : "example string"
29274        },
29275        "networkInterfaceDescriptionLink" : {
29276          "type" : "string",
29277          "example" : "some/service"
29278        },
29279        "networkLink" : {
29280          "type" : "string",
29281          "example" : "some/service"
29282        },
29283        "regionId" : {
29284          "type" : "string",
29285          "example" : "example string"
29286        },
29287        "securityGroupLinks" : {
29288          "type" : "array",
29289          "items" : {
29290            "type" : "string"
29291          }
29292        },
29293        "subnetLink" : {
29294          "type" : "string",
29295          "example" : "some/service"
29296        },
29297        "tagLinks" : {
29298          "type" : "array",
29299          "items" : {
29300            "type" : "string"
29301          }
29302        },
29303        "tenantLinks" : {
29304          "type" : "array",
29305          "items" : {
29306            "type" : "string"
29307          }
29308        },
29309        "type" : {
29310          "type" : "string",
29311          "example" : "example string"
29312        }
29313      }
29314    },
29315    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodSecurityContext" : {
29316      "properties" : {
29317        "fsGroup" : {
29318          "type" : "integer",
29319          "format" : "int64",
29320          "example" : 0.0
29321        },
29322        "runAsNonRoot" : {
29323          "type" : "boolean",
29324          "example" : false
29325        },
29326        "runAsUser" : {
29327          "type" : "integer",
29328          "format" : "int64",
29329          "example" : 0.0
29330        },
29331        "supplementalGroups" : {
29332          "type" : "array",
29333          "items" : {
29334            "type" : "integer",
29335            "format" : "int64"
29336          }
29337        }
29338      }
29339    },
29340    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:ContainerNetworkService:ContainerNetworkState" : {
29341      "properties" : {
29342        "adapterManagementReference" : {
29343          "type" : "string",
29344          "format" : "uri",
29345          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
29346          "description" : "Defines which adapter will serve the provision request"
29347        },
29348        "compositeComponentLinks" : {
29349          "type" : "array",
29350          "description" : "Links to CompositeComponents when a network is part of App/Composition request.",
29351          "items" : {
29352            "type" : "string"
29353          }
29354        },
29355        "connected" : {
29356          "type" : "integer",
29357          "format" : "int64",
29358          "example" : 0.0,
29359          "description" : "Network connected time in milliseconds"
29360        },
29361        "connectedContainersCount" : {
29362          "type" : "integer",
29363          "format" : "int64",
29364          "example" : 0.0,
29365          "description" : "Runtime property that will be populated during network inspections. Contains the number of containers that are connected to this container network."
29366        },
29367        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29368          "type" : "integer",
29369          "format" : "int64",
29370          "example" : 0.0
29371        },
29372        "customProperties" : {
29373          "type" : "object",
29374          "additionalProperties" : {
29375            "type" : "string"
29376          }
29377        },
29378        "desc" : {
29379          "type" : "string",
29380          "example" : "example string"
29381        },
29382        "descriptionLink" : {
29383          "type" : "string",
29384          "example" : "some/service",
29385          "description" : "Defines the description of the network."
29386        },
29387        "driver" : {
29388          "type" : "string",
29389          "example" : "example string",
29390          "description" : "The name of the driver for this network. Can be bridge, host, overlay, none."
29391        },
29392        "external" : {
29393          "type" : "boolean",
29394          "example" : false,
29395          "description" : "If set to true, specifies that this network exists independently of any application."
29396        },
29397        "groupLinks" : {
29398          "type" : "array",
29399          "items" : {
29400            "type" : "string"
29401          }
29402        },
29403        "id" : {
29404          "type" : "string",
29405          "example" : "b873074a-21fb-41a0-8c2f-02ce091653a8"
29406        },
29407        "ipam" : {
29408          "description" : "An IPAM configuration for a given network.",
29409          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:Ipam"
29410        },
29411        "name" : {
29412          "type" : "string",
29413          "example" : "example string"
29414        },
29415        "options" : {
29416          "type" : "object",
29417          "description" : "A map of field-value pairs for a given network. These are used to specify network options that are used by the network drivers.",
29418          "additionalProperties" : {
29419            "type" : "string"
29420          }
29421        },
29422        "originatingHostLink" : {
29423          "type" : "string",
29424          "example" : "some/service",
29425          "description" : "Reference to the host that this network was created on."
29426        },
29427        "parentLinks" : {
29428          "type" : "array",
29429          "description" : "Container host links",
29430          "items" : {
29431            "type" : "string"
29432          }
29433        },
29434        "powerState" : {
29435          "type" : "string",
29436          "description" : "Network state indicating runtime state of a network instance.",
29437          "enum" : [ "UNKNOWN", "PROVISIONING", "CONNECTED", "RETIRED", "ERROR" ]
29438        },
29439        "regionId" : {
29440          "type" : "string",
29441          "example" : "example string"
29442        },
29443        "tagLinks" : {
29444          "type" : "array",
29445          "items" : {
29446            "type" : "string"
29447          }
29448        },
29449        "tenantLinks" : {
29450          "type" : "array",
29451          "items" : {
29452            "type" : "string"
29453          }
29454        }
29455      }
29456    },
29457    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:volume:ContainerVolumeService:ContainerVolumeState" : {
29458      "properties" : {
29459        "adapterManagementReference" : {
29460          "type" : "string",
29461          "format" : "uri",
29462          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
29463          "description" : "Defines which adapter will serve the provision request"
29464        },
29465        "compositeComponentLinks" : {
29466          "type" : "array",
29467          "description" : "Links to CompositeComponents when a volume is part of App/Composition request.",
29468          "items" : {
29469            "type" : "string"
29470          }
29471        },
29472        "connected" : {
29473          "type" : "integer",
29474          "format" : "int64",
29475          "example" : 0.0,
29476          "description" : "Volume connected time in milliseconds"
29477        },
29478        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29479          "type" : "integer",
29480          "format" : "int64",
29481          "example" : 0.0
29482        },
29483        "customProperties" : {
29484          "type" : "object",
29485          "additionalProperties" : {
29486            "type" : "string"
29487          }
29488        },
29489        "desc" : {
29490          "type" : "string",
29491          "example" : "example string"
29492        },
29493        "descriptionLink" : {
29494          "type" : "string",
29495          "example" : "some/service",
29496          "description" : "Defines the description of the volume."
29497        },
29498        "driver" : {
29499          "type" : "string",
29500          "example" : "example string",
29501          "description" : "Name of the volume driver to use. Defaults to local for the name."
29502        },
29503        "external" : {
29504          "type" : "boolean",
29505          "example" : false,
29506          "description" : "If set to true, specifies that this volume exists independently of any application."
29507        },
29508        "groupLinks" : {
29509          "type" : "array",
29510          "items" : {
29511            "type" : "string"
29512          }
29513        },
29514        "id" : {
29515          "type" : "string",
29516          "example" : "5029d107-90f7-4ca5-89aa-131caa82d4f7"
29517        },
29518        "mountpoint" : {
29519          "type" : "string",
29520          "example" : "example string",
29521          "description" : "Mount path of the volume on the host."
29522        },
29523        "name" : {
29524          "type" : "string",
29525          "example" : "example string"
29526        },
29527        "options" : {
29528          "type" : "object",
29529          "description" : "A map of field-value pairs for a given volume. These are used to specify volume options that are used by the volume drivers.",
29530          "additionalProperties" : {
29531            "type" : "string"
29532          }
29533        },
29534        "originatingHostLink" : {
29535          "type" : "string",
29536          "example" : "some/service",
29537          "description" : "Reference to the host that this volume was created on."
29538        },
29539        "parentLinks" : {
29540          "type" : "array",
29541          "description" : "Container host links",
29542          "items" : {
29543            "type" : "string"
29544          }
29545        },
29546        "powerState" : {
29547          "type" : "string",
29548          "description" : "Volume state indicating runtime state of a volume instance.",
29549          "enum" : [ "UNKNOWN", "PROVISIONING", "CONNECTED", "RETIRED", "ERROR" ]
29550        },
29551        "regionId" : {
29552          "type" : "string",
29553          "example" : "example string"
29554        },
29555        "scope" : {
29556          "type" : "string",
29557          "example" : "example string",
29558          "description" : "Scope describes the level at which the volume exists, can be one of global for cluster-wide or local for machine level. The default is local."
29559        },
29560        "status" : {
29561          "type" : "object",
29562          "description" : "Low-level details about the volume, provided by the volume driver. Details are returned as a map with key/value pairs: {\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}",
29563          "additionalProperties" : {
29564            "type" : "string"
29565          }
29566        },
29567        "tagLinks" : {
29568          "type" : "array",
29569          "items" : {
29570            "type" : "string"
29571          }
29572        },
29573        "tenantLinks" : {
29574          "type" : "array",
29575          "items" : {
29576            "type" : "string"
29577          }
29578        }
29579      }
29580    },
29581    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:KubernetesEntityDataCollection:KubernetesEntityDataCollectionState" : {
29582      "properties" : {
29583        "computeHostLinks" : {
29584          "type" : "array",
29585          "description" : "The list of compute host links.",
29586          "items" : {
29587            "type" : "string"
29588          }
29589        },
29590        "customProperties" : {
29591          "type" : "object",
29592          "description" : "Custom properties.",
29593          "additionalProperties" : {
29594            "type" : "string"
29595          }
29596        },
29597        "requestTrackerLink" : {
29598          "type" : "string",
29599          "example" : "some/service",
29600          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
29601        },
29602        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
29603          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
29604          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
29605        },
29606        "taskInfo" : {
29607          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
29608          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29609        },
29610        "taskSubStage" : {
29611          "type" : "string",
29612          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
29613        },
29614        "tenantLinks" : {
29615          "type" : "array",
29616          "items" : {
29617            "type" : "string"
29618          }
29619        }
29620      }
29621    },
29622    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateRunning" : {
29623      "properties" : {
29624        "startedAt" : {
29625          "type" : "string",
29626          "example" : "example string"
29627        }
29628      }
29629    },
29630    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionNetworkTaskService:ProvisionNetworkTaskState" : {
29631      "properties" : {
29632        "failureMessage" : {
29633          "type" : "string",
29634          "example" : "example string"
29635        },
29636        "isMockRequest" : {
29637          "type" : "boolean",
29638          "example" : false
29639        },
29640        "networkDescriptionLink" : {
29641          "type" : "string",
29642          "example" : "some/service"
29643        },
29644        "requestType" : {
29645          "type" : "string",
29646          "enum" : [ "CREATE", "DELETE" ]
29647        },
29648        "taskInfo" : {
29649          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29650        },
29651        "taskSubStage" : {
29652          "type" : "string",
29653          "enum" : [ "CREATED", "PROVISIONING_NETWORK", "FINISHED", "FAILED" ]
29654        },
29655        "tenantLinks" : {
29656          "type" : "array",
29657          "items" : {
29658            "type" : "string"
29659          }
29660        }
29661      }
29662    },
29663    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:TopicTaskInfo" : {
29664      "properties" : {
29665        "stage" : {
29666          "type" : "string",
29667          "example" : "example string",
29668          "description" : "Task stage"
29669        },
29670        "substage" : {
29671          "type" : "string",
29672          "example" : "example string",
29673          "description" : "Task substage"
29674        },
29675        "task" : {
29676          "type" : "string",
29677          "example" : "example string",
29678          "description" : "Task name"
29679        }
29680      }
29681    },
29682    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:operations:ResourceOperationSpecService:ResourceOperationSpec" : {
29683      "properties" : {
29684        "adapterReference" : {
29685          "type" : "string",
29686          "format" : "uri",
29687          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
29688        },
29689        "description" : {
29690          "type" : "string",
29691          "example" : "example string"
29692        },
29693        "endpointType" : {
29694          "type" : "string",
29695          "example" : "azure, aws, gcp, vsphere, openstack, virtustream, etc.",
29696          "description" : "Endpoint type for which the resource operation is defined"
29697        },
29698        "extensions" : {
29699          "type" : "object",
29700          "description" : "Optional extensions, e.g. UI specific configuration, related to the resource operation specification.The values of the map shall bespecialization of ResourceOperationSpec.Extension",
29701          "additionalProperties" : {
29702            "type" : "string"
29703          }
29704        },
29705        "name" : {
29706          "type" : "string",
29707          "example" : "Openstack, Virtustream, etc.",
29708          "description" : "Name of the photon model adapter configuration."
29709        },
29710        "operation" : {
29711          "type" : "string",
29712          "example" : "powerOff, powerOn, snapshot, reconfigure, etc.",
29713          "description" : "The operation technical name."
29714        },
29715        "resourceType" : {
29716          "type" : "string",
29717          "description" : "Resource type for which the resource operation is applicable",
29718          "enum" : [ "COMPUTE", "NETWORK", "STORAGE" ]
29719        },
29720        "schema" : {
29721          "description" : "Optional schema describing the expected by the resource operation payload",
29722          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:data:Schema"
29723        },
29724        "targetCriteria" : {
29725          "type" : "string",
29726          "example" : "example string"
29727        }
29728      }
29729    },
29730    "com:vmware:xenon:common:SynchronizationTaskService:State" : {
29731      "properties" : {
29732        "childDocumentIndexLink" : {
29733          "type" : "string",
29734          "example" : "some/service"
29735        },
29736        "childOptions" : {
29737          "type" : "array",
29738          "items" : {
29739            "type" : "string",
29741          }
29742        },
29743        "factorySelfLink" : {
29744          "type" : "string",
29745          "example" : "some/service"
29746        },
29747        "factoryStateKind" : {
29748          "type" : "string",
29749          "example" : "example string"
29750        },
29751        "failureMessage" : {
29752          "type" : "string",
29753          "example" : "example string"
29754        },
29755        "membershipUpdateTimeMicros" : {
29756          "type" : "integer",
29757          "format" : "int64",
29758          "example" : 0.0
29759        },
29760        "nodeSelectorLink" : {
29761          "type" : "string",
29762          "example" : "some/service"
29763        },
29764        "queryPageReference" : {
29765          "type" : "string",
29766          "format" : "uri",
29767          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
29768        },
29769        "queryResultLimit" : {
29770          "type" : "integer",
29771          "format" : "int64",
29772          "example" : 0.0
29773        },
29774        "subStage" : {
29775          "type" : "string",
29776          "enum" : [ "QUERY", "SYNCHRONIZE", "RESTART" ]
29777        },
29778        "synchCompletionCount" : {
29779          "type" : "integer",
29780          "format" : "int64",
29781          "example" : 0.0
29782        },
29783        "taskInfo" : {
29784          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
29785        }
29786      }
29787    },
29788    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServicePort" : {
29789      "properties" : {
29790        "name" : {
29791          "type" : "string",
29792          "example" : "example string"
29793        },
29794        "nodePort" : {
29795          "type" : "integer",
29796          "format" : "int64",
29797          "example" : 0.0
29798        },
29799        "port" : {
29800          "type" : "integer",
29801          "format" : "int64",
29802          "example" : 0.0
29803        },
29804        "protocol" : {
29805          "type" : "string",
29806          "example" : "example string"
29807        },
29808        "targetPort" : {
29809          "type" : "string",
29810          "example" : "example string"
29811        }
29812      }
29813    },
29814    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closuredescription:ClosureDescription" : {
29815      "properties" : {
29816        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29817          "type" : "integer",
29818          "format" : "int64",
29819          "example" : 0.0
29820        },
29821        "customProperties" : {
29822          "type" : "object",
29823          "additionalProperties" : {
29824            "type" : "string"
29825          }
29826        },
29827        "dependencies" : {
29828          "type" : "string",
29829          "example" : "example string",
29830          "description" : "Additional dependencies needed for code snippet execution. The format depends on the runtime."
