1 /*
2    Bacula(R) - The Network Backup Solution
4    Copyright (C) 2000-2020 Kern Sibbald
6    The original author of Bacula is Kern Sibbald, with contributions
7    from many others, a complete list can be found in the file AUTHORS.
9    You may use this file and others of this release according to the
10    license defined in the LICENSE file, which includes the Affero General
11    Public License, v3.0 ("AGPLv3") and some additional permissions and
12    terms pursuant to its AGPLv3 Section 7.
14    This notice must be preserved when any source code is
15    conveyed and/or propagated.
17    Bacula(R) is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.
18 */
19 /*
20  * Third generation Storage daemon.
21  *
22  *  Written by Kern Sibbald, MM
23  *
24  * It accepts a number of simple commands from the File daemon
25  * and acts on them. When a request to append data is made,
26  * it opens a data channel and accepts data from the
27  * File daemon.
28  *
29  */
31 #include "bacula.h"
32 #include "stored.h"
34 /* TODO: fix problem with bls, bextract
35  * that use findlib and already declare
36  * filed plugins
37  */
38 #include "sd_plugins.h"
40 /* Imported functions and variables */
41 extern bool parse_sd_config(CONFIG *config, const char *configfile, int exit_code);
43 /* Forward referenced functions */
44 void terminate_stored(int sig);
45 static int check_resources();
46 static void cleanup_old_files();
48 extern "C" void *device_initialization(void *arg);
50 #define CONFIG_FILE "bacula-sd.conf"  /* Default config file */
52 /* Global variables exported */
53 char OK_msg[]   = "3000 OK\n";
54 char TERM_msg[] = "3999 Terminate\n";
55 static bool test_config = false;
56 bstatcollect *statcollector = NULL;
57 sdstatmetrics_t sdstatmetrics;
59 static uint32_t VolSessionId = 0;
60 uint32_t VolSessionTime;
61 char *configfile = NULL;
62 bool init_done = false;
63 static pthread_t server_tid;
64 static bool server_tid_valid = false;
66 /* Global static variables */
67 static bool foreground = false;
68 static bool make_pid_file = true;     /* create pid file */
69 static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
70 static workq_t dird_workq;            /* queue for processing connections */
71 static CONFIG *config;
usage()73 static void usage()
74 {
75    fprintf(stderr, _(
77       "\n%sVersion: %s (%s)\n\n"
78       "Usage: bacula-sd [options] [-c config_file] [config_file]\n"
79       "     -c <file>         use <file> as configuration file\n"
80       "     -d <nn>[,<tags>]  set debug level to <nn>, debug tags to <tags>\n"
81       "     -dt               print timestamp in debug output\n"
82       "     -T                set trace on\n"
83       "     -f                run in foreground (for debugging)\n"
84       "     -g <group>        set groupid to group\n"
85       "     -m                print kaboom output (for debugging)\n"
86       "     -p                proceed despite I/O errors\n"
87       "     -P                do not create pid file\n"
88       "     -s                no signals (for debugging)\n"
89       "     -t                test - read config and exit\n"
90       "     -u <user>         userid to <user>\n"
91       "     -v                verbose user messages\n"
92       "     -?                print this message.\n"
93       "\n"), 2000, BDEMO, VERSION, BDATE);
94    exit(1);
95 }
97 /*
98  * !!! WARNING !!! Use this function only when bacula is stopped.
