1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2020 Red Hat
3# GNU General Public License v2.0+
4# (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7#                WARNING                    #
10# This file is auto generated by the resource
11#   module builder playbook.
13# Do not edit this file manually.
15# Changes to this file will be over written
16#   by the resource module builder.
18# Changes should be made in the model used to
19#   generate this file or in the resource module
20#   builder template.
24from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
26__metaclass__ = type
28from ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.tests.unit.compat.mock import (
29    patch,
31from ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.modules import (
32    junos_ospfv2,
34from ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.tests.unit.modules.utils import (
35    set_module_args,
37from .junos_module import TestJunosModule, load_fixture
40class TestJunosOspfv2Module(TestJunosModule):
41    module = junos_ospfv2
43    def setUp(self):
44        super(TestJunosOspfv2Module, self).setUp()
46        self.mock_lock_configuration = patch(
47            "ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.module_utils.network.junos.junos.lock_configuration"
48        )
49        self.lock_configuration = self.mock_lock_configuration.start()
51        self.mock_unlock_configuration = patch(
52            "ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.module_utils.network.junos.junos.unlock_configuration"
53        )
54        self.unlock_configuration = self.mock_unlock_configuration.start()
56        self.mock_load_config = patch(
57            "ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.module_utils.network.junos.config.ospfv2.ospfv2.load_config"
58        )
59        self.load_config = self.mock_load_config.start()
61        self.mock_commit_configuration = patch(
62            "ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.module_utils.network.junos.config.ospfv2.ospfv2.commit_configuration"
63        )
64        self.mock_commit_configuration = self.mock_commit_configuration.start()
66        self.mock_execute_show_command = patch(
67            "ansible_collections.junipernetworks.junos.plugins.module_utils.network.junos.facts.ospfv2.ospfv2."
68            "Ospfv2Facts.get_connection"
69        )
70        self.execute_show_command = self.mock_execute_show_command.start()
72    def tearDown(self):
73        super(TestJunosOspfv2Module, self).tearDown()
74        self.mock_load_config.stop()
75        self.mock_lock_configuration.stop()
76        self.mock_unlock_configuration.stop()
77        self.mock_commit_configuration.stop()
78        self.mock_execute_show_command.stop()
80    def load_fixtures(
81        self, commands=None, format="text", changed=False, filename=None
82    ):
83        def load_from_file(*args, **kwargs):
84            output = load_fixture("junos_ospfv2_config.cfg")
85            return output
87        self.execute_show_command.side_effect = load_from_file
89    def sort_ospf(self, entry_list):
90        entry_list.sort(key=lambda i: i.get("name"))
92    def test_junos_ospfv2_merged(self):
93        set_module_args(
94            dict(
95                config=[
96                    dict(
97                        router_id="",
98                        areas=[
99                            dict(
100                                area_id="",
101                                stub=dict(default_metric=200, set=True),
102                                interfaces=[
103                                    dict(
104                                        name="so-0/0/0.0", priority=3, metric=5
105                                    )
106                                ],
107                            )
108                        ],
109                    )
110                ],
111                state="merged",
112            )
113        )
114        commands = [
115            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"><nc:ospf>'
116            "<nc:area><nc:name></nc:name><nc:interface><nc:name>so-0/0/0.0</nc:name>"
117            "<nc:priority>3</nc:priority><nc:metric>5</nc:metric></nc:interface><nc:stub>"
118            "<nc:default-metric>200</nc:default-metric></nc:stub></nc:area></nc:ospf></nc:protocols>",
119            '<nc:routing-options xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">'
120            "<nc:router-id></nc:router-id></nc:routing-options>",
121        ]
122        result = self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
123        self.assertEqual(sorted(result["commands"]), sorted(commands))
125    def test_junos_ospfv2_merged_bandwith(self):
126        set_module_args(
127            dict(
128                config=[
129                    dict(
130                        router_id="",
131                        areas=[
132                            dict(
133                                area_id="",
134                                interfaces=[
135                                    dict(
136                                        name="so-0/0/0.0",
137                                        metric=5,
138                                        bandwidth_based_metrics=[
139                                            dict(bandwidth="10g", metric=5)
140                                        ],
141                                    )