29831        },
29832        "desc" : {
29833          "type" : "string",
29834          "example" : "example string"
29835        },
29836        "description" : {
29837          "type" : "string",
29838          "example" : "example string",
29839          "description" : "Description of the closure"
29840        },
29841        "entrypoint" : {
29842          "type" : "string",
29843          "example" : "example string",
29844          "description" : "Entry point to start execution from: in the format: <name of the file>.<name of handler function>"
29845        },
29846        "groupLinks" : {
29847          "type" : "array",
29848          "items" : {
29849            "type" : "string"
29850          }
29851        },
29852        "id" : {
29853          "type" : "string",
29854          "example" : "f9393b34-d323-49b0-a2d8-3977660c8689"
29855        },
29856        "inputs" : {
29857          "type" : "object",
29858          "description" : "Names of the input parameters.",
29859          "additionalProperties" : {
29860            "type" : "string"
29861          }
29862        },
29863        "logConfiguration" : {
29864          "description" : "Log configuration of execution.",
29865          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:google:gson:JsonElement"
29866        },
29867        "name" : {
29868          "type" : "string",
29869          "example" : "example string"
29870        },
29871        "notifyUrl" : {
29872          "type" : "string",
29873          "example" : "example string",
29874          "description" : "Notification URL that can be used as Webhook."
29875        },
29876        "outputNames" : {
29877          "type" : "array",
29878          "description" : "Names of the output parameters.",
29879          "items" : {
29880            "type" : "string"
29881          }
29882        },
29883        "parentDescriptionLink" : {
29884          "type" : "string",
29885          "example" : "some/service",
29886          "description" : "Link to the parent closure description."
29887        },
29888        "regionId" : {
29889          "type" : "string",
29890          "example" : "example string"
29891        },
29892        "resources" : {
29893          "description" : "Resource constraints to use when executing code snippet. Could be CPU, memory or execution timeout.",
29894          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closuredescription:ResourceConstraints"
29895        },
29896        "runtime" : {
29897          "type" : "string",
29898          "example" : "example string",
29899          "description" : "Runtime environment used for code execution"
29900        },
29901        "source" : {
29902          "type" : "string",
29903          "example" : "example string",
29904          "description" : "Actual source of the code snippet"
29905        },
29906        "sourceURL" : {
29907          "type" : "string",
29908          "example" : "example string",
29909          "description" : "URL to fetch the source snippet code from. If set will be used with priority against the source field."
29910        },
29911        "tagLinks" : {
29912          "type" : "array",
29913          "items" : {
29914            "type" : "string"
29915          }
29916        },
29917        "tenantLinks" : {
29918          "type" : "array",
29919          "items" : {
29920            "type" : "string"
29921          }
29922        }
29923      }
29924    },
29925    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:ComputeProfileService:ComputeProfile" : {
29926      "properties" : {
29927        "creationTimeMicros" : {
29928          "type" : "integer",
29929          "format" : "int64",
29930          "example" : 0.0
29931        },
29932        "customProperties" : {
29933          "type" : "object",
29934          "additionalProperties" : {
29935            "type" : "string"
29936          }
29937        },
29938        "desc" : {
29939          "type" : "string",
29940          "example" : "example string"
29941        },
29942        "endpointLink" : {
29943          "type" : "string",
29944          "example" : "some/service",
29945          "description" : "Link to the endpoint this profile is associated with"
29946        },
29947        "endpointType" : {
29948          "type" : "string",
29949          "example" : "example string",
29950          "description" : "The endpoint type if this profile is not for a specific endpoint "
29951        },
29952        "groupLinks" : {
29953          "type" : "array",
29954          "items" : {
29955            "type" : "string"
29956          }
29957        },
29958        "id" : {
29959          "type" : "string",
29960          "example" : "df8e67ac-4fc2-4e8e-88c8-35fb217925f3"
29961        },
29962        "imageMapping" : {
29963          "type" : "object",
29964          "additionalProperties" : {
29965            "type" : "string"
29966          }
29967        },
29968        "imageProfileLink" : {
29969          "type" : "string",
29970          "example" : "some/service",
29971          "description" : "Link to the image profile for this profile"
29972        },
29973        "instanceTypeMapping" : {
29974          "type" : "object",
29975          "additionalProperties" : {
29976            "type" : "string"
29977          }
29978        },
29979        "instanceTypeProfileLink" : {
29980          "type" : "string",
29981          "example" : "some/service",
29982          "description" : "Link to the instance type profile for this profile"
29983        },
29984        "name" : {
29985          "type" : "string",
29986          "example" : "example string"
29987        },
29988        "regionId" : {
29989          "type" : "string",
29990          "example" : "example string"
29991        },
29992        "tagLinks" : {
29993          "type" : "array",
29994          "items" : {
29995            "type" : "string"
29996          }
29997        },
29998        "tenantLinks" : {
29999          "type" : "array",
30000          "items" : {
30001            "type" : "string"
30002          }
30003        }
30004      }
30005    },
30006    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:Constraint:Condition" : {
30007      "properties" : {
30008        "enforcement" : {
30009          "type" : "string",
30010          "enum" : [ "HARD", "SOFT" ]
30011        },
30012        "expression" : {
30013          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
30014        },
30015        "occurrence" : {
30016          "type" : "string",
30017          "enum" : [ "MUST_OCCUR", "MUST_NOT_OCCUR", "SHOULD_OCCUR" ]
30018        },
30019        "type" : {
30020          "type" : "string",
30021          "enum" : [ "TAG", "FIELD" ]
30022        }
30023      }
30024    },
30025    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:IpamConfig" : {
30026      "properties" : {
30027        "auxAddresses" : {
30028          "type" : "object",
30029          "additionalProperties" : {
30030            "type" : "string"
30031          }
30032        },
30033        "gateway" : {
30034          "type" : "string",
30035          "example" : "example string"
30036        },
30037        "ipRange" : {
30038          "type" : "string",
30039          "example" : "example string"
30040        },
30041        "subnet" : {
30042          "type" : "string",
30043          "example" : "example string"
30044        }
30045      }
30046    },
30047    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectFieldSelector" : {
30048      "properties" : {
30049        "apiVersion" : {
30050          "type" : "string",
30051          "example" : "example string"
30052        },
30053        "fieldPath" : {
30054          "type" : "string",
30055          "example" : "example string"
30056        }
30057      }
30058    },
30059    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionLoadBalancerTaskService:ProvisionLoadBalancerTaskState" : {
30060      "properties" : {
30061        "failureMessage" : {
30062          "type" : "string",
30063          "example" : "example string"
30064        },
30065        "isMockRequest" : {
30066          "type" : "boolean",
30067          "example" : false
30068        },
30069        "loadBalancerLink" : {
30070          "type" : "string",
30071          "example" : "some/service"
30072        },
30073        "requestType" : {
30074          "type" : "string",
30075          "enum" : [ "CREATE", "DELETE" ]
30076        },
30077        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30078          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback"
30079        },
30080        "taskInfo" : {
30081          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30082        },
30083        "taskSubStage" : {
30084          "type" : "string",
30085          "enum" : [ "CREATED", "PROVISIONING", "FINISHED", "FAILED" ]
30086        },
30087        "tenantLinks" : {
30088          "type" : "array",
30089          "items" : {
30090            "type" : "string"
30091          }
30092        }
30093      }
30094    },
30095    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ImageService:ImageState:DiskConfiguration" : {
30096      "properties" : {
30097        "capacityMBytes" : {
30098          "type" : "integer",
30099          "format" : "int64",
30100          "example" : 0.0
30101        },
30102        "encrypted" : {
30103          "type" : "boolean",
30104          "example" : false
30105        },
30106        "id" : {
30107          "type" : "string",
30108          "example" : "example string"
30109        },
30110        "persistent" : {
30111          "type" : "boolean",
30112          "example" : false
30113        },
30114        "properties" : {
30115          "type" : "object",
30116          "additionalProperties" : {
30117            "type" : "string"
30118          }
30119        }
30120      }
30121    },
30122    "com:vmware:admiral:request:kubernetes:CompositeKubernetesProvisioningTaskService:KubernetesProvisioningTaskState" : {
30123      "properties" : {
30124        "compositeComponentLink" : {
30125          "type" : "string",
30126          "example" : "some/service",
30127          "description" : "The link of the composite component that will be provisioned."
30128        },
30129        "customProperties" : {
30130          "type" : "object",
30131          "description" : "Custom properties.",
30132          "additionalProperties" : {
30133            "type" : "string"
30134          }
30135        },
30136        "requestTrackerLink" : {
30137          "type" : "string",
30138          "example" : "some/service",
30139          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
30140        },
30141        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
30142          "type" : "string",
30143          "example" : "some/service"
30144        },
30145        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30146          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
30147          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
30148        },
30149        "taskInfo" : {
30150          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
30151          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30152        },
30153        "taskSubStage" : {
30154          "type" : "string",
30155          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
30156        },
30157        "tenantLinks" : {
30158          "type" : "array",
30159          "items" : {
30160            "type" : "string"
30161          }
30162        }
30163      }
30164    },
30165    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Probe" : {
30166      "properties" : {
30167        "exec" : {
30168          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ExecAction"
30169        },
30170        "failureThreshold" : {
30171          "type" : "integer",
30172          "format" : "int64",
30173          "example" : 0.0
30174        },
30175        "httpGet" : {
30176          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:HTTPGetAction"
30177        },
30178        "initialDelaySeconds" : {
30179          "type" : "integer",
30180          "format" : "int64",
30181          "example" : 0.0
30182        },
30183        "periodSeconds" : {
30184          "type" : "integer",
30185          "format" : "int64",
30186          "example" : 0.0
30187        },
30188        "successThreshold" : {
30189          "type" : "integer",
30190          "format" : "int64",
30191          "example" : 0.0
30192        },
30193        "tcpSocket" : {
30194          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:TCPSocketAction"
30195        },
30196        "timeoutSeconds" : {
30197          "type" : "integer",
30198          "format" : "int64",
30199          "example" : 0.0
30200        }
30201      }
30202    },
30203    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState:BootConfig:FileEntry" : {
30204      "properties" : {
30205        "contents" : {
30206          "type" : "string",
30207          "example" : "example string"
30208        },
30209        "contentsReference" : {
30210          "type" : "string",
30211          "format" : "uri",
30212          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
30213        },
30214        "path" : {
30215          "type" : "string",
30216          "example" : "example string"
30217        }
30218      }
30219    },
30220    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageProfile" : {
30221      "properties" : {
30222        "creationTimeMicros" : {
30223          "type" : "integer",
30224          "format" : "int64",
30225          "example" : 0.0
30226        },
30227        "customProperties" : {
30228          "type" : "object",
30229          "additionalProperties" : {
30230            "type" : "string"
30231          }
30232        },
30233        "desc" : {
30234          "type" : "string",
30235          "example" : "example string"
30236        },
30237        "endpointLink" : {
30238          "type" : "string",
30239          "example" : "some/service",
30240          "description" : "Link to the endpoint this profile is associated with"
30241        },
30242        "groupLinks" : {
30243          "type" : "array",
30244          "items" : {
30245            "type" : "string"
30246          }
30247        },
30248        "id" : {
30249          "type" : "string",
30250          "example" : "aa7e248d-1faf-44b6-a37b-228e55bda63b"
30251        },
30252        "name" : {
30253          "type" : "string",
30254          "example" : "example string"
30255        },
30256        "regionId" : {
30257          "type" : "string",
30258          "example" : "example string"
30259        },
30260        "storageItems" : {
30261          "type" : "array",
30262          "description" : "Contains storageItems that define disk properties to be used by providers",
30263          "items" : {
30264            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:profile:StorageProfileService:StorageItem"
30265          }
30266        },
30267        "tagLinks" : {
30268          "type" : "array",
30269          "items" : {
30270            "type" : "string"
30271          }
30272        },
30273        "tenantLinks" : {
30274          "type" : "array",
30275          "items" : {
30276            "type" : "string"
30277          }
30278        }
30279      }
30280    },
30281    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback" : {
30282      "properties" : {
30283        "serviceURI" : {
30284          "type" : "string",
30285          "format" : "uri",
30286          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
30287        }
30288      }
30289    },
30290    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta" : {
30291      "properties" : {
30292        "annotations" : {
30293          "type" : "object",
30294          "additionalProperties" : {
30295            "type" : "string"
30296          }
30297        },
30298        "clusterName" : {
30299          "type" : "string",
30300          "example" : "example string"
30301        },
30302        "creationTimestamp" : {
30303          "type" : "string",
30304          "example" : "example string"
30305        },
30306        "generateName" : {
30307          "type" : "string",
30308          "example" : "example string"
30309        },
30310        "labels" : {
30311          "type" : "object",
30312          "additionalProperties" : {
30313            "type" : "string"
30314          }
30315        },
30316        "name" : {
30317          "type" : "string",
30318          "example" : "example string"
30319        },
30320        "namespace" : {
30321          "type" : "string",
30322          "example" : "example string"
30323        },
30324        "selfLink" : {
30325          "type" : "string",
30326          "example" : "some/service"
30327        },
30328        "uid" : {
30329          "type" : "string",
30330          "example" : "example string"
30331        }
30332      }
30333    },
30334    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ResourceFieldSelector" : {
30335      "properties" : {
30336        "containerName" : {
30337          "type" : "string",
30338          "example" : "example string"
30339        },
30340        "divisor" : {
30341          "type" : "string",
30342          "example" : "example string"
30343        },
30344        "resource" : {
30345          "type" : "string",
30346          "example" : "example string"
30347        }
30348      }
30349    },
30350    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:EnvVar" : {
30351      "properties" : {
30352        "name" : {
30353          "type" : "string",
30354          "example" : "example string"
30355        },
30356        "value" : {
30357          "type" : "string",
30358          "example" : "example string"
30359        },
30360        "valueFrom" : {
30361          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:EnvVarSource"
30362        }
30363      }
30364    },
30365    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallbackService:ExtensibilitySubscriptionCallback" : {
30366      "properties" : {
30367        "customProperties" : {
30368          "type" : "object",
30369          "description" : "Custom properties.",
30370          "additionalProperties" : {
30371            "type" : "string"
30372          }
30373        },
30374        "due" : {
30375          "description" : "Due time of the reply.",
30376          "$ref" : "#/definitions/java:time:LocalDateTime"
30377        },
30378        "notificationPayload" : {
30379          "type" : "string",
30380          "example" : "example string",
30381          "description" : "Defines Task fields which will be sent to client for information about the task."