99  * ie, after a fatal signal and before exiting the program
100  * Print information about a JCR
101  */
sd_debug_print(JCR * jcr,FILE * fp)102 static void sd_debug_print(JCR *jcr, FILE *fp)
103 {
104    if (jcr->dcr) {
105       DCR *dcr = jcr->dcr;
106       fprintf(fp, "\tdcr=%p volumename=%s dev=%p newvol=%d reserved=%d locked=%d\n",
107               dcr, dcr->VolumeName, dcr->dev, dcr->NewVol,
108               dcr->is_reserved(),
109               dcr->is_dev_locked());
110    } else {
111       fprintf(fp, "dcr=*None*\n");
112    }
113 }
115 /*********************************************************************
116  *
117  *  Main Bacula Unix Storage Daemon
118  *
119  */
120 #if defined(HAVE_WIN32)
121 #define main BaculaMain
122 #endif
main(int argc,char * argv[])124 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
125 {
126    int ch;
127    bool no_signals = false;
128    pthread_t thid;
129    char *uid = NULL;
130    char *gid = NULL;
132    device_default_open_mode = omd_write;
134    mark_heap();
135    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
136    bindtextdomain("bacula", LOCALEDIR);
137    textdomain("bacula");
139    init_stack_dump();
140    my_name_is(argc, argv, "bacula-sd");
141    init_msg(NULL, NULL);
142    daemon_start_time = time(NULL);
143    setup_daemon_message_queue();
145    /* Sanity checks */
146    if (TAPE_BSIZE % B_DEV_BSIZE != 0 || TAPE_BSIZE / B_DEV_BSIZE == 0) {
147       Emsg2(M_ABORT, 0, _("Tape block size (%d) not multiple of system size (%d)\n"),
148          TAPE_BSIZE, B_DEV_BSIZE);
149    }
150    if (TAPE_BSIZE != (1 << (ffs(TAPE_BSIZE)-1))) {
151       Emsg1(M_ABORT, 0, _("Tape block size (%d) is not a power of 2\n"), TAPE_BSIZE);
152    }
154    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:fg:mpPstu:v?Ti")) != -1) {
155       switch (ch) {
156       case 'c':                    /* configuration file */
157          if (configfile != NULL) {
158             free(configfile);
159          }
160          configfile = bstrdup(optarg);
161          break;
163       case 'd':                    /* debug level */
164          if (*optarg == 't') {
165             dbg_timestamp = true;
166          } else {
167             char *p;
168             /* We probably find a tag list -d 10,sql,bvfs */
169             if ((p = strchr(optarg, ',')) != NULL) {
170                *p = 0;
171             }
172             debug_level = atoi(optarg);
173             if (debug_level <= 0) {
174                debug_level = 1;
175             }
176             if (p) {
177                debug_parse_tags(p+1, &debug_level_tags);
178             }
179          }
180          break;
182       case 'T':
183          set_trace(true);
184          break;
186       case 'f':                    /* run in foreground */
187          foreground = true;
188          break;
190       case 'g':                    /* set group id */
191          gid = optarg;
192          break;
194       /* Temp code to enable new match_bsr() code, not documented */
195       case 'i':
196          use_new_match_all = 1;
198          break;
199       case 'm':                    /* print kaboom output */
200          prt_kaboom = true;
201          break;
203       case 'p':                    /* proceed in spite of I/O errors */
204          forge_on = true;
205          break;
207       case 'P':                    /* no pid file */
208          make_pid_file = false;
209          break;
211       case 's':                    /* no signals */
212          no_signals = true;
213          break;
215       case 't':
216          test_config = true;
217          break;
219       case 'u':                    /* set uid */
220          uid = optarg;
221          break;
223       case 'v':                    /* verbose */
224          verbose++;
225          break;
227       case '?':
228       default:
229          usage();
230          break;
231       }
232    }
233    argc -= optind;
234    argv += optind;
236    if (argc) {
237       if (configfile != NULL) {
238          free(configfile);
239       }
240       configfile = bstrdup(*argv);
241       argc--;
242       argv++;
243    }
244    if (argc) {
245       usage();
246    }
248    if (!foreground && !test_config) {
249       daemon_start();                 /* become daemon */
250       init_stack_dump();              /* pick up new pid */
251    }
253    if (!no_signals) {
254       init_signals(terminate_stored);
255    }
257    if (configfile == NULL) {
258       configfile = bstrdup(CONFIG_FILE);
259    }
261    config = New(CONFIG());
262    parse_sd_config(config, configfile, M_ERROR_TERM);
264    if (init_crypto() != 0) {
265       Jmsg((JCR *)NULL, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Cryptography library initialization failed.\n"));
266    }
268    if (!check_resources()) {
269       Jmsg((JCR *)NULL, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Please correct configuration file: %s\n"), configfile);
270    }
272    if (crypto_check_fips(me->require_fips) < 0) {
273       Jmsg((JCR *)NULL, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Unable to set FIPS mode\n"));
274    }
276    init_reservations_lock();
278    if (test_config) {
279       terminate_stored(0);
280    }
282    my_name_is(0, (char **)NULL, me->hdr.name);     /* Set our real name */
283    /* relocate trace file if needed, must be run after set_working_directory()
284     * and my_name_is() */
285    update_trace_file_location(false);
287    if (make_pid_file) {
288       create_pid_file(me->pid_directory, "bacula-sd",
289                       get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs));
290    }
291    read_state_file(me->working_directory, "bacula-sd",
292                    get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs));
294    set_jcr_in_tsd(INVALID_JCR);
295    /* Make sure on Solaris we can run concurrent, watch dog + servers + misc */
296    set_thread_concurrency(me->max_concurrent_jobs * 2 + 4);
297    lmgr_init_thread(); /* initialize the lockmanager stack */
299    load_sd_plugins(me->plugin_directory);
301    drop(uid, gid, false);
303    /* initialize a statistics collector */
304    initialize_statcollector();
306    cleanup_old_files();
308    /* Ensure that Volume Session Time and Id are both
309     * set and are both non-zero.
