1.. _vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces_module:
8**L3 interfaces resource module**
11Version added: 1.0.0
13.. contents::
14   :local:
15   :depth: 1
20- This module manages the L3 interface attributes on VyOS network devices.
28.. raw:: html
30    <table  border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
31        <tr>
32            <th colspan="4">Parameter</th>
33            <th>Choices/<font color="blue">Defaults</font></th>
34            <th width="100%">Comments</th>
35        </tr>
36            <tr>
37                <td colspan="4">
38                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
39                    <b>config</b>
40                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
41                    <div style="font-size: small">
42                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
43                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
44                    </div>
45                </td>
46                <td>
47                </td>
48                <td>
49                        <div>The provided L3 interfaces configuration.</div>
50                </td>
51            </tr>
52                                <tr>
53                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
54                <td colspan="3">
55                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
56                    <b>ipv4</b>
57                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
58                    <div style="font-size: small">
59                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
60                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
61                    </div>
62                </td>
63                <td>
64                </td>
65                <td>
66                        <div>List of IPv4 addresses of the interface.</div>
67                </td>
68            </tr>
69                                <tr>
70                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
71                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
72                <td colspan="2">
73                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
74                    <b>address</b>
75                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
76                    <div style="font-size: small">
77                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
78                    </div>
79                </td>
80                <td>
81                </td>
82                <td>
83                        <div>IPv4 address of the interface.</div>
84                </td>
85            </tr>
87            <tr>
88                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
89                <td colspan="3">
90                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
91                    <b>ipv6</b>
92                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
93                    <div style="font-size: small">
94                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
95                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
96                    </div>
97                </td>
98                <td>
99                </td>
100                <td>
101                        <div>List of IPv6 addresses of the interface.</div>
102                </td>
103            </tr>
104                                <tr>
105                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
106                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
107                <td colspan="2">
108                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
109                    <b>address</b>
110                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
111                    <div style="font-size: small">
112                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
113                    </div>
114                </td>
115                <td>
116                </td>
117                <td>
118                        <div>IPv6 address of the interface.</div>
119                </td>
120            </tr>
122            <tr>
123                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
124                <td colspan="3">
125                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
126                    <b>name</b>
127                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
128                    <div style="font-size: small">
129                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
130                         / <span style="color: red">required</span>
131                    </div>
132                </td>
133                <td>
134                </td>
135                <td>
136                        <div>Full name of the interface, e.g. eth0, eth1.</div>
137                </td>
138            </tr>
139            <tr>
140                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
141                <td colspan="3">
142                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
143                    <b>vifs</b>
144                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
145                    <div style="font-size: small">
146                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
147                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
148                    </div>
149                </td>
150                <td>
151                </td>
152                <td>
153                        <div>Virtual sub-interfaces L3 configurations.</div>
154                </td>
155            </tr>
156                                <tr>
157                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
158                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
159                <td colspan="2">
160                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
161                    <b>ipv4</b>
162                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
163                    <div style="font-size: small">
164                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
165                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
166                    </div>
167                </td>
168                <td>
169                </td>
170                <td>
171                        <div>List of IPv4 addresses of the virtual interface.</div>
172                </td>
173            </tr>
174                                <tr>
175                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
176                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
177                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
178                <td colspan="1">
179                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
180                    <b>address</b>
181                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
182                    <div style="font-size: small">
183                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
184                    </div>
185                </td>
186                <td>
187                </td>
188                <td>
189                        <div>IPv4 address of the virtual interface.</div>
190                </td>
191            </tr>
193            <tr>
194                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
195                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
196                <td colspan="2">
197                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
198                    <b>ipv6</b>
199                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
200                    <div style="font-size: small">