30382        },
30383        "replyPayload" : {
30384          "description" : "Defines Task fields which will be merged when subscriber return response.",
30385          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback:ServiceTaskCallbackResponse"
30386        },
30387        "requestTrackerLink" : {
30388          "type" : "string",
30389          "example" : "some/service",
30390          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
30391        },
30392        "retryCounter" : {
30393          "type" : "integer",
30394          "format" : "int64",
30395          "example" : 0.0,
30396          "description" : "Resume counter"
30397        },
30398        "serviceCallback" : {
30399          "type" : "string",
30400          "format" : "uri",
30401          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
30402          "description" : "Callback address"
30403        },
30404        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30405          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
30406          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
30407        },
30408        "status" : {
30409          "type" : "string",
30410          "description" : "State status",
30411          "enum" : [ "BLOCKED", "RESUME", "DONE" ]
30412        },
30413        "statusMessage" : {
30414          "type" : "string",
30415          "example" : "example string",
30416          "description" : "Status message"
30417        },
30418        "taskInfo" : {
30419          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
30420          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30421        },
30422        "taskStateClassName" : {
30423          "type" : "string",
30424          "example" : "example string",
30425          "description" : "Task class name"
30426        },
30427        "taskStateJson" : {
30428          "type" : "string",
30429          "example" : "example string",
30430          "description" : "Task state json"
30431        },
30432        "taskSubStage" : {
30433          "type" : "string",
30434          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
30435        },
30436        "tenantLinks" : {
30437          "type" : "array",
30438          "items" : {
30439            "type" : "string"
30440          }
30441        }
30442      }
30443    },
30444    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:NumericRange" : {
30445      "properties" : {
30446        "isMaxInclusive" : {
30447          "type" : "boolean",
30448          "example" : false
30449        },
30450        "isMinInclusive" : {
30451          "type" : "boolean",
30452          "example" : false
30453        },
30454        "max" : {
30455          "type" : "number",
30456          "format" : "double",
30457          "example" : 0.0
30458        },
30459        "min" : {
30460          "type" : "number",
30461          "format" : "double",
30462          "example" : 0.0
30463        },
30464        "precisionStep" : {
30465          "type" : "integer",
30466          "format" : "int64",
30467          "example" : 0.0
30468        },
30469        "type" : {
30470          "type" : "string",
30471          "enum" : [ "LONG", "STRING", "BYTES", "PODO", "COLLECTION", "MAP", "BOOLEAN", "DOUBLE", "InternetAddressV4", "InternetAddressV6", "DATE", "URI", "ENUM" ]
30472        }
30473      }
30474    },
30475    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ConfigurationService:ConfigurationState" : {
30476      "properties" : {
30477        "key" : {
30478          "type" : "string",
30479          "example" : "example string",
30480          "description" : "The name used as a key for a given property value."
30481        },
30482        "value" : {
30483          "type" : "string",
30484          "example" : "example string",
30485          "description" : "The value for a given key."
30486        }
30487      }
30488    },
30489    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskService:LoadBalancerRemovalTaskState" : {
30490      "properties" : {
30491        "customProperties" : {
30492          "type" : "object",
30493          "description" : "Custom properties.",
30494          "additionalProperties" : {
30495            "type" : "string"
30496          }
30497        },
30498        "requestTrackerLink" : {
30499          "type" : "string",
30500          "example" : "some/service",
30501          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
30502        },
30503        "resourceLinks" : {
30504          "type" : "array",
30505          "items" : {
30506            "type" : "string"
30507          }
30508        },
30509        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30510          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
30511          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
30512        },
30513        "taskInfo" : {
30514          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
30515          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30516        },
30517        "taskSubStage" : {
30518          "type" : "string",
30519          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
30520        },
30521        "tenantLinks" : {
30522          "type" : "array",
30523          "items" : {
30524            "type" : "string"
30525          }
30526        }
30527      }
30528    },
30529    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeProvisionTaskService:ComputeProvisionTaskState" : {
30530      "properties" : {
30531        "customProperties" : {
30532          "type" : "object",
30533          "description" : "Custom properties.",
30534          "additionalProperties" : {
30535            "type" : "string"
30536          }
30537        },
30538        "errorThreshold" : {
30539          "type" : "number",
30540          "format" : "double",
30541          "example" : 0.0
30542        },
30543        "requestTrackerLink" : {
30544          "type" : "string",
30545          "example" : "some/service",
30546          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
30547        },
30548        "resourceLinks" : {
30549          "type" : "array",
30550          "description" : "Links to already allocated resources that are going to be provisioned.",
30551          "items" : {
30552            "type" : "string"
30553          }
30554        },
30555        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30556          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
30557          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
30558        },
30559        "taskInfo" : {
30560          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
30561          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30562        },
30563        "taskSubStage" : {
30564          "type" : "string",
30565          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
30566        },
30567        "tenantLinks" : {
30568          "type" : "array",
30569          "items" : {
30570            "type" : "string"
30571          }
30572        }
30573      }
30574    },
30575    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding" : {
30576      "properties" : {
30577        "originalFieldExpression" : {
30578          "type" : "string",
30579          "example" : "example string"
30580        },
30581        "placeholder" : {
30582          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding:BindingPlaceholder"
30583        },
30584        "targetFieldPath" : {
30585          "type" : "array",
30586          "items" : {
30587            "type" : "string"
30588          }
30589        }
30590      }
30591    },
30592    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskService:ContainerPortsAllocationTaskState" : {
30593      "properties" : {
30594        "containerStateLinks" : {
30595          "type" : "array",
30596          "items" : {
30597            "type" : "string"
30598          }
30599        },
30600        "customProperties" : {
30601          "type" : "object",
30602          "description" : "Custom properties.",
30603          "additionalProperties" : {
30604            "type" : "string"
30605          }
30606        },
30607        "requestTrackerLink" : {
30608          "type" : "string",
30609          "example" : "some/service",
30610          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
30611        },
30612        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30613          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
30614          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
30615        },
30616        "taskInfo" : {
30617          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
30618          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30619        },
30620        "taskSubStage" : {
30621          "type" : "string",
30622          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
30623        },
30624        "tenantLinks" : {
30625          "type" : "array",
30626          "items" : {
30627            "type" : "string"
30628          }
30629        }
30630      }
30631    },
30632    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState" : {
30633      "properties" : {
30634        "authCredentialsLink" : {
30635          "type" : "string",
30636          "example" : "some/service"
30637        },
30638        "bootArguments" : {
30639          "type" : "array",
30640          "items" : {
30641            "type" : "string"
30642          }
30643        },
30644        "bootConfig" : {
30645          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState:BootConfig"
30646        },
30647        "bootOrder" : {
30648          "type" : "integer",
30649          "format" : "int64",
30650          "example" : 0.0
30651        },
30652        "capacityMBytes" : {
30653          "type" : "integer",
30654          "format" : "int64",
30655          "example" : 0.0
30656        },
30657        "computeHostLink" : {
30658          "type" : "string",
30659          "example" : "some/service"
30660        },
30661        "constraint" : {
30662          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:Constraint"
30663        },
30664        "creationTimeMicros" : {
30665          "type" : "integer",
30666          "format" : "int64",
30667          "example" : 0.0
30668        },
30669        "currencyUnit" : {
30670          "type" : "string",
30671          "example" : "example string"
30672        },
30673        "customProperties" : {
30674          "type" : "object",
30675          "additionalProperties" : {
30676            "type" : "string"
30677          }
30678        },
30679        "customizationServiceReference" : {
30680          "type" : "string",
30681          "format" : "uri",
30682          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
30683        },
30684        "desc" : {
30685          "type" : "string",
30686          "example" : "example string"
30687        },
30688        "descriptionLink" : {
30689          "type" : "string",
30690          "example" : "some/service"
30691        },
30692        "encrypted" : {
30693          "type" : "boolean",
30694          "example" : false
30695        },
30696        "endpointLink" : {
30697          "type" : "string",
30698          "example" : "some/service"
30699        },
30700        "groupLinks" : {
30701          "type" : "array",
30702          "items" : {
30703            "type" : "string"
30704          }
30705        },
30706        "id" : {
30707          "type" : "string",
30708          "example" : "a402cb35-fade-4c71-84f0-98a37064afe1"
30709        },
30710        "imageLink" : {
30711          "type" : "string",
30712          "example" : "some/service"
30713        },
30714        "name" : {
30715          "type" : "string",
30716          "example" : "example string"
30717        },
30718        "persistent" : {
30719          "type" : "boolean",
30720          "example" : false
30721        },
30722        "regionId" : {
30723          "type" : "string",
30724          "example" : "example string"
30725        },
30726        "resourcePoolLink" : {
30727          "type" : "string",
30728          "example" : "some/service"
30729        },
30730        "sourceImageReference" : {
30731          "type" : "string",
30732          "format" : "uri",
30733          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
30734        },
30735        "status" : {
30736          "type" : "string",
30737          "enum" : [ "DETACHED", "ATTACHED" ]
30738        },
30739        "storageDescriptionLink" : {
30740          "type" : "string",
30741          "example" : "some/service"
30742        },
30743        "storageType" : {
30744          "type" : "string",
30745          "example" : "example string"
30746        },
30747        "tagLinks" : {
30748          "type" : "array",
30749          "items" : {
30750            "type" : "string"
30751          }
30752        },
30753        "tenantLinks" : {
30754          "type" : "array",
30755          "items" : {
30756            "type" : "string"
30757          }
30758        },
30759        "type" : {
30760          "type" : "string",
30761          "enum" : [ "SSD", "HDD", "CDROM", "FLOPPY", "NETWORK" ]
30762        },
30763        "zoneId" : {
30764          "type" : "string",
30765          "example" : "example string"
30766        }
30767      }
30768    },
30769    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource" : {
30770      "properties" : {
30771        "fsType" : {
30772          "type" : "string",
30773          "example" : "example string"
30774        },
30775        "partition" : {
30776          "type" : "integer",
30777          "format" : "int64",
30778          "example" : 0.0
30779        },
30780        "pdName" : {
30781          "type" : "string",
30782          "example" : "example string"
30783        },
30784        "readOnly" : {
30785          "type" : "boolean",
30786          "example" : false
30787        }
30788      }
30789    },
30790    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentStatus" : {
30791      "properties" : {
30792        "availableReplicas" : {
30793          "type" : "integer",
30794          "format" : "int64",
30795          "example" : 0.0
30796        },
30797        "conditions" : {
30798          "type" : "array",
30799          "items" : {
30800            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentCondition"
30801          }
30802        },
30803        "observedGeneration" : {
30804          "type" : "integer",
30805          "format" : "int64",
30806          "example" : 0.0
30807        },
30808        "readyReplicas" : {
30809          "type" : "integer",
30810          "format" : "int64",
30811          "example" : 0.0
30812        },
30813        "replicas" : {
30814          "type" : "integer",
30815          "format" : "int64",
30816          "example" : 0.0
30817        },
30818        "unavailableReplicas" : {
30819          "type" : "integer",
30820          "format" : "int64",
30821          "example" : 0.0
30822        },
30823        "updatedReplicas" : {
30824          "type" : "integer",
30825          "format" : "int64",
30826          "example" : 0.0
30827        }
30828      }
30829    },
30830    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapters:registry:PhotonModelAdaptersRegistryService:PhotonModelAdapterConfig" : {
30831      "properties" : {
30832        "adapterEndpoints" : {
30833          "type" : "object",
30834          "description" : "Map with endpoints, given photon adapter provides.The key represents the endpoint type id (e.g. instanceAdapterLink, enumerationAdapterLink, etc) and the value is the actual link (url) of the endpoint",
30835          "additionalProperties" : {
30836            "type" : "string"
30837          }
30838        },
30839        "customProperties" : {
30840          "type" : "object",
30841          "description" : "Custom property bag that can be used to store photon model adapter specific properties.",
30842          "additionalProperties" : {
30843            "type" : "string"
30844          }
30845        },
30846        "id" : {
30847          "type" : "string",
30848          "example" : "fbbd3afe-7aef-4bd4-802c-4b71c730df6c",
30849          "description" : "Identifier of the photon model adapter configuration."
30850        },
30851        "name" : {
30852          "type" : "string",
30853          "example" : "Openstack, Virtustream, etc.",
30854          "description" : "Name of the photon model adapter configuration."
30855        }
30856      }
30857    },
30858    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:TCPSocketAction" : {
30859      "properties" : {
30860        "port" : {
30861          "type" : "string",
30862          "example" : "example string"
30863        }
30864      }
30865    },
30866    "com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceErrorResponse" : {
30867      "properties" : {
30868        "details" : {
30869          "type" : "array",
30870          "items" : {
30871            "type" : "string",
30872            "enum" : [ "SHOULD_RETRY" ]
30873          }
30874        },
30875        "message" : {
30876          "type" : "string",
30877          "example" : "example string"
30878        },
30879        "messageId" : {
30880          "type" : "string",
30881          "example" : "example string"
30882        },
30883        "stackTrace" : {
30884          "type" : "array",
30885          "items" : {
30886            "type" : "string"
30887          }
30888        },
30889        "statusCode" : {
30890          "type" : "integer",
30891          "format" : "int64",
30892          "example" : 0.0
30893        }
30894      }
30895    },
30896    "com:vmware:admiral:adapter:registry:service:RegistrySearchResponse:Result" : {
30897      "properties" : {
30898        "automated" : {
30899          "type" : "boolean",
30900          "example" : false
30901        },
30902        "description" : {
30903          "type" : "string",
30904          "example" : "example string"
30905        },
30906        "name" : {
30907          "type" : "string",
30908          "example" : "example string"
30909        },
30910        "official" : {
30911          "type" : "boolean",
30912          "example" : false
30913        },
30914        "registry" : {
30915          "type" : "string",
30916          "example" : "example string"
30917        },
30918        "starCount" : {
30919          "type" : "integer",
30920          "format" : "int64",
30921          "example" : 0
30922        },
30923        "trusted" : {
30924          "type" : "boolean",
30925          "example" : false
30926        }
30927      }
30928    },
30929    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskService:ProvisionSecurityGroupTaskState" : {
30930      "properties" : {
30931        "customProperties" : {
30932          "type" : "object",
30933          "additionalProperties" : {
30934            "type" : "string"
30935          }
30936        },
30937        "failureMessage" : {
30938          "type" : "string",
30939          "example" : "example string"
30940        },
30941        "isMockRequest" : {
30942          "type" : "boolean",
30943          "example" : false
30944        },
30945        "requestType" : {
30946          "type" : "string",
30947          "enum" : [ "CREATE", "DELETE" ]
30948        },
30949        "securityGroupDescriptionLinks" : {
30950          "type" : "array",
30951          "items" : {
30952            "type" : "string"
30953          }
30954        },
30955        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
30956          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback"
30957        },
30958        "taskInfo" : {
30959          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
30960        },
30961        "taskSubStage" : {
30962          "type" : "string",
30964        },
30965        "tenantLinks" : {
30966          "type" : "array",
30967          "items" : {
30968            "type" : "string"
30969          }
30970        }
30971      }
30972    },
30973    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:QuobyteVolumeSource" : {
30974      "properties" : {
30975        "group" : {
30976          "type" : "string",
30977          "example" : "example string"
30978        },
30979        "readOnly" : {
30980          "type" : "boolean",
30981          "example" : false
30982        },
30983        "registry" : {
30984          "type" : "string",
30985          "example" : "example string"
30986        },
30987        "user" : {
30988          "type" : "string",
30989          "example" : "example string"
30990        },
30991        "volume" : {
30992          "type" : "string",
30993          "example" : "example string"
30994        }
30995      }
30996    },
30997    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:network:ComputeNetworkDescriptionService:ComputeNetworkDescription" : {
30998      "properties" : {
30999        "assignment" : {
31000          "type" : "string",
31001          "example" : "example string"
31002        },
31003        "constraints" : {
31004          "type" : "object",
31005          "additionalProperties" : {
31006            "type" : "string"
31007          }
31008        },
31009        "creationTimeMicros" : {
31010          "type" : "integer",
31011          "format" : "int64",
31012          "example" : 0.0
31013        },
31014        "customProperties" : {
31015          "type" : "object",
31016          "additionalProperties" : {
31017            "type" : "string"
31018          }
31019        },
31020        "desc" : {
31021          "type" : "string",
31022          "example" : "example string"
31023        },
31024        "groupLinks" : {
31025          "type" : "array",
31026          "items" : {
31027            "type" : "string"
31028          }
31029        },
31030        "id" : {
31031          "type" : "string",
31032          "example" : "326656df-8977-4b3d-bde6-984a653d4c62"
31033        },
31034        "name" : {
31035          "type" : "string",
31036          "example" : "example string"
31037        },
31038        "networkType" : {
31039          "type" : "string",
31040          "description" : "Composite Template use only. Specifies the network type e.g public or isolated",
31041          "enum" : [ "PUBLIC", "ISOLATED", "EXTERNAL" ]
31042        },
31043        "regionId" : {
31044          "type" : "string",
31045          "example" : "example string"
31046        },
31047        "securityGroupLinks" : {
31048          "type" : "array",
31049          "description" : "Security groups to apply to all instances connected to this network",
31050          "items" : {
31051            "type" : "string"
31052          }
31053        },
31054        "tagLinks" : {
31055          "type" : "array",
31056          "items" : {
31057            "type" : "string"
31058          }
31059        },
31060        "tenantLinks" : {
31061          "type" : "array",
31062          "items" : {
31063            "type" : "string"
31064          }
31065        }
31066      }
31067    },
31068    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:PodService:PodState" : {
31069      "properties" : {
31070        "compositeComponentLink" : {
31071          "type" : "string",
31072          "example" : "some/service",
31073          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a entity is part of App/Composition request."