310     */
311    VolSessionTime = (uint32_t)daemon_start_time;
312    if (VolSessionTime == 0) { /* paranoid */
313       Jmsg0(NULL, M_ABORT, 0, _("Volume Session Time is ZERO!\n"));
314    }
316    /*
317     * Start the device allocation thread
318     */
319    create_volume_lists();             /* do before device_init */
320    if (pthread_create(&thid, NULL, device_initialization, NULL) != 0) {
321       berrno be;
322       Emsg1(M_ABORT, 0, _("Unable to create thread. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror());
323    }
325    start_watchdog();                  /* start watchdog thread */
326    init_jcr_subsystem();              /* start JCR watchdogs etc. */
327    dbg_jcr_add_hook(sd_debug_print); /* used to director variables */
329    start_collector_threads();    /* start collector thread for every Collector resource */
331    /* Keep track of important events */
332    events_send_msg(NULL, "SD0001", EVENTS_TYPE_DAEMON, "*Daemon*",
333                    (intptr_t)get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs),
334                    "Storage startup");
336    /* Single server used for Director and File daemon */
337    server_tid = pthread_self();
338    server_tid_valid = true;
339    bnet_thread_server(me->sdaddrs, me->max_concurrent_jobs * 2 + 1,
340                       &dird_workq, handle_connection_request);
341    exit(1);                           /* to keep compiler quiet */
342 }
344 /* Return a new Session Id */
newVolSessionId()345 uint32_t newVolSessionId()
346 {
347    uint32_t Id;
349    P(mutex);
350    VolSessionId++;
351    Id = VolSessionId;
352    V(mutex);
353    return Id;
354 }
356 /* Check Configuration file for necessary info */
check_resources()357 static int check_resources()
358 {
359    bool OK = true;
360    bool tls_needed;
361    AUTOCHANGER *changer;
362    DEVRES *device;
364    me = (STORES *)GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, NULL);
365    if (!me) {
366       Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Storage resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
367          configfile);
368       OK = false;
369    }
371    if (GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, (RES *)me) != NULL) {
372       Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Only one Storage resource permitted in %s\n"),
373          configfile);
374       OK = false;
375    }
376    if (GetNextRes(R_DIRECTOR, NULL) == NULL) {
377       Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Director resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
378          configfile);
379       OK = false;
380    }
381    if (GetNextRes(R_DEVICE, NULL) == NULL){
382       Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Device resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
383            configfile);
384       OK = false;
385    }
387    if (!me->messages) {
388       me->messages = (MSGS *)GetNextRes(R_MSGS, NULL);
389       if (!me->messages) {
390          Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Messages resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
391             configfile);
392          OK = false;
393       }
394    }
396    if (!me->working_directory) {
397       Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Working Directory defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
398          configfile);
399       OK = false;
400    }
402    DIRRES *director;
403    STORES *store;
404    foreach_res(store, R_STORAGE) {
405       /* tls_require implies tls_enable */
406       if (store->tls_require) {
407          if (have_tls) {
408             if (store->tls_certfile || store->tls_keyfile) {
409                store->tls_enable = true;
410             }
411          } else {
412             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS required but not configured in Bacula.\n"));
413             OK = false;
414             continue;
415          }
416       }
418       tls_needed = store->tls_enable || store->tls_authenticate;
420       if (!store->tls_certfile && tls_needed) {
421          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
422               store->hdr.name, configfile);
423          OK = false;
424       }
426       if (!store->tls_keyfile && tls_needed) {
427          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
428               store->hdr.name, configfile);
429          OK = false;
430       }
432       if ((!store->tls_ca_certfile && !store->tls_ca_certdir) && tls_needed && store->tls_verify_peer) {
433          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\""
434               " or \"TLS CA Certificate Dir\" are defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s."