201                        <span style="color: purple">list</span>
202                         / <span style="color: purple">elements=dictionary</span>
203                    </div>
204                </td>
205                <td>
206                </td>
207                <td>
208                        <div>List of IPv6 addresses of the virtual interface.</div>
209                </td>
210            </tr>
211                                <tr>
212                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
213                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
214                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
215                <td colspan="1">
216                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
217                    <b>address</b>
218                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
219                    <div style="font-size: small">
220                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
221                    </div>
222                </td>
223                <td>
224                </td>
225                <td>
226                        <div>IPv6 address of the virtual interface.</div>
227                </td>
228            </tr>
230            <tr>
231                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
232                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
233                <td colspan="2">
234                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
235                    <b>vlan_id</b>
236                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
237                    <div style="font-size: small">
238                        <span style="color: purple">integer</span>
239                    </div>
240                </td>
241                <td>
242                </td>
243                <td>
244                        <div>Identifier for the virtual sub-interface.</div>
245                </td>
246            </tr>
249            <tr>
250                <td colspan="4">
251                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
252                    <b>running_config</b>
253                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
254                    <div style="font-size: small">
255                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
256                    </div>
257                </td>
258                <td>
259                </td>
260                <td>
261                        <div>This option is used only with state <em>parsed</em>.</div>
262                        <div>The value of this option should be the output received from the VyOS device by executing the command <b>show configuration commands | grep -e eth[2,3]</b>.</div>
263                        <div>The state <em>parsed</em> reads the configuration from <code>running_config</code> option and transforms it into Ansible structured data as per the resource module&#x27;s argspec and the value is then returned in the <em>parsed</em> key within the result.</div>
264                </td>
265            </tr>
266            <tr>
267                <td colspan="4">
268                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-"></div>
269                    <b>state</b>
270                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
271                    <div style="font-size: small">
272                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
273                    </div>
274                </td>
275                <td>
276                        <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
277                                    <li><div style="color: blue"><b>merged</b>&nbsp;&larr;</div></li>
278                                    <li>replaced</li>
279                                    <li>overridden</li>
280                                    <li>deleted</li>
281                                    <li>parsed</li>
282                                    <li>gathered</li>
283                                    <li>rendered</li>
284                        </ul>
285                </td>
286                <td>
287                        <div>The state of the configuration after module completion.</div>
288                </td>
289            </tr>
290    </table>
291    <br/>
297.. note::
298   - Tested against VyOS 1.1.8 (helium).
299   - This module works with connection ``network_cli``. See `the VyOS OS Platform Options <../network/user_guide/platform_vyos.html>`_.
306.. code-block:: yaml
308    # Using merged
309    #
310    # Before state:
311    # -------------
312    #
313    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep -e eth[2,3]
314    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
315    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
316    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101
317    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102
319    - name: Merge provided configuration with device configuration
320      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
321        config:
322        - name: eth2
323          ipv4:
324          - address:
325          - address:
326          ipv6:
327          - address: 2001:db8:100::2/32
328          - address: 2001:db8:400::10/32
330        - name: eth3
331          ipv4:
332          - address:
333          vifs:
334          - vlan_id: 101
335            ipv4:
336            - address:
337            - address:
338          - vlan_id: 102
339            ipv6:
340            - address: 2001:db8:1000::5/38
341            - address: 2001:db8:1400::3/38
342        state: merged
344    # After state:
345    # -------------
346    #
347    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep -e eth[2,3]
348    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
349    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
350    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8:100::2/32'
351    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8:400::10/32'
352    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
353    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 address ''
354    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
355    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
356    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
357    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:1000::5/38'
358    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:1400::3/38'
359    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::2/34'
362    # Using replaced
363    #
364    # Before state:
365    # -------------
366    #
367    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
368    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
369    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
370    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:30:f0:22'
371    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp-affinity 'auto'
372    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
373    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:EA:0F:B9'
374    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
375    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
376    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
377    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
378    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::11/32'
379    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
380    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 address ''
381    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
382    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
383    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
384    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::3/34'