31074        },
31075        "creationTimeMicros" : {
31076          "type" : "integer",
31077          "format" : "int64",
31078          "example" : 0.0
31079        },
31080        "customProperties" : {
31081          "type" : "object",
31082          "additionalProperties" : {
31083            "type" : "string"
31084          }
31085        },
31086        "desc" : {
31087          "type" : "string",
31088          "example" : "example string"
31089        },
31090        "descriptionLink" : {
31091          "type" : "string",
31092          "example" : "some/service",
31093          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
31094        },
31095        "groupLinks" : {
31096          "type" : "array",
31097          "items" : {
31098            "type" : "string"
31099          }
31100        },
31101        "id" : {
31102          "type" : "string",
31103          "example" : "67f1b7aa-d523-49d8-ae15-93cf847b78f8"
31104        },
31105        "kubernetesSelfLink" : {
31106          "type" : "string",
31107          "example" : "some/service",
31108          "description" : "The kubernetes self link of the entity created by the Kubernetes itself."
31109        },
31110        "name" : {
31111          "type" : "string",
31112          "example" : "example string"
31113        },
31114        "parentLink" : {
31115          "type" : "string",
31116          "example" : "some/service",
31117          "description" : "Entity host link"
31118        },
31119        "pod" : {
31120          "description" : "Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.",
31121          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Pod"
31122        },
31123        "regionId" : {
31124          "type" : "string",
31125          "example" : "example string"
31126        },
31127        "tagLinks" : {
31128          "type" : "array",
31129          "items" : {
31130            "type" : "string"
31131          }
31132        },
31133        "tenantLinks" : {
31134          "type" : "array",
31135          "items" : {
31136            "type" : "string"
31137          }
31138        }
31139      }
31140    },
31141    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ComputeDescriptionService:ComputeDescription" : {
31142      "properties" : {
31143        "authCredentialsLink" : {
31144          "type" : "string",
31145          "example" : "some/service"
31146        },
31147        "bootAdapterReference" : {
31148          "type" : "string",
31149          "format" : "uri",
31150          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31151        },
31152        "constraints" : {
31153          "type" : "object",
31154          "additionalProperties" : {
31155            "type" : "string"
31156          }
31157        },
31158        "costPerMinute" : {
31159          "type" : "number",
31160          "format" : "double",
31161          "example" : 0.0
31162        },
31163        "cpuCount" : {
31164          "type" : "integer",
31165          "format" : "int64",
31166          "example" : 0.0
31167        },
31168        "cpuMhzPerCore" : {
31169          "type" : "integer",
31170          "format" : "int64",
31171          "example" : 0.0
31172        },
31173        "creationTimeMicros" : {
31174          "type" : "integer",
31175          "format" : "int64",
31176          "example" : 0.0
31177        },
31178        "currencyUnit" : {
31179          "type" : "string",
31180          "example" : "example string"
31181        },
31182        "customProperties" : {
31183          "type" : "object",
31184          "additionalProperties" : {
31185            "type" : "string"
31186          }
31187        },
31188        "dataStoreId" : {
31189          "type" : "string",
31190          "example" : "example string"
31191        },
31192        "desc" : {
31193          "type" : "string",
31194          "example" : "example string"
31195        },
31196        "diskDescLinks" : {
31197          "type" : "array",
31198          "items" : {
31199            "type" : "string"
31200          }
31201        },
31202        "endpointLink" : {
31203          "type" : "string",
31204          "example" : "some/service"
31205        },
31206        "enumerationAdapterReference" : {
31207          "type" : "string",
31208          "format" : "uri",
31209          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31210        },
31211        "environmentName" : {
31212          "type" : "string",
31213          "example" : "example string"
31214        },
31215        "gpuCount" : {
31216          "type" : "integer",
31217          "format" : "int64",
31218          "example" : 0.0
31219        },
31220        "groupLinks" : {
31221          "type" : "array",
31222          "items" : {
31223            "type" : "string"
31224          }
31225        },
31226        "healthAdapterReference" : {
31227          "type" : "string",
31228          "format" : "uri",
31229          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31230        },
31231        "id" : {
31232          "type" : "string",
31233          "example" : "8c46d918-a157-467c-b91b-f7b3e25d0fbe"
31234        },
31235        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
31236          "type" : "string",
31237          "format" : "uri",
31238          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31239        },
31240        "instanceType" : {
31241          "type" : "string",
31242          "example" : "example string"
31243        },
31244        "name" : {
31245          "type" : "string",
31246          "example" : "example string"
31247        },
31248        "networkInterfaceDescLinks" : {
31249          "type" : "array",
31250          "items" : {
31251            "type" : "string"
31252          }
31253        },
31254        "powerAdapterReference" : {
31255          "type" : "string",
31256          "format" : "uri",
31257          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31258        },
31259        "powerState" : {
31260          "type" : "string",
31261          "enum" : [ "ON", "OFF", "UNKNOWN", "SUSPEND" ]
31262        },
31263        "regionId" : {
31264          "type" : "string",
31265          "example" : "example string"
31266        },
31267        "statsAdapterReference" : {
31268          "type" : "string",
31269          "format" : "uri",
31270          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
31271        },
31272        "statsAdapterReferences" : {
31273          "type" : "array",
31274          "description" : "Set of URIs for stats adapters of this host",
31275          "items" : {
31276            "type" : "string",
31277            "format" : "uri"
31278          }
31279        },
31280        "supportedChildren" : {
31281          "type" : "array",
31282          "items" : {
31283            "type" : "string"
31284          }
31285        },
31286        "tagLinks" : {
31287          "type" : "array",
31288          "items" : {
31289            "type" : "string"
31290          }
31291        },
31292        "tenantLinks" : {
31293          "type" : "array",
31294          "items" : {
31295            "type" : "string"
31296          }
31297        },
31298        "totalMemoryBytes" : {
31299          "type" : "integer",
31300          "format" : "int64",
31301          "example" : 0.0
31302        },
31303        "zoneId" : {
31304          "type" : "string",
31305          "example" : "example string"
31306        }
31307      }
31308    },
31309    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource" : {
31310      "properties" : {
31311        "fsType" : {
31312          "type" : "string",
31313          "example" : "example string"
31314        },
31315        "partition" : {
31316          "type" : "integer",
31317          "format" : "int64",
31318          "example" : 0.0
31319        },
31320        "readOnly" : {
31321          "type" : "boolean",
31322          "example" : false
31323        },
31324        "volumeID" : {
31325          "type" : "string",
31326          "example" : "example string"
31327        }
31328      }
31329    },
31330    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskService:ContainerNetworkAllocationTaskState" : {
31331      "properties" : {
31332        "customProperties" : {
31333          "type" : "object",
31334          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31335          "additionalProperties" : {
31336            "type" : "string"
31337          }
31338        },
31339        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31340          "type" : "string",
31341          "example" : "some/service",
31342          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31343        },
31344        "resourceCount" : {
31345          "type" : "integer",
31346          "format" : "int64",
31347          "example" : 0.0,
31348          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
31349        },
31350        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
31351          "type" : "string",
31352          "example" : "some/service",
31353          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
31354        },
31355        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31356          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31357          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31358        },
31359        "taskInfo" : {
31360          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31361          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31362        },
31363        "taskSubStage" : {
31364          "type" : "string",
31365          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31366        },
31367        "tenantLinks" : {
31368          "type" : "array",
31369          "items" : {
31370            "type" : "string"
31371          }
31372        }
31373      }
31374    },
31375    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRedeploymentTaskService:ContainerRedeploymentTaskState" : {
31376      "properties" : {
31377        "containerDescriptionLink" : {
31378          "type" : "string",
31379          "example" : "some/service"
31380        },
31381        "containerStateLinks" : {
31382          "type" : "array",
31383          "items" : {
31384            "type" : "string"
31385          }
31386        },
31387        "contextId" : {
31388          "type" : "string",
31389          "example" : "example string"
31390        },
31391        "customProperties" : {
31392          "type" : "object",
31393          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31394          "additionalProperties" : {
31395            "type" : "string"
31396          }
31397        },
31398        "desiredClusterSize" : {
31399          "type" : "integer",
31400          "format" : "int64",
31401          "example" : 0.0
31402        },
31403        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31404          "type" : "string",
31405          "example" : "some/service",
31406          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31407        },
31408        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31409          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31410          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31411        },
31412        "taskInfo" : {
31413          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31414          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31415        },
31416        "taskSubStage" : {
31417          "type" : "string",
31418          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31419        },
31420        "tenantLinks" : {
31421          "type" : "array",
31422          "items" : {
31423            "type" : "string"
31424          }
31425        }
31426      }
31427    },
31428    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm" : {
31429      "properties" : {
31430        "matchType" : {
31431          "type" : "string",
31432          "enum" : [ "WILDCARD", "TERM", "PHRASE", "PREFIX" ]
31433        },
31434        "matchValue" : {
31435          "type" : "string",
31436          "example" : "example string"
31437        },
31438        "propertyName" : {
31439          "type" : "string",
31440          "example" : "example string"
31441        },
31442        "propertyType" : {
31443          "type" : "string",
31444          "enum" : [ "LONG", "STRING", "BYTES", "PODO", "COLLECTION", "MAP", "BOOLEAN", "DOUBLE", "InternetAddressV4", "InternetAddressV6", "DATE", "URI", "ENUM" ]
31445        },
31446        "range" : {
31447          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:NumericRange"
31448        },
31449        "sortOrder" : {
31450          "type" : "string",
31451          "enum" : [ "ASC", "DESC" ]
31452        }
31453      }
31454    },
31455    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:images:DockerImage" : {
31456      "properties" : {
31457        "computeStateLink" : {
31458          "type" : "string",
31459          "example" : "some/service",
31460          "description" : "Link of the compute state where the image has been built."
31461        },
31462        "customProperties" : {
31463          "type" : "object",
31464          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31465          "additionalProperties" : {
31466            "type" : "string"
31467          }
31468        },
31469        "imageDetails" : {
31470          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:google:gson:JsonElement"
31471        },
31472        "lastAccessedTimeMillis" : {
31473          "type" : "integer",
31474          "format" : "int64",
31475          "example" : 0.0,
31476          "description" : "Last time accessed"
31477        },
31478        "name" : {
31479          "type" : "string",
31480          "example" : "example string",
31481          "description" : "Name of the docker image"
31482        },
31483        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31484          "type" : "string",
31485          "example" : "some/service",
31486          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31487        },
31488        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31489          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31490          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31491        },
31492        "taskInfo" : {
31493          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31494          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31495        },
31496        "taskSubStage" : {
31497          "type" : "string",
31498          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31499        },
31500        "tenantLinks" : {
31501          "type" : "array",
31502          "items" : {
31503            "type" : "string"
31504          }
31505        }
31506      }
31507    },
31508    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:GroupResourcePlacementService:GroupResourcePlacementState" : {
31509      "properties" : {
31510        "customProperties" : {
31511          "type" : "object",
31512          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31513          "additionalProperties" : {
31514            "type" : "string"
31515          }
31516        },
31517        "deploymentPolicyLink" : {
31518          "type" : "string",
31519          "example" : "some/service",
31520          "description" : " Link to the deployment policy of this placement. If the same policy is set to a container description, then that description should be provisioned from this placement."
31521        },
31522        "maxNumberInstances" : {
31523          "type" : "integer",
31524          "format" : "int64",
31525          "example" : 0.0,
31526          "description" : "The maximum number of resource instances for this placement for a group."
31527        },
31528        "memoryLimit" : {
31529          "type" : "integer",
31530          "format" : "int64",
31531          "example" : 0.0,
31532          "description" : "Memory limit in bytes per group for a resource pool."
31533        },
31534        "name" : {
31535          "type" : "string",
31536          "example" : "example string",
31537          "description" : "Name of the reservation."
31538        },
31539        "priority" : {
31540          "type" : "integer",
31541          "format" : "int64",
31542          "example" : 0.0,
31543          "description" : "The priority with which the group resource placements will be applied. Lower number means higher priority."
31544        },
31545        "resourcePoolLink" : {
31546          "type" : "string",
31547          "example" : "some/service",
31548          "description" : "The link of the ResourcePoolState associated with this placement"
31549        },
31550        "resourceType" : {
31551          "type" : "string",
31552          "example" : "example string",
31553          "description" : "The resource type for which the group resource quotas will be applied."
