1 /* @(#)schily.h	1.52 04/03/05 Copyright 1985-2002 J. Schilling */
2 /*
3  *	Definitions for libschily
4  *
5  *	This file should be included past:
6  *
7  *	mconfig.h / config.h
8  *	standard.h
9  *	stdio.h
10  *	stdlib.h	(better use stdxlib.h)
11  *	unistd.h	(better use unixstd.h) needed LARGEFILE support
12  *	string.h
13  *	sys/types.h
14  *
15  *	If you need stdio.h, you must include it before schily.h
16  *
17  *	NOTE: If you need ctype.h and did not include stdio.h you need to
18  *	include ctype.h past schily.h as OpenBSD does not follow POSIX and
19  *	defines EOF in ctype.h
20  *
21  *	Copyright (c) 1985-2002 J. Schilling
22  */
23 /*
24  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
25  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
26  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
27  * any later version.
28  *
29  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32  * GNU General Public License for more details.
33  *
34  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
35  * this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
36  * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
37  */
39 #ifndef _SCHILY_H
40 #define	_SCHILY_H
42 #ifndef _STANDARD_H
43 #include <standard.h>
44 #endif
45 #ifndef _CCOMDEFS_H
46 #include <ccomdefs.h>
47 #endif
49 #ifdef	__cplusplus
50 extern "C" {
51 #endif
53 #if	defined(_INCL_SYS_TYPES_H) || defined(off_t)
54 #	ifndef	FOUND_OFF_T
55 #	define	FOUND_OFF_T
56 #	endif
57 #endif
58 #if	defined(_INCL_SYS_TYPES_H) || defined(size_t)
59 #	ifndef	FOUND_SIZE_T
60 #	define	FOUND_SIZE_T
61 #	endif
62 #endif
64 #ifdef	__never_def__
65 /*
66  * It turns out that we cannot use the folloginw definition because there are
67  * some platforms that do not behave application friendly. These are mainly
68  * BSD-4.4 based systems (which #undef a definition when size_t is available.
69  * We actually removed this code because of a problem with QNX Neutrino.
70  * For this reason, it is important not to include <sys/types.h> directly but
71  * via the Schily SING include files so we know whether it has been included
72  * before we come here.
73  */
74 #if	defined(_SIZE_T)	|| defined(_T_SIZE_)	|| defined(_T_SIZE) || \
75 	defined(__SIZE_T)	|| defined(_SIZE_T_)	|| \
76 	defined(_GCC_SIZE_T)	|| defined(_SIZET_)	|| \
77 	defined(__sys_stdtypes_h) || defined(___int_size_t_h) || defined(size_t)
79 #ifndef	FOUND_SIZE_T
80 #	define	FOUND_SIZE_T	/* We already included a size_t definition */
81 #endif
82 #endif
83 #endif	/* __never_def__ */
85 #if	defined(HAVE_LARGEFILES)
86 #	define	_fcons		_fcons64
87 #	define	fdup		fdup64
88 #	define	fileluopen	fileluopen64
89 #	define	fileopen	fileopen64
90 #	define	filemopen	filemopen64
91 #	define	filepos		filepos64
92 #	define	filereopen	filereopen64
93 #	define	fileseek	fileseek64
94 #	define	filesize	filesize64
95 #	define	filestat	filestat64
96 #	define	_openfd		_openfd64
97 #endif
99 #ifdef	EOF	/* stdio.h has been included */
100 extern	int	_cvmod __PR((const char *, int *, int *));
101 extern	FILE	*_fcons __PR((FILE *, int, int));
102 extern	FILE	*fdup __PR((FILE *));
103 extern	int	fdown __PR((FILE *));
104 extern	int	fexecl __PR((const char *, FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
105 							const char *, ...));
106 extern	int	fexecle __PR((const char *, FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
107 							const char *, ...));
108 		/* 6th arg not const, fexecv forces av[ac] = NULL */
109 extern	int	fexecv __PR((const char *, FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, int,
110 							char **));
111 extern	int	fexecve_schily __PR((const char *, FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
112 					char * const *, char * const *));
113 extern	int	fspawnv __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, int, char * const *));
114 extern	int	fspawnl __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
115 					const char *, const char *, ...));
116 extern	int	fspawnv_nowait __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
117 					const char *, int, char *const*));
118 extern	int	fgetline __PR((FILE *, char *, int));
119 extern	int	fgetstr __PR((FILE *, char *, int));
120 extern	void	file_raise __PR((FILE *, int));
121 extern	int	fileclose __PR((FILE *));
122 extern	FILE	*fileluopen __PR((int, const char *));
123 extern	FILE	*fileopen __PR((const char *, const char *));
124 #ifdef	_INCL_SYS_TYPES_H
125 extern	FILE	*filemopen __PR((const char *, const char *, mode_t));
126 #endif
127 #ifdef	FOUND_OFF_T
128 extern	off_t	filepos __PR((FILE *));
129 #endif
130 extern	int	fileread __PR((FILE *, void *, int));
