1 /* === This file is part of Calamares - <https://calamares.io> ===
2  *
3  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org>
4  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
5  *
6  */
8 #include "LuksBootKeyFileJob.h"
10 #include "utils/CalamaresUtilsSystem.h"
11 #include "utils/Entropy.h"
12 #include "utils/Logger.h"
13 #include "utils/NamedEnum.h"
14 #include "utils/UMask.h"
15 #include "utils/Variant.h"
17 #include "GlobalStorage.h"
18 #include "JobQueue.h"
LuksBootKeyFileJob(QObject * parent)20 LuksBootKeyFileJob::LuksBootKeyFileJob( QObject* parent )
21     : Calamares::CppJob( parent )
22 {
23 }
~LuksBootKeyFileJob()25 LuksBootKeyFileJob::~LuksBootKeyFileJob() {}
27 QString
prettyName() const28 LuksBootKeyFileJob::prettyName() const
29 {
30     return tr( "Configuring LUKS key file." );
31 }
33 struct LuksDevice
34 {
LuksDeviceLuksDevice35     LuksDevice( const QMap< QString, QVariant >& pinfo )
36         : isValid( false )
37         , isRoot( false )
38     {
39         if ( pinfo.contains( "luksMapperName" ) )
40         {
41             QString fs = pinfo[ "fs" ].toString();
42             QString mountPoint = pinfo[ "mountPoint" ].toString();
44             if ( !mountPoint.isEmpty() || fs == QStringLiteral( "linuxswap" ) )
45             {
46                 isValid = true;
47                 isRoot = mountPoint == '/';
48                 device = pinfo[ "device" ].toString();
49                 passphrase = pinfo[ "luksPassphrase" ].toString();
50             }
51         }
52     }
54     bool isValid;
55     bool isRoot;
56     QString device;
57     QString passphrase;
58 };
60 /** @brief Extract the luks passphrases setup.
61  *
62  * Given a list of partitions (as set up by the partitioning module,
63  * so there's maps with keys inside), returns just the list of
64  * luks passphrases for each device.
65  */
66 static QList< LuksDevice >
getLuksDevices(const QVariantList & list)67 getLuksDevices( const QVariantList& list )
68 {
69     QList< LuksDevice > luksItems;
71     for ( const auto& p : list )
72     {
73         if ( p.canConvert< QVariantMap >() )
74         {
75             LuksDevice d( p.toMap() );
76             if ( d.isValid )
77             {
78                 luksItems.append( d );
79             }
80         }
81     }
82     return luksItems;
83 }
85 struct LuksDeviceList
86 {
LuksDeviceListLuksDeviceList87     LuksDeviceList( const QVariant& partitions )
88         : valid( false )
89     {
90         if ( partitions.canConvert< QVariantList >() )
91         {
92             devices = getLuksDevices( partitions.toList() );
93             valid = true;
94         }
95     }
97     QList< LuksDevice > devices;
98     bool valid;
99 };
101 static const char keyfile[] = "/crypto_keyfile.bin";
103 static bool
generateTargetKeyfile()104 generateTargetKeyfile()
105 {
106     CalamaresUtils::UMask m( CalamaresUtils::UMask::Safe );
108     // Get the data
109     QByteArray entropy;
110     auto entropySource = CalamaresUtils::getEntropy( 2048, entropy );
111     if ( entropySource != CalamaresUtils::EntropySource::URandom )
112     {
113         cWarning() << "Could not get entropy from /dev/urandom for LUKS.";
114         return false;
115     }
117     auto fileResult = CalamaresUtils::System::instance()->createTargetFile(
118         keyfile, entropy, CalamaresUtils::System::WriteMode::Overwrite );
119     entropy.fill( 'A' );
120     if ( !fileResult )
121     {
122         cWarning() << "Could not create LUKS keyfile:" << smash( fileResult.code() );
123         return false;
124     }
126     // Give ample time to check that the file was created correctly;
127     // we actually expect ls to return pretty-much-instantly.
128     auto r = CalamaresUtils::System::instance()->targetEnvCommand(
129         { "ls", "-la", "/" }, QString(), QString(), std::chrono::seconds( 5 ) );
130     cDebug() << "In target system after creating LUKS file" << r.getOutput();
131     return true;
132 }
134 static bool
setupLuks(const LuksDevice & d)135 setupLuks( const LuksDevice& d )
136 {
137     // Adding the key can take some times, measured around 15 seconds with
138     // a HDD (spinning rust) and a slow-ish computer. Give it a minute.