385    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::2/34'
386    #
387    - name: Replace device configurations of listed interfaces with provided configurations
388      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
389        config:
390        - name: eth2
391          ipv4:
392          - address:
394        - name: eth3
395          ipv6:
396          - address: 2001:db8::11/32
397        state: replaced
399    # After state:
400    # -------------
401    #
402    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
403    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
404    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
405    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:30:f0:22'
406    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp-affinity 'auto'
407    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
408    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:EA:0F:B9'
409    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
410    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
411    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
412    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
413    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 address '2001:db8::11/32'
414    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101
415    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102
418    # Using overridden
419    #
420    # Before state
421    # --------------
422    #
423    # vyos@vyos-appliance:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
424    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
425    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
426    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:30:f0:22'
427    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp-affinity 'auto'
428    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
429    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:EA:0F:B9'
430    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
431    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
432    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
433    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
434    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::11/32'
435    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
436    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 address ''
437    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
438    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
439    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
440    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::3/34'
441    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::2/34'
443    - name: Overrides all device configuration with provided configuration
444      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
445        config:
446        - name: eth0
447          ipv4:
448          - address: dhcp
449          ipv6:
450          - address: dhcpv6
451        state: overridden
453    # After state
454    # ------------
455    #
456    # vyos@vyos-appliance:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
457    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
458    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcpv6'
459    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
460    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:30:f0:22'
461    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp-affinity 'auto'
462    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
463    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:EA:0F:B9'
464    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
465    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
466    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101
467    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102
470    # Using deleted
471    #
472    # Before state
473    # -------------
474    # vyos@vyos-appliance:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
475    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
476    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
477    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:30:f0:22'
478    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp-affinity 'auto'
479    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
480    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:EA:0F:B9'
481    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
482    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
483    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
484    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
485    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::11/32'
486    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:c2:98:23'
487    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 address ''
488    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:43:70:8c'
489    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
490    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address ''
491    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::3/34'
492    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 102 address '2001:db8:4000::2/34'
494    - name: Delete L3 attributes of given interfaces (Note - This won't delete the interface
495        itself)
496      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
497        config:
498        - name: eth1
499        - name: eth2
500        - name: eth3
501        state: deleted
503    # After state
504    # ------------
505    # vyos@vyos-appliance:~$ show configuration commands | grep eth
506    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
507    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
508    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:f3:6c:b5'
509    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp_affinity 'auto'
510    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
511    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id '08:00:27:ad:ef:65'
512    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 smp_affinity 'auto'
513    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 hw-id '08:00:27:ab:4e:79'
514    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 smp_affinity 'auto'
515    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id '08:00:27:17:3c:85'
516    # set interfaces ethernet eth3 smp_affinity 'auto'
519    # Using gathered
520    #
521    # Before state:
522    # -------------
523    #
524    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep -e eth[2,3,0]
525    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
526    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
527    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:50:5e:19'
528    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp_affinity 'auto'
529    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
530    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
531    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
532    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
533    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
534    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::12/32'
535    #
536    - name: Gather listed l3 interfaces with provided configurations
537      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
538        config:
539        state: gathered
540    #
541    #
542    # -------------------------
543    # Module Execution Result
544    # -------------------------
545    #
546    #    "gathered": [
547    #         {
548    #             "ipv4": [
549    #                 {
550    #                     "address": ""
551    #                 },
552    #                 {
553    #                     "address": ""
554    #                 }