131 extern	int	ffileread __PR((FILE *, void *, int));
132 extern	FILE	*filereopen __PR((const char *, const char *, FILE *));
133 #ifdef	FOUND_OFF_T
134 extern	int	fileseek __PR((FILE *, off_t));
135 extern	off_t	filesize __PR((FILE *));
136 #endif
137 #ifdef	S_IFMT
138 extern	int	filestat __PR((FILE *, struct stat *));
139 #endif
140 extern	int	filewrite __PR((FILE *, void *, int));
141 extern	int	ffilewrite __PR((FILE *, void *, int));
142 extern	int	flush __PR((void));
143 extern	int	fpipe __PR((FILE **));
144 /*extern	int	fprintf __PR((FILE *, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(2, 3);*/
145 extern	int	getbroken __PR((FILE *, char *, char, char **, int));
146 extern	int	ofindline __PR((FILE *, char, const char *, int,
147 							char **, int));
148 extern	int	peekc __PR((FILE *));
150 #ifdef	__never_def__
151 /*
152  * We cannot define this or we may get into problems with DOS based systems.
153  */
154 extern	int	spawnv __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, int, char * const *));
155 extern	int	spawnl __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
156 					const char *, const char *, ...));
157 extern	int	spawnv_nowait __PR((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *,
158 					const char *, int, char *const*));
159 #endif	/* __never_def__m */
160 #endif	/* EOF */
162 extern	int	_niread __PR((int, void *, int));
163 extern	int	_niwrite __PR((int, void *, int));
164 extern	int	_nixread __PR((int, void *, int));
165 extern	int	_nixwrite __PR((int, void *, int));
166 extern	int	_openfd __PR((const char *, int));
167 extern	int	on_comerr __PR((void (*fun)(int, void *), void *arg));
169 extern	void	comerr __PR((const char *, ...)) __printflike__(1, 2);
171 extern	void	comerrno __PR((int, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(2, 3);
173 extern	int	errmsg __PR((const char *, ...)) __printflike__(1, 2);
175 extern	int	errmsgno __PR((int, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(2, 3);
176 #ifdef	FOUND_SIZE_T
178 extern	int	serrmsg __PR((char *, size_t, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(3, 4);
180 extern	int	serrmsgno __PR((int, char *, size_t, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(4, 5);
181 #endif
182 extern	void	comexit	__PR((int));
183 extern	char	*errmsgstr __PR((int));
185 extern	int	error __PR((const char *, ...)) __printflike__(1, 2);
186 extern	char	*fillbytes __PR((void *, int, char));
187 extern	char	*findbytes __PR((const void *, int, char));
188 extern	int	findline __PR((const char *, char, const char *,
189 							int, char **, int));
190 extern	int	getline_schily __PR((char *, int));
191 extern	int	getstr __PR((char *, int));
192 extern	int	breakline __PR((char *, char, char **, int));
193 extern	int	getallargs __PR((int *, char * const**, const char *, ...));
194 extern	int	getargs __PR((int *, char * const**, const char *, ...));
195 extern	int	getfiles __PR((int *, char * const**, const char *));
196 extern	char	*astoi __PR((const char *, int *));
197 extern	char	*astol __PR((const char *, long *));
198 extern	char	*astolb __PR((const char *, long *, int base));
199 #ifdef	_UTYPES_H
200 extern	char	*astoll __PR((const char *, Llong *));
201 extern	char	*astollb __PR((const char *, Llong *, int base));
202 #endif
204 /*extern	void	handlecond __PR((const char *, SIGBLK *, int(*)(const char *, long, long), long));*/
205 /*extern	void	unhandlecond __PR((SIGBLK *));*/
207 extern	int		patcompile __PR((const unsigned char *, int, int *));
208 extern	unsigned char	*patmatch __PR((const unsigned char *, const int *,
209 					const unsigned char *, int, int, int, int[]));
210 extern	unsigned char	*patlmatch __PR((const unsigned char *, const int *,
211 					const unsigned char *, int, int, int, int[]));
213 /*extern	int	printf __PR((const char *, ...)) __printflike__(1, 2);*/
214 extern	char	*movebytes __PR((const void *, void *, int));
216 extern	void	save_args __PR((int, char **));
217 extern	int	saved_ac __PR((void));
218 extern	char	**saved_av __PR((void));
219 extern	char	*saved_av0 __PR((void));
220 #ifndef	seterrno
221 extern	int	seterrno __PR((int));
222 #endif
223 extern	void	set_progname __PR((const char *));
224 extern	char	*get_progname __PR((void));
226 extern	void	setfp __PR((void * const *));
227 extern	int	wait_chld __PR((int));		/* for fspawnv_nowait() */
228 extern	int	geterrno __PR((void));
229 extern	void	raisecond __PR((const char *, long));
230 #ifdef	FOUND_SIZE_T
231 /*
232  * We currently cannot define this here because there IXIX has a definition
233  * than violates the standard.
