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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


READMEH A D01-Jan-2021516 118

basic.mdH A D01-Jan-2021230 2519

basic.pH A D01-Jan-2021227 2519

code.mdH A D01-Jan-2021548 4031

code.pH A D01-Jan-2021545 4031

list.mdH A D01-Jan-2021345 3530

list.pH A D01-Jan-2021258 2722

media.mdH A D01-Jan-2021417 2316

media.pH A D01-Jan-2021414 2316

pre.mdH A D01-Jan-2021395 4028

pre.pH A D01-Jan-2021354 3826


1This directory contains test data for present's TestTestdata.
2Each file named *.p or *.md is expected to contain a present
3article, then a --- line, then the HTML output for that article.
5By convention, testdata files with a .p extension use legacy present
6syntax, while testdata file with a .md extension use Markdown.
7This is only a convention: the Markdown syntax must still begi
8with "# " to be recognized as Markdown by the present parser.
10Other files in this directory are supporting files for the articles.