1 /***********************************************************************
2  *                                                                      *
3  *               This software is part of the ast package               *
4  *          Copyright (c) 1985-2013 AT&T Intellectual Property          *
5  *                      and is licensed under the                       *
6  *                 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0                  *
7  *                    by AT&T Intellectual Property                     *
8  *                                                                      *
9  *                A copy of the License is available at                 *
10  *          http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html           *
11  *         (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842)         *
12  *                                                                      *
13  *              Information and Software Systems Research               *
14  *                            AT&T Research                             *
15  *                           Florham Park NJ                            *
16  *                                                                      *
17  *               Glenn Fowler <glenn.s.fowler@gmail.com>                *
18  *                    David Korn <dgkorn@gmail.com>                     *
19  *                     Phong Vo <phongvo@gmail.com>                     *
20  *                                                                      *
21  ***********************************************************************/
22 /*      Public interface for the dictionary library
23 **
24 **      Written by Kiem-Phong Vo, phongvo@gmail.com
25 */
26 #ifndef _CDT_H
27 #define _CDT_H 1
29 #include <pthread.h>
30 #include <stddef.h>
31 #include <string.h>
33 #include "ast.h"
35 /* commonly used integers */
36 #define DT_ZERO ((unsigned int)0)  /* all zero bits     */
37 #define DT_ONES (~DT_ZERO)         /* all one bits      */
38 #define DT_HIBIT (~(DT_ONES >> 1)) /* highest 1 bit     */
39 // #define DT_LOBIT ((unsigned int)1)          /* lowest 1 bit  */
40 #define DT_NBITS (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8) /* #bits    */
42 /* type of an integer with the same size as a pointer */
43 #define Dtuint_t uintptr_t
45 /* various types used by CDT */
46 typedef struct _dtlink_s Dtlink_t;
47 typedef struct _dthold_s Dthold_t;
48 typedef struct _dtdisc_s Dtdisc_t;
49 typedef struct _dtmethod_s Dtmethod_t;
50 typedef struct _dtdata_s Dtdata_t;
51 typedef struct _dtuser_s Dtuser_t;
52 typedef struct _dt_s Dt_t;
53 typedef struct _dtstat_s Dtstat_t;
54 typedef void *(*Dtsearch_f)(Dt_t *, void *, int);
55 typedef void *(*Dtmake_f)(Dt_t *, void *, Dtdisc_t *);
56 typedef void (*Dtfree_f)(Dt_t *, void *, Dtdisc_t *);
57 typedef int (*Dtcompar_f)(Dt_t *, void *, void *, Dtdisc_t *);
58 typedef unsigned int (*Dthash_f)(Dt_t *, void *, Dtdisc_t *);
59 typedef void *(*Dtmemory_f)(Dt_t *, void *, size_t, Dtdisc_t *);
60 typedef int (*Dtevent_f)(Dt_t *, int, void *, Dtdisc_t *);
61 typedef int (*Dttype_f)(Dt_t *, int);
63 struct _dtuser_s /* for application to access and use */
64 {
65     pthread_mutex_t lock; /* used by dtapplock  */
66     void *data;           /* for whatever data  */
67 };
69 struct _dtlink_s {
70     union {
71         Dtlink_t *__rght; /* right child or next        */
72         Dtlink_t *__ptbl; /* Dtrehash parent tbl        */
73     } rh;
74     union {
75         Dtlink_t *__left;    /* left child or prev      */
76         unsigned int __hash; /* hash value of object    */
77     } lh;
78 };
80 /* private structure to hold an object */
81 struct _dthold_s {
82     Dtlink_t dtlink;  // header to hold obj
83     void *obj;        // application object
84 };
86 /* method to manipulate dictionary structure */
87 struct _dtmethod_s {
88     Dtsearch_f searchf; /* search function      */
89     unsigned int type;  /* type of operation    */
90     int (*eventf)(Dt_t *, int, void *);
91     char *name;        /* name of method        */
92     char *description; /* description */
93 };
95 /* structure to hold methods that manipulate an object */
96 struct _dtdisc_s {
97     int key;            /* where the key resides        */
98     int size;           /* key size and type            */
99     int link;           /* offset to Dtlink_t field     */
100     Dtmake_f makef;     /* object constructor           */
101     Dtfree_f freef;     /* object destructor            */
102     Dtcompar_f comparf; /* to compare two objects       */
103     Dthash_f hashf;     /* to compute hash value        */
104     Dtmemory_f memoryf; /* to allocate/free memory      */
105     Dtevent_f eventf;   /* to process events            */
106 };
108 // #define DTDISC(dc, ky, sz, lk, mkf, frf, cmpf, hshf, memf, evf)
109 //     ((dc)->key = (int)(ky), (dc)->size = (int)(sz), (dc)->link = (int)(lk), (dc)->makef = (mkf),
110 //      (dc)->freef = (frf), (dc)->comparf = (cmpf), (dc)->hashf = (hshf), (dc)->memoryf = (memf),
111 //      (dc)->eventf = (evf))
113 #ifdef offsetof
114 #define DTOFFSET(struct_s, member) offsetof(struct_s, member)