435               " At least one CA certificate store is required"
436               " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
437               store->hdr.name, configfile);
438          OK = false;
439       }
441       /* If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context */
442       if (OK && tls_needed) {
443          /* Initialize TLS context:
444           * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
445           * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer */
446          store->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(store->tls_ca_certfile,
447             store->tls_ca_certdir, store->tls_certfile,
448             store->tls_keyfile, NULL, NULL, store->tls_dhfile,
449             store->tls_verify_peer);
451          if (!store->tls_ctx) {
452             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
453                  store->hdr.name, configfile);
454             OK = false;
455          }
456       }
457       store->psk_ctx = new_psk_context(NULL); /* shared key generated by DIR */
458       /* In this case, we have TLS Require=Yes and TLS not setup and no PSK */
459       if (OK && tls_needed == false && store->tls_require) {
460          if (!store->psk_ctx) {
461             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS PSK context for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
462                  store->hdr.name, configfile);
463             OK = false;
464          }
465       }
466    }
468    foreach_res(director, R_DIRECTOR) {
469       /* tls_require implies tls_enable */
470       if (director->tls_require) {
471          if (director->tls_certfile || director->tls_keyfile) {
472             director->tls_enable = true;
473          }
474       }
476       tls_needed = director->tls_enable || director->tls_authenticate;
478       if (!director->tls_certfile && tls_needed) {
479          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
480               director->hdr.name, configfile);
481          OK = false;
482       }
484       if (!director->tls_keyfile && tls_needed) {
485          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
486               director->hdr.name, configfile);
487          OK = false;
488       }
490       if ((!director->tls_ca_certfile && !director->tls_ca_certdir) && tls_needed && director->tls_verify_peer) {
491          Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\""
492               " or \"TLS CA Certificate Dir\" are defined for Director \"%s\" in %s."
493               " At least one CA certificate store is required"
494               " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
495               director->hdr.name, configfile);
496          OK = false;
497       }
499       /* If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context */
500       if (OK && tls_needed) {
501          /* Initialize TLS context:
502           * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
503           * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer */
504          director->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(director->tls_ca_certfile,
505             director->tls_ca_certdir, director->tls_certfile,
506             director->tls_keyfile, NULL, NULL, director->tls_dhfile,
507             director->tls_verify_peer);
509          if (!director->tls_ctx) {
510             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
511                  director->hdr.name, configfile);
512             OK = false;
513          }
514       }
515       director->psk_ctx = new_psk_context(director->password);
516       /* In this case, we have TLS Require=Yes and TLS not setup and no PSK */
517       if (OK && (tls_needed == false && director->tls_require)) {
518          if (!director->psk_ctx) {
519             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS PSK context for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
520                  director->hdr.name, configfile);
521             OK = false;
522          }
523       }
524    }
526    foreach_res(changer, R_AUTOCHANGER) {
527       foreach_alist(device, changer->device) {
528          device->cap_bits |= CAP_AUTOCHANGER;
529       }
530    }
532    CLOUD *cloud;
533    /* TODO: Can use a table */
534    foreach_res(cloud, R_CLOUD) {
535       if (cloud->driver_type == C_S3_DRIVER  ||
536           cloud->driver_type == C_FILE_DRIVER)
537       {
538          if (cloud->host_name == NULL) {
539             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0,
540                  _("Failed to initialize Cloud. Hostname not defined for Cloud \"%s\"\n"),
541                  cloud->hdr.name);
542             OK = false;
543          }
544       }
545       if (cloud->driver_type == C_WAS_DRIVER ||
546           cloud->driver_type == C_S3_DRIVER)
547       {
548          if (cloud->access_key == NULL) {
549             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0,
550                  _("Failed to initialize Cloud. AccessKey not set for Cloud \"%s\"\n"),
551                  cloud->hdr.name);
552             OK = false;
553          }
554          if (cloud->secret_key == NULL) {
555             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0,
556                  _("Failed to initialize Cloud. SecretKey not set for Cloud \"%s\"\n"),
557                  cloud->hdr.name);
558             OK = false;
559          }
560       }
561    }
564    DEDUPRES *dedup;
565    foreach_res(dedup, R_DEDUP) {
566       if (dedup->driver_type == D_LEGACY_DRIVER)
567       {
568          if (dedup->dedup_dir == NULL) {
569             Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0,
570                  _("Failed to initialize Dedup. DedupDirectory not defined for Dedup \"%s\"\n"),
571                  dedup->hdr.name);
572             OK = false;
573          }
574       }
575    }
576 #endif
578    if (OK) {
579       OK = init_autochangers();
580    }
582    if (OK) {
583       close_msg(NULL);                   /* close temp message handler */
584       init_msg(NULL, me->messages);      /* open daemon message handler */
585       set_working_directory(me->working_directory);
586    }
588    return OK;
589 }
591 /*
592  * Remove old .spool files written by me from the working directory.