234  */
235 #ifndef	HAVE_SNPRINTF
237 extern	int	snprintf __PR((char *, size_t, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(3, 4);
238 #endif
239 #endif
240 /*extern	int	sprintf __PR((char *, const char *, ...)); ist woanders falsch deklariert !!!*/
241 extern	char	*strcatl __PR((char *, ...));
242 extern	int	streql __PR((const char *, const char *));
243 #ifdef	va_arg
244 extern	int	format __PR((void (*)(char, long), long, const char *, va_list));
245 #else
246 extern	int	format __PR((void (*)(char, long), long, const char *, void *));
247 #endif
249 extern	int	ftoes __PR((char *, double, int, int));
250 extern	int	ftofs __PR((char *, double, int, int));
252 #ifdef	EOF	/* stdio.h has been included */
254 extern	int	js_fprintf	__PR((FILE *, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(2, 3);
256 extern	int	js_printf	__PR((const char *, ...)) __printflike__(1, 2);
257 #ifdef	FOUND_SIZE_T
259 extern	int	js_snprintf	__PR((char *, size_t, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(3, 4);
260 #endif
262 extern	int	js_sprintf	__PR((char *, const char *, ...)) __printflike__(2, 3);
263 #endif	/* EOF */
265 extern	void	swabbytes	__PR((void *, int));
266 extern	char	**getmainfp	__PR((void));
267 extern	char	**getavp	__PR((void));
268 extern	char	*getav0		__PR((void));
269 extern	void	**getfp		__PR((void));
270 extern	int	flush_reg_windows __PR((int));
271 extern	int	cmpbytes	__PR((const void *, const void *, int));
272 extern	int	cmpnullbytes	__PR((const void *, int));
274 #ifdef	nonono
275 #if	defined(HAVE_LARGEFILES)
276 /*
277  * To allow this, we need to figure out how to do autoconfiguration for off64_t
278  */
279 extern	FILE	*_fcons64	__PR((FILE *, int, int));
280 extern	FILE	*fdup64		__PR((FILE *));
281 extern	FILE	*fileluopen64	__PR((int, const char *));
282 extern	FILE	*fileopen64	__PR((const char *, const char *));
283 #ifdef	FOUND_OFF_T
284 extern	off64_t	filepos64	__PR((FILE *));
285 #endif
286 extern	FILE	*filereopen64	__PR((const char *, const char *, FILE *));
287 #ifdef	FOUND_OFF_T
288 extern	int	fileseek64	__PR((FILE *, off64_t));
289 extern	off64_t	filesize64	__PR((FILE *));
290 #endif
291 #ifdef	S_IFMT
292 extern	int	filestat64	__PR((FILE *, struct stat *));
293 #endif
294 extern	int	_openfd64	__PR((const char *, int));
295 #endif
296 #endif
298 #ifdef	__cplusplus
299 }
300 #endif
302 #if defined(_JOS) || defined(JOS)
303 #	ifndef	_JOS_IO_H
304 #	include <jos_io.h>
305 #	endif
306 #endif
308 #endif	/* _SCHILY_H */