142                                ],
143                            )
144                        ],
145                    )
146                ],
147                state="merged",
148            )
149        )
150        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
151        self.assertIn(
152            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
153            str(result["commands"]),
154        )
155        self.assertIn(
156            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
157            str(result["commands"]),
158        )
159        self.assertIn("<nc:name></nc:name>", str(result["commands"]))
160        self.assertIn(
161            "<nc:interface><nc:name>so-0/0/0.0</nc:name>",
162            str(result["commands"]),
163        )
164        self.assertIn(
165            "<nc:bandwidth-based-metrics><nc:bandwidth><nc:name>10g</nc:name>",
166            str(result["commands"]),
167        )
168        self.assertIn("<nc:metric>5</nc:metric>", str(result["commands"]))
170    def test_junos_ospfv2_merged_02(self):
171        set_module_args(
172            dict(
173                config=[
174                    dict(
175                        router_id="",
176                        areas=[
177                            dict(
178                                area_id="",
179                                area_range="3:3::/64",
180                                stub=dict(set=True),
181                                interfaces=[
182                                    dict(
183                                        name="so-0/0/0.0",
184                                        priority=3,
185                                        metric=5,
186                                        flood_reduction=True,
187                                        passive=True,
188                                        timers=dict(
189                                            dead_interval=100,
190                                            hello_interval=80,
191                                            retransmit_interval=90,
192                                            transit_delay=True,
193                                        ),
194                                    )
195                                ],
196                            )
197                        ],
198                    )
199                ],
200                state="merged",
201            )
202        )
203        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
204        self.assertIn(
205            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
206            str(result["commands"]),
207        )
208        self.assertIn(
209            "<nc:ospf><nc:area><nc:name></nc:name>",
210            str(result["commands"]),
211        )
212        self.assertIn(
213            "<nc:interface><nc:name>so-0/0/0.0</nc:name>",
214            str(result["commands"]),
215        )
216        self.assertIn("<nc:priority>3</nc:priority>", str(result["commands"]))
217        self.assertIn("<nc:flood-reduction/>", str(result["commands"]))
218        self.assertIn("<nc:metric>5</nc:metric>", str(result["commands"]))
219        self.assertIn("<nc:passive/>", str(result["commands"]))
220        self.assertIn(
221            "<nc:dead-interval>100</nc:dead-interval>", str(result["commands"])
222        )
223        self.assertIn(
224            "<nc:hello-interval>80</nc:hello-interval>",
225            str(result["commands"]),
226        )
227        self.assertIn(
228            "<nc:retransmit-interval>90</nc:retransmit-interval>",
229            str(result["commands"]),
230        )
231        self.assertIn("</nc:interface>", str(result["commands"]))
232        self.assertIn(
233            "<nc:stub/></nc:area></nc:ospf></nc:protocols>",
234            str(result["commands"]),
235        )
236        self.assertIn("</nc:interface>", str(result["commands"]))
237        self.assertIn(
238            '<nc:routing-options xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
239            str(result["commands"]),
240        )
241        self.assertIn(
242            "<nc:router-id></nc:router-id></nc:routing-options>",
243            str(result["commands"]),
244        )
246    def test_junos_ospfv2_merged_03(self):
247        set_module_args(
248            dict(
249                config=[
250                    dict(
251                        router_id="",
252                        external_preference=2,
253                        overload=dict(timeout=80),
254                        preference=1,
255                        prefix_export_limit=20000,
256                        reference_bandwidth="10g",
257                        rfc1583compatibility=False,
258                        spf_options=dict(
259                            delay=1000, holddown=15000, rapid_runs=9
260                        ),
261                    )
262                ],
263                state="merged",
264            )
265        )
266        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
267        self.assertIn(
268            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
269            str(result["commands"]),
270        )
271        self.assertIn(
272            "<nc:spf-options><nc:delay>1000</nc:delay>",
273            str(result["commands"]),
274        )
275        self.assertIn(
276            "<nc:overload><nc:timeout>80</nc:timeout></nc:overload>",