593  */
cleanup_old_files()594 static void cleanup_old_files()
595 {
596    DIR* dp;
597    int rc, name_max;
598    int my_name_len = strlen(my_name);
599    int len = strlen(me->working_directory);
600    POOLMEM *cleanup = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
601    POOLMEM *basename = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
602    POOL_MEM dname(PM_FNAME);
603    regex_t preg1;
604    char prbuf[500];
605    const int nmatch = 30;
606    regmatch_t pmatch[nmatch];
607    berrno be;
609    /* Look for .spool files but don't allow spaces */
610    const char *pat1 = "^[^ ]+\\.spool$";
612    /* Setup working directory prefix */
613    pm_strcpy(basename, me->working_directory);
614    if (len > 0 && !IsPathSeparator(me->working_directory[len-1])) {
615       pm_strcat(basename, "/");
616    }
618    /* Compile regex expressions */
619    rc = regcomp(&preg1, pat1, REG_EXTENDED);
620    if (rc != 0) {
621       regerror(rc, &preg1, prbuf, sizeof(prbuf));
622       Pmsg2(000,  _("Could not compile regex pattern \"%s\" ERR=%s\n"),
623            pat1, prbuf);
624       goto get_out2;
625    }
627    name_max = pathconf(".", _PC_NAME_MAX);
628    if (name_max < 1024) {
629       name_max = 1024;
630    }
632    if (!(dp = opendir(me->working_directory))) {
633       berrno be;
634       Pmsg2(000, "Failed to open working dir %s for cleanup: ERR=%s\n",
635             me->working_directory, be.bstrerror());
636       goto get_out1;
637    }
639    while (1) {
640       if (breaddir(dp, dname.addr()) != 0) {
641          break;
642       }
643       /* Exclude any name with ., .., not my_name or containing a space */
644       if (strcmp(dname.c_str(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(dname.c_str(), "..") == 0 ||
645           strncmp(dname.c_str(), my_name, my_name_len) != 0) {
646          Dmsg1(500, "Skipped: %s\n", dname.c_str());
647          continue;
648       }
650       /* Unlink files that match regex */
651       if (regexec(&preg1, dname.c_str(), nmatch, pmatch,  0) == 0) {
652          pm_strcpy(cleanup, basename);
653          pm_strcat(cleanup, dname);
654          Dmsg1(500, "Unlink: %s\n", cleanup);
655          unlink(cleanup);
656       }
657    }
658    closedir(dp);
660 get_out1:
661    regfree(&preg1);
662 get_out2:
663    free_pool_memory(cleanup);
664    free_pool_memory(basename);
665 }
dbg_print_devices(FILE * fp)667 void dbg_print_devices(FILE *fp)
668 {
669    DEVRES *device;
670    foreach_res(device, R_DEVICE) {
671       if (device->dev) {
672          device->dev->dbg_print(fp);
673       }
674    }
675 }
677 /*
678  * Here we attempt to init and open each device. This is done
679  *  once at startup in a separate thread.