115 #else
116 #define DTOFFSET(struct_s, member) ((int)(&(NULL)->member))
117 #endif
119 /* the dictionary structure itself */
120 struct _dt_s {
121     Dtsearch_f searchf; /* search function              */
122     Dtdisc_t *disc;     /* object type definitition     */
123     Dtdata_t *data;     /* sharable data                */
124     Dtmemory_f memoryf; /* for memory allocation        */
125     Dtmethod_t *meth;   /* storage method               */
126     ssize_t nview;      /* #parent view dictionaries    */
127     Dt_t *view;         /* next on viewpath             */
128     Dt_t *walk;         /* dictionary being walked      */
129     Dtuser_t *user;     /* for user's usage             */
130 };
132 /* structure to get status of a dictionary */
133 #define DT_MAXRECURSE 1024 /* limit to avoid stack overflow     */
134 #define DT_MAXSIZE 256     /* limit for size of below arrays    */
135 struct _dtstat_s {
136     unsigned int meth;         /* method type                           */
137     ssize_t size;              /* total # of elements in dictionary     */
138     ssize_t space;             /* memory usage of data structure        */
139     ssize_t mlev;              /* max #levels in tree or hash table     */
140     ssize_t msize;             /* max #defined elts in below arrays     */
141     ssize_t tslot;             /* # of slots in top level hash table    */
142     ssize_t lsize[DT_MAXSIZE]; /* #objects by level             */
143     ssize_t tsize[DT_MAXSIZE]; /* #tables by level              */
144     char mesg[1024];           /* digest of top level statistics        */
145 };
147 /* supported storage methods */
148 #define DT_SET 0000000001     /* unordered set, unique elements */
149 #define DT_BAG 0000000002     /* unordered set, repeated elements       */
150 #define DT_OSET 0000000004    /* ordered set                    */
151 #define DT_OBAG 0000000010    /* ordered multiset                       */
152 #define DT_LIST 0000000020    /* linked list                    */
153 #define DT_STACK 0000000040   /* stack: insert/delete at top    */
154 #define DT_QUEUE 0000000100   /* queue: insert top, delete at tail      */
155 #define DT_DEQUE 0000000200   /* deque: insert top, append at tail      */
156 #define DT_RHSET 0000000400   /* rhset: sharable unique objects */
157 #define DT_RHBAG 0000001000   /* rhbag: sharable repeated objects       */
158 #define DT_METHODS 0000001777 /* all currently supported methods        */
159 #define DT_ORDERED (DT_OSET | DT_OBAG)
161 /* asserts to dtdisc() to improve performance when changing disciplines */
162 #define DT_SAMECMP 00000000001  /* compare functions are equivalent     */
163 #define DT_SAMEHASH 00000000002 /* hash functions are equivalent        */
165 /* operation types */
166 #define DT_INSERT 0000000001  /* insert object if not found     */
167 #define DT_DELETE 0000000002  /* delete a matching object if any        */
168 #define DT_SEARCH 0000000004  /* look for an object             */
169 #define DT_NEXT 0000000010    /* look for next element          */
170 #define DT_PREV 0000000020    /* find previous element          */
171 #define DT_FIRST 0000000200   /* get first object                       */
172 #define DT_LAST 0000000400    /* get last object                        */
173 #define DT_MATCH 0000001000   /* find object matching key               */
174 #define DT_ATTACH 0000004000  /* attach an object to dictionary */
175 #define DT_DETACH 0000010000  /* detach an object from dictionary       */
176 #define DT_APPEND 0000020000  /* append an object                       */
177 #define DT_ATLEAST 0000040000 /* find the least elt >= object   */
178 #define DT_ATMOST 0000100000  /* find the biggest elt <= object */
179 #define DT_REMOVE 0002000000  /* remove a specific object               */
180 #define DT_INSTALL 0004000000 /* install a new object           */
181 #define DT_STEP 0010000000    /* step to next element in loop   */
182 #define DT_START 0020000000   /* start an iterative loop                */
183 #define DT_STOP 0040000000    /* end an iterative loop          */
184 #define DT_TOANNOUNCE                                                                        \
187      DT_STEP | DT_START | DT_STOP)
189 #define DT_RELINK 0000002000  /* re-inserting (dtdisc,dtmethod...)      */
190 #define DT_FLATTEN 0000000040 /* flatten objects into a list    */
191 #define DT_CLEAR 0000000100   /* clearing all objects           */
192 #define DT_EXTRACT 0000200000 /* FLATTEN and clear dictionary   */
193 #define DT_RESTORE 0000400000 /* reinsert a list of elements    */
194 #define DT_STAT 0001000000    /* get statistics of dictionary   */
195 #define DT_OPERATIONS \
198 /* these bits may combine with the DT_METHODS and DT_OPERATIONS bits */
199 #define DT_INDATA 0010000000   /* Dt_t was allocated with Dtdata_t      */
200 #define DT_SHARE 0020000000    /* concurrent access mode                */
201 #define DT_ANNOUNCE 0040000000 /* announcing a successful operation     */
202                                /* the actual event will be this bit */
203                                /* combined with the operation bit       */