277            str(result["commands"]),
278        )
279        self.assertIn(
280            "<nc:external-preference>2</nc:external-preference>",
281            str(result["commands"]),
282        )
283        self.assertIn(
284            "<nc:preference>1</nc:preference>", str(result["commands"])
285        )
286        self.assertIn(
287            "<nc:prefix-export-limit>20000</nc:prefix-export-limit>",
288            str(result["commands"]),
289        )
290        self.assertIn(
291            "<nc:reference-bandwidth>10g</nc:reference-bandwidth>",
292            str(result["commands"]),
293        )
294        self.assertIn("<nc:no-rfc-1583/>", str(result["commands"]))
295        self.assertIn(
296            "<nc:router-id></nc:router-id></nc:routing-options>",
297            str(result["commands"]),
298        )
300    def test_junos_ospfv2_replaced_01(self):
301        set_module_args(
302            dict(
303                config=[
304                    dict(
305                        router_id="",
306                        areas=[
307                            dict(
308                                area_id="",
309                                stub=dict(default_metric=200, set=True),
310                                interfaces=[
311                                    dict(
312                                        name="so-0/0/0.0",
313                                        priority=3,
314                                        metric=2,
315                                        passive=True,
316                                    ),
317                                    dict(
318                                        name="so-0/0/0.1", priority=4, metric=4
319                                    ),
320                                ],
321                            ),
322                            dict(
323                                area_id="",
324                                interfaces=[
325                                    dict(name="ge-1/1/1.0"),
326                                    dict(name="ge-2/2/2.0"),
327                                ],
328                            ),
329                        ],
330                    )
331                ],
332                state="replaced",
333            )
334        )
335        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
336        self.assertIn(
337            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
338            str(result["commands"]),
339        )
340        self.assertIn(
341            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>',
342            str(result["commands"]),
343        )
344        self.assertIn(
345            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>',
346            str(result["commands"]),
347        )
348        self.assertIn(
349            '<nc:routing-options xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
350            str(result["commands"]),
351        )
352        self.assertIn("<nc:metric>2</nc:metric>", str(result["commands"]))
353        self.assertIn("<nc:priority>3</nc:priority>", str(result["commands"]))
354        self.assertIn(
355            "<nc:interface><nc:name>so-0/0/0.1</nc:name>",
356            str(result["commands"]),
357        )
358        self.assertIn(
359            "<nc:stub><nc:default-metric>200</nc:default-metric></nc:stub>",
360            str(result["commands"]),
361        )
362        self.assertIn(
363            "<nc:router-id></nc:router-id></nc:routing-options>",
364            str(result["commands"]),
365        )
367    def test_junos_ospfv2_merged_01(self):
368        set_module_args(
369            dict(
370                config=[
371                    dict(
372                        router_id="",
373                        areas=[
374                            dict(
375                                area_id="",
376                                stub=dict(default_metric=200, set=True),
377                                interfaces=[
378                                    dict(
379                                        name="so-0/0/0.0",
380                                        priority=3,
381                                        metric=2,
382                                        passive=True,
383                                    ),
384                                    dict(
385                                        name="so-0/0/0.1", priority=4, metric=4
386                                    ),
387                                ],
388                            ),
389                            dict(
390                                area_id="",
391                                interfaces=[
392                                    dict(name="ge-1/1/1.0"),
393                                    dict(name="ge-2/2/2.0"),
394                                ],
395                            ),
396                        ],
397                    )
398                ],
399                state="overridden",
400            )
401        )
402        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
403        self.assertIn(
404            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
405            str(result["commands"]),
406        )
407        self.assertIn(
408            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>',
409            str(result["commands"]),
410        )
411        self.assertIn(