680  */
681 extern "C"
device_initialization(void * arg)682 void *device_initialization(void *arg)
683 {
684    DEVRES *device;
685    DCR *dcr;
686    JCR *jcr;
687    DEVICE *dev;
688    struct stat statp;
690    pthread_detach(pthread_self());
691    jcr = new_jcr(sizeof(JCR), stored_free_jcr);
692    new_plugins(jcr);  /* instantiate plugins */
693    jcr->setJobType(JT_SYSTEM);
694    /* Initialize SD start condition variable */
695    int errstat = pthread_cond_init(&jcr->job_start_wait, NULL);
696    if (errstat != 0) {
697       berrno be;
698       Jmsg1(jcr, M_ABORT, 0, _("Unable to init job cond variable: ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror(errstat));
699    }
701    LockRes();
703    foreach_res(device, R_DEVICE) {
704       Dmsg1(90, "calling init_dev %s\n", device->hdr.name);
705       dev = init_dev(NULL, device, false, statcollector);
706       Dmsg2(10, "SD init done %s (0x%p)\n", device->hdr.name, dev);
707       if (!dev) {
708          Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not initialize SD device \"%s\"\n"), device->hdr.name);
709          continue;
710       }
711       jcr->dcr = dcr = new_dcr(jcr, NULL, dev);
712       generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceInit, dcr);
714       /* Keep track of important events */
715       events_send_msg(jcr, "SD0002", EVENTS_TYPE_DAEMON, "*Daemon*",
716                       (intptr_t)get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs),
717                       "Device initialization %s", device->hdr.name);
719       /* With USB devices, it might not be here when we start */
720       if (device->control_name && stat(device->control_name, &statp) < 0) {
721          berrno be;
722          Jmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unable to stat ControlDevice %s: ERR=%s\n"),
723             device->control_name, be.bstrerror());
724       }
726       if ((device->lock_command && device->control_name) &&
727           !me->plugin_directory) {
728          Jmsg0(jcr, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No plugin directory configured for SAN shared storage\n"));
729       }
731       if (device->min_block_size > device->max_block_size) {
732          Jmsg1(jcr, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("MaximumBlockSize must be greater or equal than MinimumBlockSize for Device \"%s\"\n"),
733                dev->print_name());
734       }
736 #ifdef HAVE_WIN32
737       if (device->cap_bits & CAP_SYNCONCLOSE) {
738          device->cap_bits &= ~CAP_SYNCONCLOSE; /* Not available on windows */
739       }
740 #endif
741       /*
742        * Note: be careful setting the slot here. If the drive
743        *  is shared storage, the contents can change before
744        *  the drive is used.
745        */
746       if (device->cap_bits & CAP_ALWAYSOPEN) {
747          if (dev->is_autochanger()) {
748             /* If autochanger set slot in dev sturcture */
749             get_autochanger_loaded_slot(dcr);
750          }
751          Dmsg1(20, "calling first_open_device %s\n", dev->print_name());
752          if (generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceOpen, dcr) != bRC_OK) {
753             Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("generate_plugin_event(bsdEventDeviceOpen) Failed\n"));
754             continue;
755          }
757          if (!first_open_device(dcr)) {
758             Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not open device %s\n"), dev->print_name());
759             Dmsg1(20, "Could not open device %s\n", dev->print_name());
760             generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceClose, dcr);
761             free_dcr(dcr);
762             jcr->dcr = NULL;
763             continue;
764          }
765       } else {
766          /* If not always open, we don't know what is in the drive */
767          dev->clear_slot();
768       }
769       if (device->cap_bits & CAP_AUTOMOUNT && dev->is_open()) {
770          switch (dev->read_dev_volume_label(dcr)) {
771          case VOL_OK:
772             memcpy(&dev->VolCatInfo, &dcr->VolCatInfo, sizeof(dev->VolCatInfo));
773             volume_unused(dcr);             /* mark volume "released" */
774             break;
775          default:
776             Jmsg1(NULL, M_WARNING, 0, _("Could not mount device %s\n"), dev->print_name());
777             break;
778          }
779       }
780       free_dcr(dcr);
781       jcr->dcr = NULL;
782    }
784    UnlockRes();
785 #ifndef HAVE_WIN32
786    dbg_add_hook(dbg_print_devices);
787 #endif
789 #ifdef xxx
790    if (jcr->dcr) {
791       Pmsg1(000, "free_dcr=%p\n", jcr->dcr);
792       free_dcr(jcr->dcr);
793       jcr->dcr = NULL;
794    }
795 #endif
796    free_plugins(jcr);
797    free_jcr(jcr);
798    init_done = true;
799    return NULL;
800 }
803 /* Clean up and then exit */
terminate_stored(int sig)804 void terminate_stored(int sig)
805 {
806    static bool in_here = false;
807    DEVRES *device;
808    DEDUPRES *dedup;
809    JCR *jcr;
811    if (in_here) {                     /* prevent loops */
812       bmicrosleep(2, 0);              /* yield */
813       exit(1);
814    }
815    in_here = true;
816    debug_level = 0;                   /* turn off any debug */
817    stop_watchdog();
818    terminate_collector_threads();
820    if (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGINT) { /* normal shutdown request? or ^C */
821       /*
822        * This is a normal shutdown request. We wiffle through
823        *   all open jobs canceling them and trying to wake
824        *   them up so that they will report back the correct
825        *   volume status.