31554        },
31555        "tenantLinks" : {
31556          "type" : "array",
31557          "items" : {
31558            "type" : "string"
31559          }
31560        }
31561      }
31562    },
31563    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding:BindingPlaceholder" : {
31564      "properties" : {
31565        "bindingExpression" : {
31566          "type" : "string",
31567          "example" : "example string"
31568        },
31569        "defaultValue" : {
31570          "type" : "string",
31571          "example" : "example string"
31572        }
31573      }
31574    },
31575    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding:ComponentBinding" : {
31576      "properties" : {
31577        "bindings" : {
31578          "type" : "array",
31579          "items" : {
31580            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:content:Binding"
31581          }
31582        },
31583        "componentName" : {
31584          "type" : "string",
31585          "example" : "example string"
31586        }
31587      }
31588    },
31589    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskService:ContainerVolumeAllocationTaskState" : {
31590      "properties" : {
31591        "customProperties" : {
31592          "type" : "object",
31593          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31594          "additionalProperties" : {
31595            "type" : "string"
31596          }
31597        },
31598        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31599          "type" : "string",
31600          "example" : "some/service",
31601          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31602        },
31603        "resourceCount" : {
31604          "type" : "integer",
31605          "format" : "int64",
31606          "example" : 0.0,
31607          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
31608        },
31609        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
31610          "type" : "string",
31611          "example" : "some/service",
31612          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
31613        },
31614        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31615          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31616          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31617        },
31618        "taskInfo" : {
31619          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31620          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31621        },
31622        "taskSubStage" : {
31623          "type" : "string",
31624          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31625        },
31626        "tenantLinks" : {
31627          "type" : "array",
31628          "items" : {
31629            "type" : "string"
31630          }
31631        }
31632      }
31633    },
31634    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:FCVolumeSource" : {
31635      "properties" : {
31636        "fsType" : {
31637          "type" : "string",
31638          "example" : "example string"
31639        },
31640        "lun" : {
31641          "type" : "integer",
31642          "format" : "int64",
31643          "example" : 0.0
31644        },
31645        "readOnly" : {
31646          "type" : "boolean",
31647          "example" : false
31648        },
31649        "targetWWNs" : {
31650          "type" : "array",
31651          "items" : {
31652            "type" : "string"
31653          }
31654        }
31655      }
31656    },
31657    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostVolumeListDataCollection:HostVolumeListDataCollectionState" : {
31658      "properties" : {
31659        "containerHostLinks" : {
31660          "type" : "object",
31661          "description" : "The list of container host links.",
31662          "additionalProperties" : {
31663            "type" : "string"
31664          }
31665        },
31666        "customProperties" : {
31667          "type" : "object",
31668          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31669          "additionalProperties" : {
31670            "type" : "string"
31671          }
31672        },
31673        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31674          "type" : "string",
31675          "example" : "some/service",
31676          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31677        },
31678        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31679          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31680          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31681        },
31682        "taskInfo" : {
31683          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31684          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31685        },
31686        "taskSubStage" : {
31687          "type" : "string",
31688          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31689        },
31690        "tenantLinks" : {
31691          "type" : "array",
31692          "items" : {
31693            "type" : "string"
31694          }
31695        }
31696      }
31697    },
31698    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Container" : {
31699      "properties" : {
31700        "args" : {
31701          "type" : "array",
31702          "items" : {
31703            "type" : "string"
31704          }
31705        },
31706        "command" : {
31707          "type" : "array",
31708          "items" : {
31709            "type" : "string"
31710          }
31711        },
31712        "env" : {
31713          "type" : "array",
31714          "items" : {
31715            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:EnvVar"
31716          }
31717        },
31718        "image" : {
31719          "type" : "string",
31720          "example" : "example string"
31721        },
31722        "imagePullPolicy" : {
31723          "type" : "string",
31724          "example" : "example string"
31725        },
31726        "lifecycle" : {
31727          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Lifecycle"
31728        },
31729        "livenessProbe" : {
31730          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Probe"
31731        },
31732        "name" : {
31733          "type" : "string",
31734          "example" : "example string"
31735        },
31736        "ports" : {
31737          "type" : "array",
31738          "items" : {
31739            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerPort"
31740          }
31741        },
31742        "readinessProbe" : {
31743          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:Probe"
31744        },
31745        "resources" : {
31746          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ResourceRequirements"
31747        },
31748        "securityContext" : {
31749          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:SecurityContext"
31750        },
31751        "stdin" : {
31752          "type" : "boolean",
31753          "example" : false
31754        },
31755        "stdinOnce" : {
31756          "type" : "boolean",
31757          "example" : false
31758        },
31759        "terminationMessagePath" : {
31760          "type" : "string",
31761          "example" : "example string"
31762        },
31763        "tty" : {
31764          "type" : "boolean",
31765          "example" : false
31766        },
31767        "volumeMounts" : {
31768          "type" : "array",
31769          "items" : {
31770            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:VolumeMount"
31771          }
31772        },
31773        "workingDir" : {
31774          "type" : "string",
31775          "example" : "example string"
31776        }
31777      }
31778    },
31779    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostNetworkListDataCollection:HostNetworkListDataCollectionState" : {
31780      "properties" : {
31781        "containerHostLinks" : {
31782          "type" : "object",
31783          "description" : "The list of container host links.",
31784          "additionalProperties" : {
31785            "type" : "string"
31786          }
31787        },
31788        "customProperties" : {
31789          "type" : "object",
31790          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31791          "additionalProperties" : {
31792            "type" : "string"
31793          }
31794        },
31795        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31796          "type" : "string",
31797          "example" : "some/service",
31798          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31799        },
31800        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31801          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31802          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31803        },
31804        "taskInfo" : {
31805          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31806          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31807        },
31808        "taskSubStage" : {
31809          "type" : "string",
31810          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31811        },
31812        "tenantLinks" : {
31813          "type" : "array",
31814          "items" : {
31815            "type" : "string"
31816          }
31817        }
31818      }
31819    },
31820    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:HostPathVolumeSource" : {
31821      "properties" : {
31822        "path" : {
31823          "type" : "string",
31824          "example" : "example string"
31825        }
31826      }
31827    },
31828    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodCondition" : {
31829      "properties" : {
31830        "lastProbeTime" : {
31831          "type" : "string",
31832          "example" : "example string"
31833        },
31834        "lastTransitionTime" : {
31835          "type" : "string",
31836          "example" : "example string"
31837        },
31838        "message" : {
31839          "type" : "string",
31840          "example" : "example string"
31841        },
31842        "reason" : {
31843          "type" : "string",
31844          "example" : "example string"
31845        },
31846        "status" : {
31847          "type" : "string",
31848          "example" : "example string"
31849        },
31850        "type" : {
31851          "type" : "string",
31852          "example" : "example string"
31853        }
31854      }
31855    },
31856    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:HostContainerListDataCollection:HostContainerListDataCollectionState" : {
31857      "properties" : {
31858        "containerHostLinks" : {
31859          "type" : "object",
31860          "description" : "The map of container host links.",
31861          "additionalProperties" : {
31862            "type" : "string"
31863          }
31864        },
31865        "customProperties" : {
31866          "type" : "object",
31867          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31868          "additionalProperties" : {
31869            "type" : "string"
31870          }
31871        },
31872        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31873          "type" : "string",
31874          "example" : "some/service",
31875          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31876        },
31877        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31878          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31879          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31880        },
31881        "taskInfo" : {
31882          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31883          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31884        },
31885        "taskSubStage" : {
31886          "type" : "string",
31887          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31888        },
31889        "tenantLinks" : {
31890          "type" : "array",
31891          "items" : {
31892            "type" : "string"
31893          }
31894        }
31895      }
31896    },
31897    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:maintenance:ContainerStats" : {
31898      "properties" : {
31899        "containerStopped" : {
31900          "type" : "boolean",
31901          "example" : false
31902        },
31903        "cpuUsage" : {
31904          "type" : "number",
31905          "format" : "double",
31906          "example" : 0.0
31907        },
31908        "healthCheckSuccess" : {
31909          "type" : "boolean",
31910          "example" : false
31911        },
31912        "healthFailureCount" : {
31913          "type" : "integer",
31914          "format" : "int64",
31915          "example" : 0
31916        },
31917        "healthSuccessCount" : {
31918          "type" : "integer",
31919          "format" : "int64",
31920          "example" : 0
31921        },
31922        "memLimit" : {
31923          "type" : "integer",
31924          "format" : "int64",
31925          "example" : 0
31926        },
31927        "memUsage" : {
31928          "type" : "integer",
31929          "format" : "int64",
31930          "example" : 0
31931        },
31932        "networkIn" : {
31933          "type" : "integer",
31934          "format" : "int64",
31935          "example" : 0
31936        },
31937        "networkOut" : {
31938          "type" : "integer",
31939          "format" : "int64",
31940          "example" : 0
31941        }
31942      }
31943    },
31944    "com:vmware:admiral:request:RequestBrokerService:RequestBrokerState" : {
31945      "properties" : {
31946        "customProperties" : {
31947          "type" : "object",
31948          "description" : "Custom properties.",
31949          "additionalProperties" : {
31950            "type" : "string"
31951          }
31952        },
31953        "operation" : {
31954          "type" : "string",
31955          "example" : "example string"
31956        },
31957        "requestTrackerLink" : {
31958          "type" : "string",
31959          "example" : "some/service",
31960          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
31961        },
31962        "resourceCount" : {
31963          "type" : "integer",
31964          "format" : "int64",
31965          "example" : 0.0
31966        },
31967        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
31968          "type" : "string",
31969          "example" : "some/service"
31970        },
31971        "resourceType" : {
31972          "type" : "string",
31973          "example" : "example string"
31974        },
31975        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
31976          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
31977          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
31978        },
31979        "taskInfo" : {
31980          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
31981          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
31982        },
31983        "taskSubStage" : {
31984          "type" : "string",
31985          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
31986        },
31987        "tenantLinks" : {
31988          "type" : "array",
31989          "items" : {
31990            "type" : "string"
31991          }
31992        }
31993      }
31994    },
31995    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerState" : {
31996      "properties" : {
31997        "running" : {
31998          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateRunning"
31999        },
32000        "terminated" : {
32001          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateTerminated"
32002        },
32003        "waiting" : {
32004          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ContainerStateWaiting"
32005        }
32006      }
32007    },
32008    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:support:CertificateInfo" : {
32009      "properties" : {
32010        "certificate" : {
32011          "type" : "string",
32012          "example" : "example string"
32013        },
32014        "properties" : {
32015          "type" : "object",
32016          "additionalProperties" : {
32017            "type" : "string"
32018          }
32019        }
32020      }
32021    },
32022    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query" : {
32023      "properties" : {
32024        "booleanClauses" : {
32025          "type" : "array",
32026          "items" : {
32027            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
32028          }
32029        },
32030        "occurance" : {
32031          "type" : "string",
32032          "enum" : [ "MUST_OCCUR", "MUST_NOT_OCCUR", "SHOULD_OCCUR" ]
32033        },
32034        "term" : {
32035          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:QueryTerm"
32036        }
32037      }
32038    },
32039    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:LogService:LogServiceState" : {
32040      "properties" : {
32041        "logs" : {
32042          "type" : "string",
32043          "format" : "binary",
32044          "description" : "Stream of container log data."
32045        },
32046        "tenantLinks" : {
32047          "type" : "array",
32048          "items" : {
32049            "type" : "string"
32050          }
32051        }
32052      }
32053    },
32054    "com:vmware:admiral:auth:project:ProjectService:ProjectState" : {
32055      "properties" : {
32056        "administratorsUserGroupLinks" : {
32057          "type" : "array",
32058          "description" : "Links to the groups of administrators for this project.",
32059          "items" : {
32060            "type" : "string"
32061          }
32062        },
32063        "creationTimeMicros" : {
32064          "type" : "integer",
32065          "format" : "int64",
32066          "example" : 0.0
32067        },
32068        "customProperties" : {
32069          "type" : "object",
32070          "additionalProperties" : {
32071            "type" : "string"
32072          }
32073        },
32074        "desc" : {
32075          "type" : "string",
32076          "example" : "example string"
32077        },
32078        "description" : {
32079          "type" : "string",
32080          "example" : "example string",
32081          "description" : "Used for descripe the purpose of the project"
32082        },
32083        "groupLinks" : {
32084          "type" : "array",
32085          "items" : {
32086            "type" : "string"
32087          }
32088        },
32089        "id" : {
32090          "type" : "string",
32091          "example" : "32e9b7cc-f002-433f-904a-12b0182504b7"
32092        },
32093        "isPublic" : {
32094          "type" : "boolean",
32095          "example" : false,
32096          "description" : "Used for define a public project"
32097        },
32098        "membersUserGroupLinks" : {
32099          "type" : "array",
32100          "description" : "Links to the groups of members for this project.",
32101          "items" : {
32102            "type" : "string"
32103          }
32104        },
32105        "name" : {
32106          "type" : "string",
32107          "example" : "example string"
32108        },
32109        "regionId" : {
32110          "type" : "string",
32111          "example" : "example string"
32112        },
32113        "tagLinks" : {
32114          "type" : "array",
32115          "items" : {
32116            "type" : "string"
32117          }
32118        },
32119        "tenantLinks" : {
32120          "type" : "array",
32121          "items" : {
32122            "type" : "string"
32123          }
32124        }
32125      }
32126    },
32127    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ImageEnumerationTaskService:ImageEnumerationTaskState" : {
32128      "properties" : {
32129        "customProperties" : {
32130          "type" : "object",
32131          "description" : "Custom properties associated with the task.",
32132          "additionalProperties" : {
32133            "type" : "string"
32134          }
32135        },
32136        "endpointLink" : {
32137          "type" : "string",
32138          "example" : "some/service",
32139          "description" : "Optional link of the end-point for which private (specific just for this endpoint) images enumeration should be triggered. Set either this property or endpointType."
32140        },
32141        "endpointType" : {
32142          "type" : "string",
32143          "example" : "example string",
32144          "description" : "Optional type of the end-points for which public (global for all endpoints of this type) images enumeration should be triggered. Set either this property or endpointLink."
32145        },
32146        "enumerationAction" : {
32147          "type" : "string",
32148          "description" : "Optional type of image enumeration: start, stop, refresh.",
32149          "enum" : [ "START", "STOP", "REFRESH" ]
32150        },
32151        "failureMessage" : {
32152          "type" : "string",
32153          "example" : "example string"
32154        },
32155        "filter" : {
32156          "type" : "string",
32157          "example" : "example string"
32158        },
32159        "options" : {
32160          "type" : "array",
32161          "description" : "Options used to configure specific aspects of this task execution.",
32162          "items" : {
32163            "type" : "string",
32165          }
32166        },
32167        "regionId" : {
32168          "type" : "string",
32169          "example" : "example string",
32170          "description" : "Optional identifier of the region for which public images enumeration should be triggered. Only applicable with endpointType property."