412            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>',
413            str(result["commands"]),
414        )
415        self.assertIn(
416            '<nc:routing-options xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">',
417            str(result["commands"]),
418        )
419        self.assertIn("<nc:metric>2</nc:metric>", str(result["commands"]))
420        self.assertIn("<nc:priority>3</nc:priority>", str(result["commands"]))
421        self.assertIn(
422            "<nc:interface><nc:name>so-0/0/0.1</nc:name>",
423            str(result["commands"]),
424        )
425        self.assertIn(
426            "<nc:stub><nc:default-metric>200</nc:default-metric></nc:stub>",
427            str(result["commands"]),
428        )
429        self.assertIn(
430            "<nc:router-id></nc:router-id></nc:routing-options>",
431            str(result["commands"]),
432        )
434    def test_junos_ospfv2_deleted(self):
435        """
436        :return:
437        """
438        set_module_args(dict(config=[], state="deleted"))
440        commands = [
441            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">'
442            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>'
443            '<nc:ospf><nc:area delete="delete"></nc:area></nc:ospf>'
444            "</nc:protocols>"
445        ]
446        result = self.execute_module(changed=True)
447        self.assertEqual(sorted(result["commands"]), sorted(commands))
449    def test_junos_ospfv2_rendered(self):
450        set_module_args(
451            dict(
452                config=[
453                    dict(
454                        router_id="",
455                        areas=[
456                            dict(
457                                area_id="",
458                                stub=dict(default_metric=200, set=True),
459                                interfaces=[
460                                    dict(
461                                        name="so-0/0/0.0", priority=3, metric=5
462                                    )
463                                ],
464                            )
465                        ],
466                    )
467                ],
468                state="rendered",
469            )
470        )
471        rendered = (
472            '<nc:protocols xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">'
473            "<nc:ospf><nc:area><nc:name></nc:name><nc:interface>"
474            "<nc:name>so-0/0/0.0</nc:name><nc:priority>3</nc:priority>"
475            "<nc:metric>5</nc:metric></nc:interface>"
476            "<nc:stub><nc:default-metric>200</nc:default-metric></nc:stub></nc:area></nc:ospf></nc:protocols>"
477        )
478        result = self.execute_module(changed=False)
479        self.assertEqual(sorted(result["rendered"]), sorted(rendered))
481    def test_junos_vlans_gathered(self):
482        """
483        :return:
484        """
485        set_module_args(dict(state="gathered"))
486        result = self.execute_module(changed=False)
487        gather_list = [
488            dict(
489                router_id="",
490                areas=[
491                    dict(
492                        area_id="",
493                        stub=dict(default_metric=200, set=True),
494                        interfaces=[
495                            dict(
496                                name="so-0/0/0.0",
497                                priority=3,
498                                metric=5,
499                                passive=True,
500                                flood_reduction=True,
501                            )
502                        ],
503                    ),
504                    dict(
505                        area_id="",
506                        interfaces=[
507                            dict(name="ge-1/1/0.0"),
508                            dict(name="ge-2/2/0.0"),
509                        ],
510                    ),
511                ],
512            )
513        ]
514        self.assertEqual(sorted(gather_list), sorted(result["gathered"]))
516    def test_junos_vlans_parsed(self):
517        parsed_str = """
518            <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:0cadb4e8-5bba-47f4-986e-72906227007f">
519                <configuration changed-seconds="1590139550" changed-localtime="2020-05-22 09:25:50 UTC">
520                    <version>18.4R1-S2.4</version>
521                     <protocols>
522                        <ospf>
523                            <area>
524                            <name></name>
525                                <interface>
526                                    <name>so-0/0/0.1</name>
527                                    <metric>3</metric>
528                                    <priority>5</priority>
529                                </interface>
530                            </area>
531                            <area>
532                                <name></name>
533                                <stub>
534                                    <default-metric>200</default-metric>
535                                </stub>
536                                <interface>
537                                    <name>so-0/0/0.0</name>
538                                    <metric>5</metric>
539                                    <priority>3</priority>
540                                    <bandwidth-based-metrics>