204 #define DT_OPTIMIZE 0100000000 /* optimizing data structure             */
206 /* events for discipline and method event-handling functions */
207 #define DT_OPEN 1      /* a dictionary is being opened          */
208 #define DT_ENDOPEN 5   /* end of dictionary opening             */
209 #define DT_CLOSE 2     /* a dictionary is being closed          */
210 #define DT_ENDCLOSE 6  /* end of dictionary closing             */
211 #define DT_DISC 3      /* discipline is about to be changed     */
212 #define DT_METH 4      /* method is about to be changed */
213 #define DT_HASHSIZE 7  /* initialize hash table size            */
214 #define DT_ERROR 0xbad /* announcing an error                   */
216 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtset;
217 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtbag;
218 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtoset;
219 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtobag;
220 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtlist;
221 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtstack;
222 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtqueue;
223 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtdeque;
224 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtrhset;
225 extern Dtmethod_t *Dtrhbag;
227 extern Dt_t *dtopen(Dtdisc_t *, Dtmethod_t *);
228 extern int dtclose(Dt_t *);
229 extern Dt_t *dtview(Dt_t *, Dt_t *);
230 extern Dtdisc_t *dtdisc(Dt_t *dt, Dtdisc_t *, int);
231 extern Dtmethod_t *dtmethod(Dt_t *, Dtmethod_t *);
232 extern int dtwalk(Dt_t *, int (*)(Dt_t *, void *, void *), void *);
233 extern int dtcustomize(Dt_t *, int, int);
234 extern unsigned int dtstrhash(unsigned int, char *, int);
235 extern int dtuserlock(Dt_t *);
236 extern int dtuserunlock(Dt_t *);
237 extern void *dtuserdata(Dt_t *, void *, int);
238 extern ssize_t dtstat(Dt_t *, Dtstat_t *);
240 extern Dt_t *dtopen(Dtdisc_t *, Dtmethod_t *);
242 /* internal functions for translating among holder, object and key */
243 #define _DT(dt) ((Dt_t *)(dt))
245 #define _DTLNK(dc, o) ((Dtlink_t *)((char *)(o) + (dc)->link)) /* get link from obj */
247 #define _DTO(dc, l) (void *)((char *)(l) - (dc)->link) /* get object from link */
248 #define _DTOBJ(dc, l) ((dc)->link >= 0 ? _DTO(dc, l) : ((Dthold_t *)(l))->obj)
250 #define _DTK(dc, o) ((char *)(o) + (dc)->key) /* get key from object */
251 #define _DTKEY(dc, o) (void *)((dc)->size >= 0 ? _DTK(dc, o) : *((char **)_DTK(dc, o)))
253 #define _DTCMP(dt, k1, k2, dc)                                                       \
254     ((dc)->comparf ? (*(dc)->comparf)((dt), (k1), (k2), (dc))                        \
255                    : (dc)->size > 0 ? memcmp((void *)(k1), ((void *)k2), (dc)->size) \
256                                     : strcmp((char *)(k1), ((char *)k2)))
258 #define _DTHSH(dt, ky, dc) \
259     ((dc)->hashf ? (*(dc)->hashf)((dt), (ky), (dc)) : dtstrhash(0, (char *)(ky), (int)(dc)->size))
261 #define dtvnext(d) (_DT(d)->view)
262 // #define dtvcount(d) (_DT(d)->nview)
263 // #define dtvhere(d) (_DT(d)->walk)
265 #define dtlink(d, e) (((Dtlink_t *)(e))->rh.__rght)
266 #define dtobj(d, e) _DTOBJ(_DT(d)->disc, (e))
268 #define dtfirst(d) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_FIRST)
269 #define dtnext(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_NEXT)
270 #define dtatleast(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_ATLEAST)
271 #define dtlast(d) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_LAST)
272 #define dtprev(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_PREV)
273 #define dtatmost(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_ATMOST)
274 #define dtsearch(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_SEARCH)
275 #define dtmatch(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_MATCH)
276 #define dtinsert(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_INSERT)
277 #define dtinstall(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_INSTALL)
278 #define dtappend(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_APPEND)
279 #define dtdelete(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_DELETE)
280 #define dtremove(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_REMOVE)
281 // #define dtattach(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_ATTACH)
282 // #define dtdetach(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_DETACH)
283 #define dtclear(d) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_CLEAR)
285 #define dtstart(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_START)
286 #define dtstep(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_STEP)
287 #define dtstop(d, o) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(o), DT_STOP)
289 #define dtflatten(d) (Dtlink_t *)(*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_FLATTEN)
290 #define dtextract(d) (Dtlink_t *)(*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_EXTRACT)
291 #define dtrestore(d, l) (Dtlink_t *)(*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(l), DT_RESTORE)
293 #define dtsize(d) (ssize_t) (*(_DT(d)->searchf))((d), (void *)(0), DT_STAT)
295 #endif  // _CDT_H