32171        },
32172        "taskInfo" : {
32173          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32174        },
32175        "tenantLinks" : {
32176          "type" : "array",
32177          "description" : "Optional list of tenants that can access this task.",
32178          "items" : {
32179            "type" : "string"
32180          }
32181        }
32182      }
32183    },
32184    "java:lang:Object" : { },
32185    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:monitoring:ResourceMetricsService:ResourceMetrics" : {
32186      "properties" : {
32187        "customProperties" : {
32188          "type" : "object",
32189          "additionalProperties" : {
32190            "type" : "string"
32191          }
32192        },
32193        "entries" : {
32194          "type" : "object",
32195          "description" : "Map of datapoints. The key represents the metric name and the valuerepresents the the metric value",
32196          "additionalProperties" : {
32197            "type" : "string"
32198          }
32199        },
32200        "timestampMicrosUtc" : {
32201          "type" : "integer",
32202          "format" : "int64",
32203          "example" : 0.0,
32204          "description" : "timestamp associated with this metric entry"
32205        }
32206      }
32207    },
32208    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:LogConfig" : {
32209      "properties" : {
32210        "config" : {
32211          "type" : "object",
32212          "additionalProperties" : {
32213            "type" : "string"
32214          }
32215        },
32216        "type" : {
32217          "type" : "string",
32218          "example" : "example string"
32219        }
32220      }
32221    },
32222    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SubTaskService:SubTaskState" : {
32223      "properties" : {
32224        "completed" : {
32225          "type" : "array",
32226          "items" : {
32227            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapterapi:ResourceOperationResponse"
32228          }
32229        },
32230        "completionsRemaining" : {
32231          "type" : "integer",
32232          "format" : "int64",
32233          "example" : 0.0
32234        },
32235        "errorThreshold" : {
32236          "type" : "number",
32237          "format" : "double",
32238          "example" : 0.0
32239        },
32240        "failCount" : {
32241          "type" : "integer",
32242          "format" : "int64",
32243          "example" : 0.0
32244        },
32245        "failureMessage" : {
32246          "type" : "string",
32247          "example" : "example string"
32248        },
32249        "failures" : {
32250          "type" : "array",
32251          "items" : {
32252            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:adapterapi:ResourceOperationResponse"
32253          }
32254        },
32255        "finishedCount" : {
32256          "type" : "integer",
32257          "format" : "int64",
32258          "example" : 0.0
32259        },
32260        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
32261          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback"
32262        },
32263        "taskInfo" : {
32264          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32265        },
32266        "tenantLinks" : {
32267          "type" : "array",
32268          "items" : {
32269            "type" : "string"
32270          }
32271        }
32272      }
32273    },
32274    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:NodeHealthCheckService" : {
32275      "properties" : {
32276        "services" : {
32277          "type" : "array",
32278          "items" : {
32279            "type" : "string"
32280          }
32281        }
32282      }
32283    },
32284    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentCondition" : {
32285      "properties" : {
32286        "lastTransitionTime" : {
32287          "type" : "string",
32288          "example" : "example string"
32289        },
32290        "lastUpdateTime" : {
32291          "type" : "string",
32292          "example" : "example string"
32293        },
32294        "message" : {
32295          "type" : "string",
32296          "example" : "example string"
32297        },
32298        "reason" : {
32299          "type" : "string",
32300          "example" : "example string"
32301        },
32302        "status" : {
32303          "type" : "string",
32304          "example" : "example string"
32305        },
32306        "type" : {
32307          "type" : "string",
32308          "enum" : [ "Available", "Progressing", "ReplicaFailure" ]
32309        }
32310      }
32311    },
32312    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerHostRemovalTaskService:ContainerHostRemovalTaskState" : {
32313      "properties" : {
32314        "customProperties" : {
32315          "type" : "object",
32316          "description" : "Custom properties.",
32317          "additionalProperties" : {
32318            "type" : "string"
32319          }
32320        },
32321        "requestTrackerLink" : {
32322          "type" : "string",
32323          "example" : "some/service",
32324          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
32325        },
32326        "resourceLinks" : {
32327          "type" : "array",
32328          "items" : {
32329            "type" : "string"
32330          }
32331        },
32332        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
32333          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
32334          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
32335        },
32336        "skipComputeHostRemoval" : {
32337          "type" : "boolean",
32338          "example" : false
32339        },
32340        "taskInfo" : {
32341          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
32342          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32343        },
32344        "taskSubStage" : {
32345          "type" : "string",
32346          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
32347        },
32348        "tenantLinks" : {
32349          "type" : "array",
32350          "items" : {
32351            "type" : "string"
32352          }
32353        }
32354      }
32355    },
32356    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:RBDVolumeSource" : {
32357      "properties" : {
32358        "fsType" : {
32359          "type" : "string",
32360          "example" : "example string"
32361        },
32362        "image" : {
32363          "type" : "string",
32364          "example" : "example string"
32365        },
32366        "keyring" : {
32367          "type" : "string",
32368          "example" : "example string"
32369        },
32370        "monitors" : {
32371          "type" : "array",
32372          "items" : {
32373            "type" : "string"
32374          }
32375        },
32376        "pool" : {
32377          "type" : "string",
32378          "example" : "example string"
32379        },
32380        "readOnly" : {
32381          "type" : "boolean",
32382          "example" : false
32383        },
32384        "sourceRef" : {
32385          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LocalObjectReference"
32386        },
32387        "user" : {
32388          "type" : "string",
32389          "example" : "example string"
32390        }
32391      }
32392    },
32393    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ProvisionComputeTaskService:ProvisionComputeTaskState" : {
32394      "properties" : {
32395        "bootAdapterReference" : {
32396          "type" : "string",
32397          "format" : "uri",
32398          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
32399        },
32400        "computeLink" : {
32401          "type" : "string",
32402          "example" : "some/service"
32403        },
32404        "failureMessage" : {
32405          "type" : "string",
32406          "example" : "example string"
32407        },
32408        "instanceAdapterReference" : {
32409          "type" : "string",
32410          "format" : "uri",
32411          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
32412        },
32413        "isMockRequest" : {
32414          "type" : "boolean",
32415          "example" : false
32416        },
32417        "powerAdapterReference" : {
32418          "type" : "string",
32419          "format" : "uri",
32420          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
32421        },
32422        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
32423          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:ServiceTaskCallback"
32424        },
32425        "taskInfo" : {
32426          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32427        },
32428        "taskSubStage" : {
32429          "type" : "string",
32431        },
32432        "tenantLinks" : {
32433          "type" : "array",
32434          "items" : {
32435            "type" : "string"
32436          }
32437        }
32438      }
32439    },
32440    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ReplicaSetService:ReplicaSetState" : {
32441      "properties" : {
32442        "compositeComponentLink" : {
32443          "type" : "string",
32444          "example" : "some/service",
32445          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a entity is part of App/Composition request."
32446        },
32447        "creationTimeMicros" : {
32448          "type" : "integer",
32449          "format" : "int64",
32450          "example" : 0.0
32451        },
32452        "customProperties" : {
32453          "type" : "object",
32454          "additionalProperties" : {
32455            "type" : "string"
32456          }
32457        },
32458        "desc" : {
32459          "type" : "string",
32460          "example" : "example string"
32461        },
32462        "descriptionLink" : {
32463          "type" : "string",
32464          "example" : "some/service",
32465          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
32466        },
32467        "groupLinks" : {
32468          "type" : "array",
32469          "items" : {
32470            "type" : "string"
32471          }
32472        },
32473        "id" : {
32474          "type" : "string",
32475          "example" : "331609c4-e47b-449b-9620-8b15f1337c33"
32476        },
32477        "kubernetesSelfLink" : {
32478          "type" : "string",
32479          "example" : "some/service",
32480          "description" : "The kubernetes self link of the entity created by the Kubernetes itself."
32481        },
32482        "name" : {
32483          "type" : "string",
32484          "example" : "example string"
32485        },
32486        "parentLink" : {
32487          "type" : "string",
32488          "example" : "some/service",
32489          "description" : "Entity host link"
32490        },
32491        "regionId" : {
32492          "type" : "string",
32493          "example" : "example string"
32494        },
32495        "replicaSet" : {
32496          "description" : "ReplicaSet represents the configuration of a ReplicaSet.",
32497          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSet"
32498        },
32499        "tagLinks" : {
32500          "type" : "array",
32501          "items" : {
32502            "type" : "string"
32503          }
32504        },
32505        "tenantLinks" : {
32506          "type" : "array",
32507          "items" : {
32508            "type" : "string"
32509          }
32510        }
32511      }
32512    },
32513    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:Constraint" : {
32514      "properties" : {
32515        "conditions" : {
32516          "type" : "array",
32517          "items" : {
32518            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:Constraint:Condition"
32519          }
32520        }
32521      }
32522    },
32523    "com:vmware:admiral:log:EventLogService:EventLogState" : {
32524      "properties" : {
32525        "customProperties" : {
32526          "type" : "object",
32527          "description" : "Additional data like operation request/response body, Request IP, etc.",
32528          "additionalProperties" : {
32529            "type" : "string"
32530          }
32531        },
32532        "description" : {
32533          "type" : "string",
32534          "example" : "example string",
32535          "description" : "User-friendly description of the event"
32536        },
32537        "eventLogType" : {
32538          "type" : "string",
32539          "description" : "Severity level type.",
32540          "enum" : [ "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" ]
32541        },
32542        "resourceType" : {
32543          "type" : "string",
32544          "example" : "example string",
32545          "description" : "The operation this event originates from. Example: Host config, Registry config, Create container, Maintenance task."
32546        },
32547        "tenantLinks" : {
32548          "type" : "array",
32549          "items" : {
32550            "type" : "string"
32551          }
32552        }
32553      }
32554    },
32555    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:EventTopicState" : {
32556      "properties" : {
32557        "blockable" : {
32558          "type" : "boolean",
32559          "example" : false,
32560          "description" : "Blocking or asynchronous flag"
32561        },
32562        "description" : {
32563          "type" : "string",
32564          "example" : "example string",
32565          "description" : "Reply payload."
32566        },
32567        "id" : {
32568          "type" : "string",
32569          "example" : "example string",
32570          "description" : "Event Topic id"
32571        },
32572        "name" : {
32573          "type" : "string",
32574          "example" : "example string",
32575          "description" : "Event Topic name"
32576        },
32577        "schema" : {
32578          "type" : "string",
32579          "example" : "example string",
32580          "description" : "Schema of the topic."
32581        },
32582        "tenantLinks" : {
32583          "type" : "array",
32584          "items" : {
32585            "type" : "string"
32586          }
32587        },
32588        "topicTaskInfo" : {
32589          "description" : "Topic task info.",
32590          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:EventTopicService:TopicTaskInfo"
32591        }
32592      }
32593    },
32594    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:UserGroupService:UserGroupState" : {
32595      "properties" : {
32596        "query" : {
32597          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
32598        }
32599      }
32600    },
32601    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:Handler" : {
32602      "properties" : {
32603        "exec" : {
32604          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:ExecAction"
32605        },
32606        "httpGet" : {
32607          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:HTTPGetAction"
32608        },
32609        "tcpSocket" : {
32610          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:TCPSocketAction"
32611        }
32612      }
32613    },
32614    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:SecretVolumeSource" : {
32615      "properties" : {
32616        "defaultMode" : {
32617          "type" : "integer",
32618          "format" : "int64",
32619          "example" : 0.0
32620        },
32621        "items" : {
32622          "type" : "array",
32623          "items" : {
32624            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:KeyToPath"
32625          }
32626        },
32627        "secretName" : {
32628          "type" : "string",
32629          "example" : "example string"
32630        }
32631      }
32632    },
32633    "java:lang:String" : { },
32634    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:closure:Closure" : {
32635      "properties" : {
32636        "creationTimeMicros" : {
32637          "type" : "integer",
32638          "format" : "int64",
32639          "example" : 0.0
32640        },
32641        "customProperties" : {
32642          "type" : "object",
32643          "additionalProperties" : {
32644            "type" : "string"
32645          }
32646        },
32647        "desc" : {
32648          "type" : "string",
32649          "example" : "example string"
32650        },
32651        "errorMsg" : {
32652          "type" : "string",
32653          "example" : "example string",
32654          "description" : "Error message in case closure execution fails."
32655        },
32656        "groupLinks" : {
32657          "type" : "array",
32658          "items" : {
32659            "type" : "string"
32660          }
32661        },
32662        "id" : {
32663          "type" : "string",
32664          "example" : "50520c65-19b5-43e9-bce4-4aa0374690b4"
32665        },
32666        "inputs" : {
32667          "type" : "object",
32668          "additionalProperties" : {
32669            "type" : "string"
32670          }
32671        },
32672        "logs" : {
32673          "type" : "string",
32674          "format" : "binary",
32675          "description" : "Closure log data."
