1Frequently Asked Questions about cdrkit
4Q: What does "wodim" stand for?
5A: It is not a forest troll and not a winner of the inpronounceability
6   contest. It was simply the next alternative to wom (Writes Optical Media)
7   which was unfortunately already used by other software products.
9Q: What this name of ... mean?
10A: Terminology: some names are based on pure imagination, some on
11   abbreviations, some on permutations of chars in descriptions.
13      genisoimage: Generate ISO IMAGEs
14      icedax: InCrEdible Audio eXtractor
15      librols: LIB Remains Of LibSchily
16      libusal: LIB Unified/Universal Scsi Access Layer
17      netscsid: NET SCSI Daemon
18      readom: READ Optical Media (see also wodim)
19      wodim: see above
21Q: Are there additional depedencies, compared to cdrtools?
22A: Yes. Libcap is required on Linux plattform. Libmagic is needed to support
23   content-based creator/type tables with HFS (optional). Libiconv is needed to
24   support iconv-based filename converstion, eg. from UTF-8 ins Joliet's UCS-2
25   unicode (optional, on plattform where iconv is not already included in the libc
26   system library).
28Q: Burning dies with (logical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32)).
29   Reason? Solutions?
30A: Try enabling DMA for your device. Some CDROM readers/writters seem to send
31   non-critical UDMA control/error codes without beeing in DMA mode and so
32   those messages are not interpreted by the kernel but delivered to the
33   applications instead.