826        */
827       foreach_jcr(jcr) {
828          BSOCK *fd;
829          if (jcr->JobId == 0) {
830             free_jcr(jcr);
831             continue;                 /* ignore console */
832          }
833          if (jcr->dcr) {
834             /* Make sure no device remains locked */
835             generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceClose, jcr->dcr);
836          }
837          jcr->setJobStatus(JS_Canceled);
838          fd = jcr->file_bsock;
839          if (fd) {
840             fd->set_timed_out();
841             jcr->my_thread_send_signal(TIMEOUT_SIGNAL);
842             Dmsg1(100, "term_stored killing JobId=%d\n", jcr->JobId);
843             /* ***FIXME*** wiffle through all dcrs */
844             if (jcr->dcr && jcr->dcr->dev && jcr->dcr->dev->blocked()) {
845                pthread_cond_broadcast(&jcr->dcr->dev->wait_next_vol);
846                Dmsg1(100, "JobId=%u broadcast wait_device_release\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId);
847                pthread_cond_broadcast(&wait_device_release);
848             }
849             if (jcr->read_dcr && jcr->read_dcr->dev && jcr->read_dcr->dev->blocked()) {
850                pthread_cond_broadcast(&jcr->read_dcr->dev->wait_next_vol);
851                pthread_cond_broadcast(&wait_device_release);
852             }
853             bmicrosleep(0, 50000);
854          }
855          free_jcr(jcr);
856       }
857       bmicrosleep(0, 500000);         /* give them 1/2 sec to clean up */
858    }
860    if (!test_config) {
861       write_state_file(me->working_directory,
862                        "bacula-sd", get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs));
863       if (make_pid_file) {
864          delete_pid_file(me->pid_directory,
865                          "bacula-sd", get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs));
866       }
868       /* Keep track of important events */
869       events_send_msg(NULL, "SD0003", EVENTS_TYPE_DAEMON, "*Daemon*",
870                       get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs),
871                       "Storage shutdown");
872    }
874    Dmsg1(200, "In terminate_stored() sig=%d\n", sig);
876    unload_plugins();
877    free_volume_lists();
879    free_daemon_message_queue();
881    foreach_res(device, R_DEVICE) {
882       Dmsg2(10, "Term device %s %s\n", device->hdr.name, device->device_name);
883       if (device->dev) {
884          device->dev->clear_volhdr();
885          device->dev->term(NULL);
886          device->dev = NULL;
887       } else {
888          Dmsg2(10, "No dev structure %s %s\n", device->hdr.name, device->device_name);
889       }
890    }
892    foreach_res(dedup, R_DEDUP) {
893       if (dedup->dedupengine) {
894          dedup->dedupengine = NULL; // Should have been closed by the last device
895       } else {
896          Dmsg1(10, "No dev Dedupengine structure %s\n", dedup->hdr.name);
897       }
898    }
900    if (server_tid_valid) {
901       server_tid_valid = false;
902       bnet_stop_thread_server(server_tid);
903    }
905    if (configfile) {
906       free(configfile);
907       configfile = NULL;
908    }
909    if (config) {
910       delete config;
911       config = NULL;
912    }
914    if (chk_dbglvl(10)) {
915       print_memory_pool_stats();
916    }
917    if (statcollector){
918       // statcollector->dump();
919       delete(statcollector);
920    }
921    term_msg();
922    cleanup_crypto();
923    term_reservations_lock();
924    free(res_head);
925    res_head = NULL;
926    close_memory_pool();
927    lmgr_cleanup_main();
929    sm_dump(false);                    /* dump orphaned buffers */
930    exit(sig);
931 }