555    #             ],
556    #             "ipv6": [
557    #                 {
558    #                     "address": "2001:db8::10/32"
559    #                 },
560    #                 {
561    #                     "address": "2001:db8::12/32"
562    #                 }
563    #             ],
564    #             "name": "eth2"
565    #         },
566    #         {
567    #             "ipv4": [
568    #                 {
569    #                     "address": ""
570    #                 }
571    #             ],
572    #             "name": "eth1"
573    #         },
574    #         {
575    #             "ipv4": [
576    #                 {
577    #                     "address": "dhcp"
578    #                 }
579    #             ],
580    #             "name": "eth0"
581    #         }
582    #     ]
583    #
584    #
585    # After state:
586    # -------------
587    #
588    # vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep -e eth[2,3]
589    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
590    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
591    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '08:00:27:50:5e:19'
592    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 smp_affinity 'auto'
593    # set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
594    # set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
595    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
596    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
597    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
598    # set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::12/32'
601    # Using rendered
602    #
603    #
604    - name: Render the commands for provided  configuration
605      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
606        config:
607        - name: eth1
608          ipv4:
609          - address:
610        - name: eth2
611          ipv4:
612          - address:
613          - address:
614          ipv6:
615          - address: 2001:db8::10/32
616          - address: 2001:db8::12/32
617        state: rendered
618    #
619    #
620    # -------------------------
621    # Module Execution Result
622    # -------------------------
623    #
624    #
625    # "rendered": [
626    #         "set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''",
627    #         "set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''",
628    #         "set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''",
629    #         "set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'",
630    #         "set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::12/32'"
631    #     ]
634    # Using parsed
635    #
636    #
637    - name: parse the provided running configuration
638      vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces:
639        running_config:
640          "set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
641           set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
642           set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
643           set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
644           set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::10/32'
645           set interfaces ethernet eth2 address '2001:db8::12/32'"
646        state: parsed
647    #
648    #
649    # -------------------------
650    # Module Execution Result
651    # -------------------------
652    #
653    #
654    # "parsed": [
655    #         {
656    #             "ipv4": [
657    #                 {
658    #                     "address": ""
659    #                 },
660    #                 {
661    #                     "address": ""
662    #                 }
663    #             ],
664    #             "ipv6": [
665    #                 {
666    #                     "address": "2001:db8::10/32"
667    #                 },
668    #                 {
669    #                     "address": "2001:db8::12/32"
670    #                 }
671    #             ],
672    #             "name": "eth2"
673    #         },
674    #         {
675    #             "ipv4": [
676    #                 {
677    #                     "address": ""
678    #                 }
679    #             ],
680    #             "name": "eth1"
681    #         },
682    #         {
683    #             "ipv4": [
684    #                 {
685    #                     "address": "dhcp"
686    #                 }
687    #             ],
688    #             "name": "eth0"
689    #         }
690    #     ]
694Return Values
696Common return values are documented `here <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/common_return_values.html#common-return-values>`_, the following are the fields unique to this module:
698.. raw:: html
700    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
701        <tr>
702            <th colspan="1">Key</th>
703            <th>Returned</th>
704            <th width="100%">Description</th>
705        </tr>
706            <tr>
707                <td colspan="1">
708                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
709                    <b>after</b>
710                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
711                    <div style="font-size: small">
712                      <span style="color: purple">list</span>
713                    </div>
714                </td>
715                <td>when changed</td>
716                <td>
717                            <div>The configuration as structured data after module completion.</div>
718                    <br/>
719                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
720                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">The configuration returned will always be in the same format
721     of the parameters above.</div>
722                </td>
723            </tr>
724            <tr>
725                <td colspan="1">
726                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
727                    <b>before</b>
728                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
729                    <div style="font-size: small">
730                      <span style="color: purple">list</span>
731                    </div>
732                </td>
733                <td>always</td>
734                <td>
735                            <div>The configuration as structured data prior to module invocation.</div>
736                    <br/>
737                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
738                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">The configuration returned will always be in the same format
739     of the parameters above.</div>
740                </td>
741            </tr>
742            <tr>
743                <td colspan="1">
744                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-"></div>
745                    <b>commands</b>
746                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
747                    <div style="font-size: small">
748                      <span style="color: purple">list</span>
749                    </div>
750                </td>
751                <td>always</td>
752                <td>
753                            <div>The set of commands pushed to the remote device.</div>
754                    <br/>
755                        <div style="font-size: smaller"><b>Sample:</b></div>
756                        <div style="font-size: smaller; color: blue; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">[&#x27;set interfaces ethernet eth1;, &#x27;set interfaces ethernet eth3 vif 101 address;]</div>
757                </td>
758            </tr>
759    </table>
760    <br/><br/>
770- Nilashish Chakraborty (@NilashishC)
771- Rohit Thakur (@rohitthakur2590)