541                                        <bandwidth>
542                                            <name>10g</name>
543                                            <metric>5</metric>
544                                        </bandwidth>
545                                    </bandwidth-based-metrics>
546                                </interface>
547                            </area>
548                        </ospf>
549                    </protocols>
550                    <routing-options>
551                        <router-id></router-id>
552                    </routing-options>
553                </configuration>
554            </rpc-reply>
555        """
556        set_module_args(dict(running_config=parsed_str, state="parsed"))
557        result = self.execute_module(changed=False)
558        parsed_list = [
559            {
560                "areas": [
561                    {
562                        "area_id": "",
563                        "interfaces": [
564                            {"metric": 3, "name": "so-0/0/0.1", "priority": 5}
565                        ],
566                    },
567                    {
568                        "area_id": "",
569                        "interfaces": [
570                            {
571                                "bandwidth_based_metrics": [
572                                    {"metric": 5, "bandwidth": "10g"}
573                                ],
574                                "metric": 5,
575                                "name": "so-0/0/0.0",
576                                "priority": 3,
577                            }
578                        ],
579                        "stub": {"default_metric": 200, "set": True},
580                    },
581                ],
582                "router_id": "",
583            }
584        ]
585        self.assertEqual(result["parsed"], parsed_list)
587    def test_junos_vlans_parsed_02(self):
588        parsed_str = """
589            <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:0cadb4e8-5bba-47f4-986e-72906227007f">
590                <configuration changed-seconds="1590139550" changed-localtime="2020-05-22 09:25:50 UTC">
591                    <version>18.4R1-S2.4</version>
592                     <protocols>
593                        <ospf>
594                            <area>
595                            <name></name>
596                                <interface>
597                                    <name>so-0/0/0.1</name>
598                                    <metric>3</metric>
599                                    <priority>5</priority>
600                                </interface>
601                            </area>
602                            <area>
603                                <name></name>
604                                <stub>
605                                    <default-metric>200</default-metric>
606                                </stub>
607                                <interface>
608                                    <name>so-0/0/0.0</name>
609                                    <metric>5</metric>
610                                    <priority>3</priority>
611                                    <bandwidth-based-metrics>
612                                        <bandwidth>
613                                            <name>10g</name>
614                                            <metric>5</metric>
615                                        </bandwidth>
616                                        <bandwidth>
617                                            <name>1g</name>
618                                            <metric>5</metric>
619                                        </bandwidth>
620                                    </bandwidth-based-metrics>
621                                </interface>
622                            </area>
623                        </ospf>
624                    </protocols>
625                    <routing-options>
626                        <router-id></router-id>
627                    </routing-options>
628                </configuration>
629            </rpc-reply>
630        """
631        set_module_args(dict(running_config=parsed_str, state="parsed"))
632        result = self.execute_module(changed=False)
633        parsed_list = [
634            {
635                "areas": [
636                    {
637                        "area_id": "",
638                        "interfaces": [
639                            {"metric": 3, "name": "so-0/0/0.1", "priority": 5}
640                        ],
641                    },
642                    {
643                        "area_id": "",
644                        "interfaces": [
645                            {
646                                "bandwidth_based_metrics": [
647                                    {"metric": 5, "bandwidth": "10g"},
648                                    {"metric": 5, "bandwidth": "1g"},
649                                ],
650                                "metric": 5,
651                                "name": "so-0/0/0.0",
652                                "priority": 3,
653                            }
654                        ],
655                        "stub": {"default_metric": 200, "set": True},
656                    },
657                ],
658                "router_id": "",
659            }
660        ]
661        self.assertEqual(result["parsed"], parsed_list)