139     auto r = CalamaresUtils::System::instance()->targetEnvCommand(
140         { "cryptsetup", "luksAddKey", d.device, keyfile }, QString(), d.passphrase, std::chrono::seconds( 60 ) );
141     if ( r.getExitCode() != 0 )
142     {
143         cWarning() << "Could not configure LUKS keyfile on" << d.device << ':' << r.getOutput() << "(exit code"
144                    << r.getExitCode() << ')';
145         return false;
146     }
147     return true;
148 }
150 static QVariantList
partitions()151 partitions()
152 {
153     Calamares::GlobalStorage* globalStorage = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
154     return globalStorage->value( QStringLiteral( "partitions" ) ).toList();
155 }
157 static bool
hasUnencryptedSeparateBoot()158 hasUnencryptedSeparateBoot()
159 {
160     const QVariantList partitions = ::partitions();
161     for ( const QVariant& partition : partitions )
162     {
163         QVariantMap partitionMap = partition.toMap();
164         QString mountPoint = partitionMap.value( QStringLiteral( "mountPoint" ) ).toString();
165         if ( mountPoint == QStringLiteral( "/boot" ) )
166         {
167             return !partitionMap.contains( QStringLiteral( "luksMapperName" ) );
168         }
169     }
170     return false;
171 }
173 Calamares::JobResult
exec()174 LuksBootKeyFileJob::exec()
175 {
176     const auto* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
177     if ( !gs )
178     {
179         return Calamares::JobResult::internalError(
180             "LuksBootKeyFile", "No GlobalStorage defined.", Calamares::JobResult::InvalidConfiguration );
181     }
182     if ( !gs->contains( "partitions" ) )
183     {
184         cError() << "No GS[partitions] key.";
185         return Calamares::JobResult::internalError(
186             "LuksBootKeyFile", tr( "No partitions are defined." ), Calamares::JobResult::InvalidConfiguration );
187     }
189     LuksDeviceList s( gs->value( "partitions" ) );
190     if ( !s.valid )
191     {
192         cError() << "GS[partitions] is invalid";
193         return Calamares::JobResult::internalError(
194             "LuksBootKeyFile", tr( "No partitions are defined." ), Calamares::JobResult::InvalidConfiguration );
195     }
197     cDebug() << "There are" << s.devices.count() << "LUKS partitions";
198     if ( s.devices.count() < 1 )
199     {
200         cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "Nothing to do for LUKS.";
201         return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
202     }
204     auto it = std::partition( s.devices.begin(), s.devices.end(), []( const LuksDevice& d ) { return d.isRoot; } );
205     for ( const auto& d : s.devices )
206     {
207         cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << ( d.isRoot ? "root" : "dev." ) << d.device << "passphrase?"
208                  << !d.passphrase.isEmpty();
209     }
211     if ( it == s.devices.begin() )
212     {
213         // Then there was no root partition
214         cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "No root partition.";
215         return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
216     }
218     // /boot partition is not encrypted, keyfile must not be used
219     if ( hasUnencryptedSeparateBoot() )
220     {
221         cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "/boot partition is not encrypted, skipping keyfile creation.";
222         return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
223     }
225     if ( s.devices.first().passphrase.isEmpty() )
226     {
227         cDebug() << Logger::SubEntry << "No root passphrase.";
228         return Calamares::JobResult::error(
229             tr( "Encrypted rootfs setup error" ),
230             tr( "Root partition %1 is LUKS but no passphrase has been set." ).arg( s.devices.first().device ) );
231     }
233     if ( !generateTargetKeyfile() )
234     {
235         return Calamares::JobResult::error(
236             tr( "Encrypted rootfs setup error" ),
237             tr( "Could not create LUKS key file for root partition %1." ).arg( s.devices.first().device ) );
238     }
240     for ( const auto& d : s.devices )
241     {
242         if ( !setupLuks( d ) )
243             return Calamares::JobResult::error(
244                 tr( "Encrypted rootfs setup error" ),
245                 tr( "Could not configure LUKS key file on partition %1." ).arg( d.device ) );
246     }
248     return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
249 }
251 CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION( LuksBootKeyFileJobFactory, registerPlugin< LuksBootKeyFileJob >(); )