32676        },
32677        "name" : {
32678          "type" : "string",
32679          "example" : "example string"
32680        },
32681        "outputs" : {
32682          "type" : "object",
32683          "additionalProperties" : {
32684            "type" : "string"
32685          }
32686        },
32687        "regionId" : {
32688          "type" : "string",
32689          "example" : "example string"
32690        },
32691        "resourceLinks" : {
32692          "type" : "array",
32693          "description" : "Links to used resource.",
32694          "items" : {
32695            "type" : "string"
32696          }
32697        },
32698        "state" : {
32699          "type" : "string",
32700          "description" : "Business state of the closure",
32701          "enum" : [ "CREATED", "STARTED", "FINISHED", "FAILED", "CANCELLED" ]
32702        },
32703        "tagLinks" : {
32704          "type" : "array",
32705          "items" : {
32706            "type" : "string"
32707          }
32708        },
32709        "tenantLinks" : {
32710          "type" : "array",
32711          "items" : {
32712            "type" : "string"
32713          }
32714        }
32715      }
32716    },
32717    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:FirewallService:FirewallState:Allow" : {
32718      "properties" : {
32719        "ipRange" : {
32720          "type" : "string",
32721          "example" : "example string"
32722        },
32723        "name" : {
32724          "type" : "string",
32725          "example" : "example string"
32726        },
32727        "ports" : {
32728          "type" : "array",
32729          "items" : {
32730            "type" : "string"
32731          }
32732        },
32733        "protocol" : {
32734          "type" : "string",
32735          "example" : "example string"
32736        }
32737      }
32738    },
32739    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:LoadBalancerIngress" : {
32740      "properties" : {
32741        "hostname" : {
32742          "type" : "string",
32743          "example" : "example string"
32744        },
32745        "ip" : {
32746          "type" : "string",
32747          "example" : "example string"
32748        }
32749      }
32750    },
32751    "com:vmware:admiral:request:kubernetes:CompositeKubernetesRemovalTaskService:CompositeKubernetesRemovalTaskState" : {
32752      "properties" : {
32753        "cleanupOnly" : {
32754          "type" : "boolean",
32755          "example" : false
32756        },
32757        "customProperties" : {
32758          "type" : "object",
32759          "description" : "Custom properties.",
32760          "additionalProperties" : {
32761            "type" : "string"
32762          }
32763        },
32764        "requestTrackerLink" : {
32765          "type" : "string",
32766          "example" : "some/service",
32767          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
32768        },
32769        "resourceLinks" : {
32770          "type" : "array",
32771          "description" : "(Required) The composites on which the given operation will be applied.",
32772          "items" : {
32773            "type" : "string"
32774          }
32775        },
32776        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
32777          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
32778          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
32779        },
32780        "taskInfo" : {
32781          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
32782          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32783        },
32784        "taskSubStage" : {
32785          "type" : "string",
32786          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
32787        },
32788        "tenantLinks" : {
32789          "type" : "array",
32790          "items" : {
32791            "type" : "string"
32792          }
32793        }
32794      }
32795    },
32796    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:NetworkInterfaceDescriptionService:NetworkInterfaceDescription" : {
32797      "properties" : {
32798        "address" : {
32799          "type" : "string",
32800          "example" : "example string"
32801        },
32802        "assignPublicIpAddress" : {
32803          "type" : "boolean",
32804          "example" : false
32805        },
32806        "assignment" : {
32807          "type" : "string",
32808          "enum" : [ "STATIC", "DYNAMIC" ]
32809        },
32810        "creationTimeMicros" : {
32811          "type" : "integer",
32812          "format" : "int64",
32813          "example" : 0.0
32814        },
32815        "customProperties" : {
32816          "type" : "object",
32817          "additionalProperties" : {
32818            "type" : "string"
32819          }
32820        },
32821        "desc" : {
32822          "type" : "string",
32823          "example" : "example string"
32824        },
32825        "deviceIndex" : {
32826          "type" : "integer",
32827          "format" : "int64",
32828          "example" : 0.0
32829        },
32830        "endpointLink" : {
32831          "type" : "string",
32832          "example" : "some/service"
32833        },
32834        "firewallLinks" : {
32835          "type" : "array",
32836          "items" : {
32837            "type" : "string"
32838          }
32839        },
32840        "groupLinks" : {
32841          "type" : "array",
32842          "items" : {
32843            "type" : "string"
32844          }
32845        },
32846        "id" : {
32847          "type" : "string",
32848          "example" : "01960666-2fea-4a3a-9af4-2ca2b53d8b07"
32849        },
32850        "name" : {
32851          "type" : "string",
32852          "example" : "example string"
32853        },
32854        "networkLink" : {
32855          "type" : "string",
32856          "example" : "some/service"
32857        },
32858        "regionId" : {
32859          "type" : "string",
32860          "example" : "example string"
32861        },
32862        "securityGroupLinks" : {
32863          "type" : "array",
32864          "items" : {
32865            "type" : "string"
32866          }
32867        },
32868        "subnetLink" : {
32869          "type" : "string",
32870          "example" : "some/service"
32871        },
32872        "tagLinks" : {
32873          "type" : "array",
32874          "items" : {
32875            "type" : "string"
32876          }
32877        },
32878        "tenantLinks" : {
32879          "type" : "array",
32880          "items" : {
32881            "type" : "string"
32882          }
32883        }
32884      }
32885    },
32886    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskService:ContainerVolumeProvisionTaskState" : {
32887      "properties" : {
32888        "customProperties" : {
32889          "type" : "object",
32890          "description" : "Custom properties.",
32891          "additionalProperties" : {
32892            "type" : "string"
32893          }
32894        },
32895        "requestTrackerLink" : {
32896          "type" : "string",
32897          "example" : "some/service",
32898          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
32899        },
32900        "resourceCount" : {
32901          "type" : "integer",
32902          "format" : "int64",
32903          "example" : 0.0,
32904          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
32905        },
32906        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
32907          "type" : "string",
32908          "example" : "some/service",
32909          "description" : "Type of resource to create."
32910        },
32911        "resourceLinks" : {
32912          "type" : "array",
32913          "description" : "Links to already allocated resources that are going to be provisioned.",
32914          "items" : {
32915            "type" : "string"
32916          }
32917        },
32918        "resourceType" : {
32919          "type" : "string",
32920          "example" : "example string",
32921          "description" : "Type of resource to create."
32922        },
32923        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
32924          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
32925          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
32926        },
32927        "taskInfo" : {
32928          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
32929          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
32930        },
32931        "taskSubStage" : {
32932          "type" : "string",
32933          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
32934        },
32935        "tenantLinks" : {
32936          "type" : "array",
32937          "items" : {
32938            "type" : "string"
32939          }
32940        }
32941      }
32942    },
32943    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:ResourcePoolService:ResourcePoolState" : {
32944      "properties" : {
32945        "creationTimeMicros" : {
32946          "type" : "integer",
32947          "format" : "int64",
32948          "example" : 0
32949        },
32950        "currencyUnit" : {
32951          "type" : "string",
32952          "example" : "example string"
32953        },
32954        "customProperties" : {
32955          "type" : "object",
32956          "additionalProperties" : {
32957            "type" : "string"
32958          }
32959        },
32960        "desc" : {
32961          "type" : "string",
32962          "example" : "example string"
32963        },
32964        "groupLinks" : {
32965          "type" : "array",
32966          "items" : {
32967            "type" : "string"
32968          }
32969        },
32970        "id" : {
32971          "type" : "string",
32972          "example" : "ceaa65ba-aee8-433f-8b59-2e83f536ee79"
32973        },
32974        "maxCpuCostPerMinute" : {
32975          "type" : "number",
32976          "format" : "double",
32977          "example" : 0.0
32978        },
32979        "maxCpuCount" : {
32980          "type" : "integer",
32981          "format" : "int64",
32982          "example" : 0
32983        },
32984        "maxDiskCapacityBytes" : {
32985          "type" : "integer",
32986          "format" : "int64",
32987          "example" : 0
32988        },
32989        "maxDiskCostPerMinute" : {
32990          "type" : "number",
32991          "format" : "double",
32992          "example" : 0.0
32993        },
32994        "maxGpuCount" : {
32995          "type" : "integer",
32996          "format" : "int64",
32997          "example" : 0
32998        },
32999        "maxMemoryBytes" : {
33000          "type" : "integer",
33001          "format" : "int64",
33002          "example" : 0
33003        },
33004        "minCpuCount" : {
33005          "type" : "integer",
33006          "format" : "int64",
33007          "example" : 0
33008        },
33009        "minDiskCapacityBytes" : {
33010          "type" : "integer",
33011          "format" : "int64",
33012          "example" : 0
33013        },
33014        "minGpuCount" : {
33015          "type" : "integer",
33016          "format" : "int64",
33017          "example" : 0
33018        },
33019        "minMemoryBytes" : {
33020          "type" : "integer",
33021          "format" : "int64",
33022          "example" : 0
33023        },
33024        "name" : {
33025          "type" : "string",
33026          "example" : "example string"
33027        },
33028        "projectName" : {
33029          "type" : "string",
33030          "example" : "example string"
33031        },
33032        "properties" : {
33033          "type" : "array",
33034          "items" : {
33035            "type" : "string",
33036            "enum" : [ "ELASTIC" ]
33037          }
33038        },
33039        "query" : {
33040          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
33041        },
33042        "regionId" : {
33043          "type" : "string",
33044          "example" : "example string"
33045        },
33046        "tagLinks" : {
33047          "type" : "array",
33048          "items" : {
33049            "type" : "string"
33050          }
33051        },
33052        "tenantLinks" : {
33053          "type" : "array",
33054          "items" : {
33055            "type" : "string"
33056          }
33057        }
33058      }
33059    },
33060    "com:vmware:admiral:request:composition:CompositionGraph:ResourceNode" : {
33061      "properties" : {
33062        "dependents" : {
33063          "type" : "array",
33064          "items" : {
33065            "type" : "string"
33066          }
33067        },
33068        "dependsOn" : {
33069          "type" : "array",
33070          "items" : {
33071            "type" : "string"
33072          }
33073        },
33074        "level" : {
33075          "type" : "integer",
33076          "format" : "int64",
33077          "example" : 0.0
33078        },
33079        "name" : {
33080          "type" : "string",
33081          "example" : "example string"
33082        },
33083        "resourceDescLink" : {
33084          "type" : "string",
33085          "example" : "some/service"
33086        },
33087        "resourceType" : {
33088          "type" : "string",
33089          "example" : "example string"
33090        }
33091      }
33092    },
33093    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:EndpointRemovalTaskService:EndpointRemovalTaskState" : {
33094      "properties" : {
33095        "endpointLink" : {
33096          "type" : "string",
33097          "example" : "some/service",
33098          "description" : "A link to endpoint to be deleted."
33099        },
33100        "errorThreshold" : {
33101          "type" : "number",
33102          "format" : "double",
33103          "example" : 0.0
33104        },
33105        "failureMessage" : {
33106          "type" : "string",
33107          "example" : "example string"
33108        },
33109        "options" : {
33110          "type" : "array",
33111          "items" : {
33112            "type" : "string",
33114          }
33115        },
33116        "taskInfo" : {
33117          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33118        },
33119        "tenantLinks" : {
33120          "type" : "array",
33121          "description" : "A list of tenant links which can access this task.",
33122          "items" : {
33123            "type" : "string"
33124          }
33125        }
33126      }
33127    },
33128    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:service:ServiceEntityHandler:ServiceState" : {
33129      "properties" : {
33130        "compositeComponentLink" : {
33131          "type" : "string",
33132          "example" : "some/service",
33133          "description" : "Link to CompositeComponent when a entity is part of App/Composition request."
33134        },
33135        "creationTimeMicros" : {
33136          "type" : "integer",
33137          "format" : "int64",
33138          "example" : 0.0
33139        },
33140        "customProperties" : {
33141          "type" : "object",
33142          "additionalProperties" : {
33143            "type" : "string"
33144          }
33145        },
33146        "desc" : {
33147          "type" : "string",
33148          "example" : "example string"
33149        },
33150        "descriptionLink" : {
33151          "type" : "string",
33152          "example" : "some/service",
33153          "description" : "Defines the description of the container."
33154        },
33155        "groupLinks" : {
33156          "type" : "array",
33157          "items" : {
33158            "type" : "string"
33159          }
33160        },
33161        "id" : {
33162          "type" : "string",
33163          "example" : "fa23806b-ad0b-4d94-ab7d-60ba1d39a76b"
33164        },
33165        "kubernetesSelfLink" : {
33166          "type" : "string",
33167          "example" : "some/service",
33168          "description" : "The kubernetes self link of the entity created by the Kubernetes itself."
33169        },
33170        "name" : {
33171          "type" : "string",
33172          "example" : "example string"
33173        },
33174        "parentLink" : {
33175          "type" : "string",
33176          "example" : "some/service",
33177          "description" : "Entity host link"
33178        },
33179        "regionId" : {
33180          "type" : "string",
33181          "example" : "example string"
33182        },
33183        "service" : {
33184          "description" : "Service is a named abstraction of software service (for example, mysql) consisting of local port (for example 3306) that the proxy listens on, and the selector that determines which pods will answer requests sent through the proxy.",
33185          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:Service"
33186        },
33187        "tagLinks" : {
33188          "type" : "array",
33189          "items" : {
33190            "type" : "string"
33191          }
33192        },
33193        "tenantLinks" : {
33194          "type" : "array",
33195          "items" : {
33196            "type" : "string"
33197          }
33198        }
33199      }
33200    },
33201    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:network:ComputeNetworkCIDRAllocationService:ComputeNetworkCIDRAllocationState" : {
33202      "properties" : {
33203        "networkLink" : {
33204          "type" : "string",
33205          "example" : "some/service",
33206          "description" : "The link of the NetworkState to be partitioned to subnet CIDRs."
33207        },
33208        "tenantLinks" : {
33209          "type" : "array",
33210          "items" : {
33211            "type" : "string"
33212          }
33213        }
33214      }
33215    },
33216    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:Ipam" : {
33217      "properties" : {
33218        "config" : {
33219          "type" : "array",
33220          "items" : {
33221            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:network:IpamConfig"
33222          }
33223        },
33224        "driver" : {
33225          "type" : "string",
33226          "example" : "example string"
33227        }
33228      }
33229    },
33230    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:ResourceGroupService:ResourceGroupState" : {
33231      "properties" : {
33232        "query" : {
33233          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask:Query"
33234        }
33235      }
33236    },
33237    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:volumes:VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource" : {
33238      "properties" : {
33239        "fsType" : {
33240          "type" : "string",
33241          "example" : "example string"
33242        },
33243        "volumePath" : {
33244          "type" : "string",
33245          "example" : "example string"
33246        }
33247      }
33248    },
33249    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:data:Schema" : {
33250      "properties" : {
33251        "description" : {
33252          "type" : "string",
33253          "example" : "example string"
33254        },
33255        "fields" : {
33256          "type" : "object",
33257          "additionalProperties" : {
33258            "type" : "string"
33259          }
33260        },
33261        "name" : {
33262          "type" : "string",
33263          "example" : "example string"
33264        }
33265      }
33266    },
33267    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:container:DeploymentPolicyService:DeploymentPolicy" : {
33268      "properties" : {
33269        "description" : {
33270          "type" : "string",
33271          "example" : "example string"
33272        },
33273        "name" : {
33274          "type" : "string",
33275          "example" : "example string"
33276        },
33277        "tenantLinks" : {
33278          "type" : "array",
33279          "items" : {
33280            "type" : "string"
33281          }
33282        }
33283      }
33284    },
33285    "com:vmware:admiral:closures:services:adapter:AdmiralAdapterService:AdmiralAdapterTaskState" : {
33286      "properties" : {
33287        "configuration" : {
33288          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:drivers:ContainerConfiguration"
33289        },
33290        "customProperties" : {
33291          "type" : "object",
33292          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33293          "additionalProperties" : {
33294            "type" : "string"
33295          }
33296        },
33297        "imageConfig" : {
33298          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:closures:drivers:ImageConfiguration"
33299        },
33300        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33301          "type" : "string",
33302          "example" : "some/service",
33303          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33304        },
33305        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33306          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33307          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33308        },
33309        "taskInfo" : {
33310          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33311          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33312        },
33313        "taskSubStage" : {
33314          "type" : "string",
33315          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33316        },
33317        "tenantLinks" : {
33318          "type" : "array",
33319          "items" : {
33320            "type" : "string"
33321          }
33322        }
33323      }
33324    },
33325    "com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocumentQueryResult:ContinuousResult" : {
33326      "properties" : {
33327        "documentCountAdded" : {
33328          "type" : "integer",
33329          "format" : "int64",
33330          "example" : 0
33331        },
33332        "documentCountDeleted" : {
33333          "type" : "integer",
33334          "format" : "int64",
33335          "example" : 0
33336        },
33337        "documentCountUpdated" : {
33338          "type" : "integer",
33339          "format" : "int64",
33340          "example" : 0
33341        }
33342      }
33343    },
33344    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:GraphQueryTask" : {
33345      "properties" : {
33346        "failureMessage" : {
33347          "type" : "string",
33348          "example" : "example string"
33349        },
33350        "options" : {
33351          "type" : "array",
33352          "items" : {
33353            "type" : "string",
33354            "enum" : [ "FILTER_STAGE_RESULTS" ]
33355          }
33356        },
33357        "stages" : {
33358          "type" : "array",
33359          "items" : {
33360            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:services:common:QueryTask"
33361          }
33362        },
33363        "taskInfo" : {
33364          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33365        },
33366        "tenantLinks" : {
33367          "type" : "array",
33368          "items" : {
33369            "type" : "string"
33370          }
33371        }
33372      }
33373    },
33374    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:Deployment" : {
33375      "properties" : {
33376        "apiVersion" : {
33377          "type" : "string",
33378          "example" : "example string"
33379        },
33380        "kind" : {
33381          "type" : "string",
33382          "example" : "example string"
33383        },
33384        "metadata" : {
33385          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
33386        },
33387        "spec" : {
33388          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentSpec"
33389        },
33390        "status" : {
33391          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentStatus"
33392        }
33393      }
33394    },
33395    "com:vmware:xenon:common:ServiceDocument" : { },
33396    "com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback" : {
33397      "properties" : {
33398        "serviceSelfLink" : {
33399          "type" : "string",
33400          "example" : "some/service"
33401        }
33402      }
33403    },
33404    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:EndpointAllocationTaskService:EndpointAllocationTaskState" : {
33405      "properties" : {
33406        "adapterReference" : {
33407          "type" : "string",
33408          "format" : "uri",
33409          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service",
33410          "description" : "URI reference to the adapter used to validate and enhance the endpoint data."
33411        },
33412        "certificateInfo" : {
33413          "description" : "Certificate info populated in case of failure when validate the endpoint.",
33414          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:support:CertificateInfo"
33415        },
33416        "endpointState" : {
33417          "description" : "Endpoint payload to use to create/update Endpoint.",
33418          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:EndpointService:EndpointState"
33419        },
33420        "enumerationRequest" : {
33421          "description" : "If specified a Resource enumeration will be scheduled.",
33422          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:EndpointAllocationTaskService:ResourceEnumerationRequest"
33423        },
33424        "failureMessage" : {
33425          "type" : "string",
33426          "example" : "example string"
33427        },
33428        "options" : {
33429          "type" : "array",
33430          "description" : "Task's options",
33431          "items" : {
33432            "type" : "string",
33434          }
33435        },
33436        "taskInfo" : {
33437          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33438        },
33439        "tenantLinks" : {
33440          "type" : "array",
33441          "description" : " List of tenants that can access this task.",
33442          "items" : {
33443            "type" : "string"
33444          }
33445        }
33446      }
33447    },
33448    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:SecretKeySelector" : {
33449      "properties" : {
33450        "key" : {
33451          "type" : "string",
33452          "example" : "example string"
33453        },
33454        "name" : {
33455          "type" : "string",
33456          "example" : "example string"
33457        }
33458      }
33459    },
33460    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentSpec" : {
33461      "properties" : {
33462        "minReadySeconds" : {
33463          "type" : "integer",
33464          "format" : "int64",
33465          "example" : 0.0
33466        },
33467        "paused" : {
33468          "type" : "boolean",
33469          "example" : false
33470        },
33471        "progressDeadlineSeconds" : {
33472          "type" : "integer",
33473          "format" : "int64",
33474          "example" : 0.0
33475        },
33476        "replicas" : {
33477          "type" : "integer",
33478          "format" : "int64",
33479          "example" : 0.0
33480        },
33481        "revisionHistoryLimit" : {
33482          "type" : "integer",
33483          "format" : "int64",
33484          "example" : 0.0
33485        },
33486        "rollbackTo" : {
33487          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:RollbackConfig"
33488        },
33489        "selector" : {
33490          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LabelSelector"
33491        },
33492        "strategy" : {
33493          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:deployments:DeploymentStrategy"
33494        },
33495        "template" : {
33496          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodTemplateSpec"
33497        }
33498      }
33499    },
33500    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskService:LoadBalancerProvisionTaskState" : {
33501      "properties" : {
33502        "customProperties" : {
33503          "type" : "object",
33504          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33505          "additionalProperties" : {
33506            "type" : "string"
33507          }
33508        },
33509        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33510          "type" : "string",
33511          "example" : "some/service",
33512          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33513        },
33514        "resourceLinks" : {
33515          "type" : "array",
33516          "description" : "Links to already allocated resources that are going to be provisioned.",
33517          "items" : {
33518            "type" : "string"
33519          }
33520        },
33521        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33522          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33523          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33524        },
33525        "taskInfo" : {
33526          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33527          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33528        },
33529        "taskSubStage" : {
33530          "type" : "string",
33531          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33532        },
33533        "tenantLinks" : {
33534          "type" : "array",
33535          "items" : {
33536            "type" : "string"
33537          }
33538        }
33539      }
33540    },
33541    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:tasks:SnapshotTaskService:SnapshotTaskState" : {
33542      "properties" : {
33543        "failureMessage" : {
33544          "type" : "string",
33545          "example" : "example string"
33546        },
33547        "isMockRequest" : {
33548          "type" : "boolean",
33549          "example" : false
33550        },
33551        "snapshotAdapterReference" : {
33552          "type" : "string",
33553          "format" : "uri",
33554          "example" : "http://localhost:1234/some/service"
33555        },
33556        "snapshotLink" : {
33557          "type" : "string",
33558          "example" : "some/service"
33559        },
33560        "taskInfo" : {
33561          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33562        },
33563        "tenantLinks" : {
33564          "type" : "array",
33565          "items" : {
33566            "type" : "string"
33567          }
33568        }
33569      }
33570    },
33571    "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:UserService:UserState" : {
33572      "properties" : {
33573        "email" : {
33574          "type" : "string",
33575          "example" : "example string"
33576        },
33577        "userGroupLinks" : {
33578          "type" : "array",
33579          "items" : {
33580            "type" : "string"
33581          }
33582        }
33583      }
33584    },
33585    "com:vmware:admiral:request:composition:CompositionSubTaskService:CompositionSubTaskState" : {
33586      "properties" : {
33587        "allocationRequest" : {
33588          "type" : "boolean",
33589          "example" : false
33590        },
33591        "compositeDescriptionLink" : {
33592          "type" : "string",
33593          "example" : "some/service"
33594        },
33595        "currentDependsOnLink" : {
33596          "type" : "string",
33597          "example" : "some/service"
33598        },
33599        "customProperties" : {
33600          "type" : "object",
33601          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33602          "additionalProperties" : {
33603            "type" : "string"
33604          }
33605        },
33606        "dependentLinks" : {
33607          "type" : "array",
33608          "items" : {
33609            "type" : "string"
33610          }
33611        },
33612        "dependsOnLinks" : {
33613          "type" : "array",
33614          "items" : {
33615            "type" : "string"
33616          }
33617        },
33618        "errorCount" : {
33619          "type" : "integer",
33620          "format" : "int64",
33621          "example" : 0.0
33622        },
33623        "name" : {
33624          "type" : "string",
33625          "example" : "example string"
33626        },
33627        "operation" : {
33628          "type" : "string",
33629          "example" : "example string"
33630        },
33631        "postAllocation" : {
33632          "type" : "boolean",
33633          "example" : false
33634        },
33635        "requestId" : {
33636          "type" : "string",
33637          "example" : "example string"
33638        },
33639        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33640          "type" : "string",
33641          "example" : "some/service",
33642          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33643        },
33644        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
33645          "type" : "string",
33646          "example" : "some/service"
33647        },
33648        "resourceType" : {
33649          "type" : "string",
33650          "example" : "example string"
33651        },
33652        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33653          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33654          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33655        },
33656        "taskInfo" : {
33657          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33658          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33659        },
33660        "taskSubStage" : {
33661          "type" : "string",
33662          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33663        },
33664        "tenantLinks" : {
33665          "type" : "array",
33666          "items" : {
33667            "type" : "string"
33668          }
33669        }
33670      }
33671    },
33672    "com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState:BootConfig" : {
33673      "properties" : {
33674        "data" : {
33675          "type" : "object",
33676          "additionalProperties" : {
33677            "type" : "string"
33678          }
33679        },
33680        "files" : {
33681          "type" : "array",
33682          "items" : {
33683            "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:photon:controller:model:resources:DiskService:DiskState:BootConfig:FileEntry"
33684          }
33685        },
33686        "label" : {
33687          "type" : "string",
33688          "example" : "example string"
33689        }
33690      }
33691    },
33692    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputeNetworkProvisionTaskService:ComputeNetworkProvisionTaskState" : {
33693      "properties" : {
33694        "customProperties" : {
33695          "type" : "object",
33696          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33697          "additionalProperties" : {
33698            "type" : "string"
33699          }
33700        },
33701        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33702          "type" : "string",
33703          "example" : "some/service",
33704          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33705        },
33706        "resourceCount" : {
33707          "type" : "integer",
33708          "format" : "int64",
33709          "example" : 0.0,
33710          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
33711        },
33712        "resourceDescriptionLink" : {
33713          "type" : "string",
33714          "example" : "some/service",
33715          "description" : "Type of resource to create."
33716        },
33717        "resourceLinks" : {
33718          "type" : "array",
33719          "description" : "Links to already allocated resources that are going to be provisioned.",
33720          "items" : {
33721            "type" : "string"
33722          }
33723        },
33724        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33725          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33726          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33727        },
33728        "taskInfo" : {
33729          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33730          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33731        },
33732        "taskSubStage" : {
33733          "type" : "string",
33734          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33735        },
33736        "tenantLinks" : {
33737          "type" : "array",
33738          "items" : {
33739            "type" : "string"
33740          }
33741        }
33742      }
33743    },
33744    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerRemovalTaskService:ContainerRemovalTaskState" : {
33745      "properties" : {
33746        "customProperties" : {
33747          "type" : "object",
33748          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33749          "additionalProperties" : {
33750            "type" : "string"
33751          }
33752        },
33753        "removeOnly" : {
33754          "type" : "boolean",
33755          "example" : false
33756        },
33757        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33758          "type" : "string",
33759          "example" : "some/service",
33760          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33761        },
33762        "resourceLinks" : {
33763          "type" : "array",
33764          "items" : {
33765            "type" : "string"
33766          }
33767        },
33768        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33769          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33770          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33771        },
33772        "skipReleaseResourcePlacement" : {
33773          "type" : "boolean",
33774          "example" : false
33775        },
33776        "taskInfo" : {
33777          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33778          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33779        },
33780        "taskSubStage" : {
33781          "type" : "string",
33782          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33783        },
33784        "tenantLinks" : {
33785          "type" : "array",
33786          "items" : {
33787            "type" : "string"
33788          }
33789        }
33790      }
33791    },
33792    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LabelSelectorRequirement" : {
33793      "properties" : {
33794        "key" : {
33795          "type" : "string",
33796          "example" : "example string"
33797        },
33798        "operator" : {
33799          "type" : "string",
33800          "example" : "example string"
33801        },
33802        "values" : {
33803          "type" : "array",
33804          "items" : {
33805            "type" : "string"
33806          }
33807        }
33808      }
33809    },
33810    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:Service" : {
33811      "properties" : {
33812        "apiVersion" : {
33813          "type" : "string",
33814          "example" : "example string"
33815        },
33816        "kind" : {
33817          "type" : "string",
33818          "example" : "example string"
33819        },
33820        "metadata" : {
33821          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:ObjectMeta"
33822        },
33823        "spec" : {
33824          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServiceSpec"
33825        },
33826        "status" : {
33827          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:services:ServiceStatus"
33828        }
33829      }
33830    },
33831    "com:vmware:admiral:request:ContainerOperationTaskService:ContainerOperationTaskState" : {
33832      "properties" : {
33833        "customProperties" : {
33834          "type" : "object",
33835          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33836          "additionalProperties" : {
33837            "type" : "string"
33838          }
33839        },
33840        "operation" : {
33841          "type" : "string",
33842          "example" : "example string"
33843        },
33844        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33845          "type" : "string",
33846          "example" : "some/service",
33847          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33848        },
33849        "resourceLinks" : {
33850          "type" : "array",
33851          "items" : {
33852            "type" : "string"
33853          }
33854        },
33855        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33856          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33857          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33858        },
33859        "taskInfo" : {
33860          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33861          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33862        },
33863        "taskSubStage" : {
33864          "type" : "string",
33865          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33866        },
33867        "tenantLinks" : {
33868          "type" : "array",
33869          "items" : {
33870            "type" : "string"
33871          }
33872        }
33873      }
33874    },
33875    "com:vmware:xenon:common:LoaderService:LoaderServiceState" : {
33876      "properties" : {
33877        "loaderType" : {
33878          "type" : "string",
33879          "enum" : [ "FILESYSTEM" ]
33880        },
33881        "path" : {
33882          "type" : "string",
33883          "example" : "example string"
33884        },
33885        "servicePackages" : {
33886          "type" : "object",
33887          "additionalProperties" : {
33888            "type" : "string"
33889          }
33890        }
33891      }
33892    },
33893    "com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:replicaset:ReplicaSetSpec" : {
33894      "properties" : {
33895        "minReadySeconds" : {
33896          "type" : "integer",
33897          "format" : "int64",
33898          "example" : 0.0
33899        },
33900        "replicas" : {
33901          "type" : "integer",
33902          "format" : "int64",
33903          "example" : 0.0
33904        },
33905        "selector" : {
33906          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:common:LabelSelector"
33907        },
33908        "template" : {
33909          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:compute:kubernetes:entities:pods:PodTemplateSpec"
33910        }
33911      }
33912    },
33913    "com:vmware:admiral:request:compute:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskService:ComputePlacementSelectionTaskState" : {
33914      "properties" : {
33915        "computeDescriptionLink" : {
33916          "type" : "string",
33917          "example" : "some/service",
33918          "description" : "The description that defines the requested resource."
33919        },
33920        "contextId" : {
33921          "type" : "string",
33922          "example" : "example string",
33923          "description" : "(Required) The overall contextId of thisrequest (could be the same across multiple request - composite allocation)"
33924        },
33925        "customProperties" : {
33926          "type" : "object",
33927          "description" : "Custom properties.",
33928          "additionalProperties" : {
33929            "type" : "string"
33930          }
33931        },
33932        "endpointLink" : {
33933          "type" : "string",
33934          "example" : "some/service",
33935          "description" : "The endpoint to be used for this placement."
33936        },
33937        "requestTrackerLink" : {
33938          "type" : "string",
33939          "example" : "some/service",
33940          "description" : "link to a service that will receive updates when the task changes state."
33941        },
33942        "resourceCount" : {
33943          "type" : "integer",
33944          "format" : "int64",
33945          "example" : 0.0,
33946          "description" : "Number of resources to provision."
33947        },
33948        "resourcePoolLinks" : {
33949          "type" : "array",
33950          "description" : "The resource pool to be used for this placement.",
33951          "items" : {
33952            "type" : "string"
33953          }
33954        },
33955        "serviceTaskCallback" : {
33956          "description" : "Callback link and response from the service initiated this task.",
33957          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:admiral:service:common:ServiceTaskCallback"
33958        },
33959        "taskInfo" : {
33960          "description" : " Describes a service task state.",
33961          "$ref" : "#/definitions/com:vmware:xenon:common:TaskState"
33962        },
33963        "taskSubStage" : {
33964          "type" : "string",
33965          "description" : " Describes a service task sub stage."
33966        },
33967        "tenantLinks" : {
33968          "type" : "array",
33969          "items" : {
33970            "type" : "string"
33971          }
33972        }
33973      }
33974    }
33975  }